June 14, 2015 - St. Matthew Church
June 14, 2015 - St. Matthew Church
216 Scribner Avenue Norwalk, Connecticut 06854 Rev. Msgr. Walter C. Orlowski, KCHS, Pastor June 14, 2015 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Congratulations and Best Wishes to the 2015 Graduates of All Saints Catholic School Eric Adams Araujo Annalise Bazzano Samantha Birchard James Boccanfusco Karina Brea Julia Breen Meghan Burke Ian Campbell Alex Canevari Melissa Chamberlain Cristian Davalos Steven DeMarco Renel Desrosins Kyle Dobson Mia Dunn Joshua Estime James Evans Natalia Fortuna Lily Fosella Juliette Garvey Manuel Garzon Brian Green Michael Gulemi Matthew Guzman Tara Hufnagel Pascale Joachim Vanessa Joseph Ethan Lashley Alyssa Laychak Amanda Lester Jolie Lubin Dawin Magliore Lauren Marcarelli John Markow Jack Matthews Victoria McCaffrey Meredith McDonald Sydney Nelson Margaret O’Connor Jessica Pia Shane Popkins Andrew Prpich Noelle Ragusa Barbara Roca James Rodican Carla Romeus Thomas Salta Frank Scotti Mackenzie Smith Dante Solano Gillian Stacom Justine Surena-Mattson Esabella Troisi Faith Vuoso Isabella Vuoso Liam Willkehr Angelica Zacarola May God’s Blessings Be With You All! WE WELCOME ALL WHO VISIT US! To see our latest news and events, visit our web site: www.stmatthewnorwalk.org To see what’s next for our Jr. High & High School youth: www.facebook.com/stmthecrew June 14, 2015 -2- Our Parish Family Photo Album Won’t Be Complete Without YOU! If you haven’t had your picture taken yet, sign up now!! We have extended our photo shoots one more weekend June 26, 27 and 28th Friday, 2:00pm – 9:00pm Saturday, 9:00am – 4:00pm Sunday, 10:00am-5:00pm To select your portrait session, go to our website, www.stmatthewnorwalk.org, and scroll down on the homepage, click on the "Be a part of the Portrait Sign-Up" icon. You can also call the office to schedule your appointment 203-838-3788 ext. 101. Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Don’t Forget! This Sunday, June 14th… Ice Cream Social at School Sisters of Note Dame Pascal Hall 345 Belden Hill Rd. Wilton, CT 06897 For all of you who volunteered to help, arrive at 1:30pm for a Power Meeting with Msgr. Walter. Jobs will be assigned. Social begins at 2:00pm. Thank you to all who will be joining us in thanking our Religious as we continue to celebrate The Year of Consecrated Life. Please sign me up to go to the Synod Closing Mass at Harbor Yard, Bridgeport Saturday, September 19, 2015, 11:00am (Reservations need to be made by June 14th) Name:___________________________________ Number of Tickets: _______ Address: __________________________________________________________________ Phone #: _________________________________ Email: ______________________________ Affiliation (Parishioner, Staff, Religious, etc.): ___________________________________ Handicap Seating Needed: YES ______ NO _____ Plan on riding on the bus?: YES _____ NO _____ PLEASE RETURN FORM TO THE PARISH OFFICE NO LATER THAN JUNE 14TH NOTE: ALL LEADERS OF THE PARISH ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND June 14, 2015 -3- Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time USHERS With our thanks and appreciation for your dedication and service to our Lord and to St. Matthew Parish Alberto Alamilla Alyssa Berardino Mary Berger William Berger Joseph Bochniak Peggy Bonhage Devin Byxbee Kayo Caldwell Kristen Carrano Rocco Chiappetta John Chironna Olivia Cintron Michael Colaluca Scott Criscuolo Arianna D’Agostino Andre DeNunzio Ilya DeNunzio Rose DeSantis Kathleen Downey Mary Dwyer Rachel Dwyer JoAnn Esposito Mary Fabrizio Emily Figueiras Anthony Flores Mikayla Fosina Gabby Gajewski Eric Garces Andrew Giannico Joseph Guarna Evan Guerrera Drew Gutowski Michael Hanafee Olga Henao Timothy Horne Charlie Jacobellis Gene Kisken Theresa Kolenda