Newsletter - Saint Ignatius College Geelong


Newsletter - Saint Ignatius College Geelong
Edition 5, April 16th 2015
From the Principal
Coming Events
Term 2
Fri 17th Year Medieval
Mon 20th Year 7 Camp
Group 1
Tues 21st Year 9 Marine
Science Excursion
Tues 21st Year 12 VCAL
Wed 22nd Year 7 Camp
Group 2 (Changeover)
Wed 22nd Scholarship
Testing (New 2016 Year 7’s)
Thurs 23rd Year 10 Science
Fri 24th Geelong Schools
ANZAC Day Service
Mon 27th Year 9 LOTE
Melbourne Zoo Excursion
A more detailed calendar is
on the last page.
Welcome Back!
The New Term
Welcome to the new school term. I hope that
the holiday period provided students with
ample time for rest, recreation, revision of
term one and planning for term two, and that
Easter was a time of joy with family and
loved ones. Easter is a most significant time
to contemplate and reflect on the Death and
Resurrection of Jesus, which are at the core of
our Christian faith.
The College provides a range of co-curricular
activities in addition to the academic program
to help develop well-rounded young women
and men and help each student find a ‘niche’
at the College where they belong and where
they have a purpose. It is important to me
that students at Saint Ignatius can shine in
one or more areas whether as a Social Justice
Committee member, a musician, a sport star
or an academic, to mention just some of the
opportunities available. We want to find the
potential in each young person and to fan that
flame. We encourage our students to value
involvement, striving to be the best they can
be and making the most of opportunities.
“The Resurrection is a celebration of the
anticipation of the life to come, that there is
eternal life for all. On a personal level, Easter
reminds us that even when hope seems as if
it is dead and buried, Christ is there to call it
from the grave; Easter is available to us every
day. According to St Paul, who wrote his
letter to the people of Corinth between 53 and
57 A.D., only 20 years after Jesus’ death, the
Resurrection is so central to Christianity that,
without it, our entire Christian faith is empty:
“…. If Christ has not been raised from the
dead, then we have nothing to preach and you
have nothing to believe …And, if Christ has
not been raised, your faith is a delusion ...”
1Cor. 14,17.
Jesus is our hope. Christ has died, Christ is
risen. Christ will come again.”
(From Prinscripts No. 10, 2010)
This will without doubt be another busy term
for us all. Apart from all of the usual
teaching and learning activities there will be
many other opportunities for student
learning: rehearsals commenced on Tuesday
after school for this year’s production “Hairspray,” the winter sports program began
with the College Cross-Country Carnival
today, the Yr 8 Medieval Day will be held
tomorrow, the Year 7 students have their
Anglesea Camp next week, our College
ANZAC Centenary Commemoration Service
will be held next Thursday, NAPLAN testing
for Years 7 and 9 will be conducted next
....continued on Page 2
A Jesuit Partner School
In Brief
From the Principal (cont.)
This Page:
month (12–14 May), we will hold the Year
7 Mothers and Sons, Year 8 Mothers and
Daughters Nights just before Mothers Day.
We see him listening for the voice of God.
This is a time before his friends became
followers, before his direction was clear.
Page 3:
In the last week of this term two of our Year
11 students will travel with the Jesuit Schools
Immersion Trip to East Timor, many of our
Yrs 10 and 11 students will be involved in
immersion trips to either East Timor or
Southern India for the last week of term and
the first week of the holidays and all of the
Year 10 students will have their Work
Experience Program during the last week of
term and in June the students undertaking Unit
3 VCE subjects will sit the General Achievement Test (GAT) - and these are only some of
the many term two events.
This is the moment when he has taken those
first (painful and broken) steps in the direction
of his (still unknown) destiny.
Continuation of ‘From the
Continuation of ‘From the
Page 4:
Saint Ignatius Statue
Unveiling Photos
Page 5:
Matters of Faith
Page 6:
Saint Ignatius Statue
Unveiling and Blessing
Page 7:
Inspired to leadership and
Student Leadership Positions
Page 8:
Canteen Roster and
Parents and Friends’
Page 9:
Open Day 2015
Page 10:
Open Day 2015 Photos
Page 11:
VCE Communications
Page 12:
Saint Ignatius Equestrian
Clinic Day
Page 13:
Saint Ignatius Equestrian
Page 14:
Term 2 Curriclum and VCE
Page 15:
World Challeneg Trivia Night
Page 16:
VCE and Careers Expo 2015
Page 17:
“Do less, not more, for your
kids” by Michael Grose
Page 18 to 19:
Community Notice Board
Page 20:
School Calender
Term 2 is very much the business term of the
academic year. It is a time when students can
make some solid gains in their learning.
