June Costumer Newsletter 2015- Click to view
June Costumer Newsletter 2015- Click to view
THE COSTUMER VOLUME 70 NUMBER 6 MOTION PICTURE COSTUMERS JUNE 2015 LOCAL 705 IATSE 2015 SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS SHANNON GRADY - $500.00 SANDRA BERKE JORDAN JUNIOR/COMMUNITY COLLEGE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP – PARENT – PATRICIA GRAY Shannon is a senior at John Burroughs High School in Burbank. She is the daughter of Trica Gray (WF) and Dwayne Grady (local 44). Shannon will be attending Glendale Community College with a focus on Graphic Design. NYALLAH NOAH - $2500.00 SANDRA BERKE JORDAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP – PARENT – CHERYL MARIE NOAH Nyallah is the daughter of Cheryl Noah (WCM) She is a senior in the Music Academy at the Ramon C. Cortines School of the Visual and Performing Arts. Nyallah plans on attending USC with a major in Creative Writing and a double minor in Music Industry and Gender Studies. TISA CHAN - $2000.00 AL DI PARDO SCHOLARSHIP FOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS – PARENT – MARJORIE CHAN Tisa Rose Chan, daughter of Marjorie Chan (WF), is a graduating senior who is duel-enrolled at Venice High and Summit View West. In fall she will be attending the University of Arizona in Tucson as a veterinary science major. A special thanks to the Scholarship Committee: Cyndy Buckner, Deborah Ash and Satoro Green, for their hard work in reviewing the applicants. E-MAIL PROBLEMS? IF YOU ARE NOT RECEIVING EMAILS FROM LOCAL 705, PLEASE READ AND PASS IT ON . . . . Local 705 TV Academy News On Saturday, June 6, 2015 the Television Academy is sponsoring a brunch at Scarpetta at the Montage, Beverly Hills for members, new members and potential new members to socialize, network and talk about this year’s Primetime Emmy Awards. This is a great time to join the Academy and for current members to learn more about Academy activities. The Television Academy is the organization behind the Emmy Awards and is very supportive of Costumers. Now is a great time to find out what the Academy has to offer you as members and to see how your vote matters. If you are already a member, your invitation will be mailed to you by the Academy. If not a member, please use the link membership@emmys.com. If you meet the qualifications for either Active or Associate Membership you will be “fast-tracked” and Peer Group signatures are not needed. Once approved your invitation to the Brunch will be sent to you. Motion Picture Costumers Local 705/I.A.T.S.E. Affiliated with the AFL - CIO 4731 Laurel Canyon Blvd. #201 Valley Village, CA 91607 818.487.5655 818.487.5663 FAX email: MPC705@aol.com www.motionpicturecostumers.org THE COSTUMER All submissions must be received before the 15th of each month for the upcoming issue. Subscriptions: $12 per year. Executive Board Steve Ferry – President Debby Curtis – Vice President Wanda Leavey – Sec.-Treas. / Asst. B.A. Bob Iannaccone – Business Representative Sue Bub – Member-at-Large Radford Polinsky – Men’s Finished Cindy Buckner – Women’s Finished Hossein Namdar – Men’s Custom Made Renee Nault – Women’s Custom Made John Van Hout – Costume House Custom Made Jeff Hartman – Live Television Carmen Lozano – Costume House Ryck Schmidt – Sergeant-at-Arms JUNE 2015 2 THE COSTUMER A LITTLE THIs, A LITTLE THAT . . . Read the Costumer either in paper form or on the Local 705 website. See and learn about whats going on and what activities are being offered. Like it or not, it affects us all. Attend the four quarterly general membership meetings. Meet and greet with other members. It’s always helpful to speak with them and realize some issues are common to us all. A NEW SLATE The recently concluded election for Local 705 executive board was the most contentious in recent memory. There have always been hotly contested elections in our past history. The previous few more placid contests being the exception rather than the rule. The result of the election is an executive board with five returning officers, six new officers, and two positions to still be decided. The enthusiasm on the part of the newly elected can only be viewed as a positive asset. Tempering the exuberance of these half dozen freshman with the seasoned returnees should prove interesting, exciting, and of benefit to us all. I look forward to working together with this latest incarnation of