May 31, 2015 - St. Matthew Church
May 31, 2015 - St. Matthew Church
216 Scribner Avenue Norwalk, Connecticut 06854 Rev. Msgr. Walter C. Orlowski, KCHS, Pastor May 31, 2015 The Most Holy Trinity Congratulations! Please welcome the newest members of St. Matthew’s Faith Community who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, May 23, 2015: Eddy Vera Anthony Blosio Brooke Blosio Tara Kulis Mallory Kulis Gianna Socci Russell Moore WE WELCOME ALL WHO VISIT US! To see our latest news and events, visit our web site: To see what’s next for our Jr. High & High School youth: May 31, 2015 -2- The Most Holy Trinity Things to Come at St. Matthew… This Could Be your Opportunity … We Need Your Help… • • • • • • Parish Photo Directory, sign up today! Be part of the St. Matthew Family!! Sign up for the bus to take us to the Synod Closing Mass at Harbor Yard Arena Reservations needed by June 14th. June 14, Ice Cream Social at Notre Dame / Lourdes in Wilton, 2:00 - 4:00pm FAMILIES ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE! June 14, Family Communion Breakfast sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Special Guest Speaker: Sr. Lucie June 27, Reception for our New Parishioners at the Rectory after the 4:00pm Mass June 28th, Luncheon for the Parish Homebound from 1:00-3:00pm in The Great Room Help us make this an afternoon to remember for our fellow parishioners! Our Parish Family Photo Album Won’t Be Complete Without YOU! Please remember to sign up for a photo session. June 3-June 7 and June 10-June 14 Wed. through Fri., 2:00PM – 9:00PM Saturdays 9:00AM – 4:00PM Sundays 10:00AM-5:00PM To select the day and time for your portrait session go to our website, Scroll down the homepage, click on the "Be a part of the Portrait Sign-Up" icon. You can also call the office to schedule your appointment 203-838-3788 ext. 101 I am the church. You are the church. We are the church together. Our faces. Our names. Our faith journey. Together. VOLUNTEER FORM I would like to help out at: _____The Ice Cream Social at Notre Dame/ Lourdes in Wilton on Sunday, June 14th _____Luncheon at St. Matthew for our Homebound Parishioners, June 28th Family Name:_________________________ Family Members:______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Phone # _____________________________ Email _______________________________ Please drop form off in the office. For more information on both events, contact Sr. Sally at or 203-838-3788 ext 118. May 31, 2015 -3- The Most Holy Trinity EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS With our thanks and appreciation for your dedication and service to our Lord and to St. Matthew Parish Mariella Barbalinardo Bonnie Baron Ernest (Buzz) Baron John Bazzano Ann Bernard Joseph Bochniak Brian Brown Christine Brown Steve Buckett Syndi Buckley Colin Burke Michael Colaluca John Corrado Marie Crispi Kathleen Delfino Andre DeNunzio Lorraine DeRosa Nick DeRosa Rose DeSantis Christine DiGuido Rebecca Durango Mary Dwyer Rachel Dwyer Josephine Eichner Patricia Emond Joyce English Jo Ann Esposito Brianna Farrand Rita Faucher Ellen Freebairn Alex Giannico Jennifer Gilchrist Margaret Greene Michael Gutowski Xavier Guzman Jennifer Herford Amela Heying Karen Iaco Joseph Kendy Lynda Kendy Theresa Kolenda Pam Kress Sally Lawson Charlotte Lundberg Katie Major Michel Major Anita Mancusi Anna Mastrolillo Carol Mata Lucy Mazzo Scott Mazzo Beth Ann Mazzotta Joann Miller Gloria Niederer Joanne Obst Claire O’Neill Mollie O’Neill Nancy Piro Pat Poremba Jacqueline Protano Douglas Reid Phyllis Reid Heather Ribellino George Ribellino Florence Romano Nona Rudd Christy Russo Lindsey Russo Victoria