As each student and family looks ahead, use
of the Student Planner will be an important
tool to help each student structure his term
program and keep on track. Organisation is
the key and an important skill to develop in
our students. I encourage parents to keep an
eye on their student’s use of the planner.
It was pleasing to see so many parents taking
advantage of the opportunity to meet formally
with teachers at the Parent / Student / Teacher
conferences, held at the end of last term, to
discuss the academic progress of their son or
Parents with any concern about their child’s
progress should contact the specific teacher
in the first instance or in matters of general
concern contact the Homeroom Teacher.
It is vital that there is a continual two-way
communication between the home and the
College. We are fortunate to be able to use
‘Xuno,’ our online Student Management
System, to ensure this flow of information
that is vital to the success of each individual.
Parents can access ‘Xuno’ through the parent
This is one of several pivotal points, in a life
lived with a heart open to profound change.
I want the sculpture to reflect the young man’s
determination to act on the insights and understanding of God’s action in his life - as it still
unravels within him.
Sculpture gives an opportunity to reflect our
humanity on a different and more profound
level. St Ignatius is a powerful symbol of man
seeking a personal relationship with God, of
the broken healing, of listening and
discerning, of a young man seeking an alternative path through life and of choosing the way
of non-violence. It is a profound and
wonderful privilege to be able to place an
image in the public realm that reflects on these
human qualities.”
On behalf of our community I thank Meliesa
Judge for her work and speaking so
passionately to most of our students about
what she has so skilfully and beautifully
captured in her sculpture.
I was so pleased that Jesuit Priest, Fr Gerry
Healy SJ, was able to be present to bless the
new statue and speak about St Ignatius.
Fr Gerry has been a great supporter of our
College since we became a Jesuit Partner
School. I would also like to acknowledge
Mr Paul Lewis (Deputy Principal) for
coordinating this project and the work of
Mr David Fitzgerald (Business Manager) and
Mr Andrew Humphrey (Grounds &
Maintenance) to organise the installation.
St Ignatius - inspiring our students to be
leaders - Ad Majoriem Dei Gloriam – for the
greater glory of God.
Ignatius the pilgrim
Indonesian visitors
Our new statue, Ignatius the pilgrim, will be
a very powerful artistic symbol for our school
community and inspirational for generations
of young people who will pass by it each day
at school. It is particularly relevant for our
youth on their educational journey.
During the last week of term one we hosted
a visit of 34 Indonesian students and three
teachers from Global Mandiri School, Jakarta.
The group reported that they had wonderful
week of interaction at our school. The
Australian Institute of International
Understanding organized the visit to provide
the group with an experience of Australian
culture and an opportunity to practice their
English language skills.
The sculptor, Ms Meliesa Judge writes, “It is
interesting to contemplate Ignatius as a young
man, as potential still coming into being.
In the new sculpture we will we see him at
the start of the journey - still not knowing
where his feet will take him, wrong turns and
missed directions still ahead, along with the
achievements, the formation, the power of the
man he became.
Whilst here for only a short time it was a
valuable opportunity for some of our students
to meet our international visitors, for students
....continued on Page 3
A Jesuit Partner School
from both countries to share some of each
other’s culture and for our students who
study Indonesian language to practice
their Indonesian language skills.
Thank you to Ms. Julia Hall (LOTE
Learning Area Leader) for coordinating
the visit. Also, thank you to the families
who were able to host one of the students
or teachers.
Year 7 and 8 Parents
Following the success of our “Time &
Space” programs over the last few years,
Saint Ignatius College is delighted to offer
Mothers* of Yr. 7 boys, Mothers* of Yr. 8
girls, Fathers^ of Yr 8 boys and Fathers^
of Yr 7 girls an opportunity to experience
a lifetime memory with their daughter or
son as follows:
‘Time & Space’ for…
Open Day, Sunday 22nd March
Drysdale bypass
As you are aware, on Sunday 22nd March
we held our annual Open Day. We were
again blessed with a very pleasant autumn
day and I was very pleased with the very
large number of visitors.
Things are moving with regards to the
Drysdale bypass. The Government has
committed funds and VicRoads has been
working on the planning. According to the
VicRoads website,
“The arterial road is approximately six
kilometres long, from Jetty Road to north
of Whitcombes Road. It will include a
separate off-road bicycle path on the
same alignment.
While the alignment of the bypass has
been in place since the 1980s, VicRoads is
currently working on finalising key
features of the design, including intersections and improvements to High Street.
The design of the Drysdale Bypass will
be squarely focused on safety, and will
be constructed to provide the safest road
environment which will reduce the risk of
crashes and serious injuries.”
