GN #15 Mar 2008 PT III
GN #15 Mar 2008 PT III
11 THE JAPANESE RANKING CERTIFICATE GrandmasterDate,month.year 01 schools The nine Hatsumi's name schools I bushido and its legendary figures, and covers a wide variety of classical techniques as well as the famed two-sword fighting techniques. ... The text is enhanced with works of calligraphy by famous samurai masters, important historical scrolls, and lavish illustrations that convey the grace and beauty of sword fighting." -Rafu Shimpo "...Japanese Sword Fighting, a truly "must-have" manual for Japanese swordsmanship enthusiasts." -Wisconsin Bookwatch Book Description Hetsumi's stlmp Kyu ts IU mono nsri (this porson is capeble of) Bupnksn Dojo Book / video review Here we will review books and videos/movies on the ninja and samurai arts. This month we will be reviewing the book, "Japanese Sword Fighting - Secrets of the Samurai", written by Hatsumi Sensei. Japanese history is replete with great sword masters. Legendary figures such as Koizumi Isenokami, Tsukahara Bokuden, Yagyu ~Munenori, Miyamoto Musashi, and Ito Ittosai 'have been revered as deities for countless years, forged into the history of Japan's martial arts. But there were also many lesser-known samurai who carried the spirit of Bushido; Tirelessly devoting themselves to Japan's martial traditions and mastering their many fighting forms. Japan's rich legacy of swordsmanship has been passed on through these generations of samurai, who developed many techniques using the long sword, short sword, and Ninja sword, among others. In this book, Masaaki Hatsumi, the most renowned Budo and Ninja grandmaster in the world, explores the venerable history of Japanese sword fighting, sharing with the reader his reflections on the hidden essence of this revered martial art. He covers a variety of classical techniques including Niqja kenpo, Yagyu Shinkage-ryu, as well as two-sword techniques. Drawing on his deep knowledge, the author demonstrates advanced, practical applications of the art, using the stick, spear, naginata. and kusarigama. More mysterious, secret techniques are also discussed, including those involving armor, and the variety of renowned mutodori (no-sword) forms-the ultimate martial skill of the samurai. Works of calligraphy by famous samurai masters, such as Asari Matashichiro and Yamaoka Tesshu, accompany the descriptions, as well as important historical scrolls and an array of lavish illustrations that help demonstrate the grace and beauty of Japanese sword fighting. "[Masaaki Hatsumi] explores the history of After his highly acclaimed works The Way of the Ninja and Advanced Stick Fighting, Masaaki Hatsumi continues to pursue his life's ambition 12 of fostering and spreading Budo throughout the world, with this definitive book on the art of Japanese sword fighting. Within his technical descriptions and musings on the history of Bushido, Hatsumi's philosophy of promoting a world of peace and tolerance is ever present, as is his finn belief in the universality of Budo, espoused in his own words: ". . . if the seed of Japan's Budo is planted anywhere in the world, it will continue to grow and flourish." SIDMAN DEAN ROSTOHAR 15THDAN From the mouths of others... Me... I personally enjoyed it as I do any of Soke's books. Awesome photos, especially if you like it nom a historical viewpoint, many old scrolls shown. It really gives you something to think about. I've given this book a five-shuriken rating. I believe that every serious student should have a copy of this one! I I I L Rating: +++++ Five-senban shuriken! Soke speaks "Don't teach this technique to others. This is a true killing technique that could be misused by bad people. Not everything I teach should be taught to everyone. " Soke Masaaki Hatsumi - Taken nom "Quotations From Soke Part IV" by Benjamin Cole March 1- 2, 2008 TOGAKURE RYU NINPO & SHINKEN GATA Budapest, Hungary Bujinkan Zanshin Dojo Magyar Attila Shidoshi Ho - May 3 4, 2008 TOGAKURE RYU NINPO & SHINKEN GAT A Vienna, Austria Bujinkan Fushikaden Dojo Wien Arnold Stiehl Shidoshi - Seminars Here we will keep you informed of upcoming seminars, as well as reviews of those attended. If you want to advertise your seminar here contact us at: May 8 19,2008 TOGAKURE RYU NINPO & SHINKEN GATA Noda, Japan Dean Rostohar Shihan Davor Ga~parovicShihan E-mail: 13 KACEM ZOUGHARI c:~ JIf{ "\ MARCH 8-9, 2008 New York City, USA TOGAKURE RYU Ninjutsu, GYOKKO RYU Cbuden Waza & Ken (Sword) Bujinkan New York City Benevolent Heart Dojo ~ Francine Trembla~-10th Dan For more information and details please visit our website: -13th Dan Brad Hutchinson - http://www JoshuaNoroPolier,LMTShidoshi CANADIAN SIDMAN TAIKAI 2008 - MARCH 22 23, 2008 ~, ~ Craig Olson -15th Dan Courtland Elliot -14th Dan Eduard Divantman -12th Dan U Bill Brown -11th Dan Shawn Gra~ - 10th Dan Frank Hill-10th Dan Estelle PadelouR,-Serrano-10th Dan Bernard Gregoire -12th Dan Manolo Serrano -12th Dan 14 $105 Early bird price until Jan 31, 2007 http://bujinkancanada.orgl SHIHAN PHILLIP LEGARE SIDHAN MICHAEL PEARCE Feb.29 - Mar 2, 2008 San Diego, California Shinken Taijutsu Info: SHIHAN CHRIS CARBONARO May 3, 2008 West Palm Beach, Florida The Palm Beach Bujinkan Dojo Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu Defending Others -Weapons Training March 15 - 16, 2008 Paul Fisher Phone: 561832-5255 Ed Figueroa Alex & Lucy Valhuerde pembroke - Shihan Karl Koch Shihan Andrew Young Durham, North Carolina Hidden Mountain Dojo Bujinkan Keiko-Kai For Sale Carbon steel samurai sword E-mail: SHIHAN JACK HOBAN Black and red saya and tsuka ito (handle wrapping). Sharp. Very nice display piece. Does not have a full tang but very good for doing test cutting on multiple pieces of cardboard (have done this myself). Retail price is $150 CDN. Will sell for $100 CDN to Bujinkan students. 3 left for sale. Take all 3 for $225 ($75 each). Sword stand not included. 15 WWII Gendaito Handmade Jutte Fully hand-made military katana. Most WWII blades were machine made and hand finished, unlike this one. Blade was made in 1942 and assembled with 1944 furniture. Steel scabbard with wood liner. Super rare. Good investment. Blade is signed and in excellent condition, no rust on blade. These are the last swords ever used in combat. $1000 CDN / US. Ko!!:ai or Kozuka throwin!!: knives Tool steel. Antiqued or plain steel. Can have name engraved on prong to personalize. Excellent gift. Handle wrapped in hand-braided nylon rope (will not wear out). Have style above and straight prong style. Various lengths. Limited supply. I will not make any again once sold out. $35 CDN / US. Custom Sword/metal work Here are a few things I have made in the past . .. .. . These knives were found in pockets of the katana saya (scabbard) and were used for many purposes. Antiqued to look old. Can have your name engraved in either Latin script or Japanese kanji (please supply yourself). Great gift. . . . Silver inlayed Fuchi (collar), Tsuka, Tsuba New Saya Habaki (brass collar next to hand guard) Handle wrapping Same (white stingray skin under wrapping - my own imitation) Yari head, regular and Jumonji yari Complete swords Kusari weights Kusari gama Drop me a message with your design or wish and we can talk. All work custom, one of a kind. $20.00 CDN / US. Great gift for your sensei.
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