The county of Bouillon is comprised of the villages


The county of Bouillon is comprised of the villages
The county of Bouillon is comprised of the villages formerly belonging to the duchy
of Bouillon, founded in the time of the Crusades by the most prestigious of
medieval knights, Godfrey de Bouillon.
Situated between France and medieval Germany, the duchy was always a route
linking upper and lower Lotharingia to the Roman road of Rheims to Trier.
A land of history and forests, the “good town” of Bouillon under the authority of
the principality of Liège for five centuries from, and of which the governors
belonged to the families de la Marck and la Tour d’Auvergne.
Nowadays, Bouillon’s historic importance is represented through the splendour of its
castle. It was redeveloped by Vauban, who envisioned the town as a small capital.
The land of Bouillon is rich in fish, as it is bathed by the river Semois. It is nestled
in the midst of the vast forested land of the Franco-Belgian border, of some
tens-of-thousands of hectares. Fantastic for walks, the forest is inhabited by red
deer, roe deer, and wild boar.
Bouillon, in both the valley and on the plateaux of Bertrix and Paliseul, welcomes
those travelling to the heart of Europe in search of nostalgia, tranquillity and a
different way of life. Going on walks and hiking are perfect ways to restore ones
energy, leaving a general feeling of happiness and fulfilment.
May 2006
Jean-Etienne Hallet
President of “Maison du Tourisme du Pays de Bouillon”
Access and transport
By Car
E411 Bruxelles - Luxembourg (exit 25)
N89 exit Bertrix-Bouillon-Paliseul
By Train
- Line 162 Bruxelles-Namur-Luxembourg
Stop at Libramont : + 32 (0) 61/22.86.26
Then :
- Line Libramont-Virton :
Stop at Bertrix : + 32 (0) 61/22.83.11
- Line Libramont-Dinant :
Stop at Bertrix
Stop at Paliseul
Travel information
SNCB Tel. : + 32 (0) 2/528.28.28
By Bus
Line - 7 - Paliseul - Bouillon
Line - 8 - Pussemange - Bouillon - Bertrix - Libramont
Line - 37 - Florenville Muno - Bouillon
Line - 40 - Bouillon - Bertrix
Line - 45/2 - Bertrix - Paliseul - Bouillon
Travel Information
TEC Tel. : + 32 (0) 81/25.35.55
To and from France: line Bouillon-Sedan
By Taxis
Taxilux Libramont :
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/23.29.00 - + 32 (0) 475/42.41.71
Taxi P. Stevenin (Florenville) : Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/31.23.91
Car Rental
Rue du Parc Industriel, 6
6900 Marche-en-Famenne
Tel. : + 32 (0) 84/31.20.28
Route de Neufchâteau, 202
6700 Arlon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 63/22.51.67
Chaussée d'Arlon, 101
6840 Neufchâteau
Bertrix has three faces :
- three Semois villages: Auby, Cugnon
and Mortehan,
- the plateau of Bertrix, partly
orientated towards the Vierre with
Bertrix, Orgeo, Nevraumont, Rossart
and Biourge and partly towards the
stream called “Ruisseau des Aleines”,
with Blanche-Oreille, Assenois,
Glaumont, la Girgaine and la Géripont,
- the villages at the sources of the
“Our” river, in the basin of the Lesse:
Acremont, Jéhonville and Sart.
13770 ha
AUBY : The mouth of the Aleines stream marks the
beginning of the Maka campsite. We leave to our left the
site of the iron-moulding factory, where the remains of
the old metallurgy factory, coal store, sawmill and ironworks’ manor can be found. The lake has lost some of its
former beauty. This is the starting point of the walk
towards the “Prés du Liry”, the “Champs Chenets” and
the “Roche à Colas”, via a footbridge over the stream
“Ruisseau des Aleines”. On the right after the bridge is
the entrance to an old slate quarry.
The village of Auby has two listed monuments: the
Church of Saint John the Baptist, of which the renovated
façade resembles that of a Greek temple and, next to it,
the channels feeding into the imposing washhouse.
The walks will take you towards the site of the
“Babillarde”, the lakes of “Attisse or Renauvanne” and
the bend in the “Saupire”. However, the most renowned
path will take you to the grotto of Saint Remacle, restored in 1936 and inhabited by the saint (644 AD) and his
donkey, before a wolf devoured him. The site is overlooked by a cross, offering an impressive view over the bow
of “Fayet”.
CUGNON : From the viewpoint of “Pez”, on the road
between Auby and Cugnon, one can see “le Fayet” in
the centre, the bow of the Semois, the grotto of Saint
Remacle, as well as the high points of the village of
Auby. A few metres downstream, the extraordinary hornbeam, many centuries old, appears as a lookout post
ensuring the calmness of the surroundings. The chapel
“N.-D. du Prompt Secours”, at the mouth of the
“Chauchet” path, is sheltered by century-old lime trees.
Cugnon, homeland to the former prime-minister (19391945) Hubert Pierlot, abounds with listed monuments.
These include the church of Saint Rémi, the cemetery, the
presbytery, the old town hall, where a milestone still
stands demarking the boundary between the property of
Orval (the crosier of the abbey) and that of the family of
Rochefort, as well as several other farms.
The Löwenstein-Wertheim chateau dates back to c.1750.
It overlooks the plain upon which the village house, the
mill and chateau’s farm still stand. Having crossed the
bridge over the Semois, we follow the road to Dohan and
take the first road on the right, which leads to the
“Thibeauroche” farm, owned in the XVIII century by the
abbey of Orval. After the crossing with the carved path
leading to Sedan, we arrive at the viewpoint of
“Thibeauroche”, from where the landscape drops into
the valley. From the viewpoint, the “Blanc Caillou”
campsite can just be seen under the birch trees, as well
as the Semois River, clearly separating the villages of
Cugnon and Mortehan. The path runs alongside the meadow, the top end of which is closed off by a wall, dating
back to the “Tène” times, 250 BC, which marked the
Gaulish camp of “Trinchis”. In the forest, the wall has
been restored over a length of roughly 50 metres. It
marks out the spot of an old campsite of 6 ha 25 in surface area, protected naturally by the waterways of the
Semois over a length of 600 metres and a width of 100
metres on average.
MORTEHAN : the village is also characterised by its
numerous listed monuments, due in large part to the
great and recognised expertise of the slate workers. First
and foremost, stands the church Saint Hubert, located in
the proximity of a farm and the XVII and XVIII century
cemetery fringing on the Semois, and opposite the bow
of “Ilions”, a perch and pike fisher’s heaven. Along the
ascending road, opposite the church, a path leads to the
fort of “Suchamps”, an octagonal fortification (perhaps
from the Thirty Year War), of which the trenches are still
visible in a pine tree plantation bordering on the bow of
the Semois at the end of Herbeumont.
The “Galerie du Tilleul” is a virtual treasure trove of paintings, sculptures and the architectural beauty. We cross
the bridge of “Linglé”, opposite the old slate quarry of
“Linglé”, now a natural park for certain types of winged
mammals such as bats.
The mill of “Linglé” evokes the life of Dom Malachie
Bertrand, born on the site in 1750. He served as a monk
in the Abbey of Orval and salvaged part of the abbey’s
library during the French Revolution. When this was discovered he was deported, ending up in Cayenne, where
he died in the labour camp in 1798.
From Mortehan, it is possible to reach Bertrix by taking
the road of Munos which runs alongside the stream of
Munos and passes by the old iron-moulding factory and
the castle of the Fairies “Château des Fées”. Another
option is the state road, also known as the slate quarries
road, which runs alongside the “Aise” stream.
The Sedan pathway ends in the north when it meets the
Semois, at the ford of the “Forteresse” (or ford “La
Tour”, or ford of “Maltournée”). In the Middle Ages this
ford was protected by a plain fortification which no longer survives. It can be crossed in the summer by a small
wooden bridge which is reset every year.
On the right bank, after the campsite Saint Remacle, the
path leads to the grotto Saint Remacle.
Pont de Claies in Cugnon
Listed cimetery of Mortehan
Au Cœur de l’Ardoise
Place des Trois Fers
BERTRIX is a town situated on the Ardenne plateau. It
reached its apogee at the height of slate quarrying. One
can relive this by visiting the slate museum, called “Au
Coeur de l’Ardoise”, at “la Moraipire”, which is 25
metres underground. Next to this there exists an open-air
quarry, at “la Grande Babinaye”.
Bertrix has strived to maintain its historical links to the
three parishes from which the agglomeration is
composed and is dependant upon: the abbey of St
Hubert, the seigneury of Neufchateau and the duchy of
The remnants of a chapel and the hermitage of Saint
Bernard can be found on a historical site where hermits
resided until their suppression by an edict of Joseph II.
The slate quarries were supplied by a railroad running over
the bridge of “la Blanche” and now lies abandoned. Many
would like to see the track developed for tourism and
converted into a “Réseau de Voies Lentes”, which is a set
of paths intended for walks, riding and cycling towards
Mortehan, Herbeumont, Sainte Cécile, Muno and France.
Bertrix also has the province’s most modern campsite, the
“Ardennen camping”, next to the arboretum.
At the end of the road of Munos there lies a legendary
site known as the castle of the Fairies “Château des
Fées”, which originated from the Gallo-Roman times.
Built upon an inaccessible spur, the keep dominated the
valley of Munos, overlooking Cugnon. Bertrix’s church has
a 50 metre high bell tower devoted to Saint Etienne and
constructed to the south of the square “Place des Trois
Fers” in 1904.
After the war of 1940, the parish community, aware of
the town’s protection from the bombs and damage of
war, paid tribute to the Virgin by consecrating four chapels designed by renowned architects (R. Bastin, J.
Dupuis and E. Van Oost). These were built on the four cardinal points:
- To the north, the chapel of Burhaimont, “Route des
Corettes”, near to the washhouse of “Fanges”.
- To the east, the chapel of Saupont, verging on the
stream, next to road to Neufchateau.
- To the south, the chapel of Culot, next to road to
- To the west, the chapel of Renaumont, on the road to
At the end of Bertrix towards the Crossroads “Carrefour de la
Flèche”, the cross of the Peraux is a reminder of a murder
committed under the Empire, on the 23rd September 1806.
BIOURGE : the church of the Immaculate Conception
(1864) holds a cemetery cross, dating back to 1664, sealed within its porch.
ORGEO is an ancient nucleated village, through which
the Vierre stream runs and can be accessed via two stone
bridges. There are two wash houses, one to the north
and the other to the south. The church, built at the top
of the village, possesses a bulky tower from the Roman
times and is dedicated to the Saints Peter and Paul. A
shale wall surrounds the cemetery.
The chateau of Gerlache is a harmonious amalgamation
of buildings and turrets built around a rectangular courtyard in the XVIII century using French stone. In the
Middle Ages the property lay with the seigneury of
Herbeumont. In the XVII century it came under the
ownership of the heads of the ironworks of Waillimont,
then the Counts of Ansembourg, the Marchants and, from
1746 onwards, has been owned by the Gerlache de
Gomery family. Etienne-Constantin de Gerlache chaired
the National Assembly in 1830. One of his descendants
was to lead the first Belgian expedition to the Antarctic.
NEVRAUMONT, located on the borders of the lands of
Bertrix and Petitvoir, has a chapel Saint Raymond which
was built in 1925. Further along, the “educational farm”
of the “Pré de la Garde” enables children to learn about
traditional farming and agriculture.
ROSSART is an ancient village typical of the central
Ardennes. The Church, devoted to Saint Anthony of Padua,
is a neo-classical building constructed in 1844. Inside it
houses an altar-sarcophagus, with a portico, tabernacle
and marbled wood from the XVIII century.
BLANCHE-OREILLE is one of the small villages to the
west of Bertrix. After the war, the building of an airfield by
N.A.T.O. and the instalment of a Belgian army munitions
depot, somewhat disturbed the tranquillity of this farmers’
village. An asphalt track of just under 10 Km. encompasses the military land, which includes a long wooded
stretch with various pretty beech trees and spruces.
From the track it is possible to link up with the road to
Ochamps and to visit the military cemetery of Luchy (in
memory of the battle of the 22nd August 1914), where
over 300 French and German soldiers fell. Also in the
direction of Ochamps, a cross for the slain known as the
“Croix Moray” stands as a reminder of the murder of coalmen.
ASSENOIS is a hamlet consisting of a network of small
streets and alleys lined with farms. At its centre stands the
neo-gothic church Saint Etienne, built in 1903 in the middle
of a cemetery with graves from the XIX century.
Plateau de Jéhonville
GLAUMONT is a linear village to the west of the BertrixPaliseul railroad, besides the N89 road.
LA GIRGAINE is a small group of houses just outside of
Bertrix, with a farm and fish-breeding ponds.
LA GERIPONT is another small group of houses on the
outskirts of Bertrix, built beside the stream “Ruisseau
des Aleines”. It is a calm and restful spot and also the
setting of an old ironworks and a delightful pond. As such
it is particularly popular with ornithologists hoping to
catch glimpses of aquatic birds. The disused slate quarry
belongs to the “Sépulcrines” nuns of Bouillon. An old
Fays-les-Veneurs to Bertrix road also runs through this
OF THE OUR (Lesse Basin)
ACREMONT is a linear village of successive farmhouses,
of which the Acremont sheep pen “Bergerie
d’Acremont” produces a refined quality-label goat’s
cheese in the slate quarry of “la Moraipire”.
Watering place of Sart
JEHONVILLE : is the village home to one of the aunts of
the poet Paul Verlaine and the latter came to visit the
area. It was, under the old regime, one of the four parishes of the duchy of Bouillon, alongside Paliseul, Fays-lesVeneurs and Sensenruth.
The church Saint Maximin boasts
a strong, frontal tower mounted
with a metal church spire.
SART is a linear village on the road to Jéhonville, set
besides a stream which takes its source at Acremont and
courses through Jéhonville before reaching Framont and
Opont to form the Our, a tributary to the Lesse.
Town of Slate
14908 ha
Bouillon has lived in the shadow of its castle, which grew
due to its strategic position as the gate between medieval Germany and France, or more precisely, between
Cologne, Aix-la-Chapelle and Paris.
The kings of France, anxious to preserve the route to
Germany, made the duchy of Bouillon into an independent sovereignty and gave the dukes the rank of foreign
princes at the French court.
Bouillon’s legendary fame can mostly be attributed to the
Carolingian Ardenne-Verdun family, of which the grandfather of Godfrey of Bouillon, Godfrey the Bearded, and his
uncle, Godfrey the Hunchback, ruled as dukes of Lower
Lotharingia and as Electors of the German Holy Roman
12 Empire. The last duke of Lower Lotharingia was Godfrey
of Bouillon, the man who, in 1096, at the head of the
Lotharingian army composed of Wallons, Flemish, Picards
and Germans, headed the First Crusade. On the 14th July
1099 he was the first to enter Jerusalem, thus ending the
forty day siege of the city and ending a military campaign that had lasted nearly three years. Eight days later,
on the 22nd July, his peers elected him as monarch, bearing the title of Solicitor of the Holy Sepulchre. One year
later his brother, Baudouin, became King of Jerusalem.
On the 18th July 1100, Godfrey died, most probably poisoned by the Emir of Caesarea, further contributing to the
legendary “Knight of the Swan” myth.
