January 2016 Edition - Trackdown Management
January 2016 Edition - Trackdown Management
City Manager Newsletter By TRACKDOWN MANAGEMENT "Providing thread to help stitch together the fabric of the City Management Community" Page | 1 January, 2016 Volume No. 10: Issue No. 01 2015 City Manager Newsletter by Trackdown Review Willdan Senior Vice President Frank G. Tripepi, and veteran Cerritos City Manager Art Gallucci during the 2015 Holiday Season. Frank is a retired Rosemead City Manager and he served as Interim City Manager in La Puente. Art has been the Cerritos City Manager since 1991. Art, who began his career with the former Southeast Parks and Recreation District, joined the Cerritos city staff in 1971 as the City's Recreation Superintendent Our mission includes presenting entertaining reading to those in the city management trenches. Heaven knows that City Managers, assistants and department heads get more reading to do than an librarian in the Library of Congress. We try to produce a product that gives information about California's city management people, and presents it in an entertaining and interesting manner. Our newsletters are available on the Trackdown Management Services web page, so they can always be referenced free of charge. “Never leave a friend behind. Friends are all we have to get us through this life--and they are the only things from this world that we could hope to see in the next.” ― Dean Koontz, Fear Nothing http / / http http http://www.ocsec.com/ http http://www.ocsec.com/ / / http / http / / http.aspx Jack & Susan Simpson, 16707 Gerritt Avenue, Cerritos, CA 90703 O | 562/926-0800 M | 562/896-5424 M | 310/418-1035 www.trackdownmanagement.net | Jack@trackdownmanagement.net | Jsimpson@trackdownmanagement.net City Manager Newsletter By Trackdown Management Page 2 January, 2016 [No. 16-01] 2015 City Manager Newsletter Trackdown Posse Roster:career in Sausalito borah Collins began her working as an Administrative Assistant Gregory Korduner, Retired City Manager by Trackdown Review Howard Chambers, Lakewood and services firm in 1983. In 1984 she went to work with an information technology Lyle Defenbaugh, CalTrust Insoftware January, 2015 we provided a list in of some of as a software support technician systems company Chico. Ernie Garcia, Retired Norwalk City Managerfor an on-line Joe Tanner, Retired City Manager California's city governments "Assistantand to" folks. She joined the Chico city City staff in 1994 as Community Services Officer (CSO), in Dave Carmany, La Puente Manager And, the second January issue provided a third Ken Bayless, Retired, Greater L.A. Vector Control District 2001 she took Kevin a Management Analyst with the"Assistant Chico Police Department. In 2009 to" listing, since we ended 2014 with O’Rourke, KOLGS/PARS Richard Ramirez, Retired City Manager, American Canyon she moved to the City Manager's Office in a Management Analyst post.ofDeborah the initial list. The front page the second Vern Lawson, Lancaster January issue displayed a picture Retired work City Manager, Arcadia earned a Don BAPenman, in social from California State University, Chico, and an MSofinretired law Anthony Gonsalves, Joe A. Gonsalves & Son American Canyon City Manager Richard from Champlain College. Ernesto Marquez, Hawaiian Gardens Gary K. & Mary Jo Sloan, Retired La Mirada City Manager Andy Takata, Retired City Manager Marcia Raines, Millbrae Anthony R. Ybarra, South El Monte Arthur C. Simonian, Retired City Manager Ken Caresio, Retired Duarte City Manager Wade McKinney, Indian Wells CM & President of CCMF John Keisler, Long Beach Sam Olivito, California Contract Cities Association Jack Lam, Retired Rancho Cucamonga City Manager Larry F. Pennell, Retired Wasco City Manager Gary Chicots, Retired City Manager Fred Latham, Retired Santa Fe Springs City Manager Anthony Lopez, Retired City Manager Dr. Bill Mathis, Mathis Group Roy Pederson, ICMA Past-President Bruce Williams, Retired City Manager Troy Butzlaff, City Manager, Azusa Rod Foster, Laguna Niguel Dale Geldert, Retired CDF Director Rita Geldert, Retired Vista City Manager Gene Rogers, Moreno Valley Retired City Manager Gary Milliman, Brookings, Oregon Doug Dunlap, Retired City Manager, Pomona Richard Rowe, Retired City Manager Robert Dickey, Former CM & retired DPW, South Gate Marshall Linn, Urban Futures, Founder & Chairman Clay Curtin, Menlo Park Jim Lewis, Pismo Beach City Manager Kevin Duggan, ICMA & retired City Manager David Jinkens, Retired City Manager Charles G. "Guy" Huffaker, Retired City Manager Judie & Mike Sedell, Retired Simi Valley City Manager Rod B. Butler, Upland City Manager Ray Harris, Retired Public Official Jason Gonsalves, Joe A. Gonsalves & Son Philip Vince, City Manager In-Transition Paul Gonsalves, Joe A. Gonsalves & Son John C. Bolan, Cheyenne River Ranch Linda C. Lowry, Pomona City Manager Donald R. Powell, Retired City Manager, Santa Fe Springs James Gilley, Retired City Manager, Lancaster Lee McDougal, Retired Montclair City Manager John F. Shirey, Sacramento City Manager Glenn Southard, Retired City Manager, Indio & Claremont Paul Philips, City Manager, City of Industry Ramirez with a couple friends and the three most recent San Francisco Giants' World Series trophies. Those of you who are MLB baseball fans know that the Giants have won the World Series on the past three even-numbered years. In order to keep this streak going they will need to bring the 2016 championship back to California. That is Richard Ramirez on the far right! Keeping with the baseball theme, Claremont Assistant to the City Manager Brad McKinney was listed. Brad played on the Azusa Pacific University varsity baseball team, and then pitched professionally for a time in Europe. http://www.urbanfuturesinc.com/ City Manager Newsletter By Trackdown Management Page 3 January, 2016 [No. 