the executive board. Keep the momentum going for the good of us all - past and present members as well as those in the future. Our business is changing. We will respond to this evolution with the passion and dedication for which we, as members, are known. This is how we move into the future united, strong, and ready for any and all new challenges. In Solidarity, Past disputes and differences can be resolved for the good of the Local. Beginning anew without any long held personal grievance or complaints is essential. Unity is our greatest strength, a lack of which can only breed weakness. Bob “Unity, to be real, must stand the severest strain without breaking.” While some candidates ran unopposed, there was a record number of candidates for many positions. It signifies a greater involvement by our members. It can be hoped that this increased desire for participation will continue to grow. While the ballots cast increased to 642 compared to 497 in 2012 these additional 145 votes marked a participation increase of only 29.2%. Unfortunately, even with these increased numbers less than 1/3 of our membership voted. The importance of our election cannot be understated. This is your Local, support it. This past election offered more diverse choices for every position than any other in recent history. Members were given a choice to decide the future course to be taken. It’s ironic that with the activity involved in the campaign ballot return was still only around 30%. -- Mahatma Gandhi It is hoped that the energy of the new executive board will help energize apathetic members to partake of what Local 705 offers all members. Such various activities from the 705/892 mixer, brunch preceding the Hollywood Costume exhibition, to education classes and seminars are offered. The union is here to work for and with you. It can’t do so if you choose not to take part. THE COSTUMER 3 JUNE 2015 EXECUTIVE BOArD MEETING MINUTES Brother Polinsky questioned whether new members sworn in on April 14, 2015 were eligible to vote in the election for the office of President. Brother Iannaccone reminded members of the Executive Board that members must be on the Election Roster the day before nominations are held to be able to vote in that election; thus, new members sworn in the next day would not be eligible. The Local’s attorney, Hope Singer, concurred. Brother Polinsky suggested that an advisory to the next Election Committee include the suggestion that although bringing one’s work paycheck stubs to a meeting wherein nominations will be held was preferable, candidates that forget or didn’t expect to be nominated should be given a 5 day grace period. This was agreed by consensus of the Executive Board members. May 5, 2015 EXECUTIVE BOARD Present: Debby Curtis, Wanda Leavey, Bob Iannaccone, Sue Bub, Radford Polinsky, Carmen Lozano, Hossein Namdar, Renee Nault and John Van Hout. Excused: Steve Ferry, Cindy Buckner, Jeff Hartman, Jeff Schoenberg, Stephanie Fox-Kramer and Kathy Monderine. CALL TO ORDER/APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice-President Debby Curtis called the meeting to order at 7:12 PM and asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the E-Board Meeting of April 7, 2015, the General Membership meeting of April 11, 2015 and the Election Committee meeting minutes of April 21, 2015. Brother Radford Polinsky moved to approve the minutes with an amendment to correct the spelling of Election on the Election Committee minutes of April 21, 2015; as well as the spelling of Sister Sue Bub’s name. Sister Renee Nault moved to 2nd. The motion was carried unanimously. SECRETARY-TREASURER’S / ASST. BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE REPORT Financial Report Sister Leavey and the Executive Board members reviewed the April 2015 financial report and found the Local within the 2015 budget. Sister Leavey reminded members of the Executive Board that any monies set aside in the 2015 budget as line items for particular categories; such as the Custom Made Field Representative position would not carry over to the next year’s budget, but need to be reviewed and reentered, if so desired. There is no carry over. CHANGE OF ORDER OF BUSINESS Brother Polinsky moved to change the order of business to accommodate Hope Singer, the Local’s attorney. Sister Carmen Lozano moved to 2nd. The motion was carried unanimously. Sister Curtis reported that it