CoH Today - Cathedral of Hope
CoH Today - Cathedral of Hope
WORSHIP January 10, 2016 T O D AY Volume 3 | Issue 2 | 9 & 11 a.m. Worship Services | BAPTISM SUNDAY ENDBEGINNINGS “THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST” Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas INSIDE A Note from Neil Order of Worship Youth Events Meeting CoH Flag Design Contest Jason and deMarco Concert Lenten Study Groups ENDBEGINNINGS WELCOME to Worship! Cathedral of Hope is a congregation of the United Church of Christ. Your presence here is a blessing to us, and we hope you will return often. Cathedral of Hope began in 1970 with a circle of 12 friends, and has since grown into the world’s largest liberal Christian church with a primary outreach to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning people. •The VISION of Cathedral of Hope is to be a community of hope proclaiming God’s inclusive love, removing barriers to faith and empowering all people to grow in grace toward wholeness. •The MISSION of Cathedral of Hope is to reclaim Christianity as a faith of Extravagant Grace, Radical Inclusion and Relentless Compassion. Notes for Newcomers Restrooms are located near the double glass doors behind the Sanctuary. Private restrooms are available off the hall to the right of the Hall of Heroes area. For more information about the church, please come to the Ministry & Visitor’s Center located next to Sources of Hope bookstore. Our worship services are recorded for broadcast around the world. We make every effort to respect your privacy. However, if you would like to ensure that you are not seen on screen, please sit in one of the last five rows of pews in the center section. Large-print bulletins and assisted listening systems are available in the bookstore. T Good Morning, Cathedral of Hope! he beginning of a new year starts with two very special events in the life of Jesus. Last week was Epiphany Sunday; we recalled the arrival of the Magi, who had travelled from the East to the place where the star had guided them. Upon their arrival, they found Mary, Joseph and Jesus and they offered Jesus their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. These gifts held much significance for the Christ-child and honored him as “one of them” – claiming his majesty and sovereignty. The Epiphany of the Magi leads us to claim our own epiphanies and to welcome the Christ-child into our hearts as we offer Jesus our lives as sisters and brothers, transforming ourselves and transforming the world. Today we come to witness the Baptism of Jesus, an event that took place many years after his birth. The baptism of Jesus marked the beginning of his public ministry, probably when Jesus was about 30 years old. Matthew, Mark and Luke’s Gospels report the Baptism of Jesus. John the Baptizer had been “preparing the way” by baptizing people for the forgiveness of sins. John said that the one who would come after him would baptize in the Holy Spirit. Baptism has become an important ritual in the life of the Christian community, as it signifies an outward symbol of an inward change. It speaks to “new life” and being “born again”. These symbols of our faith, shared by Jesus, call us today as we celebrate the ministry of Jesus. This EndBeginnings sermon series is about finding new meaning for us in the daily living experience of our faith. It is Jesus who is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. However, this is not a conventional ending or beginning, for with God there is a continuum that is ongoing. In Christ everything is new, and next Sunday we will explore this theme. Baptism marks this event in Jesus and it marks us today. As we make our baptismal vows, and renew them, we affirm our own EndBeginnings, which encourages us to find this new meaning for ourselves. I sincerely hope that you will relish your time today at Cathedral of Hope. Blessings, The Reverend Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas, Senior Pastor In consideration of those seated around you, PLEASE, No Flash Photography H O P E Quotes during the service. PLEASE, Silence Your Cell Phone! “Awesome—So much to be grateful for. That rendition should be put on YouThank you. Tube. Loved the service dog by the organ at the beginning—So grateful for my own “Sam” (11-15-15 service video on-line) —K .H., Sierra Vista, AZ STAFF Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Alberto Magaña Associate Pastor Rev. Todd Scoggins Associate Pastor Rev. Dr. Stephen V. Sprinkle Theologian in Residence Sean Baugh Assoc. Director of Music & Worship Chris Chism Assist. Director of Music & Worship Lee Covington Exec. Assistant to the Senior Pastor Shelley Darling Webmaster Dan Dubree Anita L. Haddy Ministry Development Coordinator Harry Hickey Chief Financial/Operations Officer Jerry King Director of Media Ministry Yadi Martinez Minister of Youth, Young Adults & Missions David Moldenhauer Director of Music & Worship Dan Peeler Minister for Children & Families Bob Shea Interim Advancement Director Jim Summers Director of IT Lynn Taylor Director of Facilities Cover design by Charles Owen. BaptismSunday Sunday Baptism ORDER of WORSHIP BAPTIS M SUND AY | J an uar y 1 0 , 2 0 1 6 | 9 & 1 1 a . m. JANUARY 10,●2016 JANUARY 10, 2016 9 & ●119A&.M11 . A.M. LITURGY OF PREPARATION TURGY OF PREPARATION PRELUDE PRELUDE The Fountain The Fountain by Sam Pratt by Sam Pratt Scherschell, RebeccaRebecca Scherschell, harp harp G ATHERING OF THE C OMMUNITY GATHERING OF THE COMMUNITY **EXCHANGE OF PEACE **EXCHANGE OF PEACE G. Cazares-Thomas Rev. Dr.Rev. NeilDr. G. Neil Cazares-Thomas Rev. Todd Scoggins Rev. Todd Scoggins **PROCESSIONAL At the Font WeOur Start Our Journey HYMNHYMN At the Font We Start Journey **PROCESSIONAL At the Font We Start Our Journey This morning’s Processional Hymn is a marriage of old and (relatively) new. The lyrics for At the Font We Start Our Journey were written in 1991 for the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut by British born bishop Jeffrey Rowthorn. Rowthorn has held positions at Union Theological Seminary and Yale University Divinity School. The hymn tune this text is paired with was adapted from an anthem by Henry Purcell (1659-1695), one of England’s most important pre-twentieth century composers. Purcell began his musical life as a boy chorister. At the age of seventeen he was appointed the organist of Westminster Abbey. In addition to countless anthems and choral works, Purcell composed a large amount of music for the theater. Toward the end of his life he was organist for both Westminster Abbey and the Chapel Royal. Words by Jeffrey Hope Rowthorn,© Hope Publishing Company, adapted WESTMINSTER ABBEY Words by Jeffrey Rowthorn,© Publishing Company, adapted WESTMINSTER ABBEY Music by Henry Purcell, c. 1680 Music by Henry Purcell, c. 1680 This majestic hymn tune License # A-705445 License # A-705445 bears the name “West**INVOCATION **INVOCATION minster Abbey” in honor **The people will rise in body or spirit. **The people will rise in body or spirit. of Purcell’s long association with that church. Cathedral Hope UCCCedar • 5910 Cedar Road Springs Road •TX Dallas, 75235351-1901 • (214) 351-1901 • Cathedral of Hope of UCC • 5910 Springs • Dallas, 75235TX • (214) • 1 LITURGY OF THE WORD HEBREW LESSON Isaiah 43: 1-2, 18-21 Jodie Greb But now thus says our God, the One who created you, Leah and Rachel and Jacob, the One who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. Thus says our God: Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The wild animals will honor me, the jackals and the ostriches; for I give water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, to give drink to my chosen people, the people whom I formed for myself so that they might declare my praise. ANTHEM As Jesus Walked Into the Stream by Susan Borwick Worship Note on p. 4 Sopranos and Altos of the Sanctuary Choir Katrina Kratzer, violin; Quince Holman, cello; Rebecca Scherschell, harp CONFESSION One: All: One: All: One: All: One: All: Gracious God, you have named us “your beloved,” but we have not shared our joy with others. Lord, have mercy on us. You have marked us as your own in baptism, but we have not lived as your faithful people. Christ, have mercy on us. You have called us to be a light to the nations, but we have kept our light hidden. Lord, have mercy on us. Transform us by the power of your Holy Spirit so that we may live out our baptism as your new creation, forgiven and made whole by your matchless love in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Thanks be to God! Amen. WORDS OF ASSURANCE GRADUAL Choir: All: Speak, O Lord, as we come to you to receive the food of your holy word. Take your truth, plant it deep in us; shape and fashion us in your likeness. Words and Music by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend © Thankyou Music CCLI License #123333 2 2 **GOSPEL LESSON Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22 One: All: One: All: God be with you. And also with you. A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke. Glory to you, O God. Minister Yinessa Romero Rev. Dr. Alberto Magaña The people were filled with expectation, and all were questioning in their hearts whether John might be the Messiah. John answered all of them by saying, “I baptize you with water; but one who is more powerful than I is coming, whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. This one will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. A winnowing fork is in his hand, to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into the granary; but the chaff will be burnt with unquenchable fire.” So, with many other exhortations, John proclaimed the good news to the people. When all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, my beloved; with you I am well pleased.” One: All: This is the Gospel of Hope. Praise to you, Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit. **GLORIA Word and Music by Danny Ray arr. Steven Couch © Cathedral of Hope CCLI License #123333 SERMON EndBeginnings The Baptism of Christ 3 3 Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas **RENEWAL OF OUR BAPTISMAL VOWS **SONG OF RESPONSE I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry Words and Music by John Ylvisaker © John Ylvisaker License#A-705445 Worship Note below BORNING CRY LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST PRESENTATION OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS As Jesus Walked into the Stream (on page 2) O FFERTORY God Is Here The baptism of Jesus models God’s tender blessing on all of us, “God’s beloved.” As the river of God’s Spirit flows, it renews, washes, and heals. This Words by Fred Pratt Green; Music by Sheldon Curry Anthem, by church composer Susan Borwick, interweaves quiet and flowing soprano and alto voices and instruments in a modal tone, conveying the Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra spiritual truth of God’s love for all of us. “God speaks and sends a heavenly dove and names us, ‘My