16-01] 2015 City Manager Newsletter borah Collins began her working career in Sausalito as an Administrative Assistant by Trackdown Review with an information technology and services firm in 1983. In 1984 she went to work February, 2015 company the lists inincluded as a software support technician for an on-lineInsoftware systems Chico. Administrative Services Directors and a listinof She joined the Chico city staff in 1994 as Community Services Officer (CSO), and www.brandywinedev.com Chapman University alumni. At the end of last 2001 she took a Management Analyst with the Chico Police Department. In 2009 Former City Manager Jim Barisic founded year Atascadero Assistant to the City Manager Brandywine in 1994. and his three sons she moved to the CityJimManager's Office in a Management Analyst post. Marcia McClure Torgerson retired.Deborah Marcia also Brett Whitehead, Mark Whitehead and David Barisic served as the elected City earned BA in social work California State University, Chico,Atascadero and an MS in Clerk. law directaBrandywine Homes; now from selling projects in Marcia worked for Atascadero from 1997 until Costa Mesa and Yorba Linda, and coming soon are from Champlain College. projects in Torrance, Arcadia, Norwalk, Monrovia, and Whittier. Call Brandywine at 949-296-2400 her retirement at the end of 2015. www.keenan.com Keenan is an industry leader in insurance, employee benefits and financial solutions for public agencies. Executive Vice President Steve Gedestad is a Member of the California City Management Foundation (CCMF) Board of Trustees. Corporate Office Telephone No. 310-212-3344 www.chwlaw.us Expert Public Agency Legal Services. Committed to counsel that is helpful, understandable, and fairly priced. With offices in Los Angeles and outside Grass Valley in the Sierra Foothills, CH&W represents public and private clients throughout California in municipal law. Managing Shareholder Michael Colantuono is a past President of the City Attorneys' Department of the League of California Cities. Call telephone No. 530-432-7357 or 213-542-5700. It was in February, 2015 when we first ran the picture of Anne Samuelson Williams of Psomas giving her best Rose Parade wave while standing in her business attire in the middle of the Los Angeles River surrounded by water. Anne has become known in some circles as "the girls who walks on water." The picture was taken by Los Angeles City Council Member Tom LaBonge. www.Psomas.com Ranked by ENR as one of the top engineering firms in the Nation, Psomas serves public and private sector clients in transportation, water, site development and energy. Founded in 1946, Psomas is a full-service consulting firm with offices in California, Arizona and Utah. Call 213-223-1400. City Manager Newsletter By Trackdown Management Page 4 January, 2016 [No. 16-01] 2015 City Manager Newsletter borah Collins began her working career in Sausalito as an Administrative Assistant by Trackdown Review with an information technology and services firm in 1983. In 1984 she went to work In software March, 2015support the first list was of somefor of those as a technician an on-line software systems company in Chico. California public managers that have career She joined the Chico city staff in 1994 as Community Services Officer (CSO), and in paths that travelled through the State of 2001 she took a Management Analyst with the Chico Police Department. In 2009 www.ericksonhall.com Nevada. Mammoth Lakes Town Manager Co-founded by Dave Erickson and Michael Hall in sheDaniel moved the City Manager's Analyst post. Deborah C. to Holler, for instances, is aOffice formerin a Management May, 1998, Erickson-Hall Construction Co. offers the County in Douglas Nevada. State University, earned a Manager BA in social work County, from California Chico, and an MS in law depth and experience of a large national In fact Dan served as the President of the Local contractor, while providing the personal attention from Champlain College. expected from a locally owned business. Government Managers Association of Nevada in 2006 - 2007. The second March issue presented a partial list of California City Managers with United State Military experience. Calabasas City Manager Anthony M. Coroalles was one of those listed. Tony served in the United States Army for 27-years starting in 1974. On the front page of the March, 2015 special issue is a picture of now-retired Palmdale City Manager David Childs, a past President of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA). Dave is also a former Assistant County Manager in Washoe County, Nevada. Offices in Escondido, Orange, Riverside and Imperial. Telephone No. 760-796-7700 http://ka-mg.com/ Former City Manager William "Bill" Kelly, President 1440 North Harbor Boulevard, Suite 900 Fullerton, California 91835 KAMG's staff are all successful former local government management professionals with proven track records. It is this breadth of experience KAMG brings to each engagement. Call telephone No. 714-449-8432 http://www.kosmont.com/ “No one can grant you happiness. Happiness is a choice we all have the power to make.” ― Dean Koontz, Life Expectancy Former City Manager Larry J. Kosmont Kosmont Companies is a nationally recognized real estate, financial advisory and economic development services firm. Kosmont Realty Corporation has been the Financial Advisor and Dissemination Agent to the Borrower for the City of Oxnard Fire Station, LLC build-to-suit project. Larry was featured in a Bond Buyer article in October regarding the subject of redevelopment dissolution and bond disputes associated with the wind-down. 865 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 3500, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Main: 213-417-3300 Fax 213-417-3311 City Manager Newsletter By Trackdown Management Page 5 January, 2016 [No. 16-01] On Page 3 of the April issue is a picture of borah Collins began her working career in Sausalito as an Administrative Assistant retired City Manager Larry Pennell, who's wife with an information technology and services firm Denise in 1983. Buchanan In 1984 Pennellshe planned wentantoHawaiian work trip to celebrate his birthday. Denise is a former as a software support technician for an on-line software systems company in Chico. official with Kern County, and completed an She joined the Chico city staff in 1994 as Community Services Officer (CSO), and in Interim assignment as Clerk of the Board in the 2001 she took a Management Analyst with theCounty ChicoofPolice Department. 