Following his death, the seigneury of Bouillon was
controlled by the prince-bishops of Liège until 1676. In
1430 their governor, Robert de la Marck, took the title of
Duke of Bouillon and, in 1591, the last heiress to the
duchy, Charlotte de la Marck, married Henry de la Tour
d’Auvergne, in Sedan, before King Henry IV of France. The
much coveted title thus passed into another family. Both
the great Turenne, who was to take the French armies
from victory to victory across all the battlefields of
Europe, and the cardinal of Bouillon, were descendants of
Henry de la Tour d’Auvergne. However, they lived in
Normandy, in the chateau of Navarre, near to Evreux,
instead of Bouillon. In 1760 a particular event was to
contribute to the growth of the town’s repute. This was
the granting, from Navarre, of a patent letter permitting
the setting up of the printer, Pierre Rousseau from
Toulouse, and his press in Bouillon. With his brother-inlaw, Charles Weissenbruck, he was to print the “Gazette
des Gazettes”, the encyclopaedic newspaper the
“Gazette Salutaire” and many documents censored in
France. Bouillon and its printing-house disappeared
during the French Revolution, with “the pike of the Seine
swallowing the gudgeon (small freshwater fish) of the
Semois”. The inhabitants of Bouillon were French up until
1815 and then Dutch until 1839, when they were separated from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It is interesting to point out that in 1830 the duchy of Luxembourg
became the “Grand Duchy”, with the annexation of the
duchy of Bouillon. The province of Luxembourg now
became the ninth province of Belgium.
Some believe the rocky-ridged foundations of the fort originate from, or are at least associated to, the dangers of the IX century, which were largely caused by perpetual Norman invasions. These Vikings, mostly Danes, would sail the seas and
travel up the rivers to raid and pillage the lands.
The Ardenne-Verdun family would have had its “palatiolus”
palace at Paliseul and its fortified residence to the west of the
plateau of Menuchenet, before moving to Bouillon. According
to an old text from 1573, the walls of the “Chateau le Duc”
were still “extensive and of great magnitude” at that time.
Most probably built out of wood by Godfrey the Hunchback,
the castle was equipped with a stone keep and cellar, seigneurial residences, a weapons room and a Saint John chapel.
To the south rises the mountain of Beaumont (or Baimont)
upon which, at that time, stood a wooden tower of 5 metres
in diameter, fixed upon a hexagonal stone base of 9 metres in
diameter, protected by two concentric embankments with
stockades and separated by a trench. This is the well known
site called the “Ramonette”, from where the splendid view
plunges down over the castle’s eastern façade, overhanging
the town nestled inside the bow of the Semois River. Its position prevented assailants from setting up favourable posts
from which to launch assaults. The castle also controlled the
town’s entrance via the old French road, which was its only
southern entrance.
After Charles Quint’s assault on the castle in 1521, the building
was enlarged in the XVI century by the prince-bishop of Liège,
George d’Autriche. He erected the gunpowder magazine, well
away from where the canons were located, in the southern
tower “tour méridionale”. To the north, he developed the fortified entrance, of which the gate was designed by the Italian
architect from Bologna, Alessandro Pasqualini. The peak of the
rock was provided with an impressive wall.
In 1676,
under the la Tour
d’Auvergne family, Louis XIV
instigated a fake siege of the town,
thus terminating, with a show of force, the
reign of the prince-bishops. Two years later, the king’s
military architect, Sébastien Le Prestre, known as Vauban, built
within the rock a spacious gunpowder magazine, developed
the defensive bastions at the entrance and set up the arsenal
besides the keep. Vauban deserves praise for the magnificent
stairway leading up to the governor’s residences. During the
Dutch occupation, the castle suffered several alterations: the 13
keep was demolished (1824) to make way for four parallel
barracks which, in turn, were also destroyed in 1892-1893. Yet
another bastion (a Dutch guard-house) was erected and, at
the very northern end of the castle, the last canon deck was
A tour of the castle will take you past an impressive array of
wonders such as: the well, 54 metres deep, and the manual
system that operates it, the clock donated by the Empress
Josephine on her journey through Bouillon to the thermal
baths of Spa, the breathtaking 360˚ view on
offer at the top of the tower of Austria,
the prison, the dungeons, the chilling
mediaeval torture equipment, the
water cistern with its clear and
continual supply of water from
a unidentified underground source coming
from the adjoining hill of
Baimont, the massive
stone balls which may
date back to the siege of
1141, and so on…
Set up in the old ducal palace, the XVIII century site of
Bouillon’s government, this listed building contains numerous treasures from the Crusades amongst the exhibition
on Godfrey of Bouillon. Ancient coins, statuettes, vases
and crockery stand as testimony to the refined XII century
Arab civilisation. The reconstruction of the airborne weapons and their launching machines, used on the Crusades,
is also impressive.
A wood-panelled room decorated with tapestries will
immerse you in the daily life of mediaeval lords, who
“trained for battle” by trailing scents and hunting with
The exhibition also portrays many mediaeval professions such as: the woodcutters, carrying out their
numerous tasks, the coalmen,
the “naiveux” (boatmen who ensured the transportation of
wood along the Semois) or “miquelets” (woodcutters originally from Spain), guiding their wood down the Semois, the
metal-workers and the iron workers who worked the waterpowered hammers and the iron-moulding factory that built
Bouillon’s industrial reputation. And let’s not forget the wonderful collection of cast iron fire plates, including some very
rare ones. They line the wall preceding the building and, in
one situated next to a reconstituted water-powered hammer,
an XVI century cast iron Christ originating from the “Maka”
(water-powered hammer) is represented. The “scailtons”
(slate splitters), the deep slate quarriers and the metal splitters, built in the glory days of slate quarrying, are also
displayed. Lastly, the Ducal Museum owns a fantastic collection of books from the Bouillon publishers of the XVIII century (1760-1794).
The listed building
was once the
convent of the
which, supported by
the prince-bishop of
Liège Ferdinand de
Bavière wishing to
spread education, travelled from Andenne
in 1626. This was principally an attempt to
thwart the Protestant
influence of the neighbouring town of Sedan,
of which the prince,
Henry de la Tour
d’Auvergne, had fully
embraced the Reform.
In 1794, after the forced
break up of the nuns due to
the French Revolution, the
building was sold as “biens
nationaux” (a property seized by the State during the
French Revolution) and was
then gradually turned into
housing. It also included a
technical college training
metal-workers for the factory
of Devillez-Camion. The closing
of Bouillon’s metallurgy factory
at the end of the XX century and
the rehabilitation of the site allowed for
the development of the “Archéoscope”, equipped with
an ultra-modern “muséographie”, which takes us back in
time to the world of Godfrey of Bouillon just before
embarking on the First Crusade.The tour then shows the
influence of the Arab world upon our occidental civilisation.Then there’s a demonstration of the evolution of the
science of defence and assault on fortifications – known
as “poliorcétique” in French – dating from the Celtic era
right up to the failure of the infamous Maginot line. The
visit finishes with a portrayal of the XVIII century cellular
life of nuns and the role played by industry on this site in
the XIX and XX centuries. All this takes place under the
“Archéoscope’s” roof and remarkable oak beams.
The abbey is located west of Bouillon, on the right bank,
beyond the Field of the Bishop “Champ l’Evêque”, and
known locally as the “Abbaye de Cordemois”. It has
replaced a Cistercian abbey founded by Ermesinde,
Duchesse de Luxembourg, in 1247, near to Arlon and
dominated by Orval. In 1794 the Cistercian abbey was
Between 1930 and 1935, under the abbot of the monas- 15
tery Dom Albert van der Cruyssen, of Orval, the new
abbey was built upon lands provided by the baron de
Moffarts, whose the daughter had taken the veil.
At the end of an attractive alley of maple trees and overlooking the meadows lining the Semois, in a beautiful
and peaceful environment, stands the “Abbaye de
Cordemois”. It is quadrilateral in shape and contains the
neo-gothic chapel, which one can access via a windowed
promenade with walls decorated in the station of the
cross, painted by Irène vander Linden. The architect Vaes
also developed the plans for the abbey of Orval.
The abbey shop sells religious books and “monastic”
products created by the monks of many monasteries:
biscuits, beers made in the abbey and by the Trappist
monks, elixirs, religious icons, candlesticks and candlestick holders, as well as high quality tapestries, terra
cotta, enamel and glazing ceramics.
A walk through the
XVIII century part of
Bouillon reveals the
calibre of the contributors, jurists and governors who formed the la
dukes of Bouillon’s,
entourage aiding in the
running of the ducal
town. Many of these
buildings are listed, but
being privately owned,
can only be seen from
the outside. Except for the aforementioned ducal museum
[8] , the governor’s house [9] was converted into the
town hall “Hôtel de Ville”.
Near to the church and overlooking the Semois, the former “d’Orival” hotel
[7] is shut off by a
gate flanked by twin
“rue du
Brutz”, the
house [6]
contains a fine wrought iron
balcony. A little further up, on the
left, the neighbourhood of Brittany
“quartier de Bretagne” [10] opens with a
vaulted pathway, equipped with tourist information, leading to a very intimate vaulted cellar
displaying temporary exhibitions during the summer season.
At the very top of the street, on the corner of the
“rue de la Poulie”, stands the listed house of the
Count of “Artaize” [11], a XVIII century master’s manor with a walled park.
In the square of the “Champs Prévôts” lies the
“Maugré” house [14], where the actress
Madeleine Ozeray was born. It is a gorgeous listed
house with a park consisting of specially planted
trees and encompassed by high shale walls.
Opposite, the old mint, established in 1681 and now the house
of the military head of the garrison “Maison du Commandant de
Place” [15] has, on the first floor,
a pair of French windows leading
onto a balcony with wrought iron
Next to this sits the military sector “Quartier Militaire” with its
cavalry barracks [17] and two
bastions to the French king
“Bastion du Dauphin [18] and
“Bastion de Bretagne” [16], fringing on the Semois. Visible from
the “Côte d’Auclin” slopes, the
18 abandoned “Champs Prévôts” chapel is the former
private oratory of the Dukes of Bouillon, built in
1693 by Jean Counart, who was the vicar of
Bouillon and canon of Nassogne.
The last bastion, close to the bridge “Pont de la
Poulie”, also known as the bridge “Pont de
Cordemois” [13] (1935) is the “Bastion de
Bourgogne” [12] of which the ground floor has
been converted into the tennis club cafeteria. The
first floor, equipped with an impressive, pentagonal, oak framework has become an exhibition
chamber centred on Vauban and the painter Pierre
Clouet. Along the “Boulevard Heynen”, only fragments of the ramparts, that Vauban built to defend
both the town and castle, now remain.
On the right bank, “rue du Collège” houses the
“Collège Turenne” [3], a vast building composed
of thirteen architectural spans and built by field
marshal Turenne in 1699 with the intention of
giving high-quality, free education to the orphans of the soldiers killed in the wars of Louis
XIV. Formerly a civilian hospital,
the building took on many different uses, finally being converted into a royal high school.
Beyond the park Leroux, the old,
“Sépulcrines” [4] built in 1626,
and now serving as the town
“Archéoscope”, boasts a magnificent classical style southern
In the “Hôtel de la Poste”, in
the “Place Saint Arnould”, the
room on the corner of the first floor, opposite the
bridge “Pont de Liège”, is where Napoleon
III, imprisoned by the Prussians, spent the
night of the 3rd to the 4th September
The bridge “Pont de Liège’s” [5]
foundations can be traced back to
1069 and it was the first bridge to be
built across the Semois. It ensured
travel between Germany and France
in all weather and irrespective of
river levels. However, on several occasions it has been washed away by the
In the alley “Allée de la Paroisse” there stands a
slightly elevated building with a uniform-level
façade which was once the site of a chaplaincy.
Beyond the town, on the right bank, near to the
French community boarding school, the farm of
Morsehan (XVIII century) forms a quadrilateral
with a large rectangular courtyard. The southern
wing, built in 1746, boasts a door and rounded
niche decorated with elegant mouldings.
Bouillon’s countryside heritage is characterized by the
upper reaches of the town, from where the chateau, the
ducal town and the expanses of forested areas extending
from the Semois can all be observed.
Bouillon’s most popular viewpoint, according to its inhabitants, is that seen from the gazebo “Belvédère” in
French overhanging the “Côte d’Auclin”. It is at its most
spectacular at sunrise and in the evening when the warm
light literally brushes across the houses set on the right
Before arriving at the gazebo, the two viewpoints opposite, known as “ l’île du Calay” and the “Maugré” house,
make ideal spots from where to absorb the beautiful surroundings and even notice how the tennis courts have
been carefully integrated into the chateau’s military environment. The third viewpoint on the “Côte d’Auclin”,
opposite the bridge “Pont de Liège” and which can be
reached via the “rue de l’Ange Gardien”, deserves better maintenance.
On the left bank, the “Ramonette” and the cliff-top of
“Baimont” are historic promontories strewn with benches leading towards the castle from the south until the
rock becomes too steep. From here the view onto the
Semois is particularly attractive as the river washes
against the base of town at the “Quai des Remparts”,
the “Collège Turenne” and the “Archéoscope” and, on
the other side, at the “île du Calay” and the bridge
“Pont de Cordemois”.
Bouillon seen from Ramonette
In the botanical and geographical arboretums the small
openings offer quaint little peeps at the castle’s western
façade, especially pretty in the sunlight.
Upstream from Bouillon, the “Charlier” viewpoint can be
found off of the road to “Yvois”, and goes on to “Rond
le Duc”. It overlooks forested countryside in the bow of
“Buhan”, where all that can be heard are the herons, the
ducks, the foxes and the roebucks.
Next to the town, on the right bank, a gazebo located on
the “Crête Saint Pierre”, overlooks the drop known as
the “Trou de Vanne” and the listed site of the baths
“Bains”, including the hut of “Pierre l’Ermite”, as well
as more views of the castle’s western façade.
Lastly, the “Grande Randonnée Ardenne-Eifel” (G.R.A.E.)
long distance hiking tracks begin on the river’s right
bank, after the “Grimouty” footbride. These run alongside the Semois’ equestrian track, the mountain-biking
“Raid Godefroy” track and walk 17 of Buhan . At the
entrance to the woods, a detour on the right leads to the
rock of the “Maka”, which overlooks the islands of the
“Maka”, the plain of “Leauwez”, the national natural
ornithological reserves of the iron-moulding works and
the buildings which once made up one of Bouillon’s
metallurgy factory centres.
The village was more or less built along a former waterway of the Semois, more easily seen from the viewpoint
of the “Terme”, on the road of Les Hayons. The rocky bank
upon which the chateau (a listed building) was constructed in 1619, controlled both river-traffic and the ford crossing of the commercial road of “Yvois”. The portico (XVIII
century), built with French stone, bears the coats of arms
of the Duchène de Ruville and Thibaut families.
The church is devoted to Saint Florent which, incidentally, was also the Christian name of the building’s constructor, Florent Lardenois de Ville.
Grouped under the tourist office of the middle Semois, the
local branch of Bouillon’s tourist office, these villages are
set in clearings within the forest of Bouillon, to the north
of the Semois and the vast forested massif of Givonne that
extends into France. The southern-most point of the
Bouillon countryside, bordering on France and the Paris
basin, is the location of the privately owned 1200 ha massif known as the forest of the “Amerois”. The smaller
estate of “Montagnac”, of 500 ha in size, next to the hamlet of Grand-Hez is also within this massif. The southern
façade of the “chateau Andries”, built with French stone
and glistening in the midday sun, looks across to the Mont
Saint Walfroy, near to Margut, in France.
Dohan seen from Viaumont
Dohan can legitimately claim to have the region’s most
impressive countryside heritage. To the north, in addition
to the viewpoint of “Terme”, the viewpoint of
“Viaumont”, which runs along the village’s famous
monument bearing a statuette of Christ on the crucifix
and can be reached via the “Pasay d’Auby”, has attracted many a painter or photographer.
To the south, on the right bank, lies the rock “roche de
Schevauchée” and, on the left bank, lies the famous rock
“Rocher Lecomte”, followed, a kilometre after, by the 21
rock of the “Rocher des Clappes”, a geological sugarloaf
of particular interest.
To the east, running parallel to the Mortehan road, the
massif of “Dampirée” holds a series of viewpoints: “la
roche aux Corbeaux”, “Dampirée” with its integrated car
park, “la roche de Dampirée”, dropping steeply onto the
river and, at the top of the path of “Chevrel”, “ la
Grande Dampirée”. A kilometre further along the massif
of “la Saupire” viewpoint, set besides the road, begins.