As in previous years, a tremendous feature of the day was the number of students
who came along on the day to help showoff their school. The way they interacted
with our guests made a very significant
positive impression of our college. Well
done to about two hundred students who
were able to be present on the day, you
were great ambassadors. Thank you to
parents for supporting this.
Also thank you to our Parents and
Friends’ Association members who were
very active on the day in a number of
valuable ways.
Year 7 Mother & Son Night
Tuesday 5th May 2015
Year 8 Mother & Daughter Night
Thursday 7th May 2015
Year 7 Father & Daughter Night
Tuesday 25th August 2015
Year 8 Father & Son Night
Thursday 27th August 2015
(All nights commence at 7pm in the
College Gym.)
And thank you to our dedicated staff for
their work to present so many different
aspects of our vibrant faith and learning
community to the visitors. I congratulate
Mrs Claire Hewitt (Development
Manager) for her coordination of this
* = or a female Mentor (eg. Grandmother,
Aunt, family friend, big sister,…)
^ = or a male Mentor (eg. Grandfather,
Uncle, family friend, big brother,…)
Can I please remind parents of current
students that if you have a child in Year
Six this year that applications for a place
in Year 7 next year at Saint Ignatius
College Geelong close on Friday 22nd
May 2015? Application forms are available from our office or the College’s
‘Time & Space’ programs offer parents
the time and the space to strengthen the
connections in those crucial relationships
in your life.
lPeriods of transition challenge young
lThe knowledge that important adults
are ‘in their corner’ helps them take
the next step along life’s path.
lThe ‘Time & Space’ programs offer
parents and their daughters or sons
the opportunity to celebrate and
understand important transitions - you
just need time and space to make it
We are looking forward to all Year 7 and
8 students and their parents / guardians /
mentors attending. Mothers* and Fathers^
will receive a letter in the mail with more
detail closer to the date.
Please feel free to look at the website for more
information. I am very grateful to
Ms Allison Carlon and for coordinating
these evenings.
Parent helpers would be most welcome.
Please contact Ms Carlon if you would
like to help.
Year 7 2016 enrolment
applications close soon
Uniform Term Two
Please note that all students are required
to wear full winter uniform for terms two
and three. As there may be some very
warm days early next term, students may
wear summer uniform on any particularly
warm days up to Anzac Day with the
Please check the Student Planner for
details about what can and cannot be
worn. Please note that the summer shirt
with logo is not to be worn as part of the
winter uniform as it is not made to be
worn with a tie. The college uniform long
sleeve shirt is to be worn with a tie and is
compulsory with the winter uniform for
boys and girls. Also the new kilt must be
worn no longer than mid-calf with navy
blue tights or stockings.
Staff news
Congratulations to Ms Rebekah Spencer
on the birth of a daughter, Olive during
the holidays. Ms Spencer and Olive are
both well and we wish Ms Spencer all the
Obviously, we as a school community
have a significant interest in how this
development will impact on traffic
(vehicle, cycle & pedestrian) movement
given its connectivity and close location
to the schools precinct.
According to the VicRoads website the
timeline is as follows:
“VicRoads is finalising the concept design
for the Drysdale Bypass and planning
improvements to High Street. It is
expected that land acquisition proce
ss will begin in the 2017/18 financial year,
and construction will begin that same
year. All works are expected to be
completed by 2020 and the Drysdale
Bypass will be open to traffic.
This timeline is indicative only and
subject to change throughout the planning
and construction process. Every effort
will be made to expedite planning and
construction works.”
VicRoads are now seeking input from
the community about key features of
the project. I encourage members of our
school community who are familiar with
the area to:
lfill in the survey form available on
the VicRoads website; or
lattend the drop-in community
information session on Wednesday
22 April in Portarlington (drop in
anytime between 3pm–7pm) at
Portarlington Neighbourhood House,
28 Brown Street Portarlington.
I attended the information session at
Drysdale yesterday evening and was
pleased to be able to speak with a
VicRoads representative to find out about
their planning to date and offer some
thoughts about the plans in relation to the
school precinct.
You can obtain more information from the
follow contacts: email drysdaletransport@ or call 5225 2576
Best wishes,
Michael Exton Principal
A Jesuit Partner School
Saint Ignatius Statue Unveiling Photos
“The positioning of the statue is extremely important. Ignatius is at the front of the school and so every day he
welcomes the students, staff, parents and visitors as they enter the school and he is challenging all of us “to
strive for the Magis - to do more, be more” and to be part of this school community in an Ignatian way”
Mr Paul Lewis
A Jesuit Partner School
Matters of Faith
Christ is risen from the dead!
Dying, he conquered death;
To the dead, he has given
Byzantine Liturgy
Christ died for our sins in
accordance with the
scriptures, and that he was
buried, and that he was
raised on the third day in
accordance with the scriptures.
