July 2016 Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church and School
July 2016 Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church and School
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran July 2016 Newsletter “ L ea rni ng , STAFF S EN I O R PAS TO R Stephen Henderson shenderson@trinitycp.org A S S O CI AT E PA S TOR David Kipp kipp@trinitycp.org A S S O CI AT E PA S TOR Brett Satkowiak bsatkowiak@trinitycp.org D I R. M US I C M I N I S T RY Karol Ketcher ketcher@trinitycp.org D I R. CH RI S T I AN E D U CAT I ON Paul Wendt wendt@trinitycp.org BUS I N ES S M AN AG ER Ca r i ng a nd S ha ri n g God’ s Wo rd. ” July Sermon Series The book of Galatians is an amazing book that reminds us that Christ has set us free from being under the weight of the law, that God has set us apart so that others may walk with us in the Spirit as we together strive to fulfill the Law of Christ in carrying one another's burdens. This month, we finish our focus on Paul’s letter to the Galatians. July 2-3 July 9-11 July 16-18 July 23-25 July 30-Aug 1 True Freedom Producing Fruit Burden Bearing Rooted Working For… Galatians 5:1-15 Galatians 5:16-26 Galatians 6:1-10 Colossians 2:6-15 Ecclesiastes 2:18-26 Our upcoming August sermon series will focus our attention on the role and purpose of faith. Join us in August as we look at how we Live BY FAITH! Susan Magruder magruders@trinitycp.org T EC HN OL OG Y D I RE C TO R Will Samples samplesw@trinitycp.org C H UR CH AD M I N . A S S I S TAN T Cathy Stinson stinsonc@trinitycp.org S C H OO L AD M I N . A S S I S TAN T Lisa Cizmar cizmarl@trinitycp.org Check us out our website, www.TrinityCP.org, and follow us on Facebook, and Instagram Managing Marriage There are many issues that confront marriage today, but one that is secretly deadly is something that you can control. It is something that you have the power to change, to control! This secret killer of marriage is your mind. Within your mind you have the power to choose how you will think, but far too often we focus on that which is easiest. Just as it is far easier for the news to report all the bad news that we see around us, in marriage it is much easier to talk about that which causes struggles. Negative thinking just seems to come naturally, and we use it to garner the support and pity of our friends and family members. This gives them something negative to share with others and a wedge begins to develop separating husband and wife, family and friends. So goes this cycle of negativity among a people of negative thinkers. It may be that you, or someone you love, are dealing with health issues. We naturally move toward the loss that we have experienced. We focus on what we do not have, rather than looking for the blessings that we do have. In financial strain, people focus on what they think they deserve and how they are not getting it. They focus on what other people have and how they should have that too, after all they work harder than others do! It may be that you just are not getting what you want or think you deserve. You lament this to anyone who will listen in hopes that they will give you what you want—affirmation of who you are. All these are nothing more than examples of coveting, which leads to discontentment (we even have two commandments to deal with all our coveting!). The danger is that we do this in our marriages as well. Maybe you share that your husband doesn’t give you the thanks and affirmation that you deserve. Maybe your spouse spends more than you make. The reality is that you both deal with a health problem of the heart! It’s called sin! God has a remedy for any and all our sin. He has sent us the full strength prescription in Jesus Christ’s blood so that when we confess our sins of covetousness, He is faithful and forgives every sin (1 Jn 1:8-9)! God also gives us direction in how we can live our lives in a way that strengthens our relationships, upholds marriage, and honors God. Paul shares that with us in Philippians 4:8: Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. No life or marriage is perfect; it is infected by sin. Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ, who cleanses us from all sin and gives us eyes to see His blessings and gifts. These are the things that we focus on: true salvation that is ours in Christ, His noble sacrifice for our sins, how to do that which is good and right in God’s eyes, the pure unchanging love of our God, the admirable people around us who strive toward heaven with faith in Him. Think about these things, and change your life! A great big ‘Welcome!’ and God’s richest blessings to the Satkowiak family as they begin their new vocation here at Trinity! Cave Quest VBS photos June 13th through June 16th Many thanks to Pam Shea for these great photos! Glory be to Jesus, the Light of the World!: Thank you does not even begin to cover the incredible blessing and honor that the experience of Cave Quest VBS was June 13th-16th. With 65 preschool children, 85 K-4th grade students, 15 5th grade students, volunteers who worked on the cave, volunteers who served the week of VBS, families who donated supplies for VBS, families who donated food to eat for the VBS participants, families who donated items to support the Trinity Cares Pantry as our VBS Offering, caretakers who helped in the nursery, drivers who escorted the 5th grade off site, registration helpers, and then to think of the families connected to the children who heard about Jesus in our halls, the exponential effect of the week probably reached close to a thousand people. Throughout the week, through powerful Bible lessons, games, snacks, cinema, crafts, skits, field trips, and music, the students and volunteers were reminded and imprinted with the message that Jesus gives us hope, courage, direction, love and power. Thank you brothers and sisters of Trinity! The entire process of VBS 2016 was humbling and miraculous. Go in peace and serve the Light of the World! Rachel Henderson Our New Phone System The new phones have been installed. As we started the installation, the old system started to breakdown even more. I’m convinced the old system would have stopped working altogether if we didn't make this switch. Here are a few of the new features: The calls are clear now. We have caller ID now (we never had the ability to see our missed calls in the past). Our voicemail system is secure and reliable. You can use the new auto attendant to reach your party or press 0 to reach a receptionist (please make sure you listen to the greeting as our options have changed). This auto attendant will make it easier (and more secure) for those trying to reach a Pastor during the day and after hours. Outside callers don’t have to memorize extensions anymore. We have conference phones in the library and staff lounge that can be used for meetings. A 911 button was added to the phones in case of an emergency. The PA system will be installed in the hallways, cafeteria, fellowship hall, and gym so we can make zone specific pages. And of course, the on-hold music is much better. Thanks to everyone who supported this need at the auction. This tool will support the important ministry that Trinity is doing now and will continue to do in the future. Will Samples Trinity Cares Trinity Cares is a great ministry here at Trinity, but not many people know what it does and what falls under the large umbrella of Trinity Cares. We’ve added a webpage, http://www.trinitycp.org/trinitycares with all kinds of great information along with a description of the ministry: Trinity Cares is the helping arm of Trinity Lutheran Church & School in Crown Point, IN. It is the larger umbrella under which several groups function: Financial Assistance, Financial Peace University, our little food pantry, the Christmas Blessing Tree, and Child Protection. Each has its own set of guidelines and its own set of volunteers who man and manage it. Financial assistance is offered first to families of Trinity’s church and school, then to members of the community who live in Cedar Lake, Crown Point, and Winfield only. This area of ministry service was delineated so that we may have a personal, face-to-face contact with these clients and present God’s plan for their lives to them as well as helping them over a ‘bump in the road’. There are now two ways of making contact with us: 1) Telephoning 219-663-1578 and leaving a message with the requested information, and 2) through the computer by leaving a message on our new email account – trinitycares@trinitycp.org. Because we are manned by volunteers, we will return your message as soon as possible and set up a meeting where we can get to know you and determine a course of action. As a doctor’s goal is to heal, not long ago, it was decided that putting a band aid on a situation was not truly solving the problem, so as a church we offer a way for people to manage their money (through Financial Peace University) instead of their money managing them, which is more in keeping with God’s plan for us. Because of this, we offer FPU to Trinity Cares clients, members of our church and school, and to then community at large. Many, many thanks to Judy Duffala for the numerous hours she puts in on a weekly basis keeping Trinity Cares up and running, we thank God for you Judy! Also, keep an eye out for monthly announcements on Second Sunday needs! An interview with Brett and Jennifer Satkowiak Between packing boxes & ordination preparation the week of June 26th is a big week for the Satkowiak family. During that very busy week, they were gracious enough to share a little bit more about who they are. Favorite Bible verse Brett - Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Jen - Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Favorite hymn/praise song Brett - As with most “favorites,” these come and go with the seasons or my mood. There are certainly hymns I look forward to: Beautiful Savior, Joy to the World, Crown Him with Many Crowns. But nothing I could label as a “favorite." Jen - I like lots of different things, and I’ll get sick of singing anything all the time, no matter how great it is. But if I have to say something, “The Church’s One Foundation” comes to mind early. Would you like to tell us about a time you led someone to Christ? Brett - Well, the Holy Spirit is the one who “leads." The