The Baptist Bell - First Baptist Church
The Baptist Bell - First Baptist Church
Baptist Bell Volume 21 e h T Retirement Edition Pastor James Harper is retiring from full-time ministry and from First Baptist Church. His last preaching Sunday will be Sunday, April 5, 2015. Please join us at any or all of these events. Sunday, March 22 ~ Celebration of Ministry A special day is in store for Pastor Jim, Lucy, and the entire church family. The morning begins with our regular worship service at 9:00 am. In lieu of Sunday School, we will have an extended fellowship time to be followed by a potluck dinner at approximately 11:00 am. Fried chicken, cake and beverages will be provided. Please bring a side dish to share. Many surprises are planned! remember the past with fondness, look to the future with eagerness live each moment to the fullest Sunday, March 29 ~ Sunday, April 5 ~ Sunday, April 12 ~ Palm Sunday Easter Retirement Party 2-4 pm Worship service 9:00 am with baptisms & special music selections. This is Pastor Jim’s last official Sunday. Hamilton’s Westside Room Worship service 9:00 am with baptisms, children’s choir and handbell choir. Sunday school 11:00 am Page 1 Easter brunch 10:15 am No Sunday school Join us as we celebrate once more with Pastor Jim & Lucy. This open house event will be open to the entire Jacksonville community. T H E B A PT I S T B E L L From My Heart to Yours….. As I sit down to write my last Baptist Bell article, I am struggling with what to say. I’m discovering that it’s rather difficult to congeal twenty-one and a half years of ministry into a few paragraphs in a church newsletter. There have been so many memories, amazing people, stories of soaring victory and sometimes difficult defeats, relationships that sustained me and other friendships that have been lost in the mists of time. The other factor that makes this a difficult letter to write is the fact that it not only ends my ministry at First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, but it also begins to draw to a close my entire life ministry. Next month I will be semiretired. So this is extremely emotional. But honestly, I would expect nothing less. Let’s begin with what we all hate at the Academy Awards—too many thank you’s! Sorry, but here I go. First, I want to thank God for giving me life, then New Life in Jesus and finally a call to ministry in 1972. Next, in chronological order, I’m thankful to my parents, Dale and Virginia Harper, for making an unfocused, ADHD boy study and do better in school. I’m very grateful for their sacrifices. Next, I’m so thankful for a Godly and loving wife like Lucy. I could never have accomplished a fraction of my goals without her strength and support. Finally, on the family front I’m also very thankful for all my loving relatives from beautiful children and grandchildren to all the rest of the clan. I have many great memories of church and family. Pastor Jim Harper of Chris Gibson, from the musical stylings of Deb Boston to the love and patience of Carolyn Heaton, from the amazing Diane Headen to the compassionate Sis Goben, from the fun Roger Deem to the dedicated Brian Hartsock—our staff is awesome. And I love them all. My ministry philosophy at First Baptist was very simple—everyday I would remind myself to do two things with all of my heart: “preach the word” and “love the people.” If I ever failed to do this, please forgive me. But that was my heart-felt goal every day of the last twenty-one years. Listed in this newsletter are some fun, celebratory events designed for us all to say goodbye to each other. Please come and join us at these parties and worship services. In the near future, our church will have a new pastor. When that person arrives, please come and support them with the same love and enthusiasm that you showed to me over two decades ago. Lucy and I will be in Jacksonville for the foreseeable future. So please call or stop by and we can share some good fellowship and lasting friendship. Once again THANK YOU for allowing me to be your spiritual shepherd these many years. Jacksonville First Baptist Church was by far the most significant ministry of my career. And now may our church claim the promise of Jeremiah 29:11 where God tells us this: “ For I know Now, let me say a word about my church famthe plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans ily. Two nights ago I said a heartfelt goodbye to to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give our church leadership team. And I will tell you you hope and a future.” what I told