JOIN US! 30th Anniversary of AZ Walk to Emmaus


JOIN US! 30th Anniversary of AZ Walk to Emmaus
Vol. 16 No. 7
Gathering/Hoot/Training Schedule
Flagstaff Area: Trinity Heights UMC
Sept 12 - Potluck at 5:00, gathering at 6:00 PM
John Weber’s email is
Prescott Valley UMC:
Sept 12 - 1:00-3:00 PM Snacks, music, Communion,
signing agape for October walks. Come join us!
Jeannie Ward 772-6760 or
Phoenix Area:
August 14 - 2nd Friday of each month Central
UMC, 1875 North Central Ave. Phoenix, corner of
Central & Palm Lane, 6:30 PM Dessert/7:15 PM Worship.
August 28 & Sept 25 - 4th Friday of each month
West Side Gathering at Spirit of Hope UMC, 14403 N
75th Ave, Peoria. 6:30 PM Dessert/fellowship, 7:00
PM Worship.
Valerie Fairchild 623-824-1357. Childcare provided.
Globe-Miami Area:
Sept 12 - 5:00-7:00 PM at Dream Manor Inn in Globe.
Walk to Emmaus/Cursillo community gathering together for Ultreya.
Rebecca Williams’ email is
Tucson Area:
Sept 19 - 5:00 PM Potluck followed by worship/
communion at Christ Church UMC located at 655 N
Craycroft Rd in Tucson.
Charlie Edwards’ email is
Yuma Area: Potluck at 6 PM/gathering 7 PM
Sept 11 - Trinity UMC, 3030 S 8th Ave, Yuma
AnnaMarie Sollars’ email is
Pick a gathering and join in the fun and fellowship!
August 2015
Chrysalis Flight, Sept. 5-7, 2015, Catalina UMC
Walk #237, Oct 1-4, 2015 Paradise Valley UMC,
Don Davis, Lay Director
Walk #238, Oct 8-11, 2015 Paradise Valley UMC,
Rosemary James, Lay Director
Walk #239, Feb 18-21, 2016 St. Paul’s UMC, Tucson, Dick Spining, Lay Director
Walk #240, Feb 25-28, 2016 St. Paul’s UMC,
Tucson, Sara Evans, Lay Director
30th Anniversary of AZ
Walk to Emmaus
US! Date: Saturday, October 24, 2015
Location: Central UMC,
1875 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix
Time: 10 AM to 4 PM
RSVP: Dusty LaNoue, if you can come:
*Worship, Witness, Communion, lots of music
*Training sessions on sponsorship
*Lunch provided by men of Central UMC
*Come join the fun and reconnect with your AZ
WTE Community
Everyone is invited.
All are hoped to attend!
Details to follow as date is closer.
Communique from Community Lay Director, Wally Athey
Focused on Applications, Sponsorship and Prayer
During the past decade or so, several misconceptions have crept into our Arizona community regarding applications to attend a weekend and the role of the sponsor. Your Board of Directors has
undertaken a project to improve and clarify the application process as well as the design and content of the submitted paperwork itself. And weekend training sessions will now include an increased
emphasis on the important role of sponsorship. This new emphasis will also be highlighted during
the 30th Anniversary Celebration at Central UMC (Phoenix) on Saturday, October 24, with workshops on sponsorship.
It’s an application for an “invitation”
Although many have come to believe the application is to “participate” in a weekend as a pilgrim, the
reality of the process is it is an application for an “invitation to participate” in a weekend. Several
levels of criteria on the “application for an invitation” must be satisfied prior to an “invitation to
attend” being sent to the potential pilgrim along with notification to the sponsor that their candidate
has indeed been invited to an Emmaus weekend.
The “application for an invitation” potential pilgrims fill out wants to know if they are a baptized Christian, which is their home church, are they married or not, and a brief description of why they wish to
be involved in the Walk and what they expect to receive from it. The “application for an invitation”
also requires a pastor’s signature with information on how this person is active in that church. All of
this information must be completed for the application to be effectively evaluated. Each of these
steps should be overseen by the sponsor to ensure the “application for an invitation” is processed in
a timely manner and the “invitation to attend” can be sent and received well before the weekend
takes place.
