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USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Newsletter April - July 2014 Jene Cain, Editor This Newsletter Sent to 972 Former Crew Members, Families & Guests USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras WWII Korea Vietnam Copyright © 2002 - 2014 http://www.dd596.com PRESIDENT’S COLUMN Reunion 2014 By Jack Blann By Carol Blann Due to our desire to present the finest reunion possible this issue has been delayed until all arrangements have been finalized. Please read Carol’s article about all of the special events planned and I hope that you will agree that this is one meeting that you won’t want to miss. Last year’s attendance was good and we want to make this year’s great. Also please note the article about our website. Trevor Crafts, my ex son-in-law, has handled our site for us since its inception but finds that his professional obligations preclude him from continuing. We therefore are in need for a shipmate or spouse to step forward and administer the site for us. This is a very important part of our association’s service and we want it to continue. We will provide the programs and the material to post on the site. Our special thanks to Trevor for his service. I am sad to report that one of the association’s founders and greatest supporters, Jim Durough, has stepped aside and will no longer be our Contact List keeper. For now, Bob Carl, our secretary will assume that responsibility. We owe so much to Jim for locating shipmates and for his heartfelt comfort to those who have had to deal with the loss of a loved one. Jim’s service will be sorely missed and we wish him the best. It further saddens me to report that we have lost two of our finest officers under whom I have served. Captain Wessel and Lieutenant Commander Collins were special to all who had the benefit of their leadership and counsel. Whether it was the typhoon in the Taiwan Straits or the race home to port after gunnery practice at the Coronado Islands, the crew knew that we were safe and we had the best command structure in the whole Navy. “All Ahead Flank”. Because of the publication date of this newsletter you will note that it covers both the April and July editions that would normally be published. In July we will be sending a reunion reminder but will probably not publish a full newsletter. You can help rectify this situation by submitting an article for publication. Last year’s reunion was an affordable and fun event for everyone, and the challenge was to “do one better”! Well, I am happy to report that we are pretty sure you will have that “Wow” experience we wanted for you. First of all, we are returning to Sam’s Town! This hotel/resort gave us amazingly affordable room rates, clean and attractive facilities, shops, restaurants and the ever-wonderful atrium with its waterfall and shaded pathways. It was so rich in amenities I never felt the need to leave. This year we are keeping the best of our ideas for a good time in place while adding a never-to-be-forgotten new tour, and an increase in the PAID FOR meals and goodies. Our guiding thought was for you to have a relaxed, easy, and fun-filled Reunion to remember. You will have more food pre-arranged, and pre-paid, and there will be less walking on the tours. Also, the raffle and drawings will be held in the large dining area with our buffet dinner on Tuesday, because although you liked it cozy last year, we think, this year, you will like having more elbow room. Trust me, you will want to make it to this Reunion, and all of us are waiting, and wanting, to see your face, and to hear your stories. So, here are the particulars of the fabulous four days that have been created just for you. The Hospitality Suite will be stocked with salty snacks, soft drinks, water, beer, and wine Sunday through Wednesday night. Fellowship, outrageous storytelling, and friendly lies provided by you. Monday Night Football will be loud with cheering and booing, and you will keep up your strength with the beer and pizza we will provide. Continued on Page 3 USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Newsletter April - July 2014 Page 2 Board Members Contact Info. Jack Blann, LTJG, 61-63 President, Memorabilia Keeper 1008 N. Beeline Hwy Payson, AZ 85541-7312 Ph: 928-308-4850 E-mail: jblann39@hotmail.com Curtis S. Crenshaw, FT2, 