Sabol Thomas Salta Jeffrey Samson Dianna Scofield Rosa Sparagna Jean Speranza Agnes Squeo Joseph Squeo Bud Taylor Rocio Tessier John Thorme Emily Tomas Christine Toombs Joseph Tremonte Natalie Tremonte Regina Trimble Frank Verdone Maryann Wehrheim April Wennerstrom David Whitman Sarah Whitman Terry Wilmot Ann Yannetti Mare Yannetti Diane Zeccola If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please see Msgr. Walter, or leave your name at the office. Please sign me up to go to the Synod Closing Mass at Harbor Yard, Bridgeport Saturday, September 19, 2015, 11:00am (Reservations need to be made by June 14th) Name:___________________________________ Number of Tickets: _______ Address: __________________________________________________________________ Phone #: _________________________________ Email: ______________________________ Affiliation (Parishioner, Staff, Religious, etc.): ___________________________________ Handicap Seating Needed: YES ______ NO _____ Plan on riding on the bus?: YES _____ NO _____ PLEASE RETURN FORM TO THE PARISH OFFICE NO LATER THAN JUNE 14TH May 31, 2015 -4- Mass Intentions Monday, June 1 12:10pm James Hutchinson, Jr. 7:30pm Special Intention Tuesday, June 2 12:10pm Bryan Ward Wednesday, June 3 12:10pm Edward McGuinness Thursday, June 4 12:10pm Louis Romano Friday, June 5 12:10pm Pauline & Marjan Budesa Saturday, June 6 4:00pm Giuseppa Luppino Dr. Lawrence F. Cafero Carolina & Giuseppe DiRenzo Bill Keplesky Peter Pia Robert Malozzi Joseph Siatta Living Intention for Molese Family Raymond Potts Torin Bond William Castro Sunday, June 7, Corpus Christi 7:30am Sandy Luffy 9:00am Giovanni Cerra 10:30am Anthony G. Speranza & Joseph Mercuri 12:00pm Rocco and Maria Pace 5:00pm Patricia Wiggins Michael Rodriguez Patrick Castro Michael Vagnone All weekday Masses are celebrated in the Chapel Confessions Every Saturday 3:15pm - 4:00pm First Tuesday of the month 7:30pm - 8:30pm FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH JUNE 2 CONFESSION 7:45pm - 8:30pm IN THE CHURCH The Most Holy Trinity SACRIFICIAL GIVING Offertory, 05/24/15: Average Gift, 05/24/15: Offertory same week 2014: On-line Giving: Candle Stands: CRS- Nepal Relief: $ 14,354.00 $ 21.69 $ 13,089.50 $ 350.50 $ 339.00 $ 3,152.50 I continue to thank my blessings for you and your most generous spirit. Love, Msgr. Walter ELECTRONIC GIVING is available through our parish website First Friday, June 5th: Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration, will begin after the 12:10pm mass in the Chapel. Benediction will begin at 6:50pm. Join the KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS for the June Rosary recited at 6:00pm before the repose of The Blessed Sacrament. This month’s rosary will be dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus, since June is the month of the Sacred Heart. St. Matthew Food Pantry Peanut Butter* Macaroni & Cheese Jelly* Spaghetti Black or Red Dry Beans Canned Corn Dry Soup-Ramen Noodles White Rice These are our most needed food items. Your continued generosity is always appreciated. Please note that the Food Pantry will close on June 24th for the Summer. It will reopen in the Fall. Advertiser of the Week May 31, 2015 -5- MSGR. WALTER INVITES YOU TO WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 Krakow, Poland July 22—August 1, 2016! You must be 16 years of age or older. If interested, please send $200. deposit to the office. Parents are welcome… Families are welcome… For more information, call the Parish office. The Most Holy Trinity UPCOMING CREW HANGOUTS SPIRIT NIGHT Sunday, May 31st, 6-7:30pm (A night full of pampering and relaxation to prepare you