This process shines a bright spotlight on the role of sponsorship. Sponsorship is the most important
job in Emmaus. Good sponsorship here in Arizona is a significant reason Emmaus weekends have
never been canceled for lack of participants. Remember, the aim of a sponsor should not be “to get
my friends to go,” to fill up the three-day event, or to fix someone’s problems. Rather, the aim of the
sponsor is to bring spiritual revitalization to Christians who, in turn, will bring new life and vision to
the work of the church. The aim of sponsorship is to build up the body of Christ.
Discussing the equal commitment rule for married couples
Two lines in the second paragraph on the cover of our current application says, “husbands are expected to attend the retreat preceding the one attended by their wives. Single persons are also encouraged to attend.” The equal commitment rule encourages both spouses to participate in a Walk
within as short a time period as possible. In some cases the equal commitment rule has been misunderstood, is being misused, or is not being used at all. A conscientious sponsor will take the time
to sit down with both husband and wife at the same time to explain the Emmaus program and to
share the sponsor's Emmaus story. When handled this way, the possibility that both spouses will
agree to go on the Walk without hesitation increases. Even if it is difficult to arrange a meeting with
both because of conflicting schedules, you are strongly encourage to make every effort to do so. If
you meet with both simultaneously, you will be able to answer any questions that arise and they can
discuss clearly the information you have shared with them.
The equal commitment rule does not mean a wife can never go to Emmaus unless her husband
goes first. Circumstances may arise when husbands or wives must take their Walks at different
times or places. The equal commitment rule represents wisdom, not law. There is a place for
reasonable exceptions. In reviewing application for invitations, your Board of Directors does make
exceptions when there is no possibility of the participation of both spouses and reasonable
assurance that the participation of only one spouse will not adversely affect the marriage.
Communique from Community Lay Director, Wally Athey (cont.)
Pray and act now
Praying is the first step in sponsorship. So take that first step and then help your potential pilgrim
complete the “application” for an “invitation.” Right now is the time to submit them for the October
weekends in Phoenix. Right now is the time to listen to God’s instruction regarding pilgrims and
serving weekends in Northern and Southern Arizona next year. Remember, the person or couple
you sponsor is the seed you are sowing for the future of Emmaus and for future church leadership.
Make it easier for organizers to plan for your youth to participate in this exciting time
by going online to get the application, (, fill it out,
have the appropriate signatures and mail it in. Imagine hosting a party and
not knowing how many guests plan to attend. Do you buy for 10 or 50
people? Let the organizers of this event know ahead of time how many to
plan for!
We appreciate it more than you know! Thank you.
Agape Left and Waiting to go Home with Rightful Owner!
With the 30 year celebration of Arizona’s Walk to Emmaus coming soon, I thought this would be a
good time to distribute some of the personal agape that has been accumulating from past walks.
The following is a list of names of all those for whom I have agape. Please plan to stop by the agape
table at the celebration and pick up your agape, if you are on the list or if you know someone and
will see them soon to deliver it to them!
