Captains Manual - Sail Training International
Captains Manual - Sail Training International
Captains Manual North Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016 Gothenburg 3 – 6 september CONTENTS Welcome to Gothenburg! Tall Ships Regatta Gothenburg 2016 - a sustainable event 1. Contact addresses and telephone numbers 1.1 Port and Sail Training International Contacts 1.2 Consulates 2. Arrival Arrangements 2.1 Frequencies 2.2 Call Signs 2.3 Vessel Traffic Service 2.4 Procedures 2.5 Pilotage 2.6 Tug Assistance 2.7 Customs & Immigration 2.8 Security 3. Berthing & Formalities 3.1 Special Berthing Instructions 3.2 Formalities 3.3 Berthing Plan 3.4 Departure 3.5 After Departure 4. City Plan 4.1 In Port Facilities 4.2 City Information 4.3 City Plan 5. Captains Programme 5.1 Captains Dinner 5.2 Captains Briefing 6. Crew Programme 6.1 Crew Party 6.2 Crew Parade 6.3 Prize Giving Ceremony 6.4 Open Ship 6.5 Crew Activities 7. Ship Services 7.1 Port of Gothenburg 7.2 Fuel 7.3 Fresh Water 7.4 Electricity 7.5 Repairs 7.6 Waste 7.7 Gas 7.8 Stores 8. Crew Services 8.1 Liaison System 8.1.2 Liaison Officers 8.1.3 LO hours of operation 8.2 First Aid and Medical Care 8.3 Crew Centre 8.4 Laundry 8.5 Toilets & Showers 8.6 Parade of Sail Appendices and Forms • • • • • • Request Form Water Request Form Fuel Request Form Sewage IMO Crew list (IMO FAL FORM 5) City Map Crew Activities Booking Forms Welcome to Gothenburg September 3-6 Gothenburg is hosting the North Sea Tall Ships Regatta in Frihamnen, at the heart of Gothenburg harbour. A fantastic event that will strengthen Gothenburg's position as one of Northern Europe's leading event cities. It is an honor and an event the people of Gothenburg has longed for since 1997 when the Tall Ships Race last visited the city, at that time under the name Cutty Sark Tall Ships Race. The event reflects parts of Gothenburg's soul. The people of Gothenburg loves the sea and are proud of its history as a trading and shipping city. The city also has high sustainability ambitions, which corresponds well with the Tall Ships events valuations. I wish you all the best of experiences here in Gothenburg. In addition to all the great ships there will be a cheerful festival with activities, entertainment and good food for all tastes and ages. Warm welcome to Gothenburg - a sustainable city open to the world! Lena Malm, Lord Mayor Tall Ships Regatta Gothenburg 2016 - A sustainable event Gothenburg aims to be a sustainable city, open to the world. The city’s high ambitions in all three areas of sustainability should also be reflected in the Tall Ships Regatta 2016 (TSR). We set requirements for all aspects of the event, all employees and stakeholders, and all activities that take place in connection with TSR. In addition to meeting the requirements of the Swedish Environmental Base standard for events, special emphasis will be given to areas where we believe the value of our efforts will be greatest. As a participating vessel, we ask you to consider sustainability issues when visiting Frihamnen and our port. This is what we do, including: • • • • • • • • • Special requirements on ecological and work ethically labeled food Vegetarian options always available Promote locally produced food wherever possible All coffee, tea, milk and sugar, served during the event is organic and all coffee is fair trade Seafood served comes from sustainable stocks We donate any leftovers to those in need Bottled still water is not served – only tapped water We use renewable electricity only We minimize resource consumption, sort and recycle This is what we want to achieve: • • • • • Minimize our climate impact and use of energy resources Offer sustainable and healthy food and drink Be a welcoming, open, accessible and inclusive event for all Inspire and commit to a sustainable and healthy lifestyle Encourage environmental awareness in the choice of transport This is what you can do: • • • • • • Skip