beloved.’” CELEBRATION OF HOLY COMMUNION I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry TO OUR GUESTS WYlvisaker ORDS OF INSTITUTION John Carl is perhaps best known for his hymn, I Was There To Hear Your Borning Cry. He was born in Moorhead, Minnesota and is a graduCathedral of Hope celebrates an open communion. We understand the sharing of ate of Concordia College located there. During the last 55 yearsthe John’s andwine music have been powerful influence on oftheandevelopment of new breadwords and the in Jesus’ namea to be a representation ancient vision PRAYER OF CONSECRATION of God’s feast for all peoples. We don’t you to ofbethe a Evangelical member of Lutheran this worship materials for the church, with his compositions appearing in hundreds of worship resources. Prior require to the merger church, or any church, to participate with us in this feast of grace. Simply come ChurchIin America (ELCA), theTHE Media Services Center of the American Lutheran Church (ALC) employed John Ylvisaker to write original compositions NVITATION TO FEAST forward at the ushers’ direction. After dipping a wafer in the wine, the minister will for its resources. In 1985, the ALC was doing a series on baptism called Johnoffer began workblessing. on the song before anytofootage for the video place it on“Reflections”. your tongue and a brief If you prefer serve yourself, had been shot. When the media team E met to put the music with thenotvideo first oftime, it became obvious that the dance-like beatcome and fast or do wishfor to the partake the wine, cup your hands in front of you as you OF THE LEMENTS DISTRIBUTION receive communion. rhythm of the music John had written did not match the gentle to scenes being depicted on the screen. The lyrics were on target, but not the music. As he left the studio that day, John received the suggestion to “take it home and personalize it”. Thus began the most arduous task any composer can face – changing a completed work into something else. However, the original “false labor” later gave way to the “birth” of BORNING CRY, which is now included in songbooks and hymnals around the world. 4 4 License#A-705445 LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST PRESENTATION OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY God Is Here Words by Fred Pratt Green; Music by Sheldon Curry Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra CELEBRATION OF HOLY COMMUNION WORDS OF INSTITUTION TO OUR GUESTS PRAYER OF CONSECRATION INVITATION TO THE FEAST DISTRIBUTION OF THE ELEMENTS Cathedral of Hope celebrates an open communion. We understand the sharing of the bread and the wine in Jesus’ name to be a representation of an ancient vision of God’s feast for all peoples. We don’t require you to be a member of this church, or any church, to participate with us in this feast of grace. Simply come forward at the ushers’ direction. After dipping a wafer in the wine, the minister will place it on your tongue and offer a brief blessing. If you prefer to serve yourself, or do not wish to partake of the wine, cup your hands in front of you as you come to receive communion. MUSIC DURING COMMUNION I Have Loved You I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have called you and you are mine. I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have called you and you are mine. Seek the face of the Lord and long for God: God will fill you with light and with peace. (Refrain) 4 Seek the face of the Lord and long for God: God will fill you with joy and with hope. (Refrain) Words and Music by Michael Joncas, based on Jeremiah 31: 3 and Psalm 24: 3, adapted © New Dawn Music License # A-705445 The Power of Your Love Lord, I come to you, let my life be changed, renewed, flowing from the grace that I found in you. Lord, I’ve come to know the weaknesses I see in me will be stripped away by the pow’r of your love. Hold me close, let your love surround me. Bring me near, draw me to your side. And as I wait, I’ll rise up like the eagle, And I will soar with you, your Spirit leads me on in the pow’r of your love. Lord, unveil my eyes. Let me see you face to face, the knowledge of your love as you live in me. Lord, renew my mind as your will unfolds in my life, in living every day by the pow’r of your love. Hold me close, let your love surround me. Bring me near, draw me to your side. And as I wait, I’ll rise up like the eagle, And I will soar with you, your Spirit leads me on in the pow’r of your love. TO OUR GUESTS It has become a tradition at the Cathedral of Hope to rise as we end our time of communion (as indicated by **), join hands as an expression of our unity in Christ, and lift them up in glory to God. In My Life, Lord In my life, Lord, be glorified, be glorified. In my life, Lord, be glorified today. En mi vida, gloria te doy, gloria te doy. En mi vida, gloria te doy, Señor. 