May 2016 - Eastern Shore of Virginia Emmaus


May 2016 - Eastern Shore of Virginia Emmaus
Volume 24 Number 05
May 2016
The Walk Way
Eastern Shore Emmaus
A Message From Our Community Lay Director
Brothers and Sisters,
As we near the end of the spring season, I hope that you will take time to enjoy God's
beautiful creations that are all around us. The flowers are in full bloom, the birds are singing, the
aroma in the air is of fresh plowed ground (and local fertilizer - only on the Eastern Shore). Got
to love it though! Also, make sure you take time to tell someone you love them or may be just
say "Hi " to someone you meet and give God praise for all He does for us!
Dates to Remember
Eastern Shore Community Gathering– May 14,
2016 at Franktown UMC,
7551 Bayside Rd., Franktown, VA. 23354. DODU
at 3:00 p.m. Covered dish
dinner at 5:30. Praise and
Worship at 6:30 p.m.
Eastern Shore Board
May 23, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.
at Woodberry UMC, Gargatha, VA .
Eastern Shore Chrysalis
Board Meeting– May 17,
2016 at 7:00 P.M. at
Mears Memorial UMC,
Keller, VA.
Newsletter articles DUE
for June’s Walk Way—
May 20, 2016. PLEASE
DON’T BE LATE!!! Please
send articles in MSWord
Document! (TY)
The Spring walks, ES98 & ES99, are complete and without a doubt they were powerful
and successful walks! As I reflect back to the beginning of each walk the image that comes to
my mind are the faces of the pilgrims - the look of uncertainty. And as the weekend progresses the facial expressions also begin to change. They are now smiling and I believe I can see a look
of excitement and the love of Jesus in those smiles. By Sunday, WOW - I do see the love of
Jesus and it is radiating and they are glowing!!! They came seeking Jesus and yes, yes they
found Him!! Glory be to God!!! It was also very evident by their closing remarks they were
filled with the Holy Spirit and they felt every ounce of God's love that was offered to them
through the team and the community!
Many thanks to you Emmaus community – it is your commitment, support and love
whether it is sponsoring a pilgrim, praying, doing agape, attending Candle lighting, Rise & Shine
and closing, teaming, or working behind the scenes to make those special events happen – it
takes all of us – the body of Christ – working together to serve and share God’s love and to
touch the lives of the pilgrims. The weekends are exhausting as we pour out our heart and souls
into the weekend but when we leave on Sunday – we are filled with overwhelming joy, God's
love and we are revived - giving all the praises and glory to God!!!!
The pilgrims and the teams felt every prayer and were totally amazed by the pouring out
of God’s love which was so strong throughout both weekends and was evident at the two beautiful candle lighting services. God's love was flowing and you could feel the Almighty's presence!!!
I want to welcome the pilgrims of ES98 & ES99 to our Community. As you return
home and to your church, remember to listen to the still small voice and let God lead you and
equip you for your 4th day journey
In closing, I would like to again thank each team member and each member of the community for your commitment, your willingness to serve, your love for God and how you share
His love as we are called to do. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Day of Deeper
Understanding and the next gathering on May 14th. My prayer for everyone is that you are
“Safe In His Arms”.
Love to you all,
Chris Smith
Community Lay Director
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A Message From Our Spiritual Director
PUSH Author Unknown
A man was sleeping at night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light, and
God appeared. The Lord told the man He had work for him to do and
showed him a large rock in front of his cabin. The Lord explained that the
man was to push against the rock with all his might. So, this the man did,
day after day. For many years, he toiled from sun up to sun down with his
shoulders set squarely against the cold, massive surface of the unmoving
rock, pushing with all of his might.
Each night, the man returned to his cabin sore and worn out, feeling that
his whole day had been spent in vain. Since the man was showing discouragement, Satan
decided to enter the picture by placing thoughts into the weary mind: "You have been
pushing against that rock for a long time, and it hasn't moved." giving the man the impression that the task was impossible and that he was a failure. These thoughts discouraged and disheartened the man. "Why kill myself over this?" he thought. "I'll just put in
my time, giving just the minimum effort, and that will be good enough."