for finals) High School meets in Mary & Joseph Room Middle School meets in the Great Room Contact: Mariko- ALL ARE WELCOME, BRING A FRIEND SALUTE TO OUR GRADUATES Msgr. Walter and St. Matthew Parish would like to Salute our Graduates of 2015. Are you a 2015 Graduate from Elementary, High School, College or beyond...? We would like to recognize you and congratulate you on your achievements. Please contact the office (203-838-3788 ext 101 or to let us know who you are and what school you recently graduated from. Congratulations to Annalise Bazzano, All Saints Catholic School ST. MATTHEW EVEREST and SUMMER BIBLE CAMP Becky Stefanatos, Notre Dame High School IS COMPLETELY FILLED!! who were selected by their school to be the July 6-12 2015 recipients of the St. Thomas Aquinas Award for Academics at the Diocesan Breakfast of Champions on May 27, 2015. There will be a Volunteer Training Meeting on June 7th from 6:00-7:30pm in the Great Room. Any questions or for more information, contact Coffee and … to be offered after the us at 9:00am and 10:30am Masses on: May 31 Hosted by The Knights June 7 Hosted by The Staff Thank you to The Adult Lectors for hosting the Coffee and ...last weekend. Thank you to everyone who took a tag from our Bible Camp Giving Tree. The items can still be dropped off in the office. Thank You!! May 31, 2015 - 6- PARISH OFFICE Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm Friday 8:00am - 1:00pm Sunday 8:15am - 1:15pm Phone: (203) 838-3788 Fax: (203) 838-8195 Email: Website: The Most Holy Trinity Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord: Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them Please remember in your prayers: Louis Medico, Jr. We extend our sympathy to her family and friends. WE WELCOME THE NEWLY BAPTIZED! Madeline Jules Kaufman Sara Olivia DiNozzi Daniel Alexander Guerrero Mason Joseph Hernandez Patrick Noel Veckerelli TO SCHEDULE A BAPTISM OR WEDDING Lorraine DeRosa: Baptism: Parents must be registered members of the parish for at least 3 months and regularly attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation. Marriage: You must be registered members of the parish for at least 1 year and regularly attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation. Register for marriage 9 months in advance of your wedding date. SPONSOR CERTIFICATES • Must be an ACTIVE member of the Church • Must attend Mass regularly • Must participate in the Life of the Church • Must be a registered member of St. Matthew Parish for a minimum of 3 months. In order to receive a Sponsor Certificate, the above must be met to be a godparent for Baptism or a Sponsor for Confirmation. Calling All Cooks! Do you like to cook? Do you have a little extra time to make someone happy? Our Wednesday hot meal program is in need of volunteers to cook a hot meal for an individual(s) or family. Some suggestions are: - pasta, salad, bread, - meat, potato and vegetable, or a simple casserole Feel free to add fruit or dessert! Sharing your talent and love for cooking is one way you can live out your Christian vocation. Please call Sr. Sally at 203 838-3788 ext 118 if you are able to assist us. Congratulations to their parents, family, & friends! BANNS OF MARRIAGE III Amanda Lynn Williams & Micardo Celicourt Knights of Columbus St. Matthew Council 14360 Family Communion Breakfast Sunday, June 14th after 9:00am Mass in the Masterpool Great Room Sr.Marie Lucie Monast,SSTV, Guest speaker Adults $15. Children 10 & under $10. Payment due by June 6, 2014 For more information call Ron Miller 203-561-0523 or George Ribellino 203-856-7101 --------------------------------------------------------------Make