LFCU July 2014.pub - Latah Credit Union


LFCU July 2014.pub - Latah Credit Union
Inside This Issue
Visa Returns!
Page 1
CU Volunteers
Page 2
President’s Chat
Page 2
Employee Anniversaries
Page 3
Annual Meeting
Page 3
Community Corner
Page 4
Contact Us
Page 4
In-House VISA Program Arrives!
Holiday Closures
All Latah Federal CU
Branches will be closed the
following holidays.
Independence Day
Friday, July 4, 2014
Labor Day
Monday, Sept. 1, 2014
Years ago, Latah Federal Credit Union
began a VISA program through a Credit
Union Service Organization for small
credit unions. The program was extremely expensive to our membership
because of our smaller size, so eventually we sold our portfolio to ELAN Financial Services.
As we have continued to grow the last
few years, we have made some important changes. Along with increasing
to more than $71 million in assets , we
were recently able to change our Software System to one which allows us
more of the options we needed for
growth, including the ability to run an inhouse VISA Credit Card program!
your regular account at LFCU, payments will be able to be made in the
branches, and you will have access to
your visa history on your main Account
Access in which you view all of your
other LFCU accounts. This is a huge
benefit as it keeps your transactions at
your fingertips and keeps you more in
control of your VISA account.
Besides this great benefit, you will also
receive an excellent rate as low as
6.99% FIXED! We offer credit lines that
fit your lifestyle and needs, all from our
friendly and helpful loan department.
If you would like to transfer your ELAN
card, please visit your local branch today and we can help bring your VISA
What is the difference between what card back home where it belongs!
you have now, and an in-house card,
We hope you will love this great prodand the program that we used to have?
uct, and look forward to seeing you!
Well the main difference is that your
VISA Credit Card at LFCU will be on
Our Amazing Volunteers:
President’s Chat
Board of Directors
Steven Fischer , Chair
James Stivers , Vice Chair
Mark Voss , Secretary/Treas. 2015
Robert Spear, Director
Chance Chacon, Director
Judy Reisenauer, Director
Erik Anderson, Director
Nancy Lyle, Director
Dave Klatt , Director
Supervisory Committee
Sharon Lienhard, Chair
Megan Landers, Member
David Drown, Member
Credit Union employees, volunteers and
members listen to Lowell Stevens during
the Annual Meeting on June 26, 2014.
As I prepared the Annual Report for
2013, I had a chance to reflect on how
much the Credit Union has grown in
the last few years. As we have grown,
we have been able to add a new county to our charter, and with it a new branch. We have been able to
add services. We have been able to add some wonderful staff
who are service oriented and cheerful!
As if that weren’t enough, the last few months have brought some
exciting changes for the Credit Union. With assets now at $71 Million, we are bursting at the seams in our Moscow Office. We had
our last renovation about 20 years ago and realize that it is time
again to think of the next 20 years!
In order to accommodate the growth that we have had and expect
in the near future, we are excited to report that we were able to
purchase the lot next to our Moscow Office on Washington Street.
Our hope is that we may expand our parking lot and change the
flow of traffic for our drive through access. We also recognize the
need to expand our building so that we can adequately service our
member owners and satellite branches. We are excited about the
opportunity this acquisition will bring, and love the comments we
have received from the community about how nice it is to see our
We are also excited to bring you an in-house VISA card. It is a
home grown product that we really think you will love! Payments
for the card can be made conveniently at our branches, and we
can transfer balances for you! Your card information will show
conveniently on your account. So far, feedback for this new product has been very positive!
As we are entering a time of political activity I would urge each of
our members to contact their elected officials and those running
for office and let them know how important your Credit Union is to
you. All regulatory Agencies are increasing the amount of oversight and control they exercise over Latah Federal Credit Union,
distracting us from our mission and goal of serving you, our member owner. The regulations that are currently proposed by the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Federal Reserve Bank
and the NCUA will do nothing but restrict our ability to make loans
within our community to those who need them most. Remind your
politicians that your Credit Union was not a cause of the financial
meltdown and is committed to serving your community.
