GN #18 June 2008 PT II
GN #18 June 2008 PT II
8 Japanese Part of understanding our tradition is learning at least a basic level of Japanese, the original language of the ninja and samurai. Send your answers to: nindja Last months item: Studying these basic phrases helps us to bridge cultural gaps and helps us have a basic understanding when training with Sensei who might not speak our native tongues. Here are some basic words, which you will eventually come across in our art. Please familiarize yourselves with these as well. . .. . . . . Tsuba The tsuba or hand guard was used on a number of Japanese weapons, not jut the sword. The y could be found on all the various sword weapons such as katana, Tachi, no-dachi, etc... They were also found on various Naginata, yari and even on the shafts of certain tobacco smoking pipes, which were modified to be used as weapons as well. The purpose of the tsuba was to protect the hands ITom the opponents cutting weapons. It is an idea, which has been used around the world, especially found on bladed weapons. Various prominent samurai (lords, shogun, etc...) also had tsuba, which were elaborately engraved and sometimes inlayed with precious metals such as gold and silver. This let people see that you were of a higher stature in the class system but by no means provided any indication of ones skill with the blade. . . . . .. . . . .. . . - SHOTEN NO JUTSU ascending to the heavens tech. SHOTO short sword. - - SHUGYO learning SHUGYOSHA person undergoing the trials of severe self-development training SHUKO - metal hand claws for climbing SHUTO KEN sword hand SO JUTSU art of fighting with the spear - SOKE - head - - ofthe family (Grandmaster) SOKUHO to the side SOKUYAKU kicking tech. SOTO ITomthe outside SUI water SUIGETSU NO JUTSU water, moon tech. (falsehood appears real) SUI KI water tools (breathing devices, etc... ) SUIREN water training SUlTON JUTSU -water escape methods - - - - - - - SUTEMI -sacrifice SUW ARI WAZA tech. - techs.performedin seated positions TABI -traditional footwear of the Japanese TAEIRU disappear - We should familiarize ourselves with as many phrases and words, and try to build a large vocabulary in Japanese. 9 Book / video review Here we will review books and videos/movies on the ninja and samurai arts. This month we will have a short review on Soke's video titled, "Ken, Tachi, Katana". Seminars Here we will keep you informed of upcoming seminars, as well as reviews of those attended. If you want to advertise your seminar here contact us at: nindja _ SIDHAN DEAN ROSTOHAR (15TH DAN) Soke made this video showing the historical lineage of the Japanese long blade. From the beginning, with the Chinese style Ken (straight sword, double cutting edge) to the Tachi, which was next in the evolution of the Japanese swords history to the Katana we all know and love. Not just a history lesson, but one of practical experience. Soke demonstrates how techniques were developed for the various weapons, depending on the situations encountered at those times in their growth. One really interesting part of the Tachi section was the use of the No-dachi by Soke in the video. I give this video a five-shuriken rating. All blade lovers such as myself should enjoy this one. Rating: +++++ Five-senban shuriken! 10 JAPAN KANJO SEMINAR May 31-June 1,2008 Zagreb, Croatia Togakure Ryu Ninpo KOSTAS KANAKIS (1 5THDAN) Shihan Dean Rostohar 15.Dan And Shihan Davor Ga~parovic 13.Dan E-mail: September 05 - 07,2008 Saxony/ Germany Togakure Ryu Ninpo Taijutsu & Ningu SIDHAN CHRIS CARBONARO Seminar Administration E-mail: Sven Gutknecht (+49) 375 6068670 SEIREN DOJO 5th ANNIVERSA Y KAGEYAMA'S SHIEU July 26th 2008 Cookstown, Ontario BUJINKAN KEIKO-KAI July 5 - 6, 2008 Cliffside Park Dojo Cliffside Park, NJ, USA Shihan Jay Zimmerman, Shihan Oliver Martin, Shihan Chris Carbonaro, and Shidoshi Anthony Lucas BUJINKAN KEIKO-KAI August 2 - 3, 2008 Minnesota, USA Sponsor: Shidoshi Ethan Capers (Mizu Nagare Dojo) More info coming soon! KAT A PRACTICE, TAMESHIGIRI, BBQ and BIRTHDAY Wishes, GOMA FIRE RITUAL Phone: (705)458-8872 e-mail: For Sale Carbon Steel Samurai Sword E-mail: Black and red saya and tsuka ita (handle wrapping). Sharp. Very nice display piece. 11 Does not have a full tang but very good for doing test cutting on multiple pieces of cardboard (have done this myself). Retail price is $150 CDN. Will sell for $100 CDN to Bujinkan students. 2 left for sale. Sword stand not included. Tool steel. Antiqued or plain steel. Can have name engraved on prong to personalize. Excellent gift. Handle wrapped in hand-braided nylon rope (will not wear out). Have style above and straight prong style. Various lengths. Limited supply. I will not make any again once sold out. Koeai or Kozuka throwine knives $35 CDN / US. Custom Sword/metal work Here are a few things I have made in the past . These knives were found in pockets of the katana saya (scabbard) and were used for many purposes. Antiqued to look old. Can have your name engraved in either Latin script or Japanese kanji (please supply yourself). Great gift. $20.00 CDN / US. Handmade Jutte Silver inlayed Fuchi (collar), Tsuka, Tsuba . . . . New Saya Habaki (brass collar next to hand guard) Handle wrapping Same (white stingray skin under . . . . Yari head, regular and Jumo~i yari Complete swords Kusari weights Kusari gama wrapping- myownimitation) Drop me a message with your design or wish and we can talk. All work custom, one of a kind. Great gift for your sensei. 12 Training tip Ken Kaeshi (Counter-kicking) Keri kaeshi is the method of countering against an opponents kicks. This is usually done with the legs but can also be done with other parts of the body. The attacker kicks at the defender. This time the defender moves out of the attack angle and quickly kicks under the attacking leg. striking various kyusho (pressure points). This can also be done with the toes instead of the shin/instep once the toes have been sufficiently conditioned The attacker attempts to kick at the defender. The defender in this case quickly counters by striking the attackers shin/instep area, effectively jamming the kick before it can come out fully. 