The Light August 2012 - DaySpring Emmaus of Southern Indiana
The Light August 2012 - DaySpring Emmaus of Southern Indiana
The Official Publication of the DaySpring Emmaus Community of Southern Indiana August 2012 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a Light to my path ~ Psalm 119:105 COMMUNITY LAY DIRECTOR’S LETTER Dear Emmaus Community, What an honor it is for me to serve our Lord and Savior in this capacity as Community Lay Director! God has called me to this task and has surrounded me with an incredible board to work alongside this year. As President-Elect or Assistant Community Lay Director, I had a few small tasks to perform, but I mainly observed. While observing, I saw a group of people who were working hard behind the scenes making sure this community, the Emmaus experience, is as good for future pilgrims as it was for each one of us. I was hesitant to mention people by name for fear of leaving someone out, but there are some things that I feel deserve mention. I will start with the work Mike Finn has done. He is community registrar, but he has also been the driving force to make sure all of our service sheets get uploaded to a database that will eliminate the need for the super-sized binders that are currently used for team selection. Once the database is up and running, future lay directors will have every community member who has a service sheet on file at their fingertips. We hope to be able to use the database for the walks beginning in 2013. So, if you have an outdated service sheet, or never turned one in, please make sure to get that in the hands of Mike as soon as possible. Another large undertaking this past year was the work of Sharon Click. One of her roles on the board is taking care of our manuals and she has been great! She worked with Becky Mitchell to come up with an updated moment-by-moment. She has also made sure LD manuals are up to date with the newest material. Angie Wagner has worked diligently to make sure the trailer is set up and user friendly. Then there is Carol Shrewsbury who took over gatherings last summer and has organized something for the community every month over the past year. She has put in a lot of work, but also submitted to the Holy Spirit's leading and the results have been some pretty special gatherings. I really could go on and on about the behind the scenes work being done by board members, but none of them do any of it for recognition. They do it so others may come to know Christ in a deeper way as they experience the Walk to Emmaus. Be sure to try to make the gatherings. They are held at 7:30 p.m. on the first Friday of every month, except for the months when there is a walk. It's a great time to reconnect with people you haven't seen in a while and most importantly spend time with the Lord. I'd also like to personally welcome the new board members, Brent Cox, Eloise Carlisle, Jamie Hayden, Dan Brunmeier and Neil Lancaster. I'd also like to welcome our new community Spiritual Director, Tim Johnson. God has got big things planned for them and I look forward to having a front-row seat to watch. In closing, I want to share an exercise I did with our youth group the other night at church. I split them up into four groups of four. I asked one group to build a Ford Explorer, another group a log cabin, one group a staircase and finally a group to make a four layer wedding cake. It didn't take them long to realize that they were missing some pretty important stuff. They didn't have materials and they didn't have any instructions. Living a Christian life is the same way, we can't do it without the proper materials and instructions. This community is one of the many ingredients that have helped me build this Christian life, along with prayer, fellowship and many others. But having the ingredients isn't enough, we must open our instruction book, the Bible, to make sure we are using those ingredients in the right way. I challenge each of us to continue to gather the necessary ingredients to live a life that is pleasing to God and spend time in His word to make sure we are using those ingredients the way He wants us to! Blessings, much love and DeColores, George Browning DaySpring Community Lay Director Mark your calendar … Dedication for Walks 113 and 114 Sunday, Sept. 30th, 3:00 - 6:00 pm @ Graceland Baptist Church, 3600 Kamer Miller Road, New Albany * * Dedication is open to Teams and Community * * Men’s Walk 113 Women’s Walk 114 Indian Creek Baptist Camp Indian Creek Baptist Camp Send Off – Oct. 11th, 7:00 pm Candlelight – Oct. 13th, 7:30 pm Send Off – Oct. 18th, 7:00 pm Candlelight – Oct. 20th, 7:30 pm @ Old Capitol UMC 141 West Heidelberg Road NW, Corydon @ Old Capitol UMC 141 West Heidelberg Road NW, Corydon Closing – Oct. 14th, 4:00 pm Closing – Oct. 21st, 4:00 pm Follow-Up / Gathering for Walks 113 and 114 Saturday, Nov. 3rd Follow-up: 4:25 – 5:25 pm Gathering: 5:25 – 7:25 pm @ Georgetown Christian Church, 9420 State Rd 64, Georgetown, IN Friday, September 7, 2012 7:25 PM - 9:25 PM Tunnel Hill Christian Church 5105 Old Georgetown Road, Georgetown DAYSPRING REC UPCOMING WALKS August 24 – 26 Harrison County Women Jeannie Melton, Lay Director Candlelight @ 6:30 pm – Old Capitol UMC, Corydon 141 W. Heidelberg Road NW, Corydon September 7 – 9 Clark County Men Rick Missi, Lay Director Candlelight @ 6:30 pm – Ohio Falls UMC, Clarksville 917 South Virginia Avenue, Clarksville, Indiana September 28 - 30 Branchville Correctional Facility Tom Dennison, Lay Director Candlelight @ 6:30 pm – (Central) / 7:30 pm (Eastern) Branchville Correctional Facility 21390 Old State Road 37, Branchville, Indiana *** Must provide LD with name & drivers license # one week prior to walk or you will NOT be admitted *** October 26 - 28 Clark County Women Kristie Anderson, Lay Director Candlelight @ 6:30 pm – Ohio Falls UMC, Clarksville 917 South Virginia Avenue, Clarksville, Indiana November 9 - 11 Jennings