bottled water and refill your bottle from the taps placed around the event area Choose vegetarian food Sort your garbage and dispose it in the deployed sorting station Get around by foot or use public transport Consider accessibility and sustainability when planning any public activities Take care of our guests If you have questions, please contact: Sara Ohlsson, Assistant Project Manager, Tall Ships Regatta Gothenburg 2016,, +46 (0) 31-368 40 16 1. Contact addresses and telephone numbers 1.1 Port and Sail Training International Contacts Port Committee Race Village Manager: Magnus Jarkvist Phone: +46 702 07 46 26 E-mail: Project Assistant/Trainee Manager: Therese Hansson Phone: +46 709 38 31 00 E-mail: Project Manager: Kristian Ferrara Phone: +46 31 368 42 59 E-mail: Sail Training International Race Office (see map) Race Director: Mike Bowles Phone: +44 (0)7962 075750. E-mail: Race Assistant: Amanda Goodden Phone: +44 (0)7962 032471 E-mail: Harbour Master Chief Liaison Officer Phone: +46 728 55 47 30 Contact Name: Gunnar Tholander E-mail: Phone: +46 702-07 09 89 Contact Name: Thomas Gunnarsson E-mail: Press & Media Centre (see map) LO Center & Crew Center (see map) Phone: +46 704 59 72 12 Contact Name: Fabian Bengtsson E-mail: Phone: +46 702-07 09 89 Contact Name: Thomas Gunnarsson E-mail: Map references refer to the City Plan which can be found in section 4 1.2 Consulates All participating nations are listed below, if you would like to request another consulate, please contact your LO. Belgium Chalmers Teknikpark Sven Hultins gata 9 412 88 Goteborg Telephone: +46 31-772 40 80 Denmark Östra Hamngatan 13, Box 110 45 404 21 Gothenburg Telephone: +46 31 424 260 Germany Nordstadstorget 6, Box 110 25 404 21 Gothenburg Telephone: +46 10-614 16 00 Lithuania Mässans gata 24 412 94 Gothenburg Telephone: +46 31-708 84 30 Norway Skånegatan 16 411 40 Gothenburg Telephone: +46 31-18 05 09 Poland Brogatan 40-42, Box 111 302 35 Halmstad Telephone: +46 35-21 09 55 Russia S:t Sigfridsplan 1, Box 5093 402 22 Gothenburg Telephone: +46 31-20 60 93 Spain Blågatan 22 421 65 Västra Frölunda Telephone: +46 709-25 25 50 The Netherlands Drottninggatan 56, Box 327 401 25 Gothenburg Telephone: +46 31-15 88 20 United Kingdom Sextantgatan 14 426 76 Västra Frölunda Telephone: +46 31-69 64 53 2. Arrival Arrangements The official dates for arrival in Gothenburg open 24 hours. Berthing will be possible Announce your ETA at the earliest Frihamnen requested, see chapter 2.6 Pilotage. will be 3rd of September. The harbour is from the morning of 1 of September. possible time to Harbour Master or +46 (0) 728554730. If Pilot is 2.1 Frequencies Channel 13 is used by the VTS and also by pilot boats communicating with ships. Ships in the port area are to listen to Channel 16 and 13. Channel 11 is used for Pilot order. Channel 12 for Port Control (only used by commercial vessels) Channel 72 for communicating with Tall Ships Frihamnen. See also Vessel Traffic Service. 2.2 Call Signs Channel 72 VHF call Tall Ships Frihamnen in Harbour area, this will be open from 0800 the 1 sept until 2100 and then opened 0800 the 6th until noon. After answer, the working channel will be 72. Channel 72 is the channel which contacts are to be used by the TSR at Frihamnen. 2.3 Vessel Traffic Service Reporting is compulsory for: • Vessels exceeding 300 GRT. • All vessels, including tows, of over 45 meters in length. Callsign: VTS Göteborg VHF Channel: 13 VTS Area Göteborg is the water area at and outside of Gothenburg and bounded by a line extending a) in the west by an arc at a distance of 6 M with the center in Vinga Lighthouse at position 57°37.92 'N 11° 36.08' E b) in the north by the latitude parallel 57°43,9'N tangential the circular arc towards land, c) in the south by latitude parallel 57°31,9'N tangential the circular arc towards land, and d) in the east, across Göta älv, 57°45,81'N 12°00,07'E Reporting lines for the VTS Area Göteborg Reporting