The Light January 2016 - DaySpring Emmaus of Southern Indiana


The Light January 2016 - DaySpring Emmaus of Southern Indiana
The Official Publication of the DaySpring Emmaus Community of Southern Indiana
Dear DaySpring Emmaus Community,
The Christmas and New Year’s rush is just behind us. And ahead in this New Year
of 2016 is an incredible opportunity for us to make a difference in the lives of
many. In 2015, we had 124 men and women attend the Emmaus Walks in our
community. I appreciate the servanthood of our Lay Director’s Bill Hollingsworth
(123), Angie Wagner (124), Josh Suitor (125) and Joan Peyton (126).
The Spring Walk’s - #’s 127 (April 7-10) and 128 (April 14-17) will be here before
you know it! Dennis Shireman will be leading the Men’s Walk and Lora Hayes will
be leading the Women’s Walk. Please be in prayer for them as their teams come
together to prepare to serve and lead the men and women who will be pilgrims.
We as a community have 728 people who have gone through our community
sponsorship training. Each of these people and those who attend sponsorship
training over the next couple of months are eligible to sponsor pilgrims on each
of the upcoming walks. Through the power of prayer and the leading of the Holy
Spirit – our community has the opportunity to sponsor up to 48 men and 48
women on each of these walks. I believe 2016 is the year for us to see this happen again.
Now for those who haven’t been through sponsorship training, please
consider doing this immediately following an upcoming Gathering or at
one of the trainings that will be held in several of our local churches. The
training typically takes between 20-30 minutes. Even for the ‘seasoned’
sponsors, there are many things that are refreshers of being a good
sponsor. Please visit our website to see when the training opportunities
will be held.
Who is a good candidate for the Emmaus Walk?
Winter Issue ~ January 2016
A believer in Christ who is already a leader in their church
Who isn’t a good candidate for the Emmaus Walk?
A non-believer, or even someone questioning their faith.
The Emmaus Walk’s Mission is simply:
Empowering Leaders to be the hands and feet of Christ
The Emmaus Walk is a Journey with Christ – ‘While they were talking and
discussing, Jesus himself came near and walked with them. – Luke 24:15.
Begin praying today for the Holy Spirit to put ‘someone’ on your heart to
sponsor for the Spring Walks. For the health of our churches and our
community – we are called to serve and lead.
In His Grip,
Frank Heinz, Community Lay Director
Dear Dayspring Emmaus Community,
What made your Walk special? Was it the food? Was it the Agape treats and actions? Was it the music?
Was it the talks and table discussions?
For me the answer was found in what lies behind all of these actions by the extended Emmaus Community:
God’s love. God’s love was almost tangible through the love filled actions demonstrated by Christians. Love is
the defining feature of our Emmaus walks. Love from Jesus flowing through us by the power of the Holy Spirit
to the Pilgrims is what breaks chains and releases so many to serve our Lord with their heart, mind, soul, and
strength. But this love is also our defining feature wherever we go. We must continue to demonstrate this love,
not only on Emmaus walks and gatherings, but also in our churches, in our workplace, and in our homes.
Jesus taught us in John 13:34-35:
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love
one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (NKJV).
People who live in this area should see we are Jesus’ disciples because of the love we have for each other.
Let me encourage everyone today to love fellow believers with our words and actions so others will be drawn
towards our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Let’s continue spreading the love we
received on the Emmaus Walks to all in our community!
If you have a
meaningful or
May God’s love fill you and flow out of you in 2016!
memorable time from
Pastor Tess
your walk and want to
share with the rest of
Dawn Mauck
the community, please
Walk #126 table of Esther.
email or call me (Sandy
My walk changed me, healed deep wounds, brought me closer to
Wright-Newsletter) and
God and Christ Jesus! My walk gave me more faith more peace and
you just might find it in
more joy! My walk blessed me with Christian women friends that I thank God for every
day! Taking my Emmaus walk was the best experience of my life! Didn’t want to leave! So
the next newsletter
glad for the gatherings! Praise God for his work in the Emmaus walks and faithful Christians who
do his common good! Bless the workers and bless Jesus!