Thank you,
Becky Case, Agape Chair
Men’s Agape:
Abel, Don
Armenta, Frank
Armstead, Bob
Astrid, John P#148
Barney, Joe
Bauer, Chris P #02,05
Bernhardt, Daniel
Briddle, Daniel
Botila, Fred
Bracken, Dennis P#129
Brester, Mel
Burns Bruce
Butler, Kenny
Caratachea, Victor
Carling, Rick P#165
Casali, Tony
Choate, Ted P#165
Clark, Lyle
Clapper, Scott P#177
Clem, Michael P#112
Clawson, Dave
Coggins, Pete
Collins, Art
Collins, Jerry #116
Cook, Jeffrey
Dexter, Jonathan
Dick, Jamie P#96
Dixon, David P#128
Dovovan, Jack P#165
Duffey, Len talk #94
Duncan, Brad
East, Eddie
Eckholm, Don P#130
Ehrlich, Jan
Erskine, Bob
Fischer, Frank
Flower, Mike
Flynn, Greg Talk #142
Francis, Kelton
Gallagher, Rick
Garlett, Steven
Garth, Jim
Gentry, Steve
Gipson, Curtis
Gishie, Daniel
Gladden, Justin
Goldberg, Stewart
Grell, Kevin
Greuling, Ed
Griffey, Kyle
Guetler, Harry
Hacker, Stephen
Hebert, Andre P#128
Hill, Don P#101
Hintz, Gred
Hiscox, Noah
Hogan, Shelby cook #148/194
Hopkins, Lance p#137
Hubbs, Kris
Humphrey, Jim
Irwin, Larry
Jackson, Vern
James, Richard
Joseph, Tony
Katz, Mark P#116
Kerr, John talk#124
Kinney, Bill p#167
Kirschman, Kris
Khin, ThuraneAing
Koomsa, Kebede p#137
Kovac, Steve
Lange, Adam
Lathrop, Sam
LeGrand, Jim
Lewis, Steve p#114
Little, Tom p#165
Livingston, Leroy
Loomer, Kelly
Lyon, Larry
Marcy, John
Marquerit, Tim
Marrow, Mike
Martji, Steve
McDaniel, Doug
McMillion, Gary
Melki, Farid
Miller, Dan
Miller, Tom
Millar, Gregg P#124
Moffett, Bob P#124
Morgan, Bruce
Murphy, Bryan
Murray, Dan
Nez, Alvin
Nugent, Joey
Otlweski, Jay
Pacchette, Dave
Patterson, Dave
Pender, Dave P#137
Privette, Ron P#165
Riefkohl, Keith cook#124
Roberts, Keith
Roe, Denny
Scott, Ian
Scott, Shane
Seabury, Brian
Siefried, John
Skelton, Jerry
Smith, Adam talk#116
Smith, Tim
Spining, Dick
Steadman, Perry P#116
Stelton, Dave
Stober, Larry
Swan, Bill
Swanton, Brian talk team
Szuhay, Ray
Treadwell, David
Tsiniginie, Nelson
Vandall, Clinton
Vandall, Rusty
Waltz, Bill Talk #94
Weekly, John
West, Vern P #167
White, Cameron
Whitten, Dan
Wilcox, Don
Wilson, Tim
Wood, Robert
Wood, Rueben
Young, Pete
Young, Robert talk #139
Agape Left...continued
Women’s agape:
Adams, Patti
Anderson, Liz
Arias, Lisa
Armenta, Mary
Aulds, Michal
Bailey, Carole
Bailey, Jan
Barker, Dorothy
Barney, Molly
Barry, Lydia
Bast, Gerri
Bentley, Pam
Blackstone, Susie
Blaidsdell, Tracy
Borolo, Judy
Bowman, Jan
Boyer-Turner, Myra
Bracken, Karen
Bradford, Karen
Brewer, Gloria
Briddle, Becky
Briggs, Sandi
Brooks, Robbin
Brown, Alice
Brown, Mary (NOT northern AZ)
Brubaker, Denise x2
Bryant, Betty Jane
Bunning, Stephanie
Calay, Judy
Campbell, Marsha
Chapelle, Jeannine
Chappell, Ricci
Chauch, Aunt
Crist, Mary Ann
Choate, Joan
Collins, Becky
Coppola, Annie
Coronel, Josie
Cottrell, Ranae
Craig, Deidre