62-65 Vice President 2814 Poyntelle RD Richmond, VA 23235-2154 Phone: 804-513-4723 E-mail: curtis.crenshaw55@aol.com Bob Carl, RD2, 64-67 Director, Secretary & Contact List Keeper 231 Viewmont Dr. Henderson, NV 89015-7733 Ph: 702-438-9826 E-mail: bobcarl@cox.net Roger Brotherton, SO3, 60-62 Director, Treasurer, Resident Agent PO Box 8023 Reno, NV 89507-8023 Ph: 775-674-6252 E-mail: rbroth41@aol.com Roy Cook, ETN2, 56-59 Director 7239 N. 15th St. Dalton Gardens, ID, 83815-9507 Ph: 208-640-4447 E-mail: gpacook@earthlink.net Friends to the Board Contact Info. Jene Cain, ETR2, 61-63 Newsletter Editor 13171 Galleria Pl Apple Valley, MN 55124-6113 Ph: 952-432-8746 E-mail: jenecain@pclink.com Bill Ragan, IC3, 56-59 Ship’s Store 1642 Rambling Rd Simi Valley, CA 93065-5737 Phone: 805-527-2196 E-mail: raganje@aol.com Editor's Note: Please keep your contact information up to date by getting in touch with Bob Carl above. If e-mailing please include DD-596 in the subject line. Also please let Bob know of shipmates who have passed so we can list their name in the newsletter. Eldest Living Shipmates 10 ELDEST OFFICERS New addition in bold face Hoblitzell, Paul C., LTJG, 44-45 11/24/1916 Teeters, David R., LT, 49-50, 04-11-1918 Metze, George M., LCDR, 52-54, 09/15/1918 Fredell, Erling W., LT, 49, 12/01/1918 Goodell, Trenor F., ENS, 44-45, 12/29/1918 Dupre, Marcy M., CDR, 45-46, 09/17/1921 Staring, Graydon S., LTJG, 49, 04/09/1923 Billodeau, John D., WO1, 58-59, 11/25/1923 Pinkowski, Dennis S., LT, 51-53, 06/03/1924 Holstrom, Robert W. P., ENS, 45-46, 01/30/1925 10 ELDEST ENLISTED New addition in bold face Field, Raymond W., FC3, 44-45, 11/25/1920 Hendrickson, Jack M., MM2, 45-46, 10/11/1921 Purdy, William V., WT1, 45-46, 11/27/1921 Proetto, Gerald S., BM3, 57, 09/10/1922 Dukett, James E., MM3, 44-46, 01/29/1923 Bainton, Donald O., TM2, 44-46, 07/18/1923 Leclair, Richard D., MM1, 50-51, 09/13/1923 Caronia, Sam, TM1, 1950, 02/27/1924 Craddock, William V., MM2, 64-65, 03/20/1924 Pietrowski, Chester, S1, 45, 04/11/1924 Recently Passed Shipmates The deceased listed below were identified through letters and phone calls from the family, returned letters marked deceased and research. Allie, Charles R., TM2, 65-67 Applegate, Richard C., LTJG, 51-52 Arment, Duane R., LTJG, 53-54 Austin, Adelbert I., SN, 50-51 Baggett, Charles D., HM1, 53-54 Byer, Jerry G., RM2, 44-46 Collins, Frank C., LCDR, 60-62 Choromanski, Ray J., GM3, 44-45 Gibson, Everett E., EN2, 58-60 Hatley, Pearl O., LCDR, 64 Huffman, Raymond V., FTGC, 70-72 Maki, Edsel M., FN, 55-56 Manasco, Vernon J., GM2, 64-65 Repman, Preston K., GM1, 55 Ross, James E., S1, 45-46 Salari, Vincent J., TMC, 59-61 Steele, Jack M., MM2, 51-54 Tinsley, Jack H., SR, 50 Wessel, Robert L., CPTN, 61-63 (Was on the 10 Eldest List) White, Grant W., DK3, 54-55 Youmans, George D., CS2, 61-62 New Found Shipmates Voshall, Robert C., SA, 64 USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Newsletter April - July 2014 Page 3 Continued from Page 1 Atomic Testing Museum, dinner and raffle will all take place only about 10 minutes from our hotel. The Museum is an awe inspiring place you will never forget. All contained in a one story building with ramps and rails, you will find yourself experiencing the underground tunnels, the missiles, the artifacts from the testing, a movie showing the explosions and the aftermath, a Geiger counter you can use on yourself (if you are glowing you will have to leave), and so much more. Then hold your breath, because at the end you will have within your reach and touch an I beam from the Twin Towers of 911, and (to look at) a piece of the Berlin wall! Afterwards we will go into the dining room for our catered dinner accompanied by your Board’s presentations, the raffle and the drawings. All pre-paid, including transportation. The Western Appreciation Tour takes us from 9:00 to 5:00 on Wednesday, and every minute will be filled with things beautiful, relaxing, educational, delicious and surprising. Let’s start with the beautiful. The tour will take you through the Red Rock Canyon, a land of gorgeous mountain vistas, and during the most beautiful month of the year in the desert. We will be traveling in a big air conditioned bus and take the loop road into the canyon. Our first stop will be at the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area Visitor