LEXINGTON COMMUNITY - Lexington Emmaus Community


LEXINGTON COMMUNITY - Lexington Emmaus Community
Lexington, KY
“…It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon." Luke 24:34
April 2010
Well is spring in the air? March Madness is almost over. And with the spring walks being finished are we done
with our work until the fall? This is just the beginning of all of our 4th Days. As we have all heard, today is the
first of our 4th Days. Each day the Lord brings us Blessings and each day we are thankful for what he has given
us. As I have been struggling to read the Bible every day I have been struggling in staying on the path the Lord
has given me. Easter is coming and with Passover to be celebrated, we need to look at the gifts each one of us
has to do the Lord‘s work. We have work to do with the Emmaus Community, our home church, our family
and our friends. As it was during Moses‘ time it is here in our time.
Exodus 36
―The LORD has gifted Bezalel, Oholiab, and the other skilled craftsmen with wisdom and ability to
perform any task involved in building the sanctuary. Let them construct and furnish the Tabernacle,
just as the LORD has commanded.‖
So Moses summoned Bezalel and Oholiab and all the others who were specially gifted by the L ORD and
were eager to get to work. 3 Moses gave them the materials donated by the people of Israel as sacred
offerings for the completion of the sanctuary. But the people continued to bring additional gifts each
morning. 4 Finally the craftsmen who were working on the sanctuary left their work. 5 They went to
Moses and reported, ―The people have given more than enough materials to complete the job the LORD
has commanded us to do!‖
As with the times of Moses; we are also now gifted with skills, wisdom and ability to do the Lord‘s work.
And build the Temples within each of us. Let each of us take time to pray and see the gifts we have been given
and to apply those gifts to the work of the Lord. During the quiet time between the Spring Walks and the Fall
Walks we still need to be building the body of Christ. Stay with what your Walk taught you and stay in the path
that the Lord has for you. All of our Temples need to be built as the Lord has commanded us. Let us help
build others Temples to God‘s specifications.
In this Easter season remember what Christ did for all of us and humble yourself to take the time to see what
the Disciples did after the Risen Christ met with them. They went out and spread the Gospel and the Love of
Christ to all. Let us all share this Love and Gospel. Pray that we may see those that have gifts that the Walk
can nurture and develop for the future of Christianity and the building of their Temples.
May you all have a safe and Happy Easter.
In your and Christ‘s Service,
Earl Taylor
eTa <><
Lexington Chrysalis News
Hello All,
There is a little bit of excitement happening right now in regards to the Lexington Chrysalis
community. There are some plans in process that will help build and move this part of the
community forward and hopefully give it more strength to change the lives of even more young
people. Here are a couple of the things that are in the works and discussion right now.
We had our first Chrysalis ―Follow-Up‖ during the March Gathering. The new butterflies of
Flight #32 sang for the community and then proceeded to a time of fun, worship, reflection of
the weekend, devotion, and communion. I think that although it had a few hiccups, it was an
amazing success. So, I believe, this will be the format of things to come. In the future, I hope
to see more of the table leaders and other team members there as well.
A RUSH Retreat weekend, RUSH (Re Uniting Servant Hearts) is the new word for HOOT. The
Upper Room had a renaming contest and RUSH won, so now all literature coming from Upper
Room will feature the term RUSH instead of HOOTs.
A RUSH Retreat will be for Chrysalis alumni, people who have gone on previous flights and
want to get connected into the larger community. We are trying to work out plans with
Aldersgate Camp to hold the retreat at their facility, now it is just a matter of working out the
details. This weekend will also encourage youth and young people to take the next step in their
Christian Faith and explore deeper some of the issues that were touched upon during the
Chrysalis retreat. I will have more about this opportunity as it is planned out.
The second major thing that is in discussion is the possibility of a SECOND CHRYSALIS
FLIGHT. Yes, my friends, if you have wanted to sponsor someone for Chrysalis, but they are
always busy in February, a second flight opportunity may be opening up soon. We may start
with a small, test flight to gauge the response. More than likely it would take place on the first
or second weekend in August, right before school starts. Needless to say, by adding a second
Chrysalis, we will be able to use more youth on Chrysalis flights throughout the year, and
hopefully keep the excitement going all year long.