1 The defender moves outside the attackers kick and catches the attackers leg with his foot and shin. The attacker kicks at the defender. The defender quickly moves out of the way and kicks to the attackers base leg. 2 The defender then raises and pulls the attackers leg forward, pulling him very quickly into a splits position. The attacker falls in great pain caused from ripped groin and leg muscles. Note how the defender can strike completely unopposed The defender can also easily pin the 13 attacker by simply kneeling on the attackers thigh causing excruciating pain. "The Most Important thing is to Master Budo for Yourself' During the 2007 Daikomyosai party, Nagato sensei approached me and said, "Chris, the most important thing is to Master Budo for yourself." I was caught a bit off guard about this, and have come to understand what Nagato sensei told me 5 months ago. The only person that matters when it comes to life and budo is YOU. Nagato sensei told us a story about how Soke was able to meet with a 10 l-year-old monk on his deathbed. Soke then asked the Monk what is the secret to life. The monk answered, YOU are the most important thing on this earth. At fIrst, many people will be caught off guard with this answer, but you have to look deeper into the meaning. How many times do we see people trying to help others, when they cannot even help themselves? By doing this, it makes it harder for those people to get themselves to a good point in life. Therefore, life and budo must start with YOU. Once you have been able to reach a good point in life, then you can help others, and help them more easily. This is the same with Budo. When you come to the dojo, the only person that matters is YOU. No one is there to take you by the hand and guide you through life/budo. When you come to the dojo, you must be ready to learn for yourself. I noticed this weekend that many people do not understand how to train. Therefore, I would like to share with you the way I train, whenever I go to see my teachers in Japan. I use the same training method when I go to seminars, or another Shihans class. The fIrst step in learning, is to ask questions. However, I am not talking about asking your instructor, but about asking yourself these questions. When you are in the hombu dojo, and there are over 100 people, it becomes difficult to train well. That is why you have to look for the key points. There are always key points in every technique that is being shown. This is the first question: What were the key points based on what the instructor showed? The eyes are very important, because you have to be able to catch what happened in only an instant of time. This would be expected of you as a witness to a crime. It only happened once, and you would be asked a million questions as to what happened. You have no time to think, but all the time in the world to process. Once I have fIgured out the key points, I then try to fIt them into the series of movements that were shown. When the instructor stops the class and shoes the technique again, although there may be a slight change, the majority of the technique is there. It is at this point; I realize that what I was doing was not 100% correct. I then make a few changes to correct what I was doing. This is the second question: Am I really doing what the instructor is doing? While you are training, you should not simply just move, or go through a series of movements that will not help you to grow. Instead, you have to fmd the pattern of the technique that is being shown, and then add in the key points. The last step in the training is to feel the technique. Soke often tells us that only the person who is uke can truly understand what is going on. Therefore, if you are fortunate enough to be uke for the class, you have to feel how your 14 body was manipulated, and try to reproduce this feeling. This is the third and final question: When I do the technique, does my uke respond the same way? If not, what can I do to make him respond the same way? Was my foot in the wrong position? Was I too far away? Was I too close? Did I use my left hand instead of my right hand? The list can go on and on. However if you implement these three main questions into your training, you will fmd that you taijutsu will become like new. Ifnot, then you will continue on an endless loop of doing the same movements day in and day out. By staying on this loop, your taijutsu cannot grow. Therefore, it is important to remember that your training starts and ends with YOU. YOU must try and learn for yourself. YOU must cultivate your eyes to see the truth. YOU must want to continue to grow and better your taijutsu. When YOU return to your dojos, go to Japan, or attend seminars, please try to implement these three questions in order to improve your taijutsu. YOUR taijutsu is only important to YOU. Therefore, it is only YOU who can choose to learn, or to stay on the endless loop. Disclaimer It is highly recommended that medical advice be sought before following any of the suggestions written in this newsletter. It is also highly recommended to seek out a qualified, competent instructor to guide you safely before attempting this or any other potential knowledge. The purpose of publishing this newsletter is to help serious students of the Bujinkan advance their studies through a community effort. This concept is reflected in the name of our newsletter, "Gambatte ne", which means, "Keep going". Please feel free to pass this information among other Bujinkaners. All content published here is for the exclusive use ofBujinkan students. We will strive to be as accurate as possible. If anyone feels that they have anything to contribute please e-mail it to me and it will be considered for publication. Any comments or questions will be welcomed. The author or any contributors assume no responsibility whatsoever for any misuse of the information found in these pages. This is NOT an official Bujinkan newsletter. Sincerely, Chris Carbonaro Bujinkan Shihan Please watch who and what you teach. Peace! Sokespeaks Nevin Zeljko Broz Shidoshi-ho Bujinkan Seishin Ronin Dojo "Use your body to punch. It's not just your arm power, unless of course you're extremely strong. Use your spine and body regardless. " Soke Masaaki Hatsumi Taken from "Quotations From Soke by Benjamin Cole - Part IV" Copyright 2008 Bujinkan Seishin Ronin Dojo
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quickly, just work at your own pace. It'll come
to you. "
Soke Masaaki Hatsumi