Here`s - Georgia Lina Emmaus


Here`s - Georgia Lina Emmaus
".....And their eyes were opened and they
recognized Jesus." Luke 24:31
March 2015 Newsletter
Walk 124
"He must become greater; I must
become less.”
John 3:30
Walk 125
“Do not be afraid - I will save
you. I have called you by name you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1
March Gathering:
6:30 on March 21
Joey Joiner’s Barn
1033 Elberton Hwy.
Lincolnton, GA 30817
Walk #124 and #125
Greetings Emmaus Family,
It’s time for Spring cleaning! Have you started? I haven't, I
usually avoid the rush and do mine later in the year, usually
after I "fall" over some of the clutter! Sometimes that's even
how it is with my spiritual "house"! I let the world and other
gods clutter my heart and mind, and allow it to pile up until I
can't get around it and get trapped in a rut that I can't get out of
until I fall. Sometimes I fall on my knees, but other times I fall
on my face.
During the devotion at the last training I referenced Luke 11:24
-26, where Jesus talked about cleaning our house of impure spirits, and to stay on top of it so they don't return. I
believe this is one of the most important things we can do as
we prepare for the upcoming walks, whether you are on the
team or not, no matter what position you are in on the team.
We owe it to the Pilgrims but more importantly or Lord and
Savior, to have our spiritual houses clean and free
of everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. I
am really working hard to do this, will you? Will you do the
necessary "spring cleaning", not only for the walks, but because it just needs to be done, so God can have every area of
our "house" to use for His glory!
Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Psalm 51:10-12
Marc Carpenter—Lay Director of Walk #124
“The Walk to Emmaus
showed me God's
incredible love and
continuous pursuit of
me. Serving on the
walks rekindles that
every single time.”
Becky Corley
Men's Walk 124 - April 16,-19.
Women's Walk 125 - April 23-26
Session 1 February 28th
Session 2 - March 14th
Session 3 - March 28th
Hello friends,
The April women's walk #125 team selection met and did their
Sessions 1, 2, and 3 at Marvin
Session 4 - April 11- Mt . Moriah
very best! As most of you know this walk has been on hold for
many months! Today, God has relieved a few more weights off
“It is my heart’s desire to
my shoulders. The walks assignments have been mail, handed
see our community grow
out, emailed, or sent in Facebook messenger. Some assignments have changed from October 2014, but they are very good
changes! God has laid it on my heart all these months to be
patient. I pray you will be patient, also.
and strengthen as we join
together to serve our risen
Lord and savior. I chal-
Yes, God is good all the time! God has counted on me and
lenge you to become more
you. I am bubbling with happiness to serve as Lay Director
active and communicate
with GOD and YOU at my side! Please remember team training
with community members
is important to bring us all together to know what is expected of
you have not seen in a
all team members and to learn to serve together in harmony.
while. Let’s get our Family
Team, please contact me at anytime. 706-829-0859
Also, if anyone wants to join the team please contact me.
Love & Blessings,
Nancy Gallagher—Lay Director of Walk #125
back together.”
- Sharon Bowman
Christ is still counting
on you.
Won’t you consider
signing up for the 72
hour prayer vigil
 March Gathering:
 Will trade golf cart use for
FREE kayak rentals on the
6:30 on March 21
Augusta Canal or Savannah
Joey Joiner’s Barn
River. We need 5 golf carts
from the community for our
1033 Elberton Hwy.
spring walks. These will be
handled with care. Please call
Leslie Wright at 706-877-
Lincolnton, GA 30817
4323 ASAP or email
 Wanna create agape? Meet
after training on 3/14, at
 Community,
Shannon Whitaker’s house
If you would like to serve on a
on 3/18 , and at Mosaic at a
date to be
Contact her at
 Calling all musicians to serve
the Lord with your talents
on future walks as part of
committee, come on; Emmaus
needs YOU. Contact the board
member who chairs that committee!
 If you are not in a Reunion
group and wish to be please
contact Carol Lewis at
let Tony Bowman know and
828-400-7450 or email
he will try to get you in one
or help you set one up in
your area. Contact:
Please pray for our Chrysalis Community. We've been attempting to plan this year's Flights, but
haven't found enough clergy who can commit to trainings & serving during the weekend. Trainings
should already be underway, but nothing can be scheduled until we have commitments. Please contact me @ or 706-831-3424 or Community Spiritual Director, Rev. Ben
Walker @ or 706-680-2456 ASAP if you can commit or know of someone
who can. We are considering Sat-Mon, June 6-8. Please pass this along to clergy who may feel called
to this incredible ministry. Christ is counting on you!