St Paul
(1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
“Why do you look for the
living among the dead? He is
not here, but has risen”
Luke 15:5
On the final day of term the College held an
Easter liturgy for staff and students.
This liturgy was in the form of a performance
of the Stations of the Cross, by students from
Mr. Chirs Dainton’s Theatre Studies class.
The performance was planned and scripted
predominantly by the students and they
presented it in a reverent and powerful
A special thanks to the cast and all those who
were involved in producing this wonderful
experience for our community:
Jakob Inturisi, Fraser Richards, Annelise
Hardmann, Jordy Spriggins, Tom Smith,
Daniel Spence, Jack Attard, Lauren Board,
Gemma Bottrell, Monique Budge, Meghan
Carr, Ella Connoley, Dylan Crawley, Teah
Di Domenico, Ben Hargreaves, Georgie
Harrison, Oscar Irwin, Cecelia Johnston,
Emma Jones, Georgia Kerr-Nelson, Callum
McNaught, Brooke Milich, Angus Naylor,
Ben Scott, Maddie Searle, Ben Smith, Hayley
Trevena, Paige Willigen and Molly Winter.
The performance concluded with the body of
Jesus being carried into the tomb for burial,
leaving us all waiting for the resurrection.
Over the holidays we have celebrated Easter
with our loved ones and have been able to
celebrate the joy of the Christ’s paschal
mystery and the resurrection of Jesus.
May we always be conscious of the presence
of Christ in our lives.
Yours in Christ,
Brendan Nicholls
A Jesuit Partner School
Saint Ignatius Statue Unveiling and Blessing
A very special addition to Saint Ignatius
College’s Open Day, a fitting end to
Catholic Education week and of great
significance to the College, was the
unveiling and Blessing of the recently
sculptured statue of Saint Ignatius.
St Ignatius of Loyola
The statue has been recently placed at
the entrance of the College in a newly
paved and beautified area with attractive
rounded boulders from South Australia.
St Ignatius the Pilgrim
These granite boulders symbolically
reflect the Montserrat mountain range
near Barcelona, Spain where St Ignatius
began his new life, as is portrayed in
the sculpture. This is the time in his life
where he lay down his sword, gave away
a life of privilege, put on the clothes of a
beggar and walked to Manresa beginning
his life of transformative meditation.
Ours is the third statue of St. Ignatius to
be installed. The other two are at John
XXIII College, Perth and St Ignatius
Parish Norwood SA.
Rev Fr Gerry Healy, Jesuit priest, former
Headmaster, currently in residence at
Newman College and lecturing in the
Education Faculty at Melbourne
University blessed the magnificent bronze
sculpture of Saint Ignatius, the Pilgrim.
On behalf of the Australian Jesuit Province he supports the Jesuit partner schools
and is a regular visitor to our school for
events such as school masses and retreat
Sculptor Meliesa Judge spoke about her
journey with Project Manager Will Kuiper
in producing the statue of Saint Ignatius.
College Liturgy Captain Jacqueline
Seiffert read a prayer at the unveiling and
blessing, College Captains, Genevieve
Nicholls and Harry Stannard undertook
the much-awaited unveiling.
The ceremony was witnessed by
Fr McCarthy (Assistant Priest,
St Thomas parish Drysdale), Paul Lewis
(DP), Fr Gerry Healy SJ, Fr Puppady
(Parish Priest, St Thomas Drysdale),
Ignatius, Meliesa Judge (sculptor) and
Michael Exton (Principal) and members
of the College Board, Parents and Friends,
Staff College leaders, students and the
wider College Community.
by Meliesa Judge
“The twist of the figure is important.
I wanted to think about how Ignatius listened
for the word of God, a listening that involved
his whole being. Again how to express an
intangible sense like “listening” in a
visual form.
In this sculpture, we see him turning, mid-stride,
as if he has heard a voice call his name. ”
Meliesa Judge, Sculptor
Designed and
sculptured by
Meliesa Judge
Liquid Metal Studios,
South Australia
Blessed by
Fr Gerard Healy SJ
on Sunday 22nd
March 2015
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
In this sculpture we see Ignatius as a
young man, as potential still coming into
being. We see him at the start of his
journey - still not knowing where his feet
will take him. Ignatius has made a
powerful choice for non-violence,
walking away from his sword.
There is a faint smile, a slight warmth,
an openness. The small book represents
the journal Ignatius used to track his
spiritual life. The notes from his time in
Manresa formed the basis of the
Spiritual Exercises, fundamental to Jesuit
The sculpture reflects the young Ignatius
determined to act on the insights and
understandings of God’s action in his life.