Angela P.
Walk #126 table of Mary
Wow what an amazing weekend, packed full of emotions, of anger, love, and joy,
laughing and crying. An emotional roller coaster ride and at the end
feeling blessed beyond my wildest dreams. I can't wait to see what
God does next.
We are on Facebook
search for
DaySpring Emmaus Community (Southern IN)
request to join the closed group.
You are able to learn what is going on,
send prayer requests and just keep in touch
with Emmaus friends
Community Members
Walk 125
Bill Burrows
Nic Gunn
Scott Leiby
Mike Nally
Jeff Simms
Zack Dudley
Zach Hendrix
Brandon Massey
Jim Predmore
Frank Spalding
Chris Fisher
Travis Hougland
Chris McCrary
Thomas Schad
Jason Wilson
Isaac Gibbs
Daniel Hughes
RC Muhlbaier
Jeff Wright
Ken Green
Stanley Kern
Walk 126
Shug Baumann
Becca Hardesty
Dawn Mauck
Jacquelyn Pease
Donna Upton
Kathy Burrows
Michelle Hardy
Rhonda McCord
Kristy Perkins
Jamie Warren
Katie Christensen
Marla Harris
Lea Mosier
Stephanie Quinn
Angie Whitaker
Leah Ewen
Karen Keeton
Hope Mott
Mary Richardson
Terrie Wilkerson
Danielle Franklin
Lynette Klinstiver
Renea O'Connor
Devin Steen-Roby
Leslie Wilson
Sandy Geary
Lori Osborn
Idella Tarver
Kristy Yeager
Kayla Glotzbach
Rose Lindsey
Lynda Parish
Sonya Tevis
Mindy Zalat
Linda Green
Kimberly Lucas
Angela Pease
Community Gathering
Date: Friday, February 05, 2016
Time: 7:27 PM - 9:00 PM
Location: Edwardsville UMC
Date: Friday, March 04, 2016
Time: 7:27 PM - 9:00 PM
Location: Park Memorial UMC
Pray about serving the summer handi-camps
Camp Brosend 1 Newburgh, IN
February 19-21 2016
REC Candlelights
Harrison Co. Men's REC # 24,
Jan 23rd –Bob Blunk, LD
Old Capital UMC,
141 Heidelburg Rd. W., Corydon.
Harrison Co. Women's REC # 23,
Jan 30th – Rita Crecelius, LD
Old Capital UMC,
141 Heidelburg Rd. W., Corydon
Clark Co. Women's REC # 19
Feb 27th – Sarah Lentz, LD
Ohio Falls UMC,
917 S. Virginia, Clarksville,
Branchville REC # 16
Mar 19th - Bobby Barr, LD
Branchville Correctional Facility,
21390 Old St. Rd. 37, Branchville,
Websites to
Chrysalis 55:
January 15th - 18th, 2016
Lay Directors:
Kim Pifer & Eric Klingeman
Spiritual Director:
Buddy Howard
In order to sponsor a pilgrim you will need to go through a sponsorship training session. A session is approximately 30 minutes. Even if
you have sponsored pilgrims on previous walks, this training is required. You need only complete the training once in order to sponsor
pilgrims in the future. This training program will be presented by the
DaySpring Emmaus Community Board members at various venues throughout the community over the next several months and at all
future follow-ups. If there are any reunion groups or church groups who would like to host the sponsorship training contact Jo Norman
( to get scheduled. There
will be sponsorship training at the February gathering .
Dayspring Emmaus Walk 127
Allow me to
introduce the Emmaus
2016 Spring Walk
Lay Directors.
Hello, my name is Dennis Shireman. I have been blessed with the
opportunity to be Lay Director for this Spring’s Men’s Walk. Thanks
to the board for allowing me this privilege. Thanks to all Dayspring
members who have allowed me to serve along side of them and
who have helped me reach this point. Thanks also to members of
the Louisville Emmaus Community as that is where my wife and I
attended our original walks.