Center. We will be met by a volunteer Docent Naturalist/Geologist who will stay with us in our bus while we are on the 13 mile loop. The Visitor Center itself has a great movie about the area as well as exhibits and a gift shop. Our Docent will explain what we are seeing out our bus windows, and again when we stop several times to look at things more closely. None of the stops will involve any hiking. One of the planned stops has Indian rock art and ancient fire pits. At the end of the loop are the desert donkeys and the horses, but we may be only admiring them from afar, unless you are carrying extra carrots, and this is where we bid our Docent farewell. Then it is on to Spring Mountain Ranch State Park, and another Docent. The Ranch is a 520 acre oasis that has had a long list of owners, including Howard Hughes. Much of the ranch is rolling green with trees, and for many years was a working cattle ranch. We will head for our reserved Ramada and the catered lunch being provided by Famous Dave’s legendary bar-b-que. After lunch, you can just relax and enjoy the views, or wonder up to the Ranch House where a Docent-guided tour has been arranged. There is also a lake near-by and a very old cemetery. Our final stop is at Bonnie Springs Ranch and the Old Nevada town replica. Old Nevada sports wooden board walks, western shops, a saloon, and more, all punctuated with gun fights, melodramas and hangings. From the front of the town to the far end is about a football field in length. Since the saloon, and all its attractions, is at the far end, you might consider it worth the walk. The Bonnie Springs Ranch House itself is really pretty, in a lovely setting, and if you only go that far it should be a nice stop for you. The bus will take you right up to the front door. As a side note, our bus will carry coolers with drinks and ice, and we will also carry a few lawn chairs. This tour is an extra and will need to have your reservation, choice of lunch sandwich, and fee. The Buff-quet is our final formal get-together, and takes place Wednesday night. We will meet at the Firelight Buffet at Sam’s Town that has a huge variety of food for your enjoyment. We will sit in our own area, and since this is next to the Atrium it even has a view. This dinner is part of your reservation fee and so it is pre-paid. Finally, we can end our evening and our Reunion up in our Hospitality Suite. You will have met new people and made new friends, and we sincerely hope you will have had four days to remember forever. Sincerely, Your Board and Reunion Committee. October 12th to the 16, 2014 USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Newsletter April - July 2014 Page 4 Las Vegas Reunion Itinerary October 12th - 16th 2014 Hotel Registration individually arranged and paid. Sam’s Town 5111 Boulder Highway, Las Vegas, NV 89122, PHONE 702-456-7777 use group name USS SHIELDS REUNION Hotel rates are for Sunday, Oct. 12th through Thursday, Oct. 16th.. Standard (outside room) rate is $26.00, double occupancy, plus $9.99 hotel service fee that covers unlimited local phone calls, WIFI, voice mail, wake-up calls, paging service, inbound faxing and shuttle service to The Strip and Downtown properties plus 12% tax (totals $40.31 per night). The hotel rates are higher on weekends if you plan to stay additional days check rates with the hotel. RV Park at Sam’s Town Advance reservation required. Full Hook-ups Call 1-702-454-8055 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SUNDAY OCT. 12TH 4:00pm – 8:00pm: Check-in and reception in Hospitality Suite. Soft drinks, beer and wine with salty snacks available. Hard liquor is BYOB MONDAY OCT. 13TH 9:00am– ‘till you’re tired: OPTIONAL PICK YOUR OWN TOUR DAY. Make arrangements in advance and pay on your own. Many tours are available including ones to Hoover Dam/Lake Mead, the Grand Canyon South Rim and Las Vegas Strip. To pick a tour and make your reservations on line go to “vegas.com” select “tours.” You can then pick, for instance, “Hoover Dam Tours” select “view all Hoover Dam Tours.” That will take you to a list of several different tours with different prices. This same method will show you tours to the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas Strip and Lake Mead. You can also call 1-866-983-4279 for available tours and reservations. 1:00pm-3:00pm USS SHIELDS 2nd Annual Bowling Tournament. Sam’s Town Bowling Alley. 