W?£t:cTzi&2«£Z2tz w » « a ^ ^ » ^ a ^ ^ . a B i i r M ^ K *\ZI. •'-^'•l.^ilAS.KK.;!^^ VOLlXXXVL LANCASTER, PAM WEDNESDAY, MAY, 28 1862. NO. 27. a household are too much." W i t h such way, content to r wait,-and-sure, in uer wifely the husband w f l wife In that hour of bleated ever, w i t h * taqe-,)nuoli,iMsmbling »n. April S T A T E of. D A V I D S T O N E , lato of BBdIS*PEH'S NOTICE. count. By Albert G. Sutton, Guardian, of E m m a 0 . Weltzal, minor child of deceased. I Earl township, deoeased.—Letters of admloWtrareunion, but we' d r a w a- veil over its saored d»y—in Bmitoa u i t e a u . H e i . father had thoughts in his mind, he was disposed to view heart, of ahappy'Issiie at last.' ' H E A C C O U N T S of the respeotive WUIlam tfelbtrt, Warwick township^ By E d w a r d K, UaD'onsaid ettatflhavlBg beeo granted to the u n d e r . 1 And her husband r At first he rather en- reveaUngs. Only-God. and his angels are forgotten the otronmsUnoa of the. wood, and •Igoei.aH'peTSOns indebted thereto « • requested to fcelbert. Administrator. everything, ou his return home that evening, decedenta'herioato aasextd ars filed la the J o h n Leamon, State of Ohio. By J . B. S w a r t i w a i t e r m a k e Immediate p a y m e n t , a n d those having alalma or Register's Office of Lancaster county, for conllrnattoa in the most favorable l i g h t ; resolved to say joyed the part he was acting. It was pleasant; worthy witnesses of a scene so hushed and obenring the ohange in hia' little daughter demands agafeat t h e earn* -will present them for MtUev and allowance, a t a n Orphan*'. Court, to b * held l a tb« and Henry Trout, Administrators. Court House, In the City o ' Lancaster, a n the t h i r d Jacob Lutz, East Hempfleid township. B y ElUabath nothing, even in-the* event of waiting -half an to come home at noon and night and And his holy. W e will only add that from that hour, asked the reason. " O h l nothing now, paps," m e a t tothe anderjlgrjed, residing 1B said township. Lntt and Andrew Brnbaker, Executor*. BLIAS 8TOHB, KOStiAYla J O S E awti,(16t&,) a 10o'clock, A. J L . hour for supper.-^a diroumstauoe not unaauali every want anticipated—a ore of a amlling a heavenly blessing came down and resided •he replied, still amlling throngh her teara, m a y 21-et*2S C. S. HOFFMAN, J o h n Mlssley. W*ei Donegal towaahlp. Guardianship J o h n Greenly, Warwick township. B y Peter B. Relst, Executor. Acooant. -By Abvaaajn JC l a g 1«, Goardlad Of Samoa! aud to floct everything eo different from t h e welcome and a cheerful room, though it must: in the home of D O J ^ W fflleu-Grey. And " o n l y I hope poor Mrs. Moore has got a Hannah. P n i d y , City of Lancaster. By Mary A a n minor son ofdeeea»ed 1 now of age. . S T A T R O P J A C O B B A S S L E I l , J a NUiloy, HandelMiTy, Administratrix. m e s Blickensderfer, Bea.BUtvof Ohio, By j ; Btlokcommon orde>,-^-eo iike the old times of whioh be confessed that sometimes' he entered' the so, blest aniblesilng, loving and beloved, they good fire this oold day." " Yoa may go and l a t e of BbDhetm township, deceased. l e t t e r s of Susan. HlBatoh, West Hempfleld townahip. Trust Actnsdezfer, J r . , Administrator. administration on said estate having been granted to h e had been thinking,—was oheerlng In the house dreading lest the spell should have dis- passed their days. And when, at length, see for yourself, m y lore," said her mother, the undersigned, a l l persons Indebted thereto are re- Joseph Hast, Carnarvon township. Guardianship Acc o u n t By Abraham Gram, Trustee, appointed to sell the Real Estate of deceased. c o u n t B y ' J a c o b Bf.Zook, Guardian of Charles L . extreme. It punted htm also. What good solved during his absence. But when nearly God's angel death, oalled them away, eaoh "and take with yoa these artioles I hare pre- quested to make Immediate p a y m e n t , and thoso having J o h n Kidder, Borough of Columbia. Gaardlanaolp AcMast, son of deceased. claims or demands a f alnst the. same will present them count. Bf Samuel Truscott, Guardian of Sarah J a u e Allen Cook, Fulton townsnip. Guardianship Account. fairy had been at work during his absence, to a mouth had passed and there was no abate- within a few hours of the other, it was to them pared for her If y o a like." She hastened without ddlay for settlement tb the naderslgned, Fisher, late minor daughter of deceased. Utwtlon, By Timothy Kalnee, Guardian of Charles A. Cook, JOHN H . 3 WARE, ment in the loving care and patient devotion only the gracious summons—" Come u p high- away, and returnedrejoioing, for t h e " rainbow J o h n Kidder, Borough of Columbia. Guardlacublp minor son of deceased. As these remembrances of happier days bring about, this .pleasing metamorphoslaf Swarr'e M i l l , P . 0 . , East Hempfleld t w p . AdvartiMintnU excMdlng 10 U n t i w i l l b » charged 6 Moses Moore, Badabury township. Guardianship AcAccount. By Samuel Truscott, Guardian of OrvtUe And would she stay ? While he was deep in of his wife, his heart began to rebnke htm for er!" and they went, nothing doubting that was in her heart," and its beautiful light rem a y SI Si*2S c o u n t By S a m o i i Whltaon, Guardian of Pemberton Kidder, late minor son of deceased. c u t s per l i n t for t b * l*t Insertion, a n d 3 centa p»r Use oame over her, Mrs. Grey Instinctively arose, his project of feigned, Indifference, and he de- the early love, so sweet and holy here, would floated on uer sweet faoe, as she opened the Moore, minor son of deceased. Benjamin M. F r y , Manor towpebip. By Rudolph F r y , o r each eubsequent Insertion. and unlocking a small writing-desk, on a mo- this question the door bell rung. Some one S T A T E of J O H N B U J R K H O L D E R , Benjamin D. GUI, City of Lancaster. By William L. Administrator. be renewed and oemented there; for, through door and.ezolaimed: Mother, dear mother, BaslDMa AdTertltim«Dti Inserted b y t h a quarter saic table near by, she took oat a package of oalled to see Mr. Grey, and, having finished termined to bring this trial, becoming even late of Sari township, deceased.—Letters TestaJohn Kidder, Borough of Columbia. Guardianship Gill, Administrator. mentory on said estate baying been granted to the unElla* Eprettar, City of Lancaster. By A. 7 . Hoffman, AdAcconnt. By bumuel Trosoott, Guardian of Alice more painful to himself than to the uncon- it, eaoh had been led into that heavenly love dear mother, I did not know before how'mucA supper, he went immediately to the door.— half y e a r or yaar, will be charged as follows: letters, and ran her eyes over the familiar dersigned Executors, all persons Indebted thereto are ministrator. Kidder, deceased, who was a mluor chl d of J o u n scious object of it, to a olose. Bo that very whioh is tbe only pasBport to the land where ' more blessed* it is to give than lo receive.'' reqnested lo m a k e immediate payment, and those h a v - Martha Stauffer, East Donegal township. By J o h n 9 month*, f moafft*. IS month* hand-writing. Fresentlyshebeoameabsorbed Meanwhile Mrs. Grey proceeded to the parlor, Kidder, decanted. ing claims or demands fgatnet the same will present Stanfier, Administrator. 0n.8g.tnre «« 00 $ 5 00 $ 8 00 evening on leaving the tea-table, he followed " t h e y neither marry nor are given In marand wheeling out a work table, she spread GEO. C. HAWTHORN, Register. BOO 13 00 them for settlement to the u n d e r s g n n d . 6 00 Christian Grelder, J r . , West Hempfield t w p GuarIn their contents, and it was not until she had Two - " 19 00 IS 00 REGISTER'S OFFICE, Lan'r, Hay 19.1882. 10 00 dianship Account By Benjamin Barr, Guardian of over it a orlmson damask cover, and placed his wife into the parlor, and, instead of one riage, but are as the angels of God." DANIEL S. BU BE BOLDER, Jfooronn " T h o u God S e e s t H e . " 26 00 Frances B. Grelder, minor child of deceased. 18 00 WOO perused every one that she laid them aside. may a i 4 t-26 residing ID Epbrata twp. -•' T • n look at the paper aud a hurried retreat from H SO 00 65 00 Christian Habecker, East Hempfleld township. By DAVID BDRKBOLDER, When she did BO, It waa with a bursting heart the astrail lamp in the centre; laid the; Eliiabeth Habeeker, Acting and Burvlvlnj Adminis- Important to Farmers & Droras. CHRISTIAN ZIMMERMAN. Many long years ago a mother placed in the the house, he deliberately took off his coat THE CBOOKED FOOT PATH. u t r a t r i x . BDSXNBSS ITOTICSS InwrUd before M a r r i H " and and a moistened eye. My neble husband 1" evening journal and the last new book, m»y 2t-St*2« realdlng in Karl iwp. room of her little son the picture of an eye.— Jacob Dematb, City of Lancaster. Guardianship Acand.donnedhls dressing gown, took possession, Deaths, doable the r e g a l e j rates. Bhe exclaimed aloud; " a heart that could dic- whioh neither of them had read, bealdlrit, Ah, here it is, the sliding rail DILLOWS CELEBRATED HEATS CUB*, By Etnannel E. D e m n t h , Guardian of Emma There were other pictures all around it far 3TATE OF JACOB BRENEISEN, count. B . Dematb, minor child of deceased. Q - All advertising accounts ara considered collecta- tate such generous and exalted sentiments as and then, drawing two crimson cushioned of the orimflon-cushloued rooking chair, and That marks the. old remembered spot S a , late of Hlnkletowa, Earl township, deceased. Jacob Boy, Upper Leacock township. Guardianship OR VSIVERSAL COSDITION MEDWISB FOB more pleasing and beautiful than this. There stretching his slippered feet over the register, ble at the expiration or half the period contracted Cor. Lututrs testamentary on said estate h a v i n g been grantThe gap thatfitrack our school-boy rail, Account, By Christian Llntner. Guardian of Eby these is too precious to be used as I have used rooking chairs invitingly near, Bhe took her HORSES AND CATTLE. Transient advertisements, CASH were picturesque landscapes where master- ed to the naderslgned, all persons Indebted thereto a t e uttered an emphatic " there I"—as if defying Ilerabey, J . E . Hershey, Mary Ann Herahey and The crooked, path across the lot. i t : " and memory once aroused to the task, work from her basket aud seated herself in wqaested to make Immediate payment, and ihoaa b a r Hilton S . Ilerahsy, minor grand children of deceastouches had harmoniously blended light and ing claims or demands against the same will present the very fates to entice htm from his comforFor Sale at JOHN F . LONG & SONS, Drug a n d ed. there came back to her the unnumbered in- one of them, a faint hope dawning in her heart, for settlement to the ooderaignod, residing In Christian Helsey, East Donegal township. Guardianship Chemical Store, No. 6 North, Quean Street, Lancaster. I left the road by school and chnrob, shade, aud grouped together trees and flowers, them TO T H E S E C E S S I O N S Y M P A T H I Z E S . table position—and directed a meaning look Leacock township. WILLIAM QA.BEL, stances of pettish and wilful ways, on her and growing brighter and brighter as she Account. By J o h n 8. Mann, Guardian of £11 Z. Helsey, A penciled shadow, nothing more. HETL'S, ROBERTS, a n d SPBNCE'S Embrocations, and brooks and waterfalls, so as to make the toward his wife. minor eon of deoeased, now of age. may 7-6t«2* Executor. part, that had eaoh had Its share In loosing glanced at the oocy look of the room, that her ' T w i l l be n o t h a n k s t o y o u , good s i r ! That parted from the silver birch. MERCHANT'S Gargling OU, TOBIAS' Venetian Henry Snyder, MUlersville, Manor township. By Mary oanvasB only second in beauty to nature her' T w i l l bo DO t b a o k s to y o u . the bonds of union between them, and pro- husband would stay at home and read to her, Snyder, A d m l n i s t n t r i x . Liniment, and SCOTT'S, Red OH Liniment, And ended at the farm-honse door. STATE OF LEWIS HURFORD, Michael Spade, Derry township, Dauphin oonnty.— Poor little Nellie I her heart beat high with self. There were faces of the good and brave kept constantly on h a n d . late of the City of Lancaster, deo'd.—Letters tesW h e n our troops c o m i n g m a r c h i n g h o m e from ducing the present state of almost daily dis- as he used to do so long ago. She rememberGuardianship account. By Benjamin H a r t m a n , hope. W a s he really intending to pass the and trne and beautiful, with gentle, earnest, tamentary h a t i n g been granted to the undersigned a s No line or oompaas placed its plan; may 14 3m-24 Guardian of Eleanor Spade, one of the children of war, cord in their intercourse. Her husband WSB ed how seldom for the last year or two, they evening at hornet She longed to ask the Bole Executor of tbe last will and testaments of said deceased. With frequent bends to left or. right, loving eyes, looking upon the oooupaut of the dee'd., all persona indebted to the Estate of said dee'd., AddlUa Huber, East Hempfield township. B y H e n r y Tbo Red, the White, the Blue, not naturally either impatient or Imperious In had passed an evening together t h u s ; and she question, but a strange ohoking sensation in are requested to m a k e payment, and those h a v i n g In aimless, wayward curves It ran. little room, as If to inolte him to the same tried to think that.au unusual press of busiM. Huber, Administrator. S t i l l floating o ' e r t h e m like a cloud claims or demands against the same, will present t h e m his disposition. His indulgence had been unher throat prevented it. So she fluttered about But always kept the door in sight. deeds of greatness or love that had made them wlthont delay for settlement to the undersigned, resid- Deborah G. Moore, Little Britain township. By George Of g l o r y a s t h e y c o m e : Mercer, Administrator. limited, and bis wife presuming too far on his ness, consequent on his having become a the room like a trembling bird over its nest, WHITENAOK'S ing in West Fallowfleld township. Cheater county, n e a r immortal. A mother's gentle hand had placed Benjamin Herahey, Paradise townBhlp. Trust Account partner in the firm with whioh he was conW h i l o a n a t i o n ' s Messing?, l o n g a n d loud, Penningtonville, or they m a y be presented to W m . The gabled porch, the woodbine green— native kindness and goodness of heart, the By J o h n Denilnger, Jr., a n d Abraham Hershey, TrusIMPROVED NEW JERSEY her heart beating so very fast that it almost Aug. Atlee, Esq.-, attorney at law, at his ofScoln Bast the things of'beauty there. Fall well she nected, was the oause. And so it was in part S h a l l s h o u t t h e i r welcome h o m e ! Tbe broken millstone at the m i l l tees appointed by the Orphans' Court to m a k e sole of King street. HAJU3 HbBFOHD, effect had been a legitimate one. His patience suffocated her. Her husband watohed her the real estate of Bald deceased. knew the power of little things. Sometimes Though many aVoad may stretch between, may 7-fi'.-2* Execntor. O h ! t h e n ' t w i l l bo DO t h a n k s to you ! J o h n Dlehm, Salisbury township. By J o h n McOill, Adso sorely tried, had become exhausted, and but conscience added, " N o t entirely." She awhile with^a puzzled air. a word casually spoken may turn a long ministrator. The truant child can Bee them still. W I T H DORSET'S SELF-ACTING HAKE. Y o u frowned u p o n t h e i r t o i l : hiB affection, so rashly trifled with, had be- bethought her of tardy tea hours, a scuroe of h n Smith, Conoy township. By Jacob Smith, Fredecourse of human events. Sometimes a look STATE OF CHRISTIAN GOOD, J orick *'Come here, you flighty little thing," at Smith and Adam Smith, Executors. A t b e s t ' t w a s folly in y o u r v i e w — H E Manufacturers of this M a c h i n e gun to fail. No doubt he had not been wholly irritation to her husband, whioh a reasonable No rocks across the pathway H e late of Fequea township, deceased.—Letters tes- Samuel W a t t s . East Earl township. By Levi Watts, may save from ruin. Sometimes aailent sughave the bestreaflon for believing that it is the beet length, he said, laughing merrily, "Don't care on her part might have prevented; the tamentary on aald estate having been granted to the U n t i l y o u caw t h e spoil. No fallen trunk is o'er it thrown— blameless, but his wife did not onoe admit Reaper i n use, Tbe advantages claimed for DORSET'S one of the Executors. gestion eveu from an inanimate picture, may undersigned, alt persons indebted thereto are requested Emanuel you want me to stay at home with you to" Y o a stgaoil, a n d looked ani»7ing W"IS«J Melzger, City of Lancaster. By George Heyd, SELF-ACTING RAKE on the JLttSSY R^APEK. are And yet it winds, we know not why, | this, in the bitterness of her self-up-braiding. consequent expostulations on his side, and the to m a k e immediate payment, and those having demands these: It la of lighter draught than any other machine Executor. be potent for good, or a powerful influence for against the asms will present them for settlement to night that you are keeping up such a mighty A t Justice's long delay j Aud turns as if for tree or stoue. She only saw, what was really the oase, that Indifferent or sullen retort on hers ; resulting Joseph Irvin, Ephrata township. By Charles Meckley, k n o w n . I t Is simple la construction; compact and i esidlng In said township. evil. So with a loving heart and careful eye the uuderajgaed, durable. The d r l v e r e i t s o u the horse next t t « grain fuss and flutter as this ? Come, I have someT A n d talked about u " comjirowiie" Administrator. HENET GOOD, had she by gentleness and sweetness of In hiB departure from the house as soon as side, where he can have full view of tha operation and Perhaps some lover trod the way Daniel Wenger, Earl township. Guardianship Account. avoid the mother colled the true and good from art, thing to say to y o u . " He oaught her hand as T o k e e p t h e hound." a t b a y . m a y 7-61*21 Executor. all obstructions. I t dispenses with the liflfl enmanner striven to retain the heart that her tea was over, when often he had previously With shaking knee or leaping heart— By Christian Hunsberger, guardian of Margaret Kohl tirely; tha R e r o l r t n g arms serving a far better p c q ' o s d / and made the room attraotive aud instruotive, she advanced, and drawing her into her old intended to pass the evening at home. Someand Susanna Kohl, minor grand children of deceased. gathering the grain gently to the cuttors. O h ! y « , 'twill be no t h a n k s to y o u ! attractive qualities had onoe won, there had And so, it often runs astray S T A T E of J O S E P H G L A . U N E K , David Martin, Peaquea township. By Samuel Martin, full of promptings to a life pure and great and accustomed seat upon the knees, covered her times, too, Bhe had objeoted to the book he When sufficient straw has been cut to form a proper Y o u n e v e r npoko o n e word late of EaliBbury township, deceased.—Loiters of been no need of this hour of bitter Belf-reproaoh, With sinuous sweep or sadden start. Administrator. sized sheaf, the Rake, In an easy, graceful m a n n e r rehappy. But as the moat valuable of all the administration on siid estate having been granted to Abraham faoe with kisses. " M y darling wife," he W h e r e h e a r t a n d b a u d s a n d a l l were d u e , StaaSer, West Hempfield township. Guar- moves it from the platform, by side delivery, k a v i u g no oocasion for these repentant tears that wished to read to her, and petulently aooused the undersigned, all r-ersonB Indebted thereto are redianship Account. By Dr. Benjamin Robrar, Guar- the track perfectly clear, so t h a t an entire field m a y be Or one, perchance, with clouded brain, collection, moat oonspioions of all, and occupy- quested to m a k e immediate p a y m e n t , and tboeo having him of want of sympathy with her taste In his whispered, " y o u have conquered." T h a t I h a r e ever henrd— brimmed her eyes. dian of Ulram L. Garber, minor nephew of deceased if deaireJ, bofore binding a eingle shear. No 6tr-ur From some unholy banquet reeled— ing the most commanding position, was the claims or demands ag&lnet the same will present them SasAQ White-ide, City of Lancaster. By Eliza White- cut selection, or else had complained of weariness, He was proceeding, when a sob from Nellie One c h e e r i n g w o r d of s y m p a t R y , will be found scattered between the theaves. The without delay for settlement to the undersigned, r a i d side, Executrix. eheaves are delivered with regularity. Their compact And since, our devious steps maintain engraving of a single eye. There was no great ing In eaid township. CHKISTIAX D. W A B F E C and, retiring to the sofa, had dozed away the started him. It was very foolish in the young One p a t r i o t i c p r a y e r — Susanna Seneenlg, East Earl township. By John D. aud neat appearance cannot be equalled by any h * u a As she sat pondering thus, in the midst of ap-23 6t*22 Administrator. His track across the trodden field. artiBtio beauty about it, nothing in itself that Senseuig, Administrator pendente lite. raker from reaping machine or cradle s w a t h s . hoars, leaving him to the communion of his wife, but, try SB hard as she oould, she was One w o r d of f a i t h a n d h o p e to b« her gloomy reflections, a sudden thought stole Joseph Shindle, Manor township. By Michael G. ShinThe Rake c m be adjusted to suit heavy or light was designed to fix the attention, but it was own thoughts, or the solitary perusal of a book not able to keep baok the swelling tears that A cbarm against despair. die and Henry Stauffer, Admlnlstratora. Nay, deem not thus—no earthborn will grain, forming large or small sheave*, as desired. Binto her heart, and a happy smile broke through STATE OF DANIEL KEEIDER, Jacob Bucher, West Cocalico township. Final Account. ders prefer working after thit machine, aud ferni^m prioeleBS for the truth it was intended to sugwhioh he had perhaps seleoted with a special late of C t e m a t r o n twp., deceased.—The underShould ever trace a faultless line; almost burst her heart, and burying her faoe By J o h n Hacker, Admlnstrator. 'Xwill be n o t b a o k s to vou, good 3ir,.f. ., her tears. " Ctn I not win him a second having been appointed, by the Court, Auditor to Christian W . Eeaaeaig, East Earl township. By David can dispense with one or more binders by using it, gest in the words beneath i t : " T h o u God signed reference to her taste. And all this, too, from in her husband's bosom, she fairly sobbed. Our truest steps are human Still— simply because the gavels are laid iu better condition, distribute the balance In the hands of David Etyer and 'Twill be no t h a n k s to y o u . time ?" she murmured. " Will not the sweetand Francis Sensenig, Administrators. and this laborious operation of binding rendered l e u seest me. 1 ' The mother dearly loved her son, J o h n Erelder, administrators of the entate of D i r i d J oLlchty To walk unswerving were divine! no natural sourness of disposition or studied Mr. Grey was not prepared for a demonstrah n Koffroth, Salisbury township. By Robert W . fatiguing b y the regularity with which t h i sheaves are W h e n our Iroopn c o m e m a r c h i n g h o m e from ness and gentleness that he used to call so Erelder, late of Carnarvon twp.,deceased, to and among Morton, Administrator. but she loved her God as the giver of her those legally entitled thereto, hereby glvea notice that formed. The Rake takes off either tangled or s t r a i g h t design to oause her husband unhappiness, but tion like tnis, and his heart reproached h i m war. Adam Hoh, West Cocalico township. By Samuel H. grain, leaving lha b a t s even and square. The weight Truants from love, we dream of wrath— attractive in his poor little Nelliefand which ohild. And while she Burrounded him with he will attend for the purpose of hie appointment, at Slabach, Executor. from sheer petulanoe and selfish thoughtless- bitterly for the trial he had imposed upon his T h e B e d , the W h i t e , the B l u e , the Library Hoom, In the Court Hauxe, in tbo City or Henry Kemper, Manor township. By Jacob Llntner. of the rake la the same as t h a t of a n ordinary reel, re0, rather let us trust the more! were really genuine,—for I loved him so, and quiring no^nore power to work It; and by dispensing paintings of the true and beautiful of life, she Lancaster, on TUESDAY, the 20th day of MAY, A. D., ness. TheBe things the young wife recalled, beloved wife. True, he had not dreamed how Still floating o'er t h e m liko a cloud Administrator. Through all the wanderings of the path, was so happy then,—will they not come baok 1662, a t 2 o'clock, 1'. M . , w h e a aud where all persona J o h n Eahbach, Manor township. By J o h n E^hbach, w i t h the weight of a hand-raker, it la evident lesb would lead his thoughts still higher, to the Interested may attend, if lU»y think proper. power la required to drive the machine. and her face was beginning to look very sad, hard this trial had been, and his motive from Of g l o r y as t h e y come ; We still can see onr father's door. . Jr., Administrator. once more to me, and cause him to love me By the suDstltutlon of the Rake, the labor, wages and consciousness of an Omnipotent Being, that JAMES JIcCAA, Christian Balr, Earl townBhip. By George Balr and board of a man are saved, to s a y nothing of the extra but she heard her husband's hand on the door- the first had been a worthy one, but he felt W h i l e a n a t i o n ' s blessings, long a n d l o u d . again with the old love ? Oh, if it could only ap S0-6t-?3 Auditor, J o h n Balr, Administrator?. power requisite to d r a w htm over the ground, especithus life's deeds might be Banc titled, and he S h a l l shout t h e i r welcome h o m e . knob, and calling up all her brave and loving almost self-reproved in the result. He soothed Jacob Wolf, iffeet Earl townahlp. By Rudy E . Wolf, be so t And why may it not ? It must, it ally when he Is located near the grain side, thus grertJ o h n R . Wolf and Jacob Wolf, Administrators. heart to the rescue, she greeted his entrance her with the tenderest expressions that his STORIES FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS. be fitted to live when life below waa ended.— ly increasing side draught. The machine la perfectly STATE OF EMANUEL HOSTET- Charles Y e t 3-ou shall r e a p w h a t they h a v e sowed, Carpenter. W a t t Earl township. Guardianship balanced, leaving no more weight on the hor.i£.-> nocks shall be so. I Bee my fault, and I will begin TEE, l a ' e of ManhBlm township, Lancaster counSo she placed the great eye there as a constant with her brightest smile. Account. B y Mathlas Helser, Guardian of David than la necessary to keep tbe tongue down. The Mowlips could frame, and when she was sufficiently A c o u n t r y ahull bo y o u r a ; t y , deceased.—Letters of administration on the eutale to amend it this very day,—this very moThe Generous Heart, Carpenter, one of the children of deceised. daily monitor. Whenever the boy entered his of said deceased, h a v i n g been granted by the KegUter William Myers, Ephrata township. Supplementary ing arrangement operates in all kinds of glass in >)i» calm to hear his confession, he told her of the F u r h e r o e s ' blood in s t r e a m s h a s flowed, ment." most satisfactory manner, with a n . l m p r o r u d Lever for of said county, to the andercigned residing in s&ld Account. By Adam Konlghmacher, one of the Ad- Raiding and Lowering, while iu motion. Al*o, E m I onoe knew a little girl who gave away all room the eye with its solemn truth met him. township. T h e y hereby filva notice to all persons havpart he had been acting far the last three A richness that endures. ministrators. R & anyclalma or demands agaLaut said deceaael'a estate She glanced at her watch, it wanted just " On m y word, Nellie, this looks oosy. Wish weeks, and besought her forgiveness. h n NiBsloy, Donegal township. Guardlnship her money—quite a sum—to b a y some wood Whenever he left it, the same eye followed ing G o , e a t t h e fat, and d r i n k the s w e e t to make known the same to either of said Administra- J o Account. By Peter Brubaker, Guardian of Anna, thirty-five minuteB of the usual tea hour. I could stay and enjoy i t ; but one look at the When he olosed his own eyes for the tors without delay, and all portions knowing tbemtelvts A MACH N WARKAK D O CD GRA N XD B o u g h t b y t h e bruvo a n d t r n e — for a poor and siok woman. Now this may him. Macdftlena and Feronica NUsly, minor children of to said estate, are requested to m a k e p^ymcct GRA A W K A K MANN R With a quiak, light step, Bhe passed out of paper and I'm off. Pity 11 never was so driven "Indeed, Nellie,"he continued, " I did it not seem muoh for a kind-hearted ohild to do, rest of the night, the slumberless, untiring eye Indebted deceasedA n d y e t remember as you eat, to t h e m without delay. Sophia Price, East Lampeter township. By William the room, and went into the kitchen. A brisk U K K R K N C from the best of motives. I thought it would CHARLES HOST&TrKfi, In my life; but 1 hope business will be easier I t is n o t h a n k s to y o u ! but when I tell y o a it was money she had watohed over him throngh its dangers and Carrolns. Administrator. may 14-61*21 JACOB BSBEaSHaDE. C w Abraham Krtdder, East Lampeter township. Guardian, fire and a hot oven awaited her. be better in the end for both of us, but if I had carefully saved, little by little, denying her- darkness. And when he opened them again soon." w D & hhlp Account. By Peter Johns, Guardian of J o h n L. SSIGNED "ESTATE OF ABRA- Kraider, minor child of deceased. A H known the degree of suffering I was inflicting, self many little pleasures, that she might be to the light of day, the eye was watohing still, " I am going to make some muffins, Kittie. TWICE WON. He looked over the paper; and was so abHAH H. M&TZOBK and WIFE, of ConeUogo Daniel Krelder, Cieaarvon township. Trust Account. U & w ever oonveying the great faot, of the constant nothing would have tempted me to resort to able to buy presents for the dear ones at home Get me the flour as quick as you can, for it is By David Slyer, Trustee, appointed by the Court to R township, having b y Deed of voluntary a r g u m e n t , D G W A m sorbed in itB details that he did not hear the sell the unaccepted Real Estate of deceased. D C H M H w getting late." it. But Nellie, y o a have not been the only on Christmas and New Year's, you may think presence of the unseen eye it represented.— dated APRIL l l t l i , 1862,assigned and transferred all Jacob " Ellen 1" Uostetter, Lancaster township. Trust Acceount. their estate and effect*, to the aodairigae'i. for (he beaeSt sigh that his wife, breathed nor notice the B m m M M By J o h n Shenk, TruetoB, appointed b y the Orphans' the creditors of tha said Abraham H. Meizger, he m w m It WBS certainly DO very gentle tone in Kittia looked surprised at this strange move- look of disappointment on her face. She waa sufferer. It has been a hard trial to me also- it very good in her, and so it was. I will tell Through weary days and nights of illness, it of Court, of Ma?dalena Hosteller, daughter «f deceased therefore gives notice to All persona indebted to said D W m U whioh that name was spoken ; and so the lady ment on the part of her young mistress, but not aware till then how muoh she had counted If you knew how I had longed to tell you the y o u how it happened ; bat Urat, y o a may like unceasingly kept its vigils, and he fancied it Aenlgnor, to make p a y m e n t to the uuderuignod and Mary Myera, W o t Lampeter township. By Jocob K C U H G U Herr, Executor. those having claimK to present them to B & m H C to whom it belonged probably thought; for an obeyed. White she was getting the necessary on the success of her loving, womanly device effect of your oonstant and successful efforts to to know how a little girl like Jane—for this wore a look of tender oompassion and pity for David Brlsben, Jr., Leacock township. Guardianship JACOB K. M E T I E R , A l i g n e d , w B C his sufferings. Account. By Richard J. Rulter, Guardian of J u l i a M residing la MillersvlUe, Lancaster County. m H H m B angry flash rose to her cheek, and ahe answer- materials, Mrs. Grey pinned up the flowing to detain him at her side. But it was some make our home happy and attractive, and wa3 her name—came by a sum of money. Ann Brlsbeu, a minor daughter of deceased. may 7 6t-24 m G U H Am K Catharine Peter, City of Laataoter. By George Kann, ed, from an'adjoinlDgroom, somewhat sharply, drapery of her silk sleeves, washed her hands comfort that he had expressed a wish to re- yourself the most loveable little mortal that When she had w B U C B Administrator. B m M A w B D "Well, Dudley, what is it now V ~"SSIGNEI) ESTATE OF ELIAS in a plentiful supply of pure, soft water, don- main, and that it was only business which ever breathed, you would wonder how I could " Learned all her le3cou3 with patience uud care, In the sports of his childhood, the great eye w w John Christ, Lancaster c l t r . Guardianship Account — REEM6NYDSH k ISAACtfRY, of Earlvllle, We.tt 11 B m K w By John S. Gable, Guardian of Emma Bard (formerly N What la it now? Why, the old tale, of ned an apron, and in an inoredibly short time, prevented it. So, clearing the shadow from keep silent and seemingly pat hello so long. And bacn gontle, obliging, and kind," silently watohed over him. In the pursuits B a n township, Lancaster county, h a v i n g b y v o l u n t a r y H C Emma Cockley.) a minor grand-daughter of deceased. W m K M H M w course. Not a stocking can I find; and those with the assistance of Kittle, who buttered the her brow, she looked up and replied oheerfullyi When I have beheld, day after day, your un- her father or mother gave her every Saturday of his boyhood, it smiled upon the efforts to dee I of assignment, dated April 8,1S62, assigned and transferred a l l their estate, to the nndaruigned, for the David EberBola, (lunoy township. By J o h n D. Ebernole H H M w G B W w I have on are thoroughly soaked." and Abraham D. Ebernole, Executors. rings, the creamy compound was committed as, having laid the paper aside, and exchanged ceasing care for my comfor^your devoted, un- night a small sum of money—perhaps a dime right, or frowned upon the commission of benent of their creditors ; notice la hereby given, to all w m H C w D persona Indebted tu the >a!d Elfin Keemanyder A Isaac Jacob C. Ebersole, Mont Joy township. By John R. B w M w *' If y o a cannot find a pair of stockiogs, to the oven. With strict charge to Kittie to slippers for boots, her husband bade her good tiring attention to my wants, your victories more or less, aud so also to the rest of their wrong. In the studies of youth, it seemed to Fry, to m a k e Immediate payment to the undersigned Ebernole and John D. Ebertole, Executors. H m w C Assignee, and thohe b a v i n s claims to present them l>> Gabriel C. Eckert, Leacock township. By J o h n 0 . Ro- M mm overdomeBUo difficulties and discouragements, H W H m w H where there are a half dozen, at least, it is watch the baking, and an order to Jane to night. children. Now this was done, not as payment lure to diligence by pointing to its reward.