There are also some free standing Chrysalis RUSH events in the works, details will be revealed
as they become available.
If you have any questions or comments about any of the things I have mentioned, please feel
free to contact me.
Thanks, Michael Deaton
Facebook: Michael Ray Deaton
Email: themd13@hotmail.com
Lexington Walk to Emmaus
Men‘s Walk #111
Row 1: Jeremy Prater, Robbie Hale, John Sims, Joe Martin. Row 2: Bob Fortny, Mike Phelps, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Tony Blackman, Bill Partin, Daniel
Crossfield, Ron Crandall, Craig Hicks, Mike Edmiston, Ken Hughs; Row 3: Joyce McKinney, Rita Elder, Derek Hina, John Elder, Greg Leopold, Robert
Baker, Ted Gyorffy, Bill McKinny, Terry Burlew, Barry Fazelle; Row 4: Perry Desponett, Barry Burlew, Terry Vickous; Row 5: Doug Butler, Paul Purcell,
Tom Lingeman, Scott Walz, Brad Bartley, Brian Dyson, Mike Harrell, Jim Eastburn, Stephen Boyd, David Holbrook, Ken Hahn, Doug Crossfield, Jason
Basham; Row 6: David Scott, Roger Johnson, Wayne Logan, Fred Walsh, George Blackman, Craig Sefa, Norbert Allen, Paul Ferrell, J.R. Ham, Jason
Shoults, Thom Slone.
Thursday evening the Community provided great food as we gathered at the Asbury Inn. Nineteen pilgrims were at
sendoff for Walk #111. We made some ‗new best friends‘ and saw the new Emmaus DVD. It was different, but the
message, not the media, is important. This message from Jesus is ―I want you to love me and serve me where you find
yourself‖…whether the road leads to Emmaus or your town.
Friday morning arrived with a glorious sunrise. We gathered in the Prayer Chapel, broke the overnight silence and bread
with each other. Then Norbert Allen and his kitchen team provided a sumptuous breakfast to nourish our bodies as we
walked towards Emmaus.
One table of pilgrims sat together before Lay Director John Elder announced the assignments. They definitely felt the
presence of the Holy Spirit. All the tables bonded quickly. The post-talk discussions were animated and their expressions
were well prepared.
Saturday was amazing. Growth was easily visible in the Conference Room. Tables began visits to the Chapel. Posters and
skits were right on target across the board. Thank you, Lexington Emmaus Community for your presence at Candlelight to
support Walk #111. Estes Chapel was astoundingly full! Agapeland was beautiful—one of the pilgrims could not believe
that we were in the same room where we had already eaten five meals.
Sunday was a dichotomy. It was dark, not a glorious sunrise [daylight savings time, you know]. We also did not leave
campus for a worship service. However, on reflection, since Thursday at supper time we‘d taken Holy Communion twice
and accrued 29 ½ hours in worship of one variety or another.
We were promised on Thursday night that Friday would be good, Saturday better, and Sunday better still. We were not
disappointed. Notes from more clergy talks on Grace and grace filled laity talks flooded our notebooks throughout the
morning and early afternoon. WOW! Lay director John was right, Sunday was the best! At Closing, we heard some
eloquent and some heartfelt witnessing from the newest members of our community. God‘s blessings to all on your
Fourth Days.
