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USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Newsletter July 2014 Jene Cain, Editor This Newsletter Sent to 969 Former Crew Members, Families & Guests USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras WWII Korea Vietnam Copyright © 2002 - 2014 http://www.dd596.com PRESIDENT’S COLUMN REUNION 2014 By Jack Blann By Carol Blann This newsletter edition is predominately devoted to our upcoming reunion at Sam’s Town in Las Vegas October 12 thru 16, 2014. It is our hope that you will seriously consider joining your shipmates for four special days of celebration of your service aboard SHIELDS. In the Newsletter for April through July, you got lots of information about the Reunion coming up in October. We detailed the scheduled events, the tours, and the goodies included in your Registration. If you would like to see the April/July Newsletter article again, go to www.dd596.com and click on Newsletters and then click on April/July 2014. Now, I want to give you some additional reasons why you should make this Reunion your number one priority for the fall. In our recent shipmate survey the overwhelming choice for a reunion site was Las Vegas and last year’s event garnered our third best attendance of all of our reunions. Our choice of Sam’s Town was so popular that our membership decided to return for this year’s event. I invite you to read the reviews in the October 2013 edition of the newsletter. As the years slip by it becomes more difficult for some of our shipmates to attend reunions and so we make it as easy as possible for all to participate. If you are in a situation that finds you with health concerns please be assured that we are prepared to do everything in our power to accommodate your needs. Please don’t put it off any longer. Make this the year that you can cross a SHIELDS reunion off your “Bucket List”. Let me talk to you about the Sam’s Town Resort/Hotel. We found Sam’s Town for last year’s reunion through Bob and Connie Carl. They live in Las Vegas, and Sam’s Town is where they go for family events and as a place to take visiting friends. They gave us lots of reasons to choose the Resort for the Reunion, and we were glad we did so. First of all is price. Rarely in Las Vegas can you get so much for so little money. Certainly, there is a casino (Duh), but there are many restaurants and eateries on the property as well and extras such as a manyscreened movie theater, a bowling alley and a beautiful central Atrium. In other association news, we are excited about welcoming our shipmate, Larry Danforth, aboard as the new webmaster of our website. Larry will be upgrading the site over the next few months and we look forward to the improvements that he has proposed. If you have any suggestions for the website, please contact any Board Member. Visit www.dd596.com frequently and watch it evolve. Our Annual Meeting will take place during the reunion and it will provide association members the opportunity to have an input into our activities and services. If you are unable to attend this meeting, you may submit comments and suggestions to me to be considered at the annual meeting at my contact address listed on page 2 of this newsletter. The room prices are so low you may decide to move there. The best part of all this is the layout of the Resort. It’s plenty big, but since it’s shaped in a square, with the Atrium in the middle, getting from place to place doesn’t require miles of walking. Continued on page 3 USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Reunion Newsletter July 2014 Board Members Contact Info. Jack Blann, LTJG, 61-63 President, Memorabilia Keeper 1008 N. Beeline Hwy Payson, AZ 85541-7312 Ph: 928-308-4850 E-mail: jblann39@hotmail.com Curtis S. Crenshaw, FT2, 62-65 Vice President 2814 Poyntelle RD Richmond, VA 23235-2154 Phone: 804-513-4723 E-mail: curtis.crenshaw55@aol.com Bob Carl, RD2, 64-67 Director, Secretary & Contact List Keeper 231 Viewmont Dr. Henderson, NV 89015-7733 Ph: 702-438-9826 E-mail: bobcarl@cox.net Roger Brotherton, SO3, 60-62 Director, Treasurer, Resident Agent PO Box 8023 Reno, NV 89507-8023 Ph: 775-674-6252 E-mail: rbroth41@aol.com Roy Cook, ETN2, 56-59 Director 7239 N. 15th St. Dalton Gardens, ID, 83815-9507 Ph: 208-640-4447 E-mail: gpacook@earthlink.net Friends to the Board Contact Info. Jene Cain, ETR2, 61-63 Newsletter Editor 13171 Galleria Pl Apple Valley, MN 55124-6113 Ph: 952-432-8746 E-mail: jenecain@pclink.com Lawrence L Danforth., LTJG, 64-65 4312 Evergreen LN STE A Annandale, VA 22003-3273 Phone: 703-536-1926 E-mail: larry@jlsystems.com Bill Ragan, IC3, 56-59 Ship’s Store 1642 Rambling Rd Simi Valley, CA 93065-5737 Phone: 805-527-2196 E-mail: raganje@aol.com Editor's Note: Please keep your contact information up to date by getting in touch with Bob Carl above. If e-mailing please include DD-596 in the subject line. Also please let Bob know of shipmates who have passed so we can list their name in the newsletter. Page 2 MEET LARRY DANFORTH By Jack Blann Your association Board of Directors is pleased to welcome Larry Danforth