December Costumer Newsletter 2014
THE COSTUMER VOLUME 69 NUMBER 12 DECEMBER 2014 MOTION PICTURE COSTUMERS LOCAL 705 IATSE “WHAT TO WATCH WHEN YOU SWATCH” Pronounced HUGE SUCCESS by 705 and 892 guests, Custom Made presenters, & staff of International Silks and Woolens! HOSTED BY LOCAL 705 EDUCATION COMMITTEE • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2014 AT ISW A shout out of gratitude to all of our distinguished custom made members who shared with us their fabric expertise: Rory Cunningham, Mary Ellen Fields, Hossein Namdar, Renee Nault, John David Ridge, Maria Vaughan and Finished member Mary Ellen Bosche. Education Committee members and volunteers who sacrificed time and dedicated an entire day of service to this event, please take a bow: Chairperson Melissa Antablin, Heather Carleton, Kat Connelly, Ricki Fournier, Nazhat Hester, Eric Johnson, Amelia McKinney, Andrea Monroe, and Dodie Shepard. And last, but certainly not least, a thankful salute to the owners and staff of International Silks and Woolens whose long history of cooperation and goodwill to members of 705 and 892 continued as they shared their space, manpower, and abundant fabrics with us for this event. It is the hope of the Education Committee that we recognize we really are a team, finished and custom made, with a lot to offer one other as colleagues and friends. STILL PLAYING The groundbreaking exhibition Hollywood Costume sponsored by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is still playing to packed houses at the historic Wilshire May Co. Building at Wilshire Blvd. & Fairfax Avenue. On view to March 2, 2015, the exhibition features more than 150 of the world’s most iconic costumes from the Golden Age of the Movies to Today. It explores the central role of costumes from the glamorous to the subtle as an essential part of cinematic storytelling. Many members have enjoyed this truly special exhibition. Local 705 members will receive a 20% off discount for admission. Tickets are on sale at or by calling 310-247-3049. Use discount code: COSTUME Motion Picture Costumers Local 705/I.A.T.S.E. Affiliated with the AFL - CIO 4731 Laurel Canyon Blvd. #201 Valley Village, CA 91607 818.487.5655 818.487.5663 FAX email: THE COSTUMER Once again the L.A. County Federation of Labor is requesting that we contribute to their Holiday Program. This program helps union members who have had a rough year due to layoffs, plant closures or reduction of work hours. Our Local will be participating and we are asking that you donate a new, unwrapped toy so that the children of our union families will have a Happy Holiday. Bring your donations to the Union office, or if this is a group effort with your production, send them with your driver. If you would prefer to make a monetary contribution instead, it may be sent to: Labor Community Services Food and Emergency Program 2130 James M. Wood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90006 Make checks payable to: Labor Community Services Thank you in advance for your kindness on behalf of the union families who will benefit from your generosity. DECEMBER 2014 All submissions must be received before the 15th of each month for the upcoming issue. Subscriptions: $12 per year. Executive Board Steve Ferry – President Debby Curtis – Vice President Wanda Leavey – Sec.-Treas. / Asst. B.A. Bob Iannaccone – Business Representative Sue Bub – Member-at-Large Radford Polinsky – Men’s Finished Cindy Buckner – Women’s Finished Hossein Namdar – Men’s Custom Made Renee Nault – Women’s Custom Made John Van Hout – Costume House Custom Made Jeff Hartman – Live Television Carmen Lozano – Costume House Ryck Schmidt – Sergeant-at-Arms 2 THE COSTUMER A LITTLE THIs, A LITTLE THAT . . . not exactly sure of the answer, we find the correct one for you. ASSUMPTIONS There is an old rubric about the word, assume; how it makes something of you and me. Like all clichés it contains some truth. The truth being that we think we understand and know all about certain subjects, when we don’t. We think we communicate ideas, and we don’t. Many members mistakenly think we are too busy to help them. The fact is that the office is always busy, but never too busy for members. Our policy is to return all calls and emails as soon as possible, after they are received. If we are in the field, your call will be returned