name Geographical position Geographical location Reporting Line N app. Reporting Line O app. Reporting Line P app. Reporting Line Q app. 57°43,9'N 11°42,3'E 57°43,9'N 11°39,8'E 57°43,8'N 11°33,9'E 57°41,2'N 11°26,8'E (area border east of Björkö) (area border west of Björkö) (Sector area border on circular arc) (Sector area border on circular arc) Reporting Line R app. Reporting Line S app. Reporting Line T app. Reporting Line U app. 57°36,7'N 11°25,1'E 57°32,9'N 11°29,9'E 57°31,9'N 11°38,3'E 57°31,9'N 11°48,4'E (Sector area border on circular arc) (Sector area border on circular arc) (Sector area border on circular arc) (area border east of Tistlarna) Reporting points in the VTS Area Göteborg Reporting name Geographical position Geographical location Reporting point # 1 Reporting point # 2 Reporting point # 3 Reporting point # 4 Reporting point # 5 app. 57°37,17'N 11°40,85'E (at Buskärs Knöte) app. 57°38,34'N 11°39,09'E (north Vinga) app. 57°40,99'N 11°50,51'E (at Älvsborg fortress) app. 57°41,34'N 11°49,36'E (at Arendal) app. 57°42,20'N 11°56,86'E (at Stena Line Terminal) 2.4 Procedures After passing the finish line, vessels may proceed to Frihamnen or drop anchor, due to master’s decision. The port is open 24 hours, berthing will be possible at ships arriving. Ships arriving without pilot could make arrangements for linesmen direct with the linesmen: Phone: +46 31 14 46 77 Fax: +46 31 24 25 29 E-mail: or call Harbour Master Frihamnen phone +46 (0) 728554730 or CH 72 in harbour area. Upon arrival at Frihamnen “follow me”-boats meets and may assist with pushing. Working channel VHF ch 72. Harbour Master tel +46 (0) 728554730. 2.5 Pilotage Pilot are compulsory from Trubaduren to Skandiahamnen/Arendal for vessels of 110m LOA and 19m beam. From Skandiahamnen to Frihamnen 90m LOA and 16m beam. Pilots are also compulsory for vessels over 70m LOA, or 14,5m beam or 4,5m draught using fairway north of Vinga Island. This occurs even if only one of the measurements is present. LOA includes bowsprit. The numbers of pilots can be limited due to the commercial vessels situation. Smaller vessels may have to wait at the roads. Meeting point for pilot assistance in the harbour is at the container terminal Skandiahamnen. S of berth 520 (N 57 41,18 N 57 41,18) Ordering pilot A pilot order must be made electronically via the e-services on the Swedish Maritime Administration website. If you don´t have access to the e-services, please order your pilot by phone or e-mail to the relevant pilot office. Pilot Order for Gothenburg Pilot: Telephone: +46(0)771-63 06 70 E-mail: VHF-channel: 11 VHF-call: Gothenburg Pilot Please make your final order at least 5 hours before the pilotage will take place. Vessel will be boarded at the following positions: Pilotstation Boardingposition Position Göteborg Boarding #1 S of Trubaduren lighthouse N 57 34,5 E 11 38,8 Göteborg Boarding #2 WSW of Vinga Island N 57 37,0 E 11 31,9 Göteborg Boarding #3 W of Vinga "approach light buoy" N 57 38,8 E 11 32,5 Skandiahamnen S of berth 520 N 57 41,18 E 11 52,12 Rivö Fjord Boarding At center of Rivö Fjord N 57 40,2 E 11 47,6 6 2.6 Tug Assistance There will be tugs available for assisting the ships; also pilot boats to assist with pushing. Ships that are in need of tugboat assistance on arrival or departure are requested to announce that in good time. In the event of bad weather, there will be additional larger tugs available. 