had been brought to her attention whether incumbent officers only should be allowed to use the Business Office’s postage machine for their campaign post cards, as has been Custom and Practice for many years. Ms. Singer reported that under Federal Labor Law an incumbent should not have an advantage over any other candidate. She explained that this was usually applied to incumbent candidates who promoted their candidacy through newsletters or campaigning on work time while visiting members on set, which is illegal and a violation of Federal law. It would have to be proved that use of the Business Office’s postage machine provided the same advantage, since the incumbent had paid for the service from his or her own funds. Discussion followed. Brother Polinsky moved that an Executive Board member contact each candidate for Business Representative to use the Business Office’s postage machine for a second mailing, should they desire to use it. Discussion followed. Brother Polinsky amended his motion adding the phrase, “those who did not have access to the postage machine before, at their own expense.” Sister Lozano moved to 2nd. The motion carried unanimously. Sister Wanda Leavey volunteered to notify the other candidates for Business Representative, other than the incumbent, of their option to use the postage machine, at their own expense, should they so desire. Sister Leavey reminded members of the upcoming annual Mixer with Local 892, on May 19, 2015 at the Sportmen’s Lodge. The Mixer will be from 6:30PM to 10PM and she hoped many members would attend as it is a good opportunity to meet and network with other Costume Designers and Costume Supervisors. OLD BUSINESS Brother Iannaccone noted that after consulting with the Local’s attorney, Hope Singer, it was decided to publish in the newsletter an explanation as to the reason the office of the President was left vacant on their ballots and why another Special Meeting will be called for the General Membership to re-open nominations for the office of President. Sister Leavey noted that she, as well as Brother Jeff Schoenberg, received letters from International President Matt Loeb, explaining the reasons he found Brother Schoenberg ineligible; as well as noting his accomplishments and hard work for Local 705. Brother Iannaccone shared “bullet points” that had been agreed upon during the recent Contract negotiations to the members of the Executive Board. He asked that outside publication or discussion of these points be kept confidential until the IA concludes and signs the Agreement. The Local’s attorney explained what was discussed and voted on to Brother Bob Iannaccone and Sister Bub, regarding other candidates nominated for Business Representative, other than the incumbent, access to the postage machine in the Business Office. JUNE 2015 (continued on next page) 4 THE COSTUMER NEW BUSINESS sPECIAL EXECUTIVE BOArD Brother Iannaccone reported that the drive to give away bicycles to under privileged children as “Christmas in July” and supported by the IATSE was open for donations again as the Local had supported in the past. Sister Lozano moved to purchase 5 bicycles as a donation from the Local and Sister Bub moved to 2nd. The motion was carried unanimously. MEETING MINUTES April 21, 2015 EXECUTIVE BOARD Present: Debby Curtis, Wanda Leavey, Bob Iannaccone, Stephanie Fox-Kramer, Radford Polinsky, Renee Nault, Hossein Namdar, John Van Hout, Carmen Lozano, Sue Bub and Kathy Monderine Excused: Steve Ferry, Cindy Buckner, Jeff Hartman and Jeff Schoenberg. Brother Iannaccone reported that Chandra Teffler a Womens Finished costumer has requested to transfer her classification to Womens Custom Made and had been approved by all members of both membership committees. Sister Renee Nault moved to accept her reclassification request and Sister Lozano moved to 2nd. The motion carried unanimously. CALL TO ORDER/APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sister Curtis mentioned that she would like the Constitution and By-Laws Committee with the consensus of the Executive Board to consider amending the Local’s Constitution and ByLaws to make the position of Vice-President of the Local also an IATSE Convention Delegate. The Executive Board agreed by consensus and Brothers Polinsky and Van Hout agreed to take her request to the next committee. Vice-President Debby Curtis called the meeting to order at 