County Men Daryll Walters, Lay Director Candlelight @ 6:30 pm – First United Methodist Church, North Vernon 240 West Poplar Street, North Vernon, Indiana “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11 Cornerstone Chrysalis Event for all Butterflies from prior Flights and potential Caterpillars for Flight #49 in January 2013 (more details on Flight #49 will follow in September 2012 newsletter) Is there a teen in your life that you could sponsor on a Chrysalis? Well here is your chance. The next Cornerstone Chrysalis Flight (#49) will be from January 19 - 21, 2012 at the Flaget Center, 1935 Lewiston Drive in Louisville. Directions are available on the website. Applications are being accepted now. For more information, visit chrysalissponsorship All Journey and Flight event times are: Send Off: 8:30 am Candlelight: 8:00 pm Closing: 4:00 pm 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! We’re on Facebook. Search for “DaySpring Emmaus Community (Southern IN)” and click on “join group.” All Emmaus community events and happenings will be posted on this page. Stay on top of all the latest news and events. Calling all cooks We are looking for volunteers to help out the teams as they prepare for upcoming walks. If you DaySpring Emmaus is updating its community database. This information is taken from returned service sheets and online registration at If you have not completed and returned a service sheet recently or signed up on the home page of the website, please do so at your first convenience. We need your information so that we can keep you informed of all DaySpring community news. have a group (reunion group, church group, etc.) that would be interested in helping out occasionally by preparing meals for the teams meetings, at the please Banners Needed Do you like doing arts and crafts? If so, we have a great opportunity for you to share your gift with the community. Agape is looking for new banners. During the walks the pilgrims are amazed at how the community shows their agape love when banners are paraded around them. Please contact Becky Mitchell at for more information. various contact Do you remember how much your Walk to Emmaus meant to you? It would not have been possible without the prayer and sacrifice of your sponsor. The responsibilities of being a sponsor are many and crucial to the effectiveness of the experience. You can share God’s love with someone you know by sponsoring him or her during an Emmaus weekend. There is still room on the October men’s and women’s walks. For more information about sponsorship, visit the Forms page at Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” What is a Reunion Group? The Emmaus group reunion is a small accountability group of two to 12 persons who have usually participated in the three-day Walk to Emmaus and who want to continue their pursuit of a life lived wholly in the grace of God. These small follow-up groups help pilgrims translate the message conveyed on the Walk to Emmaus weekend into a daily walk with Christ. With the regular support of a few faithful friends, the gift of God's love in Jesus Christ becomes a lifestyle of Christian discipleship through the threefold discipline of piety, study and action. Group reunions meet at regular times, usually weekly for an hour. The meeting consists of persons' sharing the stories of their walk with Christ during the past week. Members listen to one another, celebrate the grace of God in each person's life, and reinforce each one's core commitment to living in union with Christ in all facets of daily life. Members express that reinforcement through gentle accountability, encouragement, and support of one's stated discipline and plans. Don’t let your subscription run out … NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM If you wish to receive the printed edition of The LIGHT, please complete this form and mail it to the address below. Subscriptions are $10.00/year. NOTE: New pilgrims receive a complimentary one-year subscription following their walk. If you would light to receive The LIGHT by e-mail, please go to, click on the link on the left: The LIGHT and enter your name and e-mail address. You can also download and/or print The LIGHT by clicking on the Current Issue link. Name(s): Mailing Address City, State, & Zip Phone Number Please make checks payable to DaySpring Emmaus Community and mail with this form to: Eloise Carlisle – 4208 Aberdeen Court, New Albany, Indiana 47150 Date Received _____________ Check # ________ Amount __________ New Exp ___________ NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID LOUISVILLE, KY PERMIT #1225 DaySpring Emmaus Community of So. Indiana P.O. Box 681 New Albany, IN 47151 Time Sensitive Material Return Service Requested DAYSPRING EMMAUS BOARD ROSTER George Browning Michael May Darcy Hollingsworth Lynn Finn Neil Lancaster Dan Brunmeier Jamie Hayden Tim Johnson Shell Law Carol Shrewsbury Donnie Peacher Sharon Click Eloise Carlisle Becky Mitchell Angie Wagner Rod Wehrli Brent Cox Mike Finn Phyllis Krush Alan Miles Loreana Sutherlin Community Lay Director Former Community Lay Director Community Lay Director-Elect Clergy Liaison & Historian Secretary Kitchen Community Training & Sponsorship Community Spiritual Director Facilities & Transportation Gatherings Information Technology Manuals Newsletter Agape Acts Literature, Trailer & Supplies Finance & Reunion Groups Prayer & Server Charts Registrar - Laity Treasurer - Laity REC Liaison - Laity Chrysalis Liaison - Laity (C) 812-620-3849 (H) 812-633-4921 (C) 812-267-5963 (H) 812-951-3920 (H) 812-288-8223 (C) 812-207-9356 (C) 502-640-3272 (C) 812-972-0914 (H) 812-282-3153 (H) 812-923-5647 (C) 502-558-7678 (H) 812-923-0277 (C) 502-403-0981 (C) 812-736-1123 (H) 812-738-3175 (C) 209-606-5211 (H) 812-923-0596 (H) 812-951-3920 (H) 812-364-6335 (H) 812-256-0007 (H) 812-246-1832
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