October 2008 - Pomona Valley Model Airplane Club


October 2008 - Pomona Valley Model Airplane Club
Volume 1, Issue 7
October 2008
AMA Charter # 0142
PVMAC President’s Message by Phil Goodwine
Inside this issue:
President’s Message
Important Messages
Feature Article #1
Oct General Meeting
Nov. Birthdays
Classified Ads
Feature Article #2
Club Information
2008 PVMAC Board
President: Phil Goodwine
V.P.: Chuck Pozanac
I will start with a little
history of Kyle’s (my
son) and my summer of
events as flyers and
IMAC competitors.
Hello to all flyers and
members. It has been
awhile since my last
article in the newsletter, but it has definitely
not been lacking any
travels or excitement.
Before I get started
with this article, I want
you to remember, some
of you voted for me and
I get to write this article.
For those of you that
have not been to any
recent PVMAC meetings
Kyle began flying in
July of 2006 on a buddy
cord for one day with
Dave Arellano (Grandpa
Dave). As Kyle progressed we decided,
Kyle would begin to fly
IMAC at the start of this
He proceeded to win 4
of 6 events that he flew
basic in. Kyle and I decided that he should
move up to “Sportsman”. He moved up to
sportsman in June
Continued on page 3...
Charley Mitchell
Dave Arellano
Martin Nelson
Calendar of Events
Paul Smith
Roy Barringer
November/December Events
Steve Parola
Tues 11/4 Board Meeting @ 7 pm
Tues 11/11 General Meeting @ 7 pm
Tues 12/2 Board Meeting @ 7 pm
Sun 12/7 Toys for Tots
Tues 12/9 General Meeting @ 7 pm
Newsletter: Teri Vernieri
new monthly newsletter!
We pledge to do our
best to provide you
with interesting and
useful content on a
monthly basis, and
we welcome your
Feel free to email
your submissions to
Larry Marsh.
Volume 1, Issue 7
Page 2
Important Messages
Be Safe, Carry the Essentials
2009 PVMAC
Board of Directors Elections
This serves as a reminder that
everyone using our fields
should carry a fire extinguisher and First Aid kit in
their own vehicle or trailer.
Just a reminder that elections
for the 2009 Board of Directors will be at the General
Meeting on December 9th.
Anything can happen at the
field, and usually does when
you’re unprepared.
We need a quorum, so please
make plans to attend this
very important meeting.
Be Safe… Be Prepared!
Aileron Differential by Paul Smith
In the latest Model Aviation
the test report on the Pacific
Aeromodel Clip Wing Monocoupe includes the statement
“Aileron differential is a must
with this model” but they
don’t include much of an explanation. Let me elaborate.
Aileron difThis causes the
ferential sim- plane to want
to yaw to the
ply means
that the link- right (adverse
yaw) which is
age is aropposite
ranged so
the ailerons
are trying to
move farther turn.
in the up direction than down.
Why do we want to do that?
It is to correct a problem
called adverse yaw that primarily affects high wing scale
aircraft like the Cub or the
If we take the example of
banking for a left turn where
the right aileron moves down
and the left aileron moves up
by the same amount, there
will be a drag increase on the
right wing that is greater than
the drag increase on the left
This causes the plane to want
to yaw to the right (adverse
yaw) which is opposite the direction we are trying to turn.
That is why most of these
high wing models require the
use of rudder in addition to
aileron to do a coordinated
We can get rid of this adverse
yaw by causing the ailerons to
move up a lot farther than
they move down. The one
moving up will begin to act as
a spoiler or air brake and
counter the increased drag on
the other wing.
For the Monocoupe the set-up
instructions say to set the
control throws for ailerons at
1 1/8 inch up but only 5/8
inch down. That must be the
correct amount because after
flight testing the model they
say that turns can be made
without using rudder.
Fortunately we don’t need to
worry about this for most of
our models and differential
would be totally inappropriate
for a 3D airplane that spends
a lot of time inverted.
Volume 1, Issue 7
Page 3
General Meeting October 14, 2008
For more pictures of our October 14th General Meeting,
Click this link: http://pvmac.com/10_14_08_gen.htm
Be very careful... Sunday 6/22 we noticed with 2 different
planes/owners that when they turned on their transmitters
and planes, they had absolutely NOTHING. Once we cooled
the planes down and covered them, they worked fine. One
plane was on 72 and the other was on 2.4.