Fly with Christ,
Susan Hancock
Ga-lina Chrysalis Community Lay Director
Ben Walker
Community Spiritual
# 51
Independence UMC
Ted Herlo
Mosaic UMC
Sharon Bowman
Community Lay Director/web servant
Assistant Community
Lay Director
Joey Joiner
Lincolnton UMC
Barbara Naugle
Kathleen Herlo
Mosaic UMC
Connie Johnson
Gatherings/Follow up
Ruff Ready
Kitchen chairperson
Providence Baptist
Susan Hancock
Dearing UMC
Shannon Whitaker
Agape/Prayer Vigil
Carol Lewis
Music chairperson
Mosaic UMC
Twayne Johnson
# 96
Tony Bowman
Reunion groups/Sendoff/Candlelight
Marvin UMC
AJ Pollock
Training chairperson
Burns Memorial UMC
Becky Corley
Leslie Wright
Theresa Senior
Christy Martin
Team Selection/
Nomination chairperson
Alternate board member
Alternate board member
Marvin UMC
Trinity Baptist Church
Midland Valley Church of
the Nazarene
Morningside Baptist
Midland Valley Church of
the Nazarene
Kiokee Baptist
Marvin UMC
Gracewood UMC
Stevens Creek Church
How has Emmaus impacted your life? We’d like to know. Please email your responses to Here’s how your board responded:
Connie Johnson - I don’t ever remember not being a Christian. Emmaus has
opened my eyes into the body of Christ. All of us together are Christ’s body and
each of us are a part of it.
Theresa Senior – My sponsor, Nancy Nixon, is still in my life and also a part of the
Emmaus Community! As a result of her leadership, she has helped me follow in her
footsteps from pilgrim to Community Lay Director.
Barbara Naugle – Oh my…Saved my mind, heart, and life. I hope I can give back
just a portion of what I received.
Ruff Ready - It’s kept me busy and witnessing to the lost and praying for others.
Joey Joiner - It has helped me grow in my prayer and Bible study time as well as my
commitment to serve in my church.
Shannon Whitaker - God moved very much during my walk. He used the walk to
cleanse me of the hurt and distractions in my life that was keeping me from focusing
on Him. It's been a rollercoaster since my first forth day. During the ups and the
downs He has showed His hand and given me an abundant peace that I lacked before my walk. The walk also helped to strengthen my marriage and bond with my
husband. And helped us both remember to turn to the Lord with it struggles with our
children and life in general. I greatly enjoy continuing to be a part of the Emmaus
Carol Lewis - The Walk led me to a deeper awareness of God. I've been working on
leaving the 'control freak' at the cross and learning to be a better listener to God. (It's
a daily struggle!) The experiences as a Music Team member have helped me to
develop as a Worship Leader.
Leslie Wright - The Walk to Emmaus remains the single biggest impact on me—
ever. It honestly changed my life. My goal is to pass this powerful experience on as
I continue to sponsor others and work the Walks.
When: March 21, 2015
Where: 1033 Elberton Highway, Lincolnton, Ga 30817
Time: 6:30 p.m.
What do I bring? A folding chair, a covered dish, chips, cookies, cakes,
drinks, etc.
We are having our Gathering at the home of Joey Joiner in his barn!
We are going to eat, sing praises to our God and have our Gathering in his
barn. Sit around the fire pit and just enjoy the outdoors. How much fun is this
going to be? I will tell you….lot’s.
Please put this date on your calendar as it is replacing our usual third Friday
night Gathering. If it should rain then we will meet at the fellowship hall at the
Lincolnton Methodist Church. (202 North Peachtree Street, Lincolnton, Ga.)
The board members need to be at the barn by 5:00 p.m. for their board meeting.
Everyone has worked hard preparing for our Walks 124 & 125 so come on out
and enjoy yourself.
In an effort to get the message out to everyone, we are asking you to pass this
announcement on to others by email and ask them to pass it on. If you know
of someone who does not have email, please give them a call.
Directions: Coming out of Augusta follow Hwy 47 all the way into Lincolnton
until you come to the dead end/ Hardees on the left.
Turn right and turn left at the second red light. Go approx. ½ mile and Joey’s
home is on the left. Red balloons will mark the driveway!!
If you get turned around/lost, please call 706-318-6197