7:03PM. BALLOT PRESENTATION BY ELECTION COMMITTEE Sister Tess Inman, Chair of the Election Committee, presented the ballots to the Executive Board for approval. She explained the reasons why the office of President would not be on the ballot. Discussion ensued. Brother Radford Polinsky read Article 3, Section 2, of the Motion Picture Costumers Constitution and By-Laws. Brother Polinsky reminded the Executive Board that per the Motion Picture Costumers Constitution and By-Laws, the Local must call a Special Meeting of the General Membership for Nominations for President. Sister Bub requested to go on record and thanked Sister Leavey for her service to the Executive Board and the Local. Sister Leavey expressed her gratitude and thanks, as well as desire to continue to serve Local 705, whether in committees or conventions as a delegate. Ms. Hope Singer, the attorney for the Local, explained that the candidate had withdrawn. Discussion ensued. Sister Bub suggested addressing the right of nominees to distribute campaign literature at the meeting in which they were nominated and if that action was legal or illegal under Federal Labor Law, as it is not mentioned in the Local’s Constitution and By-Laws. She suggested an officer of the Local contact the Local’s attorney, Hope Singer, and ask for interpretation of this act. If deemed legal, she would like an apology given to the accused persons. Discussion followed. Sister Bub also asked if other aspects of nominations could also be researched. The members of the Executive Board agreed in consensus. Sister Stephanie Fox-Kramer remarked that her last name on the ballot was not hyphenated, as is her proper legal name. Discussion ensued. Sister Fox-Kramer noted that although the spelling was incorrect, she would allow it on the ballot as is. Sister Curtis asked for a consensus of the Executive Board to approve the ballots as printed. The consensus approved the ballots without the office of President listed. Sister Carmen Lozano moved to hold a Special General Membership Meeting for the nominations for the office of President on May 9, 2015 and to send ballots out to the membership within the 10 day period following to the membership. Brother Polinsky moved to 2nd. The motion was carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT The next Executive Board meeting will be held on Tues., June 9, 2015. Brother Polinsky moved to adjourn and Sister Lozano moved to 2nd. NEW BUSINESS Respectfully Submitted, Sister Wanda Leavey moved to sponsor the Local 892 Retirement Dinner for $450 honoring Sister Mary Rose, and Sister Bub moved to 2nd. The motion was carried. Wanda Leavey Secretary-Treasurer/Asst. Business Representative ADJOURNMENT Brother Van Hout moved to adjourn and Sister Lozano moved to 2nd. Respectfully Submitted, Wanda Leavey Secretary-Treasurer/Asst. Business Representative THE COSTUMER 5 JUNE 2015 special EXECUTIVE BOArD MEETING MINUTES May 12, 2015 – continued May 12, 2015 – 7:00 PM EXECUTIVE BOARD Delegates-at-Large Sue Bub – 366 Wanda Leavey – 335 Adam West – 325 Hector Morales – 302 Steve Ferry – 295 Kathy Monderine – 286 Paul DeLucca – 271 Deborah Ash – 262 Kristina West – 262 Bethany Bohatila – 259 Heather Chaffee – 202 Present: Wanda Leavey, Bob Iannaccone, Sue Bub, Radford Polinsky, Renee Nault, John Van Hout and Carmen Lozano. Excused: Steve Ferry, Debby Curtis, Cindy Buckner, Jeff Hartman, Hossein Namdar, Stephanie Fox-Kramer, Jeff Schoenberg and Kathy Monderine. CALL TO ORDER/APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sister Sue Bub called the meeting to order at 7:18 PM. BALLOT PRESENTATION BY ELECTION COMMITTEE Sister Tess Inman, Chairperson of the Election Committee, presented the Election results to the Executive Board members. Sister Inman requested confidentiality from the Executive Board members, until the Local officially releases the results. She noted that the Local received back 639 ballots from those sent out. Sister Inman then read the Election results from the accounting firm of Bernard Kotkin & Co., LLP to the Executive Board as follows: Vice President – Deborah Curtis – 504 votes Secretary-Treasurer/Asst. Business Representative & IATSE Convention Delegate – Bethany Bohatila – 154 votes Business Representative & IATSE Convention Delegate – Bob Iannaccone – 232 votes Sergeant-at-Arms – Rebecca Graves – 503 votes Sister Wanda Leavey moved to accept the Election