The lower forestry road leads successively to two more
rocky headlands with views looking on to the valley of
“la Saurpire” and the bow of “Renauvanne”.
The village spreads from east to west up to the stream called
“Ruisseau des Aleines” on an easterly sloping plateau. The village centre holds the church Saint Quirin, painstakingly restored
after a fire sparked by lightning caused severe damage. It
contains interesting modern stained glass windows designed by
the artist Katia Henry, from Reims, representing the saint striking
down a dragon at the viewpoint “la Roche Percée”.
Les Hayons is a magnificent site of popular legends. The village
house bears the name of the “Hultai”, the forested plateau
where fairies would come to dance every night of full moon. To
revive these mythical beings, the farm of the fairies “Ferme des
Fées”, has specialised in recreating all these beings that
our ancestors once imagined.
The Rock “Roche de la fée Namousette”, is typical of
Les Hayons. Another surreal site is the “Saut des
Sorcières”, associated to the Rocks of “Colas”,
two rocks at the foot of the stream of
“Ruisseau des Aleines”.
On the edge of the road of the “Maka”, the “Mont
de Zatrou” is aligned with the valley of the Semois,
downstream from the Pierced Rock “Roche
22 Percée”. In the Middle Ages this “petra pertusa” marked the border between the three dioceses of Liège, Rheims and Trèyes.
From the viewpoint of the “Culot”, one can make out
the clearing in which is nestled the hamlet of “La
Cornette”, with its four mills.
- Three barbecue-shelters allow picnics on
rainy days:
- The shelter for the woods of “Culot”
can be found on a playing field,
perfect for children. It can be
found not far from the
village, at the end of
the “rue des
Les Hayons
- The “Maka” shelter was designed for walkers and hikers to rest
whilst on the “Grande Randonnée Ardenne-Eifel” (G.R.A.E.)
track and for bathers who benefit from the welcoming grass
- The oldest shelter is that of the bend of Saint Joseph, on the
road to La Cornette, more precisely on the bank of the stream
“Ruisseau des Aleines”. During earthworks, in 1977, the discovery of a megalith proved to be a blessing for the site, since it
was then endowed with a menhir (or standing stone) which still
remains somewhat of an enigma to many scientists.
At the “Maka” of Les Hayons almost nothing from
the old metallurgy factory, once the heart of this
industrial site, has survived. The buildings of the
ironworks, sawmill, coal store and manor have
all disappeared. However, the sites of the
filling pond and regulation pond, of which
the dams have been perforated, still
remain. There also remains a slate
quarry entrance, a source tapped
for its drinking water and the
underground water drainage
channels of which the
vaults are threatening to
collapse any day.
The name comes from the Latin: “bella vallis”, meaning
beautiful valley. This most certainly would have been no
overstatement since the view onto the stream “Montée
des Prés” must have been fabulous before the fir trees
invaded the countryside.
Protected from the predominantly south-westerly winds
by the massif of Menuchenet, 430 m. high, the village
has also preserved its agricultural roots.
The Church Saint Lambert, erected in 1575 on seigniorial
land, renovated in 1720 and then rebuilt in 1844, is
enclosed by a cemetery. Leaning against the church’s
western wall is a stone bearing a mortuary inscription of
the abbot Philippe Aubry, parish priest of Bellevaux, who
died in 1829. This acts as proof of his role as counsellor
of the Sovereign Court of Bouillon.
To the north-east of the village, track 56 leads to the
bridge “Pont le Prêtre”, built in the XVII century to facilitate the crossing of the stream for the parish priest of
Fays-les-Veneurs who also served in the parish of
At one time the stream of the bridge “Pont le Prêtre”
supplied no less than seven mills. These are now private
and cannot be visited:
- The mill of the “Pont le Prêtre”
- The mill of the “Côtes” (or of the “Côres”)
- The mill of “Tcherpatray” (now a ruin)
- The spinning mill, at La Cornette
- The oil mill, at La Cornette
- The grain mill, at La Cornette (the wheel has been preserved)
- The sawmill, at La Cornette
In between Bellevaux and Les Hayons, the seigneury of
Brienne was, for a long time, owned by the family
d’Oyembrugghe de Duras. They then became entangled
in a joint ownership row with the Lardenois de Ville, lords
of Dohan. The young ladies of the Oyembrugghe family,
who had become nuns at the convent of the Sépulcrines
in Bouillon, opened legal proceedings which were only
brought to an end by the French Revolution.
On the southern side of the village, in a fir tree plantation in the place named “Le Camp”, there is a big earth
embankment indicating the eastern side of the “Camp
des Montagnards”, occupied for six months by the French
revolutionaries (1793-1794). On the 19th May 1794 they 23
were driven out by the Austrian troops of the Regiment
of the Dragoons of the Tower, lead by General Beaulieu.
Bellevaux is also ideal for horse-rides, with the riding
school “Au Gras”.
Noirefontaine, along with Botassart, Corbion and Muno,
make up the four lands of the lord of the old duchy of
Bouillon. The village owes its name to the two fountainvats located to the north and south of the village, at the
road of Les Hayons and at the “Sentinelle”.
The church devoted to the Saints Cosmo and Damien is
dedicated to the worship of Saint Hubert. It holds an
“altare privilegiatum”, a special altar from the old parish
church of Bouillon, the Church of the Augustins.
The chapel of Buhan (or Dohan) is devoted to Notre
Dame of Walcourt. It holds four statues of four healer and
protector Saints:
- Saint Apolline, called upon to help toothache,
- Saint Donat, to protect against lightning,
- Saint Gertrude, who protects against the invasions of
- Saint Walfroy, the stylite, to help rheumatism.
The village is sheltered from the northern winds by the
beech wood of Menuchenet, which is one of the “seven
forests of the Ardenne”. It is also the location of the old
24 open-cast mines where iron ore used to be extracted.
Slate quarrying took place at the “Scaïrs”, but the site
was rapidly abandoned since it was not economically viable. An ironworks, powered by the stream of the “Moulin
Hideux”, operated in the “Pré du Martai” meadow, at
the junction of the roads to Dohan and Les Hayons. It was
destroyed in 1936 to make way for a new state road.
Bouillon’s gastronomic gem is without doubt the inn
“Auberge du Moulin Hideux”. The place owes its name
to the two former mills, built 150 metres apart, known
as: “Lis deux Molins”. Despite the destruction of the
lower mill the place kept the name and this has since
evolved into “Hideux Moulin” and finally into “Moulin
Running alongside the beech wood of Menuchenet,
towards Bellevaux, the “new path” owes its dignified
name to Louis XIV, who wished to create a direct link between Saint Hubert and Liège and the French lands, so as
to avoid having to pay toll fees in the Austrian
Netherlands of Luxembourg.
Corbion was once the seignieural land owned by the families de Lux and de Roucy and is presently one of the four
lands of the lord of the duchy of Bouillon. It is the only village in the duchy to be situated on the left bank of the Semois.
Its church Saint Jean-Baptiste, dating back to 1771, had been
part of the archdiocese of Rheims and the deanery of
At the Bojaban, running along the border-stream, one can
make out the ruins of the farm “Ferme aux Couleuvres”,
where the poet Paul Verlaine resided in 1885.
As with Les Hayons, many myths and legends are linked to
- the “Hottée du Diable”, Rock of the Fairies “Roche des
Fées”, the Preacher’s Pulpit “Chaire à Prêcher” and the Rock
of the Hanged “Rocher du Pendu”.
Customers staying in hotels, holiday-homes or camping will
find a very good network of tracks and paths to explore
within close proximity:
- At the river bend known as the Tomb of the Giant
“Tombeau du Géant” a barbecue-shelter has been set up for
rainy days. The viewpoint of “Ecaillère” is situated right next
to the shelter, overlooking “Chateaumont” and the big meadow “Grande Prairie” of Botassart. Further along in the riverbend an opening in the forest reveals a view all the way up
to the rocky summit of the “Tombeau du Géant”. At the Yshaped crossroads, the right turn will take you to the Devil’s
Cliff “Pic du Diable” which overhangs an abyss in the Semois
known as the Devil’s Hole “Trou du Diable”. From here the
view stretches out towards the mill “Moulin de l’Epine”.
- Another nice route is the “path of the viewpoints” which
runs along the plateau to the viewpoints of the “Augustins”
and “Epine”, opposite the mill “Moulin de l’Epine”.
- The footpath of Bouillon runs past the Rock of the Hanged
“Rocher du Pendu”, which looks upstream onto the Halliru
campsite, and downstream onto the Abbey of Cordemois.
- The footpath of the “Crêtes de Frahan” travels past the
mill “Moulin Joly” (private property), which has preserved its wheel and lakes, and then to “Les Croisettes”,
which is the meeting point of the roads to Corbion,
Frahan, Poupehan and Sedan.
- Another crossroads, principally intended for hunters, is
located at “Ban d’Alle”, where the roads to Alle, Corbion,
Sedan and Sugny all meet.
- From the Chapel Notre-Dame of Europe, one can go
either to the the ruins of the farm “Ferme aux
Couleuvres”, at “Bojaban”, or to Rock of the Fairies
“Roche des Fées”.
- The Museum of Tobacco “Musée du Tabac” is a reminder of the importance of tobacco in the region from 1850
to 1950.
Corbion, chapel N. D. de l’Europe
This is yet another village surrounded by myths and, supposedly, owes its name to a fairy that inhabited one of
the caves at the foot of the “Falloises”. Poupehan would
therefore originate from “Puppenhaus”, meaning house
of the fairy.
Poupehan was also the homeland of the washer-women
who, in the old days, would walk across miles of countryside with their baskets, to collect the drapery from
Sedan in order to wash it in the Semois waters, wellknown their fantastic cleansing powers.
The neo-Roman church was built in 1934 upon the site of
a church built in 1837. It is devoted to Saint Remacle, the
apostle of Cugnon and Stavelot.
The five campsites set on the river floodplains between
the isle “Ile de Faigneul” and “Houlifontaine”, on level
with the bow “Noue de l’Aï”, run alongside the sports
fields of “Dessous la Ville” where the barbecue-shelter
is ideal for picnics.
The valley “Noue de l’Aï”, at Frahan, is a watercourse
that runs back inland over 300m. and is a haven to the
spawning of perch and pike. However, fishing is strictly
prohibited. The site can be accessed from the road where
a car park and barbecue-shelter are located.
The hills that surround the village are rocky and possess
clearly marked tracks offering many viewpoints:
- To the south - the walk of the Preacher’s Pulpit “Chaire
à Prêcher” and Rock of the South “Rocher du Midi”
(walk 60)
- To the east - the long walk of “Merleuxhan” (walk 62)
passing by the viewpoints of “Devant le Mont”,
“Loveté” and the Sparrowhawks’s Rock “Roche aux
At the “Merleuxhan” ford, on the left bank, there once
stood a fort wanted by Louis XIV for his defence network
of the Semois, in 1695.
- To the north - departing from “la Buchaille”, walk 64
leads to the Gilquin Rock “Roche Gilquin”, and walk 65
leads to the viewpoint of the Three Arms “Trois Bras”.
- To the west - the walk of the “Crêtes de Frahan” (walk
66) runs by the “Croisettes”, a small café-restaurant in
which the owner also holds a painting gallery.
Poupehan is surrounded, on the left bank of the Semois,
by communal forests which has been classified as a wilderness area.
A barbecue-shelter can also be found beside the road of
Rochehaut, at the mouth of the forestry track called the
beautiful lane “La belle allée”.
Frahan and Laviot were two sectors dependent upon the
old commune of Rochehaut before the unification of the
communes in 1977.
Frahan has a neo-classical church dating back to 1843
and devoted to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Its
façade is crowned by a triangular pediment and the
small steeple has a square base capped with an octagonal onion dome holding a cross and which is lit up at
Next to the church stands an interesting listed farm, typical of the old XVIII century “Ardennais” style, with the
porch roof used to protect the fire-wood from bad weather.
Frahan is renowned for its walk of the “Crêtes de
Frahan”, where history, archaeology, myths and the geological landscape are all intertwined. Travelling from
north to south, the rocks of Frahan hold, in chronological
order, a cave or grotto known as the “Gragnette”, then
the Flat Rock “Plate Roche”, the Round Rock “Ronde
Roche”, the Hole Perpète “Trou Perpète”, the rocks of
the four Aymon sons “Rochers des quatre fils Aymon”,
the ruins of the castle of “Montagrut” (XI century), a dolmen formation and a guard’s house cut into the stone.
Besides the 1926 footbridge, the Children’s Farm “Ferme
pour Enfants” makes available its animals as well as a
horse stable.
Rochehaut could rivalise with Vresse for the title of
“village of Art”, possessing three painting galleries: the
“La Potèle”, opposite the “An 1600” hotel-restaurant,
the “La Fontinelle”, on the “rue des Moissons” and the
Gallery of “Les Croisettes”.
Rochehaut,viewpoint on Frahan
Rochehaut is, of course, famous for its views across
Frahan, which are made even more attractive by the
300m. long walk protected by a metal railing. This is a
particularly popular launch pad for amateurs of hand-gliding.
The village is also known for its Farm Inn “Auberge de la
Ferme”, which organises group seminars, a small tourist
train giving guided tours of the animal park “Entre Ferme
et Forêt”, and the centre explaining the various agricultural machinery used by farmers.
Rochehaut holds a unique pathway known as the “Les
Echelles”. It runs via the “Falloises”, which give access
to dizzying drops, not recommended for anyone scared of
heights and strictly prohibited for horses and mountainbikes.
Rochehaut is also an old slate quarrying village, especially at “Les Corbeaux”, from the summit of which a pretty viewpoint overlooks Rochehaut, Frahan and the northern bow of the river. The viewpoint opposite, at
“Vannes”, is prettiest in the morning.
Laviot is an extensive floodplain that has been developed
into a series of campsites in order to replace the tobacco
plantations. An old manor, located by the riverside with
a courtyard, also possesses, a small tower built to prevent the forming of ice blocks as it melted and broke up
in the springtime, located right next to the Semois.
Tombeau du Géant
These villages are grouped under the tourist office of the
Tomb of the Giant “Tombeau du Géant”, the local subdivision of the tourist office of Bouillon.
CURFOZ is the linear village travelled through by tourists
on their way to see the gazebo of Bouillon. Some stop to
see the chapel Saint Léger, sheltered beneath a centuryold lime tree. The building was commissioned in 1711 by
Marie Guillaume, the donor of the site. Her tombstone
faces the monument. Also of interest is, at the apse of the
building, an oculus (circular opening) with railings, fitted
into a rectangular wooden frame.
In the plain of Curfoz on the 19th May 1794 enfolded the
battle of Curfoz, in which the Austrians drove away and
forced to flee the one thousand two hundred French revolutionaries who had occupied the camp of “Montagnards”
at Bellevaux for the previous six months and who had
pillaged the churches and farms of the neighbouring villages.
BRIAHAN has an isolated wash house in one of its meadows.
Its roofing has been aesthetically enhanced and restored.
SENSENRUTH was once Bouillon’s parish church devoted
to Saint Lambert and served by the monks of Saint Hubert.
The listed sanctuary is extremely old, containing a baptismal font from the XII century, a statuette built into the left
wall also from the XII century, a polychrome stained glass
window from the XVI century, portraying Christ on the
cross and a sun-dial located in the south-west corner of
the church.
The Road of the Dead “Voie des Morts” was the path linking Bouillon to Sensenruth, used by funeral processions in
order to give the dead a Christian burial.
Sensenruth was, under the old regime, one of the four
parishes of Bouillon, alongside Paliseul, Fays-les-Veneurs
and Jéhonville.
Since Curfoz had its mill by the Semois, called “le Moulin
de l’Epine”, Sensenruth also possessed its own at
Bovomoulin, at the top of the “Grand” stream.
Downstream stood the hemp mill (no longer in existence),
near to the path of the postman, leading to Botassart.