— U . B . OKEYB1LL, Assignee, binson and George L. Eckert, Executors. H H w A m and, more than all, the quiet, sweet-tempered your fault, not mine," returned the lady, lay the table immediately, Mrs. Grey left the an 23.61-22 P . 0 . Addreari, West Earl. Moses F r y , East Cocalico township. By Isaac Fry, Ad- G And when left within four Eqnare walls, it did A w D C U C for good behavior, bat to teach them the value ministrator. R B B W " I'll be baok as early as possible, Nellie, spirit in whioh you have held on your way, rising slowly from her seat, and advancing in- khchen, and again entered the parlor. " Now J . Pearson, WeBt Hempfield townahip. Guarw B U HU D B aud right use of money. It was to be receiv- not ceaBe to follow him. So indelibly was it A s s i g n e d E s t a t e o f J A M E S C T 7 H H A N William dianbbip Account. By John Winter, Executor of W w w W m C D m w to the bed room. A sorry eight met her eyes. for Dudley's slippers and the evening paper," he added, " bat If I am detained beyond ten, notwithstanding you oould see no appreciation daguerreotyped onjhis mind, that wherever he Michael B . Wialer, deceased, who waa Guardian of ed, as you sea, on conditions, as a mark of a n d W I F E , o f S t r a s b u r g B o r . C w W W The contents of one drawer were heaped on she said; and placing the former near the do not sit up for me." of your efforts where y o u had a right to expect Catharine Pearson, a minor daughter of deceased. was, it became a constant presence with him. w B w Mm B approval, and not designed a3 a "rewaid of A M E S C U R R A N uud W I F E , of William J. Pearaoa, West Hempfield township. GuarR w m B G the carpet, in strange confusion, while her register, and procuring the latter from the hall When tempted to wrong, it Interposed and AB he spoke he made a slight movement, as a cordial response to them, I have looked updianship Account. By J o h n Wisler, Executor of H Strafbnrg borougb. having b y deed of voluntary M G W merit," for in doing " all those things " they Michael B . Wisler, deceased, w h o w a s Quardlan ol K husband was elbow deep in another, crashing table, to lay it invitingly under the Boft light though he would fain have kissed, instead of on you with a wonder and admiration of which H K C H urged to right aud daty. When weak but nasignui-ut, asM^ned and transferred all their estate Mary J a n e Pearson, a minor daughter of deceased. and effect* to the omitraigred, for the benefit o.' the d i l no more than was their duty. Bat do U B m w B in bis vlgurons search, sundry Bnow-white of the shaded astral lamp, Bhe sat down t ° Bpoken his good night; at least BO Nellie you little dreamed. Nellie, I am proud of my anxious for right, it strengthened and seemed creditors of the said J a m e s Cnrran, be therefore g.veit Peter WolT, Ephrata township. By b'amuel Wolf, AdH G O w H you think this spendlng-money was to be tri ministrator. >» to all persons indebted to nald assignor, to make H K A m H m H Shirt bosoms, fresh from the ironing-table. to smooth the way. Teachers landed the suc- notice thought, but perhap3 she mistook. Ah, con- wife!"—he drew her closer to his bosom— payment to tue undersigned, and tho.-e having claims Abraham Baer, Went Cocalico township. By Abraham await her husband's coming. B m M m Arid away? No, indeed; for beside famishing to present them to HENRY MILLUK. Assignee, K. Bare aud Peter Martin, Execntors. w H H w H cessful diligent student—schoolmates lov^d "nay, more, wnrds oannot tell how tenderly I **Oh, Dudley I. pray stop. Yon know I The next moment she was up again. " He science was at work again 1 How well she re H Am H themselves with various small artioles, such may 21-6t-2fc] residing In Lampeter, Laocant.-r co Samuel Fane, Rapho township. Guardianship Account. H the kind generous sharer of their play and love h e r ; not with the old love, It is true, for don't keep your stockings la the shirt drawer; used to like me with flowers in my hair," she membered the last time he hitd kissed her m M w M B w By David t-holly, Guardian or Mary Faux, (now or as pens and pencils—artioles children are B B m K M study—but few knew of the silent influence A s s i g n e d E s t a t e o f D A V I D L A I R D , age.) and ^unanna Fans, minor children of deceased nor with these things, either," she continued, murmured, and selecting a simple white rose- good-bye on leaving her for the evening. It that was faint and cold compared with the reC m w K B apt to lnae, until they learn their value—they that was moulding his character; none but Henry Gepfert, Muant Joy townnhlp. By Mary Gepfert K o f M a r t i c t o w n s h i p . B G W H gathering np the crumpled articles from the bud and a sprig of myrtle, from a vase of was months ago, and formed a sad episode in gard, the devotion, whioh now sways and and P . P . Ginder, Administrators. w & m w C were to'pay oat of it to a missionary box of at his own eye saw the ever-present, all-seeing A V I D L A I R D , of Martic township, Jacob Haraisb, Conestcgo township. By Jacob Harfloor, and beginning to smooth them, prepa- flowers that were Bhedding their fragrance her married life, one which we will not lecord, masters my whole soul. Before, I did not R A m A m having by deed of voluntary aBslcnmont, »>slj:n nlsh. £<'aibaniel Barnieh and Christian Harulsh, Exe- w least two cents a week; and besides this, as one; none but his own heart felt the truth, w m R M ratory to laying them back in their place. eti *ud transferred all hie estate and effects to the un cutorB. W m w H through the room, she wove them into her and one whioh she would fain have forgotten know yon or your boundless capacity to make ainoh as they were disposed for any good d e s i g n e d , for the benent of tbe creditors of the said ChriBtopher Williams. Sadubnry township. Trust Ac- M " Thou God seest me." Years crept on aud m W A K & H Mr. Gray looked on impatiently. " W e l l , dark curls with so happy an effect that she forever. Bat that could not be, and It oame back me happy. Now, I know and trust both." David Laird, he therefore gives notice to all pet:-ons count. By William F. Kea and Isaac Walker, Trustees m m cause. the l o y became a man. The little room, his indebted to said assignor, to make payment to ilia unof Christopher florca Williams, under the Will of G D R CH U & BKO Happy Nellie Grey I—too happy by far to I suppose I am to wait here the rest of the day, could not help blushing at the heightened upon her now with a conviction of her own dersigned, and those having claims to pie-ent them to deceased. You will now understand how Jane came early home, the old school-house and mates N K w w C Margaret Williams, Eadsbury township. By Z i c b a t i a b in theflR wet hose, while yoa arrange the loveliness which the mirror gave back, as she blame in the tranaaotlon which startled her. speak her gladness, but the warm, beaming JOHN H1LD£BKAND. Providence t w p . H m B Williams and Isaac Walker, Administrators. by her money. It happened, one oold day In of his youth were exchanged for the new JOHtf ABMdTKOXO, Martic t w p . drawers, am I f stood before It. Just then her husband's step She raised her eyes to her husband imploring- glance of her dark eye3, as she lifted them for uiAy 31-titSC A s s i g n e e ^ Jacob HI. Eckert, Leacock townsnip. Guardianship home and new scenes of his maturer year: December, she heard that a poor woman living Account. By Peter Eby, Guardian of Lydla Eckert, Mrsr Gray roae, flushed and troubled.— was heard In the hall and she flew baok to the ly. He was about leaving the room, but she an instant to her husband's face, and then Sarah 8. Eckert and Ann Eckert, minor children of CHAMP ON REAPER & MOWER ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. near them was sick, and had no wood to burn. The trivial pursuits of the boy were widened deceased. " Dear me 1 no. I forgot your wet feet. But sofa. sprang to his side and buried her face In his dropped them as quickly, s i t u the blushing W H AC BG AX M O S . S . B O W E R S of W e s t H e m p - Mary Messenkop, Boroogh of Strasburg. By John C. into the important employments of the Jane thought this was sad indeed, aud asked you are BO provoking, Dudley. W h y couldn't bashfulneBS of the old times gathering over bosom. Lstever, Executor. field township, h a v i n g by Deed of v o l n n ' a ' y "Eiieo," he said, the next moment, half© aax vo s man. The earnest student and consistent assignment, dated April ISth, 1B62, aaeigned and trans- Park Mason, Manor township. By Jacob 6. Maun, Ex- F o r her mother could she take her money and bay y o u have come to me for your dry stockings, opening the door, " where Is the paper? It ecutor. OP "Dudley, dear husband," she murmured.— her beautiful features, said more than words. some wood and send to her. Now, she knew boy had become an esteemed and exemplary ferred all his estate aud effects, to the undersigned, for Guardianship and not have made all this fuss for nothing r isn't on the hall table, as it usually is. 1 ' 11 the benent of the creditors of the Baid A. S Bowers, he Hugh Robinson, Salisbury township. W H A HE A E VPROVEHEKV 1 was very foolish and wicked ; will you for- At length her emotions found voice, and Account. By J o h n B. Myers, Guardian of James H . citizen, beloved of men and loved by therefore gives notice to all perHond indebted to said very well, if she did so, she mast give up There;" and she opened a side drawer, as she touching indeed were the words of penitence Torbert, a minor grandson of deceased, " Here it is," answered Mrs. Grey, advancing give me ?" God as his earnest aud faithful follower. Assignor, to m a k e payment to the undersigned, and John Grayblll, W a i t Earl township. By Abraham BowE op n u m b n d M M u the pleasure, so sweet to her, of making pres spoke, and tossed him a pair of h o s e ; " and those having claims to present tham wlthont delay. and love that flowed from her lips.—Thoughts man and Lewis Diller, Administrators. with it in her hand. HENRY S. KADFFMAN, As&lgnee, He understood her at onoe, and stooping, ents on the holidays, for she was too young Beneath a little hillock swept by willows, Owen Bracer, Ephrata townahtp, Gnardianihip Acif y o u will only stretch your memory, another m m w m m that had brooded in her heart for weeks now ap 30 6t-23 Landisvllle, r\ 0 . He took It from her with a kind " Thank kissed her affectionately. count. By P e « r Martin, Guardian of W i l l i a m Harm m W " Forgive yon? for skill in handiwork. She choose to do It, in the shadow of the churoh of his boyhood, time, snfficienily, to recollect where your rison B r n n e r , one of the children of deceased, now of w w you," and went to the closet for his slippers. Yes, darling, with all my heart. And now let found utterance, while her husband listened rested the mother who had so earnestly toiled M W C w B M R m m m nevertheless, and her mother consented. It stockings are kept, or else call on me to get A TD TOH S NOT CE with a heart in whioh love and sympathy were " They are over the register," said his wife, us never think of that again." H e added a m SS GNED ESTATE MART N D was just the Sabbath before, that her teacher to fit her son for life o n earth and life in heathem for you, I shall he much obliged to G w B A B m U divining his errand. " See how nice and few words, at once fond and hopeful, and left equally blended. W W AYBR W — A ven, and whose labors were blessed by a conN C w m m read to the olas3 in Sabbath-school,the parable you.'* C C mm "And now, dear Dudley." Bhe added, in O m warm they are," and she handed them to him the room. secrated manhood. Bat though the old home m w m m M H m w B D H m conclusion' " s a y again that you have forgiven of the " LaBt Judgment," in the latter part of was left behind, though old scenes were in the She left the room with a hasty slep ; and as she spoke. K D M U w C M W W W w How relieved and comforted Nellie felt.— your willful, petulant little wife, and I think the twenty fifth chapter of Matthew, and m G C C w B A M yet there waa something in the expression of Mr. Grey this time looked surprised, as inm past, though the mother's eyes were closed W w m w m A m w m her face which betokened more of sorrow than deed he might, at this return to the usage of She returned to her sewing, hardly regretting ahe may safely promise never to do so nauguty taught them its simple meaning. Jane w m m G W M w B Am B m beneath the coffin-lid, the great eve that A OBDAY HAY m D m m "Thought it beautirul in Iho book, of anger, as she seated herself again at the other days, when his slippers and paper were the lonely evening in prospeot. A new life again." O A M R m watohed over the boy is looking from halls of C M B K B R G K C w G A 11 U U She has already begun to fullfil the proAnd the lesson homo to heart she took ;" A m D A R m B G B m sewing which had been interrupted by her always ready at his coming ; and taking them seemed opening before her. She has tasted BG M memory upon him still—is as untiring in its DAY MA R H B N w D K K m C m Y H w husband's impatient and slightly Imperious from her hand he exclaimed," Nice and warm ? once more the sweets of wedded love, and mise most richly," answered the husband, and therefore it might have been, with it all vigile in manhood as in boyhood. Years flew H W m B H w w w H D A W w w B G call upon her; for sad thoughts troubled her. Indeed they are, Nellie. It makes me think with a keener relish than in her happiest bri- sealing his pledge of forgiveness on the lips of so fresh aud clear in her mind, that she wished on. Far away from old haunU—far away B w H m BURKHO D R Scenes like the above were getting to be of of old times." He looked up as he spoke, and dal hours, and the evening passed rapidly the smiling pleader. ''Nellie, you have the to give up her hoarded treasure, and so com- from the little room—far away from the picm M W w w B m m w m R A Y G M w w w frequent occurrence, and the youDg wife waa for the first time noticed the flowers in her hair. away, while sho wove anew tbe old dreams: start of your husband in this matter! Yon fort " one of the least of these." W C w B m tured eye that looked from the wall, with brow ; m A w w NOT CE m N beginning to yearn for the old endearmentB As he gazed, a happy smile and blush over- and filled the future with the radiant hopes were the first to see the evil clearly, and resow m m But some of my young readers may think crowned by the fro3ts of many winters, lives A w M H m w B A m R A m lutely to try the cure; so, if you will insist in it would have been just as well for the poor HEREAS EL SHA BARD nd ' and kindly words that were the bliss of her spread the really .beautiful face of the young that bad marked the past. A m H M H M A w W K U the boy, now a faithful minister of the GosW BQ w M taking all the blame for whatever has gone woman, and better and happier for Jane, if D G earlier wedded life. And yet she had been wife. m M G B w G A At nine her husband returned, so the crimpel. A long, useful, and happy life has been his. m m ACOB ABM ROHR R A R A D BG wrong between us for the past year or so, yon B M G A m G m married but three years. A shade of deep Bomejolder person had supplied this want— Newsoenes, new friends, and new associations son cushioned rocking-chair had not been m w " Charming! Why, Nellie, upon my word shall have all the credit of setting things Am W m sadness came over her face, and she recalled m R w G brought out quite iu vain. He threw himself many indeed, may even think it foolish In her. are around him. But the old are unlorgotten. B A Fa me s Look o your In eres s A B C M G mm the fact. "Oh dear I I never thought we you are looking as young and handsome to- into It, and taking up the new book whioh right again!" m mm m BB m m Well, so did her brother Harry—cool, calcu- Desr to memory are the early Ecenes, but w night as you did three years ago, or more. I m U " Not all, Dudley. You know it was someB w B B should speak to each other in such a way," Th O R w n m G still lay upon the table, a happy hour wa 5 m m lating Harry. " There is need of her making sweetest and best are his thoughts of the saintm N she sighed, taking up her work. " Is it my fib all have to make love to you all over again, spent in reading aloud from its contents, while thing you said that day that led me to thing such a sacrifice," he reasoned. " I know my ed mother who surrounded his way with such AMO W M R A Am K R W m w G M CORM CK W D OWX D 1 I'm afiaid. Should you like it?'* and he of these things so seriouBlyl You recollect] fault, I wonder. ' A B M G mm R A R AUD MOW R Nellie sat by, playing her b u s y needle, and father: he would have got some wood if she a perfect safeguard. caught her playfully iu his arms, and imprintR O M K A R m the remark you made at dinner about the old MPL C TY S n h Du b Mrs. Grey's mind ran hastily over the part ed a kiss on her cheek, more fond and lover- narBlng in her heart tbe bright hopes so newhadn't. / don't1 sec" (a favorite expression of w w times, and now nothing seemed as it used to COAPKTNERSH P NOT CE N w m M w B C K ly born there. Once or twice Mr. Grey looked three years. It was not a long prooeas, and by like than he had offered her for months. w his) " why mother let her do such a foolish then." w m K N w m A m ^HE P n h p h u n The eye has never ceased to follow him. Its up from his book to watoh her glowing face, the Ume Mr. Grey bad made his appearance in thing." m G W C w B H G w C "Like it V echoed the blushing little la<>'y, "Yes, and I reoolleot, also, blaming you R M w w BO unconscious of his gaze ; and he was still W A m the room, holding daintly, by the tips of his G O Perhaps it would be unfair to Harry, who gentle, silent influence has ever been around B O 1 haltnestling In his embrace; " o f oour3e I w W C w B m CA D R CO m for it. Nellie, I was a brute. ; him. From the summit of his life he now more confirmed in his former conviction that thumb and finger, the almost dripping hose, m M w was In the main aright-minded, generous b o y B w A m Am w should like it, of all things: but there is the m m w W " You were nothing of the sort." answered D B w m w B M m m some good fairy had taken possession of she had got far enough in her mental survey to suppose for a moment he did not like the ofttimes looks baok, and through the valley m w B w D B w H tea-bell.'' She was afraid to truBt herself to w m mm m — his home, and that the bright sunshine was Nellie, smiling ; " only, as I told you, it did idea of losing some nice little present that he and up the mountain-Bide, see3, with the eve m w m w to be able to rise, with all traces of her recent m m say more ; for was not this old love making) w B m U G O CA B fast coming back into it, radiant as ever. But me good; for I resolved, from that day, to would otherwise have been sure to receive of experience, here a pitfall, and there a yawnanger gone, and a repentant tear half strugM m m m C B Wm W G O CA D K to which her husband had playfully alluded, A m even while he gazed a Boheme entered his bring the old times back. In short, I deter- from the sister he loved BO very dearly. Oh! ing gulf, that might have reoeived him but gling for the mastery over the gentle smile w H m w B D G the very end to the accomplishment of which, M w w w Tb und n d h m d C p n mind, whioh, though it seemed almost cruel, mined to win you a second time. Do you n o ; we need not suppose he had any selfish for the " Thou God seest me ". that kept him m A m with which she advanced towards her husband w m G B henceforth, her whole heart wad pledged. C H M w B H m w m he determined to carry out. " I will be In see?" m CA D R HKO H R H to take the stockings from his hand. Mr. motive in forming this opinion. It was very wary and watohful. In the twilight of his H A m w M w B C The clock on the dining-room mantel struck no haste," he said to himself, " to notioe this " Yes, 1 see," returned Mr. Grey, demurely; true, however, that he did not yet possess, nor yearB he thinks of the divine Eye that has W w w B D m Grey, however, was not looking at her; and B COA UMB R A M A m m w the hour just as they entered the apartment. ohange In my wayward little wife. I will "not content with courting me once, you m G C &C w G D mm C w B D m merely waving her aside, he rang the bell. even quite understand, the sweet spirit of watched over him through life's day, and has mm A w M 1 A m "That's It 1" exclaimed Mr. Gray. "True feign blindness; and If it be genuine it wil must go all over it again—victimize me OHN B RD A w love that led little Jane to perform this deed nothing to fear for the night, or the darkness A B B w B M C "Here, Jane," he said to the servant in to a minute. There's nothing like punctuality, COA UMB R A BU N A m stand the test, nay, be all the firmer for it.— afresh;" and he heaved a mook sighT T A w C of meroy—of true charity, that brought its of death, bat trusts to it for care here, and B C GBU CA D R waiting, " take these stockings and bring up and his wife knew it, but had never given It w B m W A H m M C A H " Now, that's too bad," answered Mrs. Grey, own sweet reward in her loving heart. If otherwise"—aud the sigh that folio we d told m CA D R m for a welcome in the bright day of heaven— dinner immediately." He looked at his watch, much thought before. Now Bhe was beginm Y W w B how deeply his heart was interested in the re- laughing in spite of herself, for she felt very When Christmas oame—" merry Christmas," the day made luminous by its light. as the girl left the room. " Ellen, it is past ning to Bee her duty in a new light, and she A D MAR ARM R PLANTS PLANTS PLANTS serious ; " listen to me now, and joke after- with i u happy greetings, pleasant surprises, m K w B D mm sult. . "... A m the dinner hour by fifteen minutes. It seems mentally resolved that he should never have A m S W E E T POTATO P n > O H R ARM R ward to your heart's content. For the first ringing bells, and cheerful scenes—not one in N m C m B H to me there might be more punctuality about reason to complain on this score again. The n h w d h w d B w A m VTOT CE OSEPH R FARMER Days passed on, eaoh bringing its joys and few days, It was easy and pleasant to keep that happy band was more light-hearted and A C OB&CCO X AX O M B m M w B B m the meals. It wasn't so when we were first supper was a pleasant one. Mr. Grey praised p n n n ud n Y mm its trials to the heart o( Nellie Grey. YeB, my resolution; but after a while, when I joyous than our little Jane. A m U B married. Then I was always sure of regular the delicate spungy muffins ; and when Kittie V OMA O AN CAB w bu h m n h wh n h md A B w B B m C C C mm trial B ; for it was not easy to break at once tbe oould not Bee that you noticed my efforts in BAG R D B B w After dinner Bhe went to visit her poor sick hours, and—but, heigh-ho ; nothing seems as came into the room to supply something A m H RD HONDAY N AUGU w R w C RY W h wd k p w h p w n h old habits of petulance and waywardness which the slightest degree, and things went wrong in womau, and her mother gave her "something D w B W m w M m BA AD QO AN it did then." M B w m m m w nd p nd n ud which bad been forgotten, he complimented had been growing upon her for months. It the kitchen, and Jane left in such a hurry, A m nice" from off the bountiful table to take to G M A C B W Mrs. Grey's heart heat rapidly, and her col- her on her unusual success. AMQK H U A M A m was not always easy to repress an irritating and that dreadful headache of mine came on, her. Jane was delighted to lind her better, Th m n wh b n n u b n H V O H m W m M w B W or roae. "That is true, Dudley. I was just A DK A —W w "Sure, sir, and It's the mistress that made remark, or curb an impatient motion, amid I was tempted to give up, and go back to the and hei room warm and comfortable. h wn n n n h n h m m thinking so myself." S d P n n n d B u n A w M M w B W m them," was the ingenuous reply, as Kittle the inevitable discomforts attendant upon old course again. I did speak impatiently to h h m h m d n A m U It was a custom in the family to observe H E und u d m mb h " Well whose fault Is it ?" returned her husM H B w B bustled out of the room. even the most smoothly gliding household lot. you once or twice one day; but, when evening Christmas muoh like a saored festival—a day C w m F esh Ga den Seeds—New C op A h w h n b K band, moodily. " I am not conscious of any m w m " I know I could make them better than Yet Nellie bore bravely on, neither disoourag- oame, I felt so unhappy about it that I deter- cf rejoioing; but New-Year's day was perhaps HE D F m n d G d D K H m w B m d un m m h k G m C m partioular ohange as far as I am concerned." D B K B m B K m n u 1 h T NEW B A Kittle," Baid Mre. Grey: " and I had an Idea e 1, nor yet unduly elated, as at the outset she mined to persevere, cost what It might. It the mt-rriest, happiest day in all the glad p nd m p n n A m U CRO OARD N D w w m C The implication on herself was so pointed H G U w B m G w B NAKK Y that you would like to taste some of my own had been. She.bad learned that faults once was not in my own strength that I was able New Year to the children, and the great day w m m nd qu k u n A m that Mrs. Grey could not but understand, it m A N Q G m U manufacture again, it IB BO long since I at- harbored are tenacious of their place; and in to do this, for Dudley," Bhe continued, lower- for gift-making. m C H B R C m B nd up u u n m m m w m and the usual angry rejoinder was raising to C W m A M her weakness she had gone humbly to the ing voice, " every morning and evening, and B —w m tempted the feat." It came tbis year olear, oold, and beautiful A m W m w G LANCASTER HOME MUTUAL n nd B wn w kn her l i p s ; but with a great effort she repressed K W BH MK A K A XAND R m A B M G "I might have known you made them, my great source of strength for light and grace.'— many times through the day, I have asked just the day when home-comforts and pleaANDR W B NMAN RO AND K KR It. She only sighed, and, taking her place un m n wh p hn h h d A mQ F RE NSURANCE COMPANY BBX B AR ABK HAM BAKK dear, answered Mr. Grey," evidently pleased So daily her brow grew calmer and her smile God to help fl,nd. strengthen me. At first, I sures seem so delightful. At the first peep of A G B C m B UADD U V R H R at the table, In which dinner had just been h d h d Th m nw k O S E K n S at the attention. " No one ever gave them sweeter. Still she could not see that her was not sure that my motive was exactly a day, the house rang with the merry voice of C W G B C m B H M LAKCASTEK PA placed, the mealcommence>t in silence.* Mr. nm nm n n d n n b ph — W B A m just the taste that yours have. Bat it is so husband nottoed her altered tranner, and this right one, for I oared more about pleasing you, ohildrtn—echoing her and there, startling H S C mp n mu u n FERD NAND E HAYES Grey merely looking up In surprise that his H B B w C B m H p nd p u " "Wh d u long, as you say, since you made any, that I was her greatest trial. Trne, he had shown and winning your love, than about his appro- every V m m B w sleeper—with the joyous greeting, TTORNEY AT LAW N U wife offered no reply to his provoking speech, hm V k d B wn " h nk " w K w G A wonder you reatin your skill BO admirably.— her peculiar tenderness on the night from bation or blessing. But I felt that my heart "Happy New Year 1" " Happy New Year I" h nk BRAR R B H AD U w B A m K W m C and looking down again, a little ashamed that d n " h d d mu h b w H A C m w Yes, they taate just as they did in old times,", which she dated her determination to become was open to all kindly influences just then, How cheerful and pleasant^he parlor looked K Um w h e had made It. w G M M A R "Wh h d dn p h h n" d he continued, transferring a freBh muffin to a better wife; but since then there had been and that perhaps I Bhould oome to a right feel- as they all went in after breakfast, a happy A H WM AUG ATLEE d n " h wh B w B H Dinner was over. The street door has closed his plate. no marked demonstration of his awakened re- ing In regard to i t ; and it waa even so. In- smiling company, and gathered round the B wn "T u " O— R Wm T G V P TTORNEY AT LAW N E A m D w B w w —C H after the young merchant, and Mrs. Grey, K H Had Mr. Grey also been thinking of the old gard. 0 , how she longed to throw herself into stead of striving to beoome worthy of your table where lay a colleotion of packages that m n " B B M m w B G m — R B wm A m * l t h a heart heavy and a consolons ill at ease, times of love and confidence, that he had thus his arms and tell him the yearnlngB of her heart love, my dearest husband, I trust I have obm F nd M b mp d h h h A w B M B B seemed very attraotive 1 A m resumed her sewing, and with It the serious referred, onoe and yet again, to them ? Yes, for the old days I But something in his man- tained also, the love and blessing of that u h u n n h hu h " " Bn " EDWARD RE LLY A m m w B H Yes, how very pleasant, with the morning BEMOVAL reflections of the morning. She thought of for the hasty remark whioh he had made be- ner deterred her strangely. It was not cold- Heavenly Friend." TTORNEY AT LAW —OFF CE Md h m n " h n h w san shining in so bright and beautiful on the nd S GAHA S n C B DUK RR N C H the happy hours that had marked their short fore dinner, and the unsually gentle spirit In ness, or indifference even, but a sort of hurried n pp d h n n n n A A m She paused suddenly, for Bhe did not know sort, warm carpet, and polished furniture, aud ~ A n ~ MmCMmUn ^ nuL W feat blissful engagement; of her care to please which his wife had received it had led him abstracted mood, not altogether unusual with m H m w B H n A An CA L HBUB UTC AUD m" d F nd Ob d h how her husband would receive her words.— the cheerful fire glowing In the grate. The hu h " " S B A m C C m B K K Dudley In everything, even to the arrangement also to reflect on the existing state of things, him when business was particularly pressing EXAM NER & HERALD H B C m A h n h w w hp h L d b He looked at her a moment in grave silence; children's faces beamed with delight, and all " bu <™ B B m M H of her hair, and the choloe of a ribbon or a and to long most earnestly for a return to the and the poor little wife wondered how long It S m b nd C d P n n O m H m hn w ud k h h then bowing his head reverently over the were happy. glove; how her sweetest tones, and brfghest endearments and joys of other days. " I t is would last, and when the time would come m H mU H m AV NC n du d n u O n um n " olasped hands which he held in hie own he w G A B H F O B SALE All, did I say? All but o n e ; the faoe of •ttUea were his, and how earnesthad been her partly m y fault," h e said to himself, in the that he would repay her earnest efforts with n G replied,—" Thank you, dear Nellie, for this little Jane waa not bright with amiieB. Aud S d Sund h h p u R C C LB S EOTAEY CARD CUTTERS FOUR HORSE KETUEN UE C C B C hope and her belief that, onoe the sharer of his generosity of Ms loving heart. " I was oer- the loving appreciation of the old times. She h w h B mn OABDB—PLA H AM B O B w ooufldenoe. Be assured ;i prize you all the why T Ah 1 this was her trial time, the first h d " W h D H A m w ud h b n w h u nd COLOBXD w n wp p d p n d home, she-should always delight In rendering talnly to blame this morning. I ought to never thought to blame him for this apparent M B B BO BHAK w w w B m more for It, and God grant that your new found time since her recollection that she had.nothTT S XB ASS COLOR wh W T u u p h nd m h " Th AC KY O .