upon our return. Nary, a day passes when a member doesn’t call to discuss an issue with a false presumption about the issue. Often, they have heard or been told something that is either, not exactly right, nor totally wrong by someone, often another member. Erroneous postings on social media sites are presumed to be factual. Gossip and hearsay are often perceived as truth. Erroneous postings on social media sites are perceived to be factual. It’s not a plot to circulate misinformation, just an honest mistake. Misconceptions abound. On several occasions, recently, I had to inform some very reliable members about P.A.’s doing paperwork. The Costumers assumed it was permissible. An explanation was needed to understand that paperwork is our covered work, and not for production assistants. Members have expressed a fear of reproachment for having further queries. Never fear, we are here to help members, not belittle them. You’ll never hear “You are lucky to be working” from this office. No question is too trivial. If confusion persists, call back for further clarification. If you receive a call from us, try to respond. The reason for the call probably concerns you and your well-being. Sometimes calls are made to verify situations concerning other members. Don’t perceive the calls to be an inquisition. Issues can’t be resolved, unless all facts are known. The best way to keep our Local and our craft strong, vibrant and vital is by keeping you, the members informed and educated. In turn, keeping the office informed allows us to help you. It is difficult to help in a situation that we don’t know about. So, when in doubt, pick up the phone or hit those keys and send that email. Don’t let assumptions make that something of you and me. Questions often arise after members read articles in this publication. In composing a piece to include, I realize the possible confusion. My familiarity with an issue doesn’t extend to all members. Terminology taken for granted can be confusing and baffling. How many of us know what invaded hours represent? Our local holds many contracts all with different provisions. Many calls are received that take time just to ascertain the correct contract. Clarification and explanation are often needed. Recently, several members requesting the Costumer discount for the Hollywood Costume Exhibit were denied their deserved 20% off. When notified of the error, it was rectified. The mistake occurred several more times and required repeated calls to the ticket sellers, and the person in charge to fix. It was corrected. It is always better to speak with the office when a question arises. We are here to help our members better understand often confusing details. If we are THE COSTUMER In Solidarity, Bob “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring. Those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” -- Robert F. Kennedy 3 DECEMBER 2014 IN MEMORIAM Condolences SUZANNE BUSHNELL to Nadine Reale (WF) WOMEN’S CUSTOM MADE On the passing of her father, March 16, 1914 – August 22, 2014 Thomas Reale Suzanne was a skilled milliner at Western Costume Company. She became a member in 1966 and retired in 1980. on July 22, 2014. Negotiating Committee Election BETTY NOWELL At the October general membership meeting the following members were chosen to be the Negotiating Committee for the 2015 Basic Agreement: Rebecca Graves-Women’s Finished, Adam West-Men’s Finished, Kathy MonderineMember At Large, Hossein Nandar-Men’s Custom Made. There was a tie in the Women’s Custom Made category between Deborah Ash and Catherine Wall. President Steve Ferry polled the elected members of the committee; and it was agreed that both candidates will be welcomed to the committee. Respectfully Submitted, Tess Inman Election Committee Chair WOMEN’S FINISHED November 7, 1934 – November 6, 2014 A former dancer, Betty became a member in 1977. Her feature credits include Raging Bull, True Confessions and Mommie Dearest. She was head of the Paramount Studio Costume Department until its elimination in 2001. Her daughter, Debi Squire, is a Women’s Finished Member. S EE Y OU T HERE ! GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Saturday, January 10, 2015 * Local 44 12021 Riverside Drive NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91607 Continental Breakfast 10:30 a.m. Meeting – 11:00 a.m. * Different