Catherine Lauder Edward Lesko William Lyons Deanna Magee Patricia McCormack Meredith McDonald Eugene Mensching Lauren Mirabella Thomas Mirabella Maureen Moccia Tatyanna Molina Taylor Morton Ferron Murphy Daniella Palumbo Derek Perone Frances Pia Pat Pizzo Peter Richter Joseph Rider Joseph Romano Christy Russo TJ Salta Tyler Salter Joan Scribner Elizabeth Somers Jamie Taylor Theresa Taylor John Thorme Joseph Tremonte George Uzwiak Olivia Uzwiak Ella Valiante Sophie Valiante Frank Verdone Raymond Walsh If you are interested in becoming an Adult or Youth Usher, please see Msgr. Walter, or leave your name at the office. We've just joined Twitter! Stay engaged in Parish life wherever you are. Follow us @StMatthewNorwlk June 14, 2015 -4- Mass Intentions Monday, June 15 12:10pm Joseph Clavin 7:30pm Joseph, Frank & Anthony Williams and Marion Provenzano Tuesday, June 16 12:10pm Grace Walsh Wednesday, June 17 12:10pm Barbara Pope Thursday, June 18 12:10pm Linda Macchio Friday, June 19 12:10pm Louis Romano Saturday, June 20 4:00pm Tomas, Surace & Luppino Families Arturo Henao & Severiano Pino Frank Castagna Claire Mansy Frank Esposito Arnaldo Fraccaroli Gilberto Giraldo Everrett Watson Joseph Marchese Grazia Latella Luis Vega Sunday, June 21, Fathers’ Day 7:30am For all Fathers and Grandfathers 9:00am For all Fathers and Grandfathers 10:30am For all Fathers and Grandfathers 12:00pm For all Fathers and Grandfathers 5:00pm For all Fathers and Grandfathers All weekday Masses are celebrated in the Chapel Confessions Every Saturday 3:15pm - 4:00pm First Tuesday of the month 7:30pm - 8:30pm Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time SACRIFICIAL GIVING Offertory, 06/07/15: Average Gift, 06/07/15: Offertory same week 2014: On-line Giving: Candle Stands: Annual Offertory: $ 14,189.50 $ 21.83 $ 13,499.00 $ 460.50 $ 348.00 $ 5,317.00 Thank you for your faithful support and generous giving to our church! God Bless! Msgr. Walter ELECTRONIC GIVING is available through our parish website Coffee and … to be offered after the 9:00am and 10:30am Masses on: June 21 Hosted by Emmaus Thank you to the St. Matthew Staff for hosting the Coffee and ...last weekend. St. Matthew Food Pantry Peanut Butter* Macaroni & Cheese Jelly* Spaghetti Black or Red Dry Beans* Canned Corn Dry Soup-Ramen Noodles Small boxes of White Rice* These are our most needed food items. Your continued generosity is always appreciated. Please note that the Food Pantry will close on June 24th for the Summer. It will reopen in the Fall. Advertiser of the Week A Perfect Fit (203) 855-7825 A 12:30pm Spanish Mass is offered every Sunday at St. Ladislaus Church 25 Cliff Street, Norwalk Fr. Juan Gabriel Acosta, Pastor 68 Connecticut Avenue Norwalk Complete alterations of any kind for men & women Including leather & suede Rocco Fedele, Owner June 14, 2015 -5- Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time SALUTE TO OUR GRADUATES Msgr. Walter and St. Matthew Parish would like to Salute our Graduates of 2015. MSGR. WALTER INVITES YOU TO WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 Krakow, Poland July 22—August 1, 2016! You must be 16 years of age or older. If interested, please send $200. deposit to the office. Parents are welcome… Families are welcome… Eucharistic Minister / Lector Training Msgr. Walter will be scheduling training for anyone interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister or a Lector. If you are interested, please contact the office. Are you a 2015 Graduate from Elementary, High School, College or beyond...? We would like to recognize you and congratulate you on your achievements. Please contact the office (203-838-3788 ext 101 or stmattparish@hotmail.com) to let us know who you are and what school you recently graduated from. Important Parent Meeting and Registration