Dave Arellano wins the
50/50 pot and takes home
President’s Message continued from Page 1...
right before we traveled 4,402
miles round trip to the U.S. Nationals in Muncie, Indiana at the
AMA headquarters, where he
finished 4th in his first sportsman event.
decided to get home, clean up,
check the planes, truck and
trailer and leave for Mollalo, Oregon on Tuesday morning to go
fly at the Pacific Northwest IMAC
Challenge, where he finished 3rd.
We traveled home and proceeded to go to another IMAC
event in Camarillo, Ca. the following weekend where he took
1st place.
The thing that everybody needs
to know is after the nationals,
we had a plan and a motive, try
to get Kyle to earn his points and
position into the “Tucson Aerobatic Shootout”, which from an
IMAC pilots standpoint is prob-
While traveling home from
Camarillo we were talking and
ably by far the biggest event
maybe in the world for IMAC pilots. Well the good news is, Kyle
did earn his points and position to
The “Tucson Aerobatic Shootout”
what an event 69 invited pilots
from through out the world. Eight
countries were represented, pilots
competing in Sportsman, Intermediate, Advanced, Unlimited and
Continued on Page 5...
We Want YOU!
Got an idea for a great story? How about a “Don’t Let This Happen To You”
tale of woe? What about that some great tips or shortcuts that will help your
fellow flyers?
We’re looking for a few good men (and women) to contribute their expertise
to this newsletter.
Please feel free to contact us with any ideas, stories, or other valuable input.
Page 4
PVMAC Flightline
Happy November Birthday To The Following PVMAC Members:
Matt Arns
Oscar Furlong
Paul Longshore
Stitch Schnaible
Scott Barrett
Michael Godward
John Mancino
Danial Swanson
Colby Bradley
Beth Goodwine
Andrew Mango
Paul Taylor
Mike Conti
Gary Hamilton
Thomas Ozurovich
John Wiegand
Steven Downey
Donald Hedstrom
Robert Parker
Thomas Williams
Scott Farris
Maxwell Hill
Steve Pililian
Sherman Wu
Gary Jeffery
John Rawson
Classified Ads
For Sale ~ $180.00
For Sale $2,000.00
Ace 4-60 (shoulder wing)-Saito
80 Golden Knight four stroke engine, Cirrus Excel 4 channel radio channel 14, good condition,
flies great.
Desert Aircraft 100cc
Futaba 9c
Too many features
to list here. For
details, please click
here visit our website:
Mike Petrie
(951) 685-2532
2008 Membership Fee Schedule
Existing member annual dues - $80.00
New member initiation fee and annual dues - $200.00
New member initiation fee and annual dues after June 30 - $160.00
Spouse or child of current member (child less than 18 years) - $10.00 (Reduced - $20.00 in 2006)
Jr. Adult (under 22 years, id required, no initiation fee) - $60.00
Youth (under 18 years, id required, no initiation fee) - $20.00 (Reduced - $60.00 in 2006)
Page 5
PVMAC Flightline
Learn to Fly Free
Have you taken advantage of the
PVMAC Learn-to-Fly Program?
PVMAC is giving free flying lessons to anyone interested. Lessons are at the Norton Field in
San Bernardino or Prado Field in
Chino. Both are excellent flying
fields and will give you the
chance to try out your flying
The PVMAC takes great pride in
its ability to encourage new potential RC pilots of all ages to
enjoy the hobby. With that in
mind the PVMAC and its members invite you to learn how to
For further information on how
to take advantage of this great
offer, please click the link below to visit our website:
The club will provide the training
aircraft, fuel, radio and a knowledgeable experienced flight instructor at NO cost to you.
You will fly on a “Buddy Box”
which allows you to control the
aircraft in the air, and if control
is lost, the instructor will take it
back, get it level and turn control back over to you.
Prado Field
If you are the
last person out
at Prado Field,
sure you lock
the yellow gate
behind you!
N o r t o n
F i e l d
Some arriving fliers at the Norton have found the field cable
Please remember, if you’re the
last flier out at the field please
make sure you put the cable
across the runway and ensure it
is padlocked on both ends.
Prado Field Cleanup
I would like to thank all that helped with the clean-up of Prado
field. And those that gave a "well done, great job, ATABOY"
show of appreciation... thank you. A few more things to do but
nothing I'll need any help with. The field looks great and I will be
c a l l i n g
f o r
r e - i n s p e c t i o n
s o o n .