5 Shout to the Lord Words and Music by Geoff Bullock © Word Music, Inc. and Maranatha! Music CCLI License #123333 Words and Music by Bob Kilpatrick © Bob Kilpatrick Music, Inc. CCLI License #123333 And as I wait, I’ll rise up like the eagle, And I will soar with you, your Spirit leads me on in the pow’r of your love. TO OUR GUESTS It has become a tradition at the Cathedral of Hope to rise as we end our time of communion (as indicated by **), join hands as an expression of our unity in Christ, and lift them up in glory to God. We invite you to join as you are able, in body or spirit. In My Life, Lord In my life, Lord, be glorified, be glorified. In my life, Lord, be glorified today. En mi vida, gloria te doy, gloria te doy. En mi vida, gloria te doy, Señor. Shout to the Lord My Jesus, my Savior, Lord, there is none like you; All of my days I want to praise the wonders of your mighty love. My Comfort, my Shelter, Tower of refuge and strength, Let ev’ry breath, all that I am, never cease to worship you. Words and Music by Geoff Bullock © Word Music, Inc. and Maranatha! Music CCLI License #123333 Words and Music by Bob Kilpatrick © Bob Kilpatrick Music, Inc. CCLI License #123333 Worship Note below **Shout to the Lord, all the earth, let us sing, power and majesty, praises we bring. Mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of your name. I sing for joy at the work of your hands, forever I’ll love you, forever I’ll stand; Nothing compares to the promise I have in you! Words and Music by Darlene Zschech, adapted © Darlene Zschech/Hillsongs Australia CCLI License #123333 **PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING 5 Shout to the Lord Australian singer-songwriter Darlene Zschech composed “Shout to the Lord” in 1993 and it has become one of the most well-known modern worship songs, being sung by an estimated 25-30 million churchgoers every Sunday since the song’s release.She wrote the song during a time of personal struggle. When she presented it to Hillsong’s then-worship pastor, Geoff Bullock, she was so embarrassed that she asked him to face away from her as she played and sang. “Shout to the Lord” was first recorded on People Just Like Us and has appeared on more than 200 different albums by numerous artists in multiple languages. It is also the title track for the first live album co-produced with Integrity Music featuring Zschech as a worship leader. It was Integrity Music’s first album to feature a female worship leader. The album was nominated for the 1997 Dove Awards “Praise & Worship Album of the Year” at the Gospel Music Awards. The song was nominated in the 1998 Dove Awards “Song of the Year” category. It has been performed for the Pope at the Vatican and for the President of the United States. On the global impact of “Shout to the Lord”, Zschech said, “I can’t take any credit for its impact. God decided to put his blessing on this song.” Go, My Children, with My Blessing (on page 7) Jaroslav Jan Vajda (1919-2008) wrote this text in 1983 for Concordia Publishing, which was seeking an alternative to the evening hymn “God Who Made the Earth and Heaven,” traditionally sung with this popular Welsh tune. Vajda conceived of the text as a “hymn of dismissal” by God. Jaroslave J. Vajda began his education for the ministry at age thirteen at Concordia College in Fort Wayne, Indian. He translated over one hundred Slovak and Czech poems, along with parts of Slovakia’s classic literature. The traditional Welsh melody is named AR HYD Y NOS, which means “The Livelong Night.” The tune was first printed by Edward Jones in Musical Relicks of the Welsh Bards (1784) in Dublin, Ireland. There it was scored for solo voice, chorus, and harp. 6 **RECESSIONAL HYMN Go, My Children, with My Blessing Words by Jaroslav J. Vajda, adapted; Music: Welsh folk melody License #A-705445 Worship Note on p. 6 AR HYD Y NOS **BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Time of Prayer After the service, caring ministers will be in the chapel area to offer you personal prayer for healing and comfort. Time of Fellowship Please join us for refreshments after the service in the Fellowship Hall. 6 7 News January 10, 2016 BRIEFS A “Coming Out” Workshop Are you “coming out”? Have you been out for a while? No matter where you are on your coming out journey, you will benefit from this seven-week workshop. The workshop is a safe place to explore coming out to oneself, to family, to friends and at work. We will also address the spiritual aspects of the process and God’s love for you. The interactive workshop is open to all LGBT persons, family and friends. It’s facilitated by UCC Pastoral Counselor Rev. Dr. Gary Kindley, United Methodist Pastor Rev. Jane Graner, and CoH member Will Fields. Tuesday Evenings 7–9 p.m. January 12, 19, 26 and February 2, 9, 16, 23. Congregational Life Center Chapel. Pre-registration is requested and attendance for all 7 weeks is strongly encouraged. Register online at If you need additional information, please email Will Fields at T CoH Youth Events Meeting TODAY ODAY we will meet after the 11 a.m. service in our Youth Rm 107 to share our 2016 Calendar. We invite Parents/guardians to stop by as we share exciting news for Jr. High Mission Trip, Sr. High National Youth Event and greater church wide opportunities. For more information or to be part of our amazing team of Youth leaders, contact Minister Yadi at CoH Flag Design Contest: Call for Submissions Hey, all you creative types. We have an exciting challenge for you. The CoH Communication Team is sponsoring a Cathedral of Hope Flag Design Contest. All are invited to participate. Design rules and specifications follow: 1. Final design will be displayed on a 6’ X 10’ flag. 2. The design should reflect the spirit, mission, and the core values of Cathedral of Hope. 3. Be creative. 4. If you use the words “Cathedral of Hope” you must use CoH approved logo, but words of any kind are not recommended. 5. Design may use rainbow colors, but rainbow flag elements should not be the primary feature. 6. Design may use the Interfaith Peace Chapel, but it should not be the primary feature. 7. Designs may be submitted as HIGH Resolution .JPEG, .TIFF, .EPS, .PDF or hand drawn illustrations that are at least 8 ½ X 11. 8. Submissions may be sent via email to or dropped off at the reception desk during regular business hours, or can be mailed to: Flag Design Contest Cathedral of Hope, 5910 Cedar Springs Rd.,Dallas, TX 75235 Jason & deMarco In Concert NEXT Sunday, January 17, CoH Sanctuary, 6 p.m. Internationally known recording artists, Jason & deMarco, have traveled throughout the country for more than a decade, touching congregations with their beautiful harmonies. They have had songs rise up the Billboard charts, received awards for their work in social justice and their controversial music videos, performed at numerous high-profile events and were featured in a documentary-film called “We’re all Angels” that aired on Showtime for 18 months. Their concerts infuse a unique sense of humor and passion to tell their inspirational story of creating the “impossible” and living a happy life, both as singing partners and life partners with twin sons born through surrogacy. Join us for this evening of music in the Cathedral of Hope Sanctuary, Sunday, The finalist will meet with the CoH Flag Design Team. ALL SUBMISSIONS January 17, at 6 p.m. A love offering will be taken. Childcare available. MUST BE RECEIVED BY January 31, 2016 8 LEGACY Planning Session Saturday, January 16 LEGACY is a Cathedral of Hope social group made up of single or coupled mature adults (50 or better) who meet the third Saturday of each month for an outing or a potluck dinner at church or at a private home. Often, Legacy will provide nurturing care for those who are in need of assistance with medical problems or challenges. Our next LEGACY event will be our annual Planning Session held at Mario’s Mexican & Salvadorian Restaurant (5404 Lemmon Avenue) on Saturday, January 16, 2016. We will gather between 11:15 - 11:30 a.m. They have a large section that they will reserve for our group. Mario’s has a very reasonable brunch and full menu, and drink specials. They will do separate checks. There is easy parking in front, behind or a dedicated lot just across the street. Please begin thinking of activities that you would like to do during 2016. This can be new ideas of places/events we have not done or places/ events that you would like repeated. You can email items to Jeanette at so she can incorporate them into the listing of possibilities she always brings for our consideration. At the meeting, she will distribute this listing of potential activities plus a calendar of places/events we have done in past years. It is you who should be baptizing me! Each week, Dan Peeler, Minister for Children & Families, and Charlie Rose create beautiful illustrations like this one for use in the Children’s Church PowerPoint lessons. We always welcome those that would be interested in hosting a LEGACY event in their home or at church or another venue, and certainly appreciate those who have hosted events at their homes in past years. Today in Children’s Church O Please RSVP to Roy by Thursday, January 14 so that we can give a headcount to Mario’s for setting up tables, and preprint nametags. Looking forward to seeing you there. n this Baptism of the Christ Sunday, we will be studying not only the story of Jesus’ baptism, but also the definition of Baptism itself, beginning with the story of John the Baptist. In our illustrated PowerPoint, we will discover that John the Baptist was so intense in his message that people thought he was a Hebrew Scripture Prophet, Elijah, who had come back to show them the way to God. He announced the coming ministry of Jesus, telling people that God’s rule on earth was near and that they should put their sins behind them and be baptized. In this church, we might say “Create a new life for yourself by leaving things you want to change behind you.” Then Jesus entered to show the people how to actually build new lives. Contact Roy at for further information and to RSVP. Progressive Youth Ministry Conference February 18-20 Cathedral of Hope will be hosting the 3rd annual Progressive Youth Ministry Conference on February 18-20. It can be difficult for a youth worker who identifies as “progressive” or “Liberal” to find a tribe. Most events, conferences, camps, and curriculum cater to evangelicals. But as progressive theology gains more of a foothold in the church, we need a place to gather as well to meet and learn together. Town Hall Meeting Saturday, January 23, Sanctuary, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mark your calendar now to attend the next Town Hall Meeting. Town Hall meetings are designed to keep our congregation informed about what’s going on in our church between Annual Congregational Meetings. Want to be in the know? Come to the meeting on Saturday, January 23 at 11 a.m.! Lunch will follow the meeting in the Fellowship Hall. In February, 2016, The Joppa Group and Cathedral of Hope in Dallas are hosting the third Progressive Youth Ministry Conference. We are committed in presenting a diverse line-up of speakers, fresh ideas for the theory and practice of youth ministry. The theme for PYM16 is “Faith in an Age of Reason.” We will tackle issues including race, religion-and-science, and creativity. Preachers include: Rev. Dr. Neil Cazares-Thomas and Allyson Robinson Giving and Attendance at a Glance Service Worship Auto-Giving Mail/Credit Cards Total Contributions Week Ending 01/03/16 Attd. Ministry 1,118 $9,447 Week Ending 12/27/15 Attd. Ministry 2,408 $21,891 Week Ending 12/20/15 Attd. Ministry 1,313 $13,833 $27,793 $13,340 $50,580 $34,904 $1,702 $58,497 $34,904 $1,702 $50,439 1,118 Contributions Goal Over/(Short Fall) $35,000 $15,580 YTD Contributions YTD Contribution Goal Over/(Short Fall) $53,929 $35,000 $18,929 2,408 1,313 $35,768 $22,729 YTD Operating Receipts YTD Operating Expenses Over/(Short Fall) Conference seminars include: Rabbi Evan Moffic “What every Christian needs to know about the Jewishness of Jesus”; Cathedral of Hope Youth Pastor Yadi Martinez “Ministering to Trans Youth”, Doug Paggit “FLIP your youth ministry among many more.” Special speakers include: Rob Bell “All Things Are Yours: A few thoughts on the awesome and unexpected truth that every explanation merely moves the mystery a layer deeper. And what that has to do with fifteen years old.” To register ,visit the , code UCC. $35,768 $14,671 To sign up to be a volunteer. please contact our Youth Minister Yadi Martinez. Yadi can be reached at or leave a message at 214351-1901 x220 $72,656 $78,650 ($5,994) 9 Lenten Book Study Groups Forming Grounded: Finding God in the World —A Spiritual Revolution By Diana Butler Bass Cathedral of Hope and The Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Dallas Chapter, are working together in 2016! CoH, in collaboration with Alzheimer’s Association, will begin offering a monthly lecture series to bring greater awareness to our community about the disease and to also provide support for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia and their care partners. The headlines are clear: religion is on the decline in America as many people leave behind traditional religious practices. Diana Butler Bass argues that what appears to be a decline actually signals a major transformation in how people understand and experience God. The distant God of conventional religion has given way to a more intimate sense of the sacred that is with us in the world. This shift, from a vertical understanding of God to a God found on the horizons of nature and human community, is at the heart of a spiritual revolution that surrounds us – and that is challenging not only religious institutions, but political and social ones as well. The first lecture, “The Basics of Alzheimer’s Disease ”, will be presented by Dr. Ramona Rhodes on Wednesday evening, February 10, in the Congregational Life Center (CLC) Chapel. There will be refreshments and a time of gathering at 5:30 p.m. with the one-hour lecture beginning promptly at 6 p.m. Grounded explores this cultural turn as Bass unpacks how people are finding new spiritual ground by discovering and embracing God everywhere in the world around us—in the soil, the water, the sky, in our homes and neighborhoods, and in the global commons. O n Sunday, January 17, Cathedral of Hope will display some very special art created through a therapeutic program of the Alzheimer’s Association called “Memories in the Making”. Each piece of art is the work of an individual living with Alzheimer’s disease and will be located in the Ministry & Visitor’s Center through the month of January. Kimberly Knight-MSSW is the Associate Director of Community Relations for the Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Dallas Chapter and she will be with us on January 17 to answer questions and share additional information about this exciting new program offered at Cathedral of Hope. Lectures will be offered on the 2nd Wednesday of each month through October, Signups 2016. In addition to the lectures, CoH will be hosting an Alzheimer’s Support Group on the 2nd Saturday of each month beginning February 13 at 10 a.m. in Signups begin NEXT Sunday, January 17, and continue each Sunday and Wednesday through February 3. CLC 106. If you would like to know more about these collaborative programs, please con- Books tact Rev. Todd Scoggins at or Brian Parman Books will be available in Sources bookstore for $17.95 (less than both Amazon at and Barnes & Noble) and are available in Kindle and Nook versions for $13.99. The Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Dallas Chapter—The Alzheimer’s Association is dedicated to providing support and assistance to persons affected Facilitators by Alzheimer’s disease and to their families and other caregivers through the Interested in leading a group? Print the Keywords: STUDY GROUP Chapter’s core services. LEADER in the comments section of the registration pad, or email The mission of the Alzheimer’s Association is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease to let us know of your interest. through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health and the hope of a future world without Alzheimer’s disease. CoH Devotions Did you know that Cathedral of Hope offers weekday devotions? If you have not already signed up to receive these spiritual nuggets during the week, you WISH LIST can do so today at our website. Visit and sign in Periodically, the Advancement Office will publish items forming a WISH LIST to subscribe. generated by Staff and Volunteers that would enhance their ministry in one form or another. If interested in any of these gift opportunities, please contact Free Rapid HIV Testing Bob Shea in the Advancement Office at or 214Offered on the first and third Sundays (no appoint351-1901, x134. Thank you! ment needed) between the 9 and 11 a.m. services, in Music Ministry Music Stands 12 @ $20 each the lower level of the IPC, Room C, and the second Music Stand Lights 8 @ $35 each and fourth Mondays from 1 to 3 p.m. during iCare Congo Stand 1 @ $200 (no appointment needed). Offered by appointment on Timpani Cover 1 @ $350 the first and third Wednesdays of each month here at CoH. Youth Ministry Youth Bibles 25 @ $20 each TV Ministry Balcony Monitor 1 @ $3,000 Call 469-291-2800 to schedule an appointment. 10 Volunteer Opportunities for the New Year TRIBUTES Tributes that reach the office by 5 p.m. on Tuesday will be printed in the ere are some resolutions you can keep in the New Year. To express coming week’s bulletin. Tributes that reach the office afterwards will be interest in participating in the volunteer opportunities below, email printed in the following week’s bulletin. Space limitations may also apply. or PRINT the Keyword in the comments In Memory of Tom Davis In Honor of Ally section of the registration form and be sure to include your contact information By Ken Corban By Chris Kollack so Anita Haddy, Ministry Development Coordinator, can follow up with you. H NEW!! Special Events Team Members of this team help in many different aspects of CoH Events, including but not limited to: set up and/or take down, greeting, ushering, and staffing tables for registration, ticket sales and will call. A fun and exciting way to get to know new people. Keyword: EVENTS Breakfast at Cathedral of Hope (BACH) Want to give to others in thanks for the blessings you have received? This team of volunteers provide a hot cooked breakfast for the homeless each Saturday morning. Tasks include, set up and/or take down, check-in, cooking, serving, and clean up. Keyword: BACH In Memory of My Family and Friends By Joleen Decle In Memory of Miriam and Paul G. Pedersen By Paul M. Pedersen In Memory of Paul Shaw By Beth and Witt Langstaff In Honor of Sobriety, God, and Homeward Bound By Edward Coleman In Honor of John Bray By Cyl Adams Reed In Honor of Lee Covington By Mark Brown In Honor of My Friend Aurora Soto de Law By Richard DuPont In Honor of Bill Eure By Phil Martin To make an honorary or memorial gift, please contact Ariel Duarte at or 214.351.1901 x131, or use the envelope in the pew rack. iCare Team This team runs the CoH food pantry that provides a light lunch and bags of nonperishable food to the homeless and hungry. Tasks include set up/take down, check in, filling and distributing bags preparing and serving lunch, and clean up. If you’re bilingual (English/Spanish), we can definitely use your help. Daytime hours only, weekly on Mondays 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Keyword: iCare Usher Ministry Each week, different usher teams work to prepare the Sanctuary for worship services, seat people as they arrive, take up the offering and direct people during communion. Women and people of color are especially encouraged to join. Keyword: USHER Prison Ministry Share your gift of compassion through our prisoner correspondence ministry. Reach out to persons who are incarcerated and provide hope that God’s inclusive love is for them as well. Orientation provided prior to serving. Keyword: PRISON Pastoral Care/Prayers If you know anyone who would like to be included on the church prayer list, send the request to or online at contact-us-forms/prayer-request. If you know of someone in need of pastoral contact, please notify Rev. Todd Scoggins by phone at 214.351.1901 or 11 #CoHDallas Winning Photo Cathedral of Hope Youth Group December 13, 2015 —photo of our young congregants during Advent. Photo by Brandon Kirk. Weekly Recurring Meetings and Events SUNDAY H Sale • Sale Continues ome décor, some candles, plaques, signs, and probably more. Discounts from 30% to much more than 50%! Some are single items only; some have only 2 or more. Stop by today before all is gone! The Best Party of Our Lives Told in a series of essays that mimic the course of a traditional wedding, from engagement to walking down the aisle to the honeymoon and beyond, The Best Party of Our Lives invites readers to reflect on what makes their own relationships unique and the significance of public celebrations of love. With chapters each focusing on a different couple’s love story, the challenges they faced, and the lessons they learned, the book offers a kaleidoscopic portrait of the changing face of marriage. The perspective these trailblazing LGBT couples gain by examining and remaking marriage for themselves will inform anyone who is planning a wedding and inspire anyone who has ever been in love. Sarah Galvin is the author of the Stranger newspaper’s Wedding Crasher column about attending weddings (which she was invited to, though the name would suggest otherwise), among others. Worship Services–9 & 11 am (English), 1 pm (Spanish) Sanctuary Child Care/Children’s Church 9 & 11 am & 1 pm, CLC HIV Testing–first and third Sunday between 9 & 11 am services IPC Room C - No appointment required. Gaymsters Bridge Group–1 pm, CLC 106 MONDAY Meditation Monday–7 pm, IPC Stonewall Narcotics Anonymous Group–Noon, CLC 116 & 7:30 pm, CLC 107 Groupo de Teatro–Monday 7 pm, CLC 102-103 TUESDAY Stonewall Narcotics Anonymous Group–Noon, CLC 116 & 7:30 pm, CLC 107 StepUP AA Group–6:30-7:30 pm, CLC 106 Gaymsters Bridge Group–7 pm, CLC 102-103 WEDNESDAY Stonewall Narcotics Anonymous Group–Noon, CLC 116 Child Care–7 pm, CLC 135 PULSE–Contemporary Worship–7:15 pm, Sanctuary HIV Testing–Must call for appointment. First & Third Wednesday 4 pm to 6 pm, CLC 102-103. Contact UT Southwestern 214-645-7300 THURSDAY Stonewall Narcotics Anonymous Group–Noon, CLC 116 & 7:30 pm, CLC 107 StepUP AA Group–6:30-7:30 pm, CLC 106 Crystal Meth Anonymous Support Group–6:30 pm, CLC 116 FRIDAY Uncle John’s Factastic Bathroom Reader Stonewall Narcotics Anonymous Group–Noon, CLC 116 Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader got a FACTASTIC face lift for the 28th all-new edition of this beloved book series. Now with a fancy flexi-cover and slightly larger trim size on the outside, and a sleeker style on the inside! All of our fans’ Bathroom Reader favorites are packed into these glorious pages—from little-known history to the origins of everyday things— plus odd news, weird fads, quirky quotes, mind-bending science, head-scratching blunders, and all sorts of random oddities. Oh yeah, and thousands of incredible FACTS! StepUP AA Group–8:30-9:30 am, CLC 106 Stonewall Narcotics Anonymous Group–Noon, CLC 116 Research Study Seek Participants SATURDAY Monthly Recurring Meetings and Events Monthly Birthday Celebration–first Sunday–10:15 am, FH Board of Stewards Meeting–fourth Monday (Jan. Only)–7 pm, FH Taizé Prayer Service–first Friday (except July and August) – 7 pm, IPC Cathedral Couples–first Saturday 6 pm, location varies. Contact Jim at LEGACY (50 + Social Group)–third Saturday, time & location varies. Contact Roy at Young Adults – last Saturday, time & location varies. Contact Yadi at A Capella University PhD candidate is seeking black, female, same-sex lov- CLC=Congregational Life Center FH=Fellowship Hall IPC=Interfaith Peace Chapel ing teachers in the educational system to participate in a secure video conference interview as part of a qualitative study: Professional Identity Development Among Black Lesbian Teachers. Greening Tip If you identify as a black, female, teacher who is same-sex loving, or know In the New Year, make an effort to switch to green cleaners, paints, sealers. of one willing to participate, please contact the researcher, Kristina Nemard- Use green materials. You’ll reduce packaging and toxins and improve your Underwood by email at or by phone at health by using simple products like vinegar for most of your cleaning needs. 678-632-5445. 12 Advertise Your Business, Event or Service! E ach week, we put the Cathedral Weekly Newsletter, CoH Worship Today, DIRECTLY into the hands of the hundreds of people who attend the Sunday 9 & 11 a.m. worship services. At, the online version has the potential to reach even more! Let us design your ad for a nominal fee or submit your own; either way you’ll reach thousands of potential customers each month. Contact Charles Owen at: 214-351-1901 x212 or by e-mail at: Comprehensive Insurance Services for You and Your Business Mark Bigham Principal/Agent 214.838.6180 | 281.292.4900 AN AFFILIATE OF PACIFIC CREST SERVICES, INC. AND PACIFIC CREST INSURANCE PROGRESSIVE YOUTH MINISTRY CONFERENCE A GATHERING FOR INSPIRATION, CHALLENGE, AND CAMARADERIE. FEBRUARY 18-20, 2016 CATHEDRAL OF HOPE, DALLAS, TX PROGRESSIVEYOUTHMINISTRY.ORG EVELYN PARKER PAUL WALLACE CATHERINE KELLER ROB BELL Progressive Youth Ministry Conference Dallas, Texas • February 18-20 #PYM16 ELENA MARIA KARENEVA Immigration Attorney First Consultation is FREE. Se Habla Espanol “Triangle Payment Systems Inc vows to exceed our customers and partners’ expectations in delivering the best value for payment processing solutions and customer care for their businesses.” 972-446-8884 1314 East Belt Line Rd., Carrollton WWW.KARENEVALAW.COM 13 HOPE on the Horizon EVENTS at a GLANCE* January 2016 Sunday, JAN 10 EndBeginnings: “The Baptism of Christ” Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas, Sunday Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Rev. Dr. Alberto Magaña, 1 p.m. Spanish Wednesday, JAN 13 • PULSE My Story: “ I Decided to Stop” Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas, Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. Sunday, JAN 17 EndBeginnings: “Everything New” Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas, Sunday Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Rev. Dr. Alberto Magaña, 1 p.m. Spanish Jason & deMarco in Concert, 6 p.m. Wednesday, JAN 20 • PULSE My Story: “ I Decided to Stay” Rev. Todd Scoggins, Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. Saturday, JAN 23 • Town Hall Meeting Begins at 11 a.m. followed by lunch in Fellowship Hall Sunday, JAN 24 EndBeginnings: “Focused on the Goal” Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas, Sunday Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Rev. Dr. Alberto Magaña, 1 p.m. Spanish Monday, JAN 25 • Board of Stewards Meeting Fellowship Hall, 7 p.m. Wednesday, JAN 27 • PULSE My Story: “ I Decided to Go” Chris Chism, Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. Sunday, JAN 31 EndBeginnings: “Whenever You are Ready” Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas, Sunday Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Rev. Dr. Alberto Magaña, 1 p.m. Spanish February 2016 Wednesday, FEB 3 • PULSE Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. Sunday, FEB 7 • TRANSFIGURATION SUNDAY Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas, Sunday Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Rev. Dr. Alberto Magaña, 1 p.m. Spanish Wednesday, FEB 10 • ASH WEDNESDAY Imposition of Ashes Service, 7:15 p.m. *Information subject to change without notice and will be updated as needed. Share us with your friends! Follow @CathedralofHope on Twitter for updates & insights! #CoHDallas Jason & deMarco In Concert NEXT Sunday, January 17, CoH Sanctuary, 6 p.m.
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