check out to Knights of Columbus Council 14360 with note in Memo: K of C Communion Breakfast NOTE: WE ONLY HAVE EIGHT PERSON TABLES. PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLY. Name: ____________________________________ Phone Number 203-_________________ E-mail:________________________________________ #Persons: $15____ $10_____ Cash$______ Check$________ Check No.:______ I would like to be seated (if at all possible) with the following people: ______________________________________________ May 31, 2015 -7- The Most Holy Trinity Weekday Mass Schedules DRESS CODE FOR CHURCH Monday: Just a reminder….we wear our best clothes to Church out of respect for The Lord, who has given us His all and as well as out of respect for those we worship with! 7:00am 7:30am 9:00am 12:10pm 5:30pm 7:30pm St. Aloysius St. Ladislaus St. Aloysius St. Matthew St. Aloysius St. Matthew Tuesday & Thursday: 7:00am 7:30am 12:10pm 5:30pm St. Aloysius St. Ladislaus St. Matthew St. Aloysius Wednesday & Friday: 7:00am 7:30am 9:00am 12:10pm 5:30pm Whether we are clergy, religious or lay leaders of Mass, we lead the way in looking our best for the Ministry we hold dear to our hearts! Thank you, Msgr. Walter St. Aloysius St. Ladislaus St. Aloysius St. Matthew St. Aloysius A 12:30pm Spanish Mass is offered every Sunday at St. Ladislaus Church at 12:30pm. • Wallpaper Removal Senior Citizen Lic. # 0618283 Discount • Free Estimates • Expert Texture Matching SCOTT M. FONTAINE C: 203-505-9843 • H: 203-847-2450 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee Ministers for Mass Magner Funeral Home Family Owned & Operated Since 1912 12 Mott Ave., Norwalk Dr. Edward Paul DDS, MS, FAGD Serving the Norwalk Community for Over 23 Years Full Range of Family Dental Services Evening & Saturday Hours Available 10 Mott Avenue 203-866-5553 203.838.3938 • Michael Magner • Jay Magner • Melissa Heaphy • Salvatore Spadaccino • William Tiani NOTRE DAME CONVALESCENT HOME, INC. Operated by Sisters Of St. Thomas Of Villanova 76 WEST ROCKS ROAD, NORWALK, CT 203-847-5893 Jesus A to Z BOOTH FINANCIAL ASSOCIATES Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Investments, Planning & Insurance James H. Booth, RFC TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Advertising Sales DO YOU HAVE SALES EXPERIENCE AND ENJOY CALLING ON LOCAL BUSINESSES? WE MAY HAVE AN IDEAL POSITION FOR YOU. $55K to $60K earning potential BECOME AN ADVERTISING SALESPERSON FOR J.S. PALUCH COMPANY, NATIONAL PUBLISHER OF CHURCH BULLETINS. • Excellent Commission Compensation Program • Medical Benefits, 401K, Life & Disability Insurance Available If interested, call Bob Bober 1.800.524.0263 x209 or email resume to 911080 St Matthew Church (B) Please call for details 800-622-6684 FINANCIAL ADVISOR 200 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk Registered Representative of INVEST Financial Corporation, member FINRA/SIPC. INVEST and it’s affiliated insurance agencies offer securities, advisory services and insurance products and are not affiliated with Booth Financial Associates ➢ American Made NOW OFFERING Norwalk JOHN HENDERSON (203) 853-4936 Owner/Parishioner CT Bus. Reg. #B-0747 A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 Cathy Lauder GUITAR LESSONS AVON By Michael Gallello @Guitar Instruction Center 16 Isaac St. Independent Sales Agent Parishioner 866-7427 203-216-4133 Complete Automotive Service Norwalk, CT (203) 750-0782 THE MAGNER FAMILY 72 Connecticut Ave. Norwalk, CT 838-3716 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 LUKE’S AUTO BODY, INC. Body & Fender Repairs Foreign & Domestic 24 Hour Towing SCHOOL OF DRIVING