January 24, 2016 - St. Mary`s Nutley
January 24, 2016 - St. Mary`s Nutley
SAINT MARY’S PARISH 1 7 M SGR . O W ENS P LACE , N UTLE Y NJ 0 71 1 0 P HO NE : 9 73 -2 35 -1 10 0 F AX : 9 73- 6 61-0 23 3 Gratitude Gratitude and Generosity. Generosity and Gratitude! They are so different and yet so woven together! God’s generosity can open our hearts to so much gratitude… and our gratitude to God… can open our hearts to so much generosity to others! A beautiful song by Nichole Nordeman from her album “Woven & Spun” brings this beautiful paradox into a mystical, enchanting experience. The song speaks about finding gratitude in both the good times and the bad times in life. You can listen to this wonderful song at https://youtu.be/-PEzM-4VXdg . The song is also on our website at www.stmarysnutley.org. We have so much to be grateful for at Saint Mary’s as we begin the New Year! What wonderful seasons of Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas we experienced! We’ve seen so much kindness and generosity throughout our Parish Community. Our thanksgiving dinner in the school gym provided a good meal, warmth, and good music to nearly 200 people as so many shared so generously their gratitude to God. Our nine-night novena to Mary leading up to the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and the feast that followed were exceptional. The crowds each evening were fantastic, culminating with over 300 people feasting in Monsignor Walsh Hall! So much generosity. So much gratitude! What a great Christmas Season! The music, the decorations and the liturgies were inspiring! Mass attendance was superb! We surpassed our financial goals. Our generosity provided so much too so many needy families and friends! We were able to warm and comfort so many of our brothers and sisters! So much generosity! So much gratitude! And our Capital Campaign, which we began in early October! We are closing in on $800,000.00 dollars in pledges! This is remarkable! Our goal of $900,000.00 is within reach. Over the next few months we will continue to reach out to those who have not yet made a pledge. Through the generosity of our community we have begun the elevator at the Phoenix Center. They are truly a remarkable place caring for God’s children in such exceptional circumstances. How blessed we are to be able to contribute to those efforts! So much generosity! So much gratitude! My dear brothers and sisters, may the warmth of God’s love guide your family, friends and loved ones as we begin this New Year! May your hearts be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and may God’s unlimited Mercy be with you as we walk together on this journey of life. So much generosity! So much gratitude! Love, Fr. Rich Third Sunday of Ordinary Time January 24, 2016 Weekly Mass Schedule Hosts for each Mass have been donated by the Rosary Society Unless otherwise noted, all weekday Masses will be held in the Parish Center Chapel Sanctuary Lamp donated in Memory of Saturday, January 23 5:30 PM Theresa Knight † Sunday, January 24 7:30 AM James Hutchinson † 9:00 AM Peter Baldino † 10:30 AM Charles Majkrzak † 12:00 PM Kathryn Duffe † Monday, January 25 7:30 AM Theresa Colucci † (1st Anniversary) 12:10 PM Bridget Shannon † Tuesday, January 26 7:30 AM Wendell Pericone † 12:10 PM Mary Jane Delahunt † Wednesday, January 27 7:30 AM Joseph De Bella † 12:10 PM Richard Riley † (Anniversary) Thursday, January 28 7:30 AM Intentions of the Abrusia Family 12:10 PM Jane G. Haveron † Friday, January 29 7:30 AM Albert Nortof † 12:10 PM Joseph Martino (3rd Anniversary) Saturday, January 30 8:30 AM Pietro Romano † 5:30 PM Theodore Kapuscinski † (Anniversary) Sunday, January 31 7:30 AM The Anderson Children 9:00 AM Ralph Scarpelli † 10:30 AM 12:00 PM Edward and Catherine Lombardi † Mary Cahterine Vecellio † Joseph J. Ferraro † Chapel Lamp donated in Memory of Alice Harrison † Wine donated in Memory of Grace Byrne † Rosary Society Meeting Saint Mary's Rosary Society will have a meeting on Monday, February 8, 2016 at 7:30 PM in the school hall. All ladies of the parish are invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served. Calling High School And College Singers Youth Retreat closing liturgy: Saturday, January 30th 5:30 PM. We are forming a special ensemble to sing for the youth retreat closing liturgy. E-mail Bruce at b.mauro1@yahoo.com for secret rehearsal time and location. RCIA Adults who wish to receive Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation should call the Religious Education office (973-667-8239) or see Fr. Trinidad for information. Music Ministry Our adult choir begins preparations for lent this Sunday 1/24 and next Sunday 1/31. Tenors and sopranos will meet at 10 AM Basses and altos will meet at 11 AM For more information contact Bruce Mauro at b.mauro1@yahoo.com or the parish office. Holy Father's Prayer Intention We pray that all may experience the mercy of God, who never tires of forgiving. We also pray that families, especially those who suffer, may find in the birth of Jesus a sign of certain hope. 656 – Page 2 Religious Education News In our Religious Education program, we strive to introduce our children and their parents to a life-giving relationship with Jesus and provide them with the opportunities to experience His Love, Peace, and Joy. As we begin this Year of Mercy, we will provide