The base rocks of the statue are a
symbolic reference to the mountains of
Montserrat in northern Spain:
Ignatius exchanged his clothes with a
beggar and so here he is wrapped in a
beggar’s cloak, tied with a belt of rope.
Ignatius wore these rags with pride and
“In the church at Montserrat, Ignatius
spends a night in vigil at the altar of the
Virgin Mary, and hangs up the arms of
human warfare with the votive offerings
The face of Ignatius here is young,
with a blend of compassion and
determination; worry and fearlessness
side by side, compassion along with a
soldier’s ferocity.
Ignatius is positioned here at the front of
the school to welcome students, staff and
visitors as they arrive each day.
St. Ignatius. Inspiring me to be a leader.
The wall sign that we have installed with the statue.
Paul Lewis, Deputy Principal of Mission,
Formation and Pastoral Care, ardently
managed the College’s involvement in the
project, informed the College community
of the progress of St. Ignatius’
construction and coordinated the
installation and the Blessing and
unveiling ceremony. He explains with the
pride and jubilance as shared by us all.
“The positioning of the statue is
extremely important. Ignatius is at the
front of the school and so every day he
welcomes the students, staff, parents and
visitors as they enter the school and he is
challenging all of us “to strive for the
Magis - to do more, be more” and to be
part of this school community in an
Ignatian way”.
The artist Meliesa Judge chose to
represent this moment in time when
Ignatius lay down his sword as the basis
for the statue to highlight Ignatius’ choice
for non-violence. Some 500 years later
this is still so relevant and significant for
the way we live.”
Meliesa spent several days at our school,
overseeing the installation and then speaking with all students in Years 7 to 10 as
well as senior Art and Visual
Communication students to explain her
artistic process and the significance of the
various features of the statue.
Claire Hewitt
Development Manager
Photos from the unveiling can be viewed
online at
A Jesuit Partner School
Inspired to leadership
Jacqui and Emily organised a ‘3 on 3’ basketball competition to help raise money
for, and promote awareness of, ‘Project
The Student Representative Council decide where money raised from casual days
is distributed. The casual day for term one
was held on Wednesday, March 25th (the
day of the senior 3 on 3 competition) and,
traditionally, the money raised also goes
to ‘Project Compassion’.
‘Project Compassion’ is “Caritas
Australia’s annual fundraising and
awareness-raising appeal, bringing
thousands of Australians together in
solidarity with the world’s poor to help
end poverty, promote justice and uphold
dignity.” More information on ‘Project
Compassion’ and Caritas can be found at
the website;
Anthony Gravener
Student leadership coordinator
Emily Harwood (Academic captain) and Jacqueline Seiffert (Liturgy captain) are pictured with
the senior ‘3 on 3’ basketball champion team Patrick Reid, Ben Smith and Max Kos.
Student Leadership Positions
The following students have been
appointed as House Vice Captains since
the beginning of the school year.
Congratulations to these students.
Anthony Gravener
Student leadership co-ordinator
Sabastian Bouma
Jacob Cuthill
Jonathan Grbac
Zoe Summerfield
Maths Tuition Sessions
‘Maths help’ sessions at lunchtimes will continue in Term 2 for all year levels. Students are able to get some help with topics they
are finding difficult or just catch up on homework.
For the middle school students, on Tuesdays in room X01 (downstairs in the Xavier Centre) teachers and the college academic
captain (Emily Harwood) will be available to give assistance. Thanks to Ms Robyn Frigo for overseeing this.
For students in Years 9-12, help will be available in V04 on Friday lunchtimes.
A reminder notice will be placed in the student bulletin each Tuesday and Friday morning.
We look forward to seeing students take advantage of this service.
Karen Perkins, Mathematics Learning Area Leader
A Jesuit Partner School
Starting 20th April
Monday 20th
A. Brown, J. Chainski,
B. Rees, C. Lyons
Tuesday 21st
L. Vella, T. Mifsud,
L.Smith, C, Carey,
K. Dawson
Wednesday 22nd
T. Wagener, J. Laney,
M. Sideris, A. Schneider,
P. Vaughan
Thursday 23rd
M. White, N. Lowther,
M. Van Loon, K. Butler,
P. Moate, E. Carpenter
Friday 24th
E. Stokie, D. Byron,
S. Smith, Needed
Starting 27th April
Monday 27th
C. Dumarezq,
N. Van Vliet,
S. Hammond
Tuesday 28th
M. Dunstan, T. Mifsud,
K. Robinson, T. Vuleta,
R. Morrison
Wednesday 29th
C. Ford, M. Sideris,
M. Fanning, Needed
Thursday 30th
M. White, S. Schwaiger,
M. Gill, L. Eastwood
Friday May 1st
B. Downey, L. Hart,
D. Kennedy, N. Woodfine
L. Quinlivan
If unable to attend, please
make sure you get a
Sandra Woodall
Tel: 0417 050258
Working Bee
Saturday 14th March 2015
There was a good turn out of volunteers on the
day which the Parents and Friends’
Association are very appreciative and grateful
for. The grounds looked fantastic at the end of
the Working Bee with many Students and Parents
participating in a variety of activities.