best I can say I’ve done is “point.” I tend to think of our calling more as planting seeds than anything. I had the opportunity over vicarage to work with a homeless woman whose path had led her to our church. I talked with her about Christ’s love for her and that was part of a relationship she had with the church over a period of time. We were working toward getting her baptized, but she kind of dropped off the radar after a while and I had to head back to seminary. I keep praying from time to time that the Lord keep pursuing her and I hope to see her again someday to talk to her about Jesus once more, hopefully this time as a fellow brother in the faith. Jen - I don’t know if I can point to anyone and say that I did anything much to lead them to faith. But I try to bring Christ’s presence into all sorts of relationships. In particular, I’ve found that people I work with tend to come to me with questions about God, life, and faith and I just try to be as faithful as I can in those situations. I remember there was a young Indian woman that I became close with during my internship year that included a lot of these conversations and I could see the Spirit working on opening up some doors there. What are your spiritual gifts and how do you see God using them? Brett - I don’t know whether or not I’d call them “spiritual gifts,” but I believe that I do have gifts or talents things like writing, speaking, 80s, 90s, and 00s movie and comic book trivia, organizing, killing flying insects, and teaching. I’ve seen how God has used some of those things to further His kingdom because some folks have told me that my using them has helped them to think about God in a new way. And that’s about all I can really ask for. Jen - I love science and reason and talking about God’s creation. I have been told that I’m very creative, even though I don’t feel that way all the time. I also like to find ways to support and encourage others in their hardships and endeavors. Currently, I see God using my gifts most in how I serve my family, particularly homeschooling our children. Brett, what drives your passion for Youth Ministry? I didn’t grow up in the church. Faith wasn’t a thing in my life until I was a teenager. I had a pretty rough time during those years and it was during that time that God butted Himself into my life and started to speak. In many ways, God didn’t just save me from my sins, but He saved me from a lot of “could-have-beens” and “almost-was’s”. But God entered into our messy world in the person of Jesus to save us, and He sends us back into that world with Jesus to help others. In the same way, Jesus entered into the mess that was my young life to save me, and I believe He calls me to go back to others in that stage of life to bring the same hope. Jen, tell us about the time, as a family, you knew God was leading you to this new vocation? Back in 2008, Brett, Peter, and I were on our way to visit family in Texas. We’d stopped in St. Louis and were staying at my aunt’s house. We were sitting on her porch swing, relaxing while Peter was napping and a lot of things just kind of came together. Brett had been serving as a volunteer youth director at our church while he was studying to be a teacher. I had just finished my internship and we had been talking about and thinking a lot about what was next for us. The possibility of Brett going into ministry of some kind had been hovering around us for a while by that point, and on that trip, things just became certain. I know it’s not some grand spiritual revelation or anything like that, but God doesn’t always work like that. What activities do you like to do together as a family? Hiking, camping, playing games and doing puzzles, wrestling, laughing, reading, and watching movies. Letter from the Elders Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we leave the month of June, we thank God for all of the blessings bestowed upon us. Trinity's youth and teachers completed another successful school year. Also, we celebrated Father’s Day, a day to remember our fathers and give thanks for all that they have done. On June 26, our congregation welcomed Pastor Brett Satkowiak and his family by celebrating his Ordination and Installation. A big thanks goes out to all who donated to their pantry shower and helped with the reception. Most importantly, we were able to thank and praise our Father in Heaven who has made all of this possible. July is now upon us, bringing with it the celebration and reminder of the many liberties that we enjoy. One of our most important freedoms is the ability to worship God and proclaim Jesus as our Lord and Savior. One symbol of our freedom is the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. Engraved on it is a quote from Leviticus 25:10, “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” We as a congregation have several opportunities to "proclaim liberty" this month. First of all, Trinity will be participating in the annual Crown Point 4th of July parade. Volunteers are always needed for this event. This is a great way to "proclaim" our love for Christ in our community. On July 10th, Trinity will be hosting a parish picnic. Bring