results as presented and Sister Carmen Lozano moved to 2nd. The motion was carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Brother Polinsky moved to adjourn and Sister Bub moved to 2nd. Respectfully Submitted, Wanda Leavey Secretary-Treasurer/Asst. Business Representative May 18, 2015 EXECUTIVE BOARD Member-at-Large – Lisa Harris – 505 votes Member-at-Large Alternate – TBD Men’s Finished – Noel Leonard – 40 votes Men’s Finished Alternate – Radford Polinsky – 34 votes Women’s Finished – Heather Carleton – 189 votes Women’s Finished Alternate – Nancy Grossi – 89 votes Live Television – Jeff Hartman – 1 vote Live Television Alternate – TBD Costume House – Carmen Lozano – 10 votes Costume House Alternate – TBD Men’s Custom Made – TBD Men’s Custom Made Alternate – TBD Women’s Custom Made – Deborah Ash – 38 votes Women’s Custom Made Alternate – Catherine Wall – 34 votes Costume House Custom Made – John Van Hout – 73 votes Costume House Custom Made Alternate – TBD EXECUTIVE BOARD Present: Wanda Leavey, Bob Iannaccone, Sue Bub, Radford Polinsky, Carmen Lozano, Renee Nault and John Van Hout. Excused: Steve Ferry, Debby Curtis, Cindy Buckner, Jeff Hartman, Hossein Namdar, Stephanie Fox-Kramer, Jeff Schoenberg and Kathy Monderine. CALL TO ORDER/APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sister Sue Bub called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. BALLOT PRESENTATION BY ELECTION COMMITTEE Sister Tess Inman, Election Committee, Chairperson, presented the ballot for the office of President of Local 705, for approval by the Executive Board. Sister Wanda Leavey moved to approve the ballot as presented. Sister Carmen Lozano moved to 2nd. The motion was carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT IATSE CONVENTION DELEGATES Men’s Finished – Noel Leonard – 207 votes Women’s Finished – Heather Carleton – 173 votes Live Television – TBD Costume House – Carmen Lozano – 342 votes Men’s Custom Made – Larry Carns – 2 votes Women’s Custom Made – Lynda Arnold – 136 votes (continued in next column) THE COSTUMER Brother Radford Polinsky moved to adjourn. Sister Bub moved to 2nd. Respectfully Submitted, Wanda Leavey Secretary-Treasurer/Asst. Business Representative 7 JUNE 2015 Contract News You will be receiving by postal mail a summary for the Basic Contract negotiations for 2015. Please read them carefully. Contract Service News Please pay close attention to any mail from CSATF. Industry Experience Roster removal letters are being sent out. Call the business office and speak with Bob Iannaccone about filing a protest. IATSE HEALTH CARE SEMINAR IT’S A SEMINAR! IT’S A PARTY! CELEBRATE MEDICARE 50TH ANNIVERSARY MEDICARE FOR ALL! Cradle to Grave EVERYBODY in Nobody Out (It’s what Grandma got) Great Care Low Cost Health Care July 25, 2015, IA Healthcare Seminar Location: IATSE Local 80, Burbank, CA Doors Open: 10:00 AM Waffles and toppings will be served (No Waffling on Healthcare) Program Begins: 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Concluding at 1:00 PM Closing: 12:30 PM Balloons and Raffle Prizes RSVP by Calling: 818-752-2400 Ext. 7 $10.00 Sign-up Fee (Payment at the door) Bring an IATSE family or friend free JUNE 2015 8 THE COSTUMER ELECTION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES April 21, 2015 May 12, 2015 – continued Present: Tess Inman, Chairperson, G.Ann Mitschek, Co-chairperson, Perry Ash, Dodie Shepard, Victoria Skinner, Sara Bacon, Kelly Cercone, Sheila Boateng and David Profeta. Office Staff: Mary Zuniga, Clara Vega and Adriana Crawford. CONVENTION DELEGATES Men’s Finished – Noel Leonard with 207 votes Women’s Finished – Heather Carleton with 173 votes Live Television – TBD Costume House – Carmen Lozano with 342 votes Men’s Custom Made – Larry Carns with 2 votes Women’s Custom Made – Lynda Arnold with 136 votes The Committee met at 7 PM to present the ballots to the Executive Board for approval. The Committee began assembling the ballots at 7:15 PM and finished at 11:00 PM. The ballots were mailed at the Chandler Station post office at 11:30 PM, by G.Ann Mitschek, Perry Ash, Mary Zuniga, Adriana Crawford and Clara Vega. Delegates-at-Large: Sue Bub – 366 Wanda Leavey – 335 Adam West – 325 Hector Morales – 302 Steve Ferry – 295 Kathy Monderine – 286 Paul DeLucca – 271 Deborah Ash – 262 Kristina West – 262 Bethany Jane Bohatila – 259 Heather Chaffee – 202 Stephanie Schoelzel – 185 Submitted