That is correct. My wife and I were on Louisville Emmaus Walks 8
and 9 in 1988. That was before Dayspring existed. Everyone likes
to give Board Presidents, Frank Heinz a hard time for being the “old
guy” in the Dayspring Community (and please feel free to continue
that as I think he likes the attention) but I have been blessed by two
Emmaus communities in my faith walk for almost three decades.
My name is Lora Hayes. I've been
married to my wonderful husband,
Mark, for 28 years. I currently teach 2nd
grade at Heth Washington Elementary,
where I've taught since 1999. I went on
DaySpring Walk #21, and sat at the
Table of Esther. It was a major turning
point in my walk with Christ. Since then,
I have served God with so much JOY!
God is showing me in many
ways that Walk #128
will be a weekend for
women who need the
JOY of the LORD!! I
wish I had the space here
to list all the ways He is
revealing this to me.
It's so humbling and
wonderful to be
serving as the Lay
Director for this walk.
Please pray for the
team to be full of the
JOY of the LORD,
and for the pilgrims
to receive His JOY!
De Colores!
Create in me a clean heart,
O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Ps. 51:10 Mark and Lora Hayes
I so appreciate the purpose of the Emmaus Walks. I have and
am continuing to enjoy the process of putting TEAM 127
together. It has been fun to go through service sheets
and see so many familiar names. It has been fun to make
the phone calls and be in prayer with the guys as they
prayerfully consider God’s call to serve Him in this way.
It has been fun to not anticipate and wait on God as I
wait for names from Him and for responses from the
guys. My prayer for the team is that we will all
experience God in a new and exciting way, just
as we did on our pilgrim walks, and, in turn, renew
the fire within us to strengthen our home churches,
grow more like Jesus each day and go into the
world and make disciples.
My prayer for the pilgrims is that they will see Jesus
in a new and exciting way. Perhaps in a way in
which they have never seen Him. I pray that we,
as a team, as the Dayspring Community and
as saved and redeemed children of God, are
the perfect example of Jesus and role models
of discipleship to them on their weekend.
I am blessed to be a missionary with Youth
For Christ. I started this journey after 25 years
in the insurance/financial services industry. I
get to work with high school and middle school
kids in New Albany every day. My passion is
reaching those who don’t know Jesus. When
I think of the work I do, I think about our Juvenile
Justice Ministry program in YFC. We have the
opportunity, through that ministry, to go into the
detention centers where students are serving time
for their poor choices and mistakes. I think, if the
Church (notice I typed big “C” Church) did what
Jesus commanded us to do, my job, as well as the
JJM program and even…dare I say it…REC
would NOT be necessary.
So my final prayer for the men of Walk 127 is that we,
ALL of us, team and pilgrims, find the courage to follow
the command of Jesus to reach the world in His name.
By the way, where we are is also part of “the world.” May God bless
you and keep you. I look forward to seeing you in April.
Dennis Shireman
Friday, January 8
7:27 PM
Covenant Community Fellowship
727 Rolling Creek Dr, New Albany, IN 812-989-0423
Friday, February 5
7:27 PM.
Edwardsville UMC
4830 State Rd 62, Georgetown, IN 812-945-2939
Friday, March 4
7:27 PM
Park Memorial UMC
1820 E. Park Pl., Jeffersonville, IN 812-282-5739
Sunday, March 13
Walks #127 & #128 Team
Dedications (Team & Comm.)
