September Costumer Newsletter 2015 – Click to view
THE COSTUMER VOLUME 70 NUMBER 9 MOTION PICTURE COSTUMERS SEPTEMBER 2015 LOCAL 705 IATSE UNION MEMBERS RATIFY NEW BASIC AGREEMENT The members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Motion Picture Technicians overwhelmingly ratified the latest agreement with the Motion Picture Producers on August 25, 2015. The pact will be for a period of 3 years. A total of 561 of Local 705 members returned their ballots. 538 voted for the agreement and only 22 against it, with 1 not marked. It is this support and response by our members that allows us to go forward to enjoy the fruits of our labor working under an agreement benefiting us all. — PRODUCTION NEWS — The California Film Commission recently selected 11 feature films for tax breaks. This illustrates the strides being made to bring our jobs back home to California. The next round of credits for TV series, pilots and MOW’s will be held in November. Another application period for features will be held in January. The projects were selected based on the number of jobs being created. This can only mean well for us all. It demonstrates the power of how, working together to pass AB 1839, all our hard work has paid off. CELEBRATE LABOR THIS LABOR DAY – SEPTEMBER 7TH – YOUR SAFETY RIGHTS AT WORK – courses available to 705 members The OSHA act says you have the right to a safe and healthful workplace. OSHA wants employees to work together to identify and mitigate hazards. HOW TO REPORT A PROBLEM AT The IATSE has partnered with, an on line education company who offers over 2,500 courses taught by recognized industry experts and working professionals in a variety of subjects like craft and design, leadership, and software. WORK 1: If hazard is an immediate danger, first clear others from the area. 2: Report hazard to employer: A basic year subscription usually costs $239.88, but the IATSE is offering subscriptions for $20.00. All subscriptions begin September 1, 2015 and expire August 31, 2016. To make the most of this opportunity enroll as soon as possible. 24 HR. S AFETY HOTLINES ABC/Disney (818) 560-1726 or (800) 699-4870 To enroll contact Bethany Jane at the Local 705: (818) 487-5655 ext. 111 CBS Radford (818) 655-6080 or (818) 655-6078 NBCUniversal (818) 777-2153 Motion Picture Costumers Local 705/I.A.T.S.E. Affiliated with the AFL - CIO 4731 Laurel Canyon Blvd. #201 Valley Village, CA 91607 818.487.5655 818.487.5663 FAX email: Paramount (323) 956-8955 Sony (888) 883-7233 CBS/TV City (323) 575-4060 THE COSTUMER Dreamworks (818) 733-6500 Executive Board All submissions must be received before the 15th of each month for the upcoming issue. Subscriptions: $12 per year. Nickolaus Brown – President Debby Curtis – Vice President Bethany Jane Bohatila – Sec.-Treas. / Asst. B.A. Bob Iannaccone – Business Representative Lisa Harris – Member-at-Large Noel Leonard – Men’s Finished Nancy Grossi – Women’s Finished – Men’s Custom Made Deborah Ash – Women’s Custom Made John Van Hout – Costume House Custom Made Jeff Hartman – Live Television Carmen Lozano – Costume House Warner Bros. (818) 954-2800 Fox (310) 369-3000 3: Report hazard to Local 705: (818) 487-5655 4: Report hazard to IATSE Safety Hotline: (Toll Free) 844-IA AWARE (844-422-9273) SEPTEMBER 2015 Rebecca Graves – Sergeant-at-Arms 2 THE COSTUMER A LITTLE THIs, A LITTLE THAT . . . NOT TO FORGET The first Monday in September, Labor Day, has signaled the unofficial end of summer since becoming a national holiday in 1894. For students, it marks a return to school and the grind of the 3 “R’s”. As Costumers we know it is the last day of the year when it was fashionable to wear white and seersucker, in days gone past. Some of us might not be aware of its real significance. In reality, Labor Day is an annual national tribute to the contribution workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country. It is a dedication to the social and economic achievements of American workers. the clown car of Republican hopefuls are all dedicated to curtailing workers’ rights. It would be foolish to think that as the people who provide entertainment to the world, we are immune. Our industry has become less show, and more business. Art and craft are ignored in pursuit of the bottom line. The moguls who created our industry were not altruistic angels, but they understood the value of a well- trained and well paid labor force. Our training, experience and know how