The “Hasses” of Curfoz and the woodland of Bichetour,
making up a section of the “seven forests of the
Ardenne”, were owned by the family of the counts of
Ardenne-Verdun, who were Godfrey of Bouillon’s ancestors.
The plateau of Sensenruth is presently developing a large
commercial zone along the “nationale” 89 road, which is
the dual carriageway linking Liège and Saint Hubert to
Sedan, Rheims and Paris.
Ucimont is an agricultural and forestry village that has successfully converted to tourism through the development of
hotels, restaurants and rural tourism.
These two agricultural and forestry villages have also turned to the development of rural tourism and holiday
homes. Two paths begin at Vivy’s Saint Nicolas Church:
From the church Saint Nicolas, in the village centre, enjoyable walks lead to the mill and stream of Liresse, to the
stream of Nusseaux or the “Chateau le Duc”. This old fortification, dating back to the Carolingian times, was built to the
west of the plateau of Menuchenet on a spur naturally protected by the steep mountainside. To the east, the wall,
book-ended on both sides by a tower, was preceded by two
steep earth embankments with stockades and separated by
a deep trench. Within the enclosure, the water-tank has been
restored and the view from the courtyard across the valley is
particularly attractive.
a) Walk 96 in the direction of the mill and chateau of
The mill boasts an exceptional layout of buildings in a Ushape, opening onto a courtyard of which the south-eastern side borders upon the stream of Liresse, where once
stood the ford of the road from Cornimont to Bouillon.
The owners are well-known for their tasty ice-creams.
Botassart is famous for its sublime “Tombeau du Géant”
viewpoint. This is a fabulous site of myths and tales, which
has benefited immensely from the European project Life. Life
has financed for the site, ensured the removal of the spruce
from the floodplain and overseen the gradual re-birth of
leafy vegetation in the communal, wooded slopes which
have been classified as wilderness zones and identified as so
by the Royal Commission for Monuments, Sites and
Excavations “Commission Royale des Monuments, Sites et
A track which has been turned into a sort of museum depicting forestry jobs and work leads on to the viewpoint of the
rock “ Rocher des Gattes” and, from there, to the fossilised
channels of the Lyru, an old tributary to the “Grand
Ruisseau” but now dried-up supposedly due to the capture
of Saint Austreberthe. The walk ends at Châteaumont which
established as a fief in the XVII century.
The site is historically linked to the Germanic invasions
which, throughout the centuries, in the push westwards (the
famous “Drang nach Westen”), used the ford at Germauwez
which opens up onto Corbion and France.
A little upstream from the ford, the ponds of Germauwez and
Grande Prairie, once fed by the “Grand Ruisseau” stream,
are rented out to cub scouts in July and August and complete the walk that terminates at the mill “Moulin du Rivage”
(listed). The stream also supplied the Neumoulin mill upstream, now just a ruin.
Downstream a track leads to the “Trou Jean Lecomte” hole,
a geological accident that resulted in the creation of a cave
associated with the legend of the white wolf.
For a long time the ford was protected by a fortress of
which the keep’s foundations, built in herring-bone style,
are typical of the Gallo-Roman era. In the XI century, the
site’s tithe payments were made out to the abbey of St
Hubert. The keep, of 26 m./13 m., has a well of a depth
of 13 m. the site of the legend of the golden goat which
was buried here and known as the “Gatte d’Or”. To the
south of the castle walls, the Notre Dame de Liresse chapel, above the mill, is a small rectangular building from
the XIX century, finished with a semi-circular apse and
without a small steeple.
B) Walk 98 towards the mill “Moulin de Mitauge” and
the Chapel of Oizy, on the commune of Bièvre, in the province of Namur.
The chapel of Oizy, sheltered by two remarkable lime
trees, is an old chapel where the stillborn children used
to be taken on pilgrimage in order to immediately be
baptised should they show any sign of life.
Mogimont has an 1875 neo-gothic church devoted to
Saints Peter and Paul. This church is tied to the legend
involving Godfrey of Bouillon’s hunt in the forest of
Menuchenet, near to the “Chateau le Duc”.
In the “Jumais”, one of the “seven forests of the
Ardenne”, along the path of Baillamont, the Yves Woirin
barbecue-shelter has been erected, named after a former
forest ranger.
Vivy and Mogimont
Ducal town
Scale :
11296 ha
Whilst travelling through Naomé on the road to Opont, it
passes by the old mill of Naomé, now a ruin and, after
the church, where the house on the right has replaced
the old chateau of the Lardenois de Ville (burnt down on
the 17th August 1793 during the revolution) we come to
the Baijot house. On its façade there is set a small stone
known as the magic square of Naomé, or the “Sator”
square, based upon the Latin inscription which is, reputedly, one of the wonders of Christian Hermetism from
the early centuries AD.
The recently redeveloped small lake of Pichou, on the
borders of the communes of Bouillon and Paliseul over a
surface area of 5 ha 70, between Mogimont and
Nollevaux, is particularly striking at sunrise. The early
light shines across the lake onto the menhir-like stones
situated in groups of three. The site is reminiscent of the
32 lithic Celtic site of Stonehenge, which delivers a solar
message at every winter solstice. This small, privately
owned lake can only be visited with permission. It is a
fabulous haven for all kinds of water birds, from herons
to ospreys.
CARLSBOURG is the new name for Saussure since
Charles-Godfrey de la Tour d’Auvergne, duke of Bouillon,
acquired the site’s chateau, on the 24th February 1756.
In the XIX century it became the Saint Joseph College, run
by the monks of the Christian schools. The building has
kept a monumental oak stairway and the walls hold the
coats of arms of various families through which the building has passed, including the Mérode, Rougrave,
Lamock, d’Elbecq and lastly the Tour d’Auvergne, whose
coat of arms has inspired the commune of Paliseul’s.
Mansion of Carlsbourg
Church of Opont
OPONT is the village which marks the source of the Our and also
possesses a magnificent set of oak trees owned by the Collard
family. Its church, devoted to Saint Remacle, is a listed historic site
and deserves to be seen. The building, constructed at the end of
the XVII century and beginning of the XVIII, is single-nave over
two architectural spans, composed of rough sandstone, with a
three sided apse. The slate-grey bell tower is square with an
octagonal steeple, with two sides and the entrance is sheltered
by a porch with an arched gate. The altars from the XVIII century are made of wood, partially marbled and with gold decoration. The statue of Saint Remacle is polychrome and sculpted
from wood from the XVII century. The baptismal fonts hold coats
of arms believed to be from the XV century.
Bridge over the Our
In the hamlet of BETH, besides the pond bordered by the
wall to the old seigneury of the Abbyes, stands the imposing “chateau Joris”. It almost appears to guard the path
to the bridge of Beth, which crosses the Our towards the
“Rond Chenet” and the “Bois à Ban” woods and from
there a path will take you to the “Rochette”.
The chateau of the “Abbyes” was once the property of
the abbeys of Stavelot and Saint Hubert. It can be found
mentioned in sources from as far back as the XIII century, since the seigneury was exempt from the law of
Beaumont in 1267. The property has passed through
several seigniorial families over time, until it was sold by
the count of Gourcy to the nuns of the Visitation in 1874.
The chateau was first converted into a monastery and
then into a ladies’ boarding school. In August 1914 the
village was spared from burning thanks to the senior-sister’s German origins and the monastery was converted
into a hospital. In May 1940, one of the German general
staff supposedly resided in it. Of the old feudal manor
only the two XVII century towers, one circular and the
other square to the sides of the newer central building, remain. The outbuildings are dominated by
the tower – the portal dating from 1777 and
supporting the pigeon house. A stone
wall encircles the property which, to
the west, possesses a fantastic
The small village of OUR, hemmed in by the river, has
preserved its old, low, sandstone houses. Access can be
gained to the village over two bridges, one in the centre
and the other to the north of the village. Both are built with
rough schistose sandstone, with three arches and parapets
of dressed-stone in a half-moon shape. The church devoted
to Saint Laurent was for many years a pilgrimage site
dating back to the Middle Ages, where people suffering
from burns where brought. This delightful building is listed
as a historic site. The single nave edifice has three architectural spans, rebuilt in 1820, following a fire. The tower has
four floors: a square base with a straight octagonal floor
from which rises an octagonal, coned steeple. To the north
three sturdy buttresses support the wall. Many artists have
gone out of their way to come and paint this charming
The restaurant of Clairval, owned by Mr Deuxan, is a friendly place where the owner’s good humour and welcoming
laugh will instantly put you at your ease. Following the Our
further downstream, we reach the old mill of Our, which
has been remarkably well restored by Mr Piron. Above this,
the path runs past the rock of Minguet “roche Minguet”
and then on to the confluent of the Our and the Lesse, at
the bridge of the Cochettes and at the Rock of the Horses
“Roche aux Chevaux”. On the right bank can be seen the 33
“Ban de Feuilly”, a medieval seigneury in which the
remains of the chateau can be found in the wood of the
“Roly d’Our”.
Outhouse of the mansion “les Abbyes”
PALISEUL is visible from quite a distance due to its imposing church Saint Eutrope and large steeple. The Paul
Verlaine cultural committee organises many conferences
and exhibitions. The chapel Saint Roch, dating from 1636
– year of the plague – is a listed historic building and is
sheltered amongst the two century-old ash trees. The
building is single-nave with a length of two architectural
spans, completed by a three-sided apse and is also equipped with a rectangular base with a steeple and octagonal
drum on square drains. The renovation work (1987) was
carried out by the architect Thierry Lanotte, originally from
the village. The stained glass windows are the work of J.M. Van Espen. The “Gastronome”, the prestigious
Michelin starred restaurant, is very much at the forefront
of gastronomy in Paliseul.
MAISSIN is a charming tourist village overlooking the
Lesse with, at its centre, the church Saint Hadelin. Burnt
down in 1914, it still holds the Pierre Massé military
cemetery, of which the small Breton monument bearing
Christ on the crucifix was donated by the village of
Tréhou. To the north, the Marie-Thérèse bridge, from the
XVIII century, marks the half-way point between Maissin
and Villance, on the old Transinne road. It is a remarkable listed slate construction, consisting of four unequal
34 arches whilst the parapet is composed of dressed stones
shaped in half-moons. The widening of the entrances
enabled herd drivers to direct the animals across
the bridge with greater ease. On the upstream
side of the bridge, the three columns between the arches are pointed so as to
direct water towards the four
openings. To the east of
Maissin, the bridge of
Justice, made of
possesses two arches united by a pointed column on
both sides.
The parapet was completed with slate dressed stone, cut
in half-moon shapes. Both entrances have been enlarged. Upstream from the bridge, at Villance, on the right
bank, the Lesse used to power the old mill “moulin
Copine”. At the “Wez” of Bouillon there stands a long
wooden walkway to cross over the river at the Rock of
the Devil “Pierre du Diable”. To the north-east of
Paliseul, FRAMONT has maintained its agricultural origins around its church Saint Joseph.
The villages of NOLLEVAUX and PLAINEVAUX are
located at the source of the stream of “Pont le
Prêtre”, on the plateau bordering the
Semois river basin. Both villages once
possessed mills and, further
downstream also to also be
situated the mills “Pont le
Prêtre”, “des Côtes”,
“Tcherpatray” and
“La Cornette”.
Chapel Saint Roch
La Lesse ardennaise
OFFAGNE and FAYS-LES-VENEURS were built on marshy lands which were drained. The etymology of their
names comes from the word “fagne”, in Latin (sphagnum) or in medieval German (vennen). The stream of
Fays-les-Veneurs joins up with the stream of Aleines
before reaching La Cornette, flowing past the old slate
quarry of “Rougebeau”. Along the stream of the “Pont
du Prêtre” there also once stood the slate quarry of
“Péreux” and, by the stream “Ruisseau des Aleines”,
stood the slate quarries of Sainte Adèle and of “Séhans”.
Nature and Tourism
Several marked and maintained walks give access to the
forested massifs of “Péreux”, to the “Bois à Boule” woods,
to the “Bois à Ban” woods and to the “Côte de Châtillon”.
Nine mountain bike tracks are also marked out on the back
of the footpath map and Paliseul’s tourism infrastructure is
clearly marked. More paths spring to mind, such as the educational path of the drive “Virée de Grosse” in the “Bois du
Defoy” woods, or the health/obstacle course at “Mont le
Bourg” and in the “Bois de la Mohy” woods. And this is
without forgetting the numerous surveyed and quite remarkable trees, especially the N.D. oak tree of Fatima, located
in the hamlet of Launoy. The hamlet is also well known for
its ponds and especially the pond of ducks “Etang des
Canes”. The wood of Defoy holds five splendid “Douglas”
trees and four impressive fir trees from the Vosges (on the
“Route du Bois”).
Scale :
Nature and history are the two major
pull factors enticing tourists to come to
the county of Bouillon. The numerous
museums and attractions are the perfect means for those interested in history and heritage to discover a whole different side of our past.
Vi gurnis supprimé au profit d’autres
photos au coeur de l’ardoise ou au
profit de photos génériques?
Au Cœur de l'Ardoise
Rue du Babinay 1
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.45.21
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/41.45.54
Situated 25 m. underground, come and discover all there is to know about slate quarrying. Open from: 1st April to 30th
September from 10h to 17h. Closed
Mondays except on national holidays.
Bouillon Wild-Life Park
Parc animalier de Bouillon
Chemin de Chantereine
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.71.52
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.71.53
Since opening in 1989, the Bouillon wild-life park has
grown in leaps and bounds, broadening its collection of
animals from other countries and continents as well as
local fauna. The park is now a registered zoological park.
Over the 2 km walk you will discover sixty or so different
species (buffalo, lynxes, deer, wolves, birds of prey and
so on). There is also a playing-field for children up to 12
years old. There is a café and restaurant seating 200. A
large car park for cars and coaches.
Open: everyday from 9h30 till 17h in winter and till 19h
in summer.
La Ferme des Fées
(Farm of the Fairies)
Mont de Zatrou 1
B- 6830 Les Hayons
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.89.17
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.89.17
Dressed in 19th century attire, the models on a scale of
1:4 portray the daily lives of the Ardennais (farmers, basket-carriers, stick-carriers, parish priest, and so on).
Occasionally some of these models come to life showing
us how the potters and woodcutters used to work.
However, we can also find the characters from the old
Ardenne legends such as the fairies, the witches and the
Special shows are available for groups upon reservation.
Open: everyday (weekends and bank holidays inclusive)
from 10h to 12h30 and from 13h30 to 18h. Closed on
Tuesdays in July and August, and on Tuesday and
Wednesday for the rest of the year.
La Ferme pour Enfants (The Children’s Farm)
The Castle of Bouillon
Rue de la Passerelle 26
B-6830 Frahan (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.76.46
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.40.72
Come along with your family to pet the goats, ponies,
lamas, rabbits, and so on.
Open: during all school holidays and on weekends from
Esplanade Godefroy, 1
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.62.57
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.42.12
This is the oldest and most interesting feudal building in
Belgium. The first fortifications can be traced back to the
VIII century. The nocturnal torch-lit tours of the chateau are
particularly impressive (booking needed).
There are documented displays on birds of prey all year
round and shows from 1st March to 11th November, as
well as on weekends and during school holidays at 11h30,
14h and 15h30 (at 17h on weekends and bank holidays
from the 01/04 to the 30/09, and daily throughout July
and August).
Available on request for groups: a two hour long money
hunt for children aged 4 to 12 years old (guide required).
Combined tickets: - Chateau – Ducal Museum (Musée Ducal)
- Archéoscope – Chateau – Ducal Museum
Animals are not permitted.
- January – February – December: weekdays from 13h to
17h, weekend from 10h to 17h
- March – October – November: from 10h to 17h
- April – May – June – September: weekdays from 10h to
18h, weekend from 10h to 18h30
- July – August: from 10h to 18h30 everyday, nocturnal
visits at 22h (except Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)
The castle of Bouillon is also open everyday during the
Christmas holidays and the Carnaval, from 10h to 17h,
except on the 25th December and 1st January.