-- • J i ' S P ***** lUtle^servioei that love Is so qulok have been mora patient with Nellie. She ti absorption, for her penltenoe was too Utomogh O D H O B w h h p n AT THX LOW T BATB K U D B joy may be mlno abflL"-";v u p d " upp m m w u d B B w B M B M ing to give at this glad aaaton. Th S S S U d w h CAMS O ALL B ZB s a f e tufgflit and t o prompt to crfcr.,. And onoe . young, poor -thing j and perhaps the cares of to permit of this feeling. So she w a n t o n her un Om n T M n V pM Um C M p d d ' Very sweet and fall w w the oomnHwiou of • ^SnVMoaiftd her own pretty present, .how- h H B M b n ph n " IW m wwh P Up A r T T S £ . x « > c - M E > . • TT * i he bad been abwnt from the city for three J . A, HBSTANP, J. R HUBKB, F. HBCKERT, J weeks, and a h ^ w i m e m ^ ^ ^ the lettera that . n t u s , ,TBB , m a or had passed between thettyso fall of affectionHEBSTAHBtHIIBBE & HECKEBT, ate confidence in the perfect adaption of each o n raa tv vonti qran ICESR. to tha other, so lavish of oromUes t o bear and forbear! with each other's faultsj to help., each' T H E E X A M I N E R <S H E R A L D other in gaining more perfect oontrol oven ajelf^ la P K M U * « * iT-dUr, «f 2 W ItoOw-f a F e w . and In oultlratlngalUhose qaalitlea of mlad A D V B B T I S B M K I i T S w i l l b e I n s e r t e d » t t l i e : and heart that should cause eteh to retain for at* of » 1 00 per square, of tan l i s t * , for t h r w loaer- the other the lore and respect already so IOBI or l « a ; and 36 e « u p « r equaxeforewnadcAttoaal sweetly and completely won. E T E E E E TO F A R M E R S ! MOWER & REAPER! E T E E E A J D A W A W S 8 T A T T A A H A ooVidnunrT (Sfew t e r r a s nr A l t t h e thorouglifareitof J h q rebels, exoept iMPbKTANT FROM GEN. BANKS. regiment he drew i t and shot him and HUQL A T B ' W A B <STBWS. he railroad t o Memphis h a t e been-cut off. I t I a ' t h e g a m e ' o f war all ifl'not.tragedy, a s the -"' '* '" SOUTH OABOLIHA. cecded with tho assistance of Lieut. Camphor By the decision of the Supreme Court .By reference to ourjrar news the par- following anocdote will illustrate. A corres- Tho Philadelphia North American gives t h e is conjeotured that the plan of General H a l in securing t h e rebel's horse and riding oft". delivered at Harrisburg last week, the ticulars of Gen. Banks' retreat from jond,ent atNewbern, N. C., informs.th.e,goston_ following e t t r a o t from a letter dated " P l a n t s , leok is to starve tho enemy out of their en- The Attack of the Rebels Jackson and After proceeding about two miles tbeycarue Winchester win'be founds " 3 y that his trenchments. Food ond'forage are already Journal that a few days ago the men belonging aoross an ambulance in which Col. Kenley lay, Amy vote" was'decllmHunTOnBKtutional.' tion of Edgar Tripp, St. Helena Island, S. C , Ewell on His Column. source i n the rebel camps, t h e troops having, army and wagon trains had crossed the to Co. H , of , t h e S e v e n t e » B t h H i u a o h u l e t t s attended by surgeon Mitchell of the regiment. The question waa brought before the Court May 10th," giving a n interesting acoount of for two or three weeks past, been on half raThe vehicle was passing along the pike and upon two cases. One from Philadelphia, Potomac in safety. Gen. Banks' force Regiment, (the British Volunteers) of Boston-, the management of the cotton estates b y t h e tions, a n d they of the coarsest quality. Official Despatches from Gen- had been repeatly fired into by the rebel cavC a u J i J . JR. Lloyd,.wbile.pffpicket duty,.asked agents: where a penwu was prosecuted for voting did not exceed four thousand men. (Jen. their commanding oEoerfor liberty to " shoot government Meantime, General Hallebk : is reported to alry. Finding themselves closely pursued they ~''' r Affairs have'prbgimVea7avorab1y~on the nine eral Banks, Shields had several days ago joined Gen. illegally..- TheiCourt gnashed the indiothave said that h e confidently expects to take woodcock." The captain w a i s o m e w h a t sur- plantations In my district sine* 1 h u t wrote. The abandoned the horse, a n d leaping several ment on .the ground that, the whole army McDowell with twelve thousand of Gen. prized to learn that a n y of that delicious game hands have planted — ***** of .cotton, la addition Corinth withont losing over one hundred a n d fences, took to the woods where they managed fifty men. HE FALLS tiWm QfARTIMSBDBe. to conceal themselves, a n d the enemy gave up Tote was unconstitutional. The Supreme Bank's command and he could do nothing was t o be found i n that quarter of Seoessia, to — aores of corn and — ofpotatoes. Theootton the search. There were but six companies of Court sustained this deoision. The other less than retreat with all possible speed. b u t was assured t h a t i t was BO, and, first en- crop will be considerably smaller than it was h u t Capture of a Eebal Steamer w i t h Sixty joining the proper precautions on t h e boyB, on account of the lateness of the season at the 1st Maryland regiment engaged in the case came from Luzerne county,. where It is said that when Gen. Bank's com- they h a d liberty to go shooting a s requested. year, GENERAL BANKS* OFFICIAL BEFOET. fight, the remaining four being on picket Prisoners. which the planting ,was cpmmenced. If we had One after another i n rapid succession t h e the Army Tote decided the contest for mand was retreating through Winchester A v e r y short time thereafter a member of been on the ground six weeks earlier, the crop of p r o p s which support t h e tottering fabric of the Despatches from Colonel Daniels, of the HSADQUABTEBS, MARTINSBOBQ, May 2 5 - d u t y a n d acting as provost guard at Front his men were fired upon from the houses 2:40 P . M. District Attorney. The person declared First Wisconsin Cavalry, dated Camp Laanother oompanycame running i n hot haste t o cotton wouid have been nearly doubled. Small as Royal. by the women, and many of our sick who CapL Lloyd and informed him that his men had it will be, it will nevertheless be so much gain to ^rebellion a r e falling before the sturdy„ blows grange, Dunkin county, Arkansas, contains Hon. E . M. S T A N T O N : — elected by the Return Judges and the of the defenders of the Union. Secessionism, The rebels attacked us this morning at daywere loft behind were shot. A despatch from Cincinnati states that Col. taken his servant, a young man named Wood- the government, and a gain of many thousands of w i t h one foot i n t h e grave a n d the other on, accounts of the capture of the Rebel steamer break in great force. Their force was estimated Court in Luzerne county was eleoted by dollars, for if we bad not borne a t the time we did, Daniel E. Miller, on t h e S t . Francis river, t 15,000 consisting of Ewell'a a n d Jackson's Heth, with 3,000 rebels, attacked our forces the Army Vote. This deoision was re- Gen. McCIelIau»was progressing towards ooek, and were preparing to shoot him—as they it is not likely that any cotton at all wouM have the brink, struggles to regain t h e life which taken with stores of provisions and a company adivisions. T h e fire of the pickets began with [ (1,300 strong) under Colonel Crook, at LewisRichmond but nothing of special inter- assured the unfortunate youth—by order of been planted. The negroes had been told by our is fast ebbing away. Twenty days have the light, and waa followed by the artillery until versed by the Supreme Court. their commanding officer. Trne enough such elapsed since the capture of New Orleans, a n d of troops for Memphis. The Colonel captured the lines were fully under fire on both sides. burg, on Friday, b u t after a severe engageest has transpired from there for the last soldiers and others that all they would be expeeted The opinion of the Supreme Court was the Rebel pickets, a n d came upon t h e boat i t - The left wing stood firmly, holding its ground ment they were repulsed. Our forces capa demonstration was found to b e i n progress to do was to secure crops of com and potatoes i n t h a t brief period w e h a v e witnessed t h e delivered by Judge WOODWARD, and is few days. by the captain, who, h a v i n g been very essen- large enough for their subsistence. -So that when abandonment of eight forts a n d Borne sixteen self before it was out of rifle shot distance well, and tho right did tho same for a time, tured four cannon and 100 prisoners. Flag of the free heart's hope and home 1 Gen. Halleok was four miles from Cor- tially sold i n this instance, will b e careful General McClellan'e army is still marching from the shore. I n return to a command to when two regiments broke lines under the fire By angel hands to Valor given 1 one of very general interest. After quowo came among them Bad told them that the gov- batteries. Surely t h e " w o r l d m o v e s " — " t h e on, and the morale and discipline of our army lay to, the enemy sent a volley of musketry. of the enemy. Thy stars h a r e lit the welkin dome, ting the provision of our State Constitu- j inth and the news of a battle is daily ex- again i n allowing liberty t o his gallant com- ernment wished them to plant cotton as usual, and work goeB bravely o n . " The right wing fell back a n d were ordered is acknowledged on both sides to be splendid. pany to " shoot Woodoook." We then brought to bear upon them a brass to withdraw, a n d the troops passed through And all t h y hues wero born i n Heaven. that they would be paid for their servioes, they The latest arrival from t h e Gulf bring adtion on the subject, and saying that its pected from there. On Saturday our forces had three skirmishes, «•••> did not show great alserity to go to work, and did vices from New Orleans to the 8th i n s t , a n d six-pounder, which sent one shot through h e r the town in considerable confusion. They were Forever float that standard sheet! Gen. Fremont had captured a large in which they defeated the rebels. The 4th plain and literal import is, that the citizen quickly reformed on the other aide, a n d conOPEN CONFESSION. hull a n d another through h e r wheel-house, not seem to put full faith in our promises. The Where breathes the foe b u t falls before us, from Peneacola. to t h e 11th. The news from possessing all the other qualifications, band of guerrillas and his department The Richmond Whig is penitent, a n d makes cotton agents who had been sent. down to gather New Orleans corroborates to a certain extent killing Lieutenant Colonel Lewis and one pri- tinued their march i n good order to Martins- Michigan attacked, a n d the despatoh says, With freedom's soil beneath our feet, was progressing favorably. burg, where they arrived a t twenty minutes about finished, the celebrated Louisiana T i up and ship the cotton of last year's crop, had not a n honest oonfession in a very plain way. I t This shall, in accordance with the 1st Section what h a s reached u s through rebel channels. vate, and wounding several others. And Freedom's banner streaming o'er a s T three P . M., a distance of twenty-two miles. gers. Gen. McDowell has advanoed beyond s a y s : — " I t has been'claimed that the people paid them, they said, for their services in helping Gen. Butler landed on the 1 s t inst., and a t caused the steamer to surrender. About sixty to Our trains are in advance a n d will cross the of the 3d Article of the Constitution, have Despatches received at the "War Department Fredericksburg with a large forbe, but of the North are liars, and t h a t we of t h e South them, as they had promised. We assured them first occupied t h e Custom-house a s h i s head- prisoners were taken, among whom w a s one river in safety. O u r entire force engaged was PROCLAMATION OP GOY. CURTIN. a ten days' residence in an election dis- nothing is known of his destination. It are truthful. This is a delusion." And i t that tho pay would oome by and by, and that it quarters, b u t subsequently removed to the St. Colonel. None of our troops were hurt. less than four thousand, consisting of Gordon's state that Fort Wright is still in the possession trict, and shall offer his ballot in that parand DouueUy'a brigades, with two regiments of the rebels, and the fleet, which had disapwouid be greatly for interest to show a disposition is expected that he will give a good ac- gives as a n instance to prove the assertion of cavalry under General Hatch, and two peared for a day or two, is again in the to bo industrious in serving the government, or Charles Hotel. Affairs were beginning to asticular district. " Such," the Court mainTUG MILITIA ORDERED INTO THE FIELD. sume a more satisfactory appearance i n t h e batteries of artillery. count of himself soon. " A battle is n o sooner begun than we a r e Massa Linooln, as we personified the United vicinity. FROM HALLECK'S ARMY. tained, " is the voice of the Constitution. Our loes was considerable, as was that of notified b y a ' r e l i a b l e ' despatoh that the States. Most of them went to work, by dint of city. The Opelousas and Jackson Raiload had The rebels of Kdcnton arrested a Union pilot the enemy, but cannot now be stated. We ' whole army of the enemy will certainly be The text and the rule are equally obligabeen taken possession of, a n d all the a p HABiusBtrao, May 16, 1862. this persuasion, bnt I saw, as the other superintenwere reinforced by the Fifteenth Maine, which and took him to Rnleigh, where they threaten A LOUISIANA CONGRESSMAN STILL killed or captured.' This we heard i n regard proaches to t h e city h a d been out off. Gen. tory. "We have no power to dispense with did good service, and a regiment of cavalry. GENERAL ORDER, No. 23. to hang him. General Burnside immediately Donelson, Elkhorn, Shiloh, a n d nearly every dent did, that they would not bold out long on REBEL HEWS FBOM T H E SOUTHWEST. FOR THE UNION.—An officer of the Mas- to mere promises, and that a payment on acconnt of Phelps h a d occupied Carrollton, five miles u p • N . P . BANKS, other battle which has been fought. arrested five of the commissioners of Edenton, On the pressing requisition of the President either. Whoever would claim the franMajor General Commanding. sachusetts 31st writes from New Orleans their wages muBt be made to seouro their confithe river. Porter's mortar fleet h a d recon" Everybody knows that ' the whole army and h e threatens to hang them if Mr. White, of the United States, in the present emergency, chise which the Constitution grants, must dence. This, happily, has just been made, and the noitered the approaches to the harbor of MoF a r r a g u t ' s Fleet a t Virfuburg, Mies.—He of the enemy will certainly be killed or capAfter three-fifths of his army had been sent the Union pilot, is injured. exercise it in the manner the Constitution as follows: it is Examiner mU. T B S A B U T VOTE U R O O W n T U T I O J I i l . TMTffilBEUIffll Summary of War News and Incidents. tured' means t h a t t h e Confederates will be de- effect in raising the spirits of the negroes is magi- bile, and had taken soundings preparatory to an Demands t h e Removal of t h e Woman a n d " Last night the officer of tbo guard at the StChildren—The "Brooklyn" a n d " H a r t f o r d " to reinforce General McDowell, from the supfeated next day. But why choose a preposter- cal. They have now got their pay in full from the attack. Pensacola was evacuated on the night prescribes." The plain " meaning of the Charles As a small offset lo the reverse to Gen. Pass N a t c h e z — F l i g h t of " L a d y " Davis posed approach of the rebel forces under Jackwas accosted by -£gontleman whom he falsehood to convey disagreeable truth ? cotton agents, and a partial payment from us. constitutional clause, under consideration, found to be Bouligny, one of the last Representa- ous Banks' command, noted above, we learn of a of the 0th inst., as before stated. Gen. ArSouthward. Why not say, ' the advantage so far is on our " We have the aid of the military authorities in son and Ewell at Fredericksburg, it appears victory achieved in Gen. Fremont's Departnold, in command a t Fort Pickens, h a d suc- HEAD-quABTEHs OF G E N . H A L L E C K ' S A R M Y , \ may therefore, on the whole, bo stated tives whom Louisiana sent to Congress, and who side, b n t t h e battle is n o t decided yet; t h e now that the supposition of General McDowell enforcing discipline. I have had occasion to avail ceeded in saving a portion of fhe**property.— May 24, 1862. / ment. A National force of 1,?>00 men, under" thus—every white freeman, twenty-one held out for the Union long after his State had se- enemy's reinforcements may come u p ' ?" that Jackson and Ewell were pressing upon his myself of it twice, to bring refractory persons to Col. Crook, stationed atLewlsburgb, in GreenThe city and forts h a d been occupied by our The Memphis Appeal of the 22d contains the Since that time that man has fought no Why n o t ? Because in t h a t oase the rebel years of age, having 'resided,' according ceded. front was incorrect, and that at the very moterms. The mere presence of the soldiers on the teiB than eeven duels—nearly one a month-^solely cause would be killed in a week. Because, if brier county, on the Greenbrier River, waa forces, a n d Gen. Arnold w a s expected to es- following intelligence:—Gov. Pettus, of Misto the primary meaning of that word, or on account of his Union sentiments. Ho is now a the conspirators and rebels h a d not so indus- estates, and a word or two from them as to what tablish his headquarters on shore. The steam- sissippi, h a s called for a thousand armed men ment when he called for these reinforcements attacked on Friday morning by a rebel force the consequences would be if they did not obey imthese rebel Generals were still hovering about according to legislative definition of it, in maimed man, bis left band shattered and left arm triously a n d effectually crushed out truth in plicitly the orders of the superintendent, were all er Rhode Island, which brings this intelligence to rendezvous immediately a t Vicksburg, the of 3,000, under Col. Heath, nnd after a severe General Banks' position, and were not within any 'election district' created by or under paralyzed, and one or both of his feet injured. That the South, there would have been no rebellion; that was needed to acomphsh the purpose, and I had on board a number of prisoners taken In ammunition to be procured a t the latter place. sixty miles, or several days' march of Freder- fight the rebels were defeated, a n d completely is literally 'standing up for the Union,' and he says routed. Our loss is ten killed, forty wounded, I t also contains the following t e l e g r a m : — the authority of the Legislature, for ten ho is still as strong a Union man as ever. All and t h a t which was born i n iniquity can only do not expect to have any more difficulty on any the naval battle below New Orleans. icksburg. and eight missing; that of the enemy is inuch VICKSBURG, M a y 21.—The Federal comof the estates. The negroes, generally, are as days immediately preceeding the election, honor to him and all liko h i m ! May they be be sustained b y sin a n d bad whiskey. The great cause of regret is that the rich greater. We captured four cannon, two of mander has ordered the removal of the women The Whig advises its readers to " g o back easily managed as children, and I have no more shall be permitted to offer his ballot in many." and children from this city in twenty-four Leaving Gen. Butler to administer the affairs valley of the Shenandoah, which had been r e . thera rifled; two hundred stand of a r m s , a n d to the old habit of telling t h e truth a n d using fear of them than I should have of so many chilANOTHER GENERAL ORDER BY THE GOVERNOR. that district." oftheUnioninN. Orleans, and the sloop-of-war hours. T h e Mayor h a s asked a n extension covered by the advance of General Banks dri- one hundred prisoners, including several offimoderate language"—but they will never do dren." of the time until Friday, t h e 23d, at 8 o'clock, Pensacola and gunboat Katahdan to exorcise a A . M . ving Jackson step by step before him from | cers. Gen. Fremont issued the following tiir-. IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. Turning to the 43rd Section of tho Act HEADQUABTEBS P E K S A . M I L I T I A , \ that till they # return to their loyalty to the wholesome influence over the rebellious porWinchester to within ten miles of Staunton, cular to his t r o o p s : — There are ten boats below the city. HAILRISBUHQ, May 26. J THE EEBEBAL RESOURCES. R e c e n t n e w s f r o m M e x i c o is o f g r e a t Union. of 1837, by which the Army Vote is should be again abandoned to t h e raids of the GENERAL ORDER No. 24. KitASKLis, Va., Saturday, May 2 1 . The London Tinea, in support of its asser- tion of the community. Flag Officer Farragut, sought to be justified, the Court holds that i m p o r t a n c e , i n d i c a t i n g t h a t t h e F r e n c h «••*» Women and Children leaving Vickaburg. rebels without having accomplished anything. The General Commanding congratulates the General order, No. 23, of these headquarters, tion that intervention on the side of our gov- following u p that success which he inauguratSECESSION I N ABKANSAS. that measure " does not affect to create an troops there were on t h e point of b e i n g army on a new victory ia this Department. The Vicksburg Citizen of the UJth inst., says ed so splendidly, has proceeded u p the MisTUE LATEST NEWS. dated this day, being issued under the requiwon bytihe skill and bravery of our Eoldier.* I t is very manifest t h a t the people of Arkan- ernment could be of no value, thus expatiates sissippi, with the determination of reducing that the women and children are being r e sition of the President of the United States, no election district" or place for the exer- o v e r w h e l m e d a n d d e s t r o y e d . S o m e 3 0 , W A E DEPARTMENT, Washington, May 2tJ, 8 against the superior numbers of the enemy. on t h e warlike means a t our command: moved from t h e city to-day, by the advice of the defences above this city and joining Comcommanding officer of a higher grade than cise of the right of suffrage. The Section 0 0 0 M e x i c a n t r o o p s , w i t h a g r e a t m a n y sas are getting tired very fast of the rule of Gen. Smith, in advance of the approaching o'clock, P . M.—No reliable information or par" " N o t if all the resources of this country The Third brfgade of Geo. Cox's Division, captain will be accepted by the United States, merely prescribes that the citizens referred g u n s , w e r e a s s e m b l i n g i n t h e v i c i n i t y o f seceBBion. a n d of the disabilities under which ' were a t the disposal of Mr. Bright a n d his modore Foote. The impression prevails among conflict with the enemy. ticulars of j h e retreat, of our forces from Win. commanded by Col. Crook, was attacked yesit has placed them. Gov. Reotor recently i s those best informed that he will meet with but excepting where the regiment is already or" The Brooklyn and llartjord passed Natchez Chester, Va., to Williamsport, Maryland, have terday morning at Lewisburgh by Gen. Heath, a n d all our power were thrown into to " may exercise the right of suffrage at t h e C i t y o f M e x i c o . W h a t a d d s t o t h e sued a.bombastic proclamation requiring t h a t friends, the Northern sonle, could we add to the little opposition, as all the rebel defences this morning." ganized, and all expense under it is to be dewith three thousand men, and after a ltvely been received at the War Department. such place as may be appointed by the difficulty o f t h e F r e n c h t r o o p s is t h e n o n - 5500 men should be raised for home protection, strength or the chances of the Federals in this above this city have been constructed with The Corinth correspondent of the Appeal engagemeut the enemy were routed, and fled frayed by the general government. Despatches from Williamsport have to be in confusion. Col. Crook captured four canthe death of Col. Ingraham, of Gen. commanding officer of the troop or com- s y m p a t h y o f t h e i r c o u n t r y m e n i n t h e C i t y each man to find his own arms and equipments, singular contest. We might send them ships, the view of opposing a fleet coming down, deplores By order of A. G. CURTIN, Van Dorn's staff, who, ho says, " was inhu- sent to Hagerstown by mountain messengers. non, two hundred stand of arms, and one hunbut they have got as many as they w a n t — pany to which they shall respectively be- of M e x i c o , w h o h a v e i s s u e d a m a n i f e s t o a n d the leading paper of t h e capital calls the They have already possession of the seas, and rather than oue passing up the river, and in- manly butchered b y the Federals in a skirmish From that point they are telegraphed to tho dred prisoners. Our Io?s -.v;ts ten hilled an 1 A. L. RUSSELL, Adjutant General. long." It does not create an election dis- t a k i n g s t r o n g g r o u n d a g a i n s t t h e action documents " a compound of usurpation, trea- the whole British navy could give them noth- telligence already received confirms men in on the 9th." Government. As soon ns received they will forty wounded. son and traBh," a n d calls attention to it as a ing more. We might lend them money, but of this opinion. The same correspondent saya t h a t Beaurc-, The result of this victory will be important. The sloop of-war Brooklyn, The Militia to Serve Three Months. trict, nor is there a word in it for that of N a p o l e o n ' s g o v e r n m e n t a n d i t s a d v i s e r s curiosity. Another influential journal utters thiB, too, in some form or other, they have got Oneida a n d Iroquois, a n d the gunboats Sciota, gard is about to confer the order of the South- be given to the public. The General Commanding U confj'lem \1,M ern Cross of Honor on the privates of the Ninth ' OFFICIAL REPORT OF GBN. KASKS. enough to allow of a present expenditure of purpose. Tbere are no boundaries prethe forces now under his immediate commatul HEADQtTA^TtBS PEKXA. MlLITIA, in M e x i c o , a n d d e c l a r i n g t h a t i t s policy " a n earnest a n d most solemn protest" against £800,000 a day. As to sending them men, all Winonn, Kennebec a n d Penola, left there on Texas Regiment, for their gallant conduct. but lack the opportunity to emulate tho fralWILLIAMSPOET, May 26—1 P . AL HABBISDI'BO, May 26, J8G2. the proclamation. I n consequence of opinions scribed or subdivisions of territory. Nor is f a t a l t o t h e i r i n t e r e s t s . the 1st. On the 7th, the Hartford, (flag ship) They will be the first to receive this muchthe effective troops now serving in England To the President:—I have the honor to r e - lantvy and share the glory of their comrade* GEKEBAL OEDEB, N O . 2-5.—The call for similar to the above, ^volunteering is not very might be landed in New York without causing the Richmond, Kineo and Itasca sailed, a n d on coveted badge of distinction. , port the safe arrival of my command last eve- of the army of the Iviuftwha. can the commanding officer appoint an troops by General Orders of these Headquarany perceptible increase i n t h e fabulous num- the 8th—the Mississippi and Wissahicken got ning, a t this place at 10 o'clock, and the pasThis circular will b e read a t t h e head of T h e Intelligencer is m o r e c o n c e r n e d popular in Arkansas. election district, because there must be a ters Nos. 23 and 24 of this date, is for three bers of the Northern armies. We might send sage of the Fifth Corps across the river to-day every regiment or sepcrate corps in this army. F l i g h t of Mrs. Jeff. Davis Southward. The following is a sample of Gov. Rector's I them three times as many Boldiers as we sent under way a n d steamed u p . with comparatively but little loss. By order of Maj-Gen. FREMONT. months militia men, as stated i n the requisi- prior public designation of the place, and a b o u t t h e Jtarm t h e " d i v i n e i n s t i t u t i o n " The Raleigh (N. C.) Register says : — " Mrs. ALUERT THAC'Y. The loss of men killed, wounded and missing because the Legislature has no power to is receiving, than the suppression of the composition and treason against the terms of to Canada without adding above five p e r cent. : Another band of guerrillas has been destroy- Jeff. Davis arrived here on the 11th inst., tion of the President of the United States. in the different combats in which my command Pol. and Assistant Adjuiant General. the Confederacy: ' to their forces i n the field. No ruler i n the ' ed i n Western Virginia and their leader killed. By order of A. G. Curtin. Governor a n d authorize a military commander to make rebellion and-the hanging of traitors.— under the escort of Senator Gwin, of Califor" I t was for liberty she (Arkansas) struck world, n o t eyen the first Napoleon, ever dis- This good service was done b y a force under nia, accompanied by h e r four children, M r s . has participated since the march from StrasCommander-in-Chief. burg, on the morning of the 24th instant, I am FEOM NORFOLK. an election district. Judge Woodward We have no doubt it would be refreshing and not for subordination to any created posed of so many men or so much money as Carey, President Davis' niece, and Mr. Gwin's unable now to report, but I have great gratifiAbraham Lincoln. H e h a s fully 650,000 Lieut. Col. Downey, a t Wardensville. A. L. RITSSELL, Adjutant General. The advices from Norfolk and Portsmouth very pointedly exhibits the inconsisten- to the readers of that sheet, to hear some- secondary power, North or South. H e r best troops now under arms, a n d it is boaBted t h a t The citizens of Fork-of-Ten-Mile, a town son and daughter. cation in being able to represent that, although freinds a r c her natural allies, nearest a t home, T M and C C cies of the Act of 1839 with the Consti- thing about the traitors Davis, Breckin who will pulsate when she bleeds, whose ut- he could double that number. His finances near Clarksburgb, V i r g i n i a , recently held a The Mesilla (Arizona) Times s a y s : — " S i b - serious, it is much less than might have been are N a e o ley's command is dismounted and in a starving anticipated, considering the great disparity of OFFICIAL. rest on a lesB Btable foundation, b u t be he o n o tution of the State, and, in fact, with it- ridge & Co., and their atrocious barbari- most hope is not beyond h e r existence. If may meeting, without distinction of party, to procondition. Two companies had been cut off the forces engaged, aud the long matured plans the arteries of the Confederate heart do not has, at any rate, enough and to spare for the w Gen W ha he o test against the organization of guerrilla and the rest were endeavoring to reach Santa of the enemy, which aimed a t nothing less than self. In truth to the Court, the whole ties, instead of traducing our own govpermeate beyond t h e east bank of the Missis- t i m e . " the entire capture of our force. A detailed w The President takes Possession of a l l t h e bands. Oue of the resolutions adopted read F e . " «•••«-•he w He sippi, let Southern Missourians, ArkanaianB, letter and text of the Act appear as " jar- crnment and people. Tho Corinth correspondents of the Appeal statement will be forwarded as soon as possi- w Railroads in the United States. m he he Texans and the Great West know it a n d pre- NEW ORLEANS AND THE UNION ARMY. thus : " That we who voted for the Ordinance s a y s : — " B u t l e r ' s infamous order has fired ble. gon." To quote:— m n own by pare for the future. Arkansas lost, abandoned, Ordered, That the several Major Generals, Brigadier Generals, and Colonels of Regiments throughout the Commonwealth muster, -without defoy, all the military organizations within their respective divisions, or under their control, together with all persons willing to j o m their commands, and proceed forthwith to tho city of "Washington, or to such other points as may be indicated by future orders. By order of A. G. CURTIN, Governor and Commander-in-Chief. A. L. RUSSELL, Adjutant General. } of Secession, doubly desire to express our disapproval of Southorn guerrillas making this the theatre of thAr actions, a n d we pledge ourslves as law-abiding citizens, that we will neither aid, abet n o r harbor them nor their unholy actions, unless coerced by superior power or force of arms, and t h a t we will give information to the proper authorities, of persons visiting this country for said purpose, whenever known to u s . " our army. A Federal spy's guide wos shot at My command encountered the enemy in a w he m o he G one o'clock to-day." constant succeesion of attacks, and in the well m con and he The Charleston Courier, of the 12th, con- contested engagements at Strasburg, Middleo and mm nnd gratulates the citizens of Charleston on the town, Newton, at a point also between these m no fact of that city being four times stronger than places and at Winchester, the forces of the en- w N w be u p o he New Orleans, a n d adds t h a t large consign- emy was estimated at about 15,000 mea wi(h o he G m T who ments of slaves from Columbia and the interior very strung artillery and cavalry supports, U m he can together with iron chains a n d other materials, while my own force consisted of two brigades, o m w m o THE CASE OF GEN. SUMHER. will soon be on their way to aid in construct- lesB than -1000 strong all told, 1500 cavalry, 10 A U m wa n ing a stono wall to block out the invaders from Parrott gang and 6 smooth bores. P m on T a w no I n regard to the refusal of Gen. Sumner to approach within shelling distance of the city. w The substantial preservation of the entire reinforce Gen. neintzelman a t the battle of All the Southern papers condemn General supply train is a source of gratification. It m m N The Williamsburg, it is said that the General claims Dutler's order ns cowardly and infamous, b u t numbered about five hundred wagons. On a n Gen W m n Gov. Johnson is enforcing his proclamation that he acted u n d e r s t r i c t orders from the Como d d no they take good care not to publish i t . forced march of fifty three miles, thirty five of in Tennessee. A Union soldier h a d been w a m a w JACKSON, M I S S . , May 18.