Just Tell It! - Hoosier Hills Emmaus
Just Tell It! - Hoosier Hills Emmaus
In this issue: Continuing Your Walk to Emmaus Reunion Groups Are You Ready to Be a Team Member? Walk Reports 6 Community 7 Upcoming Walks & Flights 8 Gathering Dates & Board Member Contact Info 9 2 3 4-5 May 2014 “Were not our hearts burning within us…” ~Luke 24:32 Published by the Hoosier Hills Emmaus Community Just Tell It! Years ago in VBS when my daughters were very young, we sang a little song called, If You Got Good News, with a catchy tune (Never mind the grammar!): “If you got good news, tell it brother! If you got good news, tell it sister! If you got good news, tell it brother! Don't keep it to yourself!" The song encouraged the kids to share the good news of Jesus Christ with their friends. That little song still rings true today. Taking the lead from Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20) we too are to share the Good News with a world that so desperately needs it. It seems daily I am in contact with people whose lives are in shambles. They just can't seem to get out of the rut. It's one disaster after another. While they seem to have reasons why their life is this way, and can often point to some person or event to blame, most of us understand that bad choices are often the real cause. How often have I listened to their stories and realized that what they really need is to hear and respond to the Good News? Only with God's help can lives and situations be changed. Sometimes sharing the Good News means being the hands and feet of Jesus and responding by sharing needed resources and services. We have good news to share. Don't keep it to yourself! There is no greater news to share than the Good News of the Gospel: "Amazing grace how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found. Was blind but now I see." There is no greater joy than to help lead a person to Christ. To hear them speak to the joy of forgiveness, new-found hope and a changed life. I know many of you have been blessed as you shared your faith. Since we know the joy that Christ can give, how can we help but share it? There is another joy that many of you reading this have experienced: Your walk. Sponsorship. Working a walk. As you reflect on the joy of your walk, think of that person you know who would also be blessed and drawn closer to Christ and the church by attending a walk. Remember, you may be the one person that friend would say yes to. Pray that God directs you to that relative, friend, or co-worker whose time has come to experience a walk. God can use you to change a life! The Emmaus experience is too good not to share. Share the good news! DeColores! Alvin McFadden, Community Spiritual Director On behalf of the Hoosier Hills Emmaus Board, I would like to welcome all our newest pilgrims! As Hoosier Hills Emmaus Community members, you are invited to continue your Walk to Emmaus experience by participating in future community events. Most of these were mentioned to you on your walk, so let these ideas serve as reminders to ways in which you can participate. Whether you’ve been a community member many years or just a few days, everyone has the opportunity to participate in some way! Emmaus Gatherings—With the exception of the summer Gathering, all other Gatherings are held the 2nd Friday of every odd numbered months. Gatherings begin at 6:30 PM. May and November Gatherings are pitch-in dinners to welcome all of our newest pilgrims. An announcement will be made as to location about a month prior to the Gathering, so make sure to watch the website for that and all other Gathering-related information. Send-Offs, Candlelights, Closings—As community members you can participate in future walks by coming to any or all of these walk weekend events. Usually send-off begins around 7:15 PM Thursday evening. For candlelight, the community gathers at 8:00 PM for a time of worship, fellowship, and communion, and the pilgrims begin to walk around 9:00 PM. (You can buy your own candle at the next candlelight for $5.oo.) Finally, closing begins around 5:00 PM Sunday evening. Serve on an Emmaus Team—Consider volunteering to be on a future team! You can serve in the conference room or as a member of the go-for or kitchen team. Every team has a series of meetings in order to prepare you for the role in which God has selected you to serve. Make or Supply Agape for Walks—Express yourself with some “crafty” items that help show God’s agape love for the pilgrims and team members. Agape gifts do not have to be expensive. Think back to your walk and what you received that made you special. Maybe God is calling you to provide an agape gift similar to that! Reunion Groups—Reunion groups are an excellent way for pilgrims to hold each other accountable. Find a reunion group to join or start your own! Use the Reunion group card as your group meets. Sponsorship—Encourage others to attend a Walk to Emmaus. Help others to learn about God’s love and ways to serve Him. Before approaching anyone to attend, pray about who it is God is leading you to approach about attending. Pray and Write—Sign up to pray on the 72-hour prayer chart. You can also write letters of agape to individual pilgrims attending the walk. The Hoosier Hills Emmaus website (www.hoosierhillsemmaus.com) is an excellent source of information! If you have any questions regarding any of these ideas, make sure to consult the website. You may find your answer there! If not, feel free to contact one of the board members on the last page of this newsletter. 