December 8, 2013


December 8, 2013
Thank you for being a part of our CFN Church family this morning.
We believe belonging and feeling connected with others is one of
the great desires God places in our heart. As we come together in His
Name, He brings His peace and presence in our midst. Our prayer for
you today is that you will be thoroughly overwhelmed and overtaken
by God’s love and compassion for you! Let’s worship Him!
Building our love for God and one another
in the power of the Holy Spirit!
“Love The Lord your God with all your
heart, soul, and strength; and love your
neighbor as yourself, on these two
commandments hinge all the law and the
Matthew 22:37-40
Billy & Marianne Allen
* Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior
* Grow in the power of the Holy Spirit
* Believe in the mission and vision of CFN Church
* Allow CFN Church senior pastors, staff and leadership to pastor you
* Help to support what God is doing in and through CFN Church
by your attendance, prayer, giving, and service
Senior Pastors:
Pastors Billy & Marianne Allen
Pastors Tom & Rayanna Fields
Worship Pastor:
Pastor Jonathan Lewis
Kids’ Power Church
(Nursery & kids 6 to 12 yrs.):
Pastor/Director Patsy Milam
Spanish Service Pastors:
Pastors Angel & Elizabeth Piña
Nursing Home Ministry:
Wendy Greene / Cami Proctor
Couples’s Ministry:
Pastors Mike & Beverly Maxwell
Intercessory Prayer:
John Golden
Prayer Connection Coordinator:
Brenda Judkins
Administrator/Media Director:
Carlos Moreno
December 8, 2013
December 8, 2013
Dear Church Family,
One of the great gifts God gives us is music! You don’t even
have to be musically trained or gifted to enjoy music. Music is
a powerful form of communication for a vast range of human
emotion and stimuli to things around us as well as inner thoughts
and spiritual longings. Hollywood certainly understands this as
they prepare to make a movie. The musical score of a movie can
ultimately be just as important as the movie script itself. There are
soundtracks to movies that often become just as popular or even
more so than the movie itself. People often purchase the movie
soundtrack but not the movie! Why? Because of the universal
way in which music can communicate and transport us to another
place in our mind, emotions, hopes, dreams, and ambitions in life.
The gift of music has the powerful capacity to change us and
mold us in our lives in more ways than we realize.
Often we hear about the negativity of music, which can be
understandable. I was shocked recently as I attempted to watch a
particular music awards program. Due to the carnality of so much
of program, I changed the channel. Yet, music itself is amoral.
Music is only as good or bad as the mind and spirit of the person
performing the music. King Saul experienced some traumatizing
things in his life, and it was only through the music of young David
that Saul’s troubled soul was soothed.
There is no other observance which has the rich music tradition
like Christmas. No other observance is even close! The music
of Christmas dominates the earth. And, whether a person is a
Christian or not, everyone has been influenced by the music
tradition of Christmas. It’s quite amazing when you really think
about it!
Have you ever noticed how people are willing to listen to certain
genres of music during Christmas, yet they would never listen to
that particular genre at any other time of the year? Why? Because
it is Christmas music! The music of Christmas is so powerful and
inspirational that we are willing to listen to it (and enjoy it) in any
genre. No other event or celebration so expands our musical taste
than Christmas! None!
MY MAJOR POINT: Take every opportunity you have to enjoy the
music of Christmas! Even the “non-sacred” Christmas music is
almost always filled with joy, celebration, and love towards one
another. Even the silliest of musical genres of Christmas can bless
you and boost your Christmas celebration. Jesus is the reason
for the season, and this is the very rationale which explains why
Christmas music knows no bounds when it comes to music. Don’t
miss the opportunity to fully embrace Christmas in its multiple
music forms!
Pastor Billy
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Intercessory Prayer
@Jack Moore Hall room #102
Worship Service
@ Jack Moore Hall
Pastors Billy & Marianne Allen
@ International Headquarters
Patsy Milam
Kids’ Power Church
@ International Headquarters
Patsy Milam
CFN Church Servicio en Español y
ministerio de niños
@ Jack Moore Hall
Pastores Angel & Elizabeth Piña
4:00 - 8:00 p.m.
After School Program
@ Dream Center
(Worship dance & flags)
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
ESL Class
@ Dream Center
Mike & Leonila Smith
2:00 p.m.
Outreach to Williamsburg Rehab
and Nursing Village
Meet @ the Williamsburg Village
cafeteria for prayer & preparation
7:00 p.m.
Tuesday Night Encounter
(Worship & Prayer)
(Fall & Spring Semester)
@ IB Building, CFNI & CFN Church,
Nursery, Children’s Ministry
1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
5:00 - 7:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Food Pantry is open
@ CFN Church Dream Center
After School Tutoring
@ CFN Church Dream Center
(grades 1-6)
Kidz Konnect Outreach
@ CFN Church Dream Center
(ages 6-12 Drama, arts, worship)
CFN Church Youth Fellowship
@ Dream Center
Kidz Konnect Outreach
@ CFN Church Dream Center