2009this Monterey (2007-2008). In During http://www.hdlcompanies.com/ past year doctorsAnalyst successfully installed a pace she moved to the City Manager's Office in a Management post. Deborah maker to keep Chico, Larry's heart perfect rhythm. earned afounded BA in insocial from California State University, andinan MS in law HdL was 1983 by work former City Manager Robert Special best wishes to Larry and Denise! "Bob" Hinderliter, who successfully championed legislation from Champlain College. allowing independent verification of State Board of Equalization records. HdL expanded and improved with the help of a partnership with former City Manager Lloyd de Llamas. Currently Andy Nickerson is the President of the firm. Telephone No. 909-861-4335. 2015 City Manager Newsletter by Trackdown Review In April the first list presented was of the "thencurrent" California City Manager leadership. City Manager Patricia E. Martel of Daly City continues to serve as the ICMA President, and Millbrae City Manager Marcia Raines was the President of the City Managers Department of the League of California Cities. Marcia is now the immediate past President and Irvine City Manager Sean Joyce as taken the President post. The California City Management Foundation President was, and continues to be, Indian Wells City Manager Wade G. McKinney. Retired City Manager Kenneth R. Pulskamp continues to serve as the Executive Director of the California City Management Foundation (CCMF). League of California Cities City Managers Department Annual Meeting February 3 - 5, 2016 Renaissance Esmeralda Indian Wells 44400 Indian Wells Land, Indian Wells, California 92210 http://www.cacities.org/Education-Events/CityManagers-Department-Meeting/For-Attendees A second April issue listed alumni of California Lutheran University. Fillmore City Manager David W. Rowlands is listed as one of the Cal Lutheran graduates. On Page 3 of that issue is a picture of baseball fan Chris Fisher of Willdan Financial Services at Citizen Bank Park in Philadelphia standing with the statue of the late Hall of Fame broadcaster Harry Kalas. Don Paschal; Executive Vice President Mitch Barker and Kevin O'Rourke http://www.parsinfo.org/ PARS provides retirement services designed specifically for each public agency's unique needs aiming to provide superior employee benefits while improving management effectiveness, reducing costs, and simplifying administration. Call 800.540.6369 City Manager Newsletter By Trackdown Management Page 6 January, 2016 [No. 16-01] 2015 City Manager Newsletter borah Collins began her working career in Sausalito as an Administrative Assistant by Trackdown Review with an information technology and services firm in 1983. In 1984 she went to work as a software support technician for an on-line software systems company in Chico. She joined the Chico city staff in 1994 as Community Services Officer (CSO), and in 2001 she took a Management Analyst with the Chicohttp://www.bobmurrayassoc.com/ Police Department. In 2009 Executive Recruitment: Through many years of she moved to the City Manager's Office in a Management Analyst post. Deborah experience, firm Founder Bob Murray has created an earned a BA in social work from California State University, Chico, MS in law ideal recruitment process. and Valeriean Gaeta Phillips is President. Bob served as the Olympia, Washington City from Champlain College. Manager (1982-1985). http://www.bobmurrayassoc.com/current_searches.asp We presented a list of city management professional who worked in Simi Valley in May, 2015. Though we had previously pulled a Simi Valley list together, we revisited this category upon the request of retired City Manager Bruce Altman. On the front page of this issue is a picture of Anthony D. Gonsalves, State Senator Bob Huff and Sam Olivito, Executive Director of the California Contract Cities Association. Anthony is a member of the Board of Trustees for the California City Management Foundation (CCMF). The second May issue chronicled the 56th Annual Municipal Seminar of the California Contract Cities Association held at the Esmeralda Renaissance, May 14-17, 2015 in Indian Wells. Artesia Council Member Victor Manalo stepped down and Pico Rivera Council Member Gustavo V. Camacho was installed as the 2015-2016 President. Pictured on Page 5 of this issue is a picture of Sara Appel of Tripepi Smith & Associates and Jose Vera of Stifel taken during the seminar. http://www.nortonrosefulbright.com In June 2013, Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. joined forces with Norton Rose as Norton Rose Fulbright. It is a full-service firm with experts in banking and finance, public finance and environmental service. Danny Kim and Donald L. Hunt are among those available on the firm's Los Angeles team. Call them at 213-892-9200 Wfis.wellsfargo.com Wells Fargo has developed sophisticated employee benefit insurance programs for public entities for more than 30-years. Wells Fargo Insurance helps agencies design innovative benefits solutions and navigate the complex healthcare reforms. For more information contact Gary Delaney or Kristin Yokoyama at 310-543-9995 “Every