And that is what he planned to do. However, one day he decided to make it a matter of
prayer and take his troubled thoughts to the Lord. "Lord," he said, "I have labored long
and hard in your service, putting all my strength to do that which you have asked. Yet,
after all this time, have not even budged that rock by half a millimeter. What is wrong?
Why am I failing?"
The Lord responded compassionately, "My friend, when I asked you to serve Me and
you accepted, I told you that your task was to push against the rock with all of your
strength, which you have done. Never once did I mention to you that I expected you to
move it. Your task was to push. And now, you come to Me with your strength spent,
thinking that you have failed. But, is that really so? Look at yourself. Your
arms are strong and muscled, your back sinewy and brown, your hands are
callused from constant pressure, and your legs have become massive and
hard. Through opposition, you have grown much, and your abilities now surpass that which you used to have. Yet you haven't moved the rock. But your
calling was to be obedient and to push and to exercise your faith and trust in
My wisdom. This you have done. Now I, My friend, will move the rock."
At times, when we hear a word from God, we tend to use our own intellect to decipher
what He wants, when actually what God wants is just a simple obedience and faith in
Him. By all means, exercise the faith that moves mountains, but know that it is still God
who moves mountains.
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The Walk Way
Eastern Shore Chrysalis
Fly With Christ!
The Eastern Shore Chrysalis board welcomes the new members from ES 98 and
ES 99 to Eastern Shore Emmaus. We look forward to seeing you at Gatherings
and serving with you on future teams. Being a pilgrim was a life changing event
for me but teaming and spending time in fellowship and servanthood with my
sisters and brothers in Christ is an aspect I never expected. It definitely gets
better and better.
Our May RUSH will be May 7, 2016 at the Haygood Roller Skating Center, located at 1036 Ferry Plantation RD, Virginia Beach, VA 23455. The fun begins at 8:00
and continues until 10:30. While a Chrysalis flight is for 15-18 year olds our
RUSHes are for any youth and adults that are interested in showing our young
people the love of Christ and supporting them along the path of life. We would
love to have you join us in Christian fun and fellowship. You can give me a call
at 757-894-3508 if you are interested in carpooling or for more information. The
more the merrier.
Our flight is scheduled
sponsoring a boy or girl
pacity. There are many
er about how God could
for November 17-20 this year. Please pray regarding
for a flight or possibly teaming or serving in another caways to serve if teaming is not a possibility. Be in prayuse you to serve His kids.
Fly with Christ
Denise Johnson
Chrysalis Community Lay Director
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The Walk Way
Pilgrims of ES98
Matt Beasley
1126 Lilac Ave
Chesapeake, VA 23325
H- 757-215-8036
W- 757-447-1925
C- 757-447-1925
Chris Brumwell Jr
10968 Oriole Backroad
Princess Anne, MD 21853
C- 443-235-0415
Derek Dorsch
5484 Beaufain Blvd
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
H- 757-479-9506
C- 757-803-0033
Trey Hewitt
5025 Regina La
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
H- 757-464-0329
C- 757-289-6403
Mike Mahaffey
P O Box 9024
Virginia Beach, VA 23450
H- 757-96-0082
C- 757-685-6453
Rob Marquis
8242 Redwood Cir
Norfolk, VA 23514
C- 360-509-4734
Mike Metivier
13 Holden Rd
Barre, VT 05641
W- 802-476-3522
C- 802-272-4219
Dennis Moore
P O Box 327
Horntown, VA 23395
C- 302-670-1598
Rory Jefferson
2506 Longleaf Ct
Virginia Beach, VA 23454
H- 757-770-0442
Anthony Petini
7601 Clint St
Glen Burnie, MD 21060
H- 443-207-1344
Jesse Long
P O Box 59
14222 Shields Bridge Rd
Belle Haven, VA 23306
C- 757-350-0461
Barry Pierce
94 Greenlea Circle