Thank you to all who helped on the day and
enjoyed a BBQ lunch at the end of it.
Adrian – Environment Chairperson
Parents and Friends
Open Day BBQ
Sunday 22nd March 2015
The Parents and Friends’ put on their Annual
Open Day BBQ for all visitors who came to
view our College. It was a busy day and a great
opportunity to meet new prospective Parents and
Students to the College and show case some of
the items the Parents and Friends’s have assisted
in purchasing with the funds raised from great
events that the Parents and Friends’ run
throughout the year.
We would like to thank all the volunteers who
supported the running of the BBQ on the day for
all their hard work. These people included: Adrian
Matthews, Catharina and Gerard Dumaresq,
Christine Johnson, Clare Gordon, Debbie Isbister,
Erin Carpenter, Jeanette Martinez, Jo Britt,
Lisa Bell and Sharon West.
Abraham Papp - Fundraising Chairperson
2015 Parents and
Friends Contact List
It is the start of a new year and time to update the
Parents and Friends Contact list…
If you are an existing Member of the 2014 Parents
and Friends list, please email Kristi (Secretary) to
ensure all your details are still correct.
If you would like to have your name added to
the Parents and Friends Contact list and you
have never been on this contact list before,
please email: Kristi Papp (Secretary, Parents and
Friends’ Association) on sicgpandf@ignatius.vic. with your name, email address.
There are many events and activities throughout
the year which you may like to support or be a
volunteer for. You do not need to attend any or
all of the Parents and Friends’ meetings in order
to assist with Working Bees, Open Day, or other
Fund Raising Events. Every small contribution is
highly valued and greatly appreciated
Parents and
Meetings for 2015
The Parents & Friends’ Association
cordially invite all those interested to
their meetings for 2015 held from
7.30pm onward in the Food Tech
Centre on the following dates:
Meeting schedule:
Monday 11th
Tuesday 9th
Monday 13th
Tuesday 11th
Monday 14h
Tuesday 13th
Monday 9th AGM
The Minutes for all meetings can be
found on the College website in the
Parents and Friends’ Portal when
available. The Agenda for the
up-coming meeting is also available
from the website just prior to the
meeting date.
New Opening Times for 2015
Uniform shop is now open Monday
8.00 - 9.30am.
We stock a wide variety of uniform
including new socks.
Your outgrown items can be sold in the
uniform shop and you can purchase
larger ones. Items for sale can be left at
the office.
Please ensure that blazers and kilts
have been drycleaned and all other
items have been laundered and are in
good condition.
Please pay particular attention to
underarms, cuffs and collars.
A form to be completed for items to
sell can be obtained by emailing
We are looking for volunteers to help
out once a month, for further
information contact
Kristi Papp - Secretary
A Jesuit Partner School
Open Day 2015
It was a Sunday in March, early in the
morning and well before Open Day
began, the school was already swathed in
sunshine and there were signs of the big
day that was about to unfold.
After these sessions, students and staff
were taking tours around the college and
visitors seemed delighted to see the
amazing array of things to see, do and
hear from both students and staff.
There was a buzz in the Food Technology
precinct with staff, students and the
generous PFA preparing sumptuous goodies for the afternoon tea for visitors and
lunches for staff.
There were forty-two activities, workshops presentations and displays to
engage and inform families.
The Parents and Friends’ were starting
up their barbecues with a big job ahead
of cooking sausages and hamburgers for
our 350 student volunteers for the day and
also for prospective families. Nothing like
a bit of sustenance especially in the form
of a sausage or two to relieve the mid-day
pangs when there was much to be done by
students in their myriad of activities, and
for families wanting to take in as much as
they could of all the opportunities for their
children at Saint Ignatius College.
Congratulations to the energetic and
enthusiastic PFA for their huge Saturday
working bee assisting the grounds staff:
the grounds look superb. On Open Day
they manned the BBQ and their PFA
information stand.
Students and staff began to arrive,
discussed arrangements for the day, all to
the sounds of tuning instruments echoed
around the school from the gym, School
of Performing Arts and the Senior quad.
Cricket was underway with a friendly
cricket match taking place between our
students and Geelong Grammar School
cricketers on the oval.
As the Open Day itself began, the College
was literally inundated with interested
families -1800 mums, dads, grandparents
and children.