life is complicated, every mind a kingdom of unmapped mysteries.” ― Dean Koontz, Forever Odd City Manager Newsletter By Trackdown Management Page 7 January, 2016 [No. 16-01] A second special random list was featured in borah Collins began her working career in Sausalito as an Administrative Assistant the second June, 2015 issue. Those on that list with an information technology and services firm include: in 1983. ReneInL.1984 Mendes; she went Paul to R. work Benoit; Michael S. Daly; Robert E. Hickey Jr.; John W. as a software support technician for an on-line software systems company in Chico. Slota; Charles Bergson; Bryan H. Montgomery; She joined the Chico city staff in 1994 as Community Services Officer (CSO), and in Vince DiMaggio; Nicole R. Zieba; Dan Berman; 2001 she took a Management Analyst with theMarlene Chico Best; Police Department. In L. 2009 Scott Hurlbert; James Zervis; Craig Jones; J. Paul Paris; and Tim Y. Ogden. she moved to the City Manager's Office in a Management Analyst post. Deborah earned a BA in social work from California State Chico, OurUniversity, first July, 2015 list is and an MS in law from Champlain College. "Guys Named Bruce" Sharon Olivito of the California Contract Cities Association and Susan Simpson at the 2015 Annual Seminar in Indian Wells. 2015 City Manager Newsletter by Trackdown Review A "random list" is featured in the June, 2015 issue that includes: James B. Henderson; David A. Doyle; Eugene M. Palazzo; Rob K. Braulik; Ken Striplin; Troy L. Butzlaff; Bryan Cook; William D. Cahill; John R. Longley, Jr.; Marcia L. Raines; Sean Joyce; Steven B. Falk; and Leslie Deese. Page 15 of this issue includes a picture of former City Managers Ray Harris and Jim Barisic talking to the late-retired City Manager Bill Holt at a get-together a Tap's Fish House & Brewery in Brea. “Change isn't easy. Changing the way you live means changing the way you think, means changing what you believe about life. That's hard.” ― Dean Koontz, One Door Away from Heaven in honor of United States Navy Medal of Honor recipient Bruce McCandless. Longtime Laguna Hills City Manager Bruce E. Channing, a past President of the City Managers Department of the League of California Cities and a member of the Board of Trustees for the California City Management Foundation, is among those listed. A special "Sam and Sharon" list was featured in the second July issue in Honor of Sam Olivito and Sharon Olivito. On Page 5 of this issue is a picture of three City Managers who got their start together as interns in the City of Walnut in 1987: Costa Mesa City Manager Tom Hatch, Brea City Manager Bill Gallardo and Irvine City Manager Sean Joyce, the current President of the City Managers Department of the League of California Cities. City Manager Newsletter By Trackdown Management Page 8 January, 2016 [No. 16-01] 2015 City Manager Newsletter borah Collins began her working career in Sausalito as an Administrative Assistant by Trackdown Review with an information technology and services firm in 1983. In 1984 she went to work August, 2015 we featured a list of as a software support technician for an on-lineInsoftware systems company in"Williams" Chico. and a list of California State University, She joined the Chico city staff in 1994 as Community Services Officer (CSO), and in Sacramento alumni. The first list was partly as a 2001 she took a Management Analyst with theresult Chico Police Department. In 2009 of Bill Holt's passing, and the second list is she moved to the City Manager's Office in a Management Analyst post.Jacki Deborah to honor Trackdown daughter "Cookie" http://www.gonsalvi.com Simpson Beebe, who is a an California State earned a was BA founded in social State University, Chico, and MS in law The firm by work the latefrom formerCalifornia California University, Sacramento graduate. There are State Assembly Member Joe A. Gonsalves. Anthony from Champlain College. D. Gonsalves serves as a member of the CCMF Board of Directors. Anthony, Jason Gonsalves and Paul Gonsalves are expert municipal lobbyists. Joe Gonsalves said that lobbyist are like parachutes; you don't need them often but when you do they had better work. lots of important "Williams" in California's city management community, including retired folks like retired City Managers William O. Talley. He is listed on Page 11 of this August issue. Anderson City Manager Jeff Kiser is on the CSUS alumni list on Page 5 of that issue. http://www.wolfhousing.com/ Former City Administrator Wesley Wolf, Founder Telephone No. 213-744-0437 Wolf & Company Inc., founded in 1993, is a municipal consulting/financial advisory firm that provides services to State and local governments and not-for-profit corporations in the areas of municipal finance. Mark Risco, President & CEO Chris Fisher, Financial Consulting Vice President http://www.willdan.com/financial/ http://www.nwfg.com/ Newcomb Williams Financial Group (NWFG) is a woman-owned investment banking firm providing underwriting and financial advisory services to public agencies, and non-profit corporations. Pam Newcomb, Janees Williams and William D'Allaird are among the group's professionals. Willdan Financial Services can enhance city efficiency, effectiveness, and credibility by helping to generate revenue and optimize its administration. Please call telephone No. 800-755-6864 Cristina Shore and Kelli Lofing of the California Contract Cities Association staff. Telephone No. 562-633-5533 City Manager Newsletter By Trackdown Management Page 9 January, 2016 [No. 16-01] 2015 City Manager Newsletter borah Collins began her working career in Sausalito as an Administrative Assistant by Trackdown Review with an information technology and services firm in 1983. In 1984 she went to work In software September support we startedtechnician with the Jeff Kiser andon-line software