as the new webmaster for our website www.dd596.com. Larry served aboard the SHIELDS as the Supply Officer 1964-1965 and was instrumental in raising the ship’s annual supply rating from a bare satisfactory to an outstanding. He moved on to join the staff of COMCRUDESPAC and worked on the installation of computers on all destroyer tenders in the Pacific Fleet. He advanced quickly in the field of data processing for the Navy, graduated with distinction from the Naval Postgraduate School, joined the faculty at the school and taught graduate computer science and mathematics. Larry was selected as director of applications development at BUPERS where he worked on the cutting edge of computer science. Larry’s resume includes exemplary service in various branches of the US Government as he was sought to assist several agencies into the modern age of data processing and systems automation. He later founded his own company, JL Systems. For 32 years he states that he has enjoyed being a truly hands on programmer and web designer. JL systems provides business software and web design services to trade, professional and philanthropic associations across the USA and in Canada, Spain and South America. The Association Management System provided by JL Systems is called NOAH and a full description of the product’s range and features is available on the www.jlsystems.com website. All systems are hosted on a large array of huge virtual software and database servers at the secure data center which is the mid-East node of the internet. This data center is now the home of www.dd596.com. Larry semi-retired last August while Jackie, his wife, carries on as CEO. Jon, Larry’s first son, is the Chief Operating Officer and has hands on control of the system while also being responsible for new clients. Jeff, Larry’s second son, is the senior technician behind the system handling the challenges of a rapidly evolving technical world. Larry has some exciting ideas about our association website and we look forward his expertise. Visit www.dd596.com often and watch the changes evolve. Recently Passed Shipmates The deceased listed below were identified through letters and phone calls from the family, returned letters marked deceased and research. Arment, Duane R., LTJG, 53-54 Chilcote, Jack W., SK2, 45 Feltman, Dean R., SN, 52-53 Huff, Charles A., MMCS, 68-70 Schumacher, Wesley J., LT, 63-65 USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Reunion Newsletter July 2014 Page 3 REUNION 2014 (continued) We will do our best this year to get all our rooms closer to the Hospitality Suites, although I didn’t hear much grumbling about this last year. Now, this next thing is girly, I admit, but darn it, I like my hotel to be clean. Downtown Las Vegas can be less than tidy, and even the biggest hotels suffer from the masses of people passing through their doors. Well, listen to this! Even Sam’s Town’s parking garage is clean! I never saw litter or other less lovely things on the grounds or in the halls, or in the public rooms, and there is a real feeling of being in a truly pleasant place. I mean, a hotel that can have a spiffy bowling alley is doing lots of things right. If you stay glued to the hotel we will have a Hospitality Suite arrangement to keep you watered and comfy. The Hospitality rooms overlook the Atrium, and you can even catch some of the light shows on the big waterfall from the windows. Hospitality is the active word. We keep the coolers full of water, soft drinks and beer, and a bottle or two of wine is usually on the counter. There are peanuts and other salty treats, too. This is all part of your registration fee because we want you to feel that you are at a party, with no restrictions to having a good time with good friends. For the same reason we included more meals in your registration. There are plenty of places to grab a quick breakfast or other food on the hotel grounds, but when it comes to the shared meals in the itinerary, we chose to make things easy. All in all, I hope you will see that your Reunion Board and Committee want you to have a great time. Your shipmates will be there, and we sincerely hope you will be there too. See you in Las Vegas! NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the USS SHIELDS DD-596 Reunion Association Will be held 9:00am Tues. Oct. 14, 2014 at Sam’s Town Hotel and Casino 5111 Boulder Hwy., Las Vegas, NV For the conduct of business, election of the Board of Directors and adoption of proposed changes to the by-laws. Room to be announced PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE BY-LAWS SECTION 8 Section 8.4 All checks or drafts from either the Master or Reunion Accounts, demands for money and notes of the corporation and all written contracts of the corporation shall be signed by two officers of the corporation as designated by the Board of Directors with the exception of the transfer of funds between the Master and Reunion Accounts by the Treasurer to properly credit the designated accounts when a draft includes funds for both accounts. The requirement of two signatures on any checks and contracts mandated