—Five Yankee which were performed iu one day, subject to m manding General. Gen. Hooker's report of he m w m fired on by a concealed foe in Murfreesboro, gun-boats arrived within range of our batter- constant attack in front rear and Sank, accordthe Williamsburg battle, so far as his division A and for this twelve Secessionists were arrest- ies yesterday at noon, the commander of ing to its position, by the enemy in full force, was engaged in it, has been received a t the War m m he w ed, including a brother of Mrs. E x President which sent a Hag of truce demanding the sur- notwithstanding the panic of teamsters and the w G H N Department, b u t it is doubtful whether i t will render of the city. We replied, " If you want mischances of a river passage of more than Polk. Two hundred loaded guns had been the city come a n d take i t ! " m a e o be n a m three hundred yards, with slender preparations be published at once in consequence of certain COUHTY COHVEHXION. and w o he o found at Murfreesboro. The fleet then communicated with the com- for ford and ferry, not more than fifty wagons difficulties that are undergoing investigation. o m But as yet the city is sullen. The men were lost. A full statement of this loss will be mander of the Confederate troops, demanding, It is announced i n Memphis papers for t h e m The w o a turn to look a t us as at some strange monster. it is supposed, the surrender of our forts just forwarded forthwith. *%m** The people of Lancaster county who desire 17th inst., that^the National fieet from below N Y o a a The women mutter as they pass. The shops below Vicksburg, wh«ch was promptly and From the Richmond Examiner, May 19. cordially to unite in sustaining the NATIONAL Very great commendation is due to Captain he w o w be m are generally oloscd. The proprietors refuse had reached Vicksburgh. pointedly refused. After this the gun boats E. G. flollabod, A. Q M-, and Captain BeckThe m ADMINISTBATIOS in its patriotic efforts to J E F F . DAVIS INCLINES TOO MITCH TO to open them, alleging, with some justice, We learn from the Mountain Department that weighed anchor and dropped down the river with, for the safety of the train. Our troops m m o o R m bu that they must sell for confederate money, FASTING AND PEAYER TO SUIT SOME suppress a sectional a n d unholy rebellion to bring u p the rest of the gun-boats for the are in good spirits, and occupy both sides of m m o ou wa oo which they don't want. The provisions are ns a dash was made on Wednesday by Col. Crook purpose of opening the bombardment. OF H I S SUBJECTS. against the Unity of the Republic, a n d who the river. N- P . BANKS, against Covington, the terminus of the Viro he and he m waa scarce as in a besieged city, and very dear— The President proclaimed last Friday to be desire to support, b y every power of t h e GovMajor-General Commanding. W n he and a day of official prayer and religious ceremony, flour $50 a barrel. There is said not to be ginia Central Railroad, in Greenbrier Count}'. be m mm ernment, our hundred thousand heroic brethand it was so observed. T h e departments were provisions in the city for over t e n days. I Several important captures were made, and Beauregard Anxious to Attack, But Halleck o he M m ren in arms, braving disease, and the perils of closed, and the necessary work of this trying think we shall soon be able to open communi- dispatches found in the telegraph office throwToo Strong for Him. THE BATTLE AT FBONT ROYAL. period was brought to a stand still for twenty- cation with the north. A full stomach is a ing considerable light- on rebel movements the field, to preserve the Union of our fathers, A sergeant and twenty-six men, deserters great preserver of the public peace. four hours. Never has any one year seen so are requested to meet a t their usual places of from the Rebel camp, arrived here last night. many of these affairs. I t is hoped that the I wish some far-seeing merchant h a d sent and intentions. Col. Crook then passed ten n e e ng De a of he F gh holding delegate elections within their respecTHE AEMY. latest is the lost. The country has bad quite some half-dozen ship loads of flour, beef nnd miles along the road and destroyed a bridge, For the last two days nothing has transpired tive districts, Everybody is surprised that our Generals in enough of them. Religion is the sentiment of pork here from the north. They would be a thus effectually cutting off the passage of except picket pkirmishing, a n d that has been T w he m o he Beoonno ance ve m e beyond he the field should find themselves out-numbered individuals, not a matter of military order or boon to this thriving community. rebel troops in that direction. The affair b e . quite light. On SATTJBD&Y, the 7th of JUNE next, Ch ckahom ny—Ou T oop mee formal injunction ; nnd though it is well that F B by C G Sm o W o a r e occupying t h e different railroads. everywhere by the rebels, when it was stated a Rebe Fo ce—The Rebe between the hours of o ond 8 P . M., in Lana Government should pay proper respect to Orders are issued that provisions of alt sorts tween Gen, Cox and Humphrey Marshall, at It is expected nt head-quarters that Beau- F T h e Constitutional rule i n respect to M m who n Ove come and R e e a only a short time ago that we h a d nearly the religious ceremony, this has been done and may be brought i n ; no cotton a n d no sugar. Friucetown, was a pretty warm one. About regard would make a n attack a n y morning, caster city; 3 and 7 P . M., in the Boroughs, t h e place o f v o t i n g is also r e f e r r e d t o , a n d h Sma Rebe o ce even overdone by the Confederacy. I n truth, these Indeed this matter of provision is of vital im- 30 of our men were killed, a n d 70 wounded. 700,000 men under arms, a n d recruiting was nnd bring on a general engagement. I t is posand all other districts between 3 and G o'clock, devotional proclamations of Mr. Davis have portance. They were becoming very scarce A 1 on S a m e om R chmond t h e C o u r t clearly s h o w s t h a t t h e 4 3 d S e c - stopped in consequence. This surprise, it P. M., to elect delegates to a County Convenlost all good effect from their rcpitition, are before our arrival. This h a s added to the The loss of the enemy is reported to be much itively known that Beauregard intended m C o he P n m tion of t h e A c t of 1 8 3 9 is d i r e c t l y r e p u g - seems is shared by the War Department. The regarded by the people as either cant or evimaking a general attack, b u t found our left tion, to be held in Lancaster city, scarcity. But we expect that within a month heavier. m ou " he w m Washington correspondent of the New York dence of mental weakness, and have become our coming will make them more abundant. n a n t to t h e n u m e r o u s p r o v i s i o n s o f t h e G N RA K K HEA > A T On 'WEDNESDAY, t h e 11th of JUNE, next' A reconnoitcring party on Saturday a week, too strong for him. m nnd w you M A I * . — I see that, writing two-days ago, I rott says there is dissatisfaotion in official the topic of unpleasant reflection with intelliF May 2 o S > Deserters who have arrived from Memphis at 10 o'clock, A. if., in FULTOX If ALL, to A c t w h i c h r e q u i r e p e a c e officers, o n h ilcleft the City of Norfolk, intending to move gent men. Piety is estimable; b u t energy, cu you o A o day a wa m quarters a t the lack of effective troops, when common sense, impartial justice, courage and gave this people one month to become strongelect SIX DELEGATES to represent Lancaster rnand of a n election officer, o r o f t h r e e ly Union. I believe I shall have to reduce the toward Elizabeth City, but the party h a d unite in saying that he h a d his whole. force A he men a m o ho m bo such a n enormous army is ou the pay-rolls.— industry are also qualities very useful to time to two weeks. We are getting on famousscarcely gone five miles when they came upon outside of the entrenchments a n d ordered a county i n the State ConventiontnmeetatHar- citizens, t o p r e s e r v e free access t o t h e B m B on ho w o had w oo o m and Six hundred thousand men a r e paid for every rulers a n d to nations. I t is to the diligent ly. They no longer insult us on the streets. C m The forward movement, b u t very suddenly couna n immense earthwork, about four miles in risburg, no a w o A w polls, a n d t o s u p p r e s s d i s t u r b a n c e a n d month, a n d if less by one hundred thousand employment of the faculties God has given us They begin to enter into conversation with o one m o and that we obtain his blessing, and not by vain u s ; make advances of various k i n d s ; they extent, and mounted with heavy marine guns, termanded it. I t is supposed that the appeara Co K aw he man he m m o A o On THUESDAY, the 17th day of JULY, next r i o t — w h i c h forbid w a g e r i n g a n d m i s c o n can be found, it follows that somebody pockets and affected applications. throng to our reviews; the music of our 4th and commanding every possible approach to ance of our gun-boatB nt Vicksbm-g wns the o he he m C C K m to nominate candidates for the offices of Au- d u c t a t t h e polls, a n d w h i c h p r o h i b i t al] the money. It is said to be impossible to Wisconsin band has great attractions for them. the city from south a n d southeast. These cause of this sudden change. R m w o he and w h e men When we find t h e President standing in a In truth they a r e a thoroughly French popuditor General and Surveyor General, and to take t r o o p s , " e i t h e r a r m e d or u n a r m e d , " from ascertain the number of troops actually in tho m o works were no doubt constructed for the purCol. Worthington, of the Fifth Iowa, was .corner telling his beads, and relying on a o m and m n by service. This is the reply of the War Depart- miracle to save the country, instead of mount- lation, shouting to-day for a republic, toW m m he such measures as may be deemed necessary to a t t e n d i n g a n y p l a c e of e l e c t i o n w i t h i n t h e morrow for an empire, and with their whole pose of repelling a n advance on the part of accidentally killed by our pickets while going m m m ou m a ment to Congress when information on the ing his horse a n d putting forth every power strengthen the Government in this season of souls for both. Gen. Burnside. The work is, indeed, immense the grand round on Wednesday night. His w he m w o C o m m o n w e a l t h . I n c o n c l u d i n g h i s d e - subject is asked for. The size of the army on of the Government tct defeat the enemy, the common peril to a common country. o S w V C and a and thousands of men must have been a t work body h a s been sent to Keokuk. effect is depressing in the extreme. When the S o ay no a g u n wu T m o F wa I n pursuance of the Resolution of the County cision, J u d g e W o o d w a r d a l l u d e s t o t h e paper, according to the pay-rolls, is easily ship springs aleak the efficient captain does on it for months. I t is furnished with comIt bns rained for the past twenty hours, and he o he m may THE NATIONAL HOTEL POISONING. mm mm on w ascertained, b u t the actual number in the s a n c t i t y of t h e e l e c t i o n f r a n c h i s e , a n d t o not order a l l hands to prayers, but to the * Committee, each of the following districts will fortable barracks, which will be occupied tem- the roads a r c in a b a d condition. w n he m n o a o pumps. The same newspapers that a r e burelectnotless than THREE nor more than FIVE t h e frauds t o w h i c h t h e l a w a u t h o r i z i n g field is yery difficult to learn. porarily b y national troops. B C m w The Mystery Solved. w and dened with the evacuation of Yorktown an1 T e delegates ;—each district to be entitled to one t h e " soldier vote, ' h a s g i v e n r i s e . - H e «—» It seems to be pretty well established now, nounce that President Davis has just been C m A wa o n Nearly all the regiments which the telegraph Beauregard on Butler. o m vote in Convention. THE FOLLY OF TEYIHO TO CONCILIATE. "confirmed" in the Episcopal church. Per- that the poisoniog affair which occurred a t the m and a o K stated a few days sinco h a d been dispatched says :— haps the authority of an eminent divine in The following order of Bea\iregard was Adamstown, Kev. B,. J . Breckinridge, D. D . , of KeniLeacock, F m ou he we a P B w m I t is due our citizen soldiery to add, in respect that church may have weight with him. His National Hotel, a t Washington, was a part of on tho New Mexican Expedition, from Leaven- found b y our pickets :— ! Bart, jLeacock Upper, he m o tucky, a n d uncle of Buchanan's Rebel Vice name was Muihlenbcrg, and one Sunday in the rebel conspiracy. The object was to de- worth, Kansas, have been ordered to Corinth. men a he m m he L to the caaea of fraud that have been before us that Brecknock, jLancaBter City: m o ou on he a m " For the information of this army, the folPresident, in a late able speech at Cincinnati, 17G4 he closed his last sermon with the words stroy James Buchanan, who' was stopping a t Carnarvon. North East Ward, no soldier was implicated. The frauds were pero w a m de Correspondents writing from Pittsburg Lau- lowing General Order, No'. 28, of the Federal C w oR m that there " w a s a time for all t h i n g s ; a that house before the inauguration, so as to Clay, • North West Ward, be en m and m petrated, in every instance, by political speculators, showed the folly of attempting to conciliate the m o h m w had a ding have now killed Gen. Sterling Price.— officer, Major General Butler, commanding a t time lo fight, a n d t h a t time h a d now come." j South East Ward, Cocalico East, m B who prowled about the military camps, watching rebels. H e s a i d : " T t i s a n error to suppose Having pronounced a. benediction, he delib- make the traitor Breckinridge President, in They say that he met his end in a skirmish New Orleans, will be rend on dress parade :— m and o : South West Ward, Cocalico West, m B had n for opportunities to destroy true ballots and sub- that to treat an enemy at all, is through mercy, erately pulled off his gown a n d appeared be- order to carry out their plans successfully.— DEPARTMENT F TUE D AR M N he m some days since, and that he was brought into " * HEAD-QUARTERS OF jLancaster twp., Coleraine, w o L m o K up stitute faUe ones, to forge and falsify returns, nnd if that enemy is one that by every conceivable fore his astonished congregation in complete OF THE GULF, Columbia, Up. Ward, jManheim twp., This Buchanan knew, for h e was informed of the National lines and identified by those who he o O wa and to cheat citizonB ana; soldier alike out of the fair means has shut his heart againBt you, a n d is uniform. Then descending the pulpit, h e orN E W OBLEAS: X M G " Lower do. jMartic, it, a n d placed on his guard. T h e effect was, T w n knew him personally. dered the drums at the church door to beat for and c wo and equal election provided for by law. And this [Marietta, " ' A S officers a n d soldiers of the United Conestogo, determined to ruin you. he uw he wa recruits. His regiment was the first organ- that the miserable old imbecile, threw himself is tho great vice of the 42d section—that it creates mm had m Refugees arrived at Cairo state that an u n - States have been subjected to repealed insults Conoy, Millers town, m o o o ou ized for the Continental service : and both his The danger becomes greater, greater a n d into the hands of the conspirators, a n d when finished gunboat at Memphis has been towed from the women, calling themselves 'ladies,' tho occasion and furnishes the opportunity for Drumore, The wa and ;Mount J o y bor., m o K a wu n example a n d h i s doctrine, that "tbero is a Donegal West, Bucb abominable practices. This would be a rea- J greater. I know what I am referring to—I time for all things," may be well recommend- implored to exert the power of the Government into t h e Yazoo River for fear of capture. S h e of New Orleans, in return for the most scruMrunt J o y twp.. T wa by C no o Donegal E., (Mayt'n,) ! Mount J o y , (new) son, drawn from our experience of the last half know I am speaking of things that have trans- ed for the consideration of all considerate per- against the rebels, by a friend, h e confessed is represented as a most powerful craft, fitted pulous non-interference and courtesy on our G and w o U w ow an part, it is ordered that, hereafter, when any Donegal East (New) jParadise, G K year for constructing it strictly, if strict construc- pired thirty years ago. I know that these sons. that he dare n o t do it, because M B life was in with both paddle a n d screw wheels, worked female shall, by word, gesture or movement, w m he w o Earl, Penn, A o ou he tion were required. Bat it is so palpably in con- men who seek to subvert the Constitution are danger. B u t few persons can realize the b y separate engines. She is J encased with insult or show contempt for a n y officer or pri- w Earl East, Pequea, wa a n d he m m B m B aud a e flict with the Constitution, and BO repugnant to all not capable of being conciliated, a n d the only vate of the United States, Bbeghall be regardEarl West, (Petersburg, heUiBh character of the rebel conspiracy. iron to such an extent as to be perfectly in| m m m he S he the substantial parts of the enactment into which TJTE WonK OF CONGKESS.—Speaker Grow ed and held liable to be treated as a woman of Eden, Providence, way to treat them is to crush them, and to S o w m vulnerable against the heaviest missiles. She the town plying her avocation. by a m o he F New Y it was heedlessly thrust, that no strictness of conwrites to a friend aB follows: he m he nw Elizabeth twp., >Rapho, has no armament y e t on board. There is no I " ' B y command of Major-Geueral ISutler. C W struction is called for. Taking the section as it crush them is the only thing to b e done." ARRIVAL OF EMIGRANTS. " This Congress is redeeming in good faith wa m F m Elijahethtown, Rapbo, (new) stands, as every reader, whether cleric or layman, (Signed) .&* George C. Strong, A. A. G.' " he he aw he all its pledges to the people. What you said he a e On Friday evening at a late hour the packet iron in Memphis from which to cast guns, Ephrata, iRohrerstown, would understand it, or tho learned Judge below m m u? T w a m Fulton, jSadsbury, T H E HOMESTEAD B I L L . — T h e following syn- of it a few dayB ago was eminently j u s t . I t Bbip Tr^oming-, from Liverpool, arrived at Phil- even ornamental fences have been taken down " M e n of the South!—Shall our mothers, may seem to the country to move slowly, b u t administered it we hold it to be sub venire of the Hempfield West, [Salisbury, ay o m opsis of the Homestead Biil, recently passed no Congress before it has, i n the same time, adelphia after a long voyage, with 240 passen- and melted up for this purpose. Other metal wives, daughters and sisters be thus outraged amended clause of article 3d of the Constitution, Indiantown, [Strasburg bor., and m o O La e em of Wa New in Congress, is b y Speaker G r o w : accomplished so much for the future greatness gers, of which 223 were in the steerage. Very are similarly scarce. T h e sauio scarcity ex- by tho ruffianly soldiers of the North, to whom and also of the constitutional sections of the generLampeter West, jStrasburg twp., is given the right to treat at their pleasure w m o and wo T o he m a "All the lands owned b y the Government and glory of the republic— few of these passengers left the vessel during ists throughout the South. Machinery in the ladies of tho South as common harlots ? ^Lampeter East, [Warwick, al election law of 2d July, 1839. F R d d no a ^un are open to settlement under it in quantities The national capital free forever. w he m he w the evening, b u t on Saturday morning arowds many instances has been taken to pieces and Arise, friends, and drive back from our soil Little Britain, [Washington. i«—> — O M he m n B m u not exceeding 160 acres to each person. Slavery forever prohibited in all territories. w The wa SAMUEL SLOKOM, Chairman. these infamous invaders of o u r houses a n d of persons were seen around the veisel, inclu- cast into gone. o he wa Any person who is a citizen of the United The public domain set a p a r t a n d consecraJ O H B H . ZELX.AU, Secretary. disturbers of our family ties. ond he U o he ding the passengers themselves and their relGROWING WORSE. T G o M ha a Under date of Pittsburgh Landing. May States, or h a s declared intention to become ted to free homes a n d free men. <••«»• (Signed) » G. T. BKAUB£O.4RI>, w wa m C K m on he m who is 21 years old, or the head of a The Pacific.Railroad authorized. atives a n d friends who reside i n this city, and 19, Gov. Yates, of Illinois, has issued a p r o COUNTS* COVENTIOW. Our neighbor of the Intellicfcncer wesuch, " G e n e r a l Commanding.'' D m W m o be family, or has served in the military or naval m and m The policy of gradual emancipation inaugu- whom they h s d not seen nntil Saturday, since clamation, which reads t h u s ; " I am this I SATURDAY THE 7th OP JUNE, is regret to say is still troubled with negro- service of the country during this rebellion, rated ; besides w a r measures." oH w o w o o he e they left the land ofr their birth. The emi- day called upon by Msj. Gen. Halleck, in concan make entry on the pavement of ten dollars wa m n N wY on M T B B m B the day for the election of -Delegates to phobia. A week since he appeared to be and a he w grants were of all ages and sizes, a n d clad in formity with a n order from the War Departthe fees of the register and receiver of the ha w w h m —A on a n d he C the County Convention. We hope the convalescent, but yesterday's paper gives land office. That is all the settler h a s t o p a y Parson Brownlow stands a fair chance to garments of various colors. The sleeping ment of the United States, to furnish recruits B OR COR N H M S get money enough to re-establish the Knoxa t any time. m G P mm had a Sm B ho d d no ee m G C ha a apartments of the steerage passengers were to fill u p t h e volunteer regiment from tho People will not neglect to attend and unmistakable evidence that the disease ou w and The act takes effect the first of J a n u a r y ville Whiff. Not less than $2500 came from n he m w a wa n a elect proper persons to represent them in has seized hold of him with renewed power. next, requires a resident and cultivation of his effort a t t h e Academy of Music. The anything b n t agreeable, being constructed of Slate of Illinois. Many of our regiments en- m m by he a W B m w he o the ooarsest pine boards and mode i n the r u - tered the field with numbers scarcely above the convention. He is now in a constant state of excite- five years to perfect the title. meeting at Brooklyn yielded about $1200, and S Any person can enter, under this a c t , land he will average about $1000 a lecture. H e is dest manner, with beds about seven b y four the minimum. These have nobly done their O he 19 h a m o G A wa m m U ment and " nigger," " nigger " occupies on which he h a s a pre-emption claim."' and w and x he feet in size. The place was very dirty, and on duty, a n d many of them have purchased last- w w he New Y C who O 9&* It is estimated that nearly half a his thoughts by day and his dreams by to have $10,000 for the copyright of his comD on he L R A and T m n Saturday afternoon men were engaged i n tear- ing honor with the price of their lives, and it w n he m and e ing book, and on the whole will come out of miUion of men are in readiness to march night. Even the intensely exciting war m m GEN. GRANT'S P O L I T I C S . — A friend of Gen. ing away the apartments which had been nsed remains only for us to maintain what they have m he o O he U h he m C and to the call of the President. I t was no news of the past few days fails to divert Grant writes, in a letter to t h e Ciucinnnti the campaign with a full purse. H e deserves for the sleeping berths. The household fur- achieved, and, therefore, I call upon the peoO wa w w ond ho A o he M m L it all. sooner believed to he necessary than the G H ha by G niture was taken away in cars b y friends, who ple of Illinois to raise men in every precinct m up he R T o m m o a w and Jiis mind from the melancholy contempla- Gazette : S w w o towns and cities, hills and valleys teemed " O f his politioal aspirations, h e h a s none. C w he h mm will no doubt help to obtain accomodations for m and tion of his beloved "nigger." Really, Although now forty years of age, he has never T H E P E E S I D E S T ' B V I E W S . — T h e Washington their newly arrived kinsmen. The passengers of the State for the .regiments that were sent &c o he n G from their own sections, to fill u p their own with strong arms and brave hearts to folw P on m N C if lie should continue in his present de- voted for President b u t once in h i s life, and correspondent of the New York Post represents were generaUy of a better class than the m a - companies. Belying upon the same patriotism B P u B m low the stars and stripes in defence of D a mm a L w on that was for Buchanan in 1856; and h e h a s Mr. Lincoln's views as follows : plorable state he must die, and the verdict been heard to say that, if he should ever after jority of emigrants who come from Great that has thus for furnished a brave a n d noble M a w wa de T o he o Co K n m the Constitution and Liberty. " I f worst comes to worst there can be no of the u coroner's " inquest, if any should be disfranchized for the act, he thought it doubt that t h e President will drop all attempt Britain. host a t t h e shortest notice, I send forth this he o w w mm w wa n he o ou m W u at conciliation, and .give the South h e r choice proclamation, and confidently expect a prompt B he called, will he that, he .died—not by would be right, for giving such a voU." n wo he C aw he m a m n B he w m a onv QUEER.—Ever sines John C. BreckinSuch instances as this would seem to lend between utter desolation a n d a return to the response that will maintain the present glory w a n d m n he m a n d he m w the visitation of God, hut by the fear of a m T w B o T E S W F I C H A I L STOBM.—A very destructive sanction to theoldelectioneeriagmotto, " v o t e Union. The time for this has not yet come, is ridge went over body and soul to the of our State." w w n w on h e m a o w a negro. Democracy and the love of Buch- early a n d often"—that is, w h e n r i g h t l y inter- Mr. Lincoln's position. The people of the lo- hail storm passed over McConnelsburg, Fulton T o be m w no a rehel cause, we have looked in vain for cal States must first be fully convinced t h a t county, Pa., about 5 o'olock on Wednesday eveThe wa n All accounts from General Halleck's army T he men had ho o be be preted. that t h e rebellion cannot be crushed by some notice of the fact in the Intelligent anan defend him from such afate. m on he o he agree that that accomplished general does ning. Nearly all the windows facing the storm o he a n d a w and W ordinary means—then the, hour will have arcer. While it talks glibly of such men U m who a e now m n he T a N w m o He had no a w a Captain Bailey, who lead t h e advance of BE-ELECTXOH OF SENATOE DLXOIT.—Hon, rived for the overthrow of every institution in were shivered. The young leaves a n d shoots not design taking Corinth by rushing his men m a T S An w n he as Wendell'Phillips, it has "nary a word" Farragnl'e fleet ha> been f o r t y y W i n t h e James Dixon h a s been re-elcoted U. 8 . Sena* the South that makes Union impossible. Such s were all cutfrom the trees, and the ground cov- right in the face of the rebel batteries. Instead m u p o h m and m h A m M he F and m w S w w aud w he w he for the characters designated as the service, a n d as said i 0 have never been i n ao- tor b y t h e Conneotiout State Legislature,'re- I understand, a r e t h e views of the President, ered several inches deep with hailstones, some of doing this, he is slowly. approaching the M O on as expressed t o his friends," one o m e of which were a t least three inches i n diameter, stronghold, a n d fortifying hia, position a s he he a he m m w a 9 h and w w a | three B's,—namely, JAMES BUCHANAN, Uon-before/ HeBoBcited a n d obtained p « - ceiving 162 totes, against 6T given for Charles . —. -—^*-L A w advances; a n d also building roads over miry and weighed .7. ounces. Grain fields and fruit h m n he w tnUsibn to lead in one of our gunboaisi One Chapman, the ^ Democratic candidate, i a n d 5 JOHN C. BEKCKINBTDGE and p . T . | Frederick McThiae, of Sheldonvjlle, Mass., G M C c u he V w w m w | would have thoughtfromhis conduct that he scattering votes. This vote was in the House waa crushed to death by the fall of a 'derrick ^fcreesin t h e ^ a l h of th« storni_wefe-nttOTiy grounds a n d swamps,, in o r d e r to facilitate t h e $£4tHttGABD. ' n w H movement of troops and heavy seige guns. ruined. m w a one o he F M I bad lived under fire. i on concurring with the choice of t h e Senate, a t WoonBooket, R. I., on the 16th inst. C H and he C m WASIIISGTOH, M a y 25. ORDERED. By virtue of the authority ve9ted b y a c t of Congress, the President takes military possession of all the railroads i n the United States from and after this dale, until further order, and directs that t h e respective railway companies, their officers a n d servants, shall hold themselves in readiness for the tranBpor tation of troops and munitions of w a r as may be ordered by the military authorities, t o t h e exclusion all of other business. By order of the Secretary of War. M. C, MEIGS, Quartermaster General. If the Legislature d i d n o t a n d could not authorize the military commander to form an election district, how oonld there be any constitutional voting under the 42d section? Without an election district, there can be no constitutional voting. The 43 section provides for no election district, and no military commander can bs empowered to form one—hence it follows, as an inevitable deduction, that the " place" referred to in that section is inconsistent with the constitutional requisition of an election district, and that whatever votes have been cast in pursuance of that section since the Constitution of 1838 cams in, have been cast without authority of law. The 63d seotion declares that " no person shall be permitted to voto at any election" provided for by the act, except he possess the Constitutional qualifications which have boon alroady expounded. The 67th Bection declares that "every person qualified as aforesaid shall be admitted to vote in the township, ward or district in which he shall reside," and the resolution of 26th April, 1844 put down in Purden as section 48 of the act, provides for a person who removes from one ward, borough township to another within ten days before the eloction, and gives him a right to vote in the ward> borough or township from which he has removod. The legislative regulations of residence in districts are in accordance with that interpretation of the Constitution suggested above, and show clearly how essentially the place of voting has entered iato the qualifications of suffrage. PENNSYLVANIA I N T H E FIELD. Pennsylvania h a s s o w one hundred and fifteen regiments enrolled, of which all b u t one arc i n active service. T h e latter is nearly full, and will be ready to take the field in a few days. The total number i n the service of the State is given at one hundred and thirteen thousand, of which, however, it is safe to say there a r e not more than one hundred thousand now on duty, if, in deed; there be quite so many. The condition of the Pennsylvania troops is all that could be desired. They are in a high state of discipline, and a r e provided with everything essential to their comfort a n d efficiency. Besides the immense force which the State h a s equipped and p u t in the field, the artillery a r m of the service has been greatly strengthened, until now we doubt if there be a State in t h e Union that can, in this r e spect, compare with u s . All the old guns have been remounted a n d fitted for service, and, as they stand ranged in front of the armory, present quite a formidable appearsnee. I t is the intention to send these guns to Philadelphia, where they will be kept uutil snch time ns the State may need their service. subjugated, is not Arkansas as she entered tho Confederate government; nor will she remain Arkansas, a Confederate State, desolate as a wilderness; h e r children, fleeing from the wrath to come, will build them a home somewhere of equality, safely and rest." The New Orleans correspondent of the New York Post, speaking of the condition of affairs in that city, s a y s : " What a cowardly creature is a m o b ! — Show them your teeth a n d they r u n with their fails between their legs. There has been here a perfect reign of terror. A man spoke to a United States naval officer; he was cut to pieces. We a r e daily receiving evidences t h a t we have friends. As men pass you, instead of turning their heads, they say, " We are glad you have come,* 'Look out for these fellows tonight.' I am satisfied that there i s n o such thing as independent public opinion anywhere. Public opinion is created b y the few leaders—the strong. Let a stronger come and public opinion follows him. This is the case now. We are the stronger. In a month public opinion—the noisy opinion of the Bfreet— will be on our side. ON TO RICHMOND! : i f i l l t a i y ^ o T O n e a t i on t h « Baltimore « n * n o f a 6y^Bfar«hlil3«'1ii tfie c o5 i m i r j r i r A i W ;Th>7Bpeak?r^rTake^ourBeat. if i * r f J ' OUo'Bailrosd. MrVWicHrffe'-i-I will, rfr.r rjianghter. ] Mr^Sedgwiok .remarked.; you Trill'; always INPOKTANT NEWS., know where the blow will hit if you watch the The Baltimore Americano! yeHti&ey says that progress of* the BDOL A¥hat-;hc: meant was Major General Dte has beeti i n communication .that man who is not anxious a n d willing, to w i t h J o h n W. Garrett, EBq.f P r e s i d e n t of the sqorificetho institution, of slavery:to>aye ihe country is not loyal. This explanation he Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, in r e supposed would relieve h i s sensitive friend lation to the moTementB of. Rebels on t h e line from ..Kentucky;. I n conclusion ho said he of the road, and its capaoity for the transporta- would not leave one slave in the wake of our advancing army. * tion of United States troops. Mr. Maynardjjof Tennessee, said h e did not The following particulars i n relation to the believe the Constitution was a shield to protect road are worthy of m e n t i o n : When the news rebels a n d traitors.. H e would use it ae a spear reached Martinsbnrg that a large force of to strike them down whenever they had an opportunity,., t B u t h e . d o u b t e d t h e . p o w e r of Bebels were sdTanoing towards the line of the Congress to pass the Confiscation-bills now r o a d there were n o t less than 400 freight oars pending;- a n d even if they possessed this powa n d 40 looomotiTes a t t h a t place. Of ceurae, er, he considered thai-it would be unwise a n d it was r e r y desirable to place theHe beyond improper to exercise it. I n the first place, it would do no good. I t would neither strengthen danger, a n d i t was done i n t h e most expedius n o r weaken our enemies. An aot was tious loanner. passed last J u l y confiscating t h e slaves of r e b Of the 400 cars a t Martinsbnrg about one els, and h e h a d no. doubt i t was extensively circulated among the rebels, serving to stimuhalf were laden w i t h ooal and marked for Ballate and exasperate them, a n d doing them no timore, whilst 110 were filled with merchandise more h a r m t h a n the attempt to kill a mad elefor the West, and contained cargoes of a valu- phant b y Bhooting him in the ear. able character. F o r i n s t a n c e : three or four When the gentleman (Mr. Sedgwick) said cars were filled with no less t h a n one thousand there were no loyal slaveholders, he did not speak with a knowledge of the facta. If the b a g s of prime Rio ooffee, whilst other were gentleman h a d seen; as he had, old men, who packed with choice groceries. Happily all believed it was r i g h t to hold this description these were saved from the Bebels, some mov- of property, taken from their homes, thrown i n g East aod some W e a t r - a n d i t i s gratifying into prison, a n d k e p t there u n d e r circumBtanoes of the greatest personal.outrage, and then to atati that the entire road is again open. sent further south, there to linger and die, I t is gratifying to state that in consequence because they would n o t t a k e the oath of alleof the extraordinary facilities of tho road, the giance to t h e Confederate States—if the gentleman h a d seen these thiogs he (Mr. Maycolumn of General Banks has already received n a r d ) was sure t h e gentleman would recall bis a reinforcement of at least 18.000 well disci- expression. Slavery was not the oause of the plined troops nt Harper's F e r r y . I n one of rebellion, nor was the agitation of the question. the trains for Harper's Ferry was Assistant It was seized upon as a pretext. If the rebels had not adopted this they would have Beized Secretary of War, Watson, General Hamilton upon the codfisheries or the navigation laws. a n d S'aff, of t h e regular army. A Day of Excitement—Sunday laat was a day"of excitement in the city. The telegraphic dispatches that Gen, Banks* division of the army h a d been attacked b y t h e rebels a n d forced to retreat spread like wild n r e through the city. Reports the most ridiculous were circulated, and the more marvellous they were the more they were credited. A n immediate invasion of Pennsylvania was a t once surmised, and many persons went to b e d a t night in the confident belief that the next morning would witness the advent of the rebel host i n Lancaster oounty. The morning came, however, a n d with it a glorious sunshine b u t no rebel columns. All was peace and quiet, and men went about their avocations as usual. One good result from the excitement h a s been, t h a t the military spirit which h a s lain d o r ment was once more aroused, a n d hundreds of brave young men resolved to offer their services to the g o v e r n m e n t Yesterday t h e excitement had materially subsided a n d people began to conclude, t h a t they got in a flurry too soon, a n d that the rebel host must y e t t a r r y i n Virginia before they can r e a p a rich harvest of spoils in Pennsylvania. BaHBg- u p t h e Asfc* of a Z t o d Kin.