La Toque des Arsouilles
Laviot 27
B-6830 Laviot (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/50.06.96
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/50.06.96
This miniature fort is designed to give children direct
contact with the animals. Pony rides are available (on
Tourist Train
and Rochehaut Wild-Life Park
Rue de la Cense 4
B-6830 Rochehaut (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.10.00
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.10.01
The little train departs from in front of the Taverne de la
Fermette. The ride enables passengers to discover the
village and see the Ardenne animals.
Open: one departure per hour on weekends and during
school holidays. Also available for groups on booking.
Archeoscope Godefroid de Bouillon
Quai des Saulx 14
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.83.03
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.87.58
A fascinating show retracing the steps of the Crusades!
The most up to date audiovisual technology, incredible
images and special effects, captivating music and voices… The Archeoscope Godefroid de Bouillon has combined technology and staging to recreate the First Crusade
as experienced by the Duke of Bouillon, Peter the Hermit
and the thousands of other men on their way to
Combined ticket: Archeoscope – Chateau – Ducal Museum
(Musée Ducal)
Open: January – Closed
February and December: everyday (except Monday) from
13h to 16h weekdays and from 10h to 16h weekend
March and April: everyday 10h to 16h
May – June – September: everyday 10h to 17h
July – August: everyday 10h to 18h
October – November: everyday except Monday, 10h to 16h.
Bouillon Tourist Trains
Rue de Laitte 12
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.70.04
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.70.04
This is your chance to discover the town and its heights. Guided tours last
40 minutes.
Open: every weekend from Easter to 11th November and every day in
July and August.
Ducal Museum (Musée Ducal)
Rue du Petit 1-3
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.41.89
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.41.99
A museum of art, history, folklore, myths and various
techniques. A wide variety of interesting collections exhibited in a building representative of XVIII century architecture.
Combined tickets: - Chateau – Ducal Museum
- Archeoscope – Chateau – Ducal Museum
Open: from Easter to 15th November inclusive and during
school holidays: everyday from 10h to 18h (10h to 17h
in October-November). Groups can visit the museum all
year round upon booking.
Tobacco Museum at Corbion (Musée du Tabac à Corbion)
Rue du Tambour 10
B-6838 Corbion (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.81.29
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.64.68
A fine collection of pipes and tobacco artefacts and another way to learn about its origins and history.
A Semois tobacco workshop using traditional methods and also producing filters.
Shop: March to October 9h to 11h30 and 14h to 17h30.
Closed Tuesday and Sunday morning.
Free museums
Museum of Old Arts and Crafts
Museum of the Washerwoman
Ucimont (Bouillon)
Ucimont (Bouillon)
In this old washhouse life-sized models re-enact the
daily tasks of villagers from the old days.
Museum of the Botassart Forest
Botassart (Bouillon)
Museum of Local religious beliefs
Mogimont (Bouillon)
GSM ou Cell
Sports and outdoor activities are in abundance for
both short and longer-stay
visitors. Hiking, walking,
horse riding, mountainbiking, kayaking, pedalboats, swimming and
go-carting are just some of
the many activities on offer.
Horse riding
on barouche
Ride on
de de
61 53(0)
30 61/53.30.
78 et +32 474 68
: +32
7841 24
42 Tel: +32
villages – All year
et +32 (0)
woods, except
All year
and from
to and
in March
on Saturday
April and from
to December:
only on Saturday or Sunday.
Adventure/Obstacle Paths
Challenger Concept
Rue du
du Babinay,
Babinay, 11 bb
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. :: ++ 32
32 (0)
(0) 61/41.57.86
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/41.57.89
in the
in trees
the (rope
trees bridge,
zip swing,
line of 180
including course
abseim., etc) A course
course, etc.obstacle
itineetc. ‘Journée nature’ (a day dedicarary
ted to a single nature itinerary in the
to a commando’
nature itinerary
(a with
and obstacles),
to a nature
in a obstacles),
4 wheel-drive ‘Journée
or on a
moteur’ (a“All
in for
a 4company
wheeland school groups available upon request.
Quad biking available with a monitor.
drive or on a quad-bike). “All In”
Challenger Concept
options Aventure
for company and school
Rue du Babinay, 1 b
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.57.86
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/41.57.89
upon 26
request. Quad
de available
la Passerelle,
with a monitor.
: + 32Aventure
(0) 61/46.40.74
: + 32 (0) 61/46.40.72
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.40.74
Fax : +climbing
32 (0) 61/46.40.72
(with special
climbing, abseiling, adventure
archery, crossbow firing…
Rock climbing
(with special
and equipment), climbing,
KRAFT (big
tyre inner-tube)
the archery,
Semois river,
Semois Aventure.
Open on
activities. KRAFT (big tyre inner-tube)
on the Semois river, exclusive
to Semois Aventure.
BikingOpen on booking.
Moutain bike
Centre les Glaieuls
de bike
B-6852 Opont (Paliseul)
: + 32de(0)Beth,
: + 32
(0) 61/53.53.42
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.32.91
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/53.53.42
Rue de Gurhaumont, 28
Pro Cycle
Jéhonville (Bertrix)
Rue :+
(0) 61/53.40.07
+ 32
(0) 498/24.18.37
Tel. :+ 32 (0)
bike rental
on booking. 498/24.18.37
Year-round mountain bike rental
on booking.
Texte modifié
Emplacement vide au
de quelle
Rue du Babinay,
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.57.86
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/41.57.89
Rental on booking for 5 to 10 people.
Pedal-boats Semois Kayaks
Jocquée, Concept
Rue du Bouillon
Babinay, 1 b
: + 32
(0) 61/46.78.07
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.88.57
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/41.57.89
and excitement for all!
Rental on booking for 5 to 10 people.
Petit Baigneur
de laBouillon
Voie Jocquée, 115
:+ 32Bouillon
Tel. :+32
+ 32(0)474/78.73.19
(0) 61/46.78.07
small motor-boat
Fax : + 32 (0)
and excitement for all!
Quai des Saulx
Tel. :+ 32 (0) 61/46.91.24
Le Petit
+ 32 (0)
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. :+ 32 (0)70/38.12.54
+ 32 (0)474/78.73.19
Pedal-boat and small motor-boat
rental available.
Les Epinoches
Quai des Saulx
de France, 29
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. :+
:+ 32
32 (0)
(0) 61/25.68.78
32 (0)473/29.58.28
(0) 477/19.90.10
++ 32
: + 32 (0) 61/25.68.88
and haveSemois
fun on Kayaks
the water surQuai des by
de France)
B- 6830 Bouillon
between Cugnon, Dohan
Tél. Bouillon.
: +32 475 24 74 23
Fax : +32 61 46 63 48
de Libehan, 6
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 475/24.74.23
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.63.48
Kayaking gives you access to some of
the most scenic spots of the Lower
Semois; places your car cannot take you.
Transport is free. Booking preferable.
Quai des Saulx (Pont de France)
B6830 Bouillon
Tél. : +32 475 24 74 23
Les :Epinoches
+32 61 46 63 48
de France, 29
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. :+ 32:
(0) 61/25.68.78
+ 32 (0)473/29.58.28
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/25.68.88
Come and have fun on the water surrounded by the beautiful Semois
countryside between Cugnon, Dohan
and Bouillon.
Semois Kayaks
Rue de Libehan, 6
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 475/24.74.23
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.63.48
Kayaking gives you access to some of
the most scenic spots of the Lower
Semois; places your car cannot take you.
Transport is free. Booking preferable.
Swimming Pools
Air Sports
The Walks
Sports Centre
Les Sabots de Godefroy
Avenue A. Tagnon, 1
B-6850 Carlsbourg (Paliseul)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.01.07
Rue de la Gare, 214
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.15.76
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/41.15.76
Paragliding, gliding, hang-gliding,
motorised hand-gliding. Training
courses and maiden flights (gliders)
available. Other activities: climbing,
abseiling, death ride, mountain
biking, adventure paths and so on.
Moulin de la Falize
Mongimont Microlight Airfield
Rue du Culot
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.25.11
Institut Saint Joseph
Vieille Route de France, 62
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.62.00
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.72.75
Cross-Country skiing
Ski de fond
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.43.92
+ 32 (0)497/81.73.04
The Maugires
Equipment rental available on site.
Length of the tracks: 4 – 6 – 8 km.
Altitude: 400 m.
Climbing Wall
Centre Sportif de Bertrix
Rue du Culot
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.25.11
B-6833 Mogimont (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.88.02
The Mongimont microlight airfield
allows you to see every one of the
Semois River’s meanders and the
beauty of the countryside, all from
inside of a microlight.
Rue des Bastions, 3 bte 9
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0)473/46.11.80
Walking club affiliated with the
Belgian francophone federation of
popular walks (Féderation francophone
belge de Marche populaire).
Paysages et Saveurs
(Countryside and Flavours)
Guided Nature Walks
Rue du Château-le-Duc, 23
B-6833 Ucimont (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.00.76
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.00.86
Stroll through the green forests of
the Semois! Notice how calm it is.
Those who enjoy fun excursions into
the forest will find dozens of enchanting sites. Let your eyes take in the
wonderful panorama on offer from
the many viewpoints.
Try imagining the myths, such as that
of the Fairy Mélusine at the Chateaule-Duc and the witch Tchalette at
Mogimont. If you have an interest in
architectural heritage there are
relicts, monuments and old
buildings brimming with secrets await you. Passionate
about nature, Thierry
de Lannois will take
you on a journey
through the wonderful
countryside. On every
walk nature shows off the
wonders of which only it
knows the secrets.
Cap Nature
Tel. :+ 32 (0) 61/51.25.17
+ 32 (0)479/48.14.46
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/51.25.17
Nature walks and guided excursions.
Combinations: mountain-biking, kayaking, walks.
Group activities available.
Mountain-bike rental.
Open all year, 7 days a week.
Challenger Concept
Rue du Babinay, 1 b
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.57.86
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/41.57.89
Nature walks and guided excursions.
Le Pays des Castors
Rue de la Victoire, 33
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 498/04.30.68
Guided excursions aimed at exploring the lives of beavers.
City Promenade (Musée Ducal
– Ducal Museum)
Rue du Petit, 1-3
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.41.89
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.41.99
In July and August come and discover
Bouillon’s heritage through guided tours
of the historic centre of the old ducal city.
Also available during the off-season on
booking for groups.
Map of the paths of Greater
A map containing over 80 marked
footpaths and mountain-bike tracks ;
encompasses all of Bouillon, Corbion,
Dohan, Poupehan, Rochehaut and
Botassart. To see: the fabulous viewpoints overlooking the Semois, the
tobacco drying area, the beautiful
Distances : 1,5 to 25 km
Scale : 1/25.000
Languages : French and Dutch
Price : 7,00 € (+ postal costs)
Map of paths
A map containing 31 footpaths and 9
mountain-bike tracks, all clearly signposted. To see: the wooded countryside, the Marie-Thérèse bridge at
Maissin, the Paul Verlaine passageway at Paliseul, the villages of the
Ardenne, the 1914-1918 battlegrounds and remains.
Distances : 3,5 to 14 km (footpaths),
10 to 42 km (mountain-bike tracks)
Scale: 1/25.000
Languages: French and Dutch
Price : 7 € (+ postal cost)
Map of paths
A map containing 36 marked footpaths and 6 mountain-bike tracks.
To see: the wooded countryside, the
viewpoints overlooking the Semois,
the Saint-Remacle Grotto, the site of
the Trinchis, the Castle of the
Distances : 4 to 16 km for walkers
and mountain-bikers.
Scale : 1/25.000
LLanguages: French and Dutch
Price : 7,00 € (+ postal cost)
The Tourist’s Map
Tourist’s road map encompassing the
regions of Bertrix, Bouillon, Paliseul,
Vresse, Florenville, Virton, Sedan,
Mouzon, etc. demarking many interest spots.
To see: 35 Belgian sites and 48
French sites (viewpoints, castles,
Scale : 1/50.000
Languages: French and Dutch
Price : 7,00 € (+ postal costs)
These maps are also available at the
Tourist Office (Maison du Tourisme)
and in the tourist offices of the
County of Bouillon (Pays de
Place an order via our email address
(Map of paths of Bertrix –
Depart from Cugnon.
Distance: 5 km
«The Grotto Saint-Remacle»
The grotto Saint-Remacle, restored in
1936, stands as a reminder to the
historic visit of St-Remacle in 644,
following the king of Austrasia’s,
Sigebert III, gift to the bishop of Trier.
It is a privileged site, on the crest of
the hill, overlooking the Semois.
«Path of the viewpoints
of l’Epine»
(Map of paths of Greater Bouillon)
Depart from the bridge of Cordemois at
Bouillon – Distance: 8 km
Signposting: red diamond-shaped on
white background with the number 15
Depart from the bridge of Cordemois.
Continue along the Semois riverside
and pass in front of the abbey of
Clairefontaine. The lime tree to your
right is over 300 years old (5 m. 45
in circumference). Follow the small
road running alongside the Semois.
You will pass by a peduncled oak
tree of several hundred years (Chêne
de l’Epine) with a circumference of
over 4 m. 50. There is a barbecueshelter opposite if you wish to take a
You will then arrive at the mill of
l’Epine, a flour mill built in the XIX
century on the old commune of
Sensenruth, used up until the First
World War. A little further along you
can take in the scenery from the two
viewpoints looking onto the mill of
l’Epine and the abbey of Cordemois.
Follow the path to the recently renovated gazebo. From the top of this
you will have a unique view over the
bow of Bouillon and the town’s rock.
The fortress dates back to the IX century and took its present shape
under the military architect, Vauban.
The path then descends the côte
d’Auclin slope, a real “museum of
the forest” containing gigantic trees.
You will pass another viewpoint
overlooking the Semois before eventually arriving back at your starting
Bridge Marie-Thérèse
«The oak tree drive»
(Map of paths of Paliseul)
Depart from the church of Maissin.
Distance: 9.8 km
Signposting: red diamond-shaped
The bridge of Marie-Thérése crosses
the Lesse river between Maissin and
Villance and is composed of four
arches made of schist stone. It was
most probably built in the XVI century. The walk running alongside the
Lesse, on the left bank, is entirely
wooded, peaceful and charming, and
you can hear lapping of the water
and the singing of the birds.
A fishing license is obligatory. It can
be obtained in post offices (La Poste)
throughout all the Walloon region. It
is for your use only and valid for the
year purchased in.
Also sold online at :
Tennis Club Bouillon (4 courts)
The hill, divided into sections corresponding to the original habitat
of those trees, was planted with
about eighty-four exotic species.
Bastion de Bourgogne
6830 Bouillon
Tel. :+ 32 (0) 61/46.67.80
+ 32 (0) 61/46.82.51
Path with educational qualities.
A 2 km long track revealing the different regional tree types.
Tennis-Club (3 courts)
Health/Fitness Paths
Rue de la Station, 1
6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.48.47
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/53.48.47
T.C.B.B. (6 courts)
Rue Fontaine Ennet
6880 Bertrix
Tel. :+ 32 (0) 61/41.37.67
+ 32 (0) 476/66.65.16
Fax. :+ 32 (0) 61/41.37.67
Visitors can discover, spread over a
total area of 4 ha 70 a, no less
than 78 types of trees, of which 46
are coniferous, originating from
temperate Europe, North America
and South East Asia. It is for these
reasons that the arboretum of
Bertrix is one of the best rated in
Belgium on the dendrochronological front.
There are many very beautiful
trees to see, including Douglas fir
trees, sequoias, red beech,
Vancouver pine trees, Japanese
larch, and so on. The trees planted
between 1904 and 1906 come
from North America and Asia.
