June 05, 2016 - St. Matthew Church
June 05, 2016 - St. Matthew Church
St. Matthew on the Move … . . . . . SAVE THE DATE Sunday, June 12th ~ The Crew BBQ (Page 2) Tuesday, June 14th ~ Listening Session (Page 5) Wednesday, June 15th ~ Walk-In Wednesday (Page 3) Wednesday, June 22nd ~ Community Meal (Page 2) June 5, 2016 THIS WEEK SUNDAY, JUNE 5TH • Return Bible Camp Giving Tree items to office MONDAY, JUNE 6TH • • Mass 12:10pm in chapel Note: Novena Mass time changed to 6:30pm in chapel TUESDAY, JUNE 7TH • • • Mass 12:10pm in chapel Cooking with a Purpose 6:00pm Confessions 7:00pm - 8:30pm in church WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8TH • • • • Mass 12:10pm in chapel Walking Group 2:00pm in the Great Room Bocce League at Calf Pasture Beach 7:00pm Deliver food to seniors & families in crisis THURSDAY, JUNE 9TH • Mass 12:10pm in chapel FRIDAY, JUNE 10TH • Mass 12:10pm in chapel -2- Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time St. Matthew on the Move YOU’RE INVITED! . .. COMMUNITY MEAL IN OUR GREAT ROOM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22ND 7:00PM Open to all - Invite a neighbor or friend! Dinner for $1 (one) Dollar Menu: Salad, Spaghetti, Meatballs, & Dessert Call Sister Sally (ext. 118) for a reservation MEALS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS & FAMILIES IN NEED OR CRISIS Please call Sister Sally (ext. 118) for a June 8th delivery. Our cooking volunteers are ready to help with a homemade meal delivered to you door. CELEBRATING A SIGNIFICANT WEDDING ANNIVERSARY THIS YEAR? If you are, Msgr. Walter would like to share your joy! Please join him for supper on Saturday, June 18th if you are celebrating an anniversary ending in “0” or “5” beginning with 5 years, or anyone celebrating 50 PLUS years during 2016. Please call Carol (ext. 101) to confirm your reservation. AWARDS BANQUET We are in the planning stages for an “Awards Banquet” that would recognize volunteers in our parish who have helped to keep our parish strong. This event will also recognize those individuals who are stepping out of a ministry or organization, as well as those retiring from active service. Stay tuned for further details on this late June banquet. SUNDAY, JUNE 12TH The Crew - end of year BBQ featuring 10k Water Balloon Fight. Open to all High School & Middle School students. Bring dark clothes & a towel. After the 12:00pm Mass. Volunteers needed. Email thecrewatstm@gmail.com if interested. June 5, 2016 -3- NG S I M T N CO E EV Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time St. Matthew on the Move ... 0pm 0 : H TUES 7 16T rsity DAY, E N nive the JUNE U • L r J e t , isteni 14TH af AY eace U H n n g D o S i S e T t WED ssion UR ncial P NE 26 Recep tory NESD 7:00p H T ina m AY, J • W JU ioner he rec il) , F UNE alk-In Y • 15TH DA arish ss at t the ma Wedn N a 8:00a SU ew P M m - 9: esday e in r m N a p 0 1:00p 0 • 2:0 tations m - 2: 0am: Msg 1 i 4:00p 0 r Inv m - 5: 0pm: Fr. . Walter ( S 00pm : Sr. unil Sally JUL YS • ATU N ei RD ghb 201 AYS o rho 6/20 J u od ly 1 • July 7 UPCO July 9th: F Masse • M IN Nov 22 - Au July 16th: r. Suni s 5:30p G e Msg l m PIL • 23 r Apr mber 5 gust 1, J G d u r . : l R y W 2 i • 30th Msg Jun l, 2017 th & 6t 016 - W IMAG r. W alter : E e, 20 - 8 D h, 2 M o S FR alte sgr. 17 ay P 016 - rld Yo O W MO Teen alte r Was uth D ilgr UR i r PAR Wor age/Hig mage to hington ay trip h k at , I t R an O School ome a D.C. (S o Krak SH ow ee n P rph ana ilgrim d Assis Page7 , Pola a ge nd i ge to P (See P ) a ge eru 7) Y L R A E E IN TH STILL ING STAGE PLANN l Drive kpacks e w o s T ed ol bac f food for kid o • Us h c S o ck-to kpacks hildren & c • Ba a b d c eken ring of o • We t u T r mme • Su yout h LS I A ET ... D RE OME O M OC T June 5, 2016 - 4- St. Matthew on the Move Mass Intentions ... Monday, June 6 12:10pm Richard J. Bartoli 6:30pm Stanley Tyska Tuesday, June 7 12:10pm Mary Pereira Wednesday, June 8 12:10pm Agnes Arena