your family for a day of great food, fun, fellowship and invite a friend! At the end of the month, on July 30th at Camp LRCA, come celebrate the Awestruck Festival. This festival celebrates a service opportunity for high school youth throughout the state. Several of Trinity's high school students will have served their community by donating hundreds of hours to individuals and charities throughout Northwest Indiana. Any activity, big or small, has the ability to "proclaim liberty" through Christ. We can praise and glorify God by utilizing our freedom to attend church and share the Word of God. As you enjoy summer with friends and family, think about how you can "proclaim liberty" by putting Christ at the center of your life. Yours in Christ, Brad Campbell, Elder Important Trinity Announcements Top 10 Reasons for joining a music group at Trinity: #10 You’ll Sleep Better! Once you’ve spent an hour every other Thursday evening ringing handbells or singing in the choir, you’ll be sure to have a great night’s sleep! #9 Better Posture and More Lung Capacity! This is especially true for singers and wind instrument players but can work for handbell ringers as well. Once you’ve been in a music group you’ll be able to blow up 10 times as many balloons and swim at least 30 laps in the pool! #8 Muscle Strengthening! Just think of the biceps and triceps workout handbell ringers get. Imagine the abdominal muscle workout of the singer and wind player. You could skip a day at the gym! You’ll be in tip-top shape. #7 Brain Development! Experts have told us for years that involvement in music keeps the brain active, makes you a better test-taker, and wards off forgetfulness. So keep those synapses popping! Be smarter than everyone else! Join a music group! #6 Example to Your Children! Children learn by watching what we do even more than by listening to what we say. We want them to grow up to love and serve the Lord with thanksgiving. Show them how it’s done! #5 Live Your Faith! At your Baptism, the Holy Spirit showered God’s gifts upon you. Faith was born. Now, through the power of that Holy Spirit, you are able to live out that faith. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10 #4 Good Stewardship! You might be wondering how you can be a good steward of your talents? DON’T SAY YOU HAVE NO MUSICAL TALENT!!! Being part of a music group at Trinity is a perfect opportunity to return to the Lord the gift of music He has given to you. #3 Fellowship! You won’t find a nicer bunch of people anywhere than “music people”. They love to laugh and enjoy life almost as much as they love music. They’ll stand by you through thick and thin. At Trinity, they’ll hug you and pray for you and confess their faith with you. They might even take you out for a ???? after rehearsal! #2 Teach God’s Word! “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them…” Music has an extraordinary ability to teach God’s Word. You can be part of the Great Commission when you teach God’s Word through music. #1 Glorify God! How can any praise we offer measure all the thanks we owe? Take our hearts and hands and voices; Gifts of love we can bestow Alleluia! Alleluia! Triune God, to You we sing! Start your heavenly praises early! Join a music group at Trinity! ANOAB Update The first priority for funding from ANOAB after the 15% was given to the 8th grade Washington DC trip and the 15% to the Trinity scholarship fund was the replacement of the phone system in both the church and school. That project has been completed! (Thanks to Will Samples for your work on getting that accomplished!) The stove/oven for the child for 55 years or more. Fellowship Hall kitchen is on order with thanks to the A few highlights: Trinity League for $1,000 which was applied to the -More than 80% of those who responded purchase. When this project and the 8th grade identified our worship celebrations as one of classroom technology update is completed, the the best things about being a member of remaining balance of the $95,320 ANOAB 2016 Trinity! profit will be used for standard cabinetry in the -More than 80% who responded would classroom. These funds were earmarked for these encourage a friend or family member to projects in the fall by the ANOAB funding committee connect with Trinity because they believe that comprised of a Board of Properties representative, would enhance that person’s relationship with Susan Magruder, Jim Hensley, and a Day School God. Board member. -Just under 70% feel welcomed and part of the family when present here and believe a friend or family member would be warmly welcomed. -A significant number of respondents expressed a desire for additional opportunities to connect to other people. In written comments, many expressed feeling blessed to enjoy our worship and fellowship with one another. Many see us as their ‘Trinity family’. The Adulthood and Aging Champion Team continues to analyze the results in order to better serve the Children of God who are in the later part of the journey. Watch for more highlights and opportunities to grow as God’s child as we enter the fall. An ANOAB planning meeting is set for Tuesday, August 2nd for the 2017 