Cranwell, Mary Jo
Crosby, Pamela
Cruz, Cindy
Davis, Becky
Dawson, Lori
DeBenny, Kristen
Deemer, Elaine
De La Rosa, Cheryl
Dimaggio, Sharain
Downing, Susan
Duncan, Diane
Eberspacher, Shirley
Eckhom, Gwen
French, Karen
Gaines, Charlotte
Garcia, Jennifer
Garling, Barb
Gregory, Lynne
Gregory, Wanda
Greene, Susan
Grueling, Carolyn
Hafer, Phyllis
Hale, Linda
Harrison, Rebecca
Haskinson, Sherry
Hastings, Geri
Heinze, Sue
Hemperly, Carmen
Hill, Lisa
Hiscox, Brenda
Holiday, Sarah
Hollande, Joanna
Holland, Kathleen
Hollett, Sylvia
Hook, Cathie
Hoskins, Jody
Huntley, Martha
Hyman, Adrienne
Johnson, Maggie
Klendshoj, Jo
Knighton, Roni
Krasha, Connie
Lake, Beth
Larson, Lori
Leon, Fran
Lily, Tana
Mann, Stacy
Martin, Shaye
Maryturquoise, Karen
Mason, Barbara
McBride, Joann
McCumber, Andrea
McDaniel, Jamie
McGraer, Debbie
McKenzie, Diane
McKewen, Gayle
Merrill, Patti
Merryman, La Rita
Mills, Sandy
Mills, Susie
Moata, Betty
Moata, Linda
Munsell, Loretta
Neeley, Connie
Nibe, Becky
Nixon, Shirley
Paulson, Holly
Pena, Cassandra
Pierotti, Liz
Potlorff, Diana
Pryor, Margie
Puls, Margie
Ream, Joan
Reidhead, Lori
Rhinehardt, Judy
Rhodes, Lucille
Richards, Marilyn
Roberts, Gail
Roberts, Mary Beth
Robinson, Diane
Roderick, Sandie
Rosenbaum, Molly (3)
Rowe, Kathy
Rush, Thelma
Rust, Marie
Sallee, Marilyn
Schock, Kathy
Schrader, Delores (3)
Schuermann, Marie
Scott, Jennifer
Sheldon, Zelma
Singer, Violet
Spragg, Teri
Stivers, Jennifer
Studer, Susan
Swanson, Jeanne
Swindler, Albina
Taylor, Ghemi
Taylor, Mitzie
Tchop, Sarah
Todd, Teddy
Toner, Elena
Tracy, Kathryn
Tritle, Jennifer
Tryon, Jackie
Tsingine, Geri
Turner, Sherry Ann
Turner, Susan
Vangunten, Norma Jean
Von Bargen, Cindy
Walker, Kay
Wayne, Patricia
Weatherby, Connie
Weatherton, Pamela
Weir, Ziggy
Weller, Kerri
Wennersten, Andrea
Wilkins, Lori
Williams, Annette
Agape Left...continued
Women continued:
Edwards, Helen
Nygren, Susan
Williams, Jean
Elliott, Debbie
Occhillina, Laura
Williams, Priscilla
Erickson, Janice
O’Dell, Goldie
Wills, Sandy
Eslain, Louise
Oglesbee, Ivan
Wilmore, Wendy
Evans, Elaine
Oquita, Anita
Wilson, Candace
Faichild, Pat
Orman, Marilynn
Wilson, Melody
Farris, Erin
Otlewski, Lynn
Witchell, Linda
Featherston, Sandy
Owen, Tanya
Womble, Dawn
Forseth, Anne
Pacchutti, Cheryl
Wright, Marlyce
Fonua, Zerelda
Paney, Brenda
Youngker, Kim
Fraley, Cassandra
Papua, Ofa
Younkin, Donna
Franceis, Jenee
Patterson, Teresa
Zarkovich, Suzy
Again, if you know any of these people, please direct them to the Agape Table on October 24 at the 30th Anniversary
Celebration at Central United Methodist Church to pick up their items, or you pick them up and special delivery them to
the appropriate person timely. Some are serving on October teams. Thanks in advance for any help you might provide!
