June 2015 News Letter
June 2015 News Letter
Tidewater Emmaus/Chrysalis www.ti dewateremmaus.org Find and “like” us on Facebook June Gathering Hickory UMC 2708 Battlefield Blvd S Chesapeake, VA 23457 Saturday - June 20, 2015 Potluck @ 5:30 Gathering @ 6:30pm Page 1 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 5 Passing of the Baton! Welcome! Gatherings & Teaming Training & Reunion Groups Sponsorship & Registration Welcome to the Community TW 107 & TW 108 Page 6 Tidewater Emmaus T Shirts are here!!! Page 7 Important Dates Page 8 Tidewater Emmaus Board Contact Us: Tidewater Emmaus P. O. Box 61485 Virginia Beach, VA 23466-1485 June 2015 Volume 27 Issue 6 We are pleased to announce Sandi Benton Plasters as the new Community Spiritual Director for the board. We look foreward to her councel as she serves our community! We would like to thank Clark Cundiff for his years of service as our community Head Spiritual Director. We were truly blessed to have such a dedicated servant of God as our spiritual guide. We will be seeing you at the gatherings. God speed. My Emmaus experience began in the early 1990s. I was introduced to the program during seminary, but I did not walk until the mid-90s, on Tidewater 33. Emmaus has always been a place where I could experience the grace of God especially in the gathered community. It is a place where I am welcomed and accepted without reservation. What a wonderful experience! My hope is to share this sense of acceptance with others in our community. I am honored to be your community spiritual director. I have been a part of this community Page 1 of 8 since moving back in 2013. Prior to that I was a part of Shenandoah Valley Emmaus and Chrysalis communities. I have also served as a part of a Karios team and Karios outside support. In all of my experiences, I have tried to offer the same experience of acceptance as I have received. I want to be one of the friends on the Emmaus road. In our journey together, we meet the risen Christ. Please keep me in your prayers as I learn this role. As I begin serving in this capacity, please feel free to share your hopes and dreams for our community. During these first few months, I would like to hear more from you. One way to do that is by visiting reunion groups. If you are a part of a reunion group, then would you invite me to come and visit? The best ways to reach me are email: twecsd@yahoo.com or mobile phone: 540421-7478. Lord and Savior. Welcome to all of you!! Our June Gathering will be on the 20th. It will be at Hickory UMC. In Chesapeake! In His Services, Penny Best-Director of Gatherings I am praying for you and our community. DeColores! Sandi Benton Plasters Community Spiritual Director DECOLORES Emmaus Community! I hope you all got a chance to purchase or pre-order, your Emmaus Tee-Shirt at May’s gathering. It’s a great way to support our community and to be styling for Jesus! It was great to see all the new community members worshiping our Teaming applications are due by the June Gathering (June 20@ Hickory UMC). The team is made up of 1/3 first time applicants, 1/3 1-3 times having teamed and 1/3 experienced team people. Remember that feeling you had leaving Wakefield after your walk, don't you want to be part of the Page 2 of 8 team that is with the next group of pilgrims as they experience this beautiful walk. Please contact tweteamselect@yahoo.com or call (757)641-3125 if you have any questions. Then the next thing we know… IT IS SUMMER! As our boys were growing up, there was a Veggie Tale video we would watch about the Good Samaritan. In the video called “Are you my neighbor?” people walking past the hurt Samaritan would sing the song “Busy” because they were TOO BUSY to help the Samaritan. Are we too busy to talk to people about the Walk to Emmaus? With all this busyness, there is one thing that should be on the forefront of our hearts and minds. SPONSORING FALL PILGRIMS! We should never be too busy to think about sharing the agape love to others. There are several wonderful steps to consider when sponsoring a person on the Walk to Emmaus. Steps of Sponsorship: Busy, Busy, Dreadfully Busy! May was a very busy month! We had Mother’s Day, college graduations, weddings, Gathering (3rd Saturday of the month), Memorial Day, and the 32nd Annual Pungo Strawberry Festival plus a splash of other events like birthdays and anniversaries. 