Thursday, June 9 12:10pm Albert Renna Friday, June 10 12:10pm Eileen Laverty Saturday, June 11 4:00pm Billy Laux John B. Keegan William Guzzi Sr. Katherine Vallone Lawrence LeClerc Lois & Eugene Seymour Raymond Potts Margaret Sheehy Jacob Velasco Grazia & Vincent Latella Sunday, June 12 7:30am Billowitz Family 9:00am Angie English 10:30am Grace Walsh 12:00pm Bob Ryan 5:00pm Margaret Jones Patricia McQuillian David Carreon Lauro Novoa Joseph Pieroe All weekday Masses are celebrated in the Chapel. Confessions Every Saturday 3:15pm - 4:00pm Every Tuesday Evening 7:00pm - 8:30pm PARISH OFFICE: Phone: (203) 838-3788 Email: stmattparish@hotmail.com Website: www.stmatthewnorwalk.org Twitter: @StMatthewNorwlk Facebook: www.facebook.com/StMatthewNorwalk Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time SACRIFICIAL GIVING Offertory, 5/29/16: On-Line Giving: Average Gift, 05/29/16 Offertory, Same Week, 2015 World Youth Day: Candle Stands: $14,598.00 $ 993.00 $ 25.13 $11,622.50 $ 4,392.50 $ 367.00 Thanks for your generous weekly support of our operations and ministries. God Bless! Msgr. Walter ELECTRONIC GIVING is available through our parish website. Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord: Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them Please remember in your prayers: Amedee Maurais Andy Veno Mildred Rumore Jamie Lane Ana Huong Pham We extend our sympathy to their families & friends. BANNS OF MARRIAGE I Silvia Castagna and Casey Dohme PLEASE NOTE: Beginning this week, the Monday night Novena Mass will begin at 6:30pm. Advertiser of the Week Majestic Cleaners 280 Connecticut Avenue Norwalk, CT 06854 203-838-5420 Monday - Saturday: 7am - 7pm Sunday: Closed Dry Cleaning, Ironing, Washing Daniel and Deicely Overthrow June 5, 2016 - 5- LISTENING SESSION TUESDAY, JUNE 14TH 7:00PM IN THE GREAT ROOM You are invited to share your thoughts, feelings and hopes for St. Matthew Church at a Listening Session with Msgr. Walter and the St. Matthew Synod Commission. The purpose is for us to listen to your input – your opinions, reflections, and comments about St. Matthew. This will help us plan for and envision the future of our Parish as we implement the Synod Initiatives. Tell us what you think... · What are we doing well - our strengths and best practices? · What are we already doing that could we improve upon, do better or tweak? · What are we not doing - what are we missing that we should consider doing? All are welcome! Your input is important because it will be used to help us discern together how we go forward as a Parish to experience true spiritual renewal. Those who are unable to attend can make their voices heard by dropping off a written response to the office or email stmattparish@hotmail.com. Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time St. Matthew on the Move ... ST. MATTHEW VACATION BIBLE CAMP Sunday, June 26th, - Friday, July 1st The Brightest Week of the Summer! -- FULL --- WAITING LIST AVAILABLE -PLEASE CALL CAROL (EXT. 101) TO BE ADDED Please return your GIVING TREE item to the church office by Sunday, June 5th. Any Questions, contact our Bible Camp email: SaintMatthewVBS@yahoo.com Upcoming Bible Camp Volunteer Meetings: Sunday, June 5th, 6:00pm - 7:30pm Sunday, June 12th, 6:00pm - 7:30pm Friday, June 24th, 6:00pm - 7:30pm St. Matthew Social Concerns Food Pantry Peanut Butter Bottled juice Jelly Small Juice bottles Coffee*** Cereal*** SALUTE TO OUR GRADUATES Spaghetti /Macaroni Dried Beans*** Canned fruits & vegetables Salad Dressing Msgr. Walter and St. Matthew Parish would like Canned tuna & chicken Snacks to Salute our Graduates of 2016. Small jars of Mayonnaise Small vegetable oil Are you a 2016 Graduate from Elementary, High Small bags/boxes of rice ***Denotes most needed items School, College or beyond...? PLEASE NOTE: Although the first weekend of We would like to recognize you and congratulate each month is “Food Collection” time, we are you on