—The Intelligehoerof ye^rday^dlfiefl-itfl^reftderB with the history of the cannon "Old, B u c k , " used by tho Cadets for target practice. Our neighbor i s r a t h e r touchy upon the ownership of "Old Buck" and testily eayB " t h a t , t h e cannon, does not belong'to t h e cadets, b u t to t h e Democracy of Lancaster City,"—that is t h e Buchanan, Breckinridge democracy. I n order to prove this, h e publishes the correspondence between the maker of t h e cannon a n d those sweet babes of democracy B . C. Bauohman a n d Dr. Samuel Welchans, winding u p with publishing tbe resolutions of the "Wheatland C l u b . " t B T T H J [ t i t i Q U " B $ * OBJUEAH8.. Below wo lay before o u r readers the substance of a -letter from Henry E. Carson, a volunteer marine on board t h e V. S. Ship Brooklyn. H a r r y was In the fights with Forts Jackson a n d St. Philip, and came out of the fire unharmed. I n the way of news the letter has been anticipated, but still, coming from a Lancaster boy, it will not prove uninteresting:— M I S S I S S I P P I R I V E E , May 2d, 186% \ O r ? N E W ORLEANS. • / ^"TR^fl^ittff'ig*."-^^*"*!*^ novel of English life, j u i t published by the wellknown Philadelphia'firm of'T.*"!*. Poterson A "Brothers. Its authoress is the talented Mrs. Henry Wood, whoEe 'Earl's Hens?* and 'Bast Lynno' have won a lasting repatation as works, of literary merit and genias. 'The- Channinge* fnllj sustains this writer's reputation as a trathful delineator of humtn nature in: Its various phases and characters. At the present time, when sot many families have been suddenly*deprived of their customary resource* by the freaks of war, a valuable lesson may be derived by n a d l n g the nobhvaourie of ' T h e Ohsnaings' under similar difflonltUs.— 1 Constance' gains cor warmest sympathies a t she patiently bears tho trials of a governess/ while 'Gerald Yorko' is muoh to be pitied for his sad appreciation of her character. ' A r t h u r ' perhaps, excels as mnchip brotherly affection u ' HamlsV is deficient ia the l i m e . 'Galloway/ ' M t d N a n c e ' and ' Tom,1 the disappointed senior, ere mil graphically drawn, and contribute essentially to the interest of the work, which increases with intoreat to the end. I t will prove to be one of tho moat popular novels ever printed, and will have an immense sale. I t is complete In a huge octavo volume of over thro© hundred pages, and sold at the low price of Fifty cents a oopy, and will be sent to any one to any place, free of postage, on remitting that amount to the publishers in a letter. limited andprioc*.about tho.BAme* with further tales of 5a6000 bus., in lots, at tl,19al22 for Pennsylvania reds, mostly at $1, 23 for gooo) Pennsylvania afloat, and whito in a small way at fl,'28al33 ' ftn is in steady demand, and about 800 bnahels Peonsvlvania sold at 66a68cj oheifiy at the latter rate.--" Ooax ia better; the offerings are light and prime lota scarce, with sales or 7000 bus., at 54c for southern yellow afloat, and 53c for Pelaware and Pennsylvania in store". OATS are unchanged, and2000 bus., Pennsylvania sold at 37a38c AUDITOR'S BEPOBT. T T 7 B the undersigned Auditors, to ex. T V amine andfcdlnitthe veoants of the " HO ETHERS MUTUAL WSUBAHOB COMPAKY OP LANCASTER CODBTT," as by tbe aot or incorporation of *ajd Company Is provided. Do report that we have axamlfted the account* for tha year praoeadlns the tint day of MAT, 1863, and find tha same aa follows, to wit: Policies Issued tararlns; property to the amount of. .....*..08,817,894 00 Premlomrnotti filed amoutlng; to j\U,mi 99 OB. PU5D8 OP THB COMPANT. Balance la hands of Treasurer, May lit, 18*1 BABLKY and MA&T remain qsiot. IaUreit There is very little inquiry for whisky to-doy, BeceUed Percentage on premium notes.. and prioes are unsettled, bbla. selling slowly at " Flrelajcontaaadinj May 1,1861. 24o. for Pennsylvania, 24Jc, for Ohio and drudge " Fire tax on asasument of Dec. at 22c. 1881 $4B0l M CATTLE HABSET. 8e«eiary fe«« for receiving tax.. C3 01 SSO 68 a 00 193 85 163 04 GARDNER &BEMING'S On the 14th day of April, the Bomb Fleet was towed u p tho river by t h e t u g boats provided for that purpose to within A s specimen " b r i c k s " of this corresponabout five miles of the forts, where they were $6504 86 MONDAY, May 26. dence, a n d as indicative of t h e prophetic vis- anohored under the protection of a°number of The offerings of B i a r CATTLE show an increase ion of these apoatoltes of democracy, we pub- our gun-boats. On the 25tb, we, together with of near 300 head this week, reaching about 1350 BE. FOB EXPENSES Jt PIES LOSSES PAID TO WIT: the balance of t h e fleet got under weigh a n d head at Philips' yards, most of which were diepo-. Paid Andltora' fati for the year lish t h e following:— T H E L A E G B S T A N D MOST COM«3 00 steamed u p the river, a n d about 5 o'clock i n Bed of at $8a$9 for good and prime qually, inclu1881 Says Mr. Welchans, President of the Wheat- the afternoon anohored about 3 mileB from PLETELY EQUIPPED ding a few oommon at $74, and some extra quali- Paid H. Hlelman, extra i«rrlcea 7 60 land C l u b : ty at $9ia9i the 100 lba; the demand was good and the forte, a t which point we made our final for three ysart EQUESTRIAN ESTABLISHMENT IN THE prices were well maintained and firm. The fallow- Paid Laoeuter 7 35 VoUufreund " Compliments to our Club—as the proper or- preparations for a forward movement. On the ing are the particulars of the Bales at the Avenue WORLD, Printing................. "ganizationhf the Democratic party of this city— eame day one of our g u n boatB ascended the yard: t 72S river and opened fire upon Fort Jackson, which Comprising a better collection of beanttmllT Trained Paid Lancaster Examiner and In Honduras, invalids afflicted with Scrofula 72o " are always considered by us as complimentary was answered by the fort in a brisk manner, 79 Lancaster Co Kimble & Kirk $8Ja9 visit the streams that have drained from tbe wild Horns and a larger numbar of Performers, thaa any Herald, Printing (f H " to tha great worth of oar noble candidate, the several shot a n d sheila fatting in oloae prox- lands where SariaparilU grows. I t is found that 40 Kennedy, 8 a9 726 Paid Lancaster Union, Printing.. Company Extant. At the request of man j CUUaaa, the 11 U 40 Paid LftaaasUr Intelligencer, P. Hathaway 8Ja9 " Hon. James Bachanan, whose election to the Pre- imity to her. I n the night we were greeted the waters become impregnated with the medicinal manag«msnt have been Danmided to again Exhibit ia II It 6 78 49 Printing Cochran & McCall, 8ia9i II II " aidenoy, on the 4th of November, will be proolaim- for the first time with a sight of one of those virtues of this drug, and the natives drink it, bathe 40 LANCASTER, Paid Lvbtnon Wahre Democrat, Frank, 8 e9 " t e r r i b l e inventions," (in the opinion of the in it, and live on it for weeks. Whatever its effects, 6 76 11 II 61 " ed in tones of thunder, from this Gun, at the first fl 16 ON Printing rebels,} a fire raft, b u t the sending of fire rafts these " watering placet" have a reputation not in- 34 Fellhimer & Kirwin,.... 8Ja9 II »( 6 76 ferior to oar own Saratoga, and great number* Paid Lebanon AdTertlxer, Print" announcement of }-eacs, prosperity and safety to the being a n " old game," created b u t little exW H I T S VS T I D E MOKDA.Y, J U S E 9 t l i , B. S.Jtfifflin, 8}a9 20 ing surely obtain relief at them from the eruptions, '( .< i' Constitution and the Union. citement and-no fear on our p a r t , a n d must " It H. Storm, F . Hnaton, 8 a9 Upon which occasion they will give 7 00 S. 74a9 Paid Lebanon Democrat, Printing. ulcerations, and sores, whioh are so afflioting al- 51 1 36 8aya t h e Wheatland Club through a resolu- have been considerable trouble to them. I t ways to a half oivileied people. Vet I find all 24 8 a9 «II «It B. Hood, " *' Courier " 3 GrBAKD P E R F O R M A N C E S , Army Vote.—By reference to a n abstract of 13 00 was quickly taken in tow by one of o u r gun- classes have more confidence in Br. Ayer*s Extract 32 *• Wm.B.WUey, Printing Tax tion unanimously paSBed: H. Miller, ™ 8 a9 4 16 a o a W W G AT 10—AFTBBNOOff A T 2—BVJ5NINO II the deoision of the Supreme Court, which we boats, and. taken to a safe distance below the of Sarsapariila, than in the impregnated waters or BB . It Hotloes Haymaker, S aW It It Ktfolved, That in this gift we recognize a spirit fleet. I t was a source of much amusement to any compound of the root that they can make.— 32 AT 7. " 8. Hlssly, BlMtton Bllli . . publish elsewhere, it will be Been t h a t the J . Kaufman, 8 a82 U It of patriotism and devotion to the conservative in- all hands, who enjoyed a h e a r t y laugh a t the Those who can afford to buy it, do so, and it is in 45 Many New and Startling Novelties will be Introduced, " Geo. Wlant,Insarane« Book, Army vote has been declared unconstitutional. Airsman & Bro., 8Ja91 bringing Into requisi w " Postage terest* of his country, that is highly commendable expense of Secesh, and his awful attempts to very general nae here, caring them surer and 30 " " D. Witmer, 8ia8J The effect of this decision will be to displaoe drive u s out of the river. Almost every night quicker than they can get relief without it. Not a " Secretary ftis/or making CON TELLAT ON OF TAH and worthy the" Imitation of every American citi8 a? assessment and tax notices, while lying there, like " terrible instruments few of our stable products go thus to foreign lands 60 Chester Co., B. C. Baldwin, some of those officers elected last fall by the QABDNE HEMM NQ «• « R. Neeloy, 7*o8J zen—and that in oar distinguished fellow towns- of destruction " were sent down the river, b u t are thDre manipulated by scientific or artisan skill, 25 4c., &fl 40 QQ MORE TE D B OU Army vote. The most important change of LO E ARKER Cows ASD CALVBS.^Abont 90 were offered and Paid President SigningBB Policies.. 1 <g OHN O TER man, J A H E S BDCHAJCAN, he recognizes, in common were always treated i n the same manner. On and then come back for onr consumption and nae. W GREEN this kind is in Philadelphia, where the DemoD B [Correspondent of the Herald, from Truxillo.] sold at from $18 to $30 each for springera, and$20 W H LL ** Directore Pees M 60 with all the conservative men of the Nation, the the same day the mortar vessels were placed K NG C H HENRY K NG cratic oandidate for Sheriff and Clerk of t h e in a position for the bombardment of tho forts. For sale by C. A. Heinitsh, East King street, to $36 for Cows and Calves—about tho same aa MADAM C A X Statesman and Patriot, and the only man now bem H G G M H BL ZA QABDNEB laBt week. On the 18th (Good Friday) the long looked for Lancaster. Orphans' Court were elected b y the Army MA T ED GARDNER C L TTLE M NNE fore the people who is equal to the great crisis opening took plaoe, the Bomb Fleet comSATURDAY, M A T 24. HOGS.—Some 3200 were diapoaed of at rather WAN L L m vote. These officers will have t o give w a y to B CKER SENATE.—A resolution was introduced to fix m TALENTED ER ORMER w through which the political interests of onr coun- mencing the bombardment of the forts. The lower prices, including 2250 at Imhofffl, at$4a4, L IMPORTANT DECISION—Church Secession.— T RU R the hour of eleven for the daily meeting. The the Republican candidates. firing the first day was kept up briskly, many 50 for still and $4,50a5 for corn-fed, and 950 at tbe try are passing in tbe present age of the world. C m H H T m T R U Tbe Supreme Court a t Harrisburg, lately Avenue Yard, at from $4& to 5 the net 100 lba. following bills were introduced^: A bill to leof t h e ebells apparently entering the Forts. R Y D G m I n this county b u t two of the candidates As a fitting finale .to this magnificent effort galize and confirm the act of the President, acE SHEEP.—The offerings and sateB reach about F I R S T EEOHLAE SESSION. About 1 o'clock a rebel steamer made h e r a p - rendered a very important deoision touching B T cepting volunteers under the act of the 22d of were affected b y i t : one member of Assembly to galvanise into active life t h e old political pearance, evidently with the intention of taking the right of a majority of a church congrega- 4800 head, taken at $4a4jo per lb gross for clipped M J u l y , 1861, a n d to authorize the acceptance of HOBBBS A N D P O E S sinner vegetating a t Wheatland, we would sugand the County Auditor. Without the Army Sheep. observations, but meeting with a warm recepMONDAY, May 19. tion to Becede from the minority and take posm m W aw A m S BALTIMORE GRAIN MARKET. SBSATE.-TWO petitions from citizens of N . Y., 200,000 additional to thoBe provided for under vote Nathaniel Mayer was elected to the Leg- gest to those members of the old " W h e a t l a n d tion from our advance gun-boats, aho p u t back T m w a S w session of the church property. The deoision BALTIMORE, May 24, 18G2. . a n d Pennsylvania for a general bankrupt law the act. A bill to amend the fugitive Slave islature over Abraham Peters, a n d Jacob Club" who are y e t true to " Buck and Erect,'* with'all expedition to the forts, d u r i n g the D m U m FLOUE.—The foreign advices oontinuo unfavormorning a swarm of bees oame from shore was made in a case connected with the F i r s t M •were presented. A petition from citizens of act. The Tax bill was considered as far as to m w SEAT to again take possession of the cannon, and on Kurtz over Jacob A. Miller, for Auditor as and s e a l e d upon ourpoop, but we were obliged Reformed Dutch Church of Philadelphia, and able, causing a heavy feeliDg in the market and re- A FOB EVERYBODY B m m w Massachusetts in favor of emancipation was the 108th section. The bill donating lands the first news of a Union victory, decorate it to " drive those bees a w a y , " as they made it stricting the demand almost entirely to the wants also presented. A resolution was adopted ask- for agricultural colleges was considered, a n d follows: THREE GREAT CLOWNS was in favor of the claim of the minority to of tho local trade. With only fair receipts, holders i n g the Secretary of the Interior to report the postponed till to-morrow. DAN OAEDNEB OHN FOSTER TOGNG DAN Nathaniel Mayer, Rep 7236 with evergreens, load it with grape and r a t h e r unpleasant to do the necessary work hold the property, as they constituted the remain pretty firm, and prioes for tbe best brands m names and number of vessels engaged in (he HOUSE.—The confiscation bill was debated Abraham Peters, Dem 7229 canister, r e p a i r to the "Shades of Wheatland," Q w bad been nearly sustained. Sales reported of some * *T o M A D W T W THOUT VULGAR TY slave trade, in the southern district of New at great length up to the hour of adjournment. lawful congregation under the charter, a n d and there do their Country some service by while they were there. Old Mr. Z 600 bbla. Ohio Extra at $5,621 and 800 bbls. HowEZRA BDCHEK and Kate York, and arrested since May, 1802, the names Mayer's majority 7 ONA LABEB discharging t h e cannon, "Old B u c k , " a t a tar- should hove been present with kettles, sand, were, with BUCII of the majority na might r e - ard Street Super at $5,37ia$5,50 per bbl. Vfa m of the bondsmen : the amount of bonds, and MoNDAvf May 2C. OHN B T A M o he C m w quote as follows at the close ; Jacob Kurtr, KBp...... ., 7319 get-not more t h a n three feet distant,—said &c. We considered it a good omen. The turn to the usual common order of tho church, w n the amount realized by the government; also, SENATE.—A resolution was offered request- Jacob A.Miller, Dem WHEAT.—Some 32,000 bushels of Wheat novo 7233 the names of persons engaged in the slave ing the Secretary of War to communicate target to be composed of t h e six feet one inch same day a number of our gun-boats went entitled to all the rights thereof. been reoeived on Change through the weok. Tbe ACCOUNTS O P T R U S T A N D A S trade in the southern district of New Y o r k ; copies of a n y instructions to a n y general, in Kurtz's majority 3G of the "Old B u c k , " whose election to the Presi- within rnnge of the Forts a n d opened upon S G N E D ESTATES Memphis is Baid to be overrun b y gamblers, demand for both colors has been confined to good them, the forts returning shot for shot. The ETER BB TNBE BRADY B A D and prime lota; other grades have been very dull the amount of bonds, etc., and the amount r e - pursuance of act of August, 1861, setting free he o ow ng named But as the Legislature h a s adjourned a n d dency was to give P E A C E , PROSPERITY AND rebels had a chain stretched across the river a garroters and mnrderers. An old man, a cigar and heavy.—Price' of white sboir no change, good T H E accoun o B C w U B alized b y the government from their forfeit- slaves employed against the United States b y O H W E Mr. Peters h a s served, we suppose Mr. Mayer SAVKTV TO TIIE CONSTITUTION ASD THE U S I O S . short distance below the forts, held in place to prime soiling steadily since Friduy last at dealer, w a s recently strangled a n d robbed of ure. A bill was introduced and passed by their masters. Also, a resolution calling on U C C mm and supported by a number of old schooners $15,000 in specie during a thunder storm at ISOalGO cents, and choice do. at 102altI5 cents. MANHE M FR DAY UNE G U •which the rebel steamer Planter, (which was all people in loyal a n d disloyal States to aid will have to " g r i n a n d bear i t . " And a s Mr. w Red wheat, since Monday, has gradually declined, L & B anchored. The bombardment on this day night. delivered by some colored men to Commodore the goverment in maintaiaing the Constitution. Kurtz has not contested Mr. Miller's r i g h t to Am E C B m E MAR ETTA SATURDAY 7 h and closes dull at 124al25 cents lor good and prime A Youthful Convict.—James Brady only ceased about 7 o'clock in tho evening. On B A WH TNEY > Dupont'a squadron) is (o he appraised, a n d A j o i n t resolution was adopted to compensate Pennsylvania, and 127al29 cents per bushel for M C w E T B " a u d i t , " we suppose he will "hold o n " though K BALL A The officers of tho Monitor have stated that, one half of the value to go to those who as- the crew of the Yaruna for properly lost while nineteen years of age, who was arrested in the 19th the Mortar Fleet resumed the bomB T fair to prime Southern.—To-day 11,500 bushels W H QABDNEB G E T H M C m sisted in the rescue of the steamer. I t also in the public service. A bill was introduced not constitutionally elected, though we hear Honeybrook, Chester county, sometime ago, bardment about 6 o'clock in the morning, to- with the improvement of her smoke-stack, were received, the bulk of which was red whoat; D m A m m gether with a number of the gunboats, b u t provides that the Secretary of Ihe Xavy may to relieve the national government from all a great deal of reverence expressed j u s t now they were willing to go to sea i n her, a n d with a very moderate demand we notice a further G E T B M ED C m for robbing the mail, plead guilty in the TJ. S. received no reply from the forts until about 9 invest the same in United States stocks and obligations to support slavery, and of all r e - for the Constitution by a certain class of Demdoclino in this description ; white was unchanged. m court on Wednesday last. B r a d y was a stage o'clock, the rebels getting a better r a n g e of therefore it is presumable that the others of At the closo wo quote fuir to prima Southern red H pay the interest. A resolution authorizing sponsibility for it under the Constitution.— D A E H M A the presentation of medals of honor to enlist- The credentials of Hon. J a m e s Dixon, re-elect- ocrats. Mr. Peters being of the Sanderson, driver, a n d the letter b a g for the town which the position of our vessels. Two .shots struck her pattern are intended for sea-going. at 124al2fi cents, and Pennsylvania do. at ySal20 H A E E B K m the Oneida, wounding seven men and partially ots. per bushel. ed men who distinguish themselves in battle ed as Senator from Connecticut, were present- Vallandigham stripe who applauded BreckinA A boy by the name of Brickford, fourteen RYE.—The supply of Rye bus Wen quite light, was passed. The Confiscation bill was taken ed. A bill was introduced to aid in restoring ridgo, in his defence of the Constitution j u s t he drove to WOB entrusted to his keeping. H e dismounting her large pivot g u n . T h e firing D K U A E M A D up. An amendment to that p a r t of the bill order and to preserve the public pence within before he stepped into the rebel army, to robbed it of its contents, and took the package on o u r part was continued throughout the en- y e a r s old, committed suicide b y shooting him- but fully adequate to the present demand. We quote Pennsylvania at 73a74 cents : and Maryland L E W C mm which disqualifies persons guilty of the offences the insurrectionary districts. The T a x bill of letters to his boarding house, whore it was tire night of the 19ih, the ascending and de- seff, in Waterbury, Vt., on the l o t h inst. at GSa69 cents per bushel. To-day m note a sale G W Am E H H scending shells presenting a beautiful sight. named in the bill was to the effect that such was considered; the t a x on telegraphic dis- destroy the Union and the Constitution, will found. The s h o r t e s t p e r i o d t o which he can be On the 20th. the masts were taken out of two No adequate cause is assigned for the actof 150 bushels prime Pennsylvania at 72 cents, a person-: also forfeit all rights of citizenship. patches was made one cent a message where have some qualms of conscience to think that H A E F I n Cazenotia, New York, recently, a district decline of 2 cents per bushel. We now quote of our gun-boats so as to enable them to a p ( sentenced, under (he law, is ten yearn. It was rejected. Another amendment, that the cost of the first ten words does not exceed he pocketed seven hundred dollars a n d * sit" in L HE A m T proach nearer to the enemy under the cover of school gave a u exhibition, embraceing a dra- Maryland at 60a6S conls per bushel. all the property forfeited by (Ms bill shall 20 c e n t s ; a n d where the t a x on the first t e n the Assembly all winter uuconsitutionally'. CyKN.—Receipts for the week 95,000 bushels. M A E T B AB H y » F o M a n a g e Hydrophobia.—THE STOY R E M E D Y . — A s the darkness, and endeavor to cut the chain matic scene in which a deserter was to be Bhot. first be bound by all debts to loyal persons by words exceeds 20 cents, the tax to be three With a fair demand we quote at the close fuir to the persons to whom the property belongs, cents. H T E Em season is approaching when " dogs go mad,*' stretched across the river. A deserter from The act was performed, and the l a d who acted prime dry white G0;.0u ccnt3, and yellow do. 50d C Fort Jackson was found in the marsh along M T was BIEO rejected. A motion to strike out that Commendable.—Martin D. Hess, Superin- and hydrophobia is said to prevail, the HarrisN D the part {a son of R e v . E . Swan) fell dead 53 coat3 per bushel, gules for the week 08,000 p a r t which authorizes the President to employ IlorsK,—The Confiscation bill was consider- tendent of the Lancaster County Hospital, r e - b u r g Telegraph publishes the following which tbe river and taken on board the flag ship, buslwls. To-day some 30.000 bushels were receivC MONDAY from whom was derived a great amount of im upon the stage. I t was found that in loading ed. Sales of G,000 bushels fair to prime dry whito I a n d organize persons of African descent, as he ed as and follows: passed by a vote of 82 yeas to 68 nays UNE mU spectfully requests in his official capacity, it is said is the veritable recipe for making the portant information. About midnight the the g u n a brass ferrule ou t h e ramrod h a d at 60aC3 cents, and 9,000 bushels gondi and prime I w two dismasted boats ascended the river with yellow at 53a54 cts., an advance In the, latter of 1 w w w YEAS—Messrs. Aldrich, Allen, Arnold, Ash- all the Clergymen of the City and County to celebrated Stoy m e d i c i n e : — may deem proper, to suppress the rebellion, ETER MART N the intention of cutting the chain cable, b u t slipped from its place _ and remained in the cent per bnshul. In 1819, one Valentine Kettering, of Dauphin ,: was also rejected. An amendment that no ley, Babbit, Baker, Baxter, Beaman, Blair, of occasionally visit that Institution, to adminisBOT TAKT L M barrel. whether they succeeded in doing so, I am unOATS.—Some 25,000 bushels have been offered m slave shall be emancipated unlit such slave Missouri, Blair, of Penn'a., Blake, Brown, of ter spiritual comfort and consolation to the oounty, communicated to the Senate of Pennsylable to say. On that day the rebels fired from on Change through the week. Nearly tbe cntiro shall be taken possession of by some agent of Virginia, Buffington, Campbell, Chamberlain, Speaking of the effols of w a r upon domestic offerings have changed hands at from 39a4l cents vania, a sure remedy for the bite of any kind of batteries below the forts. Tbe bombardment LANCA TER COO TY BANK the United States, and placed in tmuxitu to Clark, Colfax, Frederick A, Conkling, Roscoe sick and suffering inmates, ns public service for fair to prime Pennsylvania; :iSa40 coots for manufactures in Philadelphia, the North M Conkling, Cutler, Davis, Duell, Dunn, Edger- can not be conducted there with a n y degree of mad animals. He Baid that his ancestors had al- from Ihe mortar vessels and several of thB be colonized, was al^o rpjeded. Maryland d o : and 35:i37 cents per bushel for VirHE D RECTORS dayde ready used it in Germany 250 years ago, and that gunboats still Continued, but with what effect American of that city says, " most manufacginia do , * at which range of prices wo quota at the H O U S E . — T h e special committee reported ton, Edwards, Eliot, Ely, Fenton, Fessenden, satisfaction or profit to those heretofore so l a m unable to say. On the 22d and 2:>d the turing firms are operating as largely as ever, a D o FOOR PER CENT on he Frank, Cooch, Goodwin, Gurley, Hickman, he had always found it to answer tho purposo, durcloso. To-day tho receipts were 9000 bushels. C articles of impeachment against West II. Hum • m much neglected. firing continued from the gun-boats a n d moring a residence of fifty years in the United States. t a r vessels, with an occasional reply from the and not a few of them, instead of suffering a Sales of some 5000 bushels at our \ quotations, phries, J u d g e of tho District Court of the Hooper, Hutchins, Julian, Kelley, Kellogg, of W L E EB C T United States for the several districts of Ten- Michigan, Kellogg, of Illinois, Killinger, LanAm &O Ue only published it from motives of humanity. forts. About 2 o'clock on the morning of the depression from the war, have been more hur- market closing steady. B Religious.—The Lebanon Glassis of the sing, Loomis, Lovejoy, McKnight, McPhersoD, nessee. The report was agreed to, and a 2-Lth, in obedience to a signal from t h e flagM This remedy consists in tho weed called Chickried during the last s i x months with orders m BALTIMORE CATTLE MARKET. resolution adopted for the appointment of five Mitchell, Morehead, Morrill, of Maine, Mor- German iteforaied Church of t h ? State of m weed. It U a summer plant, kuown to the Ger- officer, we got under weigh to attack the forts. than at any former period in their history." HE D RECTORS have h day de managers to conduct the impeachment, and rill, Vermont, Noel, Olin, Patton, Pike, Pome- Pennsylvania, will hold its sessions in the w „ We ascended the river until within range of O D BALTIMORE, May 24,1862. that the Senate be made acquainted with the roy, Porter, Potter, Rice, of Maine, Riddle, St. Emanuel's Church a t Harrisburg, from mans and Swiss by the names ofGauchneil, Rothcr ihe two forts, the mortar boats firing rapidly B C Mrs. Mary C. Thome, the last surviving Tho offerings at the Stato Live Stock Scales C w D Myer, or Bother Huchnerdarm I n England it at the eame time. In a short time, while unaction of the House with the view of concur- Rollins, of New Hampshire, Seargeant, Sedgm wero 700 head, against 000 head last week. Of U K witness of tbe execution of General Andre, m W M EDW H BROWN C r e n t proceedings in the premises. The Navy wick,, Shanks, Sloan, Spaulding, Stevens, Friday, the 30th of May to Tuesday, the 3d of is called Red Pimpernel; and its botanical name der the fire of the forts, we c.ime to the chain m the amount offered 150 wero left over unsold, aod Appropriation bill was taken u p ; $48, 000 Stratton, Trimble, Trowbridge, Vanhorn, V a n J u n e . The opening sermon will be preached on is Angelica Phooicea. I t must ho gathered in cable, crushing through it without much difii- died in New York on the 10th inst., at the age 550 head taken by City butchers and packers at Valkenburg, Verrae, Wall, Wallace, Walton, FOR B E N T were appropriated for rent and expenses of the Friday evening, by the Rev. M r . Kramer, the June, when in full blom, and dried in the .shade cullj'. After succeeding in breaking tho chain of 02. H e r father was a quartermaster of the prices ranging from $1 to $5 per 100 lbs., showing m a decline since latt Thursday of 25 cts. per 100 Naval Academy at Newport, R I. The bill as of Vermont, Washburn, Wheeler, White, of President of the Classis, a n d preaching will w Two S ory Br ck DWEUNG and then pulverized.—Tbe dose of this for a grown we moved across to F o r t Jackson under a Continental army, and was stationed in the lb on the bolter grades ot Reeves. Tho market M w m passed appropriates about $38, 000, 000, in- Indiana, Wilson, Windom and Worcester—82. BOU E LOT w m shower of shot and shell from both forts and highlands when Andre's capture a n d execum take place in the morning and evening of each person is a small table spoonful, or in weight a closed dull. CHO CE RU T cluding S l l t 017, 000 for pay of officers, a number of batteries. Here the scene beggars Nays—Messrs. Allen, Ancona, Bailey, of m E w L m w w E K HOGS.