Reported by Fred Walsh,
Lexington Emmaus Walk #111
Table of Servants
Lexington Walk to Emmaus
Women‘s Walk #112
Row1: Patricia Walsh, McKensie Sefa, Judy McVey, Mary Beth Fryman, Veronica Taylor, Elly Gilbert, Sissy Crowe, Donna Webb June, Deverick, June
LeMaster, Marie Angus, Jennifer Deaton, Sarah HinerRow; 2: Cheryl Napier, Carol Whiting, Janie Heaberlin, Juanita Jo Yoder, Sharon Meade, Sarah
Dyson, Christy Edmiston, Belinda Cook, Maggie Johnson, Leann Pace, Susan Bryant, Kaye Taylor, Tonya Bartley; Row 3: Charla Heersch, Colleen Smith
Davis, Laura Gardner, Honey Elder, Mary Twitty, Sherry Harrod, Doreen Joyce; Row 4: Hope Goodwin, Sarah Blackman, Lana Pennington, Dorothy Swope,
Sadie McGee-McNamara, Paula Smith, Susan Holliday, Becky Watson, Sara Antonetti, Donna Eastburn, Marsha Frankel, Julie Wilson, Lynn Baldwin Row
5:Terry Vickous , , Kristy Hicks, Nietta Frazier, Hilary Miller, Lindsey Harrell, Joy Hawley, Jeanne Baker, Gayle Dockery, Michelle Howard, Tonya Elam,
Charla Harris, Kenya Cummings, Mark Crowe, Ron Devrick.
From the beginning it seems that the Women‘s Walk #112 was meant to be a ―Walk of Prayer‖. Our fearless leader, Sharon
Meade, was a prayer warrior from the earliest stages of team selection and continued to stay on her knees throughout the
weekend and even now in our 4th days. Sharon was adamant that this be God‘s team and God‘s Walk. It began with three
team members in the prayer chapel. Though only two were able to attend during the Walk, all three were kept busy by the
prayer requests from the team. It seems Satan was attacking us from all sides, but we persevered through prayer. God
guided Sharon through each obstacle and she was able to resolve each issue. Now that we are in our 4 th days, those prayer
requests continue to flow through a new tool, Facebook!
The weekend was truly all God. The tables came together quickly and it didn‘t take long for laughter to permeate the
conference room….and the agape room….and the kitchen. We learned a new Emmaus time from Judy McVey, the ―floss
and flush!‖ We also learned to dance and decided to add some moves to our theme song, ―The More I Seek You‖, thanks to
Nietta Frazier. It was a blast learning about God‘s grace and His love together. The kitchen and agape teams spoiled us
with taking care of our every need (even if we didn‘t want the extra cookie, Bruce Maybriar). The facilities team went
above and beyond the call of duty by performing in the Chicken Song as the Maid and the Rooster! It was a hoot!!
The community really showed up this weekend as well. It is very rare that a walk does not need additional letters and that
is exactly what happened. The attendance at candlelight was wonderful! Estes Chapel glowed with friendly faces as we
entered the doors. It was absolutely beautiful! That is a sign of great sponsorship and of great community support.
Thank you so much!
I look forward to seeing our newest pilgrims at Gatherings and future Walks. May God bless you all in your 4 th days to
come! De Colores!
Susan Bryant, ALD, Walk #112
For everything there is a season, and a
time for every purpose under heaven:
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Please Pray for Our Fall
Flight and Walks
Men‘s Walk #113: Paul Percell, Lay
Women‘s Walk #114: Janie
Heaberlin, Lay Director
“Do you work at the University of
Kentucky (or live near main
campus)? If so, please contact
Veronica Taylor at
veronicataylor@uky.edu. She would
like to discuss starting a reunion group
and/or a regularly scheduled lunch
gathering on campus.”
Lexington Emmaus Community
2011 Board of Directors
Lay Director – Earl Taylor
Treasurer – Lonnie Watts
Agape – Linda Curd
Chrysalis – Michael Deaton
Registrar - Susan Bryant
Leadership Training – Roy Johnson
Music –Vacant
Supplies – Steve Burris
Facilities - John Greene & Vice Lay Director
Spiritual Director - Ken Hughes
Secretary - Patricia Walsh
Candlelight/ Sponsor's Hour – Terry Vickous
Community Shepherd – Alan Jackson
Gatherings/Kitchen - Troy Ellis
Literature - Donna Jones
Newsletter - Cheryl Napier & David Napier
Team Selection - Kathy Rosewell
Men and women of walks 111 and 112,
Welcome to the Lexington Emmaus Community! We are so happy that you accepted the invitation to
participate in a Walk to Emmaus weekend, and sincerely hope you were able to enjoy the experience
and grow in your faith. As discussed during the ―Fourth Day‖ talk, your faith journey should not end
just because the Walk is over. In fact, we are confident that you will continue your journey into each
of your ―fourth days‖, and that you will extend your experience into your everyday life. We encourage
you to continue to grow in your relationship with Christ and to live as a faithful disciple.