systems company in Chico. as a for an "Anderson" gang, second Shethe joined the Chico cityand staff the in 1994 as Community Services Officer (CSO), and in September list features alumni from the 2001 she took a Management Analyst with the Chico Police Department. In 2009 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). It shewas moved the City Manager's Office Analyst post. Deborah a nicetoassignment to list those from thein a Management http://www.hrgreen.com/index.aspx home a ofBA John and Jackie Robinson. State University, Chico, and an MS in law earned in Wooden social work from California For top quality engineering and planning services South Gate City Manager Michael S. Flad, from Champlain College. contact HR Green's George Wentz or Monrovia City Manager Oliver Chi, and Larkspur City Manager Daniel R. Schwarz are among the UCLA alumni listed. October's lists included an Artesia management alumni list, and a list of those with work experience in the City of Hercules in the Bay Area. The Artesia list includes: Bill Rawlings; Ed Medley; Pete Feenstra; Johnny Johnston; Jim Barisic; Mac McKeown; Harold Campbell; Gene Romig; Lois O'Sullivan; Paul Philips; Maria Dadian; and Don Powell. The Hercules list begins with current City Manager David Biggs, and among others includes Steve Salomon, Ted A. Gaebler, Connie Jackson and Bill Lindsay. Roy Stephenson, Manager - Local Government Services at: 951-212-6927. California office Telephone: 855-900-4742 HR Green combines engineering and technical services with business management expertise to deliver top quality service. http://www.stifel.com/ Stifel is ready to serve public agency financial needs. Stifel's Stephen Heaney, Managing Director, Public Finance is a former member of the CCMF Board, and serves on the Board of Advisors for the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy. Jose Vera is active in Southern California city organizations. http://www.rwglaw.com/ RW&G is committed to excellence in the legal profession. Roxanne Diaz and Gregory W. Stepanicich are among the City Attorneys on the RW&G staff. Greg is City Attorney for Fairfield, Mill Valley and the Town of Ross, and serves on the CCMF Board of Trustees. Call telephone No. 213-626-8484 http://muniservices.com/ MuniServices, LLC, services including revenue discovery, audit, collections, and information services to protect public agency revenues. Doug Jensen, Senior Vice President, Client Services, is the West contact at 559-271-6800. Fran Mancia, Vice President, Government Relations, can be reached at 559-288-7296. Fran serves on the Board of Trustees of the California City Management Foundation (CCMF). City Manager Newsletter By Trackdown Management Page 10 January, 2016 [No. 16-01] borah Collins began her working career in Sausalito as an Administrative Assistant with an information technology and services firm in 1983. In 1984 she went to work as a softwarehttp://www.ocsec.com/ support technician for an on-line software systems company in Chico. She joined the Chico city staff in 1994 as Community Services Officer (CSO), and in O’Connor & Company Securities, Inc. 2001is ashe took a Management Analyst with the Chico Police Department. In 2009 full service broker-dealer headquartered in Newport Beach . Former Duarte City she moved to the City Manager's Office in a Management Analyst post. Deborah Manager J. Kenneth Caresio is http://www.tripepismith.com/ the California State University, earned a BA ainManaging socialDirector work for from Chico, and an MS in law firm. William A. O'Connor is the from Champlain College. Tripepi Smith & Associates fields a professional team firm's President. 2015 City Manager Newsletter by Trackdown Review In November we presented a list of those who work or worked in Fresno County cities, and a chronicle of the 35th annual "contract cities" Educational Summit held in Dana Point. Fresno County cities include: Clovis, Coalinga, Fowler, Fresno, Huron, Kerman, Kingsburg, Mendota, Orange Cove, Parlier, Reedley, San Joaquin, Sanger and Selma. The front page picture on the November issue show former Los Angeles Dodger great Manny Mota and La Puente City Manager Dave Carmany. that brings a strong background in pursuit of new and innovative approaches and skills in marketing, technology and public affairs. Call Ryder Smith or one of his colleagues at 626.536.2173 http://caltrust.org/ State law authorizes local agencies to directly invest in the CalTRUST investment pool. Any California local agency; may participate in CalTRUST. Earn top market interest and maintain maximum liquidity. Contact Lyle Defenbaugh or Erin Carthen 916-440-4890 (Lyle) & 916-440-4888 (Erin) Lyle.Defenbaugh@wellsfargo.com Erin.M.Carthen@wellsfargo.com www.englanderpr.com Harvey Englander, Matt Knabe, and Marcus A. Allen combine powerful processes - Strategic Thinking + Solid Fundamental Tactics - into a valuable communications tool to be used in lobbying, government relations, public affairs, and crisis communications among other uses. EKA has helped many cities develop productive and successful public-private relationships. Telephone No. 213-741-1500 The December issues include list of public managers with City of Tracy experience beginning with the current City Manager Troy Brown, and a random list of managers to close out the year. Please remember that all issues of the City Manager Newsletter by Trackdown are available on the Trackdown Management web page free of charge. We at Trackdown wishes one and all an exceedingly successful 2016. Best wishes for a healthy and Happy New Year! City Manager Newsletter By Trackdown Management Page 11 January, 2016 [No. 16-01] borah Collins began her working career in Sausalito as anMichael Administrative Assistant P. Busch, President of Urban Futures, joined the firm in 2007 with an information technology and services firm in 1983. In 1984 she went to work following a successful career in municipal company government. Mike has as a software support technician for an on-line software systems in Chico. http://www.urbanfuturesinc.com/ extensive experience in Strategic She joined the Chico city staff in 1994 as Community Services Officer (CSO), and in Planning, Municipal Finance, Marshall Linn founded Urban Futures, Inc. in 1972. Economic DevelopmentIn and 2001President she took a Management Analyst with the Chico Police Department. 