by, Tess Inman G.Ann Mitschek May 12, 2015 – 7:15 PM Present: Tess Inman, Chairperson, G.Ann Mitschek, Co-chairperson Respectfully Submitted , Sister Tess Inman read the Election results from the accounting firm of Bernard Kotkin & Co., LLP to the Executive Board as follows: Tess Inman Election Committee Chairperson Vice-President – Deborah Curtis with 504 votes. Secretary-Treasurer/Asst. Business Representative & IATSE Convention Delegate – Bethany Bohatila with 154 votes. Business Representative & IATSE Convention Delegate – Bob Iannaccone with 232 votes. Sergeant-at-Arms – Rebecca Graves with 503 votes. ELECTION COMMITTEE – BALLOT FOR PRESIDENT May 18, 2015 – 7:10 PM EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Member-at-Large – Lisa Harris with 505 votes. Member-at-Large Alternate - TBD Men’s Finished – Noel Leonard with 40 votes. Men’s Finished Alternate – Radford Polinsky with 34 votes. Women’s Finished – Heather Carleton with 189 votes. Women’s Finished Alternate – Nancy Grossi with 89 votes Live Television – Jeff Hartman with 1 vote Live Television Alternate – TBD Costume House – Carmen Lozano with 10 votes Costume House Alternate – TBD Men’s Custom Made – TBD Men’s Custom Made Alternate – TBD Women’s Custom Made – Deborah Ash with 38 votes Women’s Custom Made Alternate – Catherine Wall with 34 votes Costume House Custom Made – John Van Hout with 73 votes Costume House Custom Made Alternate – TBD JUNE 2015 Present: Tess Inman, Chairperson, G.Ann Mitschek, Co-chairperson, Perry Ash, Dodie Shepard, Victoria Skinner, Sara Bacon, and Sheila Boateng. Office Staff: Mary Zuniga, Clara Vega and Adriana Crawford. The Committee met at 7:10 PM to present the ballot for the office of President only to the Executive Board for approval. The Committee began assembling the ballots at 7:20 PM and finished at 9:45 PM. The ballots were mailed at the Chandler Station post office at 10:15 PM, by G.Ann Mitschek, Perry Ash, Mary Zuniga, Clara Vega and Adriana Crawford. Submitted by, Tess Inman G.Ann Mitschek 10 THE COSTUMER sPECIAL GENErAL MEMBErsHIP MEETING MINUTES May 9, 2015 – 11:00 AM IN MEMORIAM CALL TO ORDER President Steve Ferry called the meeting to order at 11:05 AM and asked the membership to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. SUE MOORE WOMEN’S FINISHED PRESIDENT’S OPENING COMMENT January 31, 1942 – May 1, 2015 President Ferry explained that the singular purpose for the calling of this of this meeting of the General Membership is to hold nominations for the office of President of Local 705, who shall also serve as Delegate to the various IATSE conventions. He reported that no commentary would be allowed, only nominations. A member since 1977. Sue’s credits include: Jurassic Park, Rain Man & Stand By Me. She is survived by her daughter Kelly Porter (WF), son-in-law Mitchell Kenney (MF), grandson Jimmy Kenney (MF) and nephews Matt Jerome (MF) & Beau Desmond (MF). INTRODUCTION OF OFFICERS AND STAFF Brother Ferry introduced the Local 705 Executive Board members and Office Staff in attendance: Vice-President, Debby Curtis; SecretaryTreasurer and Asst. Business Representative, Wanda Leavey; Business Representative, Bob Iannaccone; Member-at-Large, Sue Bub; Men’s Finished, Radford Polinsky; Women’s Finished, Cindy Buckner; Men’s Custom Made, Hossein Namdar; Women’s Custom Made, Renee Nault; Costume House Custom Made, John Van Hout; Member-atLarge Alternate, Kathy Monderine; Women’s Finished Alternate, Stephanie Fox-Kramer, Women’s Custom Made Alternate, Jeff Schoenberg and Sergeant-at-Arms, Hector Morales. Also, Office Administrator, Mary Zuniga and Office Staff, Adriana Crawford. Brother Ferry also introduced Election Committee Chairperson, Tess Inman and asked Sister Inman to come forward and lead the membership in the nominations for President of the Local. BILL BURCHETTE COSTUME HOUSE September 18, 1948 – May 10, 2015 Bill was a long time employee of Western Costume, where he began his career in 1976. He was known for his warm personality and extensive costume knowledge. NOMINATIONS FOR PRESIDENT — EDUCATION COMMITTEE NEWS — Sister Inman opened the nominations for the office of President and IATSE Convention Delegate. Brother Ferry reminded members that they must have proper verification of 120 days of employment in the last 36 months today. The nominees included Nickolaus Brown, Kelly O’Gurian and Susanna Sandke. The