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
Georgetown Christian Church
9420 State Rd 64, Georgetown, IN 812-951-2240
April 7-10
Men’s Walk #127
7:00 PM
Indian Creek Baptist Camp
5920 Lickford Bridge Road SW, Mauckport, IN
Saturday, April 9
Candlelight - Men’s Walk #127
7:30 PM
Old Capitol UMC
141 W. Heidelberg Rd. NW Corydon, IN 812-738-4736
April 14-17
Women’s Walk #128
7:00 PM
Indian Creek Baptist Camp
5920 Lickford Bridge Road SW, Mauckport, IN
Saturday, April 16
Candlelight Women’s Walk #128
7:30 PM
Old Capitol UMC
141 W. Heidelberg Rd. NW Corydon, IN 812-738-4736
Saturday, April 30
Follow-Up Walks #127 & 128
4:27 PM
5:27 PM
Unity Chapel UMC
1770 Lost Creek Rd NW, Ramsey IN 812-347-2887
Friday, June 3
Praise Gathering
7:27 PM
Emmaus Road Church
515 Potters Ln, Clarksville, IN 812- 945-7170
Friday, July 8
7:27 PM
New Life Christian Church
8090 Tandy Rd. NE, Lanesville, IN 812-952-1000
Saturday, August 20
Community / Serve Day
9:00 AM
- Noon
Friday, September 2
7:27 PM
Sellersburg UMC
226 N New Albany Ave. Sellersburg, IN 812-246-2502
Sunday, October 9
Walks #129 & #130 Team
Dedications (Team & Comm.)
3:00 PM –
6:00 PM
October 13-16
Men’s Walk #129
7:00 PM
Indian Creek Baptist Camp
5920 Lickford Bridge Road SW, Mauckport, IN
Saturday, October 15
Candlelight - Men’s Walk #129
7:30 PM
Lincoln Hills Christian Church
1130 Dale Ave, Corydon, IN 812-738-8253
October 20-23
Women’s Walk #130
7:00 PM
Indian Creek Baptist Camp
5920 Lickford Bridge Road SW, Mauckport, IN
Saturday, October 22
Candlelight - Women’s
Walk #130
7:30 PM
Lincoln Hills Christian Church
1130 Dale Ave, Corydon, IN 812-738-8253
Saturday, November 5
Follow-Up Walks #129 & #130
4:27 PM
5:27 PM
Georgetown Christian Church
9420 State Rd 64, Georgetown, IN 812-951-2240
Friday, December 2
7:27 PM
Faithpoint UMC
794 Hwy. 150, Floyds Knobs, IN 812-923-0940
Group Name
Contact Information
Mixed Groups (Singles & Couples)
Rainbow Connection
Reunion Group
6:00 p.m.
Sellersburg UMC, Sellersburg
Don Broady(812) 948-9726
Dave Pickel(812) 246-2363
Day Four
Reunion Group
6:00 p.m.
532 Presley Lane,
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
Ty Anderson(502) 640-3555
Men’s Groups
God’s Guys
7 a.m.
Old Capitol UMC,
Roger AlexanderHome: (812) 736-9387
4:30 p.m.
2nd Sunday
of each month.
Cook Memorial UMC 1025
Allison Lane Jeffersonville
Duane Bone(812) 583-4023
Ken Watson(812) 406-5133
Men’s Reunion Group
9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Fireside Room and breakfast is served
First Baptist Church,
Bruce Hampton
(812) 280-0977
New Albany Men’s
Reunion Group
7 a.m.
Wesley Chapel UMC,
New Albany
Stu Newbanks(812) 945-3739
The Breakfast Club
8 a.m.
Floyd Memorial
Hospital Café
New Albany
Daryll Walters(812) 944-7514
Cell: (502) 541-7799
Men’s Reunion Group
7:30 am.
Lanesville United
Methodist Church
Mark Bleeker
(812) 786-2442
Women’s Groups
Share & Care
4:15 p.m.
Trinity UMC, New Albany,
UTL Room
Nancy Hottell
(812) 944-0883
Reunion Group
8 am.
Cracker Barrel,
Eunice Wiseman(812) 738-4283
Reunion Group
6:30 -7:30 p.m.
Christian Church
Room 404
Lynn Finn2030 Canal Lane
Georgetown, IN 47122 (812) 951-3920
Sisters at the Villa
Weekly Sat.