them—they are the engine that helps to run our church. A coach needs good, dedicated players to win. And every time First Baptist In His Love, church has succeeded it’s in great measure due to our motivated lay leadership. A church can’t be vital and strong without a majority of people volunteering time and talent. Thank you, dear friends, for giving of yourself to advance God’s kingdom. A final thank you has to go to our paid staff. Right now, in the spring of 2015, we have a great staff that our church should be proud of. From the creative work of Kim Runkle to the tireless energies Page 2 Pastor Jim Harper T H E B A PT I S T B E L L Memories are made of this... Pastor Jim learns the “Cupid Shuffle” during Family Fun Day—2013 Seder Meal— 2011 Costa Rica church dedication 2013— Pastor Jim, what’s on your hat? re at the Reading Scriptu Pantry Personal Needs —2014. Christmas party Pastor Harper figuratively “passes the mantle” to the congregation on Sunday, March 8, 2015. Page 3 T H E B A PT I S T B E L L The Pulpit Committee needs input from the congregation as we prepare the profile document that will be used to introduce our church to potential new pastors. Please fill out this survey and place it in the offering plate today, or either of the next two weeks. Deadline to respond is March 22. WE WOULD LIKE THE MINISTER TO What are the strengths of our church? (check all that apply): Be the only worship leader Share leadership of worship with laity Share leadership of worship with other staff Share leadership of worship with students in ministry Preach sermons with a biblical focus Preach sermons on evangelism Preach sermons on social issues Preach sermons on stewardship Mention all prayer concerns in the pastoral prayer Tell the children’s story Use input from the Worship Committee Encourage use of charismatic gifts Use a variety of worship styles Wear a robe or stole What are the needs of our church? What do we do well? Other: SURVEY RESPONSES MAY BE DELIVERED TO THE CHURCH IN PERSON, MAILED TO 1701 MOUND RD, JACKSONVILLE, IL 62650, E-MAILED TO OR TAKE THE SURVEY ONLINE AT DEADLINE MARCH 22. Thursday, April 2— Sunday, April 5— 7:00 am 9:00 am ABWM Lenten Breakfast Easter Sunday All ladies of the church are invited to attend. Please make your reservation in the church office or with Barb Wood. Thursday, April 2—6:00-7:30 pm Drop-in Communion Service Please come pray and partake of communion as your schedule allows. Communion, baptisms and special music. Easter brunch will follow worship service. This is also Pastor Jim’s last sermon at FBC. Stewardship Report General Fund Offering 4-Jan $ Missions Fund Offering Building Fund 4,936.00 2,427.50 $ $ 377.00 143.50 $ $ 135.00 105.00 8-Mar $ 4,549.50 2,475.00 3,558.00 3,418.00 2,114.00 2,338.84 1,857.00 5,337.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 167.50 238.50 440.00 140.00 211.00 139.76 401.00 342.50 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 147.50 77.00 127.00 116.00 139.00 75.00 80.00 118.00 15-Mar $ 2,640.50 $ 252.50 $ 182.00 11-Jan $ 18-Jan $ 25-Jan $ 1-Feb $ 8-Feb $ 15-Feb $ 22-Feb $ 1-Mar $ Have you remembered the church in your estate planning? Brochures and pamphlets on this topic are available in the church office upon request. Communion $ 64.00 Communion $ 78.00 Communion $ 758.00 America for Christ ………………………………..General Fund Missions YTD Budget Need $ 35,948.00 $ 2,262.48 YTD Receipts $ 36,027.82 $ 2,718.26 $ $ 455.78 Difference Sunday $ 138.00 Budget Report (FY 15, as of 3/15) Weekly Services: First Baptist Church Special Offerings 9:00 am 79.82 Our Website 1701 Mound Road Sunday School 10:15 am Great Rivers Region Website: Jacksonville, IL 62650 For Information on Phone: (217) 245-6119 Bible Study Groups, Choir, Bell Choir, American Baptist Youth or other ministries, please contact the church office American Baptist Website: E-Mail: or Page 5 T H E B A PT I S T B E L L First Baptist Church 1701 Mound Road Baptist Bell AWANA will hold three more meetings before the end of the school year: Mar 29-Fruit of the Spirit Night Apr 12—Scavenger Hunt Night Apr 19—Location TBD Volume 21 The Jacksonville, IL 62650 Spruce Up For Spring Work Days are coming up—there are tasks for all ages. Sat, Mar 21 8-11 am Wed, Mar 25 6-9 pm Easter Lilies are available for $10 in memory or in honor of a loved one. Purchase in the church office by March 22. Mission and Service will hold a Bake Sale/Silent Auction on Sun, March 29. We need bakers and buyers! If you can donate a baked item for the auction, sign up in the Narthex on March 22.