location for this meeting only. DECEMBER 2014 4 THE COSTUMER EXECUTIVE BOArD MEETING MINUTES November 4, 2014 EXECUTIVE BOARD Sister Leavey reported that the Constitution and By-Laws of the Local, with all amendments added from 2006 until present would be presented for printing after the IATSE General Office approves the changes and additions. Discussion followed. Sister Bub suggested that contracts and the Constitution and By-Laws be added to the Local’s website. Sister Leavey suggested the most frequently used contracts be posted on the website only, as there are over 20 varied and individualized contracts pertaining to just one production. Brother Ferry noted that Rate Sheets in particular, were of importance to most Costumers. Present: Steve Ferry, Wanda Leavey, Bob Iannaccone, Sue Bub, Cindy Buckner, Carmen Lozano, Hossein Namdar, Renee Nault, Jeffrey Schoenberg and Kathy Monderine. Excused: Deborah Curtis, Radford Polinsky, Jeff Hartman, John Van Hout and Stephanie Fox-Kramer. CALL TO ORDER/APPROVAL OF MINUTES President Ferry called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM and asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the Executive Board meeting of October 7, 2014 and the General Membership meeting of October 11, 2014. Sister Cindy Buckner made a motion to approve. Sister Sue Bub moved to 2nd. The motion carried unanimously. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Brother Ferry reminded Executive Board members that both Sister Deborah Ash and Sister Catherine Wall had tied for the position of Women’s Custom Made on the Negotiating Committee. Discussion followed. Brother Iannaccone reported that he would contact both members and first ask them both if they still wanted the position. He would report back to Brother Ferry. BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE’S REPORT Brother Bob Iannaccone suggested increasing the Local’s donation to the Motion Picture & Television Fund’s “Day At The Races” fundraiser from the customary $500 to $1,000 including 10 free tickets for the Local’s members. Discussion followed. Sister Bub moved to cap contributions to the MPTF at $1,000 for the event. Sister Buckner moved to 2nd. The motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS Sister Leavey reminded Executive Board members of the Fabric Seminar being held by the Local’s Education Committee at International Silks & Woolens, on Saturday, November 8. Anyone still interested should contact Education chairperson, Melissa Antablin. Brother Iannaccone suggested a $500 donation to the Homeless Heroes through Labor Community Services at the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor. Sister Buckner moved to donate $500 to the organization and Sister Renee Nault moved to 2nd. The motion carried unanimously. Brother Iannaccone reported that the Victory Celebration in honor of the passage of the tax incentives bill AB 1839, held at Calamigos Ranch in Malibu, Sunday, October 26 was a success, although the attendance was less than expected. Brother Iannaccone suggested continuing our customary practice by donating $500 to the Turkeys and Toys Drive, also through Labor Community Services at the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor. Discussion followed. Sister Bub moved to donate $1,000 to the drive. Sister Carmen Lozano moved to 2nd. Sister Buckner abstained. The motion was carried. NEW BUSINESS Brother Iannaccone presented the Meetings Calendar for 2015 for approval. Brother Ferry suggested changing the November Executive Board meeting date to Wednesday, November 4, 2015 to avoid any conflict with any pending elections. The date was changed by consensus. Brother Iannaccone also suggested the Local donate $1,000 to the Aids Project Los Angeles. Sister Wanda Leavey moved to approve the donation. Sister Lozano moved to 2nd. The motion was carried unanimously. Sister Leavey suggested that the next Executive Board meeting be held on Tuesday, December 9, 2015 to accommodate more people. The date was changed by consensus. Brother Iannaccone reported that the Local’s website had been repaired and asked members of the Executive Board for some feedback, when they next use it. Discussion followed. ADJOURNMENT Sister Buckner moved to adjourn. Sister Leavey moved to 2nd. The next Executive Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 