your achievements. Please contact the always in need of restocking our shelves. If it is office (203-838-3788 ext 101 or more convenient for you to bring food during the stmattparish@hotmail.com) to let week, you can always drop it off at the office. The us know who you are and what school St. Matthew Food Pantry is truly assisting many people in need. Your generosity and kindness are you recently graduated from. very much appreciated. June 5, 2016 -6- Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time St. Matthew on the Move THURSDAY, JUNE 9th 11:30am SCHOLARSHIPS & ELECTIONS MEMBERS $ 13 ... GUESTS $ 16 M E N U: Baked Herb-Flavor Chicken, Tangy Potato Salad, Delicious Franks and Beans, Lightly Dressed Mixed Green Salad, Dessert and Coffee, Tea, & Soft Drinks At this Luncheon, the following items are due: SIGN UP/PAY: Friday, September 16th Westchester Theater “Saturday Night Fever” $85/PP (separate check) SIGN UP: October Day Trip - Oktoberfest FOOD FOR THE CHURCH FOOD PANTRY NOTE: DEADLINE DATE, MONDAY, June 6th @ 11:00 AM June Luncheon NAME:____________________________________________Tel#__________________________________ Members $ 13.00____Guests $16.00_____Ck$______ Ck#._______________Cash______ As of Friday, May 27th, St. Matthew Parish has raised $148,412 which is 74.2% of our goal of $200,000. June 5, 2016 -7- PILGRIMAGE TO WASHINGTON, D.C. 6:00AM NOVEMBER 5TH TO 6:30PM NOVEMBER 6TH Our trip includes: • A room in nearby Silver Springs, MD (Doubletree by Hilton) $120 per person double occupancy $175 single occupancy $65 youth same room as parent • Supper with Msgr. Walter Saturday night • Sunday Mass at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, Washington, D.C. Space is limited - please call Carol to reserve your seat (203) 838-3788, ext. 101. OR $75 One day round trip with the Diocese of Bridgeport (includes box dinner). Register by October 14th at rallybus.net/DOBPilgrimage via credit card or call (855) 725-5928 to pay by check. If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire EE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FR FREE Activation $1a Day! ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 800.393.9954 Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 8 DAY PILGRIMAGE TO ROME & ASSISI $2899 PER PERSON April 27th - May 4th, 2017 Includes: • Tour of Vatican City • Audience with our Holy Father, Pope Francis • Tour of Rome including Basilica of St. Peter, Sistine Chapel & the Papal Basilicas of St. Peter in Chains, St. Mary Major & St. John Lateran • Day in Assisi with a visit to the Basilica of St. Francis & the Church of St. Clare • Free time to explore Rome at your own pace • Daily breakfast and some dinners For more information contact Lorraine DeRosa: Lorraine.711@hotmail.com Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Dr. Edward Paul DDS, MS, FAGD Serving the Norwalk Community for Over 23 Years A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 www.wlpmusic.com Full Range of Family Dental Services Evening & Saturday Hours Available 10 Mott Avenue NOW OFFERING Norwalk 203.838.3938 Please call for details www.edpauldds.com NOTRE DAME CONVALESCENT HOME, INC. Operated by Sisters Of St. Thomas Of Villanova 76 WEST ROCKS ROAD, NORWALK, CT 203-847-5893 BOOTH FINANCIAL ASSOCIATES Investments, Planning & Insurance The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes James H. Booth, RFC CHECK IT OUT TODAY! Saint Margaret Sunday Missal al mpanion o Person Your Prayer C through 2030 Designed to be JOHN HENDERSON (203) 853-4936 Owner/Parishioner CT Bus. Reg. #B-0747 Cathy Lauder GUITAR LESSONS AVON By Michael Gallello @Guitar Instruction Center 16 Isaac St. Independent Sales Agent Parishioner 866-7427 www.youravon.com/clauder Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com $39.95 911080 St Matthew Church (B) 800-622-6684 FINANCIAL ADVISOR 200 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk Registered