will always shine through. As union members, we must work together to present a strong, united skill craft second to none and proud of our place in the industry, as union workers and as part of the American labor force – The best in the world deserving of this holiday for what the American worker has accomplished and steadfast in our commitment not to give back, but go forward for our industry, our union and our country. Citizens take the labor laws that protect them from the evils of unregulated industry for granted. Those people who argue for “free enterprise” and the removal of restrictions and regulations on corporations are unaware that workers in this country have fought and sometimes died for workers’ rights. In many cases, government troops were called out to crush strikes; at times, firing on protestors. Some might question its relevance some 120 years since its inception. On the contrary, with the turmoil and rampant attacks on workers and the middle class, its importance has only become more relevant. In Solidarity, We must band together to beat back the barbarians at the gates, who have been brought together to beat, bash and bring down unions. As workers, especially union members, we need to remember those who came before us. The people made America the economic giant envied by the world and gained workers the rights and privileges now being attacked. The robber barons with their misguided paternalism might have considered workers as children. Unionization was able to gain workers a piece of the pie; giving rise to a vibrant and thriving middle class. The current crop care not. They only worship the bottom line. These apostles of corporate greed look on labor as wage slaves, only deserving of crumbs. Every piece of right-to-work legislation and unfair trade bills only erode any of the gains or progress made by workers. That dirty dozen who have emerged from THE COSTUMER Bob “Labor Day differs in every essential way from other holidays of the year in any country. All other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with conflict and battles of man’s prowess over man, of strife and discord for greed and power, of glories achieved by one nation over another. Labor Day is devoted to no man, living or dead, to no sect, race or nation.” -- Samuel Gompers 3 SEPTEMBER 2015 RETIRING – LIBRARY NEWS – Andrea Weaver Local 705 would like to thank ERICA FREEMAN (WCM) & VICKI SANCHEZ (CDG) for their generous contribution of books to The LOCAL 705 Al Di Pardo Library. We appreciate and welcome any and all donations to our library. after 50 years. She started at Western Costume after Labor Day of 1964. Since 2006 Andrea has been the volunteer most responsible for the Al Di Pardo library. Her energy and dedication to create a first class source for research and information for Local 705 members must be commended. She will be missed. SEPTEMBER 2015 The Library Committee is seeking volunteers to help organize and maintain the library. Anyone interested please contact Bob Iannaccone at the Business Office. 4 THE COSTUMER EXECUTIVE BOArD MEETING MINUTES Sister Wall asked about the Welfare funds so Brother Iannaccone reported that the members who have not made any welfare loan payments will be 1099’d at the end of the year if payments are not made. August 4, 2015 EXECUTIVE BOARD Present: Deborah Curtis, Bob Iannaccone, Bethany Jane Bohatila, Noel Leonard, Deborah Ash, Lisa Harris, Catherine Wall (WCM Alternate) Excused: Heather Carleton, Nickolaus Brown, Carmen Lozano, Jeff Hartman, John VanHout, Nancy Grossi (WF Alternate) Guest: Jeffrey Schoenberg CONTINUATION OF UNFINISHED BUSINESS Brother Iannaccone discussed the progress of the Men’s Custom Made nominations/elections. The appointed committee will be meeting soon. Brother Iannaccone will be meeting with the Lawyer to double check the legalities, whether the position is decided by election or appointment. CALL TO ORDER Vice-President Deborah Curtis called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. A quorum was not met so no business was conducted at the meeting. NEW BUSINESS Sister Bethany Jane Bohatila shared information about applications for free professional badges for WonderCon and ComicCon. Brother Iannaconne added we would be blasting the information and putting it in the newsletter. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes could not be approved but a correction of the General Membership minutes of July 18, 2015 has a correction, in the introduction of officers Catherine Wall as Women’s Custom Made Alternate. Sister Bohatila also stressed the importance of the Comic-Con committee being formed sooner than later due to the Local’s expanded participation. The Executive Board discussed adding a line in the yearly budget to accommodate the endeavor. BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE’S REPORT Brother Bob Iannaccone reported the new ballots and contracts are currently being stuffed and will be mailed out by Friday August 7, 2015. Sister Wall spoke on behalf of Sister Nancy Grossi, asking that Executive Board meetings be moved to Saturday. Brother Iannaccone will pole the E-Board members by phone and the results will be discussed at the next Executive Board meeting. Sister Catherine Wall shared her concern about the increase in vested years. Brother Iannaccone explained how small trades in the negotiations were necessary to keep and improve our medical and pension plans. Sister Curtis added our medical and pension plans need to keep up with Federal mandates which change yearly. ADJOURNMENT Sister Bohatila moved to adjourn. The next Executive Board meeting will be Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. Respectfully Submitted, UNFINISHED BUSINESS Sister Curtis suggested we change the order of business to have Brother Jeffrey Schoenberg speak to us about the two suggestions made to the Constitution and By-Laws Committee. The E-board agreed to the change. Bethany Jane Bohatila Secretary-Treasurer/Asst. Business Representative Brother Schoenberg prefaced his discussion by stating the Constitution and By-Laws Committee will make no decisions that affect policy. The decision will be made by the Executive Board and the Constitution and By-Laws Committee will only give us the language. Good Night and Good Luck Sister Heather Carleton, who was both a Women’s Finished Executive Board Member and Convention Delegate has resigned both positions and is moving on to greener pastures (literally). Sister Carleton will be moving to Ashland, OR, in order to take a permanent position as part of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, where she will continue to participate in the newly created Local there. The job was offered just a few weeks ago and the decision was made very quickly. She expressed her honor and joy in working with us all and will be coming down to visit on off times. Brother Schoenberg reported to the Executive Board the challenges and ramifications of those changes. The suggested changes included the Vice-President becoming an automatically appointed Convention Delegate and the moving of our Local’s election date. Discussions were tabled until the next Executive Board meeting. SECRETARY-TREASURER’S / ASST. BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE REPORT We will miss you Heather and Good Luck. She will be replaced by her alternate. Welcome to our new Women’s Finished Representative Nancy Grossi. Financial Report Sister Bethany Jane Bohatila and the Executive Board reviewed the July financial statements and found the Local within budget. THE COSTUMER 5 SEPTEMBER 2015 SEPTEMBER 2015 6 THE COSTUMER OUT & ABOUT WITH FIELD REP. NOEL LEONARD We are experiencing a very busy production season. Here are some of the projects being done, and the crews that are doing them: Television: “The Player” Supervisor: Tammy Hynes Costumers: Amy Fegely, Cate Adams, Brad Holtzman, Phil Dominguez, Jennifer Van Vlyman WCM: John Van Hout “CSI: Cyber” Costume Designer: Libby Palmer* Supervisor: Stephanie Siemens Costumers: Lawrence Quon, Jessica Torok, Ednita Trivino, Natasha Konowallow, Selby Van Horne WCM: Manuela Machado “Shameless” “Undateable Live” Crew Supervisor: Stephanie Fox Kramer Costumers: Terra Brody, Edward Gould, Francesca Bruno, Allison Graziano, Lisa Halperin, Lindsay Edwards, Bill Edwards, Nancy Grossi left to right: Neil Tansey (Costumer), Carey Bennett (Costume Designer), Lizette Kilmer (Costume Supervisor), Kim Myer (Costumer) “Grandfathered” Supervisor: Jennifer Stone Costumers: Brian Mahon, Caroline Sachs, Andrew Slyder, Susan Saldutti, Shandra Beri, Jennifer Herrenkohl “The Real O’Neals” Supervisor: Zoë Larrabure Costumers: Sabine Huber, Julia Bly. Jennifer Bishop, Joyce Westergaard WCM: Leslie Miller * Dual Card Holder CORRECTIONS Last month’s issue of The Costumer did not list the following "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation " Crew Costumers on the crew of “Videosyncrasy”: Joe Cigliano, Anita Left to right: Sue Crosby (Costumer), Tiffany Hertel (Costumer), Sara O’Donnell (Costume Designer)*, Anne Marie Thomas-Casados (Costume Supervisor), Hana Rausalova (Costumer) “Snoops” Brown, Kurtis Oshiro, Brit Cox, and Jennifer Ireland. Also, Hannah Schneider, Costumer on the Crew of “Transparent,” was misspelled. THE COSTUMER * Dual Card Holder 7 SEPTEMBER 2015 A Pressing Matter: Union Edition Comic Con Fans!! Knowledge is only good if it is shared~~ Rory Cunningham COMIC-CON INTERNATIONAL IS OFFERING FREE APPLICATIONS FOR CREATIVE PROFESSIONALS FOR COMIC-CON 2016. Whether a novice or your sewing skills are tried and true, there is ALWAYS more to learn. This hour and a half class focuses on moving your skills to the next level and offers tips and tricks for anyone who sews! Come Learn: ~How to press seams in different types of fabrics, ~How to best deal with shaped seams, ~Clipping, grading, under-stitching, ~Tools that will make your life much easier, and ~Tips on dealing with aged, creased and stained fabric. Go to the San Diego Comic-Con International official site at: Saturday 9 am September 19, 2015 at Bill Hargate Costumes WWW.COMIC-CON.ORG Custom-Made & All 705 Members welcome CLICK ON “FORMS” AND THEN “APPLICATION FOR PROFESSIONALS” M AXIM U M ENROLLMENT: Twenty (20) Spaces Please R.S.V.P. to by cut-off date September 16, 2015 The deadline for professional registration is October 31, 2015 so don’t procrastinate if you are interested. Instructor: Since Rory Cunningham, Manufacturing Foreperson - Women’s Custom Made, joined Local 705 working at Elizabeth Courtney’s in 1990, he has worked at multiple Studios, on countless Television Shows and a cadre of Motion Pictures. For the last 18 years, Bill Hargate Costumes Inc. has been his home and yet he has still found time to teach at UCLA and the Costumer’s Guild West’s Costume College, as well as lecture around the country. See you at Comic-Con. SEPTEMBER 2015 8 THE COSTUMER IN MEMORIAM MARIE BROWN MEN’S CUSTOM MADE NEWS On August 6, 2015 the Men’s Custom Made Committee met at Western Costume Company. The committee members present were: Jack Kasbarian, Hossein Namdar & Pablo Nantes; also present was business representtive Bob Iannaccone. After a brief discussion about filling the open position of Men’s Custom Made representative on the Local 705 executive board, Brother Kasbarian nominated brother Hossein Namdar for the position. The nomination was seconded by brother Pablo Nantas. Ballots have been sent out to all Men’s Custom Made members, to be returned by September 15. FEBRUARY 25, 1925 – AUGUST 6, 2015 Marie became a member in 1972 after a career as a commercial stylist. Among her feature credits are 10, Stir Crazy, Lets Do It Again and The Long Riders. She retired in 1983. Article Submissions From Members Are Welcomed & Encouraged! GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING What Contract? The business office receives many requests for information concerning rates and other questions. It isn’t always possible for the caller to know under which contract they are working. The union holds more than twenty different contracts. Certain information is needed to prevent misinformation being given out to members. The business office will try to determine the correct contract and give members accurate information. Sometimes it requires several calls and some detective work to determine the actual contract. In cases where a printed contract is available members can obtain copies from the office. Saturday, October 10, 2015 IMPORTANT !!!! PLEASE REMEMBER !!! CALL THE UNION OFFICE TO REPORT CONTRACT VIOLATIONS YOU WILL REMAIN ANONYMOUS (818) 487-5655 COMING SOON THE COSTUMER Local 80 2520 W. Olive Street BURBANK, CA 91505 Continental Breakfast 10:30 a.m. Meeting – 11:00 a.m. • Welfare Fund Raffle LOCAL 705 WELFARE COMMITTEE RAFFLE TICKETS WILL BE ARRIVING IN THE MAIL The Raffle will take place at the October 10 General Membership Meeting 9 SEPTEMBER 2015 SEPTEMBER ISSUE MOTION PICTURE COSTUMERS IATSE LOCAL 705 4731 LAUREL CANYON BLVD. #201 VALLEY VILLAGE, CA 91607 THE BUSINESS OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH FOR LABOR DAY
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4731 Laurel Canyon Blvd. #201
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818.487.5655 818.487.5663 FAX
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