During the weekend, you were served by members of the Lexington Emmaus Community. Those that
served did so because they are living as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. The individuals that were
part of your weekend were there because of their love for Jesus and their willingness and eagerness to
share this Christian love with others. In fact, during the weekend, it was probably easy to see the face
of Jesus in each person that was serving.
The Community would like to ask you to volunteer to serve in some capacity. You may have already
volunteered when you filled in your Fourth Day sheet; if so, Thank You! However, if you have not yet
committed to serving, we ask that you seriously consider where your gifts could be used. There are so
many varying opportunities for you to become involved, including:
Working on a team
Preparing a portion of or serving a meal
Making Agape
Providing snacks for a Walk
Volunteering to be a Fourth Day speaker at a
monthly gathering
Sponsoring a Pilgrim on an upcoming walk
Contributing to the Scholarship Fund
You can find other opportunities on our website, www.lexingtonemmauscommunity.org, or talk to
your sponsor for other ideas. The important point is that we are asking you to become involved in
supporting and expanding the Lexington Emmaus Community. Remember the story in Luke 24:1335? After the disciples eyes were opened and they realized that Jesus had been with them during their
journey from Jerusalem and during the meal, they did not just sit back and bask in the presence of
Jesus. No, they got up and hurried back to Jerusalem in order to spread the news of the risen Christ.
They served Christ in their witness to others.
How will you serve?
Susan Bryant
Lexington Emmaus Community
Future Walks and Flights
October 6 – 9, 2011 Men‘s Walk 113
October 20 – 23, 2011 Women‘s Walk 114
February 18 – 20, 2012 Chrysalis Flight 33
March 15 – 18, 2012 Men‘s Walk 115
March 22 – 25, 2012 Women‘s Walk 116
October 11 – 14, 2012 Men‘s Walk 117
October 25 – 28, 2012 Women‘s Walk 118
February 15 – 18, 2013 –Chrysalis Flight 34
April 11 – 14, 2013 – Men‘s Emmaus Walk 119
April 18 – 21, 2013 – Women‘s Emmaus Walk 120
October 10 – 13, 2013 - Men‘s Emmaus Walk 121
October 17 – 20, 2013 – Women‘s Emmaus Walk 122
Please be in prayer for these upcoming Walks
and Flights:
April 7 - 10, 2011
Women's Walk River Walk Emmaus, 56 California
Women's Walk Columbine Emmaus Community, 19
Women's Walk Emmaus of the Rockies, 145 Colorado
Women's Walk Mountain Trails Emmaus, 34 Oregon
Women's Walk Columbus IN Area Emmaus, 80 Indiana
Women's Walk Michiana Emmaus Community, 38 Indiana
Women's Walk Cedar Rapids Emmaus, 148 Iowa
Women's Walk Kalamazoo Area Emmaus, 82 Michigan
Women's Walk Heart of Ohio Emmaus, 54 Ohio
Men's Walk Northern Lights Emmaus, 29 Ohio
Women's Walk Reynoldsburg Emmaus, 86 Ohio
Men's Walk Western Reserve Emmaus (Cleveland & NE
Ohio), 40 Ohio
Women's Walk NEAR The Cross Emmaus Community, 20
Men's Walk Noahs of Ark Emmaus, 155 Arkansas
Women's Walk Cross Bayou Emmaus, 70 Louisiana
Women's Walk Lagniappe Country Emmaus, 59 Louisiana
Women's Walk Heartland of Kansas City Emmaus, 35
Women's Walk Cross Point Emmaus, 82 Oklahoma
Women's Walk Green Country Emmaus, 150 Oklahoma
Women's Walk Northwest Oklahoma Emmaus, #82