Grades 3, 4, 5, and 7 with the opportunity to receive God's forgiving Mercy in the Sacrament of Penance. Our 6th Grade and 8th Grade students will deepen their knowledge of Jesus through a new set of programs in their classes this semester. Grade 6 will be learning more Jesus through scripture using the Encounter Bible Study program from Ascension Press. The 8th Grade will be using the Chosen series, also from Ascension Press, to look at how they are called to a relationship with the God who created them, loves them and calls them to live out that love. Both DVD based lessons will challenge the students to think about who they are, how they are called to live as disciples of Christ and how they play a role in God's kingdom. We invite you to take a look at our website to see some samples from both these series: www.stmarysnutleyccd.blogspot.com St. Mary's JV Basketball We are pleased to announce Saint Mary’s has joined the junior varsity CYO basketball league. St Mary’s hosts home games at the Phoenix Center. The next home games are Sunday January 10th vs. Saint Anthony’s from Northvale and January 24th vs. Saint Catherine’s from Glen Rock. Both games are at 7:00pm. This is Saint Mary’s first year and we hope to continue next year with two teams, junior varsity and varsity. We encourage players at the high school level to participate. Also, if anyone has an interest in coaching we welcome you to contact Father Rich. We want to shout out a special thank you to Rich Luberto and Jeff Petreta for volunteering this year. The players are showing dedication and team spirit. God Bless and hope to see you at the games! Important!Tax!Information! If!you!wish!to!receive!a!statement!of!your!2015!donations!to!St.!Mary!Church,!kindly!submit!your! name,!address!and!daytime!phone!number,!along!with!the!number!of!your!donation!envelope.! You!may!also!eCmail!your!request!to:!!info@stmarysnutley.org.!! Your!statement!will!be!mailed!to!you!in!a!timely!matter.! ! Please!do!not!call!the!rectory!to!request!this!information.! ! You!may!drop!this!form!in!the!collection!basket!on!any!Sunday.! ! (Please!print)! ! Name!_________________________________________________________________________! ! Address!______________________________________________________________________! ! Town/Zip!____________________________________________________________________!!! ! Daytime!Phone!___________________________Email!_______________________________________________________________! ! ! 656 – Page 3 Parishioners Celebrating a 5th, 25th, or 50th Wedding Anniversary in 2015 Please come to or call the Parish Center to register for a special Mass to be celebrated by Archbishop John J. Meyers in the cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark. The Mass for those celebrating a 50th Anniversary with be at 3 PM on May 1st (registration is due by April 18th). The mass for those celebrating a 5th or 25th Anniversary will be at 3 PM on April 24th (registration is due April 10th). Save The Date Fish and Chips Dinner Ash Wednesday February 10, 2016 Tickets Will Be Available Beginning January 9, 2016 Prices : Adults $15.00 Children (up to14 years) $7.00 It’s A Great Time To Get On The Music Ministry Express! Congratulations to our music ministry for a most successful Christmas season! The Contemporary Ensemble welcomes interested singers and musicians. Children who are in 3rd grade and up are welcome to join the Children’s Choir. The choir will resume rehearsing in February. The Adult Choir will begin rehearsing for the seasons of lent and Easter on Sunday January 24th and January 31st. (Contact Bruce Mauro for exact times and locations.) If you have interest in joining any of our music ministry groups or have any questions contact Bruce Mauro at the parish center or at b.mauro1@yahoo.com. St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus presents: Second Annual German Knight O. Allen Beyer Memorial Dinner Saturday January 30, 2016, 7 to 11 PM Location: The Council Beer Garden, 150 Chestnut Street, Nutley, NJ Donation: $35 per person This event is open to the public. For more information or tickets, call Kevin Mauro at (973) 235-0608 by Monday, January 25, 2016. For more information or to make a donation to the Wounded Warrior Project Please visit: http://bit.ly/GermanKnight2016 656 – Page 4 Today is the third Sunday of ordinary time and the second of four Sunday's between the seasons of Christmas and Lent. Last week I offered some brief notes on each of the first readings and psalm responses for this entire mini-season. Today, I will do the same for the gospel readings. The gospel we hear during these four weeks is similar in each of the three years of the lectionaries cycle of readings. On the second Sunday we hear from the gospel of John. On the following three Sunday's we hear from one of the three synoptic gospels. These other 3 gospels are called synoptic as they contain stories and have a point of view, which are similar to one another (and different from the gospel of john.) In each of these gospel readings we hear of Jesus embracing His calling. (Recall the scene at His baptism where the voice of God is heard saying that Jesus is His beloved.) Keeping in mind what is to come i.e. Jesus' growing conflict with the Jewish authorities and ultimate crucifixion will help put these gospel passages in perspective. As