2.7 Customs & Immigration For vessels with LOA 45 meter or more, or 300 gross tonnage: As of the 11th of May the Swedish Coast Guard has fully connected to the Maritime Single Window (MSW). This means that all registration of notification in advance must be reported electronically via the MSW system, 24 hours prior to arrival. Make sure you mention in the system that you are participating in the Tall Ships Regatta Gothenburg 2016. NOTE: It will not be possible to send a notification in advance via e-mail to the Coast Guard. A notification will not be accepted through e-mail. The approval of voyages will also be sent from the MSW. To create an account, go to: Questions concerning how to fill in the registration form in Maritime Single Window can be answered by the MSW support, phone no.: +46771-40 00 50 or by email: For vessels under 45 meters: A crew list is to be sent 24 hours prior to arrival in Gothenburg, to the Swedish police: Be prepared for border control and to present passports of the whole crew, together with a crew list (see appendix.) 2.8 Security There will be 24 hours patrolling security guards in the Race Village during the whole event. 3. Berthing & Formalities 3.1 Special Berthing Instructions Vessels are welcome to arrive at Gothenburg from the 1st of September and the event starts the 3rd. Tugboats and pilot will be available after contact with Gothenburg pilots. It is very important that ships are following the mooring plan and moor as close to the position given in the plan as possible. Ships entering without a pilot are to be aware of directions given by linesmen. 3.2 Formalities Dress Ship If the weather permits we encourage all participants in The Tall Ships Regatta to be dressed during their stay in Frihamnen. 3.3 Berthing Plan For map of the harbour and berthing plan see chapter 4 (City Plan). Yellow signs in Frihamnen marks the ships AFT positions, if changes are made please position the vessel according to linesmens instructions. 3.4 Departure After the Parade of Sail you are welcome back. Port of Gothenburg VHF Channel 13 will then advise berth. 3.5 After Departure If you want to remain in the Gothenburg archipelago after the departure, you are very welcome to do so. We would like to recommend the following harbours – see next page. Öckerö Hamn 57°42'36.6"N 11°39'51.6"E Maximum draught: 6 m. Harbour Master: Mikael Pettersson Phone: (0)31 966634 Mobile: (0)706 903298 Donsö Hamn 57°35'94.6"N 11°47'46.6"E Maximum draught: 5 m. Harbour Master: Håkan Wiberg Phone: (0)31 971732 Mobile: (0)704 221222 VESSEL E-MAIL Black Diamond of Durham Brabander Challenger 3 Christian Radich Dar Mlodziezy Fryderyk Chopin Johann Smidt Kapitan Borchardt Lord Nelson Maybe Morgenster Oosterschelde Politechnika Shtandart Skonnerten Jylland Swan Thalassa Urania Vega Gamleby 4. City Plan 4.1 In Port Facilities All in port facilities, such as Crew and Liaison Centre, bus stops, showers & toilets, etc. can be found on the map overleaf. Ask you LO for further assistance. 4.2 City Information Public transportation Buses - there’s a bus stop located just outside the event area, see map for specific location or ask your LO. The bus takes you to Gothenburg city center in 10 minutes. Ferry – the ferry stop is located on the pier, see map for specific location or ask your LO. The ferry goes from the pier to Stenpiren, a small hub for trams and buses. From here there is walking distance to Gothenburg city center. Trams – In Gothenburg city center you can go by tram to most of Gothenburgs districts. For more information, see!/en/ or ask your LO. Church Services Swedish church - Generally there is a service in Swedish in all the towns’ churches at 10.00 on Sundays. See website for more information or ask your LO. Catholic church Kristus Konungen - There is a service every day in Swedish, English and several other languages. See website for more information or ask your LO. The Mosque of Gothenburg - Praying time is according to Muslim practice, see website for more information or ask your LO. The mosque is located close to race village. Business / Shop opening hours Ordinary shops are normally open: Weekdays 10.00–18.00 Saturdays 10.00–15.00. Shopping centers are normally open: Weekdays 10.00–20.00 Saturdays and Sundays 10.00–18.00. Supermarkets are normally open: Weekdays 08.00–21.00 Saturdays and Sundays 09.00–20.00. Museums Gothenburg has many interesting museums: - Gothenburg City Museum - Gothenburg Natural