Mont le Bourg
la Mohy
Sports Centres
Bertrix sports centre
Rue du Culot
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.25.11
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/23.45.21
Bouillon sports hall
Route de Paliseul, 20
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.78.60
Few regions can boast so many restaurants, both in
number and quality, striving to give the holidaymakers
an unparalleled taste of the local specialities…
Commune of Bertrix
Hôtel des Roches
Place Chanoine Pierlot, 7
Great tastes often go hand in hand with a rustic setting, B-6880 Cugnon
and both are fitting of the county’s history.
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.21.62
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/41.58.98
+ 10 bedrooms
Cuisine: French
Specialities: game in season, local
specialities menus
Le Péché Mignon
Rue de Burhaimont, 69a
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.47.17
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/41.47.17
Cuisine: French
Specialities: fish, meat, lamb, game,
gastronomic meals
Le Midi
Place des Trois Fers, 18
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.54.22
Cuisine: regional
Speciality: Ardennaise trout
Hôtel du Commerce
Place des Trois Fers, 32
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.23.49
Cuisine: traditional
Specialities: scampi,
calf’s sweetbread, house salmon
Rue de Palichamps 3 B
B-6880 Bertrix
Tél : +32 61 46 80 44
Fax : +32 61 58 70 12
180 places
Le Queen
Place des Trois Fers, 6-7
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/68.96.25
Cuisine: Oriental
Specialities: couscous, tajines
Serving from 11 h to 23 h
Bella Italia
Rue de la Gare, 61
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.54.12
Cuisine: Italian
Specialities: regional dishes, meat, grill
La Chine Impériale
Rue de la Gare, 174
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.23.84
Cuisine: Chinese
Specialities: duck, shellfish
Le Galopant
Place des Trois Fers, 31
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.14.96
Cuisine: French
Specialities: meat, muscles
Four et Fourchette
Rue de la Gare, 103
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.66.90
Cuisine: French
Specialities: meat, lobster, foie gras,
gastronomy, shellfish
Le Saint-Clair
Rue de la Gare, 39
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.46.51
Cuisine: Belgian, French
Specialities: vegetarian, fish, meat,
Commune of Bouillon
Auberge d'Alsace
Faubourg de France, 3
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.60.68
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.83.21
+ 30 bedrooms
Cuisine: regional, Alsascien menus,
Specialities: Cut and diced magret de
canard (duck), armagnac flambé and
white grapes with orange peel.
Bank cards accepted: Eurocard, Visa,
Diners, Bancontact, American Express
Open: every day from the 30/04 to
the 30/09.
Closed weekly on Monday evenings
and Tuesdays from the 01/10 or the
29/04, depending on bookings.
Rue Au-Dessus de la Ville, 23
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.04.62
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.80.74
+ 11 bedrooms
Cuisine: regional, traditional, medieval, French
Specialities: exclusive to Cosy: the
menu Godefroid (Godfrey) lets you
relive the Crusades through a journey
marked with a thousand flavours on
the spice routes discovered by
Godfrey of Bouillon in 1096.
Grilled beef cutlets and the baby
wild-boar stew.
Bank cards accepted: Visa and
Closed: Monday and Tuesday except
on bank holidays and during school
La Porte de France
Porte de France, 1
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.62.66
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.89.15
+ 29 bedrooms
La Brocherie
Rue des Hautes Voies, 2/4
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.63.20
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.83.17
+ 18 bedrooms
Cuisine: French
Specialities: regional dishes, gastronomy, meats, fish, game roasted in
front of the client
Hostellerie du Cerf
Route de Florenville
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.70.11
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.83.14
+ 13 bedrooms
La Ferronnière
Voie Jocquée, 44
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/23.07.50
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.43.18
+ 6 bedrooms
Cuisine: French
Specialities: fish, lobster, game
Le Relais
Le Panorama
Rue Au-Dessus de la Ville, 25
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.61.38
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.81.22
+ 25 bedrooms
Cuisine: modern French
Specialities: foie gras, lobster from the
fish-tank, game in season.
Bank cards accepted: Visa, Eurocard,
Diners, American Express
Closed: Wednesdays and Thursdays in
the low season and on national holidays
La Pommeraie
Rue de la Poste, 2
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.90.17
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.90.83
50 + 10 bedrooms
La Poste
Place St Arnould, 1
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.51.51
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.51.65
+ 66 bedrooms
Cuisine: French
Specialities: regional dishes, vegetarian, fish, meat, gastronomy,
Payment by card: accepted
La Villa d'Este
Rue de la Maladrerie, 17
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.79.61
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.85.57
+ 15 bedrooms
Cuisine: French, Italian
Specialities: regional dishes,
Rue des Abattis, 5
B-6838 Corbion
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.66.13
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.89.50
+ 11 bedrooms
Cuisine: local French
Specialities: warm bacon and
Roquefort salad
- Stuffed quail in pepper sauce
Closed: please ask the restaurant
Auberge de la Vallée
Dohan-Bas, 14
B-6836 Dohan
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/29.26.17
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/29.26.18
Restaurant des Ardennes
Rue de la Hate, 1
B-6838 Corbion
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/25.01.00
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.77.30
+ 29 bedrooms
Cuisine: gastronomic, French and
Specialities: the frying pan of Foie
d’Oie (goose) with raspberries, the
medallion of turbot with crayfish, the
crayfish and foie gras salad prepared
in a Périgord-style, the duo of bass
and red mullet with vanilla
Payment: all types of credit card
Closed: no weekly closing day
Yearly close from 2nd January to
Le Lion d'Or
Rue Saint Jean-Baptiste, 9
B-6838 Corbion
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.87.08
Fax : +32 (0) 61/46.87.09
+ 16 bedrooms
Dohan-Bas, 16
B-6836 Dohan
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.81.47
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.81.47
+ 10 bedrooms
Aux Roches Fleuries
Rue des Crêtes, 32
B-6830 Frahan
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.65.14
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.72.09
+ 14 bedrooms
Cuisine: gastronomic, French
Specialities: trout with blue cheese
and vegetables of the four seasons,
and the game of the season.
Payment: Visa, Eurocard and
Closed: open everyday
Le Vieux Moulin
Auberge de la Ferme
Rue du Tabac, 7
B-6830 Frahan
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.65.21
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.78.80
+ 16 bedrooms
Cuisine: French
Specialities: regional dishes, foie
gras, duck, gastronomy, shellfish
Rue du Pont, 18
B-6830 Poupehan
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.61.29
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.74.66
+ 16 bedrooms
Rue de la Cense, 12
B-6830 Rochehaut
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.10.00
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.10.01
+ 20 bedrooms
Cuisine: local, gastronomic
Specialities: escalope of calf’s sweetbread fried in a meuniere style, Meaux
mustard sauce, grilled Limousin filet of
beef, slice of duck foie gras fried on
top and confit with shallots on the
Closed: Sunday evening and Monday
midday except during school holidays
Payment: Bancontact, Visa, Mastercard
Le Pachy
Hour, 2
B-6830 Laviot
Tel. :+ 32 (0) 61/46.41.45
+ 32 (0) 61/46.40.06
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.41.38
+ 12 bedrooms
Le Moulin Hideux
Route de Dohan, 1
B-6831 Noirefontaine
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.70.15
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.72.81
+ 12 bedrooms
Cuisine: gastronomic, French
Specialities: game in season
Payment: bank cards (Visa,
Mastercard and Amex) do not accept
Bancontact, Maestro, etc.
From the 15th March to 1st July: closed Wednesdays to Thursday midday
From the 1st July to 28th November:
closed only Wednesday midday
From the 28th November to 15th
March: closed
La Chaire à Prêcher
Rue du Pont, 1
B-6830 Poupehan
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.91.99
Cuisine: Belgian, French
Specialities: regional dishes, fish,
meat, lamb, game
+ 8 bedrooms
L'An 1600
Rue du Palis, 7
B-6830 Rochehaut
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.40.60
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.83.82
+ 23 bedrooms
Cuisine: gastronomic, French
and seasonal
Specialities: Chef’s smoked salmon,
lobster “à la nage”
and game in season
Bank cards: accepted
Closed: open every day
(July to November)
Auberge de la Fermette
Place Marie Howet, 4
B-6830 Rochehaut
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.10.00
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.10.01
Au Naturel des Ardennes
Section Hour, 9
B-6830 Rochehaut
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.65.16
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.82.94
+ 13 bedrooms
Cuisine: Belgian, French
Specialities: regional dishes, game,
Les Tonnelles
Au Bon Accueil
Place Marie Howet, 5
B-6830 Rochehaut
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.40.18
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.40.12
+ 17 bedrooms
Cuisine: Belgian, French
Specialities: regional dishes, game
Rue de Chateaumont, 20
B-6833 Ucimont
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.67.71
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.67.71
+ 8 bedrooms
Le K d'Or
Les 4 Moineaux, 50
B-6832 Sensenruth
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.42.24
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.42.24
+ 4 bedrooms
Cuisine: regional, French
Specialities: game in season
Credit cards: accepted
Closed: Wednesdays in low season
Auberge du Saule
Rue de la Fontinelle, 9
B-6833 Ucimont
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.64.42
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.85.78
+ 11 bedrooms
Château le Duc
Rue Château-le-Duc, 52
B-6833 Ucimont
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.45.29
Fax : + 32 (0) 3/454.33.37
+ 14 bedrooms
Le Foru
Rue de Plainevaux, 3
B-6834 Bellevaux
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.67.24
Cuisine: French
Specialities: fish, grill, lamb,
foie gras, game, duck, scampis
Quai du Rempart, 36
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.72.35
La Chine
Quai du Rempart, 37
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.91.91
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.42.78
Cuisine: Chinese
Specialities: fish, meat
Le Baratin
Rue des Augustins, 12
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.82.44
Cuisine: local products
Specialities: Ardenne specialities,
many salads
Parc animalier
de Bouillon
Chemin de Chantereine, 2
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.71.52
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.83.64
Cuisine: traditional
Credit cards accepted: Visa and
Eurocard Master Card
Closed day: none
La Pergola
Rue du Collège, 51
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.65.80
La Vieille Ardenne
Grand-Rue, 9
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.62.77
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/28.79.87
Cuisine: local, regional, traditional
Specialities: fish, Ardenne specialities, tavern cooking, game, Belgian
Credit cards: accepted
Closed: Wednesday
Le Castel
Quai de la Maladrerie, 8
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.78.48
Cuisine: Belgian
Specialities: mussels
Le Majestic
Quai du Rempart, 8
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.86.18
Cuisine: French
Specialities: fish, game
des Remparts
Quai du Rempart, 31
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.75.82
Cuisine: Belgian, French
Specialities: regional dishes, fish,
meat, game, mussels
Le Moulin de la Falize
Restaurant du Quai
Rue du Moulin, 28
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.82.43
Le Roy de la Moule
Quai du Rempart, 42
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.62.49
Cuisine: Belgian
Specialities: mussels
Boulevard Heynen, 1
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.72.36
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.87.43
Cuisine: French
Specialities: fish, meat, mussels
Le Palefroy
Le Sawadie
Quai du Rempart, 34
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.67.92
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.60.87
Cuisine: Thai
Specialities: vegetarian, fish, meat
Le Sixtie's
Rue du Moulin, 32
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.90.16
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.90.16
Tea-room, restaurant, pizzeria
Quai des Saulx, 10
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/50.42.04
Cuisine: Greek
Specialities: grill
La Tannerie
Quai de la Tannerie, 1
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/27.08.30
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/27.08.30
Cuisine: Belgian, French, Italian
Specialities: regional dishes,
fish, meat, lamb, foie gras,
game, scampis
Il Castellino
Rue du Collège, 44
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/51.33.03
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/51.33.04
Cuisine : Italian
Le Rimbaud
Quai de la Tannerie, 4
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.89.26
Cuisine: French
Specialities: regional dishes, fish,
meat, grill, scampis
Vieille Route de France, 62
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.62.00
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.72.75
Cuisine: Belgian, French
Specialities: regional dishes, grill
Le Soleil Levant
Grand-Rue, 2
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.60.62
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.60.62
Cuisine: Belgian, French
Specialities: fish, grill, lamb
Au Fief d'Auclin
Rue de la Maladrerie, 30
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.65.18
Cuisine: Belgian, French
Specialities: fish, meat, lamb, game,
mussels, duck
Le Relais du Géant
Rue Châteaumont, 23
B-6833 Botassart
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.67.41
Cuisine: Belgian, French
Specialities: fish, meat
Les Croisettes
Les Croisettes, 1
B-6830 Frahan
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.74.39
Cuisine: French
Specialities: fish, game
La Toque des Arsouilles
Monte Cristo
La Grange aux Saveurs
Laviot, 27
B-6830 Laviot
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/50.06.96
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/50.06.96
Cuisine: Belgian, French
Specialities: fresh pasta, country
trout, grilled meats and hams
Le Routi, 22
B-6830 Rochehaut
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.86.20
Cuisine: French, Italian
Specialities: mussels and brick-oven
Closed: Monday morning
in low season
Payment: Visa, Master Card
Rue Château-le-Duc, 23
B-6833 Ucimont
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.00.76
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.00.86
Cuisine: regional and traditional
Specialities: the declination of trout,
poultry, pork and farmer’s beef, legumes “oublié” and herbs.
Cards accepted: Visa and Master Card
Closed: Monday and Tuesday
La Rochette
Rue de la Rochette, 9
B-6830 Poupehan
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.85.33
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.85.33
Cuisine: French
Specialities: fish, meat, foie gras,
Dohan, la Dampirée
Le Point de Vue
Route de Alle, 3
B-6830 Rochehaut
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.40.19
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.41.55
Cuisine: Belgian
Specialities: fish, meat, scampis
Commune of Paliseul
Au Gastronome
Rue de Bouillon, 2
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.30.64
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/53.38.91
+ 8 bedrooms
Cuisine: traditional, modern French
Specialties: Farmer-style sucking pig,
cut of meat in a maple syrup sauce,
shoulder with pepper stuffing, “pied
en tatin”, black pudding with pine
nuts, mashed potato with smoked
pork belly, banana “croustillant”.
Payment: Visa and Eurocard
Closed: Sunday evening, Monday and
Cugnon, le Trinchis
La Hutte Lurette
La Casa
La Ferme Gourmande
Rue de la Station, 64
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.33.09
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/53.52.79
+ 7 bedrooms
Cuisine: French, some dishes with
local products/specialities
Specialities: fish, game in season
Payment: Visa, Master Card,
American Express
Closed: Tuesday evening and
Rue du Chaffour, 13
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/28.99.54
Cuisine: Italian
Specialities: fish, grill, lamb, scampis
Rue de Maissin, 56a
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/27.08.60
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/27.08.62
Cuisine: local and regional
Specialities: Coq au vin, ox tongue
with port or tomato, Ardenne hotpot
Cards: Visa, Master Card
Closed: Thursday all day, Tuesday and
Wednesday evening
Chalet sur Lesse
Avenue Batonnier Braun, 1
B-6852 Maissin
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/65.53.91
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/65.56.88
+ 28 bedrooms
Le Horlé
Rue de Maissin, 28
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.49.31
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/53.49.18
Cuisine: regional and natural
(without spices, sauces, etc.)
