Total Guitar - August 2014
Total Guitar - August 2014
O T N R A LE AY PL PLAY LIKE JEFF BECK FIVE MODERN BLUES MARTY FRIEDMAN ROCK RIFFS GUEST LESSON PLAY BETTER NOW! #256 AUGUST 2014 £5.50 PLUS DAN JACK AUERBACH WHITE WHO HAS THE BIGGEST RIF FS THE GREATEST TONE Master Jack & Dan’s guitar styles THE HOTTEST LICKS RIG TOUR INT ERVIEWS Ditch your bassist! Start a duo today Brody Dalle Royal Blood Nick Mulvey Mastodon JOHN BUTLER AUGUST 2014 PRINTED IN THE UK £5.50 EDITOR’S LETTER FUTURE PUBLISHING 30 MONMOUTH STREET, BATH BA1 2BW Tel: 01225 442244 Fax: 01225 822763 Email: Website: EDITORIAL Editor Stuart Williams Content Editor Rob Laing Reviews Editor Dave Burrluck Deputy Reviews Editor Michael Brown Managing Editor Josh Gardner Production Editor Gary Walker Senior Art Editor Mark Thomas Art Editor Leanne O’Hara Senior Music Editor Jason Sidwell Music Editor Chris Bird Music Co-ordinator Natalie Smith Editor At Large Neville Marten CONTRIBUTORS Steve Allsworth, Owen Bailey, Phil Capone, Rich Chamberlain, Charlie Griffiths, Nick Guppy, Jonathan Horsley, Steve Lawson, Andrew McGregor, Milton Mermikides, Kit Morgan, Matthew Parker, Adam Rees, Paul Robson, James Uings, Henry Yates Music Engraver Simon Troup Audio Mastering Duncan Jordan Video Production Martin Holmes Photography Joe Branston, Adam Gasson, Neil Godwin, Kevin Nixon, Gavin Roberts, Joby Sessions ADVERTISING Phone: 01225 442244 Fax: 01225 732285 Advertising Sales Director Clare Coleman-Straw Sales Manager Amanda Burns, Account Sales Managers James L’Esteve, Alison Watson, Advertising Sales Executive Simon Rawle, MARKETING Group Marketing Manager Laura Driffield Marketing Executive Richard Stephens CIRCULATION Head of Trade Marketing James Whitaker Trade Marketing Manager Daniel Foley, Direct Marketing Executive Alex Moreton PRINT & PRODUCTION Production Manager Mark Constance Production Controller Frances Twentyman Prepress Future PreMedia LICENSING Senior Licensing & Syndication Manager Regina Erak, Tel: +44(0)1225 732359 Fax: +44(0)1225 732275 If you would like to purchase the images featured in this publication, please visit or email FUTURE PUBLISHING LTD Head Of Music Rob Last Group Art Director Rodney Dive Creative Director Robin Abbott Editorial Director Jim Douglas Managing Director, Future UK Nial Ferguson SUBSCRIPTIONS For orders and enquiries phone our UK hotline on: 0844 848 2852 For international order and enquiries phone: +44 (0) 1604 251 045 Subscribe online at: Next issue on sale 4 August 2014 Printed in the UK by William Gibbons on behalf of Future. Distributed in the UK by Seymour Distribution Ltd, 2 East Poultry Avenue, London, EC1A 9PT. Tel: 0207 429 4000 Welcome… One thing struck me while reading through this month’s TG, and that’s the sheer amount of inventiveness in the guitar universe at the moment. Put aside the beef between the two men on our cover and explore the music – just as we have in our cover feature – and you’ll discover plenty of originality. Likewise, we took a tour of Aussie/ American guitarist John Butler’s unique touring rig. A complex setup involving multiple amplifiers, signal chains and processing, it’s a far cry from the rig your average singersongwriter gigs with! Finally, we sat down to have a chat with one of the hottest new bands on the scene: Royal Blood. A guitar-less duo, Royal Blood’s bass player/singer Mike Kerr apes the sound of an electric guitar using an equally intricate series of splits, pitchshifting and loops. While many of these artists are using similar basic methods to get their sounds, the results are all totally different, and that’s what’s so inspiring. Don’t know any other guitarists? Can’t find the right band members? Don’t let it stop you from writing music and starting a band. With a little imagination and manipulation of some fairly inexpensive gear, it’s possible to get going straight away. Don’t believe us? Check out our tutorial on how to get started on p22. The ABC combined print and digital circulation for Jan-Dec 2013 is: A member of the Audited Bureau of Circulations 19,262 Print: 16,744 Digital: 2,488 Future is an award-winning international media group and leading digital business. We reach more than 58 million international consumers a month and create world-class content and advertising solutions for passionate consumers online, on tablet & smartphone and in print. Future plc is a public company quoted on the London Stock Exchange (symbol: FUTR). Chief executive Zillah Byng-Maddick Non-executive chairman Peter Allen (Interim) Simon Poulton Tel +44 (0)207 042 4000 (London) Tel +44 (0)1225 442 244 (Bath) © Future Publishing Limited 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be used or reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Future Publishing Limited (company number 2008885) is registered in England and Wales. The registered office of Future Publishing Limited is at Beauford Court, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath BA1 2BW. All information contained in this magazine is for informational purposes only and is, to the best of our knowledge, correct at the time of going to press. Future Publishing Limited cannot accept any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies that occur. Readers are advised to contact manufacturers and retailers direct with regard to pricing. All submissions to Total Guitar magazine are made on the basis of a licence to publish the submission in Total Guitar magazine, its associated websites and all world-wide licensed editions of the same. Any material submitted is sent at the owner’s risk and, although every care is taken, neither Future Publishing Limited nor its agents shall be liable for loss or damage. We encourage you to recycle this magazine, either through your usual household recyclable waste collection service or at a recycling site. We are committed to only using magazine paper which is derived from well managed, certified forestry and