History Museum - Gothenburg Musem of Art - Hasselblad Center (Photo exhibitions) - Maritiman (maritime experience centre) .. and plenty more! See for more museums, address to each musem and contact information. Swimming pool - Rosenhill Seamen Center – see crew activities for further information. Opening hours: Weekdays: 09.00-22.00 Saturday & Sunday: 12.00-18.00 - Lundbybadet - the nearest swimming pool is Lundbybadet, located a 30 minute walk from race village. A one-time visit costs 60 SEK. Address is: Lantmannagatan 5, Opening hours: Weekdays 07:00-18:30 Saturday & Sunday 10:00-18:30 Free entrance for all youngsters between 14:30-18:30 Banks, ATM-machines and post office is located nearby the race village, in the shopping mall Nordstan. Gothenburg offers plenty more services and activities, more information can be found in the LO operation center, information points or by your LO. We encourage you to use your LO. 4.3 City Plan See appendix for city map. Ask your LO for further assistance. 2 41 40 7 Jubilee park 39 38 11 37 36 34 33 35 Public transport 20 21 32 1 22 23 6 13 24 31 25 30 5 26 4 28 29 27 12 14 1 Entrance 2 Ferry to Stenpiren 12 LO Centre / Volunteer Centre / Crew Party 3 Taxi Zone / Taxi Göteborg 13 Event Office / Crew Centre / Media Centre 4 Sail On Board 14 Crew showers / toilets 5 Main Stage 6Pontoon 7 Activity Area The Ships 20 Kapitan Borchardt (PL) 21 Morgenster (NL) Crew Facilities 22 Johann Smidt (DE) 10 Pick up / drop off for chartered bus 23 Skonnerten Jylland (DK) 11 Departure - boat trip to Älvsborgs fort 24 Fryderyk Chopin (PL) 25 HMS Gladan (SE) 26 Sund (SE) 27 HMS Skaftö (SE) 39 Shtandart (RU) 28 Bevakningsbåt (SE) 40 Brabander (LT) 29 Oosterschelde (NL) 41 Swan (GB) 30 Vega Gamleby (SE) Note! Dar Mlodziezy (PL) is located in Arendal outside the event area. 31 Thalassa (NL) 32 Maybe (GB) 33 Challanger 3 (GB) 34 Politechnika (PL) 35 Black Diamond of Durham (GB) 36 Christian Radich (NO) 37 Lord Nelson (GB) 38 Urania (NL) H Information Food/snacks Restroom First aid Lifebuoy Event Area Recycling station Minor changes to the map can occur. I City Centre / Crew Parade PUBLIC PROGRAMME The public programme can be found on information boards around the event area and at our website D Crew Parade, Bältespännarparken – Frihamnen A Paddan Sightseeing River Tour F E B Tourist Centre, Kungsportsplatsen B C Garden Society of Gothenburg D Nordstan Mall E Gothenburg City Museum A C Bältespännarparken F Stenpiren - ferry to Frihamnen G The Röhsska Museum H Jubilee Park I Star bowling G 3 10 5. Captains Programme 5.1 Captains Dinner The dinner will take place in Dicksonska Palatset, in the centrum of Gothenburg, the 3rd of September at 19:00. All captains will receive an invitation upon arrival in Gothenburg, the invitation includes 2 persons. A bus transport will be arranged from Frihamnen at 18:30, your LO will inform you further. For Arendal and Dar Mlodziezy another transport will be arranged, your LO will inform you further. Return bus will depart at 21:45. 5.2 Captains Briefing The Captains’ briefing will take place 5th of September at 15:00. The harbour master will inform about parade of sail and meteorological report. Ask your LO for specific location of the briefing. 6. Crew Programme 6.1 Crew Party All trainees are invited to the crew party which will be held in Kajskjul 105, Sunday the 4th of sept at 20:00. Bus transfer won’t be necessary since the party is held in race village. See map for specific location or ask your LO. There will be a buffet and entertainment during the evening. The crew of Gladan, all volunteers and LO’s are welcome. The Swedish alcohol law forbids selling of alcohol to people under 18 years of age. Be sure to bring some ID. There will be a fully licensed bar where you can buy beer, soft drinks and alcohol, if you want something extra to drink beyond the beverage included in the party. 