6:00pm-10:00pm Monday Night Football with beer & pizza provided in Hospitality Suite TUESDAY OCT. 14TH 9:00am – 10:30am All shipmates/ Association Annual Business Meeting in Hospitality Suite 4:00 pm – 8:00pm Tour of Atomic Museum with buffet Dinner and Raffle. WEDNESDAY OCT. 15TH 10:00am - 4:30pm WESTERN APPRECIATION TOUR: Bus through Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, lunch and tour at Spring Mountain Ranch State Park and stop at Old Nevada Western Town at Bonnie Springs Ranch with gun fights, hangings, shops, petting zoo and much more. 6:00pm-8:00pm Buff-quet Dinner: Sam’s Town Firelight buffet. 8:00pm-? Hospitality Room open. THURSDAY OCT 16TH 12:00 Noon Hotel Check-out USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Newsletter April - July 2014 Page 5 USS SHIELDS DD-596 2014 REUNION REGISTRATION FORM LAS VEGAS, NEVADA; OCTOBER 12TH – 16TH Name: ________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ Tel #: ________________________ E-mail:___________________________ Guest(s): ______________________________________________________ Arrival Date: ___________________Departure Date: __________________ REGISTRATION (includes Monday Pizza party, $ 85.00x ____ = $____________ Tuesday buffet dinner & Wednesday Buff-quet) MONDAY OCT 13TH (Register and pay for Optional Tours per Schedule of Events) BOWLING TOURNAMENT $ 7.00x_____ = $____________ TUESDAY OCT 14TH (Atomic Museum Tour, dinner etc. included in Registration) WEDNESDAY OCT 15TH WESTERN APPRECIATION TOUR $ 58.00x_____ = $_____________ (Please select sandwich choice for each participant) Georgia Chopped Pork: _______ Texas Beef Brisket: _______ Barbeque Pulled Chicken:______ All lunches come with Wilbur Beans, Potato Salad and Creamy Cole Slaw WEDNESDAY OCT 15TH BUFF-QUET (Included in Registration Fee) Check #:_______________ Total $ _____________ Make checks payable to: USS SHIELDS REUNION ASSOCIATION Send registration and payments to: Robert N. Carl, 231 Viewmont Dr. Henderson, NV 89015-7733 PLEASE REGISTER AND SEND PAYMENT BY SEPTEMBER 15TH USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Newsletter April - July 2014 Page 6 USS SHIELDS DD-596 ALL ERAS REUNION ASSOCIATION 2014 Membership Application and Renewal Form Name:______________________________________________________ Wife’s first name:_________________ Mailing address:______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ City State (9 digits ZIP Code Please) Telephone:_____________________ E-Mail:_______________________ Years served aboard SHIELDS:________ Rank/rate on SHIELDS_____ Date of birth:____________________ Cell Phone: Make your check out to: USS SHIELDS REUNION ASSOCIATION. Please mail this form with a check in the amount of $25.00 to cover your dues for the calendar year of 2014. Mail to: USS SHIELDS DD-596 ALL ERAS REUNION ASSOCIATION ℅ Robert N. Carl, Secretary 231 Viewmont Dr. Henderson, NV 89015-7733 Photo Courtesy of John Truesdale RMSN 64-67 USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Newsletter April - July 2014 Page 7 Association 2014 Dues Are Due Your $25.00 annual dues support the printing and postage for newsletters, currently about $1,000 for each issue. They cover the expenses of locating shipmates and maintaining the master contact list. Please complete the dues form on the page opposite and mail with your check to Bob Carl. His address is on the contact list page 2. Your dues start new at the beginning of each year. No unpaid dues are carried forward. Your dues do not support reunion activities; these activities are self-sustaining. All board members and friends of the board volunteer; no one receives compensation in the Association. Bob Carl, Secretary, has received duplicate and multiyear dues payments from shipmates. Bob applies duplicate dues payments to the future year(s). Thanks to those who have paid in advance. The association currently mails the newsletter to all located shipmates, regardless of dues status. USS Shields Korean War 2014 Shipmate’s Reunion This year's reunion will take place in downtown Portland, OR at "The Courtyard at the Marriot Hotel - Sept 1 thru Sept 6, 2014". It is being hosted by the Daughters of Doris and Bill Hansen, BT2, 52-55, Cindy and Kathy. Cindy's email address is bocbo5five@gmail.com, and her telephone is 503-990-7834 in case anyone would like