Inside This Issue - Latah Credit Union


Inside This Issue - Latah Credit Union
Inside This Issue
20/20 Mortgage
Page 1
Holiday Closures
Page 1
President’s Chat
Page 2
GJH Scholarship Applications
Page 2
New Employees/Anniversaries
Page 3
Community Corner
Page 4
Contact Information
Page 4
All Latah Federal CU
Branches will be
closed the following
New Year’s Day
Thursday, Jan 1st
Human Rights Day
Monday Jan 19th
President’s Day
Monday Feb 16th
Are You Getting What You Need From Your Mortgage?
When you are shopping for a mortgage for
your home, often you have time constraints and
other stressors influencing the situation. Most of
us are familiar with the standard 30 year mortgage, and some may have been offered a 15
year mortgage if you had a savvy lender, but
there are other terms of mortgages available
which may actually work better for you than
these two options.
convenience of our members. Our mortgages
have low fees and closing costs which make a
low cost refinance a great option for many members. Do you have your mortgage at LFCU? If
not, why not? We are a truly local financial institution, and when you support us, we are able to
bring you more products and services, while
investing in our community.
Let us help you realize YOUR mortgage
At LFCU we offer 5, 10, 15, and 20 year mort- goals, talk to one of our loan officers today!
gages in addition to the standard 30, for the
President’s Chat
A Branch In Your Pocket!
your Credit Union, each member can
carry their branch in their pocket! Latah Federal Credit Union offers its
The wonder of technology! Twenty-six members what I consider to be the
years ago when I started my career in best mobile app on the market! It
credit unions, the local branch office
works with I Phone or Android operatwas the only way members could ac- ing systems and brings the branch
cess their accounts for deposits and
operations to you whenever you need
withdrawals, applying for and receiving it to be there. Whether you just need
loans and getting information on balto check your account balances or
ances and the last several checks that view your latest LFCU Debit or Credit
cleared the account. Auto attendant
Card purchase or manage your actelephone transactions were just takcount security, it’s all available through
ing hold and ATM networks were in
your phone.
their infancy for credit unions. Mobile
We have just introduced a feature that
phones needed a battery pack the size
lets each member manage their LFCU
of brief case and were used strictly for
Debit and Credit card security. If you
verbal communication.
are not going to be using your card to
Today, as I watch my daughter and
make any purchases, it can be
her friends sit in a restaurant booth
“Disabled” through your LFCU Mobile
and text each other across the table,
App and transactions will not post to
the thought of using a mobile phone to the account. If anyone else gets your
speak to another person is a foreign
card information through a security
idea! Likewise, when I talk to high
breach at a retail store, the fraudulent
school classes about the services oftransaction will not post to your acfered by Latah Federal Credit Union,
count because it has been disabled by
the question is not “How many branch- you. When out shopping, or getting
es do you have and where are they
ready to pay for a meal, take just a few
located?” but “What can I do from my moments to “Activate” your card and
phone or tablet?”.
your purchase will post normally.
With the advent of the smart phone,
and the technology put in place by
Most experts tell us that fraudsters will
try a transaction on a stolen card number once and if it fails, will discard that
card number and go on to the next.
This feature puts the power of card
security in your hands and gives you
the confidence that your money and
accounts are secure.
Need to deposit a check? Take a picture of it through our Mobile App and
deposit it into your account from wherever you are. It works great and saves
the time and expense of having to
travel to the closest branch or ATM to
make that deposit.
Hot off the press! LFCU’s Mobile App
now gives you the ability to apply for a
loan through your mobile phone giving
the term “Loans by Phone” a whole
new meaning!
If you haven’t already taken a look at
our mobile app do so now. It will not
only save you time and money by not
having to come into the branch for
most of your transactions, it will help
you control the possibility of any identity theft by giving you the power over
your Latah Federal Credit Union Debit
and Credit cards.
- Lowell Stevens,
LFCU President and CEO
Glenda J. Hart Scholarship Open for Applications
From January through the end of March, the LFCU Board of Directors will accept applications for the Glenda J. Hart Scholarship.
This scholarship was established by the LFCU Board of Directors in 2010 to Honor LFCU's previous long-time President and CEO
of 30 years, Glenda J. Hart. The Credit Union will award two $500 scholarships each year, one to a graduating high school student
and one to an existing college student. The scholarship is designed to help the winning students fulfill their goals to obtain a college or technical degree. Applications may be picked up at our branches or via the link on our front page website banner.
Page 2
Meet Our New LFCU Employees
LFCU Employees
Celebrate Anniversaries!
Member Services I
I was born and raised in and around Moscow and really enjoy the
community feel. I graduated in March of 2014 with my degree in
Business. As well as being a part time teller at Latah Federal Credit
Union, I am a property manager for Tomlinson and Associates. I
have a daughter and twin sons. In my spare time I enjoy working
on my first novel, reading, summer, spring and fall outdoor activities and helping out in the community.
We are please to celebrate the
anniversaries of the following
employees! Please feel free to
offer them your congratulations!
Wendy Sanford
Loan Officer
3 Years
Erika Odenborg
Jami Johnston
Member Services I
I grew up in Potlatch and graduated High School there. I moved to
Deary shortly after graduation to begin my life with my husband of
21 years. We are busy with three teenaged children who all play
sports. I serve my community as water commissioner on the City
Council and as the treasurer for the Deary Mustang Booster Club. I
stay involved with as many school events as possible. I love my
small town and feel very fortunate to be surrounded by the great
small towns that make up Latah County. In addition to playing my
part as my kids’ biggest fan, I enjoy exploring the outdoors with my
family, camping and four wheeling.
Page 3
AVP of Operations
2 Years
Tasha Buttice
Executive Assistant
1 Year
Community Corner
Contact Us
Happy New Year! We hope that you have a great year. Here are some of
the fun things that we were able to participate in this fall/winter. It is a
blessing to be a part of such special communities, and we at LFCU never
forget that!
Toll Free 1-855-77-LATAH
Main Office
912 South Washington
PO box 9286
Moscow, ID 83843-1786
University of Idaho
Commons Branch
875 Line Street
PO Box 44524
Moscow, ID 83844-4501
LFCU Employees Marlys and Carol stand
with Patty Duke at the Smart Women
Smart Money conference sponsored by
Latah Federal Credit Union.
Potlatch Branch
168 Hwy 6
PO Box 264
Halloween Fun! Our Moscow employees greeted LFCU members in
costumes on Halloween!
Potlatch, ID 83855-0264
Kendrick Branch
602 Main Street
PO Box 274
Kendrick, ID 83537-0274
Plummer Branch
396062 HWY 95
Plummer, ID 83851
Christmas Cheer!
ATM Locations
White Pine Foods in Deary
Latah County Courthouse in Moscow
Phil’s Foods in Kendrick
LFCU brightened up the streets at both the Moscow
and Potlatch Community Parades this December!
Page 4

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