6.2 Crew Parade The Crew Parade will be held on Sunday the 4th of September. The parade will start in Bältespännarparken. It will proceed from Bältespännarparken down the avenue and over the Göta Älv-bridge, and finally end up in race village where the prize giving ceremony will take place. All the crews are expected as far as possible to attend the parade. The parade is about 45 minutes walk. Departure from Bältespännarparken Arrival at Race Village 17:00 18:00 CREW PARADE ROUTE TALL SHIPS REGATTA 2016 6.3 Prize Giving Ceremony The prize giving ceremony will take place at the end of the parade, by the stage in race village. STI Race Chairman James Stevens will present the prizes. 6.4 Open Ship During your stay in Gothenburg there will be public visits on the ships. Many visitors have come a long way to see the ships and step onboard, we encourage you to contribute to their experience and welcome them onboard your ship. 6.5 Crew Activities 7. Ship Services 7.1 Port of Gothenburg The port of Gothenburg is the largest port in Scandinavia and the only port in Sweden that has enough capacity to receive the largest container ships. Nearly 30 percent of the swedish import and export business passes through the port and it offers direct connections across the world; India, United States, middle east and Asia. The port has terminals for containers, roro, cars, passengers, oil and other energy products. 7.2 Fuel There are several bunkering companies in the area, here are some examples: BRP Fiskebäck Delivery to ship at TSR-Site, Göteborg Önnereds Bryggväg 89 421 57 Västra Frölunda Phone: +46 31 47 55 55 Styrsö Sjömack - J. Christensson AB 57°37'07.3"N 11°45'39.9"E Styrsö Hamnväg 89 430 84 Styrsö Phone: +46 31 97 20 25 Donsö Bunkerservice 57°35'53.8"N 11°47'36.9"E Donsöhamnväg 18 430 82 Donsö Phone: +46 31 31 00 270 TopOil 57°41'03.9"N 11°52'47.9"E Sven Källfeltsgatan 210 426 05Västra Frölunda Phone: +46 31 69 61 50 For assistance please contact the Chief Liaison Officer: Thomas Gunnarsson, , Phone: +46 702 070989. 7.3 Fresh Water All ships have filled in a form for pre-order of fresh water – if you need to change the information before arriving in Gothenburg, please fill in the application for this – see appendix, and handle it to your LO at arrival. Water will be delivered on Saturday and Tuesday, schedule a time in advance at your LO. Emptying of sewage can be made on Monday and Tuesday from 6:00-10:00, schedule a time in advance at your LO. 7.4 Electricity Electricity is available free of charge from quayside installations, as agreed by preorder. The request for the connection to the power supply is made to the Liaison Officer upon arrival. 7.5 Repairs Shipyard Gotenius Shipyard Order and planning Mats Gotenius +46-31-235204 +46-706-306048 Hull Peter Wallberg +46-70-2070742 +46-31-236669 Engine Christer Romedahl +46-73-274 08 45 Båtakuten AB Phone: +46 31-508445 Mail: Address: Stålverksgatan 1 417 07 Göteborg Ö-varvet AB Jonas Backman Phone: +46 31 756 00 00 Mail: Address: Kabyssvägen 11, Öckerö Lat N 57° 42’ 27’’ Lon E 11° 39’ 38’’ Imatech Marin & Industri AB Phone: +46 31 388 10 00 Mail: Frog (diving company) Phone: +46 31-788 21 00 Mail: Sailrepair UK Syversen AB Phone: +46 31 - 746 60 60 UK Syversen Address: Kryptongatan 5B 431 53 Mölndal Lundh Sails AB Phone: +46 31 - 29 30 21 Mail: Address: Sven Källfelts g. 28, 426 71 VÄSTRA FRÖLUNDA North Sails AB Phone: +46 31 - 388 08 00 Address: Hulda Mellgrens g. 1 421 32 VÄSTRA FRÖLUNDA Seldén Mast AB Phone: +46 31 - 69 69 00 Mail: Address: Redeg. 11, 426 77 VÄSTRA FRÖLUNDA If you need any assistance or other service or repair facility please report this to the Liaison Officer, who will supply the help required. 