—The supply of Hogs was only fuir and engineers and seamen ; $ 1 1 , 400,000 for the Pennsylvania, Biddle, Blair, of Virginia, day. The proceedings of the Classis are p u b drachm and a scrapie at once, in beer or water. decripiion, even if I h a d the power to give a tion took place. T m m with a good demand prices of priino live Hogs mm r e p a i r and equipment of vessels and $ o , 000,000 Browne, of Rhode Island, Calvert, Clements, lie, a n d persons who m a y feel interested i n For children the dose is the same, yet it must be better description. From Fort Jackson we The Manchester American says that the THEO V HEKR improved 25 cts per 100 lbs. Sales ranging from for ordnance and orJnance storee. m L C H Cobb, Corning, Cox, Cravens, Crisfield, Crit- them are invited to attend. administered at three different times. I n applying passed over to Fort St. Philip, r u n n i n g close mother of Commodore N u t t h a s presented $4 25 to $5.25 per 100 lbs. w V Am tenden, Dawes, Delano, Delaplaine, Diven, it to animals, it must be used green cut to pieces, under the ramparts, giving them broadside Major Nutt, the father of that pigmy, with SHEEP.—Tho market was well supplied. Fair w after broadside of grape, canister, shrapnell Dunlap, English, FiBher, Granger, Grider, Th Peop e H a a n d Cap S ore TUESDAY, May 20. Hopler's Meeting S o u s e , in Rapho town- and mixed with bran or other feed. For hogs the and shell. About this time we encountered a another youngest, whose live weight a t its to prime Sheep sold at frm 3£ to 4J cts per lb K A m Haight, Hall, Harding, Harrison, Holm an, gross. B KT SENATE.—The consideration of the Confiscaship, this County, will be dedicated b y t h e pulverized weed is made into little halls by mixing fleet of rebel steamers, one after another of advent, waB only a pouud a n d a half! w tion bill occupied the attention of the Senate Horton, Johnson, Kerrigan, Knapp, Law, L a AMBUEGH T LL L VE zear, Leary, Lehman, Mallory, Maynard, Men- Evangelical Menonite Society, on the 8 t h of it with floor and water. I t can also be put on which was either sunk by our shot, or fired t h e ei tire session. TOBACCO MARKET. w m M by their crews and deserted. W e also en PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. HOUSE.—The Committee on Post-offices and zies, Nixon, Nobile, Norton, Nugent, Odell, J u n e , being.Whitsuntide. There will also be bread and batter, or in honey, molasses, Ac. The BALTIMORE May 24,1862. countered the famous " battering r a m , " which m T Arrival a n d Departure of Trains. Post-roada reported a bill to establish certain Pike, Pendleton, P e r r y , Phelps, of Missouri, preaching on Monday following. Services in Rev. Henry Muhlenberg said that in Germany 30 Maryland Tobacco was in active demand during C m M g.ive us a pretty ae?ere poke, but did not do N 30 N Q S L Pa railroads and post-roads. The Committee de- Rollina, of Missouri, Segar, Sheffield, Sbiel, English a n d German. grains of this powder are given four times the first tbe past week, and lnrge sales have taken place, Am us much injury. She was afterwards taken LZAVE EASTWARD, H E ub cr ber are d r ou o n orm clare the bridge partly constructed across the Smiih, Steele, of New York. Steele, of New w estimated at about BOO Uhds. Prices have been day, than one dose a day for a whole week ; while ny tbe Mississippi, her machinery destroyed Jersey, Thomas, of Massachusetts, Thomas, of W w H C m and he P Through Express „ 2.45 a . m . very firm, rather favoring sellers. The-better Ohio river a t Steubenville, Ohio, abutting on at the same time tbe wound is washed out with a aud left float down to the forts. Keeping on m H a m U Wounded.—Among t h e wounded a t t h e batPast Line 7.00 a. m. grades were mora sought after than formerly, and t h e Virginia shore, to be a lawful structure Maryland, Train, Vallandigham, Voorhees, C C our course for some distance up the river, we SOFT FELT AND S LK HATS a n d publio highway, and established as a post- Wadsworth, Ward, Webster, Wiokliffe, Wood tle of Williamsburg, we find the name of Ben- decoction of the weed, and then the powder strewed Mt. Joy Ac. arr 8.40 a. m. a firmer tone generally prevailed throughout the O V marltct. Wo quote prices steady as follows, viz: in i t Mr. Kettering said that he in all instances met several rebel steamers lying along the Lancaster Accom V w W m mm w m r o u t e for the purpose of the transmission of the and Woodruff—G8. 9.00 a. m. neville Moyer of this connty. He belonged to river banks burning. We anchored a few C Inferior and common Maryland $4,50u$3; good m m m administered but one dose with the most happy remails. The bridge is to be provided wiih Mail Train..... 2.53 p . m . w miles above the forts, at a place called the THE CONFISCATION -SILL. common $5a$5,50 ; middling $6;i$7 ; seconds good Col. McCarter's regiment. drawfl for the passage of boats. The bill was G.08 p. m. common and fine $5«$8 ; good and fine brown $7, sults. This is said to be the same remedy through Quarantine, whore there was a company of Harrisburg Accommodation Provides that all the estate, property and S T m a L ad m w M W & taken u p a n d passed. Four petitions were LEAVE WESTWARD. which the late Doctor William Stoy effected so soldiers encamped. The loss of life on board 50o$l0; extra fino $HaSl2. Ohio Tobacco has C moneys, stocks, credit and effects of the person or The n e x t meeting of t h e H o r t i c u l t u r a l Sopresented from the principal importers in A 1.21 a. m. been in roquest, but wo hear of no transactions to S LK CASS MERE AND SOFT HATS m m of the Brooklyn was greater than on any other, Through- Express persons hereinafter named, nre declared forfeited many cures. New York, asking for an extension of the time ciety will be held on Monday the 9th of J u n e Mail Train 10.40 a. m. w note. Prices are unchanged, and we continue THAW HATS to the government of the United States, and debeing 10 killed. We had also between 20 m to three years in which goods can remain in clared lawful subjects of seizure, and of prize and at 2 o'clock P . M. at Cooper's Hotel. P r e Mount Joy Accommodation ...10.50 a. m. quotations ns follows, viz: Inferior to good comS and Qu o G n m n and B" m > w — Odd Fellows S t a t i s t i c s — F r o m the report of and 30 wounded. Tbis is said to have been Fast Lino bond. The House refused to permit the in- cap tare wherever found, for the indemnity of the 2.18 p. m mon $4,50a{5; red and spangled &>,50a$7; good W T M M one of tho moat severe engagements, for the miums will be awarded for fine Strawberries troduction of a resolution providing for a del- United States, against the expenses for suppressing the Grand Scribe of the Encampment of Penn and fine red and spangled $7,50a?H',.10 ; and vel M w Harrisburg Accommodation 6.08 p . m . AT o time it lasted, on record. At the Quarantine, &c. low $I0a$12,50. Sales of 2nd LL<}?. Kentucky egate in Congress to represent t h e District of the present rebellion—that is to say : 7.44 p . m . sylvania w h i c h was in session last week in about 9 a. m., the mournful word, " A l l h a n d s Lancaster and Columbia Train A M P m CH LDREN S STRAW GOODS Columbia. The Post-office committee reported, First.—Of any person hereafter acting as an Emigrant train 10.20 p. m. and Mason Co. Tobacco have tra'nspired since our O SUMMER STYLE CAPS Another Patent.—Through the agenoy of Mr. Philadelphia, we glean the following statist ics. bury the d e a d " was passed, and oneafter nn- THE COSPESSIOS AKD EXPERIENCE OP A S INVALID. last report, at prices ranging from $7 to $It». The w i t h a negative recommendaiioo, the Senate officer in the army or navy of the rebels, now or m other of our brave men, now cold in death, we w ou demand is active, and receipts aro coming forward bills, providing that no person, for reason of hereafter, in arms against tho government of the Jacob Stauffer, of this City, M r . H . Harnish, Number of encampments in the Slate, 8 0 ; were lowered into boats a n d conveyed ashore, wTFREE TO ALL W Published for the banaflt aa<l as a warning and a quite freely, but outside rates are difficult to bo obmm w color, shall be disqualified from carrying the United States. miller, h a s received letters p a t e n t for a useful members initiated, 1 0 1 ; persons rejected, 1 ; to a neat little spot recently occupied as a caution to young men who suffer from Nervona Doblllty, tained. Wo quote as before, v i z : Common luga m mm m mails. The bill was taken up and debated at Secondly.—Any person hereafter as President, ; common OHN A HCTLTZ admitted by card, 7 ; withdrawn by card, 30 ; rebel camp, where they were interred. At 11 Prematura Decay, &c; supplying at the same time the •€7a$8,50 ; good light heavy $S,50a$9,50 w m UENRY A SHULTZ Vice President, member of Congress, Judgo of any improvement in water wheels. some length. means of Self-Core. By one who has cured himself and good leaf $9.50a3lI.5O ; fino do. ! $l2,60a$13 Court, Cabinet officer, Foreign Minister, Commisreinstatements 2 8 , suspensions, 3 6 ; expul- o'clock we raised our anchor and .proceeded m 50; and choice $15a$lS. Tho inspections for the still farther u p the river, i n company w i t h tho after being pat to greit expense through medical lm L V V C V L A MMAL sioner or Consul of the so-called confederate States. Contract Awarded.—The contract for the sions, 4 ; deatha, 3 9 ; P a s t Chief Patriarchs, T H E L A N C A S T E B ACADEMY vessels that had succeeded in passing the forts, position and quackery By enclo&log a post-paid week are as follow?, viz r l,S0O hhds. Maryland, m m Thirdly.—Any person sctiog as Governor of a sewer to be built in Vine street h a s been ' WEDNESDAY, May 2 1 . 935 do. Ohio, 175 do. Kentucky, tG do. Virginia— 1212; contributing Patriarchs, 4 , 0 4 8 : number v i z : The Hartford, Brooklyn. Mississippi, vtdreseed envelope, BUKILE oopiaa may be ha-J of tha R GEORGE R RARR o h Stale, member of a convention or legislature, or SENATE.—A communication was presented T G Vau Am awarded to Messrs. McGrann a n d Malone, of Patriarchs relieved, 6 4 2 ; number of wid •Pensacolti, Richmond, Oneidn, Iroquois, a n d »uthor, NATHANIEL MATPAlB, Bfiq.. Bedford. King total 2,930 hhds. from the Department of the Interior trans- Judge of any Court of the so-called confederate m K M G B H w four gun-boats whose names I do- not know. Co.. N. Y. whose bid was $2,G50, being the lowest of mar 12-ly-16 mitting the Ceusus Report. Mr. Grimes, from States. E MONDAY owed families relieved, 38 ; number of P a t r l One of our gun-boats was sunk in the engageFourthly.—Any person who, having held an several, the highest being 33,000. It is to be AUGU T & the Naval Committee, reported a joint resoluN E W YORK, May 24, lSf.2 archs buried, 3 3 . Amount paid for relief of ment, b u t no lives were lost. The rebels TUHACCD—Kentuoky continues brisk and prices UNB tion, which was passed, giving the thanks of office of honor, trust or profit in the United States, five feet in diameter clear, a n d is to extend C w m shall hereafter hold an office in the so-called conplaced all their dependence upon those two Patriarchs, $9,53G,30 do. widowed families, generally are quite firm for all kinds. Sales, 712 Congress to Commodore Farragut, and the U C mm H from the east side of South Queen street to fer derate States. hhds. Kentucky at 7alSc; 225 cases Seodleaf 7\ * officers a n d men under his command, M r . $ 5 3 , 5 0 ; for burying the dead, £ 1 , 8 0 0 ; total forts, and thought it an impossibility for any G m L L m Fifthly.—Any person hereafter holding any connect with the main sewer i n Water street. 14c: and 109 bales Yara on prirato terms. vessel to pas3 t h e m ; and it was a gre*t vie w m Feesenden, from the Committee on l-'inance, office or agency under tbe so-called confederate amount p a i d for relief, §11,888,80 : dn. col- tory on our part in passing them, as we could B R E M reported back the bill amendatory of the post- State?, or under any of the several States of Baid T h e contract also includes t h e turnpiking of m m A U lected during t h e y e a r , $20,156,92. E B m reduce them nt pleasure when once above office appropriation, which was passed. Mr. confederacy, or laws thereof, whether such office the square of Prince street, between West King EAU AR E P M w QM M T B M The Encampment is b u t one branch, and by tbeni. We anchored that evening about 4 w w m Wright offered a resolution, which was adop- or agency bo national, Stato or municipal in its and Vine. miles below " E n g l i s h T u r n , " the place where L M U R T m w L T ted, instructing the Military Committee to name or character. O B E D E N C E T O T H E far the smallest, of the Order. The other M C B M Jackson defeated the English in 1815. At 6 M B E A C CDRT N i n q u i r e into the expediency of reporting at an Sixthly..—Any person who, having property in A C M B branch is ten times more numerous, with a B F W C H a u l i t down and PnniBh the Traitor.—We o'clock on the following morning we again G U early* day a bill providing suitable bounty for any loyal State or territory of the United States, Z m m R w M& w M M T O and T T m m ' soldiers enlisted for three months and one year; or in the District of Columbia, shalbhereafter assist understand that a Breckinridger in Leacock much larger fund, and consequently a larger started up the river, pasaing on the wny sevw m mm m A m T m w m also for pensions for the widows of soldiers and givo aid and comfort to such rebellion, the township has a rebel flag flying over MB house. expenditure of money for beneficial and char- eral very fine vessels, loaded with cotton, fired H P B K said estate, property and moneys, stocks, credits by the rebel* to prevent it from falling into mm m who die in the service. The bill donating A P H m w U m Q Why do not the loyal men of the neighbor- itable purposes. The report of this branch our hands. It was useless, however, as nothA w m E lands for the bsnefit of agricultural colleges and effects of these persons, are declared lawful subjects of capture wherever found; and the Pre- hood make htm take it down a n d hoist the has not y e t been published, b u t we understand ing whatever was touched by any in tbe fleet. mm w w m B m m and mechanic a r t s was taken up and discussed. m w D m m N w w sident of the United States shall cause the same to Mr. Foster offered a resolution, which was be seized, to the end that they may be confiscated stars and stripes ? Such an insult would not that it exhibits a most flattering aspect. Not- After passing English Turn we came upon m Y M C m A m m mm O he C m X several batteries at a place called Slaughter m H B adopted, that the Senate will to day resolve and condemned to the use of the United States; withstanding the w a r a n d t h e consequent dem B B A HAB EB A M C m m itself into a committee of impeachment on the and all sales, transfers or conveyances shall ho null be tolerated now i n Nashville or New Orleans, pression of all kinds of business, Ihe Order is House Point, which were soon silenced, one O R w ABOBW M M G M D P W E H P m m by the Brooklyn herself, without losing a man, case of J u d g e Humphreys, and formally open a n d r o i d ; and it shall ho a sufficient bar to any and why should it be in Lancaster county. D CKEY E T N WE T ORANGE still flourishing a n d in Lancaster county, is although receiving several shots. We then O W m w MA Q A A m T A C the proceedings. Mr. Fessenden moved to suit brought by such person for the possession, and M mm E F TREET m UAK K n S o > steamed u p the river without any further inA A m City Finances.—The lteport of the Finance steadily on the increase. t a k e u p the t a x bill, and after a lengthy debate for tho use of such property, or any of it, to allege o — Am A terruption and anchored off New Orleans about m A M O the motion w a s carried by a vote of 38 to 0.- and prove he is one of tho persons described in this Committee h a s been published. Want of room o A a he P T H B D M 1 o'clock, P . M. J u s t before anchoring a man w B a m Several amendments to the bill, proposed by section. The Atlantio Monthly for June is n most Am prevents ue from giving a synopsis of i t this WA m o m w fell overboard, and was drowned. As far ns B KDER NO 1 — n obed ence o he t h e Committee on Finance, were adopted, after Tho second section provides that if any parson excellent number. The volume opens with a the eye could reach the levee was crowded m w w m w mA m H E A G CUKT RETUBN T CKETS LONDON AND BACK A which the Senate went into an executive ses- within any State or territory of tho United States week. I t contains some " i n t e r e s t i n g " items m w n ba w& m U G C mm w V readable article on " W a l k i n g . " J o h n Weiss with women aud children. There was but one by m h sion, and subsequently adjourned. other than those already specified shall not, within which t a x payers would do well to scrutinize. H Am V F R S T CLASS O N M G B mA w w m contributes a finely written article on " War flag flying in New Orleans npon our a-rival w sixly days after public warning and proclamation Am P P m D V M T O CLASS Some of the " g e n t s " about t h e city hall a p H H m O B D H O U S E . — M r . Sedgwick introduced a bill, by tbe President, cease to aid, countenance and abet and L i t e r a t u r e . " Alice Carey h a s nu " Order and that was a Louisiana State Flag. Upon O C B w W AR C G mm m which was referred, providing for the raising of such rebellion, and return to their allegiance, their pear to ( make a " g o o d t h i n g " out of their con- for a P i c t u r e . " Richard Frothingham gives a hearing of our approach to the city all the W D E n Tha B B W Pm W m m m TEAM W E E K L Y TO L VER vessels lying along the leveo were destroyed w a o mW certain sunken vessels of w a r in Hampton property shall in like manner bo forfeited for the nection with the city government. G W Mr. m M OOL QUBEN TO W O MAR H KH A use of the United States, all sales, transfer* or thorough New England episode of history enby fire. On the following day two American M V Am E B w m w Roads. The Senate bill removing all disqualL N w Y o C A and K B 18 Street Commissioner Shaum, appears to play D E A m m m C m titled " The Sam Adams Regiments of the Flags were hoisted in the city, but were imifications of color in carrying (he mails was laid cocvoyancea of any such property, after the expim C V G H m ration at the sixty days from the date of tho the trump card, however, as witness the folmediately torn down. Upon our first entering O nL OB MA H on the table by a vote of 83 to 4 " . The con- warning, shall bo null and void. Am B L m Town of BoBton;" Rose Terry lifts her wings mm w C m the city wc were greeted by cheering and A B o b age W m Pm< fiscation bill was taken up, and the subject was M M E W TWEB lowing i t e m : w nobly in t h e stanzas, " Out of the Body to waving of handkerchiefs by a crowd who were O B Ww n he The third section provides that, to secure the m V Am further debated b y Messrs. Voorhecs, Morrill. B G B D M Cash paid John Williams (why not F w D A B possession, condemnation and sale of such property, God," soaring Heavenward. " The Health of standing along the levee, b u t they were shot W AMWEG Kelly, and others. The House theuadjeurned. O a C L ACOB C TY O BALT MORE B A G = M situate and being in any State or territory of tbe J o h n Jones'.') for carting $1.0^0.46 m A C m m o W C F 59 Am Our G i r l s ; " " T h e Horror of San Domingo," into by a p a r t y of New Orleans home guards, W M KANGAROO United States, proceedings in rem. shall he instim He n he and dispersed. Several, I think, were killed. R Bw O When wc have more leisure we will take C TY O NEW YORK and " Methods of Study in Natural History,'' tuted in tho name of tho United States in any Dism o A A P M II. E. C. S a N m P F J U I U T , May •J.'-i. trict Court or territorial Court, or in tho United pleasure in ventilating this and some otjier furnish themes to the pens of T. W. lligginson, O a a F W H Am N R R D E R N O — D o h e E m A C SENATE.—A resolution was adopted instruct- Stales District Court, for tho District of Columbia, " items" in the Finances of the city. EATE A AOE m H E A G J o h n Weiss, a n d Prof. Louis Agassie, treated, O F W C i n g t h e Judiciary Committee to inquire what within which the property may be found, or into CURT N G C mm w R T CAB N TBEKAGB O m W G T O N M H W TWER we need hardly say, with genuine power.— further legislation wa^ necessary to protect which tho same if movable, may ba first brought, C A E G m L L The W a r Spirit.—Notwithstandiug LancasB G B D M P m E H persona of color. The following bills were in- which proceedings shall conform as nearly as may AM m m ter County h a s furnished her thousands of Harriet E . Prescott appears in two aspects, B W R % H m H m troduced : A bill requiring the oath of allegi- bo to proceedings in prize cases, or to cases of forR m B DW P C B feitures, arising under the revenue laws; and tho brave men for the purpose of putting down amusing a n d hearty i n the continuation of her B m H M mm m ance to be administered in ceitain ca3ca; a H C C A w & w property so seized and condemned, whether real m m m B V Am m V M —T M m U Am C bill for the reorganization of the courts of the or personal, shall bo sold under tho decree of the the rebellion, no sooner had Governor Cartin's " S o u t h B r e a k e r , " a n d touching, tear-compelm L Q w C HOUSEHOLD MAEKET M M WEAVER B W m L District of Columbia ; a bill entitled a General court having cognizance of tho case, and the pro- proclamation calling out the volunteer militia, ling in h e r exqufr»te tribute to " The Author m M o Van Am & Co w m L C B B D M A P G P m Q T A O DA M B a n k r u p t act. Tho bill amendatory of the ceeds deposited in tho Treasury of tho United m n on T m > been announced than i t was responded to with Charles Auchestcr," (Elizabeth Sheppard,) BU R @ aot increasing the military establishment was States, for their use and benefit B m E T m mm whose untimely death in April last is mourned he 3 d o he alacrity, and before Monday evening sufficient P C F H > passed. The Tax bill was considered as far B @ w Tho remainder of the sections provide the necesBESTATTBANT A N D B O W L N G Am P o m now n he A m E as the seventy-fifth section. ARD @ numbers had been obtained to fill several by English literature. " Aslrsea a t tho Capisary machinery for carrying tho act Into effect. SALOONS M m m S The MOK D M A @ Am P m Provided, That the person, thirdly and fifthly oompaniee. TheLancasterFencibles, Captain tol," is another bugle note of rejoicing in tho U H O U S E . — T h e consideration of the Confiscam L W L RS NELSON n orm her r end R D E G L AM N A W G w 4 « « tion a c t was resumed, during which the fol- described, shall have accepted their election and Franklin, is already full, while the Cadets, growth of Freedom b y J o h n G. Whittier, and m o w he VKA $ G G P ALEX MALCOH S E Q H w RE TAURANT AND BOWL NG ALOON « @ « lowing *' passagoat words " took place between appointments to office since the date of the pretondF W C R " P e r e Autoine's Date P a l m " testa t h e graocwo a a n d now C W D BYMODR CO L K VE E A R D L Captain Y o u n g ; the Rifles, Captain Cox; the od ordinance of secession of such States, or shall K P m A G AU AA @ M r . Sedgwick, of New York, a n d Mr. WiokMACET K W m S DLE w mm have taken the oath of allegiance to tho so-called Zouaves, Captain Duncan, will be full to-day. ful pathos that distills from the kindly pen of mB ono o he m m Q P m A DECOUE liffe, of Ky. The former said:— A BD B @ w B RE RE HMENT H C O G P confedcrarte StatesOHN Q DALE W C m G o be n he w o URK Y and @ Q He maintained that everything that stands AH these companies will probably leave for T. _B. Aldrich. T h e " S o l i d ' o p e r a t i o n s in w F m M O Tho hill was passed by a vote of 82 yeas against OY TER m G @ Ow P C in the way of a speedy a n d honorable peace 6S nays. m w he G m Z OHN O DALE A B w N T TURTLE OU AND LOB TER Washington this week. Their term of service Virginia" we trace to tho hand of E . Everett D H F m M CH CK K @ may be overthrown by tho military power. E w MR S C NEL ON o P and L and a A B m D> will be three months. Next week we will pub- Hale, a n d recognize its timely interest.— m m @ Congress may authorize the placing of arms C m m o WAMTED S U E P L E A D S H E R OWN C A S E . — S p e a k i n g of lish the muster rolls, giving the names of the " San thin' in the Pastoral L i n e , " a burlesque OA @ A in the hands of the Blaves—in the hands, of and V w n a C 50 pe E o G H o E E blaok, yellow, red or white men. Congress, the suit now pending in the Supreme Court, of brave men who have so nobly responded to the Thyme in the peculiar style which lately Beems 1 C C } CORDS BLACK OAK W G E E A T V AD N A M B U E Gm H O A O M @ w a s the representative of the sovereignty of the Harriet W. Shannon, for a divorce, the Boston Governor's proclamation. to have come upon J a m e s Russell Lowell, conmm o m VJ J BARK m o D W P E @ » * country, h a s power over the whole aubjecf. Herald s a y s : ««Mrs. Shannon appears withETTERS e amen ary on a d e a e cludes a repertory varied, appropriate and n a m o w he H GHEST CASH PR CE LANCASTEB GBA H MAEKET—W o he a The power IB essentially despotic, and to be A m w un n —h n n C om mm w ba a B RK & BBCBAKBHS R by A BR SHT & Co F w n and B Accidents.—A young boy, named MoGuigan, most acceptable. used for the publio safety. - He quoted from out counsel a n d conduots h e r own esse, a A w > P m Sm o m T a he B H L C pa O mm nM h n m n o any n nn h distinguished authorities to show that negroes course not often taken in the upper courts by whose parents reside i n Mulberry street, G W E H V m w m w o DB DAY M K m Che nu a n d Span h Oak during the Revolutionary war, and the war either male or female. She has very eminent whilst returning from St. Mary's Catholic m w he m and he Blaokwood's E d i n b n r g Vagasine for May m E FLOUE bb m OHN 8 SH RK E with England, in 1812, made good soldiers, w M mm o m w a n d may oounael.opposed to her, Messrs. H. F . Durant Sunday School, on Sunday afternoon last, for has been reoeived b y Westhaeffer. Among 5 40 a n d t h a t no danger to liberty could be appreA E P O L M D > E o H G m o E E a a and and E . D . Sohier. Among the witnesses sum- some reason or other olimbed a tree in South the contents a r e :—A visit to Rugby, SensaWH WHBA hended from such forces. m H RK BKUBAKER THE GORGEOL ROCE ON w w and age can un 1 20 A O A M The navy h a s recently enlisted colored sea- moned b y Mrs. S., and examined thus far Prince street. Whilst on tbe tree he missed tion Novels, P a r t IV of Captoniana, Tho ReKTTEKS m on B U L D N G SLATE CORK — and he S o men. A g u n was effectively served by them were his Excellency Governor Andrew, his hold, and fell head foremost to the ground, newal of Life, Chronicles of Carlingford, P a r t GOLDEN CHAR OT E PR CES HEDDCEO TO R T TUB T MES OA B m G m a t Hatteras Inlet. J a c k does n o t shrink from and Hon. B . P . Hallett, both of whom were his head striking the curb atone. He was im- IV, The F i r s t Guid Day, The Anglo-Saxon A ee U mm m m HE under gned hav ng made ar 60 fighting side b y Bide with sailors who kmiw O H O & B m w m w o m and he some y e a r s since employed a s h e r oounsel." mediately conveyed to the residence of George Chronicle, President Andrew Jackson. The m U w M E ONS h C OV R D how to man a g u n a n d direct its fire, though m w o PBACH BOTTOM SLATE o m be oa o their skin may be a shade d a r k e r than his. WH K Y " I K DEATH-THEY WERE SOT D I V I D E D . " On K. Reed Esq., where he remained in on i n - latter article ia a review of P a r t o n ' s Life of OHN QEHMAN a m m w he o x nY Nobody was afraid of employipg colored sol- Sunday t h e 18th i n s t , Mrs. Marcy Mott, aged sensible oondition until 5 o'olock, when he Jackson, a n d i s about as fair as anything to n 21 m BBNKY GERMAN w a o diers excepting those who were apprehensive PH LADELPH A XABKET was conveyed home. At last accounts he was be expected from Blackwood. The admirers B G w w EB a e o Buaan Sohmuok a e o Manhe m of exasperating men who wore t h e skulls a n d 80 years and 8 months, died ; and on Monday, MO DA M G & H mm C w m ALSO own h p deo d bones of our deceased Boldiers a t their girdles the 19th, Mr. Stephen Mott, her huBband, aged in a very critical condition, h a v i n g been inju- of " Old Hickory/? will hardly assent, howLOOR —T m F &U E L PEACH BOTTOM m n on M a ETTERS o adm n ra on on a d SLATE S S R ever, to many things said of their favorite. o m he m a . ornaments And gentlemen might even 86 years a n d 8 months, followed her to the red internally. a w W M T he m Tbe H m m S m b e found to votes for the restoration of the rebels w a e o m m spirit land. They resided in Scituate, Mass., On Monday evening a boy whose name we w w w n he o m w to the a m y and navy a n d u C o m p e n s a t e t h e m m a w ago and m m m UOM m m W H A T A REVOLVER D I D von ONE M A N , — T h e m W LL EXH B T AT LANCASTER m m w a m w m w o for t h e loss sustained by their investments in and h a d lived together as husband a n d wife are unable to learn fell from the Duke street A o S a e THE BEST N THB a appraisers of the estate of the late Col. Colt m w a w m o be a o m he w ON confederate money, for fear these rebels might for sixty-three years. M r . Mott h a d been railroad bridge, injuring himself so severely HABKET B L w o n mm and and ACOB S BSKSHADE made the whole amount of h i s property foot m m m WM become »«ry desperateif this shall not b e dona able to superintend t h e work upon h i s farm m A m t h a t h i s life w a s despared of. We hope this u p something overjrflxtES MILLION o r DOLLABS. o m G pe bb D SPEECBEE B New A and S W There was not a loyal slaveholder in this counG o o be a o m OBO D PBECHEB a n A d a y or two before h i s wife's death h e was accident will b e a warning to the boys who try. o B m M o W L m This i s exclusive of his landed property in the N Ew K W o he C A w m RY OUR w m m a e E told that she would n o t probably recover, a n d congregate in t h a t neighborhood. From t h e w H a Western States a n d Texas, his gold and lead Mr- Wiokliffe, for this l a s t remark, called o he w m do DOORS OPE AT 1 AND 7 O CLOCK L E T T E R S m on on leaving the room h e said, " Maroy i s going recklessness with which, they climb upon the CORK H A a The o Mr, Sedgwiok to order. mines i n South America, and h i s property i Q M pe The and ST o do no my a ea T ^.?1ie 8 P e * k e r "•** the gentleman iras not in- and I guess I shall go too." H e tjurvived her wall and bridge—the only wonder is that England, which: i t ia believed, cannot b e fairly M an m mm m G m & w w P B mO S ADM SS ON 25 CENTS m m aujgingjn personalities. h u t a few n o u n , a n d they were both buried i n acoldent* to life and limb are "not of dally •atinuUtd. Probably it i s worth another m i l . 800 y and wUw m w m U L m M w w no Mr. TrloHiffe—Tfc» statement that t W is one grave on Wedafflday. CH LDREN UNDER 9 YEARS 6 CENTS m a w occaraaot. lion. * by B K GRA H —T w WH A M P w B mR S GREAT AMEHIOAN- C3IT*.OXJJS 18 Thirty-Seventh Congress. O-ra-xid P r o c e s s i o n VAN AMBURQH & GO S Mammoth Menagerie SREAT MORAL EXHIBITION T Colossal Golden Chariot, T A S H U L T Z & BRO., HATTJ3RS; T M amages. I lottos. LONDON EXHIBITION O S O k v i w tut WLmMti M L L T L TUESDAY JUNE 3d. Jan » M ^grix^tural. CULTTOB-OF FEirrr. O H P H A l f o GOXTET S A M / " / 6&VAtUABVE *C1TYPROPERTY. fikSM&W.flV&X, JCHNE W T H . 1 8 6 2 , TO - viirorasldF- Ms&chiiSiii^iA O f l l a a Bovii Fur*tiUng. T IH t&HCASTm OOOTfTTf ; H E following is ay list of the -tenders T 14 is, 14 14 - flatten. . . . Ata'lat<>S?riSiitaM&effiiKin Bos-: 14th Classpays • 8000 » 7 00 8th Claas paya 14, Frederlok Smith 13th do 4B0O * X x V m . ton^flotfWiJ***»**•? e ^ j ^ S g J w s of Cttaataut a( 10 00 7th do do ,_ W A Hellahn . 14 Peter Weber r J J o S 12th d o 13 6 0 « t b d o do quite attinteresting._dfeqn^n gBTSfctaJ Jok«nt»briB'lflaV!7Dl,Ya>ayt -_ . . 60 00 S h n l U * B r o - "I U t h do 15 00 Sth do do r 60 09 tie i M h a a . a a a - U i j B j n t Bontliward U S f f » t , t o a l 4 imh do 5WcWrman*imde mr6p*n^^ Impltmmit, 20 00 4th do do 100 00 o o l a m a t ; M . i l i f ' S t a r t * r ™ * » , • » • • * . » • * o i ' tka 9th do W D fipnahar in which He said, Very trtly; that fo sno-j Booth lS|AdemBarr 15 OO i d , do do b j a la, iftiv.ariaa allBT.HKt o a r . t u - w a a t * j lot Lumber arid. Coal.1 ceed in the culture offWp^{hT|ft<fe^sffbe Ho, SS8, B a A i r a a t d lota t o l a Bold atparataly... ADAM8TOWN. Floor 14 Baary 5taon*er r Hdi 14|Lerl Hernmig 9 Sehner. i Boa WnfiQTTMbt,. No. 2.'irA.vtwoirtory;:.BrK!lerD.wmLlNCr John Manser appropriate soil, ' a 'careful '^efdbfiohM>f do 14| BBXartla Dav1d:Hartinan HOOBaVaiftd-Valf lot of ground, aUtttis on tba hardy sorts suited to the latitude, andiblBAET. H Baamjrardner t alda of Matbany atraet. coatalDiB** In front M F Bulgenralt IS Mdx 14 L«Tl lUmaker aald atraat, 3 3 faat, 2 ^ loattaa, a o d la Wm Brown & Son Mdxs 14 Wm S Ferree lowed by proper treatment. Some'ta'rieThomas Feraason -do 14 Martin & Snyder do IS to a 14 faat wide pDbllo allay; boooded Jewelry. ties of pears were adapted to a wide'range deinu,aaatirard do Id 0D tba'north b y ground or Harsaret Llooh. on tba ea*t J MA JHeybarger do 14 W E Clark Henry Shank -. ' do ' 14G r a h a m * Williams do 11 Theodore Wolf of country, others'belonged to" a niore b y aald Hilar, om-tba aoalb bypropaztr of P . F y l e . a o d J P B n u e l John Loageneekar H L 4 K J Zahm oo tba iaa*t by'atnlbarry'atraat.. BRECKNOCK. Jaimaa P Uyaart circumscribed area. H e said, however, No. 3. A,Lot orCtrodnd, Bttnate on the west. HasMlroaa&Beam Hda l l j i s e a e Fry & Son Mdi 14 ZH»Ihr ni bA* Bro Bhoade * QlllMple Jatekaoa of North' Qaaeu atraat, c o s u l b l o g l a Trvnt on aald that the Bartlett succeeded wherever any Bide Tin 14|jAJOberholuarDietlll 8 Mania Sbxelau Btreet,6ifeet«>f la'hea, and In depth araatarard 245 B M L a n i c h H d i 141 pear can be raised; and we may add,feet;bonnded on the. north by gronndaof lata Jacob Ellas Hortiag Oyster CtUars. on the south b y gronnda of f eter Branar and CAENAEVON., making it, indeed, all things considered, Brnner. Wm Kaoti S.Samnel Eissinf«r dtslgnatad on the general J l t n of the City by No. 699. 