Representative of INVEST Financial Corporation, member FINRA/SIPC. INVEST and it’s affiliated insurance agencies offer securities, advisory services and insurance products and are not affiliated with Booth Financial Associates i.ad.9851-0415-104648 203-216-4133 Complete Automotive Service Norwalk, CT www.dicostanzomasonry.com (203) 750-0782 www.jspaluch.com THE MAGNER FAMILY 72 Connecticut Ave. Norwalk, CT www.briggstire.com 838-3716 or Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 LUKE’S AUTO BODY, INC. Body & Fender Repairs Foreign & Domestic 24 Hour Towing SCHOOL OF DRIVING GREG & LOUISE BRYSON 304 MAIN AVE. NORWALK Classroom and Behind the Wheel Instruction 28 Cross St., New Canaan 203-972-0242 www.lewisschoolofdriving.com M-F 8:30 AM-6 PM SAT 9:00 AM-3 PM 853-2418 TEL: 203-847-6166 104 West Cedar St., So. Norwalk NEW CANAAN AVE SERVICE LEWIS The UPS Store 87 NEW CANAAN AVE. RT. 123 NORWALK • Tree Care • Planting • Excavations • Masonry • All Types of Work By Fr. Audette, M.S., M.H. 203-520-7886 CST 2117990-70 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com Magner Funeral Home Family Owned & Operated Since 1912 12 Mott Ave., Norwalk (203) 246-2722 ada@audetteassociates.com Brian or Sally, coordinators 203-846-0777 MG Landscaping & Masonry Mental Health & Spiritual Psychotherapy 860.399.1785 COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR FOREIGN & DOMESTIC CERTIFIED EMISSIONS REPAIR / GAS CT EMISSIONS TESTING 203-866-5553 www.magnerfuneralhome.com BRUCE’S FLOWERS • Michael Magner • Jay Magner • Melissa Heaphy • Salvatore Spadaccino • William Tiani 454 Main Ave., Norwalk • (203) 846-1664 • www.brucesflowers.com SCIAUDONE’S GARAGE Angela Mia • General Auto Repair • Brake Service • • Ignition Specialist • 28 LEONARD STREET NORWALK (203) 853-0595 www.sciaudonesgarage.com Italian Pastries Connecticut Ave. Post. Rd. Norwalk Setting the Standard in Funeral Service Raymond Community Funeral Home • 5 East Wall Street, Norwalk, CT 06851 • 203.847.7291 • The only funeral home in Fairfield County that owns and operates a crematory • Video tributes • Completely renovated facility • Newly expanded off-street parking Thomas A. Cicalese - Nicholas F. Cognetta, Jr., Owners • John S. Lesko, Manager • www.norwalkfh.com STAMFORD FORD LINCOLN A-1 Electric Co. STATE OF THE ART DRY CLEANERS 212 Magee Avenue Stamford, CT 06902 Since 1966 LAUNDRY • WEDDING GOWN 120 NEW CANAAN AVE. #7 TOWER PLAZA J. George Uzwiak, Parishioner 203-866-4891 846-4237 Member K of C SANTO A. DELALLO D.M.D. Family Dentist Dominic Franchella Barry Pasqualini Owner / Principal / Parishioner Sales Dept./ Parishioner KATHRYN M. DELALLO R.D.H. Dental Hygienist (203) 357-0357 #1 in Customer Satisfaction www.stamfordford.com 122 West Norwalk Road West Norwalk, CT 855-8877 STEVE’S FUEL OIL, INC. 866-9163 Central Heating & Air Conditioning Serving Your Community for Over 70 Years • Owned & Operated by Roy & Joe Rumore 838-5032 838-0088 COTALING’S AUTO BODY Complete Auto Body Services 130 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk NEW CANAAN AVENUE LIQUOR Discount Prices • Est. 1946 We Match All Liquor, Wine & Champagne Prices in CT “May Good Cheer Be Yours Throughout the Year” 119 New Canaan Ave., Rite. 123, Broad River, Norwalk, CT Jim, Bob & Joe Macedo 847-8496 Visa, Am Ex., MasterCard Val Wyman Music Director And Realtor Serving Norwalk, Wilton and all of Fairfield County 203-451-5959 ACCURATE AUTO REPAIR Vincent & Cosmo Scicchitano 8 Fitch St. (Across from Church) 854-0338 Serving the Church since 1918 Bioheat Heating Fuel 24 Hour Heating and Cooling Service Diana Kral LPC, LADC 203-866-4421 59 Sherman Street, Fairfield, Connecticut 06824 203-913-3560 www.devinebioheat.com www.LiveFreeTherapyLLC.com Email: livefreedianakral@gmail.com www.devinebrosinc.com Live Free Therapy LLC PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers 24/7 HELP ........... 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