2009 Michael P. Busch joined Urban Futures in 2007. Community Redevelopment. James Leeto recently firm as a Principal with in a Management Analyst post. Deborah she moved thejoined Citythe Manager's Office expertise in public utility financing. Contact Urban and Futures, earned a BA in social work from California State University, Chico, anInc. MS in law from Champlain Urban Futures, Inc.College. (UFI) is a full service municipal Corporate Office: 3111 N. Tustin Avenue, Suite consulting firm serving California cities, counties, school districts, special districts, private higher education and non-profits since 1972. During the past 40-years, Urban Futures has expanded its base of expertise with highly skilled and experienced professionals improving the company consulting practice and capabilities to include strategic planning, financial analysis, management consulting, and special study services. Urban Futures, Inc. is the largest solely owned municipal financial advisory and redevelopment consulting firm in California with offices in the cities of Orange and Walnut Creek. The firm offers a full range of financial and economic development services, including: 230, Orange, California 92865 Telephone: 714-283-9334 Fax: 714-283-5465 Northern California Office: 1470 Maria Lane, Suite 315, Walnut Creek, California 94596 Telephone: 925-478-7450 Fax: 925-478-7697 Bakersfield Office: 9258 Brunello Court, Bakersfield, California 93314 Telephone: 661-587-2727 Public Finance School Financing Financial Advisory Bond Disclosure Reporting Utility Rate Studies & Advisory Services Project Negotiations Strategic Planning Special Studies Fiscal Consultant Report Preparation Capital Improvement Program Development Successor Agency Consulting Interim Staffing Services Marshall Linn, Chief Executive Officer, is the founder of Urban Futures, Inc. Marshall's expertise is in municipal finance, economic development, and planning. Mr. Linn has served as financial advisor on more than 525 tax exempt and taxable transactions for some 150 government jurisdictions. Marshall is a USC Alumnus, and has served as guest lecturer at the University of Southern California. Professional working relationships come with many years of experience. Here is Marshall Linn with, Ralph Holmes, Wes Wolf and Frank G. Tripepi. City Manager Newsletter By Trackdown Management Page 12 January, 2016 [No. 16-01] Picking Up the Pieces: Alameda has borah Collins began her working career appointed Moraga Town Manager Jillin Sausalito as an Administrative Assistant Keimach to serve as the next Alameda City with an information technology and services firm in 1983. In 1984 she went to work Manager. Jill has worked as the Moraga Town Managersupport since 2010.technician Previously she for served as a software anason-line software systems company in Chico. the Community Development Director in Fremont Sheand joined the Jill Chico in 1994 El Cerrito. earnedcity a BAstaff and Masters of as cityCommunity Services Officer (CSO), and in and regional planning from the University of 2001 she took a Management Analyst with the Chico Police Department. In 2009 California, Berkeley. Carlsbad has a new City City's former Fire Chief Kevinin a Management Analyst post. Deborah sheManager, moved the to the City Manager's Office Crawford. He replaces City Manager Steve Sarkozy, earned a BAasin social work California who served city manager fromfrom April, 2014 to April, State University, Chico, and an MS in law Norwalk City Manager Mike Egan, retired Bellflower City 2015. Kevin workedCollege. as the Carlsbad Fire Chief from from Champlain Clerk Debra Bauchop, Jack Simpson of Trackdown, and 2002 to 2013. He briefly served as the Interim City Manager in 2013 before becoming President and CEO of the United Way of San Diego County. Norco City Manager Andy Okoro has announced the appointment of Chad Blais as the new Norco Public Works Director. Chad previously served with the City of Compton Public Works and Municipal Utilities Department. The Public Works Director post has been vacant since former director Lori Askew was dismissed in mid-September. Kristina Miller is the new Corning City Manager. Kristina replaces retiring City Manager John Brewer. She previously worked for the Tehama County Solid Waste Management Agency for 9-years. For a half dozen of those years she was the Agency Manager of Landfill and Material Recovery Facility oversight. Burbank has named Deputy City Planner Patrick Prescott to serve as the Interim Director of the Burbank Community Development Department. Pat joined the city staff as a Senior Planner in August, 2006 and was named Deputy City Planner in October, 2012. He earned a Master's in Urban and Regional Planning from California Polytechnic University, Pomona. Lake Forest City Manager Robert Dunek, 64, has been included on the 2015 list of the 100 Most Influential in Orange County. The Orange County Register published the list of 100 of the OC's most influential highlighting people who are O.C. game changers. The focus is less about familiar public figures and more about unsung heroes. Bob started his public service career as a police officer in Buena Park in 1973. He served as the Los Alamitos City Manager between 1989 and 1996 when he was appointed to the Lake Forest City Manager post. Bob earned a Ph.D. from USC. Thursday, February, 4, 2016 in Indian Wells during the annual meeting of the City Managers Department of the League of California Cities. Call CCMF to inquire. 