1. Pray – write down names that God is leading you to sponsor, pray over those names. Pray for their willingness to surrender for 72 hours, pray for their families, pray for their work and then pray some more. 2. Approach – sit down and talk to the person God placed on your heart. Tell them about the Walk to Emmaus – answer all questions they have. Remember the Equal Commitment Rule. Page 3 of 8 3. Let – Allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. There are times a person will give you a definite answer, so be prepared with the application. The applications are on the website: www.tidewateremmaus.org . We must meet the minimum number of 20 pilgrims BEFORE teaming even begins! So that is why it is so important to be planning now for the fall. Here are the dates; put them above your list of names of the folks you have spoken to about the Walk to Emmaus. Men’s Walk TW 109 October 25, 2015 October 22 – New T-shirts on sale, see page 6 Women’s Walk TW 110 November 5 – November 8, 2015 Cheryl Best Director of Sponsorship & Registration Page 4 of 8 Welcome to the Community TW 107 & TW 108 TW 107 Bruce Alligood Jay Beltinck Paul Bozard Jim Burison Don Crigger Mike D’Amato Jim Doyle Matt Eldredge Winston Faircloth Kev Fields John Folsom Jeff Girdler Moises Godinez Joe Greene III Jeff Henley Jason Houser Fred James Joe Johnson Steve Kurrle Michael Lowder Ben Mason Benson McGlone Andy Miller Steve Roe Joey Roenker Marc Sampson Carroll Starling Eddi von Schlichting Greg Walters Asa Wilson John Young TW 108 Roxzanne Amos Sue Anker Sonya Barnes Dana Beck Jocelyn Blakeslee Wendy Boswell Sandy Burison Tina Ciccone Susan Cohen Kim Conner Frances Dixon Betty Eastman Stephanie Eldredge Stephanie Fields Deborah Jackson Joan Jarrell Karen Johnson Betsy Kurrle Kim Lister Brenda Little Andrea Locke Carol McCormick Hayley Moffatt Kimberly Parker Heather Ray Katy Rohrback Kara-Leigh Sakis Laura Sampson Yvette Starke Linda Stearns Chomko Carmen Thorpe Korina Ulanday Susie Vega Angela Walters Page 5 of 8 Cost: $20 for Small – X Large $21 for 2 XL and $22 for 3 XL There will be some on sale at the June Gathering and you may also pre order! Page 6 of 8 TW Emmaus/Chrysalis Important Dates: Gathering @ Hickory United Methodist Church Saturday – June 20th Time: Potluck dinner @ 5:30/Gathering @ 6:30 Address: 2708 Battlefield Blvd S, Chesapeake, VA 23322 Deadline – 20 pilgrims confirmed for TW 109 - TBD Deadline – 20 pilgrims confirmed for TW 110 - TBD Fall Walks: TW 109 Men’s Walk October 22-25, 2015 TW 110 Women’s Walk November 5-8, 2015 Page 7 of 8 I AM Position Community Spiritual Director Community Lay Director Director of Agape Director of Communication/ Webmaster Director of Continuity (training & reunion groups) Director of Finance Director of Gatherings Director of Music Director of Outreach Director of Records Director of Sponsorship/Registration Director of Team Selection Director of Weekends Chrysalis Community Lay Director Name Sandi Benton Plasters Donnie Gray Rhonda Huff Preston Best Email twecsd@yahoo.com Debbie Forehand twecld@yahoo.com tweagape1@yahoo.com twecommunication@yahoo.com twewebmaster@yahoo.com twecontinuity@yahoo.com Joyce Thompson Penny Best Andy Barron Charlotte Carroll Greg Reinhart Cheryl Best twefinance@yahoo.com twegatherings@yahoo.com twemusic@yahoo.com tweoutreach@yahoo.com twerecords@yahoo.com twesponsorship@yahoo.com Leo Matuszak Tommy Moore Tim Mallery tweteamselect@yahoo.com tweweekends@yahoo.com 7vawhiteboy@gmail.com Page 8 of 8
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