9, 2014. SECRETARY-TREASURER’S / ASST. BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE REPORT Financial Report Sister Leavey reported that the month-end financial report showed the Local well within the budget for this time of year. She also reported that the annual Budget and Finance Committee meeting was beginning their discussions for the 2015 budget and hoped to have a budget to present to the Executive Board at their December meeting. THE COSTUMER Respectfully Submitted, Wanda Leavey Secretary-Treasurer/Asst. Business Representative 5 DECEMBER 2014 Remembering Betty Nowell November 7, 1934 – November 6, 2014 In lieu of flowers or a memorial, Betty’s family has chosen to print this memorial. One of the best stories I can think of to demonstrate how wonderful it was to have worked with Betty, on a very stressful show with last minute casting. The Star was a notorious trouble maker.. She was on a rampage of not wanting to wear any of the costumes we had fitted her for the production. She brought in her clothes from home in a huge plastic bag. I was not going to even open it. Betty said “I’ll go in.” Without another word, she went into her trailer with the bag of clothes, smoothed them out on the couch and said she would be back with an iron. That gave me just enough time to get to the Producer/director and explain the “problem” to him. Without the few minutes of “stall time”, the disaster that might have happened was diverted. She was not only a good costumer, but always had the right attitude about getting the show done with little “drama” – her motto. She was always a joy to be around and also had a darling sense of humor. – Dodie Shepard I will always remember Betty in only the best light. And I had the chance to do a tv movie together in my youth (and hers!) and we had a good time. She was always square with me while she headed the costume department at Paramount. God bless her and I hope she is in a better place. – Bobby Mathews Family was Betty’s #1 priority and so, her family became part of my family which was me and my son. From the first day I met Betty I was struck by her energetic personality. She exuded a force which belied a tiny frame reliant on the use of her ubiquitous, stylish, walking stick. I worked on 12 projects with Betty. She had the highest work ethic and was responsible, dependable and always contributing. This was a woman with a brilliant, quick wit; a heart so big it seemed her diminutive body couldn’t possibly contain it; and a twinkle in her eye that revealed her inner child and the once limber dancer that she had been. Betty was the definition of friend for 44 years - steadfast, loyal and always aware. I miss her, many good times and much laughter. For nearly twenty years I’ve enjoyed your friendship through so many phases and most importantly the gifts you shared with me in Debi, Shannon and Donna. Rest in peace dear friend. – Angelo Pacella There is no memorial service, but where costumers gather, there will be fond remembrances and countless thank yous to a great lady. – Andrea Weaver DECEMBER 2014 6 THE COSTUMER When thinking back on my memories of Betty, 2 words come to mind ... "That's Insane!". These are 2 words Betty said often, and words that eventually became part of my own vocabulary. I've known Betty for many years. She was head of the costume department at Paramount Studios for many years, and my boss. My mom, Along with my sister Donna, I watched my mother study as I went to sleep at night. She had the highest GPA, in Phys. Ed., in CSLA’s history. We went to work with my mom, learning, the 5 ballet positions, how to do a proper dance warm up & “leap-step-step” across the floor. We studded & glued rhinestones as she sewed. We were introduced to a world of wonderful people, including costumers that remained her close friends for years. My childhood memories included some of the best – Andrea Weaver, Jim O’Daniel, Brian Higby, Jeanne Malone & Betty St.Clair. Andrea became my mom’s closest friend. She & her son Richard remain an important part of our family. There are so many others, many of which, became friends of mine. I want to thank some of those people, who, thoughtfully, contributed to this tribute today. I am reluctant to finish this tribute to my mom, as it feels like it’s just not enough to say about the most