GEAR REVIEWS INTERVIEWS GUITAR LESSONS THE GUITAR PLAYER’S BIBLE | £5.50 | December 2011 CD INSIDE EXCLUSIVE VIDEO GEAR DEMOS LESSONS ISSUE 349 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW & FEATURE FILM PREVIEW Backstage with the King Of The Blues Paul Gilbert On Mr Big & playing really, really fast ROGER McGUINN KENNY WAYNE SHEPHERD REVIEWED Holey Guitar! teaches you to play £5.50 Fretlight FG-421 The guitar that DECEMBER 2011 New Ibanez Premium series! Line 6 DT25 EVH Wolfgang Fender Blacktop Strat HH FR Fractal Axe-FX II Jackson Ampworks Pete Turner resonator Nik Huber Orca DSB Manson Works #006 Guitar + = Record No soundproofing required, just the HT-1’s unique 1 Watt valve push-pull circuitry and stunning speaker emulated output. If you want harmonically rich valve tone on your recordings, it’s an easy equation. CD Contents No CD? See your newsagent MADE IN THE EU Fractal Axe-FX II Theincredibleguitar processor,updated Ibanez RGD2120Z Comebacktothe eightieswithus BMF El Jefe Handsonwiththis greatoverdrive Larrivée 000-3 Ltd Important information about your Guitarist CD Dulcetacoustictones fromthislovely000 This is the FINAL GUITARIST CD! The Guitarist video and audio content will instead be available to download for Guitarist readers and subscribers from a special area of the Guitarist website. This enables us to provide more audio and video at higher quality than we can currently fit on the disc, in a more easily accessible format. This being the last disc, it’s time to register at the Guitarist Vault and try it out! PLEASE TYPE CAREFULLY, AND MAKE SURE YOU VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT (via the email sent to you following registration) BEFORE YOU TRY TO LOG IN. Nick Huber Orca DSB Astunningsingle-cut EVH Wolfgang Stealth The producers of this CD have paid the composers and publishers for the use of their music Eddiegoesdark… For the full audio track-listing please see the reverse of the CD sleeve Hear the gear, see the gear, become a better player! u see Whenever yo ess cc ,a go lo D C the /video extra audio urCD! yo n to n te n co Seeit! Access video via your Mac or PC Playit! Access video via your Mac or PC Exclusive video of… Audio and video lessons with tab On The Road with Paul Gilbert Fractal Audio Axe-Fx II Ibanez RG3250MZ Ibanez RGD2120Z Nik Huber Orca DSB EVH Wolfgang Stealth Fender Blacktop Stratocaster HH Larrivée 000-3 Ltd BMF El Jefe Blues You Can Use Five Steps To Angus Young Shape Up Exotic Scales Troubleshooting The Guitarist CD is an enhanced disc featuring both CD-Audio and data for PC and Mac. First check that you have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player (available free from www. Because the disc features both audio and data, it may not work correctly if you are running any DVD or audio playback software when you insert the disc. If you have trouble seeing either the audio or data on your computer, we recommend disabling any software that may be running in the background or using the drive, and re-inserting the CD. If you are still having problems accessing the disc, then please email describing your problem and we’ll do our best to help. Guitarist Interactive is not fully compatible with Mac OS X 10.7. Lion. Users can access audio and video files via the disc’s Issue Media folder. Audio will drag straight into iTunes. Videos have an .flv file extension and may require an open source video player such as VLC Player to play properly (available as a free download from You may find that Guitarist Interactive will run on a system below these specifications, but the results could be unpredictable. December 2011 Guitarist 3 Limited Edition 60th Anniversary Telecaster® The Fender Telecaster electrifying the blues since 1951. © 2011 FMIC. Fender®, Make History™, Telecaster®, Tele® and the distinctive headstock design commonly found on these guitars are trademarks of Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved. King of Kings Future Publishing Limited 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, BA1 2BW Phone 01225 442244 Fax 01225 732353 E-mail Web Editorial Editor-in-chief Features editor Gear reviews editor CD & multi-media editor Operations editor Production assistant Senior art editor Deputy art editor Senior music editor Mick Taylor Jamie Dickson Dave Burrluck Simon Bradley Paul Robson Josh Gardner Mark Thomas Rob Antonello Jason Sidwell Music engraver Chris Francis Cover CD produced by Mastered by Martin Holmes Adam Crute Welcome to the December issue of Guitarist. We’ve doffed a solitary, single-page cap to the holiday season – some festive guitar music recommendations to replace the usual Christmas muzak – but this issue’s focus is on an entirely different King. It’s the second time I’ve mentioned him recently in this space, not least because every time we find out more about BB King, the story gets even more inspiring. Guitarist is working with acclaimed music film director Jon Brewer as he prepares to