-Lowell Stevens
Page 2
LFCU Annual Meeting New
Directors, and Great Plans
Lowell spoke of the new plans for the
coming year including major changes to
the Main Office in Moscow, following
the acquisi$on for the corner lot next
to our building. He also announced the
Many changes have occurred in the last
launch of our new in House VISA proyear including a new branch opened in
gram which promises to be a great asPlummer, and new products offered
set to the credit union!
including a suite of wonderful Business
Carol Feldman and Cheryl Kreid were
Lending and Account Products!
recognized for their lengthy service at
The employees, Board members and
Latah Federal Credit Union. Carol has
Supervisory Commi(ee Members were
been with us for 25 years and now
recognized during the mee$ng. Two
serves as VP of Business Services. Chernominees, Rob Spear from Moscow,
yl began working at Potlatch Communiand Chance Chacon from Troy will rety Credit Union for 3 years and now has
place Tom Liesz and Larry Makus as
been with LFCU for 22!
Directors with a three year nomina$on
to the Board. We are thankful for the Door Prizes were given, including gi?
many years of service that Tom and cer$ficates to Applebee's, Tristate, and
Larry have given, and look forward to a $100.00 gi? card.
working with Chance and Rob! Judy
We are thankful for the many members
Reisenauer from Moscow, and Steven
who were present at the mee$ng, esFischer from Deary will again fill a three
pecially recognizing some members
year nomina$on to the Board. David
who have been with us for decades!
Drown volunteered for the Supervisory
Thanks to all who make our Credit UnCommi(ee.
ion a success!
At LFCUs Annual Mee$ng, the Board of
Directors, Supervisory Commi(ee and
CEO reported on the growth and happenings of the Credit Union.
LFCU Employees
Celebrate Anniversaries!
We are please to celebrate the
anniversaries of the following
employees! Please feel free to
offer them your congratulations!
Carol Feldman
25 Years
VP of Business Services
Cheryl Kreid
25 Years MSR III
Marlys Wilson
12 Years
Chief Operations Officer
Nancy Fey
11 years MSR III
Lowell Stevens
4 Years
Chief Executive Officer
Tomi Andres
1 Year Loan officer
Tyree Miller
1 Year MSR I
Lynette Carlson
LFCU CEO Lowell Stevens and BOD Chair Person Steve Fischer are pictured here
with Glenda J. Hart Scholarship winners, Michelle Ross and Cody Smisek.
Page 3
1 Year MSR I
Community Corner
Contact Us
At Latah Federal Credit Union we are grateful to be able to support
many events, fundraisers and programs that benefit our communi.es! These are a few of the kind Thank You le1ers we have received
in the last few months! We were also able to par.cipate in local parades, and events. Thank you to all of our employees and members
who make this support possible!
Main Office
912 South Washington
PO Box 9286
Moscow, ID 83843-1786
Phone: (208) 882-0232
Toll Free: (855-77-LATAH)
Fax: (208) 882-3250
University of Idaho
Commons Branch
875 Line Street
PO Box 44524
Moscow, ID 83844-4501
Phone: (208) 882-0232
Fax: (208) 885-2788
Potlatch Branch
168 Hwy 6
PO Box 264
Potlatch, ID 83855-0264
Phone: (208) 875-0515
Fax: (208) 875-0740
Kendrick Branch
602 Main Street
PO Box 274
Kendrick, ID 83537-0274
Phone: (208) 289-2448
Fax: (208) 289-2454
Plummer Branch
396062 Hwy 95
Plummer, ID 83851
Phone: (855) 77-LATAH
Fax: (208) 686-6261
ATM Locations
White Pine Foods
402 2nd Avenue
Deary, ID 83823
Latah County Courthouse
522 S Adams,
Moscow, ID 83843
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