Specialities: fresh game in season,
giblets, freshly prepared rustic
buffets (also available as takeaway)
Payment: Visa, Diner’s Club, Amex,
Master Card
Closed: Thursday and Saturday in low
Le Clairval
Our, 25
B-6852 Opont
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.32.75
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/53.32.75
Cuisine: regional, traditional
Specialities: wood-fire grills,
home-recipe crayfish
Payment: Visa, Eurocard
Closed: Tuesday
Le Temps des Saveurs
Rue de Maissin, 34
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.40.43
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/53.40.43
Cuisine: regional, traditional, Belgian
and Italian
Specialities: “Parmigiana”
veal cutlet
Payment: Visa, Eurocard, Master
Card, Maestro
Closed: Monday and Wednesday
evening (except bank holidays) in
low season
Grand Place, 28
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.37.67
Cuisine: French
Specialities: fish, meat
Commune of Bertrix
Commune of Bouillon
Chez Laurette
Chez Michel
La Grignotte
Rue des Corettes, 23
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 495/52.43.91
Grand-Rue, 20
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.86.04
Rue du Sati, 4
B-6836 Dohan
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.90.22
Le Pâtre
Au P'tit Creux
Place des Trois Fers, 26
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.34.93
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/41.34.93
Rue de la Maladrerie, 20
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/50.44.40
River café
Rue du Moulin, 30
B-6880 Cugnon
56 Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.60.32
Au Bon Accueil
Rue de la Gare, 123
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.23.54
Le Relais des Baudets
Rue de Palichamps, 11
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/29.25.25
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/29.25.78
Le Frison
Rue de la Gare, 3
B-6880 Bertrix
Le Moulin
Rue des Crêtes, 2
B-6830 Frahan
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.62.58
La Passerelle
Rue de la Passerelle, 26
B-6830 Frahan
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.76.46
Route 66
Quai du Rempart, 21
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. :+ 32 (0) 61/46.67.58
+ 32 (0) 496/07.52.20
La Bonne Franquette
The Beetle
Les Routiers
Quai du Rempart, 6
B-6830 Bouillon
Route du Croisé, 2
B-6831 Noirefontaine
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.63.74
Route du Croisé, 12b
B-6831 Noirefontaine
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.57.66
Pita Bodrum
Quai du Rempart, 23
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. :+ 32 (0) 498/80.31.08
+ 32 (0) 61/50.44.62
La Vallée
Le Petit Snack
Rue du Moulin 16
B-6830 Bouillon
Quai du Rempart 27
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : +32 (0) 498/13.68.48
La Belle Epoque
Rue des Hautes Voies, 1
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/51.28.62
Rue du Mont, 1
B-6830 Poupehan
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.89.89
La Cabane
Rue des Moissons, 10
B-6830 Rochehaut
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.65.23
Le Mille Pattes
Rue de la Girafe, 96
B-6832 Sensenruth
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.73.06
Le Relais 89
Rue de la Girafe, 38
B-6832 Sensenruth
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.46.89
Taverne de la Brasserie
de Bouillon
Avenue de la Girafe, 76
B-6832 Sensenruth
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.89.40
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.89.42
Chapelle of Dohan ou de Buhan
Commune of Paliseul
Chez Dédé
Au Bleu Bonheur
Rue du Chaffour, 7
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 496/93.47.52
Rue du Chaffour, 23
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.56.66
Le Verlaine
Le Picotin
Grand-Place, 21
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.47.33
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/53.52.20
Av. Commandant de Laage de Meux, 6
B-6852 Maissin
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/65.55.67
Sur le Pouce
Grand-Place, 27
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.37.67
Grand Rue 6
Carlsbourg (Paliseul)
Tel : + 32 (0)
Artisan glacier Pierre Gigot
Bière Godefroy
Ferme des Sureaux
Boulevard Heynen, 9
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0)477/50.51.49
Made in front of you: ice creams and
cones. Marzipan and chocolate decorations, cakes and tiered cakes are all
personalised are made by us with
great care.
Open: from Easter to October, 7 days
a week.
Les Minières, 2
B-6832 Noirefontaine (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.66.24
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.82.67
Of a blond-apricot colour, unclouded
and highly concentrated in medium
bubbles, white foam in the shape of
a hat. A malt and fruity flavour, nose
of aromatic and bitter yeast, balanced bitter taste, medium bodied.
Taste is smooth and aromatic, and
the beer flows smoothly.
Rue des Roses, 4
B-6852 Maissin (Paliseul)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/65.82.24
Regional and organic products. Goat’s
Boutique ardennaise
Place Marie Howet
B-6830 Rochehaut (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.10.00
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.10.01
Farm aperitifs, jams, vinegar, Limousin
dried sausages, hams…
Possible to visit the open-air cattle and
pig rearing farms with someone to
Dohan-Haut, 35
B-6836 Dohan (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.89.74
+ 32 (0) 475/37.38.42
Pochet Patrice. Snail breeder.
Benoit Michels
Place St Arnould, 9
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.62.09
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.85.39
The Croisé was built in 1996 to commemorate the 900th year since the departure of the 1st Crusade. This less sweet
tasting “spéculoos” biscuit is the effigy
of Godfrey of Bouillon. It is comes in a
metallic box decorated with the image
of the castle of Bouillon.
Bergerie d'Acremont
Rue de Bernifa, 17
B-6880 Acremont (Bertrix)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.54.35
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/53.54.35
The master cheesemaker Peter De Cock
proudly welcomes you to come and visit
his business from the sheepfold through
to the final goat’s cheese itself. There is
an on-site tasting of the products in a
calm and friendly environment.
Open: Saturday from 14 h to 17 h. Groups
on appointment.
Paysages et Saveurs
Rue du Château-le-Duc, 23
B-6833 Ucimont (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.00.76
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.00.86
A shop selling products of the various
Walloon communes. (jams, homemade terrines, honey, fruit juices and
various other drinks).
Open: everyday from 10 h to 18 h.
La Ferme du Bijou
Rue Notre-Dame, 18
B-6880 Orgeo
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.16.30
Farmers’ market: open Saturday from 16
h to 19 h (18 h in winter), and daily upon
appointment. Farm cheeses.
La Morépire
Rue du Babinay, 1
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.45.21
The Morépire is a blonde beer produced in the glory days of the slatequarry men. It combines the power
of a strong, hopped beer with the
subtleties of a delicate, rich and
balanced beer.
Le Chant des Saveurs
Mr and Mrs Mahy
Boucherie Ponsar
Rue de la Jonction, 11
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0)499/29.33.68
Introduction to local “preserved”
artisan products (jams, vinegars…)
and “fresh” products (quiches,
savoury crepes).
Open: visits on appointment.
Flavour workshop: for groups of 2 to
6 people.
Route de la Cornette, 99
B-6880 Auby (Bertrix)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.37.34
Trout from the ‘les Aleines’ stream
Rue de la Gare, 158
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.42.20
Le Marché de Nathalie
Grand-Rue, 22
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.89.40
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.89.42
The Belgian beer specialist (over 300
La Brasserie de Bouillon
Avenue de la Girafe, 76
B-6832 Sensenruth (Bouillon)
Tel.. : + 32 (0) 61/46.89.40
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.89.42
Come and discover a brewery in the true
sense of the word. Old fashioned production of true Bouillon beers.
Open: 1/04 – 15/07: Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, Sunday at 10 h 30 and 14 h 30
15/07 – 30/08: everyday at 10 h 30, 14
h 30 and 16 h 30
31/08 – 15/12: Thursday, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday at 10 h 30
and 14 h 30
P. Toussaint
Rue de la Gare, 93
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.34.13
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/41.46.50
Specialities: ‘Crottes de baudet’
(chocolate truffles)
Boucherie Wanlin
Tobacco factories
of the Semois
J.P. Couvert
Rue de la Hâte, 7
B-6838 Corbion (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.60.02
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.69.25
V. Manil
Rue du Tambour, 12
B-6838 Corbion (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.81.29
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.64.68
Artisan production of tobacco, cigars
and corks of the Semois. Artisan shop.
Open: upon reservation
Rue de la Gare, 82
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.25.89
Boucherie Brasseur
Rue des Abattis, 10
B-6838 Corbion
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.66.66
Boucherie Istace
Rue de la Maladrerie, 21
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.60.65
Grand Rue, 10
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.60.56
B-6830 Bouillon
Boucherie Hennon
Place St Arnould, 7
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.60.95
J. Paché
Chemin des Falloises,1
B-6830 Rochehaut
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.65.61
Fax. : + 32 (0) 61/50.07.67
Boucherie Leroy
Butcher’s shops
Le Fumet des Ardennes
Boucherie Petitjean
Rue Paul Verlaine, 24
B-6838 Corbion (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.66.14
Rue de la Gare, 34
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.34.73
Boucherie Michel
Rue de la Gare, 8
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.42.28
Boucherie Lejeune
Rue des Combattants, 17
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.12.58
Quai du Rempart, 29
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.63.59
Boucherie Evrard
Rue des Moissons, 26
B-6830 Rochehaut
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.69.63
Boucherie Gaussin
Grand-Rue, 19
B-6850 Carlsbourg
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.30.63
Pierson - Poncin
Rue Paul Verlaine, 17
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.30.60
Boucherie Poncelet
Grand-Place, 9
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.33.05
Le Lapin d'Ardenne
Croix Dominique, 21
B-6880 Assenois (Bertrix)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.11.95
Selling and chopping of rabbit and
poultry. Rabbit, poultry, chicken,
guinea fowl, duck and turkey pâtés
Traditionally-made Ice-creams
M. Gigot
Moulin de Liresse
B-6833 Vivy
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.41.76
Bakeries, biscuit
and pastry shops
W. Gilson
Rue de la Crochette, 19
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.11.22
J-M. Hardy
Rue de la Gare, 4
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.37.14
Rue de Bohémont, 21
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.27.64
B-6880 Bertrix
Boulevard Heynen
B-6830 Bouillon
E. Nannan
A. Gilson
Place des Trois Fers, 28
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.33.84
Grand-Place, 23
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.55.53
P. Toussaint
Rue de la Gare, 93
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.34.13
Au Godefroy
Rue du Collège, 42
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.72.71
P. Legrand
Grand Rue, 6
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.68.60
P. Leroy
Rue de la Maladrerie, 42
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.61.34
F. Coetsiers
Rue du Chairy, 4
B-6838 Corbion
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.76.80
Pom' de Pain sprl
Place Marie Howet, 6
B-6830 Rochehaut
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.03 49
J.M. Schneider
Rue des Moissons, 7
B-6830 Rochehaut
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.65.43
B. Michels
Rue de la Girafe, 58
B-6832 Sensenruth
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.64.00
Quai du Rempart
B-6830 Bouillon
D. Noiret
Rue Saint-Roch, 18
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.30.59
M. Noiret
Rue Saint-Eutrope, 1
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.38.11
Avenue de France, 13
B-6852 Maissin
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/65.61.04
S. Claude
Rue des Cerisiers, 1
B-6850 Offagne
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.34.21
H. Fernet
Rue Saint Lambert, 69
B-6832 Sensenruth
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/21.40.93
Galerie du Tilleul
Galerie "La Fontinelle"
Rue de l'Eglise, 24
B-6880 Mortehan
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/54.60.56
+ 32 (0) 497/83.03.74
Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday
from 13 h to 19 h and on appointment.
Rue des Moissons, 28
B-6830 Rochehaut (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.40.35
For over 34 years the “La Fontinelle”
gallery has hosted exhibits of
contemporary and regional art of all
sorts. The quality of the works on
show has built it an impressive reputation. Water-colours, photos, bronze,
jewellery, silk paintings, ceramics
and wood offer much to impress the
Open weekends and during school
holidays from 14 h 30 to 18 h and on
appointment. Closed on Mondays.
Galerie "Les Croisettes"
Les Croisettes, 1
B-6830 Frahan (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46 74 39
Galerie "Les Miquelets"
Rue du Brutz, 10
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46 71 56
Located in a 16th century cellar, the
“Les Miquelets” art gallery is open to
the public from May to October. Guy
Adam honours all the artisans and the
“Quartier de Bretagne”. He hopes to
communicate and show-off their skills:
painting, sculpture, sewing, photography, jewellery and so on.
Galerie “La Potèle”
Rue du Palis, 7
B-6830 Rochehaut
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.40.60
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.83.82
A box of souvenirs. An attic letting you
travel back through time. A setting that
Pic du Diable
has remained unchanged for many decades. The Monfort family has tried to preserve slices of life, to tell stories through
the bias of stored objects. The gallery,
located a few stairs higher up, hosts
every month the works of the artists of
the region and elsewhere.
Marie-Laure Alff
Mont de Zatrou, 1
B-6830 Les Hayons
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.89.17
Silk painting: flower, leaf, bird and
imaginary and unusual patterns.
Oil based painting: withered nature
and nocturnal landscapes portraying
filigreed trees and inhabitants of the
other world. Permanent exhibition in
the cowsheds of the Ferme des Fées
at Les Hayons.
Open everyday except Tuesday and
Wednesday from 10 h to 12 h 30 and
from 13 h 30 to 18 h.
Aux Sources de l'eau vive Louis Massar
Rue des Reffes, 3
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.51.81
Sculptor working with earth, wood,
bronze and stone. An exhibiting member of the art salon of French artists of
Paris (Salon des Artistes Francais de
Paris). No exhibit at home.
Les Glaïeuls in Beth
André Bartiaux
Jacqueline Chaidron
Henriette Evrard
Rue du Riage, 31
B-6880 Auby-sur-semois
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.17.12
Bronze: sculpture and pouring
André Bartiaux exhibits his sculptures
by searching through the bowels of
the human spirit, filled with roughness, jubilation, deep sadness and
great hope. In his sculptures he constantly questions nudity and the
beauty of the creator and of his creatures of flesh and blood. He portrays
a controlled delicateness and a flawless interior force, but this is sometimes restrained. André Bartiaux has,
through his work, acquired the title
of ambassador of the human genre.
Sculpture has become, for him, a
daily form of communication.
Rue des Moissons, 28
B-6830 Rochehaut
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.40.35
Painter predominantly using watercolours and batik on silk, watercolours on paper. Permanent exhibit at
the “La Fontinelle” art gallery in
Rue Al Paul, 15
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.19.35
+ 32 (0) 495/32.00.03
Oil based animal paintings representing
the animals of our forests. Permanent
exhibit on appointment through the
phone or website.
Henry Bontemps
Rue de Burhaimont, 138
B-6880 Bertrix
62 Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.28.50
Mobil phone: + 32 (0) 497/29.91.88
Watercolours, oil based painting, mixed
techniques and engraving.
The artist oversees a watercolour
workshop in Libramont, and training
courses are available. Permanent exhibit viewable on appointment.
Christian Brasseur
Rue des Abattis, 6
B-6838 Corbion (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.66.66
Painter, watercolour painter, pastel
painter, gouache painter. Began
around 1965. Paints landscapes,
views overlooking towns and villages. Powerful and steady touch, with
an accurate pallet.
Rue de la Fontaine 24
B-6838 Corbion (Bouillon)
Tel : +32 474 71 79 31 Workshop permanent exhibit
Francis Clébant
Quartier de l’Aunois, 3
B-6832 Curfoz (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.70.72
Painter, creator of a dreamlike, cosmic
and symbolic world, with different planets on which the only sign of life is the
female nudity.
Claude Collignon
Rue de la Gare, 13
B-6831 Noirefontaine
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.68.61
Landscape artist using oil based paints
and watercolours. He is a self-taught
artist who received the advice and ideas
of Marie Howet. Particularly partial to
the Ardenne countryside, the woods
and the river (Semois) and Breton ports
and villages. Visits to the painter’s
workshop: only on appointment.
Mariane Denis
Rue de la Montagne, 5
B-6838 Corbion
Tel. : + 32 (0)473/42.02.96
Michel Bariat
Launoy, 15
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.59.45
Copperware: manufacturing of bookmarks, necklaces and so on. Visits
only on appointment.
Alexandre Forceille
Rue des Frênes, 35
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.11.04
The garden forms the base of the permanent exhibit.
For visits, on appointment if possible.
Denise Frankinet
Poterie de Rochehaut
Rue de Nazareth, 2
B-6830 Rochehaut (Bouillon)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.41.22
The pottery of Rochehaut has been in
existence since 1962.
Ceramics, turning and other creative
techniques, sandstone, porcelain and
Production of unique work pieces as
well as the production of small series
upon request.
The workshop (road of Alle to
Rochehaut) can be visited on
Opening hours: variable
Monique Goeders
Rue de la Bawette, 28a
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.35.32
Sculpture, modelling (preliminary
sculpture), pouring/moulding of
terra cotta, ceramics.