chlorine-free manufacture. Future Publishing and its paper suppliers have been independently certified in accordance with the rules of the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council). Stuart Williams, Editor MAKING THIS MONTH’S MAG: CHRIS BIRD THIS month, Chris has been getting all shreddy with Jackson’s Chris Broderick signature Soloist 6 for TG’s 90-second video review. Continuing on the thrash theme, Birdman has also spent an afternoon chatting to another Megadeth legend, Marty Friedman, for our guest lesson. MICHAEL BROWN IN honour of this issue’s cover stars, we’ve reviewed three retro electrics, which – unlike Dan and Jack – you won’t have to raid pawnshops to get your hands on. For the less blues-inclined, two signature models from Chris Broderick and Kurt Cobain also go under the TG microscope. ROB LAING HAVING returned from the Download festival wide-eyed and full of tales, Rob now has a clutch of new Me And My Guitar interviews to run on the TG website; including Richie Sambora’s original ’59 Les Paul, and the Quo’s iconic Teles. No wonder he’s overexcited. AUGUST 2014 5 CONTENTS First Look Schecter Production Series ........................ On The Road Anathema .................................................. Riff Of The Month Aerosmith – Walk This Way ...... Scale Of The Month Dorian mode .............................. Guitar Shop Ammo Eight-string metal ...................... In Praise Of James Trussart Steelcaster ..................... Splurge, Save, Steal Killswitch guitars ...................... Basics Playing in a two-piece band .............................. WTF? / Bring The Noise! ............................................... Sound Advice Tremolo .................................................... In The Loop Massive Riffs .............................................. In The Studio Lower Than Atlantis .............................. On The Up Stu Larsen, Honeyblood, George Ezra ... Albums This month’s best guitar releases ................. Five Minutes Alone Bill Kelliher .................................... Rig Tour John Butler .......................................................... Win! A musical enterprise scholarship ...................... Feedback ............................................................................... 008 010 012 014 016 018 020 022 024 026 028 029 030 032 034 037 042 044 FEATURES Nicky Mulvey The rise of a singular guitarist ............ 046 COVER FEATURE: Jack Vs Dan Who will emerge victorious as we pit the two giants of new blues rock against each other? ............. Brody Dalle The former Distiller tells TG why JACK VS DAN 049 THE TITANS OF NEW BLUES ROCK GO HEAD TO HEAD she’s more pissed off than ever ........................................ Royal Blood The Brighton two-piece producing monstrous riffs… without a guitarist ............................. The Vaccines Freddie Cowan on his busy year ......... 062 6 STEAL THEIR STYLE: JEFF BECK AUGUST 2014 092 FIX YOUR GUITAR 018 IN PRAISE OF... 049 060 066 070 Cover: Amy Harris/Corbis Retna Pictures Adam Gasson Disc: REX/Greg Allen Contents: Nina Robinson/The Hell Gate/Corbis Joshua Black Wilkins Derick A. Thomas; Dat’s Jazz/CORBIS Jesse Wild Adam Gasson Neil Godwin Andrew Whitton MONITOR ISSUE 256 JOHN BUTLER 008 AUGUST 2014 037 FIRST LOOK GEAR Jackson Chris Broderick Pro Series Soloist 6 ............... Gretsch G5034TFT Rancher ............................................ Fender Kurt Cobain Jaguar NOS ...................................... GRETSCH RANCHER Round-up Retro electrics .................................................. 080 Randall Diavlo RD45H ....................................................... Yamaha NTX700C .............................................................. Round-up TC Electronic Minis ....................................... Quick tests Vox Soundbox Mini, Hardwire Supernatural Ambient Reverb.......................................... Accessories .......................................................................... Fix Your Guitar Replacing tuners .................................. 078 080 081 082 086 087 088 090 091 092 TECHNIQUES 066 BRODY DALLE 060 ROYAL BLOOD Guitar Workout Stretching ............................................ Guest Lesson Marty Friedman ...................................... Ear Training Perfect octaves .......................................... Get Your Grades! Rockschool ....................................... Get Your Grades! RGT ..................................................... Tab Guide ............................................................................. 097 101 105 106 107 110 SUBSCRIBE NOW & SAVE! Subscribe to Total Guitar and get a Blackstar LT Dist pedal! p108 AUGUST 2014 7 FIRST LOOK… Born In The USA Schecter launches cut-price USA-made Custom Shop Production Series guitars hese days, Schecter is associated with metallers and hard-rockers, but since its beginnings as a repair shop in 1976, it’s had a line in the high end. The new Production Series brings that quality to more affordable price points, combining modern machinery and old-school craft. Pictured are two of the 11 new models: the Production Series PT and Hollywood Classic. PT stands for Pete Townshend, who played Schecter T-style axes in the 80s, and this latest incarnation continues the stripped-back tradition. There’s a chunky plus two Schecter SuperRock Vintage humbuckers. The Hollywood Classic is a maple-topped mahogany body and matching headstock, although it features a pair of Schecter SuperRock ’buckers. The Hollywood Classic comes in at £2,499, while the PT is a comparatively affordable £1,599. For a USA-made guitar replete with 38 years of building experience, that’s not a bad price to pay. T Photography: Neil Godwin 8 AUGUST 2014 “PT stands for Pete Townshend, who played Schecter T-style axes in the 1980s” FIRST LOOK AUGUST 2014 MONITOR 9
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