Please join us on Monday, June 22, for a brief Parent Meeting and Registration for Grades 1-8 and Confirmation in the Great Room. We are offering two sessions: 10:30am for Coffee and* or 7:00pm for Wine and Cheese In light of the Synod, we have made some exciting changes to our program and look forward to sharing them with you. ST. MATTHEW EVEREST SUMMER BIBLE CAMP *If needed, feel free to bring your child/children to the morning session. July 6-12 We are completely filled!! The next Volunteer Training Meeting will be held on June 26th at 6:00pm in the Great Room. Camper and Volunteer tee shirts will be available the weekend of June 20/21 after all Masses. Please stop by the Conference Room opposite the office to pick up your shirt. Any questions or for more information, contact us at SaintMatthewVBS@yahoo.com St. Matthew’s Singles Group If you are in your 20’s or 30’s and would like to join our St. Matthew’s Singles Group, please let us know by: email at stmattparish@hotmail.com or by calling the office 203-838-3788 ext. 101 or Fr. Sunil on ext. 114. June 14, 2015 - 6- Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Things to Come at St. Matthew… PARISH OFFICE Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm Friday 8:00am - 1:00pm Sunday 8:15am - 1:15pm Phone: (203) 838-3788 Fax: (203) 838-8195 Email: stmattparish@hotmail.com Website: www.stmatthewnorwalk.org • TO SCHEDULE A BAPTISM OR WEDDING Lorraine DeRosa: lorraine.711@hotmail.com • Baptism: Parents must be registered members of the parish for at least 3 months and regularly attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation. Marriage: You must be registered members of the parish for at least 1 year and regularly attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation. Register for marriage 9 months in advance of your wedding date. • SPONSOR CERTIFICATES • Must be an ACTIVE member of the Church • Must attend Mass regularly • Must participate in the Life of the Church • Must be a registered member of St. Matthew Parish for a minimum of 3 months. • • • • • • • June 27, Reception for our New Parishioners at the Rectory after the 4:00pm Mass June 28th, Luncheon for the Parish Homebound from 1:00-3:00pm in The Great Room July 6-12th, Everest Summer Bible Camp July 18 & 19, Mission Co-op Weekend St. Matthew’s Singles Group (20’s and 30’s) to be formed. Summer Drive-In Movie, date to be scheduled September 17, Fr. Tomi returns! September 19, Synod Closing Mass and Celebration at Webster Bank Arena September 20- Parish Picnic, Kick off for the new year! October 24, Synod Pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. The Parish Nurses will be available after mass this weekend, June 13th and 145th, for blood pressure screening. In order to receive a Sponsor Certificate, the above must be met to be a godparent for Baptism or a Sponsor for Confirmation. NEW HORIZONS LUNCHEON SCHOLARSHIP AND ELECTIONS Thursday, JUNE 18, 2015 11:30 Members $13 Guests $16 MENU Baked Herb-Flavor Chicken, Tangy Potato Salad, Delicious Franks and Beans, Mixed Green Salad, Interesting Dessert and Coffee, Tea, Soda AT THIS LUNCHEON THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE DUE Pay/SEPT 30 Wed NEW DATE- DAY TRIPWESTCHESTER THEATER-SHOWBOAT $ 85 Payment/Sign Up CASINO, Oct. 21, Wed/ $ 30 PAYMENT FOR DUES (use application form) FOOD FOR THE CHURCH PANTRY DEADLINE: Monday, June 15 @ 11:00 AM NAME:_________________________________________Tel No.