7.6 Waste Tall Ships Regatta Gothenburg is a sustainable event and we highly appreciate if all crews can engage and contribute as much as possible in our environmental work. There is a recycling station in the event area where you sort out the garbage and put in respective garbage bin. See map for specific location or ask your LO. Sort in following categories: - Flammable and combustible material Coloured glass Food waste - Corrugated paper - Clear glass - Plastics Read more about our sustainability work on the welcome page. 7.7 Gas Allgas is the nearest gas station for filling of domestic gas. It takes about one hour to fill up and they accept all types of bottles. It’s closed during the weekend, but open on weekdays and are stand-by for participating vessels in the regatta. If you want more information, please ask your LO for assistance. Allgas Ringögatan 2 417 07 GÖTEBORG Opening hours: Monday – Thursday 08:00 – 17:00 Friday 08:00 – 16:00 Phone: +46 31 - 51 32 20 7.8 Stores Betz Marine Supplies& Trading AB Phone: + 46 31 - 47 92 88 Mail: Address: Kalkbruksg. 1 417 07 GÖTEBORG Donsö Fiskeredskap & Skeppsfurnering Phone: +46-31-291435 (Office) +46-31-291435 (24h service) Mail: Address: Fiskebäcks Hamn 7 426 58 VÄSTRA FRÖLUNDA Backaplan Backaplan is the closest shopping area to the Race Village, it’s a 15 minutes’ walk. Backaplan has some stores and fast food restaurants, pharmacy, a well-assorted retailer shop and a large supermarket. Ask your LO for more specific location. Nordstan The biggest shopping mall in Gothenburg with plenty of shops, cafés and restaurants. Gothenburg Tourist Information Centre is located in the middle of Nordstan. It’s walking distance from the Race Village, at the end of Göta Älv-bridge, and next to Gothenburg Central station for trains and buses. See the map or ask your LO for more specific location. 8. Crew Services 8.1 Liaison System The Liaison Officers (LO) will be operating from LO operation centre (map ref x). The Chief Liaison Officer is Thomas Gunnarsson, phone: +46 (0)702-07 09 89. 8.1.2 Liaison Officers The team of LO’s are from around Gothenburg and most of Sweden. They have different background and experiences, some with maritime background and some without any maritime background at all. They’ve all volunteered to give the best possible service for the ship they are responsible for, during the stay in Gothenburg. At least one LO will be assigned to your ship. Your LO will board on arrival and will then be at disposal for the whole crew during the visit. 8.1.3 LO hours of operation LO’s operate from 8:30 to 19:00. The LO Operation Centre will be fully manned from 08:00 to 23:00 daily. If for any reason contact cannot be made with your LO, please contact the LO Operation Centre which will arrange the necessary assistance. 8.2 First Aid and Medical Care There are several First Aid and lifebouys in the event area, please see map for specific location or ask your LO. There is one pharmacy located at Backaplan, and one in shopping mall Nordstan, see chapter 7.8 for more information. 8.3 Crew Centre The crew center is located in one of the pavilion. See map for specific location or ask your LO. 8.4 Laundry The laundry will be picked up 15:00 on Saturday, 3rd September at the volunteer centre. It will be returned 16:00 on Monday, 5th September. Ask LO for more specific drop-off point. 8.5 Toilets & Showers Toilets and showers for crews are located next to the 105-building, see map for specific location or ask your LO. 8.6 Parade of Sail The parade starts at Frihamnen and makes its way downstreams the river westwards along the Skandiahamnen and the South Channel (Böttöleden). The Parade disperses at Rivöfjorden.Ships heading south inshore fairway may deviate at Rivöfjorden. Ships without pilot may prepare them self for departure from Frihamnen. Detailed instructions for participating ships will be forwarded upon arrival in Gothenburg, as well as during the Captains Briefing. • • • • • Parade starts: Tuesday 06 september 2016, 1530 hours Parade ends: Approx. 