As you all know, Emmaus floats on a sea of prayer
and we have some awesome prayer warriors within our community. Please find here other
communities, nationally and internationally, that we can be praying for:
Anglican Qu'Appelle Cursillo Community
Australia Queensland Darling Downs Emmaus
Australia Queensland Darling Downs Emmaus
Australia Brisbane North Coast Emmaus
Australia Brisbane North Coast Emmaus
Australia Brisbane South Emmaus
Australia Brisbane South Emmaus
Australia Great Southern Emmaus Community
Australia Great Southern Emmaus Community
Australia Lourie Emmaus Community
Australia Lourie Emmaus Community
Brasil, Maringa - Parana Emmaus Community
Brasil, Maringa - Parana Emmaus Community
Finland Emmaus Community
Jamaican Angelican Cursillo Movement
South Africa Protea Emmaus Community
South Africa Protea Emmaus Community
South Africa Gloriosa Emmaus Community
South Africa Gloriosa Emmaus Community
Birmingham, AL Emmaus Community
Birmingham, AL Emmaus Community
Blue Lake, AL Emmaus Community
Blue Lake , AL Emmaus Community
Central AL Emmaus Community
Central AL Emmaus Community
Channel Islands, CA Emmaus Community
Channel Islands, CA Emmaus Community
Orange County, CA Tres Dias Community
Orange County, CA Tres Dias Community
Gulf Coast FL Emmaus Community
Gulf Coast FL Emmaus Community
Tampa Bay, FL Vida Nueva Community
Tampa Bay, FL Vida Nueva Community
Coed Walk 9/17-9/20
Men's Walk 8/20-8/23
Women's Walk 8/27-8/30
Men's Walk 8/27-8/30
Women's Walk 9/10-9/13
Men's Walk 8/20-8/23
Women's Walk 8/27-8/30
Men's Walk 8/20-8/23
Women's Walk 8/27-8/30
Men's Walk 9/10-9/13
Women's Walk 9/17-9/20
Men's Weekend 8/14-8/16
Women's Weekend 8/28-8/30
Coed Walk 9/10-9/13
Men's Weekend 9/17-9/20
Men's Weekend 9/3-9/6
Women's Weekend 9/10-9/13
Men's Weekend 8/20-8/23
Women's Weekend 8/27-8/30
Men's Walk 8/20-8/23
Women's Walk 9/24-9/27
Men's Walk 8/20-8/23
Women's Walk 9/10-9/13
Men's Walk 8/12-8/15
Women's Walk 9/16-9/19
Men's Walk 8/6-8/9
Women's Walk 8/13-8/16
Men's Walk 8/13-8/16
Women's Walk 8/6-8/9
Men's Walk 9/10-9/13
Women's Walk 9/24-9/27
Women's Walk 9/11-9/13
Men's Walk 9/18-9/20
Praying for 3-Day Retreats Around the World
Atlanta, GA Christian Cursillo Community
Atlanta, GA Christian Cursillo Community
Dayspring, GA Christian Emmaus Community
Dayspring, GA Christian Emmaus Community
Greater Indianapolis, IN Emmaus Community
Greater Indianapolis, IN Emmaus Community
Central MI Lutheran Via De Christo Community
Central MI Lutheran Via De Christo Community
Cleveland, OH Chrysalis Community
Cleveland , OH Emmaus Community
Columbus, OH Chrysalis C.A.R.E.S
OH, Heart of Ohio Emmaus Community
Wilmington, OH Emmaus Community
Great Plains, OK Emmaus Community
Great Plains, OK Emmaus Community
OR Episcopal Cursillo Community
Lehigh Valley, PA Tres Dias Community
Lehigh Valley, PA Tres Dias Community
Chattanooga, TN Emmaus Community
Abeline, TX Big Country Emmaus Community
Abeline, TX Big Country Emmaus Community
Austin, TX Emmaus Community
Corpus Christi, TX Coastal Bend Emmaus
Corpus Christi , TX Coastal Bend Emmaus
Houston, TX West Emmaus Community
Houston, TX West Emmaus Community
Western Panhandle WV Emmaus Community
Men's Walk 8/20-8/23
Women's Walk 8/27-8/30
Men's Walk 9/10-9/13
Women's Walk 9/17-9/20
Men's Walk 9/10-9/13
Women's Walk 9/24-9/27
Men's Walk 7/30-8/2
Women's Walk 8/13-8/16
Coed Flight 7/30-8/2
Men's Walk 9/10-9/13
Girl's Flight 9/2-9/5
Men's Walk 9/10-9/13
Men's Walk 9/24-9/27
Men's Walk 9/10-9/13
Women's Walk 9/17-9/20
Flight 9/17-9/20
Men's Walk 9/17-9/20
Women's Walk 9/24-9/27
Men's Walk 9/17-9/20
Men's Walk 8/20-8/23
Women's Walk 9/17-9/20
Men's Walk 9/10-9/13
Men's Walk 7/30-8/2
Women's Walk 8/27-8/30
Boy's Flight 8/6-8/9
Girl's Flight 8/13-8/16
Men's Walk 9/17-9/20
Becky Case, Agape Chair
Are you a detail-oriented person, organized and like to work on the computer?