event. Yes, it requires early Summer Sunday School planning to make the event happen! The date of Topics coming this month. All Classes meet from Friday, April 7, 2017 for A Night of Abundant 9:30 to 10:25. Preschool to Grade 1 in the Preschool Blessings has already been booked for the Avalon and Room and Grades 2 to 5 or 6 or 7 in Room 103 with the auctioneer. Many of the past committee July 3 God Preserves His Word members are planning to return to the committee. July 10 God’s Word is Complete These people are experienced in how to put on a July 17 Don’t Change God’s Word successful event, but they need a leader. Is God July 24 How Do I Know God Exists? calling you to use your talents to make this very July 31 What is God Like? important event happen? Please speak to Pastor August 7 The Trinity Henderson if you can volunteer to help! August 14 The Seven C’s of History Grades 5 to 7 are invited to Join the Answers in We are now emailing a digital copy of our Genesis course in room 103, or to join Unlocking the monthly newsletter! If you have not received one Mysteries of Genesis in Fellowship Hall East. via email please call the church office or email Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis, Grade 4 to Adult Melissa Maxwell, mmaxwell@trinitycp.org July 3 Flood or Fiction? July 10 How Old is the Earth? ‘Experts’ Survey Initial Report July 17 Dinosaurs! July 24 Ice Age The Adulthood and Aging Champion Team of our July 31 Rise of Civilization Family Faith Formation effort would like to thank all August 7 Origin of the Universe those who responded to our ‘Experts’ survey. Our August 14 Uniqueness of Earth ‘Experts’ are those saints who have the experience Weekly Adult Bible study looking at the Scripture and wisdom that often comes with living as God’s Readings of the Week in the Library. Always room for one more! Child Protection Training Child Protection Training is required for all who work with those under 18 years of age at Trinity. Training events will begin again in August. Please look for those dates in the August newsletter and other media. and or doctor appointments. Lets not keep members from attending doctors appointments or church services because they can no longer drive. Please call the church at 219-663-1578. Don’t let us turn away members who need your help. Watch Group Name Change Trinity’s Small Group ministry has use the name Watch Groups for We Are The CHurch for many years. After conversation with a variety of people, the team in charge of Small Groups has come to the conclusion that simple is better so we are going with Small Groups. Trinity has over 40 Small Groups in the following categories: Bible study Small Groups, Service Small Groups, Fellowship Small Groups, Prayer Small Groups, and Support Small Groups. The Small Groups Team, (Bob & Judy Duffala, Traude Thoelke, Sharon Voyak, & DCE Paul Wendt) is working on an accurate listing for our website. We hope to have that in place by mid-August. A Trinity Small Group is a great way to connect with other people and grow as God’s child. Evangelism Conference For the first time in many years the Indiana District is hosting an Evangelism Conference in the fall. This will be great opportunity for all of us to explore how to reach out with Christ in our current culture. Full information packets including schedule and sectional descriptions are in the rack in front of the Reception Desk. http://in.lcms.org/event/confessing-christ-in-acontrary-culture-evangelism-conference/ Trinity Wheels Help wanted! Trinity Wheels ministry needs help. Join a team to drive members to all church services Hungry to Help? In the past seven years volunteers have had 860,000 reasons to be glad they helped provide that many meals to hungry families in Northwest Indiana and abroad. This year we’ll add another 140,000 to that number. Our team has again partnered with Pack Away Hunger (formerly Kids Against Hunger) for this project. If you would like to help us, please consider donating to reach our funding goal of $37,800 (27 cents per meal) and volunteering at one or two shifts on the packing day Saturday August 27th at the ARC at Valparaiso University. You may send a tax deductible check to Pack Away Hunger, P.O. Box 37, Greenwood, IN 46142, with Valpo Event in the memo line. Register to help pack at donate.PackAwayHunger.org/valpoevent. More information is available on the church’s bulletin board and from Carsten and Georgia Falkenberg. 