to contact her with their plans to attend. Cindy would appreciate a head count for planning. Attendees can also contact Bob MacNeil, YN2 5255 at: macneib@aol.com, 509-966-7924 as he is gathering head count info for Cindy also. Reunion Packets with Reunion Details will be put together ASAP and will be mailed when completed. NOTE: The reunion is limited to SHIELDS Shipmates who served aboard during the Korean War, their family members and guests. SEA STORIES Missing Liberty Curfew By: Marvin Beers, MOMM3C, 44-46 After the war ended we went to Tsingtao, China. Ed Swan, MM1C, Bill Purdy, WT1C, Maynard “Pinky” Guy, S2C and I Marv Beers, MOMM3C went on liberty together. Ed Suggested that we go to a studio and have our pictures taken which we did. They said the photos would be ready at 6 p.m. We told them that liberty is up at 6 p.m. on the dock. They agreed to have the pictures ready at 5:45. They had 4 rickshaws waiting outside. We got the pictures ran out and jumped into the rickshaws and told the drivers “Liberty Landing.” They said “O.K. Joe” and took off. We went south about 3 or 4 blocks and they turned right. Swan said “Hey Beers weren’t they supposed to turn left?” I was pretty sure that they should have but I said “Hell, I don’t know Ed. We just got here maybe they know a shortcut.” In about an hour they stopped in front of a large house and started saying “Velly good girl Joe - velly good girl.” It was a “Chinese cat house.” Ed Swan was about 6’4” with broad shoulders and slim hips. He picked that little rickshaw driver up by the front of his shirt and said “Liberty Landing.” They said “OK Joe” and we took off again. About an hour later we arrived at the “Customs Jetty” (Liberty Landing). By now it is about 8 p.m. and our last liberty boat left at 6 p.m. What do we do now? Pretty soon an LCVP left making all ships so we boarded. When we arrived back at the ship (probably about 10 p.m.) we went aboard and not a word was said. About 8 a.m. the next morning an announcement sounded - “Swan, Purdy and Guy report to the bridge for Exec’s Mast.” About 2 minutes later they announced “and Beers.” We went up to the bridge and Mr. Gillespie, the Engineering Officer ask us what happened. We told him and he said “ok, no problem.” As we stood there we watched our Exec leave the ship to go take command of his own can and Marcy Dupre took over as Exec. Mr. Dupre was a 24 year old Lieutenant Commander. His father was skipper of a Heavy Cruiser and scuttlebutt had it that his father-in-law was in the Navy Department in D.C. A few minutes later a hatch opened and Mr. Dupre stepped out. He said “I understand that you boys got on a big toot last night and didn’t get in off of liberty. Restricted the rest of time we are in port. That is all.” Mr. Gillespie just shrugged his shoulders and said “I guess that’s that.” USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Newsletter April - July 2014 Page 8 A Captain and an XO Pass R.L. Wessel, CAPT USN and CO, 61-63 F.C. Collins, LCDR, USN and XO, 60-62 June 20, 1919 - November 16, 2013 October 29, 1927 - December 23, 2013 Reflections from Lee Bond, ETN2, 62-63 Written to Jene Cain, ETR2, 61-63 and Jim Durough, ETN2, 62-65 Probably my favorite skipper over four years of cruising on 'cans'. I do remember the swim meet we had and how he moved through the water like a fish. As I recall... he was on the competitive swim team at the University of California Berkeley. I recall the swim call while in waters off Guam. We were over the Marianas Trench "challenger deep" when he stopped the ship for that most unusual event. That was a thrill for me and I have vivid memories of all that transpired. I have never met anyone else who experienced such a rare event excepting you fellows. Also, do you remember the radar MDS (Minimum Detectable Signal) figures he expected during the evening report session? We exchanged more magnetrons and 1N21's than any ship in the fleet (I think). He never caught on that such good numbers were a result of measuring technique (moving pulse in the grass) rather than an exceptionally hot radar. Also, how unusual it was for a 'four stripe'r' to command a destroyer? He requested permission to take the ship on that Westpac cruise in 1963 and got it. I think that he was senior to the fleet commander. As I recall he was relieved of command before we returned to San