2 As part of your fourth day requirements, you should be involved in a Reunion group. Some of you have just been a pilgrim on the Spring Walks, so now is the time to find just the right Reunion Group for you! You could also gather friends and/or church members and start your own group. Find a time, date and place that is convenient for everyone involved. Every reunion group is different and meets at different times. The important thing to remember is to keep your meetings regular and your numbers low. Always remember, what happens at Emmaus, stays at Emmaus. Reunion groups are the same way! You were all given a Reunion card during your own Walk to Emmaus. Use this card as a guideline to lead your meeting. Start with the Prayer to the Holy Spirit, have a short devotional, try to address a couple of the eight questions on the Reunion card, ask for prayers for those whom you know are in need of prayers, and close the meeting with prayer. You can have one person lead the meetings or you can take turns. It is up to the group if you meet with refreshments, dinner, snacks… Maybe going out to breakfast, lunch or dinner a few times a year can improve conversations during your group time. Getting to know someone in a more casual setting can sometimes break down barriers put up when you don’t know one another. Making agape for the pilgrims and teams for up-coming walks during your meetings is also another fun activity your Reunion group can do together! Commit not only to God but to one another. Be regular in your attendance and participation. If you invite people you know and enjoy being with to join your Reunion group, you will find it easy to attend the meetings. Don’t let just one person do all the talking. Remember, this is your group too. When you feel like you need it the least, you need it the most! Bring something to share with your group and enter the meetings ready to be a friend to everyone there. Be serious about what the group represents, living in grace through the practice of piety, study and action. Be accountable to members of your group for your Christian practice and growth. Always be there for every member of your group to support them. Be Christ for one another. Try to keep your meetings around an hour in length. If meetings are too long, members will not want to attend. Just remember: the Reunion group you attend, is your Reunion group! If you have any questions or would like to start your own Reunion group, please feel free to contact me and I will do everything I can to help get you started. Jacque Powers, Reunion Group Chairperson Do you have items laying around the house no longer being used? Could one table’s artistic response benefit from your small act of agape? If you can say “yes” to these two questions, then you should consider donating to the prop boxes! The prop boxes that our community uses during the weekend for our skits and other artistic responses are in great need of a makeover! Wigs, bicycle horns, blow-up guitars, dresses or suit jackets no longer being worn, and eyeglasses are all great examples of items that could be added to the prop boxes. What types of items did your table use when you created your artistic responses? May you could donate an item similar to that. Bring your new or gently used prop items to any upcoming Gathering! Our quartermasters will see to it that your items are added to the prop boxes! This is just another form of agape love! 3 Are you considering or do you have a desire to work an upcoming Emmaus walk? Great! The HHE Community is always seeking willing members to fulfill that role. But, whether you’re a veteran or working your very first time, before you fill out that volunteer form you need to honestly answer the following questions listed below. The Walk to Emmaus is a structured, disciplined experience and because of its lifetransforming potential, Emmaus calls for your very best effort during team meetings and the Walk weekend. Can you be committed to give your very best? Are you ready to be a team member? Are you aware that team fees are $120.00 and are due prior to the start of the walk? Are you aware that team meetings begin approximately three months prior to the actual walk date? Do you know that the team meetings last approximately 5 hours with as much as an additional two hours travel time and are usually held on Saturday mornings with an 8:00 AM start time? Are you committed to attending an average of 5 team meetings and participating in all the team activities, include providing food for the meeting, actively participating in an assigned prayer group, previewing talks, being prayer support of speakers and providing daily prayer support between meetings through the use of a prayer calendar? If asked, are you willing to give one of the talks? Are you fully committed to the time requirements of the weekend, which may include taking time off from work or your family? You may be required to arrive at the campground as early as 1:00 PM Thursday and stay as late as 7:00 PM Sunday. Are you aware that your sleeping arrangements may not be quite as inviting as they were when you were a pilgrim? Are you aware that you may be sleep deprived during the weekend as time for sleep is determined greatly by your role during the weekend? Are you aware that you’ll be asked to attend (especially conference room workers) an informal 4th Day meeting usually held at the Gathering immediately following the Walk to share information concerning the Walk (what went right, what went wrong and suggestions for improvement)? (Continued on Next Page) 4 Team member discipline is critical to the success of an Emmaus weekend. It calls for obedience to the process, procedures, dynamics and the spirit of the Walk to Emmaus. It goes far beyond the adherence to the schedule and calls for each team member to