219-663-6352 or cgfalkenberg@comcast.net 90% of the meals and all of the fun stay right here in Northwest Indiana! Many stomachs will thank you. Moms in Prayer Moms in Prayer will have a “Park and Pray Day” on Wednesday, July 20th at 11am at Eisenhower Elementary School. (1450 South Main Street) Interested? Please contact Theresa Reinholtz, 219-406-2967 SCRIP over Summer Summer is in full swing as evidence by our warmer temperatures. Are you planning a summer family vacation? Whatever your summer plans, Scrip gift cards can help you meet your needs, as well as help support the Trinity Scholarship Fund. Our summer schedule for July is as follows: A Scrip order will be place July 5th and 18th. Gift cards ordered Monday morning, are available for pick up by Wednesday 3:00 pm of the same week, at the front receptionist desk! We will continue to carry a limited number of “Cash and Carry” gift cards available for immediate purchase in the atrium at the front receptionist desk, Monday-Friday 8-3:00 pm and on Sundays 9:30-10:30 am throughout the summer. Thank you so much for your continued support of such a worthy fundraiser for our school! Trinity Sociables at Lucrezia’s Join us on July 28th at Lucrezia’s Italian Ristorante, located at 302 S. Main St in Crown Point, at1pm. Lucretia’s provides innovative Northern Italian specialties in a relaxed andeclectic atmosphere. Lucretia’s was voted as one of the most unique restaurants in Indiana. For a reservation, phone Don or Barbara Wigley at 219-374-9451. Would you like to add an announcement to the newsletter? Email Melissa Maxwell with details at mmaxwell@trinitycp.org. The deadline for the July newsletter is Wednesday July 27th. Summer Break for Christian Yoga Yoga will take a break until Wednesday, September 7th at 6:00 p.m. Add Christian Yoga to your calendar for the fall session which will be the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays in September, October & November. The fall session will be held in the fellowship hall. Have a wonderful summer! Thrivent Choice Dollars Thrivent Choice Dollars Are Waiting For You to designate them!! If you haven't directed your Choice Dollars they aren't doing any good. Please log into your account or call Thrivent directly at 1-800-THRIVENT to designate your available dollars to Trinity Lutheran, Crown Point. Let's put those dollars to work in ministry. If you have questions contact Susan Magruder in the church office. Second Sunday Sharing We are a generous and giving congregation that takes Jesus’s mandate to care for the widows and orphans seriously through making food and taxable items available to those in need. Second Sunday Sharing has been one of those ways we replenish our little pantry shelves and also share with the Crown Point community food bank. For the month of July we are looking for: July - This month we continue to focus on child friendly items as well as single-serve macaroni & cheese, soup in a cup, lunchables, Ensure and other protein drinks, and a few hygiene items like band aides and hand sanitizer. Long Term Prayer Requests Please continue to pray for: Jack Decker (Misty Watland’s uncle), Cliff Cary (Ed Klingberg’s brother in law), Levi Vandercar (Stephanie Hildebrandt’s great nephew) Carolyn Gardin (Hazel Gardin’s sister in law), Kathleen Hepburn (Dee Pocock’s daughter), Andy Katona (Cindy David’s son in law), Donna Marton (Cindy David’s sister), Carrie Myers (relative of Gwen Cruz), Shari Pekelder (Elaine Edward’s sister), Pam Silvas (Jill Klingberg’s sister), Lee & Jack Jaroki (Sharon Tillery’s friend), Tom Parry, Greg Myers (Gwendolyn Cruz’s uncle), Suzette Pryde, Renee Corman, Ron Atkinson, Evelyn Arizmendi, Sandy Toporski (Cynthia Lambert’s sister), Stephanie Ken Ables, Cole Viers, Christine Pavot, Rick Garner (Matt Garner’s father), Rebecca Guess, Sharon Dix, Laura Newhouser, Keith Osborne, Sharon Grelacki, and (long term prayers continued) Ken Homeier Those serving in the military at home and abroad: Denise Min-Monroe, Jon Parry, Matt Reynolds, Justin Smith, Ely Ronguillo (friend of the Mullins family), Dan Seel (friend of the Mullins family), Tim Stanford, Daniel Sergent, Jeffrey Smith, Tyson Daake, Kevin Jillson (Bill & Sandy Heiser’s grandson), John Luebcke (Gerry Luebcke’s nephew Jim Ponziano (Karol Ketcher’s son-in-law), Marcia Potter, Grace Rhoads (Myles & Diane Horst’s granddaughter), Judah Mark Ephraim Rhoads (Liz Beamer’s son), Rose Thomas (Lori Hult’s goddaughter), Chris Tsirlis (Dave Zimmerman’s friend), Keith Hernandez, Bill Metseff (grandson of Florence & Darrrell Sergent), Sarah Board 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 Also, those serving in the mission field: Brian 7/12 & Barbara Sorge, Randy & Rachel Stauner, Kevin & Ginny Holmes, Hispanic Mission Work, Bakery House 7/13 & Lydia House, Tony & Connie Booker (Czech Republic), James & Crystal Neuendorf (Panama), 7/14 Rev. David & Lois Mahsman 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 Trinity Celebrations Birthdays 7/1 Kyle Berkshire, Linda Borsits, Joseph Riffle, Alexa Stefanovich, Lee Stephen, Paulette Urbanchock 7/25 7/27 7/28 7/29 7/30 Haley Carlin, Daniel Stinson, Kolleen Whitaker Sharon Dix, Marina Klepsch, Angela Miller, Vicki Mowery, Amy Zimmerman Emily Rowland, Ethel Schuffert Julie Boettger, Tasha Curley, Ami Pysh, Andrew Rinkovsky Noah Blood, Billie Evans, Lori Guritz, Elizabeth Morawska, Owen Pace, Bridget Rayonec, Connie Snow Molly Buth, Jacob Robinson, Carl Sapper Casey Byrd, Cheryl Demmon, Eric Engleking, Kindrah Walker Hailey Loach Savana Asche, Lauren Surufka Kristine Bikoff, Amy Engel, Emily Gardiner, Denton McCormick, Lillian Stadnick, Misty Watland, Judith Wynn Kate Gardiner, Darren Klockenga, Alec Matalin, Larry Nimetz Emily Campbell, Brenda Fiegle, Elizabeth Swalby, Laura Vajda Jennifer Rupp, Corey Swanson, Patricia Zimmerman Anna Gardiner, Dennis Lunkes, Ryan Mohney, Elizabeth