release a full-length feature film, BB King: The Life Of Riley, to be premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2012. We’ve secured an exclusive one-hour documentary that was made alongside the film, for a standalone mag and DVD release in February, the contents of which have moved us all. To whet the whistle, we thought it timely to run Jamie Dickson’s interview with BB, conducted backstage at the Royal Albert Hall. Before you read it, do yourself a favour and download King’s incredible Live At The Regal album from 1965 and play it good and loud. Dare I say they really don’t make music like that any more. Thank BB, then, that 2011’s guitars are a good deal better than those a half-century ago. Yes they are: quality, choice, value… Whether you’re making the investment of a lifetime in the simply jaw-dropping Nik Huber Orca DSB on p94 – a colossal £4,199 – or getting maximum bang for buck with the Fender Blacktop HH Strat Floyd Rose on p98, the route to a great guitar is so much easier today than when Riley B King was a lad. To us, that makes him all the more remarkable. BB, this one is dedicated to you! Enjoy the issue… Contributors Tony Bacon, Owen Bailey, Jim Chapman, Trevor Curwen, Adrian Clark, Jim Clark, David Greaves, Nick Guppy, Steve Harvey, Kerry Haysom, Carlton Hibbert, Neville Marten, Ed Mitchell, Charles Shaar Murray, Roger Newell, Tristan Seume, Chris Vinnicombe, Bill Weaving, Henry Yates In-House Photography Joe Branston, Neil Godwin, Will Ireland, James Looker, Rob Monk, Joby Sessions, Philip Sowels, Kate Stothard, Jesse Wild Group senior editor:JulieTolley Group art editor: Rodney Dive Creative director: RobinAbbott Editorial director:Jim Douglas Advertising Phone: 01225 442244 Fax: 01225 732285 Advertising sales director : Clare Coleman-Straw Senior advertising manager (online) : Matt King Advertising sales manager: Lara Jaggon Account sales managers: James L’Esteve Alison Watson Advertising sales executives : Sophie Neale Hannah Cashmore Marketing Brand manager: Jennifer Wagner Promotions manager: Michelle Rogers Circulation Trade marketing manager: Liza Austin Circulation & trade marketing director: Rachael Cock Print & Production Production coordinator:Frances Twentyman Ad production coordinator: Rebecca Lewis Production manager: Mark Constance Licensing International Licensing Director: Tim Hudson Phone: + 44 (0)1225 442244 Fax: + 44 (0)1225 732275 Future Publishing Limited Publishing director: MiaWalter Chief executive: MarkWood Subscriptions Phone our UK hotline on: 0844 848 2852 Subscribe online at: Next issue on sale… 16 December 2011 Printed in the UKbyWilliam Gibbons on behalf of Future. DistributedintheUKbySeymourDistributionLtd,2EastPoultryAvenue,LondonEC1A9PTTel: 02074294000 Guitarist is the trademark of Future Publishing Limited. All rights reserved. 28,033 Jan – Dec 2010 AmemberoftheAuditBureauofCirculations MickTaylor Editor-in-chief The Guitar Player’s Bible Issue 349 December 2011 Future plc, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, BA1 2BW. Customer services ©FuturePublishingLimited2011.Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthismagazinemaybeusedorreproducedwithoutthewritten permissionofthepublisher.FuturePublishingLimited(companynumber2008885)isregisteredinEnglandandWales.The registeredofficeofFuturePublishingLimitedisatBeaufordCourt,30MonmouthStreet,BathBA12BW.Allinformationcontained inthismagazineisforinformationonlyandis,asfarasweareaware,correctatthetimeofgoingtopress.Futurecannotacceptany responsibilityforerrorsorinaccuraciesinsuchinformation.Readersareadvisedtocontactmanufacturersandretailersdirectly withregardtothepriceofproducts/servicesreferredtointhismagazine.Ifyousubmitunsolicitedmaterialtous,you automaticallygrantFuturealicencetopublishyoursubmissioninwholeorinpartinalleditionsofthemagazine,includinglicensed editionsworldwideandinanyphysicalordigitalformatthroughouttheworld.Anymaterialyousubmitissentatyourriskand, althougheverycareistaken,neitherFuturenoritsemployees,agentsorsubcontractorsshallbeliableforlossordamage. Competition Terms & Conditions Employees of Future Publishing (including freelancers) and their relatives and any agents involved are ineligible to enter. The editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash. Closing date for entries is 31 December 2011 (except where stated). The entries will be picked after the closing date and the winner will be notified within 10 days of that date. Prizes will be sent out within 28 days of notification by the companies involved, not Future Publishing Ltd. No purchase necessary. Wearecommittedtoonlyusing magazinepaperwhichisderivedfrom wellmanaged,certifiedforestryand chlorine-freemanufacture.Future Publishinganditspapersuppliers havebeenindependentlycertifiedin accordancewiththerulesoftheFSC (ForestStewardshipCouncil). COVER PHOTO BY KEVIN NIXON Subscriptions and back issues Guitarist uses 0844 8482852 recorders for artist interviews December 2011 Guitarist 5 2011 custom o many erfect guis h it w s, y p g Framu ble to make m ave become in y la p a e h "I lov I was sed and ptions ersonali p y r e shop o v y feel tar. The o my rig." t integral urrough B -Gavin Copyright Do ve Shore Ph otography “I love th e way the gu my hands and the way itar feels in need a guit ar that can they look. I tunings an handle low d because th I play Framus guitar ei s -Robb Torr r intonation is perf ect.” es Motörhead´s Phil Campbell, Funeral for a Friend´s’ Gavin Burrough Trapt´s Robb Torres teamed up with Framus to write a new chapter of music history. 