firmly commit themselves to the higher purpose of the entire weekend. Team members need to realize that their role is not to relive their Emmaus weekend but to serve the Pilgrims with a servant’s heart. As the team cannon states: “It’s not about me!” We don’t want to discourage anyone from serving, but a member of an Emmaus Team must have a servant’s heart. Being a team member is a very humbling, rewarding and spiritually uplifting experience. The Board strongly encourages every member of the Hoosier Hills Emmaus Community to serve on an Emmaus Team. DeColores, Dave Arnold, Training Chairperson SOULfeast is The Upper Room’s spiritual formation event for children, youth, and adults who seek deepening spirituality across a spectrum of experiences that nourish the soul. Many training sessions are being offered! Descriptions of the sessions, as well as other sessions and a schedule, can be found online. Registration is also available online. Visit http://soulfeast.upperroom.org/ to register and read more about the event! (Early bird registration ends June 1!) 5 Men's Walk 95 was the weekend of April 10 through April 14. While the number of pilgrims was a bit lower than usual the enthusiasm and praise was not. We could feel the Holy Spirit working in all our lives. The pilgrims started right out from the beginning praising God in a mighty way. Some of the men gave up baggage that they had been carrying around for years. At the closing every man came to the microphone to tell how their life had been changed just from this one weekend. All in all, I believe this was a Holy Spirit filled, God praising weekend. DeColores! Darrel Fleener As St. Teresa of Avila so beautifully wrote, “Christ has no body on earth but ours, no hands but ours, no feet but ours..” and HHE Walk 96 was proof that God is alive and lives at camp Indi-Co-So! God gifted us with beautiful weather which allowed everyone to fully enjoy the campgrounds through walks and outdoor activities. The pilgrims grew in their love for Christ and team members were authentic examples of humility and servitude. God was truly the leader this weekend and his presence was felt throughout the campground. It was a most blessed experience for me and an honor to serve as Lay Director for HHE Walk 96. To God be the glory! Your Sister in Christ, Bonnie Arnold 6 Community Gathering Friday, May 9 @ 6:30 PM Sherwood Oaks Christian Church 2700 East Rogers Road, Bloomington Contact: Rita Klingelhoffer (812) 369-8099 Who? Emmaus and Chrysalis alumni, family, friends, and potential pilgrims. This is the first gathering after the recent walks, so recent sponsors are encouraged to bring their pilgrims! What do we bring? Bring a covered dish for the pitch-in dinner. Please wear name tags but NOT crosses. DIRECTIONS From Hwy 37 turn east on W. Tapp Road (1st intersection south of Hwy 45). Proceed 2 miles to Walnut Street where W. Tapp Road becomes E. Winslow Road. Continue 1.2 miles to next roundabout SPECIAL TRAINING SESSION Dave Arnold, Training Chairperson for the Hoosier Hills Emmaus Board, will be presenting a special session to all community members and attendees. Learn some historical facts about the HHE Community and why quality sponsorship is JOB NUMBER ONE for a healthy and vibrant community. 7 www.hoosierhillsemmaus.com FALL 2014 EMMAUS WALKS Men’s Walk # 97 September 11-14, 2014 Lay Director: Phil Padgett Women’s Walk # 98 September 18-21, 2014 Lay Director: Julie Parmenter FALL 2014 CHRYSALIS FLIGHTS Girls’ Chrysalis Flight #33, Journey #27 October 31 - November 2, 2014 Lay Director: Joanna Anderson Boys’ Chrysalis Flight #34, Journey #28 November 7-9, 2014 Lay Director: Lucas Klipsch SPRING 2015 CHRYSALIS FLIGHT Girls’ Chrysalis Flight #34, Journey #28 April 9-12, 2015 SPRING 2015 EMMAUS WALKS Men’s Walk # 99 April 16-19, 2015 Women’s Walk # 100 April 23-26, 2015 8 Save these dates and come to the gatherings! They’re always a great time filled with fellowship, worship, and of course, food! We’ll announce locations for each gathering as the dates approach! May 9—Sherwood Oarks August 8/9 (TBD) October 10 November 14 (Sponsored by Chrysalis) Make sure to visit our website for all the latest news and information! You can also find all the application forms to print and download! www.hoosierhillsemmaus.com To find out more about the Walk to Emmaus, to keep up-to-date on Emmaus events throughout the world, or to shop their bookstore, visit the Upper Room’s website. http://emmaus.upperroom.org/ 3rd YEAR MEMBERS 2nd YEAR MEMBERS 1st YEAR MEMBERS Aaron Johnson Treasurer a.johnson@riverviewfarmsinc.com Dave Arnold Training/Team Selection db.arnold@att.net Mark Cary Team Selection mcary60@att.net Janice Pickens Secretary bpickens@netsurfusa.net Laurie Eynon Community Events/Chrysalis Liaison eynonlaurie@gmail.com Rita Klingelhoffer Agape/Asst. Quartermaster ritaklingelhoffer@ymail.com Cheryl Snooks Quartermaster c.snooks@comcast.net Roger Herrington Facilities/Team Selection cherrington0144@sbcglobal.net Kimberly Porter Newsletter krporter@iupui.edu Travis Wease Community Lay Director/ Webmaster spidtat@att.net Jacque Powers Reunion Groups/Team Selection jbpowers13@att.net Bill “Catfish” Wilson Asst. Facilities billandjanicewilson@gmail.com Alvin McFadden Community Spiritual Director revsumc@sbcglobal.net Evie Stuard Clergy/Team Selection eviestuard@elevatorinspection.com Diane Wells Clergy/Community Events wells.bdmd@yahoo.com EX OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS Dave & Nancy Trammell Registrars/Community Data tram3537@comcast.net Jason King Chrysalis Community Lay Director hoosierking3@gmail.com 9
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