Rager, Dorothy Russel Mason Cruz Kathryn Foulds, Marissa Fraley, Donald Fronek, Kara Whitaker Romi Jabarin, Eric Neff, Terry Stanford, Chelsea Viers Karin Becker, Kameron Dixon Donna Bartnik, Dylan James, Dorothy Shreve Catherine Fanno, Richard Saager, Dorothy Teer Jacob Carey, Elaine Einsele, Elisabeth Garner, Charles Kerr, Lynda Smith Lisa Engel, Judie Evans, Andrew Magruder, Kenneth Manning, Pamela Vana Shirley Guske, Chloe Morantz, Bart Rashin, Carol Saager Jeanne Strunk Nancy Anglis, Neva Balaszek, Erma Tidwell Caitlyn Doyle, Everett Gudenschwager, Jennifer Kulak, Mike Kulak, Brian Maxwell, Nathan Nichols, Grant Robinson, Barbara Wigley Denise Herkey, Mike Huitsing, Evan Rashin, Donna Sitarski Nicole Cooper, Kevin Sparenberg, Isaac (birthdays continued) 7/30 Thompson 7/31 Martha Diekelmann, David Hart 7/30 7/31 Garry & Laura Vajda Michael & Diane Evers Baptism Birthdays 7/1 Anniversaries 7/1 7/3 7/5 7/7 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/14 7/16 7/17 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 7/26 7/27 7/28 7/29 David & Denise Herkey, Gary & Paulette Urbanchock Douglas & Rebecca Bergner, Lewis & Patty Sue Eliou, Larry & Ruth Mickow Brett & Christine Miller Richard & Lisa Anderson, Raymond & JoAnne Hurtubise, David & Susan Kipp Ryan & Melanie Johnson Charlie & Jene Lintz Patrick & Leah Coffey, Myles & Diane Horst Thomas & Cindy Chariton, Brian & Melissa Maxwell, Daniel & Felicia Schuster, Joseph & Donna Witham Samuel & Stephanie Fies Michael & Darleen Maas Phil & Chelsea Sagissor Matthew & EunJin Dallman William & Christine Good, Fred & Christi Oosterhoff Charles & Susan Kerr Terry & Michael Chelap Noel & Dawn Cross, Lothar & Traude Thoelke Todd & Kathryn Corban, Everett & Marilyn Gudenschwager, Ryan & Joy Smith Mike & Laura Didonna, Ed & Christine Dixon, George & Sharon Letz Kenneth & Sue Board, Gregory & Sandra Peyovich Bernard & Barbara Orelup 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/17 7/18 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/24 Dawn Casey, Michael Coy, Logan DeHaan, Pete Dyba, Andrew Dyba, Brenda Ebert, Tina Gardiner, Colin Hecht, Katelyn Huitsing, Debra Kish, Stephanie Korte, Roberta Kujawski, Carl Mullins, Luke Pysh, Ethel Schuffert, Ryan Smith, Vicki Stojkovich, Jacqueline Tavrides, Lynn Yates Sandra Hnatusko, Abigail Morantz, Mary Morantz Tyler Doyle, Rebecca Heineman Elizabeth Buth, Marlo Dunlap, Michael Evers, David Guritz, Riley Knipper, Helen Melcher, Suzette Pryde, Tatiana Sarafim, Daniel Torkelson Heather Arizmendi, Dennis Hodges Janet Rosenwinkel Phillip Gardin Kayla Egnatz Madyn Schoiber Gage Damjanovic, Grace Oostehoff Brandon Stieve Karen Warner Robin Luebcke, Jake Thunberg Gina Bucholz, Brooke Hoefling, Amanda Stieve Sophia Genovese Lydia Hughes, Pacey Nack, Davison Rager, Michael Stephen Melanie Johnson Alexander Feaster, Abigail Feaster, Michael Jr Feaster, Evan Thompson Sophia Handel Judy Alliss, Emily Rowland Chloe Morantz 7/25 7/26 7/27 7/28 7/29 7/30 Timothy Stump Terrance Claus, Miranda Stephen Dominique Merrell, Owen Nelson, Ky’per Nelson, Zachary Puent Gabriella Aguilar, Bill Campbell, Melissa Maxwell Ralph Knipper Quentin Klingberg Those Serving Us This Month Readers July 10th July 17th July 18th July 24th July25th July 31st August 7th Acolytes July 10th July 16th July 17th July 24th July 31st 8:00am 8:15am 10:30am 10:45am 8:00am 8:15am 10:30am 10:45am 6:30pm 8:00am 8:15am 10:30am 10:45am 6:30pm 8:00am 8:15am 10:30am 10:45am 8:00am 8:15am 10:30am 10:45am Helen Melcher Melanie Johnson Cynthia Fitzsimmons Dennis Hodges Robin Luebcke Matt Garner Becky Bergner Sandy Smith Sandra Hnatusko Georgia Falkenberg Jennifer McCord Christine Thomas Pat Dykman Donna Witham Eileen Maxwell Cynthia Lambert Gerry Luebcke Hunter MacDonald Robin Luebcke Connie Rainey Mike Aldwardt Andrew Kraemer 8:00am 8:15am 10:30am 10:45am 6:30pm 8:15am 10:30am 10:45am 8:00am 8:15am 10:30am 10:45am 8:00am 8:15am 10:30am Samuel Puent, Zachary Puent Grace Koelikamp, Lily Koelikamp Kaylee Bewley, Mandy Murdock Caiden Mowery, Colton Mowery Robert Blink Eli Oosterhoff, Noah Oosterhoff Emma Riffle, Benjamin Robinson Emma DeHaan, Owen Pace Dominic Dennis, Cameron Zimmerman Riley Johnson, Michael Coy Blake Pysh, Joseph Rogers Zachary Thurn, Zachary Bodamer Allison Garden, Kaleigh Klingberg Michael Kulak, Luke T hompson Brendan Ballou, Madison Maas August 7th 10:45am 8:15am 10:30am Conor Sivak, Reilly MacDonald Anna Gardiner, Sarah Gardiner Charles Peschke, Lucas Slowiak 8:00am 8:15am 10:30am 10:45am 8:00am 8:15am 10:30am 10:45am 8:00am 8:15am 10:30am 10:45am 8:00am 8:15am 10:30am 10:45am 8:00am 8:15am 10:30am 10:45am J Hensley, K Manning, L Nimetz, M Magruder, M Korte A Manning, B Stephen, B Campbell, B Maxwell, D Bergner B Thomas, D Trump, G Luebcke M Strunk, A Kraemer, C Froman D Maxwell, P Gardin, C Falkenberg, B Duffala, D Mills J Thompson, J Cruz, K McCord, L Smith, L Nack G Forsythe, M Evers, R Forsythe D Brannock, P Wendt, D Jenkins K Manning, D Kregel, E Hildebrandt, J Hodgin, J Hensley R Rainey, R Gardiner, S Wilson, T Fraze, A Manning T Pflughoeft, J Nelson, B Thomas M Strunk, A Kraemer, C Froman P Gardin, K Manning, L Nimetz, M Magruder, M