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We don our spandex and divebomb in Every issue… 3 5 12 14 CD contents For the final time… what’s on your packed CD Welcome… From the editor Feedback Your letters to Guitarist Frontend The latest guitar news and views 32 34 36 38 Guitarist Vault Get all your Guitarist video and audio content from our new online service Perfect 10 Rick Parfitt Columns What Goes Around Tony Bacon First Play Manson Works #006 41 Music The best new music reviewed and artists interviewed 154 Subscribe 157 184 Tips Q&A Discounted issues and a free gift Your gear queries answered Reader Ads Buy, sell, exchange and recruit – for free December 2011 Guitarist 7 This Month 56 66 74 80 Gear Reviews BB King EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW The still-regal 86-year-old bluesman on how he first fell in love with the guitar, and how long he hopes to continue playing Paul Gilbert The thinking man’s shredder talks about the Mr Big reunion and what the future holds Roger McGuinn The Byrds legend covers Rickys, sea shanties, electric folk – and his visit to ‘Stones-henge’ Kenny Wayne Shepherd The blues-rock maestro guides us through his tone artillery 94 Nick Huber Orca DSB Could this be the ultimate single-cut? 148 104 124 Italia Rimini 6, Godin Multiac Encore Nylon, Gibson MM Les Paul A beautiful all-solid Canadian acoustic at a surprising price point Pro-level guitar preamp/FX processing, refined Longterm Test Larrivée 000-3R Ltd TERMS AND CONDITIONS Byenteringacompetitionyouareagreeingtoreceivedetailsoffutureoffers andpromotionsfromFuturePublishingLimitedandrelatedthirdparties.If youdonotwanttoreceivethisinformationpleasetexttheword‘STOP’atthe endofyourmessage.Textswillbechargedat50pplusyourstandard networktariffrate.Thewinnerswillbedrawnatrandomfromallentriesthat answercorrectlyaftertheclosingdate31/12/11.Prizedrawswilltakeplace on14/01/12andthewinnerwillbenotifiedwithin28daysofthedraw.Only UKresidentsaged16andoverJulyenter.NoemployeesofFuturePublishing Ltdoranycompanyassociatedwiththiscompetition,oranymemberoftheir closefamilyJulyenter.Nophotocopieswillbeacceptedforpostalentries. Prizesareasstatedandnoalternatives,cashorotherwiseareavailable. 8 Guitarist December 2011 Fractal Axe-Fx II FuturePublishingLtdacceptsnoliabilityforanyloss,damageorinjury causedbyanyprizeswon.PublicityJulybegiventoanycompetitionwinners and/orentrantsandtheirnamesand/orphotographsprinted.Theeditor’s decisionisfinalandnocorrespondencewillbeenteredinto.Whereprizesare offeredonbehalfofanassociatedcompanytheseprizesareprovidedintheir entiretybytheseassociatedcompanies. FuturePublishingLtdcannotbeheldresponsibleforanyfailureto provideprizesasspecifiedandallenquiriesrelatingtosuchprizeswillbe referredtotheassociatedcompanies.Allentriesmustbereceivedbythe closingdate.Nopurchasenecessary.Copiesofcompetitionentryformsand winnerslistareavailablebywrittenrequestfromFuturePublishingLtd,30 MonmouthStreet,Bath,BA12BW. 84 Ibanez RG3250MZ, RGD2120Z & RG870Z CDDEMO 94 Nik Huber Orca DSB 98 EVH Wolfgang & Fender CDDEMO Blacktop Strat HH Floyd Rose 104 Larrivée 000-3R Ltd Guitars that wear their rock hearts on their collective sleeve CDDEMO It really doesn’t get much better than this. Anywhere, any time… Two double-locking beauties that owe it all to Edward Van Halen An all-solid-wood Canadian 12-fretter at a decent price CDDEMO 108 A pro-standard, UK-made, singlecone, wooden-bodied resonator 112 Acoustic combo with onboard effects and sufficient headroom Pete Turner Marrakech Fishman Loudbox Artist 114 Jackson Ampworks Atlantic 3.0 118 Line 6 DT25 124 Fractal Axe-Fx II CDDEMO 128 BMF pedals CDDEMO 131 Washburn Stu Hamm SH B3 135 BOSS Micro BR BR-80 138 Optek Fretlight FG-421 143 Quick Test Texan tones and incredible quality from the boutique brand Line 6 and Reinhold Bogner’s collaboration yields results We find out if this high-spec modeller can live up to the hype Including clean boost, overdrive, silicon fuzz and a compressor We check out a new signature bass: it’s Hammer time A pocket-sized recording solution for any guitarist Follow the lights on the fretboard to learn guitar. Really…? Planet Waves NS Mini Headstock Tuner, Fender CF-140S steelstring acoustic, Sugartone Starjet, Fishman Black Stack soundhole pickup, Fender Blues Junior Mk III Ltd, 4Pockets Stompbox See page 3
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