The first Information session was quickly
filled to the music of the ensembles and
bands. Families heard from Principal
Michael Exton, College Captains
Genevieve Nicholls and Harry Stannard,
both reflecting on their journey through
their years at the College. Allison Carlon,
Head of Year 7 addressed the families
and two Year 7 students Kiera Galan and
Ethan O’Brien spoke about their
transition from primary school and how
well they had settled in.
There were games on the basketball court,
Year 7 and 8 activities, Social Justice,
Humanities, RE and Faith and
Spirituality displays and Wider reading
presentations all in the Xavier Centre
(Year 7 and 8 precinct).
In the EDCC Centre parents and children
could learn about the Library, observe the
Year 12 English LEAP Students forum
and learn about World Challenge and ICT
programming from the GenYES students.
A Year 12 Resin workshop was held and
Visual Communication students worked
on their projects, and programs in 12
Visual Arts – Media were displayed.
Upstairs in the Science Lab young visitors
could try their hand at various scientific
activities. On to the MacKillop Centre-the
VCE Centre, where LOTE-Indonesian
& Italian was the first “port of call” with
displays and activities, then onto the
Careers Information & VCE display and
Mathematics - Mathletics, CAS
Calculators and Resources.
Visitors could observe the modern
facilities of the Food Technology centre
with staff busy preparing visitor afternoon
tea, and student and staff lunches.
Families finished their day with afternoon
tea and many took the opportunity to
make further enquiries including enquiries
regarding bus transport.
A very special addition to our Open Day,
a fitting end to Catholic Education week
and of great significance to the College
was the unveiling and Blessing of the
recently sculptured statue of Saint
Ignatius situated at the entrance of the
College (covered in an article on Page 6).
It was a wonderful community day where
staff, students and parents worked
tirelessly to “showcase” their College.
We are so proud of our students who
confidently and, in a spirit of welcome,
were enthusiastic ambassadors for the
An excellent day for our community of
Saint Ignatius College, and an excellent
chance for the wider community to
experience first-hand the many
opportunities inspiring students to excel.
Mrs. Claire Hewitt
Development Manager
Photos from Open Day 2015 can be
viewed online at
our-school-photo-gallery and on the next
In the Potato shed, this year’s Production
rehearsals were underway and the School
of Performing Arts and VCE quad was
alive with the sounds of the VCE
ensembles and the Year 10 “ Music in
Motion “ bands.
Our student VCAL horticulturists were
planting vegetable seedlings in the
productive VCAL gardening patch and
the neighbouring Technology Centre
enthralled visitors with numerous student
activities in the Textiles, Woodwork,
Systems Technology, Metals and Plastics
areas. VCE bands were performing in the
School of Performing Arts and various
specialist Performing Arts rooms; Drama,
Keyboard and Piano were on show.
A Jesuit Partner School
Open Day 2015 Photos
It was a wonderful community day where staff, students and parents worked tirelessly to “showcase” their
College. We are so proud of our students who confidently and, in a spirit of welcome, were enthusiastic
ambassadors for the college.
Mrs Claire Hewitt
A Jesuit Partner School
Are your email
details up-to-date?
Communications during VCE
need to be actioned quickly and
with the Parent Portal being
used as the main point of
contact with parents, it is
important your details are
If you have changed your email
address recently and haven’t
advised the College or haven’t
provided an email previously,
please fill out the form below
and return it to College Office
so we can make any changes.
Your email address needs to be
one that is checked regularly as
information being sent will be
Anna Oliver, VCE Co-ordinator
Parent of:
New Email:
Old Email:
(if no longer in use)
(VCE Student)
Saint Ignatius Equestrian Clinic Day
During the first week of the school
holidays, members of the Saint Ignatius
Equestrian Team participated the colleges
first Clinic Day, held at Bellarine Horse
Riding Centre in Wallington.
The students Danielle Eastwood, Ella
Berry, Tori Fair, Grace Cotter, Isabella
Morrison, Cian Brilliant, Grace Walter,
Mikayla Warby and Lilly Herzer
participated in a range of Showjumping
and Dressage lessons with high level
instructors Jo Brady and Murray
Lamperd and had an extremely valuable
team and skill refining day.
Ms Marina Brown
Equestrian Team Manager
A Jesuit Partner School
Saint Ignatius Equestrian News
Congratulations to Saint Ignatius students
Edwina Lumsdem (7 Miki), Lucy Moate
(8 Realino) and Lilly Herzer (12 Garnett)
who were recently selected to ride in the
Australian Young Rider Dressage
Championships held at Werribee Park
National Equestrian Centre from April
The event is a wonderful opportunity to
showcase young dressage riders and
assist them in preparing for national level
competition. It is a highly regarded
competition for proficient and talented
young riders and so I commend all riders
for their efforts, particularly Lucy Moate
who was selected to ride for the Victorian
State Team.