Korte B Steven, B Campbell, B Maxwell, J Thompson, J Cruz D Trump, G Luebcke, G Forsythe D Brannock, P Wendt, D Jenkins C Falkenberg, B Duffala, D Maxwell, D Mills, D Kregel K McCord, L Smith, L Nack, R Rainey, R Gardiner M Evers, R Forsythe, M Evers M Strunk, A Kraemer, C Froman Communion Assistants July 10th July 17th July 24th July 31st August 7th June Attendance Saturday: 101 Traditional: 909 Contemporary: 607 Monday: 146 Pastor Satkowiak’s Ordination service: 163 Next month’s newsletter deadline is Wednesday, July 27th. Continue to enjoy a beautiful summer everyone! Line of Credit 7400 · Charities 7100 · Building Fund 6000 · District & Synod 5900 · Board Expenses 5800 · School Program 161,359.00 197,842.23 30-Jun 3,457.44 4,532.03 151,081.43 129,856.19 0.00 2,471.83 2,665.16 10,097.70 5,990.55 136,645.00 2,245.00 131,000.00 163,957.00 198,923.91 30-May 0.00 0.00 178,003.61 123,625.00 26,000.00 2,582.25 5,563.81 12,432.55 7,800.00 149,900.00 6,400.00 2,177,506.09 1,664,877.48 71,293.45 20,231.97 182,814.03 116,108.70 122,180.46 2,116,687.69 49,165.59 2,184,362.44 1,638,310.63 112,200.00 24,900.00 162,805.74 132,117.55 114,028.52 2,184,000.00 35,000.00 71,000.00 219,000.00 179,505.00 30-Jun-15 2,219,220.50 1,657,561.03 112,996.96 25,908.29 160,889.00 138,100.00 123,765.22 2,088,987.01 54,533.76 4050 · Other Income Property Loan 171,300.00 25,340.00 Total Expense 6100 · Payroll Expenses 5500 · Properties/Repair/Util 5100 · Office/Devel/Ins Expense Total Income Synod Payable 65,200.00 34,230.16 103,604.53 estimate $4000 toward drawings Regular Bills Offerings are down $55,000 from last year insurance prepaid 8th Grade trip Added to the Payable 70K last year, 40K this year Close in Sept 2016 at 217,000 Delayed billing for School 2016-17 Church Attendance 15-Jun 1 Other Income Notes: 16-Jun 1882 Building Fund is up $30,000 from last year 2053 2 Current Month SGO is up $22,000 over last year 31914 3 31125 50-50 generated $67,000 in one time gifts Total for 1 year 4 614 Attendance/Week 599 before matching and annual increases New Credits State-Wide Beginning July 1st Donate to Trinity’s SGO & get 50% back from the State of Indiana in the form of a credit or refund What other investment can you make with a guaranteed return of 50%? Donate $1,000 get $500 back. Donate $5,000 get $2,500 back. Don’t owe that much in taxes? You’ll get a refund from Indiana when you file your taxes. Dollars aside- supporting Christian education has the potential to make an incredible difference in the life of a child; the lives of their family members and ultimately the Church at large. Can businesses receive the 50% credit? Absolutely!! Trinity has business donors who contribute to the SGO and the business receives the credit when they file their State taxes. The company I work for has a program that will match my donation to any charity I choose? Would both my employer and I receive a credit for what we each contribute? Yes! Is there a limit to the amount the State will issue in a credit to an individual or business? No. The State has alocated a total $ amount State-wide. As long as there are dollars in the fund, there is no limit on the credit you can receive. Has the State ever exhausted the dollars available for credits? Yes!! Credits are renewed by the State on July 1st of every year. Warning!! This year the credits were used up within 8 months!! If you typically donate in December please consider donating much sooner. It is very possible and some believe it’s likely that credits will run out some time in December, 2016. Have questions? Contact Susan Magruder in the church office or via email magruders@trinitycp.org 4 25 7:00pm Christ Care 26 Wed 7 Thu 1 8 Fri 9:30am Quilting 2:00pm Stephen Ministry 3:30pm Sociables Card & Game Day 7:00pm Stephen Ministry 9:00am Drama Kids Camp 5:00pm NYG Departs 15 9:00am Drama Kids Camp 22 28 1:00pm Trinity Sociables at Lucrezia’s 14 9:00am Drama Kids Camp 9:30am Quilting 21 20 13 9:30am Quilting 27 Newsletter Deadline 9:30am Quilting 29 2:00pm Stephen Ministry 3:30pm Sociables Card & Game Day 7:00pm Stephen Ministry 7:00pm Trinity League 6 July 2016 3 Independence Day Offices closed No 6:30pm worship service on this day Tue 8, 8:15, 10:30 & 10:45am Worship 9:30am Sunday School, Bible Study 2:00pm Hispanic Worship 11 9:00am Drama Kids Camp 7:00pm Christ Care Mon 10 9:00am Drama Kids Camp 3:00pm Alzheimer’s / Dementia Support Group 6:30pm Worship 7:00pm PPC 19 Sun 8, 8:15, 10:30 & 10:45am Worship 9:30am Sunday School, Bible Study 12:00pm Parish Picnic 2:00pm Hispanic Worship 18 5 17 8:00am Small Groups Team Meeting 6:30pm Worship 7:00pm Boards 7:00pm Elders 12 8, 8:15, 10:30 & 10:45am Worship 9:30am Sunday School, Bible Study 2:00pm Hispanic Worship 24 8, 8:15, 10:30 & 10:45am Worship 9:30am Sunday School, Bible Study 2:00pm Hispanic Worship 31 8, 8:15, 10:30 & 10:45am Worship 9:30am Sunday School, Bible Study 2:00pm Hispanic Worship 2 Sat 11:00am Creative Kids Drama 6:30pm Worship 9 11:00am Creative Kids Drama 6:30pm Worship 16 11:00am Creative Kids Drama 6:30pm Worship 23 6:30pm Worship 30 3:00pm Awestruck Festival 6:30pm Worship
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