After several years as editor for the Arizona Walk to Emmaus Rooster
Tales newsletter, Janet Paterson needs a break and your help of service is
needed. Are you an organized detail-oriented person who likes to work on the
computer? Is communication a skill God has gifted you with? Do you like to be
in-the-know before others? If so, then pray about serving your community and
become the next Rooster Tales editor.
The Rooster Tales is published online and a printed hard copy snail mailed
to those who have a subscription 10 months a year. The August or summer issue is online only.
Although Janet will keep her position as Registrar for Walk weekends, she and her recently-retired
husband John have purchased a pick-up truck and fifth wheel and are really enjoying traveling and
hope to see many of the national parks in the United States.
Please prayerfully consider this call and if you find God has placed this upon your heart, be
in touch with Janet. She will not step down until the replacement editor is well versed with all that is
involved. Thanks for your consideration of this opportunity to serve.
If you are interested, please contact Janet Paterson at her information on the back of each Rooster
Janet Paterson, Rooster Tales Editor
[As you see Janet and/or John at Emmaus events or at church, please share with them your thanks
for serving and your prayers for God’s blessing on their travels. Peace, Wally Athey, CLD]
How Did "They" Get on the Walk?! Part 2 (continued from June Rooster Tales)
by Rev. Jim Ek
Community Spiritual Director
Arizona Walk to Emmaus
As a sponsor, if you invite without 'prayerful discernment', you do your friends - and Emmaus - a disservice. It means that you, not God, are judging someone's readiness. This is dangerous ground. If you think
someone 'needs' the Emmaus weekend experience, you have set yourself apart from other Christians. While
spiritual growth and the blessings of living in Christian community are desirable goals, they can be obtained in many ways other than Emmaus.
The experience of an Emmaus weekend is powerful. However, the pilgrim should be in a position to make
the most of that power. The website article continues, "Through the formational process of accountable discipleship in small groups and participation in the Emmaus community, each participant’s individual gifts
and servant-leadership skills are developed for use in the local church and its mission."
The power of the weekend is wasted if the pilgrim is not ready, willing and able to participate in their '4th
Day.' That's why discernment is important. Are you sponsoring leaders? Are you considering their situation
and ability to disciple and lead the church into its future? Are you looking at couples as a unit, yoked
equally for service?
The 4th Day involves piety, study and action - the solid foundation of our Christian growth. Regular practice of these elements are the goal of our accountability groups. Edification and encouragement are the
foundation of regular gatherings. (Remember, weekly worship and fellowship is where we encourage our
fellow church members - not Emmaus friends.) The weekend is simply a method to get us firmly situated in
a life of discipline and discipleship.
Invitations to attend a weekend are not guaranteed . . .
Invitations to attend a weekend are not guaranteed. They are not dependant upon space available or early
applications or entitlement. The web article states that following a sponsor's approach of a person or couple,
"After one accepts this invitation they complete an application. The Emmaus leaders prayerfully consider
each applicant and in God’s time, the person is invited to attend a three-day experience of New Testament
Christianity as a lifestyle."
The weekend reviews basic Christian principles common to our ecumenical understanding of following
Christ. It then models New Testament Christianity through the grace of rites and rituals of acceptance, forgiveness, and redemption. Throughout, Christian Community is modeled by the actions of the team. Finally, pilgrims are invited to partake of the model Christian lifestyle through their own actions.