GREG & LOUISE BRYSON 304 MAIN AVE. NORWALK Classroom and Behind the Wheel Instruction 28 Cross St., New Canaan 203-972-0242 M-F 8:30 AM-6 PM SAT 9:00 AM-3 PM 853-2418 TEL: 203-847-6166 104 West Cedar St., So. Norwalk Mental Health & Spiritual Psychotherapy By Fr. Audette, M.S., M.H. 203-520-7886 NEW CANAAN AVE SERVICE LEWIS The UPS Store BRUCE’S FLOWERS 454 Main Ave., Norwalk • (203) 846-1664 • 87 NEW CANAAN AVE. RT. 123 NORWALK COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR FOREIGN & DOMESTIC CERTIFIED EMISSIONS REPAIR / GAS CT EMISSIONS TESTING 203-846-0777 Center for Speech & Language Pathology Josephine K. Chen, M.S.,CCC 203-869-8272 Greenwich & Norwalk Setting the Standard in Funeral Service Raymond Community Funeral Home • 5 East Wall Street, Norwalk, CT 06851 • 203.847.7291 • The only funeral home in Fairfield County that owns and operates a crematory • Video tributes • Completely renovated facility • Newly expanded off-street parking Thomas A. Cicalese - Nicholas F. Cognetta, Jr., Owners • John S. Lesko, Manager • A-1 Electric Co. Since 1966 J. George Uzwiak, Parishioner 203-866-4891 SANTO A. DELALLO D.M.D. Family Dentist KATHRYN M. DELALLO R.D.H. Dental Hygienist 122 West Norwalk Road West Norwalk, CT 855-8877 Member K of C SCIAUDONE’S GARAGE Alarm & Camera Systems for Homes & Small Businesses • General Auto Repair • Brake Service • • Ignition Specialist • 28 LEONARD STREET NORWALK (203) 853-0595 Jonathan Eichholtz Home Automation Licensed & Insured 203.640.1130 STAMFORD FORD LINCOLN STATE OF THE ART DRY CLEANERS 212 Magee Avenue Stamford, CT 06902 LAUNDRY • WEDDING GOWN 120 NEW CANAAN AVE. #7 TOWER PLAZA 846-4237 Dominic Franchella Barry Pasqualini Owner / Principal / Parishioner Sales Dept./ Parishioner Angela Mia Italian Pastries (203) 357-0357 #1 in Customer Satisfaction Connecticut Ave. Post. Rd. Norwalk STEVE’S FUEL OIL, INC. 866-9163 Central Heating & Air Conditioning Serving Your Community for Over 70 Years • Owned & Operated by Roy & Joe Rumore 838-5032 838-0088 COTALING’S AUTO BODY and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Discount Prices • Est. 1946 Complete Auto Body Services 130 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk We Match All Liquor, Wine & Champagne Prices in CT “May Good Cheer Be Yours Throughout the Year” 119 New Canaan Ave., Rite. 123, Broad River, Norwalk, CT Jim, Bob & Joe Macedo 847-8496 Visa, Am Ex., MasterCard Val Wyman Music Director And Realtor Serving Norwalk, Wilton and all of Fairfield County 203-451-5959 ACCURATE AUTO REPAIR Vincent & Cosmo Scicchitano 8 Fitch St. (Across from Church) ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” NEW CANAAN AVENUE LIQUOR 854-0338 Serving the Church since 1918 Bioheat Heating Fuel 24 Hour Heating and Cooling Service Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. 203-866-4421 I am patronizing your business because of it! Located in Oak Hills Park, we offer fresh contemporary American creations infused with exquisite flavors. OPEN FOR LUNCH & DINNER CATERING FOR ALL EVENTS GOLF OUTINGS CORPORATE MEETINGS 10% DISCOUNT WITH THIS AD FOR CATERED EVENTS ONLY. 165 Fillow Street, Norwalk, Ct. 203-855-1800 Email: Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. an Official Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Specializing in Short Term Rehabilitation 911080 St Matthew Church (A) of AOS-USA IN-PATIENT SERVICES include: Individualized Care Plans To Get You Back to Home or Work Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy • Cardiac Rehabilitation Conveniently located across the street from Norwalk Hospital! 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