__________________________ Members_____ Guests_____ Ck Amt $__________ CkNo___________ 6/1815/Luncheon June 14, 2015 -7- Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time New Parishioner Reception Saturday, June 27th, after the 4:00pm Mass There will be a reception for all new parishioners who joined our Parish Family in the past 6 months in the Rectory after the 4:00pm Mass. Invitations were mailed this week. Come and meet some of your fellow Do You Like to Garden? Congratulations !! MaryAnn Forcellina Wehrheim (second from left) and Liz Reid (third from left) Both Mary Ann and Liz were inducted into the Brien McMahon High School Alumni Association Hall of Fame this past Sunday. • Wallpaper Removal Senior Citizen Lic. # 0618283 Discount • Free Estimates • Expert Texture Matching SCOTT M. FONTAINE C: 203-505-9843 • H: 203-847-2450 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee Msgr. Walter is looking for volunteers to join our St. Matthew Garden Club. If you are a gardener and are will to help us plant the spring bulbs and plants that so beautifully decorated our Altar for Easter, please give us a call. You pick the day and time, whatever is convenient for you. Please call the office on ext. 101 & let us know if you can help. Magner Funeral Home Family Owned & Operated Since 1912 12 Mott Ave., Norwalk Dr. Edward Paul DDS, MS, FAGD Serving the Norwalk Community for Over 23 Years Full Range of Family Dental Services Evening & Saturday Hours Available 10 Mott Avenue 203-866-5553 www.magnerfuneralhome.com 203.838.3938 • Michael Magner • Jay Magner • Melissa Heaphy • Salvatore Spadaccino • William Tiani NOTRE DAME CONVALESCENT HOME, INC. Operated by Sisters Of St. Thomas Of Villanova 76 WEST ROCKS ROAD, NORWALK, CT 203-847-5893 Jesus A to Z BOOTH FINANCIAL ASSOCIATES Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Investments, Planning & Insurance James H. Booth, RFC TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Advertising Sales DO YOU HAVE SALES EXPERIENCE AND ENJOY CALLING ON LOCAL BUSINESSES? WE MAY HAVE AN IDEAL POSITION FOR YOU. $55K to $60K earning potential BECOME AN ADVERTISING SALESPERSON FOR J.S. 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Dental Hygienist 122 West Norwalk Road West Norwalk, CT 855-8877 Member K of C SCIAUDONE’S GARAGE Alarm & Camera Systems for Homes & Small Businesses • General Auto Repair • Brake Service • • Ignition Specialist • 28 LEONARD STREET NORWALK (203) 853-0595 www.sciaudonesgarage.com Jonathan Eichholtz Home Automation Licensed & Insured 203.640.1130 STAMFORD FORD LINCOLN STATE OF THE ART DRY CLEANERS 212 Magee Avenue Stamford, CT 06902 LAUNDRY • WEDDING GOWN 120 NEW CANAAN AVE. #7 TOWER PLAZA 846-4237 Dominic Franchella Barry Pasqualini Owner / Principal / Parishioner Sales Dept./ Parishioner Angela Mia Italian Pastries (203) 357-0357 #1 in Customer Satisfaction www.stamfordford.com Connecticut Ave. Post. Rd. Norwalk STEVE’S FUEL OIL, INC. 866-9163 Central Heating & Air Conditioning Serving Your Community for Over 70 Years • Owned & Operated by Roy & Joe Rumore 838-5032 838-0088 COTALING’S AUTO BODY and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Discount Prices • Est. 1946 Complete Auto Body Services 130 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk We Match All Liquor, Wine & Champagne Prices in CT “May Good Cheer Be Yours Throughout the Year” 119 New Canaan Ave., Rite. 123, Broad River, Norwalk, CT Jim, Bob & Joe Macedo 847-8496 Visa, Am Ex., MasterCard Val Wyman Music Director And Realtor Serving Norwalk, Wilton and all of Fairfield County 203-451-5959 ACCURATE AUTO REPAIR Vincent & Cosmo Scicchitano 8 Fitch St. (Across from Church) ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” NEW CANAAN AVENUE LIQUOR 854-0338 Serving the Church since 1918 Bioheat Heating Fuel 24 Hour Heating and Cooling Service Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. 203-866-4421 I am patronizing your business www.devinebioheat.com because of it! www.devinebrosinc.com Located in Oak Hills Park, we offer fresh contemporary American creations infused with exquisite flavors. 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