Women's Walk Central Texas Conference Emmaus, 367
Women's Walk Houston North Emmaus Communtiy, Inc.,
61 Texas
Women's Walk Chesapeake Walk to Emmaus, 36
Women's Walk Skylands Emmaus, 36 New Jersey
Women's Walk Western New York Emmaus, 41 New York
Men's Walk Wyoming Conference Emmaus/Chrysalis
Community INC, 94 New York
Women's Walk Three Rivers Emmaus Western
Pennslyvania, 78 Pennsylvania
Men's Walk Tidewater Emmaus, TW94 Virginia
Men's Walk Alabama Emmaus, 384 Alabama
Men's Walk Bethlehem Walk to Emmaus, 7 Florida
Women's Walk Florida Sonrise Emmaus Community, 37
Women's Walk Southeast Florida Emmaus, 67 Florida
Men's Walk Pathway East Georgia Walk to Emmaus, 20
Men's Walk Pennyrile Emmaus, 66 Kentucky
Men's Walk Purchase Area Walk To Emmaus, 104
Women's Walk Grace Emmaus Community of the
Carolinas, 31 North Carolina
Women's Walk Great Smoky Mountain Emmaus, 86
Men's Walk New Covenant Emmaus, #66 Tennessee
Men's Walk Jamaica Emmaus Community, #6
Girl's Walk Delmarva Chrysalis, 43 Delaware
Boy's Walk Lake Cumberland Chrysalis, 37 Kentucky
Girl's Walk Sydney, 37 Australia
April 14 - 17, 2011
Men's Walk El Shaddai Emmaus of Indiana, 154 Indiana
Women's Walk Darke County Emmaus, 41 Ohio
Men's Walk Brazos Valley Emmaus, 84 Texas
Women's Walk Cradle of Texas Emmaus, #51 Texas
Men's Walk Georgia-Lina Emmaus, 112 Georgia
Women's Walk Pathway East Georgia Walk to Emmaus, 20
Men's Walk Campbellsville Emmaus, 65 Kentucky
Men's Walk Lake Cumberland Area Emmaus, 91 Kentucky
Women's Walk Pennyrile Emmaus, 67 Kentucky
Women's Walk Purchase Area Walk To Emmaus, 105
Men's Walk Central Mississippi Emmaus, 110 Mississippi
Men's Walk Emmanuel Emmaus, 124 North Carolina
Women's Walk New Covenant Emmaus, #67 Tennessee
Women's Walk Jamaica Emmaus Community, #6
April 28 - May 1, 2011
Men's Walk Jackson Area Emmaus, M-54 Michigan
Women's Walk Western Reserve Emmaus (Cleveland & NE
Ohio), 40 Ohio
Women's Walk Golden Spread Emmaus, 221 Texas
Men's Walk NET (Northeast Texas Emmaus), 11-111
Women's Walk Chesapeake Walk to Emmaus, 36A Delaware
Women's Walk Living Waters Emmaus (formerly Troy AC),
112 New York
Women's Walk Crossroads Emmaus-Chrysalis of Eastern
Pennsylvania, 51st Pennsylvania
Women's Walk Keystone Emmaus & Chrysalis, 36
Women's Walk Tidewater Emmaus, TW95 Virginia
Women's Walk Birmingham Emmaus, #61 Alabama
Men's Walk Central Alabama Emmaus, 138 Alabama
Women's Walk New Life Emmaus, 20 Alabama
Women's Walk Bethlehem Walk to Emmaus, 8 Florida
Men's Walk Oceanside Emmaus, 61 Florida
Women's Walk Georgia-Lina Emmaus, 113 Georgia
Men's Walk North Georgia Walk to Emmaus, 148 Georgia
Women's Walk Campbellsville Emmaus, 66 Kentucky
Women's Walk Lake Cumberland Area Emmaus, 102
Women's Walk Central Mississippi Emmaus, 111
Women's Walk Emmanuel Emmaus, 125 North Carolina
Women's Walk Sonlights in Puerto Rico Emmaus
Community, 44
Boy's Walk Delmarva Chrysalis, 43 Delaware
Girl's Walk Dale Hollow Chrysalis Community, 5 Kentucky
Boy's Walk Sydney, 38 Australia
Statesville Men‘s Kairos # 11
Illinois Credo Recovery Women‘s # 7
April 29 - May 2, 2011
Men‘s Walk Central Queensland Emmaus
Love one another with brotherly affection
[as members of one family], giving
precedence and showing honor to one
Romans 12: 10
Deadline for the May
Newsletter - April 22
Come to the Next Gathering!