by these by-laws apply regardless of any bank’s signature requirements. Section 8.5 The Corporation may authorize the issue of bank debit cards to any officer of the Corporation, or its’ designated member, to be used for expenditures incurred for preapproved purposes by the Corporation when circumstances preclude the use of checks. The use of bank debit cards shall be limited to those expenditures authorized by the Board of Directors through the approval of submitted budgets or specific designated expenditures. Please note that complete copies of the association by-laws are available on-line by request to the association Secretary, Bob Carl at bobcarl@cox.net. USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Reunion Newsletter July 2014 Page 4 LasVegasReunionItineraryOctober12‐162014 HotelRegistrationindividuallyarrangedandpaid. Sam’s Town 5111 Boulder Highway, Las Vegas, NV 89122, PHONE 702‐456‐7777 use group name USS SHIELDS REUNION Hotel rates are for Sunday, Oct. 12th through Thursday, Oct. 16th.. Standard (outside room) rate is $26.00, double occupancy, plus $9.99 hotel service fee that covers unlimited local phone calls, WIFI, voice mail, wake‐up calls, paging service, inbound faxing and shuttle service to The Strip and Downtown properties plus 12% tax (totals $40.31 per night). The hotel rates are higher on weekends if you plan to stay additional days check rates with the hotel. RV Park at Sam’s Town Advance reservation required. Full Hook‐ups Call 1‐702‐454‐8055 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SUNDAY OCT. 12TH 4:00pm – 8:00pm: Check‐in and reception in Hospitality Suite. Soft drinks, beer and wine with salty snacks available. Hard liquor is BYOB MONDAY OCT. 13TH 9:00am– ‘till you’re tired: OPTIONAL PICK YOUR OWN TOUR DAY. Make arrangements in advance and pay on your own. Many tours are available including ones to Hoover Dam/Lake Mead, the Grand Canyon South Rim and Las Vegas Strip. To pick a tour and make your reservations on line go to “vegas.com” select “tours.” You can then pick, for instance, “Hoover Dam Tours” select “view all Hoover Dam Tours.” That will take you to a list of several different tours with different prices. This same method will show you tours to the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas Strip and Lake Mead. You can also call 1‐866‐983‐4279 for available tours and reservations. 1:00pm‐3:00pm USS SHIELDS 2nd Annual Bowling Tournament. Sam’s Town Bowling Alley. 6:00pm‐10:00pm Monday Night Football with beer & pizza provided in Hospitality Suite TUESDAY OCT. 14TH 9:00am – 10:30am All shipmates/ Association Annual Business Meeting in Hospitality Suite 4:00 pm – 8:00pm Tour of Atomic Museum with buffet Dinner and Raffle. WEDNESDAY OCT. 15TH 10:00am ‐ 4:30pm WESTERN APPRECIATION TOUR: Bus through Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, lunch and tour at Spring Mountain Ranch State Park and stop at Old Nevada Western Town at Bonnie Springs Ranch with gun fights, hangings, shops, petting zoo and much more. 6:00pm‐8:00pm Buff‐quet Dinner: Sam’s Town Firelight buffet. 8:00pm‐? Hospitality Room open. THURSDAY OCT 16TH 12:00 Noon Hotel Check‐out USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Reunion Newsletter July 2014 USS SHIELDS DD‐596 2014 REUNION REGISTRATION FORM LAS VEGAS, NEVADA; OCTOBER 12TH – 16TH Name: ________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ Tel #: ________________________ E‐mail:___________________________ Guest(s): ______________________________________________________ Arrival Date: ___________________Departure Date: __________________ REGISTRATION (includes Monday Pizza party, $ 85.00x ____ = $____________ Tuesday buffet dinner & Wednesday Buff‐quet) MONDAY OCT 13TH (Register and pay for Optional Tours per Schedule of Events) BOWLING TOURNAMENT $ 7.00x_____ = $____________ TUESDAY OCT 14TH (Atomic Museum Tour, dinner etc. included in Registration) WEDNESDAY OCT 15TH WESTERN APPRECIATION TOUR $ 58.00x_____ = $_____________ (Please select sandwich choice for each participant) Georgia Chopped Pork: _______ Texas Beef Brisket: _______ Barbeque Pulled Chicken:______ All lunches come with Wilbur Beans, Potato Salad and Creamy Cole Slaw WEDNESDAY OCT 15TH BUFF‐QUET (Included in Registration Fee) Check #:_______________ Total $ _____________ Make checks payable to: USS SHIELDS REUNION ASSOCIATION Send registration and payments to: Robert N. Carl, 231 Viewmont Dr. Henderson, NV 89015‐7733 PLEASE REGISTER AND SEND PAYMENT BY SEPTEMBER 15TH Page 5 USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Reunion Newsletter July 2014 Page 6 USS SHIELDS DD-596 ALL ERAS REUNION ASSOCIATION 2014 Membership Application and Renewal Form Name:______________________________________________________ Wife’s first name:_________________ Mailing address:______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ City State (9 digits ZIP Code Please) Telephone:_____________________ E-Mail:_______________________ Years served aboard SHIELDS:________ Rank/rate on SHIELDS_____ Date of birth:____________________ Cell Phone: Make your check out to: USS