Benjamin Gourmet
Marie-Claude Maqua-Klein
Edith Rozet
Route de Plainevaux, 32
B-6834 Bellevaux
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.80.39
+ 32 (0) 474/37.67.21
Figurative paintings of landscapes,
Ardennes characters, the coastal
region and Provence by using different techniques: acrylic, watercolours, ink, pastel, charcoal, pencil,
etc. Workshop and gallery open everyday but booking is advised.
Rue de Falimont, 3
B-6838 Corbion
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.68.96
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.68.96
Acrylic and ceramics. Her workshop is
open during the school holidays.
Rue Géraud-Pré, 86
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.49.29
Figurative and contemporary painting.
Jean-Luc Gyselinx
Rue du Namré, 24
B-6880 Glaumont (Bertrix)
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/32.85.45
Wood, schist, clay, contemporary and
figurative sculpture. Pastel, ink and
charcoal drawings around the themes of nature and animals as well as
portraits. Art-therapy is art as a
means to improve one’s inner harmony and to relate to those around.
Christiane Hallet-Maréchal
Grand-Rue, 62
B-6850 Carlsbourg
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.33.65
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/53.33.65
Oil-based, watercolour and silk painting. Principally focussed upon the
Ardenne and Semois valley landscapes. Visible in the works of the painter are the numerous meanders of the
Semois, depicted in different lights
and colours, representative of the
seasons, as well as capturing the animals of our forests, the bouquets and
the Ardenne folklore. Permanent
exhibit viewable on appointment.
Anne-Marie Jacquemin
Rue de Burhaimont, 27
B-6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 494/25.24.98
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/41.23.41
Permanent exhibit viewable on
Marianne Lemaire
Rue des Minières, 16
B-6832 Sensenruth
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.87.74
Oil based, watercolour, charcoal, and
acrylic painting. Intimism and abstract
Marylène Nemery
Rue Chernaudame, 3
B-6880 Auby
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.43.11
Student at the Academy of the Beaux
Arts of Vresse sur Semois.
Restoration of chapel of l’Enfant
Jésus (baby Jesus), Hautes Voies
street, in Auby. The introduction of
new materials such as resin and
Plexiglas have brought a new breath
of life to this area through its more
contemporary aspects.
The chapel is open Saturday and
Sunday from 13 h to 18 h. On weekdays the key may be procured from
n˚1 or n˚3 of rue Chernaudame.
Karine Rouling
Rue de la Hausche, 29
B-6880 Rossart
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.47.77
+ 32 (0) 474/37.05.91
Oil based, acrylic and pastel painting.
Rue du Routy, 2
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.45.68
From simple sketches to complete comic
books, as well as graphical illustrations
and so on.
Claire Toussaint
Rue de la Saiwire, 7
B-6856 Fays-les-Veneurs
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.50.52
Sculpture: bronze, sandstone, resin.
Painting: oil based on wood.
Production on demand.
Monastic Arts and Crafts
Abbaye Notre-Dame
de Clairefontaine
B-6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/22.90.80
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/22.90.81
Situated 3 km from Bouillon, on the bank
of the Semois, the abbey is home to a
community of Cistercian monks; based
upon the rule of Saint-Benoit and in a
brotherly spirit, their daily life revolves
around prayer and manual labour.
Church open to the public.
Shop containing monastic items.
Religious bookshop and discs.
Silk paintings, ceramics and home-made
There is always something going on in the county of
Bouillon. Festivals, popular local events and folklore
traditions take place all year round,
suiting both tourists passing through
and those staying longer.
The complete calendar of events
is available in the Tourist Office
or on our website.
The area benefits from a pleasant, clean and stimulating
environment and the broad range of classic hotels help
to satisfy even the choosiest customers. Hotel business is
an established traditional industry in Bouillon and the
illustrious men who have stayed beneath the walls of
Godfrey’s castle, since Mazarin in the XVII century, has
maintained the good reputation of what Vauban called
the ‘small capital of the Semois’. Amateurs of fishing
greatly enjoy meeting up in the campsites of the Semois
floodplain, at Mortehan, Cugnon, Auby, Bouillon,
Poupehan and Laviot. Other campsites, high up above
the clouds, can be found on the plateau, either isolated
such as at Mogimont, besides the lake of Pichou, or close
to urban centres, such as at Bouillon, Corbion and
The country-style housing in the county of Bouillon is
mostly old barns, authentic XVIII and XIX century watermills, or farms, mostly very peaceful, located besides a
forest, the Semois, a stream or a lake or pond. Rural tourism has grown through the villagers’ commercial ethos,
as they have converted part of their Ardenne farm or
house in order to welcome those looking for a comfortable family atmosphere and the olden days rural living.
The county of Bouillon has available:
- 33 hotels
- 1 youth hostel
- 22 campsites
- Nearly 150 gites, furnished holiday homes and bed
and breakfasts.
Our booklet “Hébergement en Pays de Bouillon”
(accommodation in the county of Bouillon), available at
the Maison du Tourisme, contains a comprehensive list of
all accommodation. All these establishments are recognised and listed by the Commissariat général au Tourisme
of the Walloon region.
Local and communal
Rue de la Gare, 38
6880 Bertrix
Tel.: + 32 (0)61/41.44.11
Fax: + 32 (0)61/41.54.18
Place Ducale, 1
6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.74.11
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.80.48
Grand Place, 1
6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/27.59.50
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/27.59.55
La Poste (post office)
Police Semois et Lesse
Rue de la Poste, 3
6830 Bouillon
Tel.: + 32 (0) 61/46.63.13
Fax: + 32 (0) 61/46.79.29
Open: Monday from 10h45 to 12h30
and from 14h45 to 19h.
Tuesday to Friday from 9h to 12h30
and from 13h30 to 16h30.
Rue des Abattis, 88
6838 Corbion
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.04.93
Open: Monday from 9h to 12h.
Tuesday from 10h30 to 12h15 and
from 14h to 19h.Wednesday to
Friday from 9h to 12h.
Rue Dr Lifrange, 12
6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.57.60
Allée de la Paroisse, 21
6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.60.07
Grand-Place, 1
6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.56.51
Fire department : 100
Grand-Place, 38
6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.32.12
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/53.32.12
Open: Monday from 9h to 12h30 and
from 13h30 to 16h30. Tuesday from
9h to 12h15 and from 15h to 19h.
From Wednesday to Friday from 9hto
12h30 and from 13h30 to 16h30.
Emergency assistance
Rue de la Gare, 19
6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.13.11
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/41.39.18
Monday from 9 h to 12 h 30 and
from 13 h 30 to 19 h. Tuesday to
Friday from 9 h to 12 h 30 and from
13 h 30 to 17 h. Saturday from 9 h
to 12 h 30.
European emergency number :
Emergency medical number :
Federal police :
Bertrix Fire-station
Rue Blézy, 34
6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.12.60
Bouillon Fire-station
Rue des Quatres Moineaux, 23 B
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.61.63
+ 32 (0) 61/46.70.34
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.84.71
Paliseul Fire-station
Rue de la Station, 52
6850 Paliseul
Tel. : +32 (0) 61/53.31.60
+32 (0) 61/53.49.89
Fax : +32 (0) 61/53.33.51
Doctor Toussaint :
Doctor Wouters :
Doctor Colson :
+ 32 (0) 61/53.49.29
+ 32 (0) 61/41.18.11
+ 32 (0) 61/53.42.84
Doctor Duvael :
Doctor Coppine :
Doctor Legrand :
+ 32 (0) 61/65.59.88
+ 32 (0) 61/41.20.27
+ 32 (0) 61/53.53.20
Doctor Strycek :
Doctor Derouck :
Doctor Lessuisse :
+ 32 (0) 61/65.59.88
+ 32 (0) 61/41.28.60
+ 32 (0) 61/53.37.77
+ 32 (0) 61/21.97.63
Doctor Kohler :
Doctor Pineux :
+ 32 (0) 61/41.34.64
Doctor Lamouline :
+ 32 (0) 61/41.35.75
Doctor Lange :
+ 32 (0) 61/53.32.45
+ 32 (0) 61/53.56.31
Carlsbourg :
Doctor Legrand :
+ 32 (0) 61/53.46.03
Doctor Noël :
+ 32 (0) 61/41.38.33
Pharmacie Casin :
Doctor Strepenne :
Doctor Duvael :
+ 32 (0) 61/41.42.06
+ 32 (0) 61/41.31.60
+ 32 (0) 61/41.24.31
Doctor Wallaux :
Doctor Georges :
+ 32 (0) 61/41.14.70
+ 32 (0) 61/41.25.74
+ 32 (0) 61/41.18.09
Doctor Pierret :
+ 32 (0) 61/41.13.61
Doctor Girs :
Doctor Buchet :
+ 32 (0) 61/41.44.02
+ 32 (0) 61/46.60.28
+ 32 (0) 61/41.28.09
Doctor Kernkamp :
Doctor Moreau
+ 32 (0) 61/46.69.78
+ 32 (0) 61/41.19.30
Doctor Schoubben :
Doctor Lejeune :
+32 (0) 61/46.77.24
Doctor Rézette :
Doctor Delfosse :
+ 32 (0) 61/46.91.01
+ 32 (0) 61/46.73.51
Doctor Tuczinsky :
Doctor Demanet :
+ 32 (0) 61/46.72.41
+ 32 (0) 61/46.66.53
Doctor Poncelet :
+32 (0) 61/46.64.46
Doctor Castelain :
+ 32 (0) 61/53.38.30
Doctor Dort :
+ 32 (0) 61/53.48.51
Doctor Minguet :
Pharmacie EPC :
Pharmacie Hubert :
+ 32 (0) 61/41.11.46
Pharmacie Geudevert :
+ 32 (0) 61/46.62.14
Lemaire-Lambermont :
+ 32 (0) 61/46.60.21
Pharmacie Hermans :
+ 32 (0) 61/25.69.34
Doctor Rosy :
Pharmacie Hermans :
+ 32 (0) 61/46.65.56
+ 32 (0) 61/46.72.32
Doctor Noiret :
Pharmacie Jacquemin :
+ 32 (0) 61/46.75.80
+ 32 (0) 61/53.31.30
+ 32 (0) 61/46.65.56
Doctor Dufour :
+ 32 (0) 61/53.39.75
Pharmacie Vanhemmens :
+ 32 (0) 61/53.31.25
Centre hospitalier Libramont
Rue des Chasseurs Ardennais, 1
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.01.30
Public library of Bertrix
+ 32 (0) 61/23.81.11
Banks with ATMs (cashpoints)
Rue de la Gare, 73
6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.50.19
Rue Saint Roch, 2
Tel. : +32 (0) 61/23.95.60
Orgeo Library
Rue de la Gare, 32
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.02.30
Rue sous l'Eglise
6880 Orgeo
Grand Place, 24
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.37.23
Mortehan Library
Rue de la Gare, 75
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/23.95.70
Rue de la Gare, 59
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/32.53.70
Rue de la Gare, 4A
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.12.69
Quai du Rempart, 15
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.51.80
Abbé Demaret
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.10.62
Abbé Monseur
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.61.37
Abbé Ozog
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.32.90
Water and Forests
Rue du Collège
Bancontact extérieur
I.R. Maréchal
Rue de la Gare, 228
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.00.20
Rue de la Maladrerie, 1
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.68.09
I.R. Gigounon
Route de Paliseul, 8
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.52.20
I.R. Maréchal
(interim de M. Quevy)
Rue du Routy, 10
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/23.08.80
Rue de l'Eglise, 1
6880 Mortehan
Communal Library
of Bouillon
Rue du Collège, 27
6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.47.07
Library – toy library
of Paliseul
Grand Place, 1
6880 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/27.59.50
Cultural Centres
Centre Culturel Bertrix
Rue de la Gare, 73
6880 Bertrix
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/41.23.00
Fax : + 32 (0)61/41.25.69
Centre Culture et Loisirs
de Bouillon
Rue de la Rochette, 34
6830 Poupehan
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.65.91
Fax : + 32 (0) 61/46.65.91
Comité Culturel Paul Verlaine
Rue de Framont, 18
B-6850 Paliseul
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/53.38.15
AD Delhaize
Rue des Moissons, 15
Rue de la Jonction, 28
Rond point des Corettes
Danloy Food
Bouillon Ciné
GB Partner
Rue de l'Hôtel de ville et
Rue du Nord
6830 Bouillon
Tel. : + 32 (0) 61/46.63.22
Place des Trois Fers, 23
Rue du Chaffour, 11
Rue des Corettes, 5
Proxy Delhaize
Place des Combattants, 13
Rue de la Victoire
Markets and
second-hand/flea markets
• Bertrix: every Thursday morning
• Orgeo (Bertrix): farmers’ market
every Saturday from 16 h to 18 h
• Bouillon: every Sunday morning
from April to October
• Bouillon: second-hand market
every second Sunday from April to
• Paliseul: every other Saturday
Le Chêne des Mouches
Louis Delhaize
Rue du Collège, 32
Proxy Delhaize
Rue de la Sentinelle
Rue des Abattis, 4
Rue de la Sentinelle, 66
Office de Promotion du Tourisme Wallonie Bruxelles
Rue Saint-Bernard, 30 - 1060 Bruxelles
Tel : +32 (0)2 504.02.00
Site :
Fédération touristique du Luxembourg belge asbl
Quai de l’Ourthe, 9 - 6980 La Roche-en-Ardenne
Tel : +32 (0)84 41.10.11
Site :
Maison du Tourisme
du Pays de Marche & Nassogne
Le Pays
d’Ourthe & Aisne
Le Pays de
Marche &
de Nassogne
15, Place de l’Etang - 6900 Marche-en-Famenne
Tel : +32 (0)84 34.53.27
Site :
Le Pays de
la Haute-Lesse
Le Pays de
Maison du Tourisme
du Pays du Val de Salm et des Sources de l’Ourthe
50, Avenue de la Salm, 6690 Vielsalm
Tel : +32 (0)80 21.50.52
Site :
Maison du Tourisme du Pays d’Ourthe & Aisne
16, Grand’Rue - 6940 Barvaux-sur-Ourthe
Tel : +32 (0)86 21.35.00
Site :
Le Pays du Val
de Salm
et des Sources
Le Pays d’Houffalize - de l’Ourthe
La Roche-en-Ardenne
Le Pays de
Le Pays de la
Semois entre Ardenne
et Gaume
Le Pays
de Bastogne
The grand
duchy of
Le Pays
de la Forêt
Le Pays
Le Pays de Gaume
Maison du Tourisme du Pays d’Houffalize
- La Roche-en-Ardenne
15, Place du Marché, BP 37 - 6980 La Roche-en-Ardenne
Tel : +32 (0)84 36.77.36
Site :
Maison du Tourisme
du Pays de Saint-Hubert
Maison du Tourisme
du Pays de la Semois entre Ardenne et Gaume
12, Rue Saint-Gilles - 6870 Saint-Hubert
Tel : +32 (0)61 61.30.10
Site :
Place Albert 1er, B-6820 Florenville
Tel : +32 (0)61 31.12.29
Site :
Maison du Tourisme du Pays de la Haute-Lesse
Maison du Tourisme du Pays de la Forêt
d’Anlier - Maison Bourgeois
63, Place de l’Esro - 6890 Redu (Libin)
Tel : +32 (0)61 65.66.99
Site :
3, Grand-Place - 6840 Neufchâteau
Tel : +32 (0)61 27.50.88
Site :
Maison du Tourisme du Pays de Bastogne
Maison du Tourisme du Pays de Gaume
Place Mc Auliffe - 6600 Bastogne
Tel : +32 (0)61 21.27.11
Site :
2b, Rue des Grasses Oies - 6760 Virton
Tel : +32 (0)63 57.89.04
Site :
Maison du Tourisme du Pays de Bouillon
Maison du Tourisme du Pays d'Arlon
12, Quai des Saulx - 6830 Bouillon
Tel : +32 (0)61 46.52.11
Site :
2, Rue des Faubourgs - 6700 Arlon
Tel : +32 (0)63 21.94.54
Site :