Those who helped out were: Mike Jenkins, Charlie Mitchell, Jim
Reed, Pat Costley, Jim Silveira, Richard Burman, Chuck Pozanac,
and Roy Barringer. Special thanks to Larry Marsh for two extra
days of work, and Phil Goodwine for the fire equipment and
sig ns.
pics ,
President’s Message continued from Page 3...
We arrived at Tucson, Friday
night 4 days prior to competition
was to start. Kyle was practicing
in 25 – 35 m.p.h. winds, winds
coming from all directions, different each day. We were practically worn out and tired before
the competition even started.
The competition started on
Wednesday, Kyle flew great all
week and into the weekend.
As a proud father, my son did
great, stood his ground, didn’t
let the pressure and a very close
near miss rattle him at all. Kyle
Goodwine is your “Sportsman
Tucson Aerobatic Shootout Winner”. See all that hard work and
traveling thousands of miles was
for a good reason. Kyle will now
start the 2009 season in the
Continued on Page 6...
Page 6
PVMAC Flightline
Center of Gravity by Calvin Malinka
The Cg is important because during
flight the wing will not properly support the airplane unless the Cg of
the entire airplane is located properly in relation to the center of lift of
the wing.
Without getting into too much aerodynamics, it should be clear that
having the center of lift too far forward or rearward of the Cg of the
entire plane will cause the plane to
be improperly balanced; and consequently will fly poorly.
If the Cg is too far forward the plane
will fly like a dart, very stable but
difficult to change attitude by using
the elevator. If too far back the
plane will get more and more unstable in pitch and will tend to snap roll
easily even when not desired.
That said, we tend to simplify the
situation and ignore center of lift
considerations and place the Cg of
the whole airplane at some desired
location on the mean aerodynamic
chord (mac) of the wing. That location is usually around 30% to the
rear of the forward edge of the mac.
The mac then is the location on each
semi span of the wing where the
center of lift can be considered to
act. It is the location of the chord
about which the wing semi span will
balance during flight; assuming each
square inch of wing area provides
the same lift.
Thus it is possible to cut a piece of
cardboard the shape of the wing
semi span and see where it balances, on a line parallel to the fuze
centerline. This then would be one
way of finding the mac. (Additional
methods later.) In addition to properly locating the Cg, the location of
the mac is necessary to determine
where the center of lift is in a spanwise direction; so we can calculate
the structural moment the wing
must support.
Note that in order to find the mac we
assume all areas of the wing provide
the same lift per unit area. This is
obviously not always true as we
sometimes use wash-in, apply flaps
and ailerons over portions of the
wing, etc. Thus a precise Cg location
is neither possible to calculate nor
necessary; there are too many variables to consider. (Unless you are
designing a new airliner.) We provide an approximate Cg location
from experience and then slightly
modify it after noting desired flying
The general procedure is:
*Find the location of the mac on the
wing semi span. (And thereby the
chord itself at that location.)
*Determine where you want the Cg
to be located on the mac. (In our
case, a guess, usually around 30%
behind leading edge of the mac.)
*Project this Cg location on the fuze centerline.
President’s Message continued from Page 5...
Intermediate class.
Kyle and I would like to thank so
many people that helped and supported us through out this great adventure. So many people that were
back at home while we were off
roaming the country. Beth, Kelsey,
Grandma Ruth, Grandpa Dave, Phil,
Danny, Troy, Mike, Judy and
Cody McLean., and to so many others. Okay, enough of me going on
about my kid.
PVMAC news and updates.
On a sad note, our club has lost a
dear friend and fellow flyer, Pat
Costley, who passed away on October 10th from complications from a
heart attack. Pat was a good friend
to his fellow flyers and was always
willing to help out. Pat will be missed
at our field. There will always be an
extra chair for you at the field Pat to
sit and reminisce, about old times.
God Bless and May You Rest in Peace,
Prado looks great once again. The
club contracted out the spraying of
the weeds again. Once the chemicals
did their job, the club contracted out
for clean up of all weeds south of the
runway. Richard Smith and PVMAC
volunteers did their part and cleaned
up north of the runway. Thank you to
everybody, great job!
Prado has had it’s inspection by the
San Bernardino County Parks Dept.
and we had 3 items to resolve. #1
Weeds, #2 Fire Extinguishers, #3
Signage on the steel container about
chemicals. All have been addressed
and re-inspected, all good to go.