you reflect upon these Gospels, consider how the Holy Spirit is calling you to respond to the Word of God • 2nd Sunday John 2:1-11 Page 63 The wedding at Cana. The beginning of signs which reveal Jesus' glory and cause His disciples to believe in Him. • 3rd Sunday Luke 1:1-4 4:14-21 Page 65-66 Jesus reads from the Hebrew scripture in the temple (like Ezra, high priest in today's first reading.) In proclaiming that he is the fulfillment of the words of Isaiah, Jesus publicly embraces His ministry and sets the course for what is to come. • 4th Sunday Luke 4:21-30 Page 68 In a continuation of the previous week's story the people refuse to believe that Jesus can be anything more than Joseph's son and drive Him from the temple and the town. • 5th Sunday Luke 5:1-11 Page 70-71 Jesus calls Simon Peter, James and John to join Him in being fishers of men. Today's music selections attempt to balance the traditional with the contemporary. Our entrance hymn "Holy, Holy Holy" (#209) utilizes a text and music written around the turn of the 19th century while our closing song "A Rightful Place" (#638) was composed in 2012. Our song as the gifts are prepared "God Has Chosen Me" (#379) affirms the baptismal call of all Christians to participate in Christ's ministry and bring about the Kingdom of God. At your musical service, Words of Mercy As we know, Pope Francis has declared this year the “Jubilee Year of Mercy.” It is an opportunity to help us better know, receive, and share God’s mercy. Throughout this year, we will publish quotes about mercy from Scripture, Saints, Pope Francis, and various other sources. This Week’s Words of Mercy: "There is nothing more man needs than Divine Mercy – that love which is benevolent, which is compassionate, which raises man above his weakness to the infinite heights to the holiness of God." Pope Saint John Paul II 656 – Page 5 St. Mary’s Church is served by: Rev. Richard Berbary, Pastor Rev. Thomas Nicastro, Parochial Vicar Rev. Trinidad Cuevas, Parochial Vicar Anthony G. Armando, DRE/Youth Minister, 973-667-8239 armandoa@stmarysnutley.org Bruce Mauro, Music Director, b.mauro1@yahoo.com Patrick Perrone, Trustee Anne Scheidel , Trustee Mass Schedule Sunday s 5:30 (Sat. evening) 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 Week days Masses in Parish Center Chapel 7:30, 12:10 (Monday - Friday), 8:30 (Saturday) Holy Days 7:30 AM, 12:10 AM, 7:00 PM National Holidays 9:00 AM Pa rish Business Hours Mon.-Fri. 9 AM-4 PM Parish Center Saturday 3 PM-7 PM Church Vestibule Sunday 9 AM-1 PM Church Vestibule A Time of War and Peace… We pray that our troops serving our country may be protected by the Holy Spirit, especially for Patrick Connors, Collin Keating, Mark Nostro, David Nostro, Douglas Reiman, John Thompson and James Zaremba. A Time to Heal… For all those who are sick or suffering, and all those listed on our webpage at http://stmarysnutley.org/PrayerPage.shtml, especially Anthony Del Negro, Peter Del Negro and Margaret Peters A Time to Die… For all those who have entered into eternal life, especially Alice Harrison †, Grace Byrne † and Eileen Sholander † A Time to Love… For all those entering into the Sacrament of Marriage, especially Amanda Toto and Robert Alfano Parish Collections: The January 17th collection was $9,684.00. We thank you for your generous donations! Readings for the Week of January 24, 2016 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Mk 16:1518 2 Tm 1:1-18 or 9:1-22; Ps 24:7-10; Mk 3:31-35 2 Sm 7:4-17; Ps 89:4-5, 27-30; Mk 4:1-20 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Ps 132:1-5, 11-14; Mk 4:2125 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Ps 51:3-7, 10-11; Mk 4:26-34 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Ps 51:12-17; Mk 4:35-41 Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; 1 Cor 12:31 — 13:13 [13:4-13]; Lk 4:21-30 ©JPPC Phone Number: 973-235-1100 Confessions Saturdays, 4:30 to 5:15 or by appointment Novenas • • • Miraculous Medal: Mon., 12:00 PM before Mass Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Weds., 7:00 PM Devotion to the Divine Mercy: Thurs., 7:00 PM in chapel RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Adults who wish to receive Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation should call the Religious Education office (973-6678239). Baptisms Baptisms are the third Sunday of each month, at 1:30 PM. Please call at least a month in advance to make arrangements. Baptismal prep classes will now be held on Saturday, the week before Baptisms (the second Sunday of the month), at 1:00 PM in the Parish Center Parish Membership Parishioners should register and should inform the Parish Center when moving from the parish. Good Shepherd Academy (973-667-2049; www.gsanutley.org) Our Catholic grade school sponsored by the Archdiocese of Newark Religious Vocations If you think you may have a vocation, speak to one of our priests, or call the Archdiocesan Vocations Office (973-497-4366). Care of the Sick Communion will be brought to any parishioner confined to home, upon request; those who are seriously ill, or weak from the burden of years, should request the Anointing of the Sick. Urgent calls will be attended immediately. Marriage Contact a priest to make arrangements. The Bishops have directed that the normal preparation time is a year or more. 656 – Page 6