81 W Compton Mdi 14, William Blngwadt Mdi 14 Israel Kaati the pear of the country or the world ! I n No. 4. A tutor Place of Ground, Bltuate on G Cyrna Waller do 141J B Gordon Tin 14 Paper, the m a t aldeof North Qaeea atreaLeontalaloKln front do 18 j referring to dwarf pears, Col. Wilder said on aald atreat, S3 feet, and In depth weatward 235 faat to B D White A x Sank* U ( J o h n BaMll that he had found the Vicar of Winkfield, High street, boandsd on tba north by ptoperty now or CLAY. .% Patent Medicine*. of Delnglar 4 Dsleer.onthewett by aald Hlgb-a;., S P A Weldman Mdi 131J B Pannabeekar Louise Bonne de Jersey, Belle Lucrative, lata on the aonth by properly now or lata of Hre. Bandera, Samnal Bberly A B E a o f f m a n f0010 A He nltah loo do 1S| and Urbaniste, not to have failed in their on tba ea»t b y North Qnaan atraat. lOOJ Joan B Markley Joba.V Long afc S o u 100 COCALICO. No. 5. A certain one-story LOQ HOUSB, and i crops for thirty years, thus showing their halflot SadiUrt. of areand, altante on the wast aide of Mulberry, IsaaoFlloklngar Hdi 14 Mdi 14|B6wartx 14i B Yecker hardiness and perfect adaptation to a lati- etraet, containing in front on aald atraat 23 feet 7 Inches J B Gocklay do UjGeorge Mangel Tan 14 K Sehaeffer '* Boa HI Amos MUey In depth westward 249 feat to a 14 feet wide pnblio J B B « d d l g Mdi 14 V Babubttab. do 13| Uanlel Hlshter tude as high as that of Massachusetts. He aod alley, bounded on the aonth by property or Mra. Taylor, COCALICO WEST. thought the climate of California surpas- on tba weat by said 14 feet wide alley, on the north b y i Slate. G D Sprecher H d i 14 B C'Kerllng of John Knhna, and on the eaat b y aald Mai- B B FUcklnger ses all others for the culture of fruit. In property berry Btreat. John Lndwlg Pro 14 Jeremiah Wleat do No. 6. Five Lots of Ground, situate on the Jacob Kexerele England, some dwarf pear trees, which Mdi 14 A W Uentlar Chandler* west aide of North Qaeen street extended, each con- B Flleklnger do 13 Herman MUlar do 14 9 B'Slabaeh had been planted forty years, looked as taining l a froot on elld North Qaeen street, S3 fest and BOQU and Shoe*. COLBEAIN. though they might survive forty more.— In dapth 233 feet to High street, bonndfld on the aonth 14 Fradarlek Kinsley by property of Banjamla Baakwalter. oo the north by J B E e n a e d y A S o n Mdi 14IJD Haatlaga M d z l t Edward Wiley 13 Edward Wiley We have upon our own premises such lot No SO.formerlr belonging to Dr. J . H. Karlz. on J H.-wisher James Cojle do 1 4 F J P e a n o c k do 14 Oerhart Metxgar the east by North Qnean strest, oa t b s w e s t b y High Qillesple & Blackbara do 14| W Dobbins do 14 o n a s t ; trees about two feet in circumference, street 13 Peter HtConomy aforeaald, being marked on plan of lota laid ont Campbell 4 Marshall COLUaBIA. 14 A H Breneman Agt transplanted fifteen years ago, when they by aald Dr. J. H. Kortx. by tbe snmbers 6\02.64.56 and 14 Wm P Brooks OS respeetlrely, each of aald lota lo be aold separately. H C Fondarsmlth MJz 14DrWBHsCorkle Drags 14 Theo Miller where at least two years old, now looking 14 Tob 14Martin Smith Gro 14 W m J Gabla N o . 7. A L o t o r F l e o e o f G r o u n d , w i t h B u i l d - J C Bacher as robust as ever, and bearing good crops ings thereon erected, bonnded anddaacribed aa follows: Taylor & McDonald Bks 14 Wm Gordon Tobacco do 14 M Deiehler A Gray k Co Draga 14 Beglnlng at the Fanoa. Bail Boad, on the west side of E E Demuth Samuel GroTt Shoe* 14 Christian Long 14 annually, but some years more abundantly Bblppsn street, thencs extending aonth along Shtppen C Fandrlck & Bro Tob 14 Mdx IS Samuel Patteraoa PGEbirman U Drngs 14 H F Braoaar than others. This year all our dwarf trees e reet, 60 feet to a S feet wide alley, thence extending B WUIiams John S a h n s S S n y d a m Gro 14 WelchanBAM'NaughUn IS W M Mathlot Udz 14 along the north Bide of Bald alley ISO feet, John 8 Gabla have been loaded down with bloom, and westward thence extending north 45 feet to the Panna. Ball Hoed, J F Smith Conf 14 Chr'a DatHnhsffer do 14 Trimming Stout. from the indications of the already swell- thence eastward along aald Ball Boad 136 feet, (mora or U Betner do 14 George TllU fAg't) do 14 IBSB) to the beginning, bonnded on tbe north by the do 14 John Denlloger Cloth 14 J B Y e r k e e HiThomas Grieve* 14 ing fruit, the prospects of a great crop Penna. Ball Boad. on the aonth b y the aforesaid alley, D Hananr James Holllnaworth do 14 Oabel & Bro Shoes 14 J Strause 14 [John Boagh 14 on the weat by gronad of John Henry Weber, and on were never more promising. p shrolaer & Boa Jewel 14 J G Pnllocb do 14 Lean Baom * 141 the east by Shtppen Btreet aforesaid. llaebner Bhoes 14 FGrab do 14 Col.' Wilder denounces grafting on For farther psrUcnlera apply to BjutuaL H. PH'ICK, PHBICe(AgBnt) Variety Stores. Cloth 14 Morgan Hays do 14 at Law. suckers as a curse to any orchard. As to Attorney McTagne A Bro Mds 13 14} fted Pensch 14 Conditions will be made knowa 00 (be day of the John Felix Darld Hnllen do U Wm B Helnitsh Jewel 14 apples, he thought with other gentleman sale. SAMUEL H. FBICE, Varnish. Stores. Wlsaler Brewer R Mdz 12 H JFHaldenun Brooke Hate 14,JJ oGo Hess Administrator de bonis non of Bald BBtatB. EH HUler Udz 14 Belnbabl* Hofltetter B F Appold who expressed the same opinion, that the 13|A Beiaoehl 14 Haldeman * JackBon may 21 41.26 Sam'lDierbeck Llndeey Prodnoe 14 Grocery IS Geo Warehouses. best varieties for general cultivation, were E K Smith Coal 14 J W Cottrell Hard 13 W m Wbippsr J B B i t n e r ISiSttine & Melxel 14 the Baldwin, Bhode-Island Greening, S H E B I F F ' 3 SALES. do H JCPfahler do 14 Jaraes Bnrrell MANHBIM TOWNSniP. Boxburry Russet and Taiwan's Sweeting. G J Smith Conf 14 J Vaughn & Co Cloth 14 N Mdz 14 14'George Bogle Lumber 14 Samnel L Leaman Mdz 14.John G Hacker .—SATURDAY, . . . . . — MAY 3 I_S T , A . D., Allen Richards Shoo do 14 Dr. Loring had found lime employed in _ 186J, «t 2 o'oloclc, P. M , by Virtna of Baodry Writs J S Snyder do 14 H B Bowmnn Mdz 10[J Cooper do 14 a. Shank ; Distill MANHBEU BOROUGH. MAEffiTTA BOROUGH. Mrs Sophti BTtMh Anne Longe nderfer Wa«hlogwa dolloway AMcMtchael MANOR, IIHra Mitllda Koch MOUNT JOY TOWNSHIP. AGNEW ft ENGLISH,- 23 SOUTH Oth STREET, - Three Doors Above Chesnut Street, Pltiladelphia. MOUNT JOT BOROUGH. LUMBER, FLOUB, GRAIN, FIRST PROVIDENCE. FURNITURE, BAD3BURT. AT H M Brnbaker 7j Joseph Benn SALISBURY. REDUCED William Fryberger PRICES, T E N P I N S A N D B I L L I A R D SALOONS. LANCASTER 8 in winter was touched upon at the meeting referred to, aud Col. Wilder remarked that he liopcl that the simple process of laying down the canes as well as grapevines, •' upon thp surface of the ground, would ALSO, at the same time and place, all that prove ample protection to them from the certain Lot of Ground, Blluated In Concstoga t 'wnsMp, Laucoalor county, and state of Pcnncylvnala, d'tcrihed cold ' and piercing winds." As to the ae follows: Beginning at e corner of Johu Warfura in a line uf John Afhton's laud, thence hOulL canes we do not believe this; but do as to land, 8>i degrees, east 7 3 10 pcrchuH, thence by John Cranio sonth 2 degrees, eatt SS 2-10 percheH, to a peat, )-i the grapevines, and think it the true plan land toe middle of the pnhltc road, Ibenca along midd!a of everywhere for them. Our raspberry ••aid road, north 733£ dsgrccd, weat 7 C-tO peiehfi*, along said Anaton's land north 2 dfljrces, WM[ canes, not entirely hardy, uud none of thence •Zl percbdtj. to the place of be^inniug, thiiu are except natives, and some of thcin CONTAINING 1^ ACREd OF LAND, not wholly—vrcprunc, lay down and cover trftb a one aod a nalf-biory Log DWELLING " SOD.-E, with etone basemexit. bake oven, pig slightljaftoith soil, just enough to make pen, draw well, frntt trees, and other Imrr1 them invisible, and they come out splend- ffifelltSA* the Prajwrty <>t JOSEPH H. URBA>'. idly. I f they are covered too deeply, of which U f-frz?d and tuken In Execution, and to they are liable to sprout prematurely, and beAll sold by S. W. p . BOYD. Sheriff when exhumed would be subject to injury Sheriff's Office, LanesMer, May 7,1S62. even from a slight frost.—Gn-wnutmrn O E P H A H 8 ' COUHT SALE. JWa/ivjiJi. N MONBAY.tho lGth day of J U N E S M Beldeuirldze Mdz MjOetBr Brown Hornbercer ft GreyHarlin Karlz bill Md: U l d e r l W Ororl' Mdz 14 do 14 lMellll 6 SDEN. Mctangbllu ft Z » k MJz 111 Daniel D Heat C W Shnllz Grain 14 Mm E H I'a*..| Joaepb Elliott .Mill 14 S Ennkle H«i«il ft Dhl.r Mdz la Mdz 14 do 14 do 14 ELIZABETH. Mdz 14 I),Ti.l iMrker ELIZABETriTOWN. IHgKiiigerft Son Mdz l r Matblas Ranamingar Jel 14 John Lynch do 14 RHRos DrngB 14 1) Breneman Si BrJridO 13 J B B « I I do 14 J BiXetree-.^r do 13 H bhi'j Brew 6 r Jacob Dye John D mar Tan 14 F S BryanftCo Hard 13 William Wilson do 11 Joseph Clinton Gro 1* Henry Breneman &Lnm Co It Isaac W-lIri Cont U Ware 14 EPURATA. Hdz 14 amns FiaBach Z KHUan Pro 14 U M Fry h Co Tan 14 0 rarer A Eafroth Mill 14 Adam L o u Mdz 14 duo Nlsslr Mdz 14 nnxt, the nudemlgned Execnton, of the Will of Roth&Fteles do 13 J 8 Hacker do 12 Jjouph Eonlgtnachor, decedeed, l a flXecatlon of aa E Konlgm&cher A GOOD FAKM FENCE. do 13 SHBB Stober do 1.1 order of the Orphmos'Coart of Lancaster county, wll' D Stein met z do 13 David &tarlc Pro 14 -K11 by public vendaa. at the pabllc hoaee of HENE7 J S Sharp Pro 14 &. SHKNK, Sign of the Lamb, in West Klog street, LanTake good straight rails from 15 to 20 cuter, the following r«»l oatate, lata of Bafil deca»ted, FULTON. feet long, and posts from 6 totiJ feet long, to w i t : L Hippie Coal 14 G G KantTman Par 14 Ho. I. The undivided half part of and in a LOT OF do Lorn 14 A Latvia SIdz 14 and 5 to 7 inches in diameter. Chestnut ORODKD, OD the east Hide of Prlcce otreet, iHitweao Levi Haines Mdz 14 41 ft E H Brown do I I Cheenat aod Walnut street*, in the Citj of Lancaster, is good. After you have heaped up aheap containing In fronton Prince etreet aforesaid,64 ie(( David M Reynolds do 14 Itaac H Hallies do 14 S Willi i Quern & Co do 14 J WSrrift do 14 of brush to burn, put tbe ends of tbe and-IK laches, and extending In dapth or that width HEMPFIKLD EAST. to tbo FanneylYa&ia Railroad, with a posts you are going to set in the ground, eastward thr-e itorled BRICK BOtLDIKG osed as a CORDRiagwalt&DaTisMdz 14[Qeorga Malllo. do 14 on the heap, and then set the bushes on E I I KG HHOP and LBATBEB MAHUPACTORY. JBBeir Dl»Llll 8 Daniel Mohn Floor 14 a LARGE FRAME SHOf, and a Railroad Track tuctj- S G Plakertoa Mdz 14 aiestand & Stanfier • fire, and char the ends of the posts, which on. The whole of the brick bnildlng Is nnder cellar and Hiram E Miller do 14! Ware Hoose 13 will prevent them from rotting so soon, so arranged aa to be at very small e x j e o t o converted JoUa Staalfer do 141 into three dwelling honees taking care not to burn them too much. ThlB prorerty i« one of the best iocatione lor bnilneEr, IIEMPFIELD WEST. any kind on tho Rallro&d. T s r 14 Then dig the holes from 2 to 2 } feet of Ho. E Haldemaa & Co Mdz 13|Henry Shookers 2. Th«nad^vidad hairpart of aLOT OP G&ODND. Mdz 14 do 14 lacob Keodlg deep, and set the posts and wedge them on thenorth side of WeacKlORBtreft,between Mulberr; H R {Caotvrell do 13 do 14 John MverB and Charlotte streets, in said city, containing In front Jobn Perlln O firmly in with stones and dirt. The rails oneatd West King street 6tfeot4>£ Inches, and exof a pannel should be of equal length.— tending ID dep'h northward M5 feet to a 14 feet wide public Bllay.wlth a STONB DWELLING BODSB, TAIN • Then have one man take hold of each end ]TAR1> and 6TBAM TANNERT, and other imptora thoreon. of a rail, and spike it to the post; 4 rails menta Also, of a-half Lot of Ground on the north bldo of tbe aforesaid pnblio alley, ranning along the rear of tbe hi<»h:is enough. above described lot, containing l a front on said Three men could build a fence very last alley 61 feet A% Inches, and extending in depth northfast—one to dig the holes, the other two ward 122 feet and 6 Inches, more or leaa, with a Fratna Stable and Wagon Shed thereon. to build the fence. A fence built in this The last two described lata have been nsed together the "Tannery Property." way is very stroug—the rails not liable to aaHo. 3. The nndtvided half part of a Lot of Gronnd on be thrown by unruly cattle, takes up very the aonth aide of East Orange street, near eavt of P l a u in eaid city containing in front on Grange-sL 23 little room, and needs no braces—plow street, feet, and extending southward 100 feet to a 12 feet close up to each side if you wish, and a wide alley. £io. 4 'ine undivided half part of a Lot of Gronnd, very ^ood fence to look at. adjoining ibe above on tbe west, containing in front on street 23 feet, and extending In depth sonthward Instead of having bars at the entrance Orange 100 feet to said alley. of your fields, make a gate in this way: Bala will begin at 2 o'clock, l a the afternoon of said whBn terms will be made known. Take two pieces of joists four inches day, Tenons wishing to view tbe premises before the day square, and as high as yon wish for the oftale, will please call on W CARPEKTBR, NO. 27 East Orang* street, or on JEREMIAH BAOM A S . Bfq., at No 1 end posts. Then take five strips of inch ADAH KONIGMACHSR, W. CAKPuNTKR. board for the slats, the lower one being may 14-tf-24 Executors. the widest, the next a little narrower, and B A D E STOCK F O B BALE. so oh, the top one being the narrowest.— Then mortice holes in the end posts, and N THURSDAY, J U N E 5th, 1862, tbs enbscrlbBr will offer for sale, at Cooper's insert the slats and pin them. Take two Hotsl, In the City of Lancaster, at 1 o'clock, P. M., strips for braces, one on each side. Fasten 35 SHARES OF LANCASTER COUNTY BANK STOCK. one end of the brace near the heel of the ALSO, on SATURDAY, JONK 7th, at 3 end post on which the gate is going to o'clock, V. M , at Shaffner'a Hotel, In the borough of awing, and the other end near the top of Mount Joy, 26 SHAKES MOUNT JOY BASK 6TOCK. the opposite post, and nail them to the Terms made known at Bale. slata.—Country Gentleman. may21.3t-2d J . HOFFMAN HEBSHEY. JMSonklin THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF PEKH8YLVAHTA. A Dl.tll 8|Ooorgo Gaidar & Co Coal 14| Lambar k Coal 11 do lli&am't RaoK Mill 14 B Boclttralter LAMPETEE WEST. Mdz U l a T M e l z g a r Mill IJlHHKrelJer Mdz 14 Id Herr B H Frlclt J A J F Herr Henry D Shnllz Mill 14 Mdz 13 Lnm 14 LAMPETER EAST. M HcQonlgle Mdz H | H L Plcklo Joel Miller ' d o H.ABraner J Bickley do 14 Rank A LmdU J K Cooper do 14 a Fredaod n aillespls A Son Lam 12)David Stamm Ware 12 Lnm 12 Hill 13 Mdz 14 Tan 14 LEACOCK. J K Smoksr Mdz 13iJ F Seldomrldge Md S M Brua A Co Ware 12 John Ourley Saddler 14 Hdz 13 Samuel Beerbrower Mdz 14IHoeesEby LEACOCK UPPER. Samuel aroSJrtAg'l) liEHyerB Mdz 12 H O Wengor E Swops (Ag't) do 14> Mdz 12 Grain 13 LITTLE BRITAIN. J L Wright L J Kirk E B Patterson O F O E SALE. l'INE BUILDING LOT, situated do H | LANCASTER TOWNSHIP. Mdz 14. J C Taylor do 1.1 Jamea Olmetead do 111 DM Hasting do 14 do 14 LANCASTER CITY. Breviers and Distillers. John A Sprenger 8 Elizabeth Sprenger Lawrence Btnapp 8 Henry Frank John Ar-iold S Charles Flnlnger Benjamin Mlshler Dia 8 Jobn Wltllnger Catharine Shoenberger 8 Philip Pyle Books. B H»rr it Co U | lacob Weathaeffer Bier'a SODS 1? vr F Dnncan John Shoeff-r li'JETfaaokera Brushes. Jacob RotharuQl la the Borough of lebnnon, on the South-east cor. ner of Mulberry and Hill streets. For particulars ap. 14 | Joseph Samson Confectioneries. Wm Shear ply to JACOB WEIOLB. Samuel D em nth Dr. E V A N PTJGH, President of this In- ALSO, a numbsr of fine CHESTNUT TIMBER AND C W Metxsar PASTDBK. LOTS, eilaated la South Annvllle and Lon- V P Anderson stitution, sends us the published report of donderry townships. Lebanon connty. Apply aaabeve. Furnace. the proceedings at a meeting of tho Board or to JOBIT BEJISOH, at Colebrook W . O. FREEMAN. Hirsh & Bro of Trustees at Harrisburg, May 6. " lieAdministratoi ot Wat. COLBHAK, dee'd. George Spurrier ap 9 Sm.2n J A Erben ports from standing committees showed J&red Blester that the affairs of the institution were in H E subscriber offers at private sale S S KathTon aereral farms, located lnihe southern pari of Lana prosperous condition, and measures wore coanty; some of which are finely improved. taken to secure a full statement of the caster Also, a nice little property tu Cecil county, ajtek Eicliollzi: Bro financial affairs of the college, together Md., with good improvemeate, bnt a few miles B i i from the State line, being a good location for a JttA. witha history of the latter, from its origin Jared Ketcham to tbe present time, in order that, by physician. E l - T e r m s libel al. JOSEPH BALLANCK, their publication, the people of the State nor 28-tf-l Kirk's Mills V. O.. Lancaster Co.. >•»• Ely P « r y may learn by what means thisStatehassucSTOVES 1 S T O V E S ! 1 James Smith ceeded in founding a flourishing Agricul- At GEO. MAYER'S Old Hardware C A HfliuitsU John F Loog tt Sons tural College, which is nearly filled to its and Iron Store, Wm Q Baker utmost capacity, notwithstanding the dis- No. 22, (east side,) NORTH Q.DEEN STREET C H Hern turbed state of the times, while all other John B atarkley opposite Michael's Hotel. T OOK STOVES, for Wood and Coal, attempts of a similar character have failed Iniahed i n the moat smbaUntial manner, in thiB couutry. with copper-bottomed botUrs, Bus. GAB m d BMOKECOKbDMEES, amonjt wLiclii " Among other things, a resolution of- the in the most aod btjst of all Cook board approved the notion of the executive StOTfle, v b i c boabfitanllal a loag erperUaea bas aatbled m to Haled oommltue in applying to the last court of from a nau oTworthleu one*. PAELOK COAL STOVES, among which Is the Modern Centre county, for a change of the corporate Gas and Smoke CoBiomer, tbs neatest, moist economical title of the institution, the Farmere' High and best Parlor Store yet prodnced. Bohool of Pennsylvania, to that of the Agricul- COALand WOOD STOTaSS.ofthaordlBAry kind—verj tural College of Pennsylvania, by whiob. title low. the college will hereafter be designated—the - SHEET IB017 WOKE of all description for sale at the adTantageone terms and prices, and old store* and reason for thla ohange being that the latter most Iron taken In exchange. GEO. MAYER. .name more properly represents the course of nov 3 tMft ainaies pnnmed in the institution, and associates it mora Intimately with agrieoUnral In- P A T E N T AIR.TIGHT COFFIN. - •tuutiopBof tuesame grade In other countries, FBEDEBICK BBUBACH, than does the former title. European farm AYINGobtained a Patent, dated schools are all of a very low order, whereas October B, I8Q0, for an Air-TJgnt Coffln, roeneetthe eonraeof study at thUoolWge ia more ex- tnilj oilla the attention of the pnblio to his Important tensive than at any of the European 'agricul- lorentlon. Its object U> to secure a corpse In an airtight wooden coBn, by m e w i n g the lid down a t once, tural colleges." C H eo aa to need no re-openlng, aad to prevent access of tha air sad a n y m p l e a a a n t odor, and yet at tbe same t i n e that the corpse may ba wholly or partially exposed to • l e w , through the glaas In the frame-work of the lid, YELLOW COLOR I N FLOWEHS.—This is up to lbs moment of interment. The cufiln presents a the predominant color in flowers, and is neat appearance, and can be covered with, cloth. It la often desirable to preserve corpeaa a longer time the most permanent.. The yellow of the Uiaatutul, la order to afford relaUTe* from a distance a * c j p o m a l t y U , M * theremalna of those dear to them; pe'telflisthe only color which'is flofc dis- and t M i c u ^ d o a e by tba UM of the Alx-Ught Coffln. charged by the fumes of sulphurous acid. Tbapabllo are Invited to call and t x a m t o a l w o f l D i of all kinds, from the commonest style to If, for example; a-lighted match is held theI ^l G a e a t , maBafaetnxad at abort notice and at l o w vA' under them, tbe purple or any other color of O n u s * a a d . f i l a c a etreeta, IaanxaaUf. P a . will disappear, but the 'fellow will remain a»r • j n a U J y - « 9 . ; ^ '.- ,. .. H g D M I O g BEDBACH..^ tinoharjged.:. Yellow is also aeolorwhioh more than any other, baffles the skill of T ? 3 ? r f i A SYROT MOLASSES, at 50 the photagraphist. JCi «u. P « galloa. At l^ebtf-tt-1? JOBJT &. fiKILIB, Wm Bomberger D Balr & Co W«ntz & Bro James Pranttley P Long & Nephew P K Breneman E E Fahnestock R L Erben Agt Btabm & Potts M Gelsenberger John Btndtr 14 13 14 13 G 8 Bradr Jacob Gruel Charles Eden F B Smith do 14 B M 0 rider Lnm 14 Gro 14 Philip Frank Brewer 8 do 14 Joha Patterson Coal 13 Hard 14 WALNUT OPPOSITE STREET, T H E STATE U Cutlery. HI B Bnchm.ller Furniture. Druggists. Thoma-. KUinaker D H HelOha Jharlea Oahrlng Daniel McCormick Jao.ib Long B 8 Uablenborg Dry Goods. Haner % Bro J 0 Gets 11 C M Erbea Agt Martin t^'Landls Jobn P Myer J B & G T Lane George Fahntstcck lSjChristlaaShaeffer 14 Samuel Allison 13 H HOTJEE, A Cole John Daveler 141JOchi 14|Lawrei>ee Goas 14]Frank Oraprnng Finding* ic|DPLooher 14| Groceries. PDlffenbftch D S & J S Bnrk Frank Stahl John Foadertmith Charlav A Qelx John Bchltich BFHIItfPhilip Olnder WateoaH Killer! . Jtawpb Whit* Samnal Taaderaaal David King S H Z a h a -J; A Z Bicgwalt HLmv J Bowers ' WTHodioa Jobn W Hnbley Adam Finger JohnDBkilea 0 Edwarai' - • Jobn I BatUnan JobnKiilian.. - " 14 Bdward Stewart P i U l p Bleaelag:.-, -H J a a i . B « « ' . : Charles D*tyci^; B * M J , Gable Tfaejaaa Fairer B BllokenaderferA Sons U CharlH Pabiri • {. 14 Fi*l.rt4«*lWgkti^ JoKa Lawraaee 14 " '-MM*- aDenrart • i4; Jacob JaitJttr 14 P U U p latatT: BeafyKarkley •"OiXHaasii s t : * « . - * - : rJanietlfcCott-,,.• Jaeob Smeltj Adam Blulraabraiidt Joha U v m n Grenxiliie G O O D S , ROOFING. BHFry Jacob Kegerels F FHEDEBICK SMITH, A S H I O N A B L E H A T and f * CAP MANUPACTUBBE, Ho. l l t f W e a t * ^ KlnKStreet.Lancaster.Pa. da 1-17-1 COCALICO WEST. COLUMBIA. HEITSHIPS J C Bacher 14.George Tills ( >) Robert Hamilton 14 Frederick Grabb Martin Smith 14 Charles Grove Christian Dattenheffsr 1*1 DRUG HAS OOHSTAHTLY ON HAND AND FOB SALE, CONESTOQA. John Erh DTE3, POTA6H£S, AI.TIM. EZTBA LOQWOOP. COPPERAS, SPERUACETTI. ARSENIC, SPONGES, Ac, A-o. fab 19 H l J S B a r r i Co DOBNEQAL WEST. Harman Llghtner EARL. J E Johns EL1ZABETHTOWN. EPHRATA. J G Bowman HEMPFIELD D Ringwalt & Darls W EAST. HEMPFIELD W E S T . Jacob Kendlg H i H B, Knotwell LANCASTER CITY. John Fonder&mlth 14 UOSBI Wloger PblliD Glnder 14 ••aae Mlshler Christian Sh-rti 14 John Eshleman HM-ymaker Agt 14 Lncaa Bresh Benjamin Miebter 14 CharleBSireyble David Greenwalt 1. feaac Uishler £ Bhober 14 3 Boln 14 LBACOCK 01'PEE. MARIETTA. l a l I E Hsillg PENN. 0 Brltlgam ALLEN EATING HOUSES. 42 SODTH WUABVES A -11 SOUTH WATER ST. (First Street above C/icstnul,) PHILADELPHIA. mar 6 3m-ld PHILADELPHIA. DEALERIN HYDRAULIC RAMS,WATER WHEELS WIND MILLS, LIFr AND FORCE PUMPS, 4 c . NOTICE TO FARMERS. Hydraulic B a m s ! Hydraulic B a m s f^HfiSJii aflford, generally, the Cheape&t COLUMBIA. Ehrlsmaa St Co BToit A Zeller. Wm Smith Ge>rg« Greser Paul Beatx Ca*p« Belbert - CONESTOGA. James McGlaaghlin Iffaal UlttUi 7Jdlia »pt»kl»r DEHTIST M premises, where be will keep a large assort men I of GOLD AHD SILVEK WATCHES, or American. English and Swiss Manufacture of the most celebrated makers, in addition to which, will be found always on hand and made to order, an tjxtenHre virlety of Jowelry, Silver, and Silver Plated Ware, togetber w i t h a general assortment of each goods as are antiaUy kept ID a flret claas Watch acd Jewelry Store. The patrons of 0 . Conrad, and those of tbe snbscriber together with tbe public generally, are invited to call where they will receive a good article fur their money Aa I am determined to do strictly a ensb buttineaa goods will be soid-vary low. "Small Profits and Quick Sales," Is the motto of the Establishment. L E W I S R . B E O O M A L L , (FORHBBLY O . CONRAD,) No. 148 North Second Street, Corner of QuarryPHILADELPHIA. Jua ly-23 OFFICE, At this time when economy posaesEes a special in'er> eet for all, wo rB-pectfnily invita tha attention of tba LADIES, to oar very ereat improvement* ia DTEIKG and FINISHING tBAWLy, DBBBS GOODS. &o. &c. Crape, Woolen, Z->pbyr, Knit and Stella bhawla, Cleansed or Dyfd in a aoporlor manner. mar lS-tf-16 JOHN BAEB'fl SONS, No. 12 North Quean St., Laacaster. SOUTHERN STATES. DOPTED by the War Department, G O A L . The Best Coal Brought lo this Market Store, Qfficf or Parlor ELLAHKER'S NORTH for Range, use. e x * YARD, P R I N C K ST- JCy-Tne Bubecrlber, b&F.ng tha exc.as.Te «ale of t h e aboTe v e i l known coal. In this city, Is now read; to deliver tbe same. A Either b y t h e Boatload or T o n . BO the Official MAP for Gorernment use. Price OSE DoLL-Aa. For Sale a t t J " A large aMurtmeot of coal of all kinds always oa B&BK'S SON'S , BOOK STOBE, No. 12 North Qaeen btreet, Lancaster. Pa. hand. ap SO tf-23 L. KLLMAKER. JACOB RUINHOLD. Act. Wall Papers ! jy-1-ly-Sii Wall Papers! MANUFACTURINO COMPANY FURNISHING STORE, H MOULDINGS, DECORATIONS AND STATUES. CURTAIN The Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Bailroad. SRINO ARRANSEMEKT. improved STOVES PAPERS, in the market. HABDWAEE—Of all kinds used in houseand after MONDAY, MARCH 10th, T r a n s p a r e n t Window Shades, keeping. _ 1B0J, the Trains will leave Philadelphia from the Depot of the W. C. and P . R. R. Company it. £ . WHITE, 0REEN and BUFF HOLLANDS, CEDAR "WABE. COESEK of ElQHTEEtiTB and MARKET 3TEEET8, at COPPEB a n d I E O N K E T T L E S . 6.05 A. M.. and 4 SO P. i«. Cords, TajselB, Fixtures, 4o. Retnrolog, leave Oxford at 6.35 A. H., and 3 00 P. M. TIN WABE. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 3.05 A. M., connects a*3~We invite an exsminatlon of onr stock at oar at Oxford with a line of .Stages for Peach Pottom, In Warehonse, SHEET IRON WABE. Lancaster coanty, and leaves Petch Bottom in the All at the lowest oash prices. mornlDg to connect at Oxford with the afternoon train NO. 2 0 EAST K I N G ST. FIRE-BOARD PRINTS. for Philadelphia. HKNRY WOOD. m a r O-tf-lJ, _ noneml THE 6a[>ortnteadeDt SAPONIFIES,! SAPOHTPIEBH I g - T H B FAMILY SOAP M A K E E . ^ CAMARGO MANUFACTUHING COMPANY Are aow opBalng a large aad well^eieotad aaaortmeat of Carpeting, coasUtlug of All Kitchen Grease can he made Into good gOAP, by VBLVKT. vsing SAPONIFIER1 BRUS-ELS, TAPESTEY, D l r e c t l o u s AccoirLpKny-lug E a c h B o x 1 THKEK-PLT. SOAP la aa easily made with It, as making a cap o INOHAIH, SUPKBI0B, coffee. COTTAOB, atAKUPACrr/HED uaLY m- Tin; rarK.HTRC3. DDTCa, TBWITIAM, Pa. Salt Manufacturing Company. HEMP, BAQ N o . 127 Walnut Stroct, I'lIILADElPUIA. aad LIST feh IS I2.iy The pnblic arainvitad to call and axamina tba stock it being tne only astablishmsat in the city wbera th«7 can ba nt ont coinpleU. Ail kindti ol Tin and Sbaet Iron work promptly attsndsd to. A. C. i'LINN. Pumps and Water Pipes of all kinds kept on band and lit np to order. PLUMBING AND GAS F I T T I N G V'ODipllT dona by axperlnnced workmen. A. C. FLIMN, a' 'frlf-3 No. 11 XOBTII QUEEN slrtat. OAKRIAOK MANUt'AOTORY O AK P E T S . PLUMING, GAS FITTING, &o. White, Checkered and Cocoa Matting, ALTICK & MoGINNIS, A B B A M C. B H O W N , FoaMBKLr OECSEB:, ALTICC A CO'£., A S removed hia Plumbing and Gas TABLE AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, H Fitting Establishment from the north^aat to the Extensive Carriage Manufactory. D r u g g e t a , R u g a , M a t s , Hassoolaa, & e north-west corner of Eighth and Battonwood sts., W. Orange at., next to the cor. of Prince. Philadelphia, where he will coottano tbe bnsineBa with a~3*Hariog a ba^ar la the Pbiladalphia and New renewed zeal and Ingenuity. He wonld call especial York market* continually, oar facilities for obtalatng E E P constantly on h..ud, and manuattention to the Deep Well Pomp, which a child of tan ftctare to order CAEItlAOB-S' of «»7ery daacrlpyears can readily operate in a well of 60 fast deep.— tbe best and most desirable styles of goods are unetton, made or the beat material.;, by These tompa are imde of brans, and not liable to get qualled by any otber bonae in the city. experienced and com pete ot rrurkmea.r ont of order; may be seen in operational the honees Haviag been extent.lvel7 etigajeJ In tL« £ Camargo Manufacturing Company, of Messrs. Wm. C. Kent, Johu Brock and Saml Magarabove buhlneae rortusar yearn, Ihey are— gee, near Shuemakertawn; and Col, Jacob ti. Baldeman, 20 EAST KIXO STREET, confident that th» ifork turned out by them will be HarriBbnrg'. It^Particniars on application. fonnd ennal if not Miperior to any otber muke in tb» mar a tf-lo He keeps constantly on hand th* various kinds of connty, eltber a>t regarda STlfl-E, WORKMANSHIP. HTDKADL1CKAM8, and p*ria of BsniB, aod Furce aad qnaltty of materials or price, 'f biir etock of new «a.i Lift Pumps, and their eavaral parte, to accommodate second band cdrriagen is the mont extenalve In tbe TO COtTNTHY M B H C H A N T S . cnatomers, shocld any part break or wear out. county. Persooa having Bydranllc Rama which are not in IIK undersigned has Just Received a 13*Person& in want of »nythioj? in their line will working order, will promote their intorest by calling large aasorlment of please call and ex*mine their work and a-certaia their on the subscriber, whoso knowledge and experience BUQAR6. SYBBPK. prices before parchaslog eUewhisra, All work maoawill enable him to explain difficulties, and pat them in factored at tbl* eutabllBbmeat warranted. Particular COFFBBS, TE»S, BPICES, working order, frequently at small expense. attention paid to all kindr of rcpalrlo^. SALT FISH, Jan 5 ij.is DANIEL A. ALTICK, PlflS. RASIKS, PKA KUTS, OBANQES. LB&MONS. ang21-ly-38 A Mt-OISKIa. PROVISIONS! BBOOHa. SOCKETS. COIL OIL by tbe bbl.. K bbl., or gallon, COAL OIL HAMS, LAKD. OH ESSE, H . M. W H I T E & SON, LAMPS, WICKS, 4 c . Ac ., fclDBS. LARD OIL, DRIED FRUIT, Wblcb ba ]B prepared tn sell at Pblladelpbla price SHOULDERS, SMOKED BEEF, BETo. COACH MAKERS, PORK, BDTTEB, 4 c , iio. 9 3 " Call and examine mj Slock before purchasing. WALNUT STREET. NEAR WATER, For sale b y WM. MOLAND, Chestnut Street Wharf, JOHN D . SK1LBS, Philadelphia, Pa. mar IS-3M 17 1)0 IS Saet King street. LANCASTER, PENNA. feb 19 n.13 " OUE COnNTBY—ONE AND INDIVISIBLE." K T TO HOUSEKEEPERS! The particular attention of penions going to boisekeepIng Is called to examine tbe extensive assortment of STOYES, S. S. KATaVON, MERCHANT TAILOR & CLOTHIER, at Kratoph's Old Stand. Corner of 0, angc end North Queen Streets, (opfOhitB -buber'rt-rtotei ) L4iic*sier City, Feona., ALWAYS HA«J O.V HAKD A VABIED A^aORTKKST » F Cloths, CasBimeres, Vestinga, Trimmings, H e a d y Made Clothing Copper Kettles aud Tin Ware, and Furnishing G o o d s In general, for both Men and Bi>ye, adapted to the preAT CAHEIAGES Of overy description on band and madeV to order. All work warranted. Repair-iog promptly attead'-d to a-'il-ly-it S A M U E L B .C O X , CARRIAGE MANUKACTURHR A N D PRACT I C A L MBCUAaNJC, Corner of Duke and T i n e St. Lancaster, Pa., K E E P constantly on bund and tmnu- factnre to order CAKEIAGES r^patlft & . OK KVERT DESCRIPTIO.N. made # ^ r * J K - , M ^ * -* tho beet materials »nd by experlezrtdL DEANER & SCHAUM'S workmen. 2 fc'e*l Pkln and Cbinllle Shawls, treated with succass. Silk, Herio?, De Liice, alpaca, Paremait-i aod Harega Having been engaged tn fj« Carriage m a i l a g boslG E O B Q E A , H O H T I W G . Dentist. N O . 7 E A S T K I N G STHEET, Droiiea Dyed with a perfection that jeuembliB New ne*3 for tome yeaw, be feels canfid?at that tbe work 83"8pecimeni« of our skill cheerfully Bhown made by hiin will be found tally e^nal if no: *up«rior ESPECTFULLY informs his friends Goods. LANCASTER, PA. to any other mado In the H.ite.iitber as tootyle, workand people of the connty tba' be has established on appllc&ilon at tbe office. raanshlpor quality of material, aad also Is raasooaM. B —SILKS cleansed ina vsry supcior manner. A DENTIST'S OFFICE, blenees of prica. Ho therefore i n v i t o thoda In want S 3 " Orders by Utter and Exp- est. promptly attended to. In North Queen Street, over Examiner $ Ser- Goods received and rtfitrned by Express of Carriages, lo give him a nUl bt>fore pnrchaalog thiB Hstablishmeot the pnblio oan find elsewbere. atd Office, Lancaster, Pa, BAKlililT, MU'HEWS & CO. the largest assortment of The following PREMIUMS baveber.a awarded to t h S Ho. 47 North Eighth Bt., baluw Arch, fhllaflelphia. Where hela prepared to perform DEKTAL establishment:—A Premium by the Lancaater Coanty OP EU AT I ON 8 of every character; In the, mar 12 Soi-i 6 Fair of 1S68 for BEST SULKY ; a l w , a Preminm end beet ntyle of the art. ' ^ _ _ _ SUver Medal for the BtST bHII-TI^O-TOP Bt'OUT — 1 N A T R O N A COAL O I L ! Having obtained the most approved Instruments, he A tllvwr Medal by the Hi-turlcal, Agilcnltaral ea<l flatters himself prepared to give eaUefacUon to all who Mechanical InKt'.tnte, In Jnne, 1SA9; and alao bv tb* WARRANTED NON EXPLOSIVE! OF E V E R Y DESCRIPTION, may favor him with their patronage. Folton Institute. In November, 16M, for BK^TSlilFT asp 25. l*y-44 and equal to a o y K E R O S E N E . I.NG-TOP BDGGYand TKOTTIKO BDOOY. SOLDIEHS' C L A I M S ! TO B B F O U N D I N T H I S CITY. want F F W h y tVuyan explosive Oil, when & few cents more H E undersigned, having spent consi- D S3"PerE0H3 FFERE T TYLE w H. L . & E . J. ZAHM, per gallon will fnrnlsh you with a perfect Oil ? derable tlmo In maklBiT hlmaef acqaalntcd with A w m L m w TIN WAHE, tbe "Forma, "aud ••Proceeoinge" reqiired in obtaining R L Mans OHLT a t claims of all descriptions against tba Government of m T AME EL 0 C X DEALEB3 I N the Uolir.d fcutee, with special reference to tbs CLAIMS Fa. Salt Manufacturing Company, C o p p e r ~Wa,xr&, OF 60LDIEK5 for Penslona, Boaaty Land.Arreara of " T H E BLOCKADE BROKEH " Pay, Bonn tie?. Ac, 4 c , and having a l s o l n his posseaNo. 