But if the introductory weekend is all there is, how has God's kingdom profited? Why would God want to
continue to bless and prosper a ministry that does not produce disciple leaders who in turn go out into the
People who speak to the miracles and wonders that happen on the weekend have enjoyed the presence of
God but perhaps have missed the opportunity for something even greater - the enlargement of God's kingdom on earth. The needy person at table who is healed of his/her past wounds of rejection or great loss becomes the focus of attention and others at table, who need healing as well, are passed over. The angry person who has no home church because of some reason or another is influential in keeping others at table
from expressing their doubts. The miracle observed may be at the cost of several missed. All because the
discernment process was averted in favor of 'fixing' someone.
There are guidelines . . .
Your Emmaus community board has guidelines to help in the discernment process. But it is the sponsor
who starts the ball rolling. Is the person you are presenting ready to be, or already, servant leaders
in your community? If not, then it becomes the board's job of determining readiness.
Continued on next page 9
How Did "They" Get on the Walk?!
by Rev. Jim Ek
Community Spiritual Director, Arizona Walk to Emmaus
For example, the "Equal Commitment Rule" (pg 18/19 of the Upper Room Emmaus Handbook) states that
"Husbands and wives are encouraged to make an equal commitment to participate." The application states
that, with married couples, husbands must go first. All communities struggle with this guideline. "The Rule
is Wisdom, Not Law" states a position paper by Emmaus Regional Directors. "It is important that the wisdom of the rule be honored in Emmaus communities. The equal commitment rule represents a practical
ideal toward which Emmaus communities strive and toward which sponsors work in all cases."
A married individual is not independent. Scripture says that the two become one flesh. They are not joined
at the hip, but the actions, desires, maturity, responsibility, etc. are jointly incurred. For example, if one
spouse incurs a debt, both are responsible for the repayment. It's more complicated than we often give it
credit, but marriage, a strong, balanced marriage, requires commitment and support from both parties. Divorces exceed 50% in the U.S. and that includes Christian couples. Often the divorce happens because the
two have grown apart rather than growing together. If the couple commits to an Emmaus experience together, they are more likely to grow together. If one goes but the other does not, the danger is they may
grow apart.
But what about the exceptions?
Some may point to individuals who attended without their spouse as examples. Yes, exceptions can be
made. But every discussion of 2 Cor 6:14 (unequally yoked) hinges around not having common ground.
Every individual who has experienced an Emmaus weekend knows that it's impossible to explain what happened to those who have not been. The tension of this impossible explanation is something that can wear on
a relationship.
If you have a church community or pastor that has claimed division caused by Emmaus, it is likely because
of the tension I've just mentioned. When people come off the weekend, they are full of the Spirit. Other
people in their church community will give some grace. But if the Emmaus people hang out together, to the
exclusion of those who have not been, they will feel resentment. If the Emmaus folk then tell the pastor,
and everyone else, "You need to go to Emmaus!" a wall begins to be built.
A mature leader coming off an Emmaus weekend would not do that to their church friends. A mature sponsor would not let their pilgrim accost other members of their church like that. However, an Emmaus person
who did not know, accept and teach that the 4th Day activities are where this 'inside stuff' is carried out,
might just allow it to happen.
So we're back to prayerful discernment. The Walk to Emmaus Upper Room web article ends with, "The
objective of Emmaus is to inspire, challenge, and equip the local church members for Christian action in
their homes, churches, communities and places of work. Emmaus lifts up a way for our grace-filled lives to
be lived and shared with others." That's done by getting the right people to attend the weekend then getting
them into accountability groups and monthly gatherings. At church, you are members of your church. Emmaus is that thing out there that helped you be better than you were - not better than anyone else.
More questions? Ask away and the board will try to answer. Until then...
De Colores!