Taylorsville, NC 28681
C- 828-962-8872
Josh Reid
710 10th St #306
Pocomoke, MD 21851
C- 443-614-2615
Tony Sawyer
2619 Pocaty Rd
Chesapeake, VA 23322
C- 757-693-0188
Wil Stakes Jr
950 Marconi Ave
Annapolis, MD 21401-8502
H- 410-379-2717
C- 908-304-8502
Eddie Watts
Sparrow Pl Rd
Machipongo, VA 23405
Steve Woolverton
505 Teal Circle
Greensboro, MD 21839
C- 443-514-4280
Rudy Zavala
25160 Warrington Dr
Onancock, VA 23417
C- 757-990-2168
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The Walk Way
Pilgrims of ES99
Georgia Allen
27036 Berry Rd
Bloxom, VA 23308
C- 757-710-0799
Dale Austin
465 Simmons Rd
Toccoa, GA 30577
C- 706-491-0374
Donna Brumwell
10968 Oriole Backroad
Princess Anne, MD 21853
C- 443-880-7880
Nicky Corry
P O Box 302
New Church, VA 23415
H- 757-894-6241
W- 443-437-2000
Gina Doughty
15330 Fooks La
Painter, VA 23420
H- 757-442-5642
C- 757-693-2512
Cierra Lynn Duvall
11373 Taylor Drive
Temperanceville, VA 23442
H- 757-894-8136
Kim Byrd
800 Lynnhaven Dr. Apt E-4
Pocomoke, MD 21851
H- 443-437-1684
C- 410-202-6506
Cyell Hansen
P O Box 11
Atlantic, VA 23303
C- 973-800-4391
Eileen Carlson
944 S Spigel Dr
Virginia Beach, VA 23454
H- 757-339-9900
Cindy Kane
3595 Main St
Chincoteague, VA 23336
H- 757-336-5331
Melissa Cold
9410 Southwind Rd
Atlantic, VA 23303
H- 757-709-2478
W- 757-524-1581
Vickie Long
P O Box 59
Belle Haven, VA 23306
W- 757-787-8805
C- 767-709-5275
Mary Marlins
1517 Whaleyville Blvd
Suffolk, VA 23434
H- 757-934-1540
C- 757-404-0369
Renee’ Mattison
4 Hopkins St
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
W- 410-969-9067
C- 410-458-3011
Judi Moore
P O Box 327
Horntown, VA 23395
C- 302-670-3928
Doris Rall
8150 Orchard Point Rd
Pasadena, MD 21122
H- 410-437-1744
C- 410-570-3691
Susan Runk
1013 Monitor Ct
Salisbury, MD 21801
W- 410-957-0222
C- 410-726-8911
Pati Sievers
2220 Bypass Rd
Pocomoke City, MD 21853
C- 410-651-0100
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The Walk Way
Lots of preparation, lots of behind the scenes assistance and support, unexpectedly clear (but
cool) weather, 18 pilgrims, 28 teamers, 4 days, 3 nights, Camp Occohannock, uninterrupted prayer, and
most importantly the Holy Spirit: the perfect combination for the Eastern Shore 98 Men’s Walk to Emmaus. The theme for the Walk was Bless the Lord, O My Soul but as always happens on a Walk, the pilgrims and the teamers were the ones who were blessed. Oh, we were blessed mightily.
Although the team was enthusiastic during the 11 week preparation period for the Walk, injuries,
illnesses, prior obligations and family emergencies prevented full attendance at many of the team
meetings; however, when the pilgrims arrived on Thursday evening, they were met with a team unified in
the Lord with the only goal to give agape to them. The pilgrims responded beyond our expectations.
As is normal, several of the pilgrims went to bed Thursday night with some reservations and even
plans of departing early but all joined in Friday morning and it was soon evident we had a strong group of
singers. In fact, by Saturday morning they were singing the way most Walks sing on Sunday morning.
Throughout the weekend it was apparent that not only was the team supporting the pilgrims but the pilgrims were supporting one another as well. An example was one moving moment during the closing
when the entire group of pilgrims arose from their seats to give support and love to the man at the microphone who was emotionally trying to describe what the weekend meant to him.
As the weekend closed, as usual, there were at least 46 tired men who were ready to go home,
but didn’t really want the Walk to end. Reports have been that the Fourth Day is going well. During ES99, two weeks later it was telling that 8 of the new community members from ES-98 were on hand to
serve Communion prior to Candle lighting. We look forward to seeing them again at the Day of Deeper
Understanding and their participation in the community.