LEXINGTON Gathering at West Side Community UMC, 2875 US Highway 127, Hustonville, Potluck
6:30 PM, Worship Service at 7:30 PM.
Gathering at Paintsville’s Mayo UMC, 705 Court Street, Paintsville, 7:00 Worship
Everyone bring a dish to share: veggie/side dish, main dish, or dessert. Drinks, plates, cups, and utensils
will be provided. Everyone will help clean up, so the work will be light
CHILD CARE-Child care is available at all Gatherings. Sponsors assist finding childcare for Walks.
COMMUNITY PRAYER MINISTRY-E-mail request to Judy Seitz at prayers@lexingtonemmaus.org
Reunion Groups
Remember the small beige service card that you received with your cross on the last day of your
Walk/Flight? That small card presents the guidelines to be used while sharing your weekly walk with
Christ during a reunion group meeting. If you have been thinking about seeking an Emmaus Reunion
Group, here is your chance. Listed below are current Reunion Groups that are open to new members.
In addition, our Emmaus community has many opportunities to form new groups and Ken and Martha
Hahn are willing to help facilitate with these opportunities. Ladies, please contact Martha and Men,
please contact Ken if you are interested in being part of any of these reunion groups mentioned or to
start with a new group. Remember that Christ is counting on you and He‘s ready and willing to meet
with you and your Reunion Group each week.
Christ‘s Legions
Monday Afternoon Ladies
Leonardwood Drive (Frankfort)
Sonrise Sisters Two
4:00 am
Ashwood Retirement Community
7:15 pm
Lexington –Southside
Men‘s Group
Tuesday Morning Men
Bible Study Gals
Tuesday Night Tootsies
6:30 am
7:00 am
12:00 pm
7:00 pm
Danville Cracker Barrel
Frankfort 1st UMC
Local restaurants – Lexington area
Lexington – off New Circle Road
Rainbow Connection
9:00 am
Lexington (various homes)
6:30 am
McDonalds on Limestone
6:45 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
7:00 pm
Trinity Hill UMC (Lexington)
Trinity Hill UMC (Lexington)
Trinity Hill UMC (Lexington)
Moreland (biweekly)
8:00 am
Morton Middle School - Room 203
Lexington – Near UK
(No name)
in Lexington (UK near campus)
Thursday Morning Irregulars – Early
Thursday Morning Irregulars
Thursday Morning Faithful
Urban Renewal
CHRIST (Christ Has Risen Indeed
Sisters Together)
Chrysalis Boy‘s small Group
of the Month)
Sonrise Sisters
7:30 pm (Last Fri.
7:45 am
Trinity Hill UMC (Lexington)
Lexington Emmaus Community Contact Information:
P.O. Box 23554, Lexington, KY 40523-3554
Dear Lexington Emmaus Community,
Listed below are the names of those who have gone on an Emmaus Walk or Chrysalis Flight at
some point in our history. Unfortunately we do not have any contact information for these
persons. If you can provide information or if you know any of them personally please have
them contact Kathy Rosewell at k.rosewell@insightbb.com
Quam, Nikki
Queen, Joanna
Quick, Aaron
Quick, Matt
Ramsay, Dave
Ramsay, Lyan
Ramsey, Allyson
Redmond, Allison
Redmond, Mark
Redwine, Leslie
Reynolds, Brian
Reynolds, Kevin
Reynolds, Tina
Reynolds, Wini
Ring, Shaun
Roberts, Cera
Robinette, Chelsey
Rocheleau, Mike
Rogers, Matthew
Ryan, Miles
Sason, Carol