SHIELDS REUNION ASSOCIATION. Please mail this form with a check in the amount of $25.00 to cover your dues for the calendar year of 2014. Mail to: USS SHIELDS DD-596 ALL ERAS REUNION ASSOCIATION ℅ Robert N. Carl, Secretary 231 Viewmont Dr. Henderson, NV 89015-7733 Ships Store Items Back in stock the Shield’s Ball Cap item #1036. The cap can be ordered by sending a note requesting a cap and your check for $19.00 ($15.00 for the cap and $4.00 S&H) made payable to USS Shields DD-596 Reunion Association to Robert Carl, Secretary, his address is above. Note: If you order a cap at the time you pay your dues please make a separate check for each as the monies go to different accounts. Photo Courtesy of John Truesdale RMSN 64-67 USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Reunion Newsletter July 2014 Page 7 Association 2014 Dues Are Due Your $25.00 annual dues support the printing and postage for newsletters, currently about $1,000 for each issue. They cover the expenses of locating shipmates and maintaining the master contact list. Please complete the dues form on the page opposite and mail with your check to Bob Carl. His address is on the contact list page 2. Your dues start new at the beginning of each year. No unpaid dues are carried forward. Your dues do not support reunion activities; these activities are self-sustaining. All board members and friends of the board volunteer; no one receives compensation in the Association. Bob Carl, Secretary, has received duplicate and multiyear dues payments from shipmates. Bob applies duplicate dues payments to the future year(s). Thanks to those who have paid in advance. The association currently mails the newsletter to all located shipmates, regardless of dues status. USS Shields Korean War 2014 Shipmate’s Reunion This year's reunion will take place in downtown Portland, OR at "The Courtyard at the Marriot Hotel, phone 800-606-3717, Sept 1 thru Sept 6, 2014"Reservations for the hotel must be made by August 18, 2014. It is being hosted by the Daughters of Doris and Bill Hansen, BT2, 52-55, Cindy and Kathy. Cindy's email address is cindy.bowman@oregon.gov or bocbo5five@gmail.com and her telephone is 503-990-7834 or 503-373-1945 in case anyone would like to contact her with their plans to attend. Cindy would appreciate a head count for planning. Attendees can also contact Bob MacNeil, YN2 5255 at: macneib@aol.com, 509-966-7924 as he is gathering head count info for Cindy also. For reunion details, contact Cindy Bowman or Bob MacNeil at the above listed email or phone numbers NOTE: The reunion is limited to SHIELDS Shipmates who served aboard during the Korean War, their family members and guests. Photo by Jene Cain, ETR2, from around 1961 taken from the radar antenna platform on top of the mast. Do You Know My Husband? A Widow’s Request for Information My name is Dorothea Smith and my husband was James A. Smith, "Jim", who was a radar man on the USS Shields from 1951-55. Due to extreme sea sickness he opted out after his four years and enlisted in the 82nd Airborne Army Special Forces until he retired in 1973 as a Master Sergeant. He served in Vietnam as A Cam, a team of 12 people who went into the jungles and trained the Vietnamese. I only have one picture of my husband, Jim, in uniform while he was in the service and it is very grainy and hard to make out. With Jim is another shipmate with the last name of Spears, first name unknown. Dorothea moved from Oklahoma after her husband died to North Carolina to be near her daughter. I would love to have some more pictures of Jim if anyone remembers him and has some, and I would love to talk to anyone who knew him. My phone number is 910-864-3951 and my address is: 267 Waterdown Drive, Apt. 4, Fayetteville, NC 28314. Thank you. Dorothy Smith USS SHIELDS DD-596 ALL ERAS REUNION ASSOCIATION C /O ROBERT N. CARL (SECRETARY) 231 VIEWMONT DR. HENDERSON, NV 89015-7733 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Reunion Newsletter July 2014 Page 8 Visit the Association Website Keep Your Contact Info Updated Our website is undergoing changes and updates. Please visit it often to see what is new. For more details check out the article about Larry Danforth our new webmaster on page 2 of this edition. Check your address on this newsletter and if not 100% correct, including Apartment, Condo, Mobile Home, Space number and the zip code + 4 digits, please notify Bob Carl listed in the contact information on page 2. If e-mailing please include DD-596 in the subject line. If you move do not forget to notify Bob Carl of your new address, phone number and any change in your E-mail address. Put a change of address in with the Post Office. The change of address stays on file with the post office for about 18 months. http://www.dd596.com These actions will insure you continue to receive the newsletter and will reduce expenses from returned mail and the cost of re-mailing newsletters.
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USS SHIELDS DD-596 All Eras Reunion Association Newsletter April - July 2014 Page 3
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