Dennis Ryan
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The Walk Way
First, I want to thank God for the opportunity to serve as WLD on ES 99 and for His guidance
throughout the whole process. I am still processing the weekend, but oh my goodness, my heart
is so filled with His presence and His love that it aches. God has been in the midst of the walk
from day one right on through to closing on Sunday. Our God is amazing - working out every
detail of who was to be a part of ES99 and leading us through every step. The team united from
day one and molded to become God's team - ready and willing to give God all the glory and to
spread His Love. The team encountered several obstacles and heart break but they all pulled
together as one, embraced the obstacles and were there for each other offering their love and support through it all! God has us all wrapped in His arms and it is in those arms we are "Safe".
To the team of ES99 - thank you for your sacrifices, support and for the awesome job you did and
most of all for serving Our Lord!!
I could feel God's presence as soon as I drove onto the holy ground of the Camp. Surrounded by
God's creations I found peace and the urging to let the Holy Spirit lead me through a glorious
weekend! God also has His hand on the pilgrims - what a beautiful group of women who felt the
calling to attend the Emmaus walk - They came ready, although a little unsure when they first
arrived, to spend some one on one time with Jesus - they came seeking Jesus and without a doubt
they found Him - just as we all did! Praise Be to God!!! Pilgrims of ES99 - you are special and
I pray you will go into your 4th day journey with much joy and excitement.
Thanks to the community for your love and support of ES99! What can I say - God uses you all
- it is through your sacrifices and commitment and your willingness to let God use you as His instrument that we are able to feel God presence through Stations of the Cross, Clown Communion,
Candle lighting, prayers, serving in the kitchen or helping with clean up and so much more!
My prayer for the pilgrims, the teamers and the community is that you all keep your eyes on Jesus and that you fall into His arms and that you will be as I am 'SAFE IN HIS ARMS'.
Love to you all,
Chris Smith,
ES99 - WLD
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The Walk Way
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The Walk Way
The following Walks for May 2016 are getting underway and they are in need of prayer.
Pray that the Community and the Leadership Teams will have wisdom and for the Teamers. Especially pray that the Pilgrims hear God’s call. Also pray that everyone involved
understands that the Walk is not about them but only about God.
Rex Mayfield
Outreach Chairperson
May 5-May 8, 2016
Gulf Coast Emmaus
Men’s Walk #95
Fort Myers, Florida
Rio Texas Conference
Women’s Walk #1839
San Antonio, Texas
Emmaus Ministries
South Africa
Men’s Walk #65
Lyttleton, South Africa
Emmaus Ministries
South Africa
Women’s Walk #79
Lyttleton, South Africa
Draknesberg Emmaus
Women’s Walk #79
Vryhied, South Africa
May 12-May 15, 2016
Alabama Emmaus
Men’s Walk #456
Talladega, Alabama
Grace Emmaus of
Sillicon Valley
Men’s Walk #47
San Jose, California
Delmarva Emmaus
Women’s Walk #64
Centerville, Deleware
Gulf Coast Emmaus
Women’s Walk #95
Fort Myers, Florida
Southeast Florida
Women’s Walk #77
Grace Emmaus of
Sillicon Valley
Women’s Walk #48
San Jose, California
North Georgia Walk
To Emmaus
Men’s Walk #178
Lawrenceville, Georgia
North Georgia Walk
To Emmaus
Women’s Walk #210
Lawerenceville, Georgia
Blue Ridge Emmaus
Women’s Walk #77
Asheville, North Carolina
Northern California/
Nevada Emmaus
Women’s Walk #66
Carson City, Nevada
Borderlands Emmaus
Women’s Walk #34
Ruidoso, Texas
Denton Area Emmaus
Women’s Walk #70
Lewisville, Texas
Rio Texas Conference
Women’s Walk #1830
San Antonio, Texas
Emmaus Ministries
South Africa
Women’s Walk #66
Lyttleton, South Africa
May 19-May 22, 2016
Gold Coast, Queensland
Men’s Walk #130
Helensvale, Australia
La Mesa De Dios
Women’s Walk #64
Brownfield, Texas
Eastern Panhandle of
West Virginia Emmaus
Women’s Walk #130
Kearneysville, West Virginia
May 26–May 29, 2016
Hawaii Emmaus
Men’s Walk #45
Honolulu, Hawaii
May 27-May 29, 2016
Gold Coast, Queensland
Women’s Walk #131
Helensvale, Australia
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The Walk Way
Prayer Team
I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation. Psalm
Brothers and Sisters In Christ,
We know as Christians that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is always present to intercede on our
behalf when we pray. Whether it is in times of struggle over a situation, a physical pain and emotional trial, or any other circumstance that we may face. We often pray for God to “surround a situation just like
the most recent walks that we had in our Community. Do we always remember though to offer God our
praise and gratitude for the way He moves in our lives? We pray eagerly and with great expectations
knowing that the Lord will work in these circumstances; but we must also remember to thank the Lord
with the same eagerness for those answered and even unanswered prayers.