Education Committee invites all members of Local 705 to custom made house Muto-Little to meet owners Antoinette Muto and Kimberly Little, along with custom made professional Renee Nault, who will continue our teaching presentation of A Fitting Partnership with a new workshop entitled: Brother Ferry commented that he was interested in forming a committee to address P.A.’s and bringing them into our fold. Building Costumes for Creative Success and a Balanced Budget: Partnering with a 705 Custom Made House Brother Ferry announced that ballots for the election of President of the Local would be mailed out to members by May 18th and would need to be received back by no later than June 9th, 2015. He also reported that candidates may bring postcards for promoting their candidacy to the Business Office to be addressed and may use the postage machine in the office, as long as they pay for the postage used. Did you know that Local 705 custom made manufacturers understand script breakdowns and budgets? Gain insights from highly trained custom made experts about construction considerations for best results for the web, television and film. Learn how to avoid unanticipated costs of costume construction that will send your project over budget. Get wise to how engaging a custom made house before you meet with your director will lay the groundwork for your creative success. Josh Adams from the law offices of Bush, Singer and Gottlieb, our Local’s attorneys introduced himself as substituting for Hope Singer; if any members had any legal questions. ADJOURNMENT Sister Inman made a motion to adjourn and Sister Cindy Buckner moved to 2nd. SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015 AT 1:00 P.M. Please R.S.V.P. to mdasoulcat@aol.com. This workshop has a maximum of forty (40) spaces open for enrollment. Respectfully Submitted, Wanda Leavey Secretary-Treasurer/Asst. Business Representative THE COSTUMER Enrollment cut-off date June 17th at 5:00 p.m. 11 JUNE 2015 JUNE 2015 12 THE COSTUMER OUT & ABOUT WITH FIELD REP. NOEL LEONARD We are experiencing a very busy production season. Here are some of the projects being done, and the crews that are doing them: Television: “Playing House” Costume Designer: Molly Grundman Gerbori* Supervisor: Shannon Moore Costumers: Rachel Stivers, Natasha Konowallow, Carlie Tracey, Ednita Trivino “Love” Supervisor: Nicole Capasso Costumers: Camille Garmendia, Meesh Darnyi, Jade Graham, Kara Stanford "Hateful Eight" Crew Left to right: Top Row: Anita Brown (Costumer), Anastacia Magoutas (Costumer), Courtney Hoffman (Designer)*, Quentin Tarantino (Director), Bob Moore Jr. (Costumer) Bottom Row: Tricia Yoo (Costumer), Christina Ingalls (PA), Joshua Coleman (Costumer), Jonny Prey (Supervisor)* Not Pictured: Nora Pedersen (Costumer) * Dual Card Holders “Extant” Supervisor: Carol Kunz Costumers: Steve Ferry, Antonitta Barnes, Raquel Jaffe-Day, Nickolaus Brown WCM: Joanne Trotter “Soul Man” Supervisor: Dolores Ybarra Supervisor: Devon Patterson Costumers: Leah Wright-Lewis, Evelyn Martinez, Diane Bunch, Roselee Showe, Shirley Lipscomb MCM: Carlos Felix Feature: “Pee-Wee’s Big Holiday” Supervisor: Charlene Amateau Costumers: Hayley Stuppel, Ric Spencer, Susan Strubel, Roric Ruegsegger, Steven Zimbelman, Kalen Dawson MCM: Carlos Felix * Dual Card Holder Design Showcase West UCLA is holding its Design Showcase West, their national portfolio review on Saturday, June 6,2015 at Freud Playhouse on campus. Local 705 is co-host of the event. The DSW, al fresco luncheon and student celebration is free to all 705 members. For more information,please call (310) 825-7008. THE COSTUMER “Married” Crew left to right: Andrew Slyder (Costumer), Mona May (Costume Designer), Jennifer Herenkohl (Costumer), Mary Beth Ramsey (Costume Supervisor), Caroline Patterson (Costumer) Not pictured: Susan Saldutti (Costumer) 13 JUNE 2015 JUNE ISSUE MOTION PICTURE COSTUMERS IATSE LOCAL 705 4731 LAUREL CANYON BLVD. #201 VALLEY VILLAGE, CA 91607
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Affiliated with the AFL - CIO
4731 Laurel Canyon Blvd. #201
Valley Village, CA 91607
818.487.5655 818.487.5663 FAX
email: MPC705@aol.com
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Executive Board
Nickolaus Brown – President
Debby Curtis – Vice President
Bethany Jane Bohatila – Sec.-Treas. / Asst. B.A.
Bob Iannaccone – Business Representative
Lisa Harris – Member-at-Large