844-226-3411 Marlene Tomlin Towns. All four previously worked together as members of the Bellflower city staff. This picture was taken at Debbie's retirement reception in December. Alexander P. Meyerhoff, 48, will be the next Hemet City Manager starting January 6, 2016. He will be Hemet's 10th City Manager in the past 10-years. Alex will be filling the vacancy created by the dismissal of City Manager Wally Hill last March. Alex served as the Community Development Director in Twentynine Palms from 2005-2008. From 2011-2014 he worked as the City Manager of Holtville. Tracy has a new Public Works Director in Don Scholl, 51, who has been serving as Interim Public Works Director since Director David Ferguson retired last October. Previous to the interim assignment Don served as the Tracy Parks, Sports Fields and Trees Superintendent. He joined the Tracy city staff in 1999 as a Parks Supervisor. He is one of fewer than 200 certified sports field managers worldwide. Prior to coming to Tracy, Don worked for the City of Modesto. Oakley City Manager Bryan Montgomery was named a Volunteer Service Award Honoree by the Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance (VEGA) in early December, 2015. Bryan has served more than 15-years providing pro-bono assistance to ICMA's Mexico office. He is an ICMA Credentialed Manager. Early last year, Bryan visited San Luis Potosi, Mexico to talk about professional management as part of a municipal administrators seminar. New Kid in Town by the Eagles It has been said that the Eagles were singing about city managers in this song. Many of the lyrics fit well with the city management craft. "There's talk on the street, it's there to Remind you, that it doesn't really matter which side you're on You're walking away and they're talking behind you They will never forget you 'til somebody new comes along…" City Manager Newsletter By Trackdown Management Page 13 January, 2016 [No. 16-01] This is Administrative What They Said: borah Collins began her working career as an Assistant Santa Barbara Transportation Managerin Sausalito has retired. Browning began his career with an information and services firm in 1983. In Audrey’s 1984 she went to work “I have watched career develop over in 1979 withtechnology the County of Los Angeles. He later served as the Finance Officer in South El as a software support technician for an on-linethe software company in Chico. years andsystems have always been impressed by Monte, Assistant City Administrator in Pomona, and her accomplishments and professionalism.” SheAssistant joinedCity theManager Chico city staff in City 1994(1993as Community Services Officer (CSO), and in in Cathedral --Mountain View City Manager Dan Rich, 1999). He served as the City Manager in Carpinteria 2001 she took a Management Analyst with the Chico Police Department. In 2009 for 18-months, ending in 2001, before he joined the speaking of new Mountain View Barbara staff. City Former Avalon City Office Manager in a Management sheSanta moved to the Manager's Analyst post. Deborah Assistant City Manager Audrey Seymour Ben Harvey has been appointed Interim City Ramberg, who has served as Redwood earned a BA in social work from Manager in Pacific Grove taking over California when City State University, Chico, and an MS in law City Assistant City Manager. Manager Thomas College. Frutchey leaves the position in from Champlain More Pieces Picked Up: Browning Allen, January. Ben earned a BA from the University of California, Davis and an MPA from California State University, Long Beach. Ashley Garcia is a Management Analyst in Costa Mesa since August, 2015. Previous to that she had work assignments in Laguna Niguel and in Huntington Beach. Ashley serves a Program Chair on the 2016 MMASC Executive Board. She was a Orange County Region Chair in 2013 - 2015. Ashley earned a BS from Vanderbilt University and an MPA from the University of Southern California (USC). Livingston City Manager Eddie Duque, 48, has resigned after only two months in office. He was sworn into the position on October 5, 2015. No reason has been given for the sudden departure. He has decided to pursue other professional opportunities. Eddie previously served as a Senior Analyst in the Finance and Management Services Department in Santa Ana. Maywood, after seating two newly elected Council Members, has fired City Manager Lilian Myers and appointed Pedro Carrillo to serve as Interim City Manager. Pedro worked in the City of Bell after City Manager Robert Rizzo stepped down in 2010. Sanger City Manager Brian Haddix, who has resigned to take the Chowchilla City Manager position, will be replaced by Rio Vista City Manager Tim Chapa. Tim previously served as City Manager in Arvin. He served as the Sanger Development Services Director in 2006-2009, and was the Deputy Public Works Director in 2002-2006. Before joining the Sanger city staff Tim was a member of the Sanger Unified School District Board of Education, and served as the Assistant Superintendent of the Parlier Unified School District. He earned a BS from Stanford University and an MBA from Santa Clara University. "Human beings can always be relied upon to exert, with vigor, their God-given right to be stupid." --Dean Koontz "He has all the qualities we identified for a new city manager and has earned a reputation as a rising star in local government.” --San Juan Capistrano Mayor Pam Patterson speaking of the appointment of Laguna Beach Assistant City Manager Ben Siegel as City Manager in San Juan Capistrano. “I’m at the point in my career where I’m looking to join a high-functioning team.” --Burbank City Manager Mark Scott told the San