Schafer, Brian
Schenk, Ken
Schilling, Amy
Schindler, Fritz
Seiring, Tina
Seiring, Trina
Sidwell, Randall
Simpson, April
Simpson, Robin
Sloane, Garnett
Smith, Veronica
Snawder, Amanda
Snowden, Mike
Snawder, Amanda
Snowden, Mike
Sparks, Patrick
Sperow, Daniel
Standinger, Jason
Steinfield, David
Stewart, Karen
Stewart, Kim
Stice, Lloyd
Stice, Will
Stull, Horton
Sweazy, Nicole
Tanner, Rebecca
Taylor, Erin
Thompson, Scott
Thornberry, Brian
Thrush, Kerry
Timbrook, Travis
Toler, Rebecca
Tolle, Mindi
Townsend, Josh
Tsoutserova, Julia
Tucker, Eric
Tullis, Melanie
Tullis, Melissa
Turco, Jason
Turner, David
Turner, Tiffany
Valentine, Carol
Verburg, Andrea
Vickers, Christy
Walker, Brad
Ward, Katie
Ward, Kevin
Watson, Karen
Wells, Andrew
West, Missy
West, Dick
Whisman, Stacey
Whitmer, Brian
Whittington, Linda
Whyte, Heather
Williams, Fred
Williams, James
Williams, Michael
Wilson, Shannon
Wofford, Laurie
Wood, Aaron
Wood, Katie
Worland, Chris
Wyatt, Stephanie
Wylie, Eric
Younce, Anne
Young, Angela
Gathering at Centenary UMC, 2800 Tates Creek Rd, Lexington, Potluck 6:30 PM, Worship Service
at 7:30 PM.
Gathering at Paintsville’s Mayo UMC, 705 Court Street, Paintsville, 7:00 Worship
Emmaus Board Meeting, Nicholasville UMC, 303 W Maple St, Nicholasville, KY
Easter Sunday ―The Lord is risen indeed!‖
Gathering at West Side Community UMC, 2875 US Highway 127, Hustonville, KY 6:30 PM Potluck,
7:30 Worship
Gathering at Paintsville’s Mayo UMC, 705 Court Street, Paintsville, 7:00 Worship
Emmaus Board Meeting, Nicholasville UMC, 303 W Maple St, Nicholasville, KY
Gathering at St. Luke UMC, 2351 Alumni Drive, Lexington, at 6:30 PM Potluck,
7:30 Worship
Gathering at Paintsville’s Mayo UMC, 705 Court Street, Paintsville, 7:00 Worship
Emmaus Board Meeting, Nicholasville UMC, 303 W Maple St, Nicholasville, KY
No Gatherings or Board Meeting
Gathering at Wesley UMC at 1825 Russell Cave Road, Lexington, at 6:30 PM Potluck,
7:30 Worship
Gathering at Paintsville’s Mayo UMC, 705 Court Street, Paintsville, 7:00 Worship
Emmaus Board Meeting, Nicholasville UMC, 303 W Maple St, Nicholasville, KY
Gathering at First United Methodist Church, Richmond, at 6:30 PM Potluck,
7:30 Worship
Gathering at Paintsville’s Mayo UMC, 705 Court Street, Paintsville, 7:00 Worship
Emmaus Board Meeting, Nicholasville UMC, 303 W Maple St, Nicholasville, KY
At Candlelight Service during Men‘s Walk Asbury‘s Estes Chapel
Gathering at Paintsville’s Mayo UMC, 705 Court Street, Paintsville, 7:00 Worship
Emmaus Board Meeting, Nicholasville UMC, 303 W Maple St, Nicholasville, KY
Gathering at Centenary UMC, 2800 Tates Creek Rd, Lexington, Potluck 6:30 PM,
Worship Service at 7:30 PM.
Gathering at Paintsville’s Mayo UMC, 705 Court Street, Paintsville, 7:00 Worship
Emmaus Board Meeting, Nicholasville UMC, 303 W Maple St, Nicholasville, KY
Gathering at Trinity Hill United Methodist, 3600 Tates Creek Road Lexington, Potluck 6:30 PM,
Worship Service at 7:30 PM.
Gathering at Paintsville’s Mayo UMC, 705 Court Street, Paintsville, 7:00 Worship
Emmaus Board Meeting, Nicholasville UMC, 303 W Maple St, Nicholasville, KY
Christmas! The Savior is Born!
Lexington Emmaus
P.O. Box 23554
Lexington, KY 40523-3554