1730 hours Speed: 3-4 knots over ground Communication: The parade is directed on VHF channel 8. VTS Goteborg, keeps watch on channel 16 and 13 for all participating ships. Participating ships keep watch on channel 8. Safety: Pilots, tugs, guard boats and escort boats, as well as sea rescue boats will be available throughout the parade. REQUEST FORM WATER NAME OF SHIP: DATE: CBM: SIGNATURE REQUEST FORM FUEL NAME OF SHIP: DATE: DIESEL (LITERS): SIGNATURE REQUEST FORM SEWAGE NAME OF SHIP: DATE: LITERS OR CBM: SIGNATURE IMO CREW LIST (IMO FAL FORM 5) Arrival Departure Name of ship IMO number Call sign Voyage number Port of arrival/departure Date of arrival/departure Flag state of ship Last port of call No. Family name, given names Rank or rating Nationality Date and signature by master, authorized agent or officer Page number Date and place of birth Nature and number of identity document The North Sea Football Cup Registration Sunday 4 September 2016 Ship:…………………………………………………………………. 1. Captain of the team: …………………………….............. Team members (first and last names): 2. ……………………………………………………………….. 3. ……………………………………………………………….. 4. ……………………………………………………………….. 5. ……………………………………………………………….. 6. ……………………………………………………………….. 7. ……………………………………………………………….. Reserves 1. ……………………………………………………………….. 2. ……………………………………………………………….. 3. ……………………………………………………………….. Number of teams is limited. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis. This registration form is to be handed to your Liaison Officer before departure from Blyth. The North Sea Cup will take place at Rosenhill Seaman’s Centre on Saturday 4 September between 10.00-14.00 hours. See Crew Handbook for practical information. The starting time for your team will be notified upon arrival at Rosenhill. There will be athletic competitions in between matches. ‘Meet the Navy Pros’ Rowing Competition Registration Sunday 4 September 2016 Ship:…………………………………………………………………. 1. Captain of the team: …………………………….............. Team members (first and last names): 2. ……………………………………………………………….. 3. ……………………………………………………………….. 4. ……………………………………………………………….. 5. ……………………………………………………………….. 6. ……………………………………………………………….. 7. ……………………………………………………………….. 8. ……………………………………………………………….. 9. ……………………………………………………………….. 10. ………………………………………………………………. 11. ………………………………………………………………. Reserves 1. ……………………………………………………………….. Number of teams is limited. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis. This registration form is to be handed to your Liaison Officer before departure from Blyth. The rowing competition will take place at Frihamnen on Saturday 4 September between 12.00-13.00 hours. See Crew Handbook for practical information. The starting time for your team will be notified upon arrival in Gothenburg. Welcome to Sweden Basket Ball Tournament Registration Sunday 4 September 2016 Ship:…………………………………………………………………. Team name (3-4 people/team): ……………………………................... (E g Tall Ship Ballers, Sailors havin’ a ball, Regatta High Five) Age category (mark one category with X) Boys 15-17 yrs………. Girls 15-17 yrs………. Men 18+ yrs…………. Ladies 18+ yrs………. Team members (first and last names): 1. Team leader (player 1):………………………………………….. Shirt size player 1 (mark one size with X) S………… M……….. L………… XL………. XXL…….. Team leader’s date of birth:…………………………………………….. Team leader’s phone number:………………………………………….. 2. Player 2:…………………………………………………………… Shirt size player 2 (mark one size with X) S…………. M………… L………….. XL………... XXL………. 3. Player 3:…………………………………………………………… Shirt size player 3 (mark one size with X) S…………. M………… L………….. XL………... XXL……… 4. Player 4 (optional):………………………………………………….. Shirt size player 4 (mark one size with X) S…………. M………… L………… XL……….. XXL……… Number of teams is limited. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis. This registration form is to be handed to your Liaison Officer before departure from Blyth. The Basket Ball Tournament is to take place at Sjumilahallen sports arena on Saturday 4 September between 10.00-14.00 hours. See Crew Handbook for practical information. The starting time for your team will be notified upon arrival in Gothenburg.