Bernardino City Council. Mark will take the San Bernardino City Manager post in February. "Professional development in local government distinguishes you from the rest of the crowd and puts you at the top as having acquired the highest level of professional knowledge available." --Robert J. O'Neill, ICMA Executive Director City Manager Newsletter By Trackdown Management Page 14 January, 2016 [No. 16-01] Still More Pieces Picked Up: When San Bernardino as the Placentia Interim City Administrator since City Manager Karen Brust, who resigned to become the Encinitas City Manager. Previously Ben worked for about 9-years in Lake Forest, and he began his public service career as an Administrative Intern in Encinitas. Ben earned a BA from UCLA and an MPA from California State University, Fullerton. Retired City Manager Jim Jakel is returning to the City of Martinez for the fourth time; this time as the Interim City Manager, again. Jim served as the Martinez City Manager between December, 1989 and June, 1996. He served as Interim City Manager for about 5months in 2000, and again for a short time as Interim City Manager in early 2014. This time he is taking over for City Manager Rob Braulik, who resigned to take a private sector position. Jim served as the Antioch City Manager from 2003 to 2013. Chula Vista Police Chief David Bejarano is the current President of the California Police Chiefs Association, the organization that represents municipal law enforcement agencies in California. Chief Bejarano has been the Chula Vista Chief since 2009. He previously served as the San Diego Police Chief between 1999 and 2003. After former Cotati City Manager Dianne Thompson served as the Interim Town Manager in Ross following the resignation of Rob Braulik so he could accept the City Manager post in Martinez, former Rancho Cordova Assistant City Manager Joseph J. Chinn was appointed Town Manager in July, 2015. Prior to Rancho Cordova, Joe worked in Elk Grove as the Finance Director. Since leaving Ross, Dianne has been selected to serve as the City Manager in Arroyo Grande. Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer has been grappling with the issues surrounding the massive natural gas leak in the Porter Ranch area. Residents in the area have complained about how the Southern California Gas Company has handled the leak. An estimated 1,800 households have moved into hotels and rental units because of the unsafe conditions in Porter Ranch. The City Attorney wants the court to appoint an administrator to oversee the relocation of the Porter Ranch residents. Damien R. Arrula has been serving in Novato, California. Linda K. Tucker joined the City of Sacramento staff in December, 2004 as a Media and Communications Specialist. In January, 2015 Linda was promoted to Media & Communications Officer. She works with City Manager John Shirey, and facilitates communications on City-wide issues and projects. Linda earned a BS in journalism and political science from Bowling Green State University. Prior to joining the Huntington Beach staff as the City Manager in September 2008, Fred Wilson served a nearly 11-years as the San Bernardino City Manager starting in October 1997. Fred served as the San Bernardino Assistant City Administrator between 1990 and 1997. Fred earned a BS from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and an MPA from California State University, Northridge. Prior the his appointment as City Manager in Bell, City Manager Howard Brown Jr. served as the City Manager of Muskogee, Oklahoma for 23-months. Howard is not listed as a member of ICMA. In 1998 Sage Sangiacomo became Community Services Supervisor in the City of Ukiah. In 2006 he was promoted to Community Services Director, and he was appointed Assistant City Manager in 2010. He has served as the Ukiah City Manager since June, 2015. Sage is a Ukiah native. He is an ICMA Credentialed Manager, and he earned a BS in environmental policy analysis and planning from the University of California, Davis. borah herstepped working career as an Administrative City Collins Manager began Allen Parker down at thein Sausalito Administrator Troy Butzlaff resignedAssistant to take the end of the year Chief of Police Jarrod Burguan Azusa City Manager post in 2015. In 2006 Damien with an information and services firm in as 1983. In 1984 sheofwent to while workhe began serving as the technology Interim City Manager until served the Vice President MMASC Burbank City Manager Scott takesfor over working for the City ofcompany Sierra Madre.in HeChico. worked as a software supportMark technician anason-linewas software systems Interim City Manager. Mark has served as City as an Economic Development Director in El Monte SheManager joined inthe Chico staff inSpartanburg, 1994 as Community Officer and in Beverly Hills city (1990-2003), starting inServices 2011. Damien joined(CSO), the Placentia city South Carolina (2003-2009), Culver City (2009-2010), staff in April, 2014 as the Assistant City Administrator. 2001 she took a Management Analyst with theCitrus Chico Police Department. In 2009 Fresno (2010-2013) and Burbank (2013-2015). He Heights Administrative Assistant Sorahana an to MBA from Stanford University.Office Lagunain a Management Miller worked 5-years for Prudential Realty sheearned moved the City Manager's Analyst post.California Deborah Beach Assistant City Manager/Director of Public prior to joining the Citrus Heights city staff in March, earned a BA in social from California University, and an MSAir in law Works Ben Siegel, 37, is thework new City Manager in the State 2000. She servedChico, in the United States Force City of San Juan Capistrano, replacing City between 1975 and 1977 at Hamilton Air Force Base from Champlain College. BEST WISHES TO ALL FOR A WONDERFUL 2016!
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