127 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. aloa a complete Hit of the namee of all the Yo'nnteere WATCHES. CLOCKS. SLATK SLATK feb 12 1-My who enlisted in thle coanty, with tbe Regiments and H E ub b ha mad a ang m n Companies to which they are attached t his facilities w a m o for prosecuting tbeae claims with promptneflsandeatlaA T T H E LOWEST CASH HATES, o K OF A m L Y E V A N S & HASSAXL, itctton to all concerned, cannit be enrpaaeed. He there- C Q w h w po n n solicits tha patronage of tbe public aad reepeotfally KVO m MILITARY F U R N I S H E R S , r J - T H B I E MATBBIAL IS THB BEST IK TBE MAS- fore requests thow interepisd to call on him for farther InH m T w w formation. THEO. W . HERB, KET, AND THE BEPOTATIOH OF THE ES418 Arch St., Philadelphia. w m U u PLATED WARE AND JEWELRY, Surveyor and Scrivener. TABLISHMENT IS A BDBE GUAR. OFFICE—At the Court Honse, Lancafter, Pa. B A W W AKTEE OF THE SUPEBIORITV a p 3 tf-19 SILK A N D BUNTING FLAGS, O B m OF THE WORK. w n C Cor, of Centre Square and N. Queen St., SWORDS, BELTS, SASHES AND EMBROIDERIES. CAtTTION TO T E E S P A S S E E S . OHN R KU BL HABDWAEB TORE 0 ^ ^ . 3 L I X J AJST; X> aprlia Sm-19 JBX2X3. 8 E K S L U H E undersigned citizens of East m Mo Donegal township, Lancaster eonnty, Pa., hereby , LAWCASTBE, FA. . cauUon'all ptrsone against treapiaalfis o a their premF0BNITUEE! FtTHNITXTBEII Remember ises, b y gunning, fishing or otherwese. nnder penalty of STJPEB OE P E Q U E A L M E A large andassortedStock of PARLOR, tbe Jaw: J \ . UBBAKY and .CHAMBBB FDBHITUBE, of tha B u r a e l Bedaeefcer, Daniel HUaler, FOE SALE CAxnfamKa, w i l l ba oftar*d Urroogb; tba spring aeaBon John If. WhltehUI, Christian Hereh, ^ H E ub o b on nu o be at niaaraally loir pricae. by J . UTIZ, Ho. 121 Sonth j a - S X P A I R I N a PBOKPTLT.ATTBMDIDTO. . Qe9ige B, Miller, ChrUUas Gerbu, NO. 7 EAST KESQ ST. HBTeath.Slraat, PhUadalpbU. . • o WOOD BDR T L MB a bU Andrew Armstrong, Miobael Hnber. • J » T . b a S < a r - o f rnraltorrU-arall a r o r t b t i a a t U n . a m o A 3EQ Boffnian, J o h n Q . S o e r n e i , ion. ot.-„—*__.>„,.._-_ thoae aboutftiraUhiiig,aa treir »itIol»hBkbeen \ JOHN DBANKR. JOHN P. 8CHAUM. O O B H U L i n d t s warranted. v « « . u « * . John Grow, jnaanfMtnred under his own care, am Jamea B. Clark, v-i%\ a p » «m-20 I auf 28 John W.Clark, J;I:KreyMU. . iy-40 Saet Doatf»t twp. « i 2-ly^aJ OPPOSITE HORTltfQ'S BLACK HORSE HOTEL N o r t h Q,ucen S t . , L a n c a s t e r . BUOCHE SHAWLS, CLEANSED. vailing Masons, .twites and atyle. C1VILI4S AND MILITARY D11ESS. UNDRE56, FATIODE AND B U S H E S CL^THIKG. Made promptly to ordo; and -warranted to give entire satixfut tion t j - S p e c i a l fttleailon, an horatofore, given t o Boya' Work, Catting, 4 c . Tbaakfnl for past patrouge, tbe proprietor cooBdently lookn to tbe huatalning hand of a geoeroni p u b i c for a coniiaatmce of that support which hati heretofore been t o liberally extended toward* him and those in hl<* employ. o\ S. RATHVGN, Meichant Tailor aad Clotbler. P. S.—^PRIltG FASDIOMS, jicd Spring and Summer Materldlfl, received and leady to be made, either plain, medium or faohionable. Sheet Ifon Ware, Ac., T SPECTACLES, SILVERWME, T THE OLD STAND : YARD, ,1, and best method or procuring wator in Country places. Muny Farmers or others, retldiog o a t o f t h u HOtrSEKEEPEHS' City, laborionaly prrenre all ibe water' n*ed by their T H E CAMAKGO Families aod Mock, by the u«e of tbe old fanbloned I'amp, when a yery trilling• spense fora HYD-aULIC BAM, wonld bring aa at>aadnnce of the bes' water to ihelr very doore, or indeed. Into any part of tbelr NO. 11 NORTH aiTEEN STREET, houses, and abuat their F&nn*. Toe great and con* A^ E now in storo a large and ex>>tant earlog of libor. and tbe greater saenrity ID CAHB Near Centre Square, Lsne'r, timsivo assortment of new and beantlfnl styles of fire, will aoon oTerbulanca the Brat COME which is genaraliy lefla tbsa a wall aad pamp. Whan properly ot WA'.f, PAPBK. which have beoo carafnily Belected HOUSEKEErEKS. nnd personsoommenolrjg, erected they are not liable | a got oat of order, and for the Spring Trade, and w i l l be aold at greatly rednwhen neceesary, are easily and cheaply repaired by ced prices. will here find tbe largest and best nfsortment the owner. F1KE GOLD PAPERS. ot Thoae deslrions of Introducing the HYDR&ULIC YELYiT PAPERS, RAM, can see one in constant operation, at the Store of SATIN PAPERS. tbe snbscriber. GROUNDED PAPERS. U O U S E K E E P I \ « CiOO»S t ^ A L L WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE ENTrBE BLAKKfl, SATISFACTION. mar IB-Gin-I" BOr.DERS, to ba fonnd in litis city, including the most r p H E undersigned has leased the above WTATEN I S L A N D FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. No. 47 N. Eighth St, Pphild'a; OFFICES ••} BOB. 5 and 7 John St, New York. To which they invite the attention of Retail Dealers and others, confident that they oan offer inducements. THOS. H . M-'COLLIN, HAZARD'S PLUMBER AND GAIS F I T T E R , RAILROAD AND MILITARY MAP OF THE S. E . Cor. Eleventh a a d Baca S t s , 148 NORTH 3KCOND STREET CORNER OF QUARRY STREET. DENTIST, H i g h l y Important t o t h e L a d i e s . for five years a student and assistant of Pr. WAY LAN, formerly of this City,1 Laa removed hia office to the rooms lately occupied by Dr. ntcCalla, In East S l o g at., 3 doora from Centre Square, where be U prepared to meet (hose w h o many favor him with their confidence, aod serve them In the most aklllfnl manner, warranting aatli>fxctlon In every reasonable case, both as to operations performed and cbaigeB for tbe same. marZqiy w a . N. AMEB. NEEDLES, T COCALICO WEST. CONY. Frederick Smith ';'•.- DONEGAL EAST. Predarlek Heater. EARL. BeamftHoll BARL; ;EAST. " FSQaale' \- v~" '; ; ; r ; : ;v -: r . ELlZABETiprQ^A; , AaaaMHarmasy 7lH8klU Fr.AS SEED, SOP. OABB. SODA, CEEAM TAETAE, CORK WOOD, A a , Ac. & STOVES, PROVIDENCE. Joan Htldebraad Angoatna Bhulet G Brandt Jno Snyder John 8bormayex Jamas Holla JBO Wisaier Joseph Mack spices. B {^"RacoUeet that wa hara ramoTad to tha aoath Bad of tha Bridge, where we w i l l be pleaaad to aea oox old friaoda and cnatomers. COLLIERY COAL. E t4|JBDlffeDbach MOUNT JOY BOROUGH. A J> B«»M ACIDS. SDQAR OF r.EAD, FLOOR 60LPHDK, EEMOVAL. ILLIAM N . A M E B , HEW 14 l»amQBl Qroff (Agi) H D Benjamin STORE, 13 W e s t King Street, Lancaster, P a . BOOKS HI LASTING QUALITIES. O. CONBAD, F o r m e r Ocoupant, NO. BOOKS!! OOKS FOR OLD AND YOUNG!! T M CLAY. COCALICO EAST. For price and assortment of Goods in oar 11ns, we feel AHD A VARIETY OP CHraNtlT RAILS AND OTHER confident that we cannot be surpassed b y any hodae in FKKOIHO MATEEIAL. the city, and for a proof of what w e aay, w e Invite one and all to call and look at the great Tarlety at tironud Hum and Ashfou Salt, SHEAFFER'S Cheap Book Store. dec 18-tf-4 82 North Queen Street, Lancaatar. Pa. LUMP AHD GK0UKL PLASTER, Farmer j^irtiolo. LOC0ST MOETICED POSTS, CHESTNUT MOETICED POSTS, BOARD FENCE POSTS, COAL T Samut-1 Eberly tha c i t j of Laocaatar, coaaiBtlng of Tha beat place In the Ctt7 to b a y BookB. We aell at lese than half-price, and give yon TOUR CHOICE IN A LaBQE LOT FOR IS CENTS, TOUB CBOICB FOR 37 CENTS. TODR CHOICE FOR CO CENTS. FERTILIZER. GOULD & CO., C IOTT aa can ba parefaaaed alaewhera. J 3 - W a have tha baatStock of POSTS aad KAILS la CHB4P TO SUIT THE TIMES, Q. CALDEK & BRO., And most appropriate for HOLIDAY PKESBKTg OFFICE IN LANCASTER, AS USUAL. Is not changed in its character every season, bnt is THB POETS IN BLUB AND GOLD. East Orange St., second door from North what it purports to be, nnlform in its chemical Macanley, Bwain, Browning, Heber, Sale, Moore, Queen. constituents, and always to Eoble, Whittier, Coleridge, JanOT tf-lo be relied on. Tapper, Lowell, Longfellow, Bnlwer, Cowper, Goldsmith, C O N S U M E K S O F Poe, Shakspeare, Hilton. COAL, ALLEN & NEEDLES' Bjron, Kirk White, &c„ Ac. BIBLES AND PBAYEB BOOKS IN GBEAT VARIETY T A K E I S T O T I O E : HYMN BOOES OF ALL DENOMINATIONS. SOMETHING NEW, PHOTOG BAPH-ALBUMS ELLMAKER'S This manure, from itd superior quality, and WRITING DESKS, POETyOLIOS, tho low price a t which w e are selling, e n ALBUMS. ables t h e F a r m e r t o u s e i t when b e AUTOGBAPH BOOKS, CHESS BOABDS, &e could not c o n v e n i e n t l y buy other SHU at the Old Place, GOLD PEN3 AND SILVER HOLDERS, articles. Thoae w h o have Cor. ol Prince an.l Lemon eta., o n e e q a a India Rubber Pone and Holders—Gold Mounted. used i t heretofore, aro NEW G&MES FOR CHILDREN, North of the Railroad. NEW PAPER DOLLS, a g a i n doing s o H E most convenient yard in the city NEW CARDS, now. for Country Trade, being out of sight of tha care NEW DISSECTED PICTURES, aad fronting on two streets, Which is the Best Evidence of its Excellent TOT BOOKS I TOY BOOKS! I TOY BOOKS AND Q*HaY)Dg procured tha BBrricae of TRANSPARENT SLATES. Come bay—come bay, and make your friends b e p p / JACOB H E I H H O L D , b y keeping up th« good old custom of making Holiday Presents, for which cothiDg can be more suluble or for IS years well and favorably known to th* acceptable.than & n^ce Book. people of this connty in connection with the coal busiA good assortment for sale at n e s s and by giving bib entire attention io the b a s i n e t , the subscriber hopes to merit and receive a libera! J. M. WKSTHAEFFBE'H, G t T A i s r o . Book and Periudio*l Btore, North Qoeen and Orange share of the public patioBSga. dec IS t M P E R U V I A N . — W e sell nono b u t N o . 1 , recoived S'.reelii, Lancaster. S^dfanCool ar.4 f;ti! weight guarantees to all. direct from tbe Peruvian aprl7-ly-2l LEVI ELLMAKEK, W B I T I I T Q PAPEHB, Government. ENVELOPES. I C H A B O B . — A v e r y suporior article, received d i LANCASTER The Sobsoribers have jaBt received a fine rect from t h e I s l a n d . P L A S T E R — G r o u n d Plaster—a superior article, stock of packed in g o o d strong barrel.*. FOOLSCAP PAPER, B O N E S — B u t t o n Makers B o n e D u s t and Ground THE CELEBBATBD LETTER PAPER, Bones. W A R R E S T E D P r n E . NOTE PAPER, A LlberAl Deduction Made t o Dealers Lancaster Colliery White Ash AND ENVELOPES. oia t h e a b o v e A r t i c l e s . NETTLBTOH", Q I L B E H T & CAMP, BIOTINA the All or waioli la of tha heat qoalltr, and will b. aold aa OUR SVPEU-PHOHPHATE OF LIME are now offering their usual assortment of D R T tbe BEST GUARANTEE has that h e is buying a P Flour and Feed. Henry Goriecht John Kepner Wm Mobn PENSION AGENCY. P R I C E $45 F E B 2 . 0 0 0 lbs. ADAPTED TO SPSIXP SALES, MOUNT JOY TOWNSHIP. Fashionable DRESS SILKS, 111 BROADWAY, Benjamia Orohh Hdz .SIR Kelft" Brewer Fashionable SPRING SHAWLS, amnel Hinny do 14 K 8 Haekman Flonr N E W - Y O R K C I T Y . New assortment of DRESS GOODS, imanda Menangh Gro 14. and Grain 12 Spring Prints, DeLalnes and Ginghams, PARADISE. A L Wluner MUSLINS and LINENS of Srst quality, A K Wltmer Ware tt II Arrears of P a y , Bounty a n d Prize Money SIdz 12 George Cookman (J CLOTHS. C1SSISI6KE3 and VB5T1N03, J Letdlgh & Son Tan 14 L«-non As;t) War« H U P r o m p t l y Colleoted. D L EspeaBhade do 1-1 I-irael Bohrer Miller 14 Table LINENS, Towellngs and Napkine Eli Werner Distill 8 *mos Bockey Mdz t4 E N S I O N S procured for disabled OfN. B—BLACK SILKS, below Regnlar Prices, B Herr EBponehade Hdz 1 SHoptoa W a r e H 14 ficers, Soldiers. Marines and Sailors, and for the mar S 3m-lo Johu Lemon * C Koneagy distill S Coal 14 Jt S Hntter & 8oa do 14 Widows and Children of aach BB are deceased. PENN. All necessary pspers prepared and Bent to a n y part J F Hoptetter Hdz 14i Adam Babacker Distill S of the country, with proper instructlona for their execuJ bhaeffdr A Co do 14 lacob Young Mdz 14 tion, and no charge made until the money is collected. UNION FURNITURE DEPOT, H K Hull (agt) do 14| Letters of Inquiry answered wlthont charge. PEQUEA. We refer, bj permission, to N. E . COB. MTHTH & M A S K E T , William C Fonart Mdz I j l j . e e p h W Green Hdz 14 Hon. OEOROEOPDYKE, Hayor of New-York PROVIDENCE. AND Hon. COSNEL1DS VAN Y0R3T, Mayor of Jersey Cily Thomas Robinson Mdz H.Jao Tweed ildz 18 CLAFLIN, MELLEN A-CO., New-York 13. B. OOESES SECOND AND H4CE STREETS, H Watson do H U B M j l i a Miliar 14 LATHR0P, LDDINGTOH & CO., New-York. Jno Hildebrand do 131 I. SEYMOUR, Pros t Bank of North America N. Y. PHILADEI.PHIA. IIAPHO. CHARLES JENKINS, Prca't East Rirer Bank. Jacob Kofroth Mdz 14iAaron Dyer Mdz 14 MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN WILLIAM CURTIS MOYES. Esq., New-York. Joseph MaaterBon do Ih L S Hackman Distill S J ft H Eauffman Distill ol DAVID DUDLEY FIELD, Esq . New.York. FURNITURE Hon. JOHN W . EDMONDS, New-York, 3ADSBDRY. ap 16 6m-2l Eliza Reed Mdz 14 Hdz 14 James Hood OF IS VHH r DESCRIPTION AXD VARIETY J D Harrar do 14 W.lker A Co Ware H 10 William Irwin Drags 14 Whttsou & Sprout do 11 OF STYLE AXD PRICE. Townaend & Bro J H Loughead do 14 ap 23 tf-M Coatsa at Fownnll Mda 14 do KAflDPACTlTaED HV TBK SALISBURY. U N I T E D S T A T E S B I O T I N A H O O F I N G CO. K O L L O C K ' S D Houston & Son Hdz 14 Wm Martin Hdz 14 No. 9 G O E E B L O C K . Mcllvala Bt Bro D A N D E L I O N COFFEE. Bnohaaaa A Miller do 13 do 14 Daniel Plank H S BTarna do C o r . G r e e n a n d P i t t s fits.* B o s t o n M a s s . This preparation, made from the best Jossph Umble do 12 Binn A Wallace do H I S P o r t a b l e R o o f i n g i s t h e o n l y a r t i J A V A . C O F F E E, John M Peane do 14 B F 4 A Weaver Tan 14 cle ever offered to the pnblio. which is ready pre- la recommended by physicians as a Buparior NUTRIJ Eby do 14 S Karlz Hdz 14 Jos C Walker Ware U 14S McClare do 14 fared to s o on the roof w i t h o n t a n j fioiRhing operation, TIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia t la light, handsome, and easily applied, and can be J H Pagh do 14 H Worst J r do 14 and a i l billions disorders. Thousands w h o safely and cheaply transported to a n y part of tbo S Baldwin Mdz 14 have been compelled to abandon tbe use world It will not taint or discolor water rnanlog of Coffee wilt use this without injuriover, or lying on It, and Is In all respects a vary deSTRASBURG BOROCaH. ous effects. One can contains the article. Its nonconducting properties adapt it Isaac Walker Mdz 11 Annie Spielman Conf 14 sirable strength of two pounds of especially to covering manufactories of various kind*, Q H Haynard do 14 Jno Shelling ordinary colfeo. Price do 11 and It is confidently offered to tbe public after a test of Rowe A Clark do V C Keneas.y & Co Drag 14 four years In all varieties of climate and temperainre, 25 C E N T S . Jno * Rohrer do 13 Bowers & Holt Hard 14 for covering all kinds of roofs, flat or pitched, togetber L Waidley Cloth 14 A H Herr KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, with cars, steamboats, Ac. Miller 14 Samuel Bower do 11 WOaFSCocbmanOenr 14 It Is bo'h cheap and durable. Agents wanted, to whom The purest and bast BAK1SO I'OWUKK Known, for STRASBURG TOWNSHIP, making light, street and nutrltion-i Brand liberal Inducements! are offered. Send for sample, cir* and Cakes. Price 16 cents. P Reynolds DiBttll SIHasselman A Herr W H 13 cular. & c , with particulars, to " U. 6. ROOFING CO., MANOl'ACTDEED BY • ap a0-6m-23 P Miller Tanner 141 Daniel K Herr Mill 14 No. $ Goat; BLOCS, BOSTOIT." n . I I . K O L L O C K , Chfcmlat, WARWICK. HATS AND CAPS. Corner of Broad Si Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, C W Sturgls Cloth 14 Weidman A- Coidren 5 3 " Sold by all Drnggieta and Grocers.*©", Mdz 13 Benjamin Glngrlct Conf 14 W. A . HEITSHTT, M1U 13 Henry Banch do 14 r S Fry feb 2C ly-14 Mdz 14 Clem-nt Geitner Tan 14 A o. 14 North Queen Strett, next door lo Baer A W Shober J H Shank Drags U •5- •50718' Book Store, Lancaster. J B Tahudr A* Kephew T. J. McGTJIGAN, Mdz IS Raush & Tshndy Brew S PEtMPJ. J B Tshndy Lam 14 do N S wolle Importer and Wholeaaie Dealer In O N S T A N T L Y on hand, or made Hdz 111 do 14 J B Wlsler Daytd Bricker THE I. ADS, do 13 fdohn A Uerchelroth Ezra Belst Hi.sVrat, Brush, GaBBluarg, aad S ^ ^ ^ k to order, every Tarlety of HATS, each Shoe 14 TAPES, Distillery 8 aa Baarar, Jacob Small do Daniel Poster do S Silk Hats. U05IEUY, ALSO, a Fiaa aaaortraeat of SOFT HATS, O T Greider Cloth 14 FCE MEN AND BOYS, embracing OTOrJ, StOllOSB, Ac. Eliaa Bach WASHINGTON. color, abape and quality. MATCHES AND BLACKING. A H Kaoffman Mdz 14 John A Brash Lam 14 CAPB: A FULL AMD COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF No. 2 Strawberry 8treet, D B Saylor Gro 14 JalinB L Shaman do 14 ^afaaav CAPS, of every variety and material, for MEN, Wm Mann Conf 14 Jacob Stehman S Mill 14 ^ ^ K BOrS. AND OHILDHEH. also, ap Id-3m-21 PKILADELPQIA. ^^*«» FANCY HATS FOR CHILDREN, 8haman A Hoaee Lam 14 rd graat Tariety. 5> PHILADELPHIA J3~ Flaaaa call and exaraina at No. l a N. Qaeea-at. LiairoE STOBES. W. A. HE1TSHU, (formarly D. HeHshrc) S W A T C H & JEWELRY STORE* dac 1 ly-1 Clothing. J K Smaliag J ErlsDger U WBhlndle Tbomaa Coleman And layarlably to ba relied o a as • MANURE of Standard Excellence.. is T Joehna Leader J illcDannel David Brady Porter Ac Eberly Unequalled by any othe>* in tbe market. Its continued success for s o many years past '11 G W Sen'onlg Tan 14M 5eoB6nlg U Son 8 ACRES AND 127 PERCHES, Bmor S Hammond MJz 14UUler ft Bonmaa surface rueasura with ail the iiuprovtjinenth, \v.\jr, WftllacB ft Kanob da 13 Jno H Ecbternacb do 14 (jQTiMantzsr waters, water cournaa, rights, privileges, L'erniJH».m«-ii'i L f Milr'i Weaver re B*n*euig do 14 and appurtenanceo. An the property orHESBY GEEYEILL. EABL WEST. Super-Phosphate of Lime. P L A S T E H I i r Q X.ATHS, PAILS A N D PICKETS, & c , &0., A great rariety In sice and price of CHECKER BOARDS AND MEM. DOMINOES, CHESSMSN, A c , Ac. ( 2 x CENTS VEB. i o ) No. 524 COLUMBU. Mill U\S S Hostetter do 8 combination with pruning, very success- of Venditioni Exponas and Fieri F&ctta (loqaMtioa JHaltby C P/ahler PHILADELPHIA. & Case Saddler 14 do 14 Miller & Nolt walTed) Issaedootof the Conrtof Gammon Pleas J Sample Si Son Hard 13 MARIETTA. MANHEIM BOROUGH. do 12 ful in renovating old orchards or old fruit being of Lanc&atar Coanty, and to me directed I will expot e Hiram WUssn ap SO Tin U do IS Jno Dyer 1 Billiard Table Hard 13 BEaemlnger Draga 14 G U Goodman ' trees. Orchards, he said, could be readily to rnbllc eale or ont-ory at the Court H o n n , in tbe City S H Eberlin Gro 14 Bala I I William Eratar do 13 Kline ft Dannsr 2 do do Mdz 13 Miller of LaQCuter, the following Teal estate, T>S : A Pelan Gro 14 planted in land which could not be tilled FOUBTH STREET Conf 14 A Brnnner do 13 Arndt ft Boyd A Pieoe of Laud i n F a l t o n t o w n s h i p , Lando 13 H HoKenlobler STEASBURGr TOWNSHIP. GSeibert Farn U Worlaj White and Sheaffer ft Glnrlch do 13 Wm Stoddard do 14 for ordinary farm crops, provided the soil caster county, contalntsg John Shenberger do 14 1 Ten Pin Alley Botnberger Lam 14 William Btahl C A R P E T S T O K E , John Datt do 14 8 A C H E S , F 5 Bletz do 14 C B McClare Shoes 14 was good, thus saving more even land and (more or less.) with a two-story Frame DWELTan 14 Variety 14 Jacob Arndt G M Booth Tobacco 14 C J EellT -aa** BE0KER8. NO. 47. ABOVE CHESTNUT. NO 47, CONESTOGA, securing the same end. George MengleftBro LIKO H0D6E, and other improvements thereon, George 3 Bawhothnm Mdi 14 A H Metrger Mill 14 X W Ltntx adj oining property of Amor Stnbbs, John BIckShoes 13 J, T. D E L A C H O I X , Trtpple & Warfel Cloth do 14 is LANCASTER CITY. There was one or two points, touching aell, and oibsrs. J G Peters Coal 14 Baomgardner .-Mil. U avert tick & Breuelson HDarld Beeffes & SonCoal do 13 13 MARIETTA BOROUGH. Saddler 14 John Gyger, BUI Broker, amonnt of basioeas, $1000 Invites attention to b i s Spring Importation of ACaaael Hdz ISB Oarman the cultivation of fruit, especially apples, As the property of JAMES HAEE1S. Habecker, Khoads & Co da Stock do do' 600 Lumber 14 CARPETINGS, Lumber & Coal 14 Spaogler & Fatteraon do 12 Babacea Wolt Variety 14 pears and cherries, which we should like ALSO, at the same time and plaoe, a Lot of Brnnner & tfoseer Mdz 14 M E MetliDger Floor 14 J a Diffenbaab do ISJoseph Imhoff do 14 do Exchange do do 600 Comprising all descriptions of tbe best makes, together do 14 P Kline Hra Sarab Baobanan Gro 14 John Anxer do 14 K e s d . H c G r a n n i Co, BiUBrokere.amtof business, 1000 do to have seen referred to. These are, 1st, Gronnd In the city of Lancaster, fronting 61 feet, (more John Erh with a large Stock of Low Priced CAEPETING3, do 14 Mra C B Anderson Conf 14 or less,) on Lemon street, and extending infepth north- Lowis Bates do 14 iamnel Harnlsh Lam 14 J Both do .Stock do do COO whether all kinds of standard trees could ward 215 feet, (more or lees.) to a 14 feet wideIQ alley, Wm & Groeb do 14 John CmU FLOOE OIL CLOTHS, PEUGGET3, CANTON Hat< 14 do Exchange do do COO e u u v , Christian Good Distill b A J HUler CONOY. do 14 JohnBtrleUar Jetr 14 Bead,Henderson it Co Bill Brokers,atatorbnalnasa.lOOO AND COCOA MATTING. not be grown as low-branched as dwarfs with a two-Blory Brick DWELLING BOU5E, do Stock do do IBaan Beleinger COO do 14 A S n m u r Coal 14 and other improvements thereon, adjoining proMdz 13:FM0raram Shoe 14 Abram Collins For Sale Low—Wholesale and Retail. 600 do Exchange do do Hard 13 Frederick Uaollok Brew 8 are, and allowed to grow in height not, perty of Mrs. Franklin, on the east and west. Mill 14 Smith 4 Kartz Gro 14 FatteraonftCo a D Kbersule OBotb do 14 A If Caseel J.T.DKLACBOIX. Lnm 12 As the pjoperty of JOSEPH POSEY. Mdz 14 Abram Smith Tan 14 Henry Greider COLUMBIA BOEOUGH. say over twelve feet, and be as. profitable A Lindsay Saoaa 14 S S B H l e s t a n d ap 9-2m-20 47 Sonth Fourth S t , Philadelphia. do 11 Groffi Metzler do 13 G Bsane & Bro Lam 14 Tbomaa Stance do 14 Grosh ft Son do 14 Detweiler&Bro., amount of baaines, as the larger standards, and whether they A L S O , a t t h e s a m e t i m e a n d p l a c e , a Tract John D Hefft do 14| John Wiley Dl.tlll S S D Miner Cloth 14 C A SbaCner Land In Upper Leacock township, Lancaster county, S Hackenberger Drng 141 do 14 MOUNT JOY BOROUGH. would not come into bearing much earlier ? of John Bell 103 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, do 14 Mahaffey, HontzftCodo 10 containing J B Smarting A Qarber, amonnt of business, DONEGAL EAST AND WEST. do 14 B F BlestandftJno «S00 S e c o n d D o o r A b o v e A r c h , (TJp S t a i r s , ) 2d, whether such a system would not be 1G3 ACRES, H 8 LandlB DrngB 14 SFKagel&Co Lumber 14 Merman Llghtner Gro 14 J J Libbart KUne ABBiiraeea or less,) with a two story Log Weather LADIES' DKESS TBIMMINGS, Ac. a safeguard against blight, by the protec- (more do 14 l ^ A n appeal will be held at the Com Thomas Zall do 14 D I Bowman Drugs 14 f o r A H f t J S h o c h d o 14 Boarded DWELLING HOUSE, frame hack builddo Miller it tlussar do 12 H S Book Tobacco <4 Weat ft Both BWStahl do 13 mlMiuneiV office, l a Lancaster. ON MONDAY, THE 2d tion afforded the (junk against the sun by ing, a tenant honsn, bank barn, ehtep hooHs, H E Copartnership heretofore existing MueS8lman& Watta Mdx 13 DAY OF JONE NEXr, when and where all persons who H Slay mater Mdz 13 between iCAOFFMAN ec LONNEESTADTER. havshed, corn crib. Also, a two story Brick D w t L MAETIC. the surrounding branches? Our ownwaaon Gro 14 Jno J are improperly rated (or think themselves so) may at- ing been dissolved by mntnal consent, the nnderaigned LING HOUSE, a two-Btory Brick Kitchen attached, a Henry Fletcher Harkley do 14 Henry Snber Mdz 14|Cbarles Keller Tan 14 tend If they think proper. Jt Bro ISAAC HOLLIflGBB, Ware 14 .Joo Booker respeetfally informs the patrons and friends of the old humble experience is, that the hot sun bricktommerboiiBs framebarn, wood boUHe, spring of Glfih Distill S Joseph Bnglea do ! 4 | IVm S Bamaey Mdz 14 Mercantile Appraiser. firm, and the trade in general, that he has taken all running water at the farm home, a well of water with Henry Pence Gro 14 Henry Andrarra do 14l laaao H Boblnson do 14 acting directly upon the trunks of trees, pomp at the brick house, Fruit Trees, and other improtheap-stalrs rooms o" No. 103 NORTH EIGHTH STBEEI-, DRITMORE. (gg^The following is a part of the 5th aec- ABOVE AKCH STEEBT, PHILADELPHIA. To continue the adjoining property of Henry Barton, Grablll MANOR. in the early part of the season, is the main vements, IT? I i s Jno Pasey Mdz 14 Bear, Jaeob Ktrrtz, Sasan Benderaod others, and front- David Brown tion'wt an sot amendatory of the license laws of this Manufacturing of all kinds of do 14 James A Sumption do 14 Henry Fnnk Mdi 14 Conrad KranB Tobaooo 12 Bute, approved April U t h , 1863, to which Bpecial attenJohn Petto u cause of the blight. Dwarfs we believe ing on the New Holland Turnpike. DKBSS. CLOAK AND MiNTILL*. TBIMMINGS, do 14 do do 13 LlDtner ft Co Sam'l Boyd <lo do 14 H Bowman FBINGBS, BUTTONS. TA8SBL9. CORD, Blsilll 3 tion is directed :— As the property of ISAAC L. BABD. are never blighted. do 14 Ellas Artmant Gro.isH Levi Myers F McSpirran Mdz 14 B B A D-S BTS, of ail Aa criptionM. j-e., tic., do 14 Jobn Fank " Tnat it shall b« the doty of every City and Connty J B Barr Tan 14 1 Conf 14 Wm William* do 14 Treasarer to roe for tbe reouvary of alt licenses dnty re- and will offir Inducements lu Price and Quality, as We have long thought that we permit James M Hopkins do 14 F Bemmel ALSO, at the same Haas aud plaoe, all that UOt.ielam.-iz B J ConalBln do 14 Mdz 14 turned lo Mm by tba<U«rcantlla Appralaera, if not paid well aa prompt attendance to orders, in every article DlstUl 8 U Pusey & Son do 14 certain. Tract <>f Land, eltoale in the township of Mnrttc. A B Wltmer Jacob Kreedy Ooal 14 our fruit trees to grow too tall, exposing Lancaster county, and State of PannHylTania, bouaded Amos Sonrbeer do 8 on or before the first day of July l a each and every appertaining to his line. EARL. Mdz 12 F Saner year, within ten days after that date; and said TreasWM. LONNEB8TADTER, the trunks at all seasons injuriously, while and described aa follows lo wit: Beginnlpgat a post la A ft J H Roller Hdz 14 urer shall not be discharged from any each license anMdz 12Win H Smith Gro 14 j m n e l E a n f f m a n Mill 14 M B [motel No. 103 North Eighth Street, above Arch Street, the public road, one perch west ot corner of land of A D l l l e r & C o do 11 Tan 14 the difficulty of gathering the fruit is John Clark, thence b y a«.me, north 8S>J degrees, eat-t Shirk & Bro iens hefaiings snit to recover tbs same within said date, sp-23 3m-2i PHILADELPHIA. MOUNT JOY BOEOUGH. Elliott do l'< Christian Hoffman Mdz 14 and presses the same to Judgment and execution a s vastly increased. Wo should be glad to 338-1) perches to line of land of Thomafl A!^iao<ier, Calbentoaft Jfdr 12, Myers St Sicker Hard 13 soon thereafter as practicable." do 12 H Bechtold Mentzer ft Oelbl do 13 R Reldenbach thence by aameeonlh 10>£1 degrets. c**t 27 6-10 percbta Jacob Mentzar do 14 Arndt & Eby do 11] H C Kern J e w 14 Hard f-1 Jacob Hot6lnger 1862. 1862. have the opinion of so experienced and in- to JOHN DENLINQEH, a stone, thence booth U, ^'degrees, eaut t'^ptirchen to u Brnbaker ft Smith do 13 Jahn Roberta do 14 Samnel Bomberger do 13|LMUgffmaE Saddler 14 may 7 41-21 Treasurer of Lancaster Connty. pobt.theoce by land of j ameB Gibson, north S9Ja Os- J K John* E Y E E & LANDELL-, telligent a man as Col. Wilder, on this grees, Drugs 14 Jeese Showalter Grain 14 Henry Barr do lSJLevl Redsecker Hats 14 west 33 2 10 perchon to a pout in the public ruad J B Brnbaker do Wi Henry Kanz Tanner 14 FOURl'H &ARCH. STREET, subject. aforesaid, and thence by tald road, north 2 J^ degrt-e™, I"B*c Wawer Jawdlry 1 ' ARMY A N D NAVY A M Hlefltaud Drags 14 MIBSC G'beraon Yarlety 14 KARL EAST. PHILADELPHIA, The subject of covering raspberry canes wect 38 S-JO perches to the place of baglnning, contain ing ALLEN & NEEDLES' GEORGE J. HENKELS, „ Blohatd HelmB Amalia S Loahsr Bobnllz Besaa A J tfalfiou H h Barattz Lawla ft J Frlok Georga afeiesokop CALL BELLS. FINE POCKKT C t T L m T , P E l E L ABDITORTPAPXBCOTTgBftJaT 'TABLETS, FINE QOLD ADD StLTSB, P J S S AHD PESCIL CASKS. Infinite In number. Style and Flniaa. ALWAYS THE SAME I N QUALITY, 71 Martha Longenecker ?l WASHINGTON BOROUGH. l Billiard Table do do CITY. 1 Billiard Table 3 do do TanPiaa 3 Allara do 2 do a do do 3 do do 1 do MATHEMATICAL IHSTETJMENTS, CABDLINA YELLOW FINE FLOOBIND BOABDS I 3 ^ 1 a l m a for arrors to ba made on roealpt of goods, l o g 21 Iy-39 WAEWICK. Daniel Herr J 8 Miller ^ PRODUCE, T O B AOOO, W I N E S a n d LIQUOBB. CLASS RAPHO. T John Bally Mrs Barbara Kane "XT £ 1 1 > which has f,ive» so mnch aatisfaeUoa to Farmers and THSIB others In different sections 6f tba country, that Compriatog the largest and beat MletrtedBtook of I T both the above Establishments, it is'ooBfidenUyneomineadsd-aB one Warehouse, Coal and Lumber Yard, IELUSTHATBD AND BTANDABD f \ Ladles can choose from the Largest Cheapest and of the BESr IfAHDBE8, ever Best selected Stock of Goods la oar 11ns to be found in BELIOIOOS, HI8TOBICAI, POLITICA1, offend to t h e pabUe. •..•. the Clty-rcomprliing all the Newest London and Paris TBOM GEAEFrS LANDING, SCIENTIFIC. A S D H I 8 0 i L L l K ! 0 U 3 BOOKS Price #40.00 per TOK of 2,000 lbs. 6ty]fl8ofi;LOAK-t,HACQtTE9,0lBCULAE3,PALBT0TS. We also, Manofaetare a MABTLES, fto, fto. A l l made in the best manner of To the Property formerly oosapled b y Messrs. P CHILDREN'S BOOES, Fine. French, Belgian. English and American Clothe, for Long A Nephew, on the opposite or south Spring and Summer Wear; also, best qua Hty of Black TOY BOOKS, (Linen and Paper.) which aa Its name Imports, Is composed of Meat, Bone Bilks and thin Summer Goods i n endless variety, at tbe side of tbe Coneetoga, and Offal, from tba Slaogbter Bonis, combined lowest possible prices for Cash. with other materials, rendering Jt a Oar entire Stock being purchased exclusively for N D would call the attention of their GAMES and PUZZLES, CASH—selected with the greatest car* and made ap unvaluable and obeap article well old customers u d all Interested, to theirsnpertsx der oar special supervision from the very latest Parle adapted to promote tba lonamerable in quantities and kinds. and London Styles, we can offer lndaccmeata to bay era growth of Corn. equal to any bouse i n tbe trade. Potatoes A liberal allowance will be made to Country Mer. . . and chants, and person* purchasing for Schools. i^artionltH attention paid to all Orders for moaraiojr. Vegetables generally. " T h e i J i e a t and beiTAsaortntent e v e r offewd to j " £ J , . * r *™** * * f » ™ « . ^ * « 8 K T W ud AUHBW ft CO. i AOBBW & ENGLISH, F R . I C B o n l y 9 9 0 . 0 0 por T O W . I VAJOXT U s i , h y the boat load or ton. Also, to tfwti th« c i l j , at all Pilcca. 839 CHBStftTT STKBXT, 1G SotTTH 9TH OTKSBT J J » S a p e c f l n e GttODND BOH*.warranted poxo. stock of Opposlie the Continental 3d Door Above Chesnut VA1CB $38.00 PBB TOW. Hot»>l. Street. Address POCKET BIBLES, PSATEH AND HYHN BOOKS Fhticdelptita. Philadtlphia. TASKBR & ODABK;, Bnitabla for all Denominations, In all slxe* and Kind ana 1 ap iA a.m-23 8. W. Cor. SIQHTH'St. 4" Washington Avenue, Or BTXAT PSaCBIFTI05, OOSBmO/U 0 7 of Bindings from the most common to the finest Verret PHILADELPHIA. H A T C H 8c C O , Boond. l i t and Sod COM. BOAED8, C ^ T h e above FEKTIL1ZKR3 for Sate b y lat s a d 2nd COM. PLANK. S B C 1 P u2>.C3-E13NrT«3 CDLLINO EOAEDS. W . HPBBCHEB, JLXO A Large Assort man t of BAP.H EOASDS. mar &4m-lS , Lancaster, Pa. DRESSING CASS3, LADIB8 TBAVELLIRO AHD CnLLIHQ PLANE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SHOPPING BAG9. PORTFOLIOS. OABAS. P I S S SHINGLES, 1 3 S Watlxkatt a t f r e e t , P l a l l s i d e l p h l s u WHITING DESKS AMD C»SBS, MONEt CYPRESS SHIaOLES, HEMLOCK SCASTIJNa PURSES, POCKET BOOKS, &o. DSALEB8 IH ABB J 0 I 8 T . 7i John MyersftCo 71 Jacob Moony F M Baneh Edward dtargls . BATS H . E l 3MC O NOTICE! Eeln* John Billis GEO. CALDER 8c BRO., Cheap Book Store, ASH NOTICE! F A M I L Y B I B L E S , S T O C K OF C O A L , IT Jama* Hobney J B Heiilg Philip Frank SHEAFFEB'S Opposite the Continental Hotel, TAKE A LEACOCK. JoanBardtnalager attention of th« Agrlealtaral CoinmunUy to their PHOSPHATIC FEfttl£fiER, John Gnrley George Yo«t Frederick Healiek Fredarlok Unkel Chrls'lan Haner G U GtfOdniaa LADIES CLOAKS A^B MANTILLAS, I N THE GREATEST VARIETY AT M A H U H E ! MANTJTBB1! H E uaderaigned desire to call the A G N K W * C O . , 8 3 0 C h e s n u i S t r e e t * T atao* M I M HUalre Ziepfel Chrlatl*tt Bowman Hnrjr V«MBberger Jobs FratulMtu jofaalCattera Joha Oopabaad. Brnat Heliman JoMpbGarllgki Benet Oolemaa John flaoad Patrick JtcGlnn Gotlalb Swilkey John W W Charles Flnlnger Heory Bheld FredWalu John fflUlDfer Jacob Bllager John P Uostman OhrtsUan Biias John Hooasr John A Sprangar Lawrence Eaapp Joaepb Helaler jAaeltVehar. Baanel Taylor Behnlta Beaw Joseph Balntnal A'J Nelaoa 0«|rlmli Daniel OKHOU Frmnk Ortaa HKfcUnatch Jaoob Decker John J, Flasher EUtibeth, Sprenger Catherine Shoenberger WnKahat Henry.FrtDke HelrrStrobl« Fred Miller Jaeob M tfaker ElizibetA Cox mtimm^vmmmrs. sfANIDAKD WORKS. P.5ILA1DB1IPHIA ADVBRTISKaffiNTS. "'7t Henry nTaarebtnar LANCA8TBB CITT. ^arotatarv. John B Rnesel > Jaeotaable of Merehaadlaa In Laacutar aonoty, artUHU. -OawialKayef V / > a t T M r i u a t a a i i O i a t a * : * • 0 ( p k u a ' : O n r t , taa U Daanarar»J«hasa eiaaaiaeaUon oftbaaama agreeably to the fvoelaleauaf ABaTABeTBAa A ^ ( gbjenal: • • -• t Q e u y O L l p p -• •-- .,, j a i i r i M, a l i n l I I B I "t ftnlfa the eeTaral Aete of Aaaembiy. ^ ofla»o4«tiriti orolloirti»-daa«lb.d <Jaora-eKStBlnjnan*Oo 1 3 4: The. amonnt of lleanae reqoirad to' bt, paid DT Men. - • - ' t t l a U W M J a a o t i l U r a o a ; , dae'd, atayVSUTtna. '" elaaa la aa foUowa: . . - O . HEatPPIBLD WEST. U , XaauConadin' j