Norton, had a “Fun Fly BBQ” in August, we had approximately 60 pilots
there on a hot Sunday afternoon. A
good time was had by all. Thanks to
all that volunteered, brought food
and helped out.
At Prado and Norton, new fire extinguishers have been furnished to
both sites and the older existing
units have been recharged.
Membership is now being handled by
Beth Goodwine, John Maxwell and
myself. If you have your 2009 AMA
card get your renewal into us now.
The club has a new printer that is
printing your cards, no more laminated cards.
If you have any questions or problems contact Beth or I at (951) 6819656. membership.
Continued on Page 7...
Volume 1, Issue 7
Page 7
President’s Message continued from Page 6...
I want to personally thank Betty
and Lonnie Morrison for many
years and hundreds of hours of
doing the membership. The
PVMAC has acquired a booth at
the 2009 AMA Expo in January at
the Ontario Convention Center.
The club will need volunteers to
help with display items, booth
set up and working the booth
during the expo. Please contact
Roy Barringer or any board
member if you want to help out.
Newsletter & Website: Teri and
Larry are doing a great job.
T h e y
need as
m u c h
help and
information as
to make
your newsletter more interesting.
It is not only the board of directors responsibility to get information for your newsletter, it is all
members responsibility.
Once Teri and Larry get the
newsletter done, I print it up in
color then Beth and Kelsey have
been mailing them out. If you
are talking to your buddies and
realize that you have not gotten
yours by mail, you should contact myself or Beth.
Prado, we have had some discussions with IMAC officials and decided at the last board and general club meeting that the
PVMAC would look into and discuss with the San Bernardino
County Parks Dept. the possibility of the PVMAC having an IMAC
event at Prado in 2009. Future
news to come.
The PVMAC has once again nominated at the October general
meeting those 9 members that
they want to run for the PVMAC
2009 Board of Directors. Those 9
members are, Dave Arellano,
Roy Barringer, Charlie Mitchell,
Marty Nelson, Steve Parola,
Chuck Pozanac, Paul Smith and
myself, Phil Goodwine. Don’t forget YOU as a member need to
vote for the 2009 Board of Directors on December 9, 2008. We
need to have a quorum at this
meeting. Please.
from the San Bernardino County
Parks Dept. as of 10/21/08, is
that the S.O.P. is in the hands of
their attorneys. It may be 2 -3
months before the bidding process is done.
Once the
bid process
d o n e ,
t h a t
agreem e n t
m u s t
then go
to the Army Corps. of Engineers,
for their approval which from my
understanding could possibly
take up to one year. Until then
our current PVMAC lease will remain on a month to month basis
as it is now.
Most of all remember, have fun,
enjoy your family and friends,
enjoy life and look forward to
another day of good flying.
Phil Goodwine
President PVMAC
Prado contract and lease negotiations: The latest word directly
Count Your Blessings...
A group of seniors were having
lunch at the Senior Center and
talking about all their ailments.
crippled', volunteered Don.
claimed Earl.
'What? Speak up! I can't hear
you!', said Harold.
'I forget where I am, and where
I'm going', said Bill.
Floyd said, 'My arms have gotten
so weak I can hardly lift this cup
of coffee.'
'I can't turn my head because of
the arthritis in my neck', said
'I guess that's the price we pay
for getting old', winced old Frank
as he slowly shook his head.
'Yes, I know', said George. 'My
cataracts are so bad I can't even
see my coffee.'
To which several nodded weakly
in agreement.
The others nodded in agreement.
'I couldn't even mark an 'X' at
election time, my hands are so
'My blood pressure pills make me
so dizzy I can hardly walk!', ex-
'Well, count your blessings,' said
Bess cheerfully, 'Thank God we
can all still drive!'
Page 8
Why Dogs Bite People… HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
PVMAC Flightline
Volume 1, Issue 7
PO Box 2707
Chino, CA 91708
E-mail: phil@goodwineglass.com
We’re on the web!
Page 9
The Pomona Valley Model
Airplane Club is a non-profit
organization dedicated to the
advancement and enjoyment
R/C model airplane flying
. The
club is composed of appro
ximately 400 members and
currently enjoys two flying fiel
The club has a field in Pra
Park and another field at
old Norton AFB. The Prado
field is approximately 800
long with enough pit area
support 30 fliers. The Norto
field is about 400 feet lon
g and
can support about 15 me
mbers at a time.
Help Support the Business That Support PVMAC!