8:30 - 10:00 a.m
Arby's Hwy 56W
Salem, IN
Debbie Whitlow(812) 752-0819
Kit Reas(502) 648-1056
Tapestry of
8:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Floyd Memorial
Hospital Cafeteria
Betsy Walters
(812) 944-7514
Reunion Group
9:00 a.m.
A Nice Restaurant
in Floyds Knobs
Kerrie King (812) 952-1167
Reunion Group
1st & 3d Tuesdays
7:00 p.m.
First Baptist Church,
Laura Voyles
(812) 225-3737
What is a Reunion Group? The Emmaus group reunion is a small accountability group of two to 12 persons who have usually participated in the three-day Walk to
Emmaus and who want to continue their pursuit of a life lived wholly in the grace of God. These small follow-up groups help pilgrims translate the message conveyed
on the Walk to Emmaus weekend into a daily walk with Christ. With the regular support of a few faithful friends, the gift of God's love in Jesus Christ becomes a lifestyle
of Christian discipleship through the threefold discipline of piety, study, and action. Group reunions meet at regular times, usually weekly for an hour. The meeting
consists of persons' sharing the stories of their walk with Christ during the past week. Members listen to one another, celebrate the grace of God in each person's life,
and reinforce each one's core commitment to living in union with Christ in all facets of daily life. Members express that reinforcement through gentle accountability,
encouragement, and support of one's stated discipline and plans. Excerpted from The Group Reunion by Stephen D. Bryant. Copyright © 1995 by The Upper Room
How many bells
can you find? See
Sandy Wright at the
February gathering
with the correct
number of bells and
receive a prize.
If you wish to receive the printed edition of The LIGHT, please complete this form and mail it to the address
below. Subscriptions are $10.00/year.
If you would like to receive The LIGHT by e-mail, please go to, click on the link on
the left: The LIGHT and enter your name and e-mail address. You can also download and/or print The LIGHT by
clicking on the Current Issue link.
Mailing Address
City, State, & Zip
Phone Number
Please make checks payable to DaySpring Emmaus Community and mail with this form to:
Sandy Wright, 8503 245 B Cherry St, New Albany, IN 47150
Date Received _____________ Check # ________ Amount __________
New Exp ___________
DaySpring Emmaus Community of So. Indiana
P.O. Box 681
New Albany, IN 47151
PERMIT #1225
Winter 2016
Time Sensitive Material
Return Service Requested
Frank Heinz
Community Lay Director
(C) 502-664-9484
Eloise Carlisle
Former Community Lay Director
(C) 502-403-0981
Tonya Browning
Community Lay Director-Elect
(C) 812-620-3846
Dave Riley
Clergy Liaison & Historian
(C) 502-295-0178
Stacy Kampschaefer
(C) 502-592-6777
Pat Spainhour
(C) 502-810-4700
Jo Norman
Community Training & Sponsorship
(H) 812-944-2512
Tess Brunmeier
Community Spiritual Director
(C) 812-989-0423
Sandy Kersey
(C) 502-553-5545
April Satow
Agape Acts
(C) 502-724-2747
Bob Blunk
Literature, Trailer & Supplies
(C) 502-797-4127
Shelley Leffler
Finance & Reunion Groups
(C) 502-494-5516
Sandy Wright
(C) 812-449-4742
Danette Mayfield
Prayer & Server Charts
(C) 812-972-3874
Mike Scroggins
Information Technology
(H) 812-218-9896
Tonye Rutherford
Facilities & Transportation
(C) 502-767-3214
Ken Curry
(H) 812-948-0562
Mike Finn
Registrar - Laity
(H) 812-951-3920
Phyllis Krush
Treasurer - Laity
(H) 812-364-6335
Angie Wagner
Music Liaison—Laity
(H) 812-738-3175
Alan Miles
REC Liaison - Laity
(H) 812-256-0007
Mark Adams I
Chrysalis Liaison - Laity
(C) 502-494-5210
Roy Kustanbauter
Power Ministries Liaison – Laity
(C) 502-923-6999