Pastor Jim
Walk #237 October 4-7, 2015
Paradise Valley United Methodist
Don Davis
Michael McCabe
John Ross
Ray Smith
Bob Swanson
Deb Schauer
Bob Cutlipp
Sarg Magyar
Pam Wagner
Don Boucher
Scott Gardner
Mike Fleming
Gary Cannon
Mike Gallagher
Terry Price
Lay Director
Assistant Lay Director
Assistant Lay Director
Assistant Lay Director
Assistant Lay Director
Head Spiritual Director
Assistant Spiritual Director
Assistant Spiritual Director
Assistant Spiritual Director
Head Cook
Music Leader
Prayer Warrior
Lyle Clark
Frank Hays
Bob Stone
Tom Farley
John MacVean
Peter Arkin
John Beaubien Bret Blackburn
Ernie Boone
Bob Caskey Ernie Cheetham
Kelton Francis Ken Kopal
Jack Sarrett
Skip Schauer
Jack Schraven
Bob Warner
Wayne Woodward Larry Weigman Harold Worsop
Please keep this team in prayer. This
team may not be completed.
All walks float on a sea of prayers.
Let the pilgrims see Jesus in your
eyes by coming to Saturday
night’s candlelight at 8:00 pm on
October 3. Join us for closing on
Sunday, October 4 at 5:00 pm to hear the
pilgrim’s testimonies.
Walk #238 October 8-11, 2015
Paradise Valley United Methodist
Rosemary James
Lay Director
Lynn Bowers
Assistant Lay Director
Barb Hedges
Assistant Lay Director
Cindy Mathe
Assistant Lay Director
Cheryl Samelson
Assistant Lay Director
Karol Brecheisen
Head Spiritual Director
Judy Boroto
Assistant Spiritual Director
Jim Ek
Assistant Spiritual Director
Tim Piukala
Assistant Spiritual Director
Ann Bernal, Janet Paterson
Co-Head Cooks
Mary Ann Glenn
Assistant Head Cook
Cheri Peterson
Assistant Head Cook
Judy Taylor
Music Leader
Choppie Lewis
Prayer Warrior
Anne Book
Barbara Burford
Becky Case
Sandi Caskey
Barbara Fike
Janet Fleming
LaVonna Goudie Linda Hurlbert Janet Livingston
Marsha McClintock Shannon Sanders Ginny
Kathi Upham
Vicki Wessel
Nellie Amedee
Holly Case
Zerelda Fonua
Joleene Giddens
Jan Hicks
Barbara Mason
Pouahi Tohi
Cara Silva
Patty Ek
Nancy Oyler
Jamie Benham Joyce Cardoza
Mary Ann Crist
Yvonne Dey
Kristin Forrester Robbi Fowler
Kathleen Griffin Maxine Harvel
Pam Hinckley
Marie Linder
Cassidi Perry
Pam Poley
Debbie Rives
Gail Shapiro
Chris Spencer
Betty Weston
Patti White
3-Day TEAM
Marla Kristich
Beth Woodland
Penny Malone
Please keep the team in prayer.
Would you like to see your name on a team roster?
Have you notified Holly Case of your information if it has changed recently? Please
go to the back page of any Rooster Tales and contact Holly with your pertinent
information. Who knows? God may want you on the next team and we want to find you if so!
Pre-Emmaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Rauls
602-625-8925 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Three Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Red Hinckley
623-332-4126 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Community Spiritual Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Ek
602-377-9434 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Southern Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hal Lofgren
520-663-0775 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charlie Edwards
520-247-2960. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Northern Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarah McGuire
928-853-3584. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Weber
928-225-0989 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Central Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bob Cook
480-666-9900 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Robbi Fowler
602-686-0506 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chrysalis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Becky Weber
928-527-4212 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AUGUST, 2015
Website address:
AZ Walk to Emmaus
P. O. Box 86309
Phoenix, AZ 85080-6309
Community Lay Director . . . . . . . . . . .Wally Athey
623-362-2841 . . . . . . . . . . .
Community Lay Director - Elect . . Dusty LaNoue
480-831-2811 . . . . . . . . . . .
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Debbie Bachelder
480-963-0722 . . . . . . . . . . .
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alan Fisher
602-978-5094 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Agape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Becky Case
480-748-6057 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holly Case
480-734-9493 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4th Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colleen Centner
602-695-0811 . . . . . . . . .
Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ted Bachelder
602-820-3777 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Registrar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Janet Paterson
480-632-2199 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .