For October Magazine click here - Parishes of: Heanton Punchardon
For October Magazine click here - Parishes of: Heanton Punchardon
link The Villages Mission Our very own Caroline Raby was ordained Assistant Curate at Exeter Cathedral on Sunday 13th September. More than 30 members of the VMC travelled down to Exeter to share this wonderful occasion with Caroline (although they didn’t travel by coach in the end, so thanks to those who stepped in at the last minute and volunteered to drive when the coach failed to appear!), and lots of Caroline’s family also came to see her take this important step. The evening saw around 50 of us gather at Wrafton Hall for a service of celebration and thanksgiving, Caroline’s choice of music that has been important in her journey to faith (incl. ‘10,000 Reasons’ and ‘Here I am Lord’) and a delicious bring and share supper. Huge Congratulations Caroline - we’re all very proud and look forward to supporting you further! 16 Community October 2015 St Augustine’s, Heanton Punchardon, St Michael & All Angels, Marwood St Calixtus, West Down 1 70p Donations Needed for the Christian Aid Autumn Fair on Saturday 3rd October Please! CHURCH OFFICERS RECTOR Revd Iain Robertson 817448 ASSISTANT CURATE Caroline Raby 815560 READERS Mr David Roff 813329 e-mail: Phone: Mission Community Office 815795 Staff Members 'Day Off' Priest in Charge Assistant Curate Iain Robertson - Friday Caroline Raby - Thursday HEANTON Churchwardens Assistant Warden Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Electoral Roll Officer Synod Representatives MARWOOD Churchwarden Secretary Treasurer Electoral Roll Officer Synod Representative WEST DOWN Churchwardens Secretary Treasurer Synod Representative Reader David Roff - Friday Pamela Harrison Derek Holland Brian Crissell David Roff Jennie Avery Stan Westlake Jane Challacombe Jennie Avery Jenny Woodley Can I help you to make space for Christmas gifts? De-clutter the spare room? Rid yourself of surplus belongings? The Heanton stall needs desirable items for sale in support of Christian Aid. If you can donate, please bring items to church or leave them in the garage at Brackendale, Heanton, or phone Kate for collection (813547). 814406 813931 815598 813329 812241 816340 813231 812241 813087 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes Christine Westlake is again organising Operation Christmas child shoe boxes to be sent in October. The guides will again assemble the shoe boxes from Heanton, if you would like to donate , please could you let Christine have items to put in the boxes (suggestions below), money to buy items, or money to pay for the boxes to be transported (£3per box last year) by the 4th October. If you wish to complete your own box that would be great. Completed boxes to Christine to be transported to collection point by 11th October . or stuffed toys (with CE label), toy trucks, harmonica, yo-yo, skipping rope, ball, small puzzles etc. Margaret Greenslade Sandra Gouldsmith Sue Honeybell Margaret Pover Margaret Pover 372065 850599 322130 344433 344433 SCHOOL SUPPLIES: Pens, pencils & sharpeners, crayons or felt pens, stamps & ink pad sets, writing pads or notebooks & paper, solar calcula- tors, colouring & picture books etc. HYGIENE ITEMS: Toothbrush and toothpaste, bars of wrapped soap, comb or hairbrush, flannel. David Ravenscroft Juliet Alexander Eric Phillipson David Ravenscroft Anne Lewis 2 TOYS: Include items that children will immediately embrace such as dolls 865413 03330 112214 865480 865413 865405 OTHER ITEMS: Hat, cap, gloves or scarf, sunglasses, hair accessories, jewellery set, wind up torch, wrapped sweets (best-before-date must be at least March of the following year). 15 Marwood Church invites you to our On Saturday October 3rd at Marwood Church from 10.30am If you have any spare apples, bring them along and watch them being pressed in an apple press. Bring some clean plastic bottles and you can take some of your own juice back home with you! Dear Friends, As many of you may know I am a huge fan of an American preacher and pastor, Chuck Swindoll, and every day through his Bible-based teaching ministry ‘Insight for Living’, I receive a daily devotional, all of them are good but some are better than others. This month I am offering you the chance to read Chuck’s offering on the subject of being a good servant. It spoke to me very loudly and I hope it stirs something in you. Servant-Hearted by Charles R. Swindoll 2 Corinthians 4:1-7 In his fine little volume, In the Name of Jesus, Henri Nouwen mentions three very real, albeit subtle temptations any servant of Christ faces. They correspond with the three temptations our Lord faced before He began His earthly ministry. They also fit with three observations the apostle Paul mentions in his letter to the Corinthians (2 Cor. 4:1-7). First Temptation: To be self-sufficient and self-reliant. Instead of being so selfassured, we need to be open, unguarded, and vulnerable. Second Temptation: To be spectacular . . . a celebrity mentality. In Nouwen's words, "Jesus refused to be a stunt man. . . . He did not come to walk on hot coals, swallow fire or put His hand in a lion's mouth to demonstrate He had something worthwhile to say." We will also be holding a Messy Church between 10.30 am and 1pm at the church Third Temptation: To be powerful . . . in charge. To lead is appropriate, necessary, and good. But to push, to manipulate, to be in full control . . . never! To say it simply, one God is sufficient. Crafts , songs & stories will have a harvest theme as we are combining this with our Apple Day. Snacks and drinks will be available too, come and join us with your children and see what it is all about! Servanthood implies diligence, faithfulness, loyalty, and humility. Servants don't compete . . . or grandstand . . . or polish their image . . . or grab the limelight. They know their job, they admit their limitations, they do what they do quietly and consistently. Servants cannot control anyone or everything, and they shouldn't try. Servants cannot change or "fix" people. 14 3 Servants cannot meet most folks' expectations. Servants cannot concern themselves with who gets the credit. Servants cannot minister in the flesh or all alone. Marwood Church invite you to our Let me suggest five practical guidelines for cultivating the right kind of servant habits. Whatever we do, let's do more with others. Ministry is not a solo, it's a chorus. Whenever we do it, let's place the emphasis on quality, not quantity. Excellence, not expansion, is our goal. Whenever we go to do it, let's do it the same as if we were doing it among those who know us the best. Not only will this keep us accountable, it'll guard us from exaggeration. Whoever may respond, let's keep a level head. If someone criticizes, don't allow it to get you down. If someone idolizes, don't tolerate or fantasize such foolishness. However long we minister, let's model the Master . . . a servant-hearted and a grace-oriented style. on Saturday October 31st 6pm-7.30pm at The Old Rectory garden in Marwood. Soup, Hot dogs, Drinks, Cakes £1.50 each or £5 per family PS Bring a torch and wear wellies and warm clothes for the children’s Star Trail ! NORTHGATE Let's serve . . . in the name of Jesus. from self-minded attitude. PETE PARKER & SON est. 1967 A servant-hearted attitude keeps us Industrial and Domestic Window Cleaning Services also Cladding, Fascia & Gutter Cleaning In Christ Iain Joint Diary Monday 2nd Mon of each month 3.00pm Marwood Monday Fellowship Wednesday 2nd Weds of each month 12.30pm for 1.00pm West Down parish Lunch at The Crown 3.00pm Heanton Fellowship - Hewett Room 9.30 until noon Wrafton Farmers’ Market Saturday Sat 10th Oct 4 Call Jeff on 01271 346613 NEWSAGENTS Give your house a Spring Clean see the difference deliver newspapers and magazines to your area 13 WANTED: Film Club organiser The Crown Inn, West Down Relax in the friendly atmosphere of our 17th century village freehouse and enjoy a meal from our varied menu or specials boards. Cosy fire Delightful garden with ample seating. Traditional Sunday roasts. Booking is advised Tel: 01271 862790 Guineaford Arts Stained Glass by Carol Edwards Historic Accommodation & Function Venue Parties Weddings Self-catering 01271 812842 Mirrors, Light Catchers, Candle Lights, Window and Door Panels. Commissions Welcome Gifts available at the studio. We are hoping to start a Film Club at Wrafton Hall. Aiming to show films in the afternoon/evening as a community event. In order for the whole idea to get off the ground we need somebody to organise each event. If this opportunity speaks to your heart, please let me know. Thanks, Iain The next Wrafton VMC E-mail Bulletins Farmers’ Market will Very soon we will start to send out e-mail bulletins. If you haven’t already, please send your e-mail address to if you would like to be included in the information loop. be held on Saturday 10th October 2015 from 9:30am - 12pm Bulletins will contain all sorts of information, ranging from Local church/community events, diocesan training opportunities and Bishop’s letters etc. As well as national and international Christian news and discussion. at Wrafton Hall Each e-mail will be sent out BCC (blind carbon copy) so your email Call 01271 373779 12 5 Wrafton Guides are holding a ‘popup’ SUNDAY LUNCH restaurant on Sunday 18th Oct at 1.00pm in WRAFTON HALL. This is a fundraiser for 2 Young Leaders and 2 Adult Leaders, who will be joining Combe Martin Senior Section’s 100 years celebration trip to Switzerland in summer 2016. They have to each raise £750 (so this could be the first of several Sunday lunches!) COST £10, to include = Starter, Roast Turkey, Vegetables and Trimmings, a choice of Pudding, Tea/Coffee, + free glass of wine. TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM CHRISTINE WESTLAKE 816340 OR DEBBIE WILLIAMS Marwood Churchyard Workday Saturday October 10th from 9.30am – 1pm We are holding a churchyard workday to help prepare the churchyard for the winter season. There are lots of jobs to do; clearing the gutters and ivy off the graves, cutting back brambles, sweeping up the leaves, making the steps safe and pathways clear . Darryll, Lorraine , Tim & June do a sterling job of keeping the grass mown and strimmed, but need some help with the other jobs, please come along! “Many hands make light work !” HARVEST FESTIVAL in Marwood Church We are holding our annual Harvest Festival Service on Sunday 4th October at 11.00am followed by our Harvest Bring & Share Lunch in the church hall. Please let Margaret G (372065) or Beatrice Brook (376028) know if you will be joining us as we would like to know how many to cater for. Operation Christmas Child Marwood Church as also collecting shoeboxes for the Samaritans Purse to send out to children in need across the world. WEST DOWN HEANTON Messy Church Messy Church Thursday 15th Oct Thursday 22nd Oct from 3.15pm 3.30pm - 5.00pm in the Iron Room in Wrafton Hall 6 Shoeboxes will be available in the church this month with the leaflets. We hope to have the filled shoeboxes returned to the church by Sunday 8th November so that they can be taken to Grosvenor Church Drop Off point where they are checked and packed off to the children. Everyone is always very generous with the shoebox gifts which bring so much happiness to needy children in troubled areas of the world. If you are interested in looking at the 11 Sunday 18th October : 20th Sunday after Trinity Readings for Harvest Services Hebrews 5.1 - 10, Mark 10.35 - 45 Joel 2.21 - 27, Matthew 6.25 - 33 God, the giver of life, whose Holy Spirit wells up within your Church: by the Spirit’s gifts equip us to live the gospel of Christ and make us Sunday 4th October : 18th Sunday after Trinity eager to do your will, that we may share with the whole creation the Hebrews 1.1 - 4; 2.5 - 12, Mark 10.2 - 16 joys of eternal life; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now Almighty and everlasting God, increase in us your gift of faith that, and for ever forsaking what lies behind and reaching out to that which is before, Sunday 25th October : Bible Sunday 2 Timothy 3.14 - 4.5 Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our we may run the way of your commandments and win the crown of everlasting joy; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. learning: help us so to hear them, to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them that, through patience, and the comfort of your holy Sunday 11th October : 19th Sunday after Trinity word, we may embrace and for ever hold fast the hope of everlasting Hebrews 4.12 - end, Mark 10.17 - 31 life, which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. ……………………………………………………………………………………… Sunday 1st November : All Saints Day O God, forasmuch as without you we are not able to please you; mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Revelation 21.1 - 6a, John 11.32 - 44 10 7 Services in October Services in October St Augustine's, Heanton 4th 11.00am Holy Communion Rev Iain 11th 11.00am Morning Praise Rev Iain 18th 11.00am Holy Communion Rev Iain + Rev Caroline 25th 8.00am BCP Holy Communion Rev Iain 11.00am Celebration Rev Iain + @ Wrafton Hall St Calixtus, West Down 4th 9.30am Morning Praise David Roff 11th 9.30am Morning Praise Rev Caroline 18th 9.30am All Age Worship Rev Iain 25th 9.30am Holy Communion Rev Iain St Michael and All Angels, Marwood Rev Caroline Thursday Church at Wrafton Hall Thurs 1st Oct H/C - Rev Iain 4th 11.00am 11th 9.30am Harvest Praise All Age Worship Rev Caroline Holy Communion Rev Iain Thurs 8th Oct Morning Worship - David Roff Thurs 15th Oct - Jenny 18th 10.00am MCC joint service @ Methodist Church 25th 4.00pm Thurs 22nd Oct - Joce Thurs 29th Oct - Rev Caroline 8 Evensong Rev Iain 9