With gratitude and thankfulness in mind, I’d like to invite each of you to join the Emmaus Prayer
Team. If you’d like to receive e-mail updates or have a prayer request, the address to remember is
Blessings Through Christ,.
Steve Johnson
Emmaus Prayer Team Coordinator
Pray Without Ceasing
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Steve Johnson
Emmaus Prayer Team Coordinator
(757) 990-2124
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The Walk Way
Challenge of the Month:
1) Reach out to someone - say hello, help a neighbor, pray with someone - you will make their day!
2) Bring a friend to the gathering!
3) Sponsors: Remember to bring your pilgrim to the Day of Deeper Understanding on Saturday, May 14th at 3pm at
Franktown UMC.
4) Teamers - Don't forget the team critiques for ES98 & ES99 on Saturday, May 14, 2015 at 2:30 at Franktown UMC.
Monthly Trivia Question:
Sorry But There Is No Trivia Question This Month!
We did not have a winner last month.
Roster, Newsletter, Website
“The Walk Way”
A newsletter for the
Eastern Shore
Emmaus Community
Greetings to everyone! The Emmaus
Directory is being maintained by Allan
Burns. Please remember that if you
notice errors in the current directory,
please contact Allan by sending an email to: ,
or send a note to P. O. Box 91, Franktown, VA 23354.
Please send ANY updated information
you may have such as addresses, marriages, or deaths and email addresses.
Allan has distributed the revised
directory by e-mail. If you have a
current email address on file, Allan
will email the roster to you. If you
need a hard copy let Allan know. It
is important to the community to
keep the information as up to date
as possible. Thank you!!!
You may also request to be a part
of the Eastern Shore Emmaus &
Chrysalis Facebook Page—for
community only!
Please make sure we know your
walk number, too, if possible!!!
The newsletter will be sent as soon
as all articles are received as close
to the first of the month as possible!
Articles to be included in the Walk
Way are to be sent to the editor on
or by the 20th of the month before it
is to be included (January 20th for
the February newsletter).
Please be sure to check the Website
often as we give you current happenings and we update Pilgrim and
Caterpillar lists almost daily just before the walks!
Blessings to each of you!
Gail Deans
Newsletter Editor
Page 10
Congratulations to our Fall Walk Weekend Lay Directors:!!!
Men—ES100 WLD is Elvie Whealton
Women—ES101 WLD is Sandi Hicks
Start praying for these walks now and get your applications in early for both Team and Pilgrims! Let’s fill these walks up and truly glorify God for all He has done for our Eastern
Shore Community! God is good! All the time! All the time! God is good!!!
Another 2 walks have come and gone, what a blessing they were! Now is time for
the sponsors of our new community members to encourage them to attend the
Day of Deeper Understanding in May. Remember this is needed before they will
be able to sponsor someone themselves or team. Even if they have no immediate
plans for these still encourage their attendance so they will be ready, also to keep
that coal burning!
De Colores ,
John Sutton
Eastern Shore Emmaus
P. O. Box 91
Franktown, Virginia 23354
We are on the Web