accomplished, generous, genuine, lady I’ve ever known. I will miss her love, her fiercely dry sense of humor and her incredible strength, that she demonstrated until the last moment of her life. I will finish, believing, that my mom can feel the warm thoughts & feelings sent out to her today. Thank you, everyone, for your kind support & love. – Debi Squires (I love you mom) It wasn't an easy job. It was a very stressful position, but Betty pulled it off. I can remember Betty literally running from her upstairs office to her bosses office at month end close, with what we used to call "on tops", last second billing to make our month end numbers. We did make our numbers at Paramount. Betty made sure of that. One of the many duties and responsibilities of the department head at Paramount was to break down and budget scripts. Sometimes scripts for pilots, but mostly feature scripts. And there would inevitably be a script that would show up on her desk at 5:00 Friday afternoon, and it would have to be done by 10:00 Monday morning. Well you know what that meant. Yep, taking it home and working on it over the weekend. "That's Insane!". There were many occasions that 2 scripts would show up on her desk. At first she took them both home with her. But eventually she started giving me one of them. "That's Insane!". I never broke down scripts before, didn't need to. I had a basic understanding of how to do it, but never really needed to. You know who taught me? You guessed it, Betty. She took the time to explain things to me, and showed me what to look for when breaking down a script. Literally, reading 'between the lines'. Betty accomplished a lot in her career, far more than I could ever write here. She was one of the true professionals of the business, and did things the right way. The way they needed to get done. She will truly be missed. I will miss her. Joe Gruca THE COSTUMER 7 DECEMBER 2014 The 45th Annual Retirees’ Luncheon On Sunday November 16, 2014, retirees, friends & family gathered at the MPTF Wasserman Campus hosted by the Local 705 Welfare Committee. DECEMBER 2014 8 THE COSTUMER OUT & ABOUT WITH FIELD REP. NOEL LEONARD We are experiencing a very busy production season. Here are some of the projects being done, and the crews that are doing them: Television: “Baby Daddy” Costumer Designer: Kathryn Orindgreff* Supervisor: Carolyn Lancet Costumers: Kara Owens, Gretchen Heisler “Last Man Standing” Supervisor: Jim Hansen Costumers: Molly Mitchell, Sarah Everest, AJ Hess WCM: Kim Hritz “CSI: Cyber” Supervisor: Stephanie Siemens Costumers: Lawrence Quon, Charlie Tracey, Ednita Trivino, Natasha Konowalow WCM: Manuela Machado "THE LEAGUE" Crew Left to right: Caroline McCosker (Costumer), Jennifer Stone (Costume Supervisor), Jennie Compton (Costumer)* * Dual Card Holder Feature: “Concussion” Supervisors: Bill Edwards, Dana Hart Costumers: Carmen Davis, Samantha Dewey-Gartner, Anne Jewel, Nicole Lumpkin WCM: Dodson Elliot, Natasha Paczkowski * Dual Card Holder “VEEP” Crew left to right: Karen Bellamy (Costume Supervisor), Kathleen Felix Hager (Costume Designer)* * Dual Card Holder "PARENTHOOD" Crew Left to right: Gilbert Mello (Costumer), bottom left, Trish Sacchi-Bertich (Costumer) top left, Mike Lutz (Costumer), Emilea Rivera (Supervisor), Maggie Bailey (Costumer), Samantha Cornett (Costumer), Adrian Lubanski (Costumer), Diane Crooke (Costume Designer), Carlos Zepeda (WCM) THE COSTUMER 9 DECEMBER 2014 On Saturday, January 31, 2015, IATSE locals from Southern California and the MPTF (Motion Picture & Television Fund) will join together to celebrate the 4th Annual Day at the Races – A Family Event. This fun filled event will take place at Santa Anita Park in Arcadia and your ticket price includes valet parking, admission, race program and lunch buffet. All the proceeds from the event will benefit MPTF, a charitable organization that has been synonymous with Hollywood for nearly a century. For more information & to purchase your tickets contact Ellen Hawkins at 818-876-1909 or DECEMBER 2014 10 THE COSTUMER THE COSTUMER 11 DECEMBER 2014 DECEMBER ISSUE MOTION PICTURE COSTUMERS IATSE LOCAL 705 4731 LAUREL CANYON BLVD. #201 VALLEY VILLAGE, CA 91607 THE BUSINESS OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE HOLIDAYS DECEMBER 24, 2014 JANUARY 5, 2015
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