Diego. Reflections from Roger Brotherton, SOG3, 60-62 Back in the first part of 1962 the ship was working out of San Diego and we were going to sea to do exercises. It was common for the ship to run an anchor pool and I picked a square. Shortly after Sea Detail I was notified that I had won the Anchor Pool and the XO, Mr. Collins, wanted to see me in his stateroom. I had won a four-day all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas. I was from Lake Tahoe so casinos were nothing new to me and being 19 years old gambling for me was illegal. Mr. Collins knew my situation and said “Son, you’re not of age to go to Vegas and gamble, so here’s what I’m going to do. You’ve won four hundred dollars. I’m going to let you have four days leave whenever you want it.” In June the ship went up to the Rose Festival in Portland Oregon and I had learned the Seattle World’s Fair was going on at the same time. I put in a chit for my leave. When I put in my chit for leave my leading PO told me that there would be no leave when we got to Portland only Port and Starboard liberty. I figured that was that. I hit the rack and around 22:30. The messenger wakes me and says “Brotherton, your leave papers are up on the quarterdeck.” My chit was disapproved by everyone up the line, the leading PO, ASW Officer, Gunnery Officer, but LCDR Collins remembered his promise and approved my chit. USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Newsletter April - July 2014 The DD596 Website Needs a Webmaster Page 9 Hoover Dam and Power Plant Tour Editor’s comments: At last year’s reunion in Las Vegas I and several others took the Hoover Dam tour. It was breathtaking seeing the size of the dam and exploring this engineering wonder. Construction began in 1931 with the last concrete poured in 1935. This optional tour is available on Monday Oct. 13th at this year’s reunion. Because our current webmaster’s work load has increased he can no longer continue to manage our site due to his time constraints. Therefore the Association is seeking a new webmaster. You will be maintaining an established site. So the skills you need are to be able to update the site with our quarterly newsletters and other changes as necessary. Your compensation will be the personal reward of knowing you are providing a wonderful website for veterans who served aboard the Shields during WWII, Korean War and during the Viet Nam era. The Shields was in service to our country from December 1944 to September 1972. Those eras of the Shields service are represented by our site. You can review the website at: www.dd596.com For more information please contact Jack Blann, jblann39@hotmail.com or phone 928-308-4850 Editor’s Note: Harry Wallace, TMSN, 53-54 has asked me to extend his sincere thanks to the Shields shipmates that have written statements regarding his current claim before the Veterans Administration. The Power plant Tour offers a combination of presentations by Reclamation guides, audio and film presentations, exhibits and other media that provide a comprehensive view of the massive dam and its operations. There is a lot of walking and this tour is not accessible for visitors with wheelchairs or crutches as stated on their website. USS SHIELDS DD-596 ALL ERAS REUNION ASSOCIATION C /O ROBERT N. CARL (SECRETARY) 231 VIEWMONT DR. HENDERSON, NV 89015-7733 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Newsletter April - July 2014 Page 10 Visit the Association Website Keep Your Contact Info Updated At the website you can view the history, photos and prior issues of the newsletter. It is a great place to renew memories of your time aboard. Check your address on this newsletter and if not 100% correct, including Apartment, Condo, Mobile Home, Space number and the zip code + 4 digits, please notify Bob Carl listed in the contact information on page 2. If e-mailing please include DD-596 in the subject line. If you move do not forget to notify Bob Carl of your new address, phone number and any change in your E-mail address. Put a change of address in with the Post Office. The change of address stays on file with the post office for about 18 months. http://www.dd596.com These actions will insure you continue to receive the newsletter and will reduce expenses from returned mail and the cost of re-mailing newsletters.
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