All students rode well in the highly
competitive classes and we congratulate
them for the following results:
Edwina Lumsdem riding
Lilly Herzer and Lucy Moate National Young Rider Championships 2015.
Novice 2.2 Pony: 3rd
Novice 2.3 Pony: 2nd
Novice Pony Championship: 2nd
Lucy Moate riding
Elementary 3.2 Pony: 12th
Elementary 3.3 Pony: 10th
Elementary Pony Championship: 10th
Lilly Herzer riding
FEI Junior Freestyle: 4th
FEI Junior Individual: 5th
FEI junior championship: 4th
Medium 4.2: 4th
Medium 4.3: 8th
Medium Championship: 3rd
Reproduced with the kind permission of the Geelong Advertsier.
A Jesuit Partner School
Term 2 Curriculum and VCE News
Welcome back to Term 2 at Saint
Ignatius College. Term 2 is a long 11
week term with a lot of big things
NAPLAN testing for all Year 7 and Year
9 students occurs from Tuesday May 12th
to Thursday May 14th. These tests will be
conduct in the school gym and the ILC.
Year 11 Examinations commence on
Thursday June 4th and conclude on
Friday June 12th; with Monday June 8th
as a student free day for the Queens
Birthday long weekend and Wednesday
June 10th being a Year 11 only student
free day for the General Achievement
Test (GAT).
The GAT is undertaken by all VCE
students who are currently studying a Unit
3 & 4 subject (Year 12 and Year 11
Year 9 examinations will be conducted
between Wednesday June 10th to Friday
June 12th inclusively.
Preparing for exams is not just about
studying effectively, although that is a big
part of it. In fact, if you want to be super
organised, your exam preparation can
start now. If you take the time to really
prepare yourself for an exam, not only
will it increase your chance of performing
better in that subject, but also it will help
to greatly reduce your stress and panic on
the day of the exam.
Over the next few Newsletters there will
be tips on how to prepare for exams:
1. Consistent note taking.
Your exam preparation can start really
early on in the semester. If you take notes
as you go, you will save yourself a lot of
time when it comes to exam period.
2. Time management.
Write a schedule that states everything
you have to do in order to be 100% ready
for your exam. This schedule should
factor in a good amount of relaxation time
so that you don’t burn out before you’ve
sat the exam.
At the end of Term 2, current year 10 and
11 students will begin the subject
selection process for 2016.
A Parent information session for current
year 10 students will be held early in
term 3 and then subject selections will be
processed after this.
Anna Oliver VCE Coordinator
You will be able to get straight to revising
the study notes you already have, as
opposed to producing the study notes
from scratch first.
At this stage year 10 examinations are
scheduled for June 10th - 12th, however
consideration is being given to move
these examinations back a week; more
information will come in upcoming
newsletters if a change of dates is made.
Year 10 students have work experience
in the final week of term 2 (Monday June
22nd – Friday June 26th). Students should
be actively contacting potential work
place to secure their work experience and
hand their completed forms into their
homeroom teacher or Mr. Miles (Year 10
level coordinator).
In order to prepare for upcoming
examinations, students need to start to
think about the knowledge and skills
covered in term 1 and ensure that they
approach teachers for assistance should
they need clarification of any content.
A Jesuit Partner School
Help us to help others in need
Saturday 25 April 2015
7pm for 7.30 start
Maddy Searle + Cecelia Johnston
from St. Ignatius College
Trivia Night & Silent
BYO Food and Drinks
Tea and Coffee
Lucky Door Prize
Adult : $15
Student: $10
Mobile: 0407803062
Mobile: 0417125399
In June this year, funds permitting, we will
travel to a remote village in Southern India.
In association with the World Challenge
organization we will work at a remote rural
school, doing construction and renovation
work at the school and help take classes
with the local children.
Please help us by attending our trivia night.
Thanks - Maddy & Cecelia
Venue: Drysdale Primary School BER Building
Clifton Springs Road, Drysdale
A Jesuit Partner School
Thursday 7 and Friday 8 May, 9am-3pm
Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 May, 10am-4pm
Caulfield Racecourse
Australia’s biggest careers and education event
Exhibitors include providers of VCE resources, universities, TAFE and
training colleges PLUS 156 seminars on VCE subjects, tertiary courses,
career, gap year and study advice
156 seminars on VCE subjects and topics including:
More than 170 exhibitors including:
$5.00 admission for students in school groups
attending on Thursday or Friday
General admission $10.00. Family discounts available.
Free parking
Tickets are valid for all 4 days of The Expo and
include all seminars
Go to
and download our free app
or contact Resources for Courses on (03) 9596 8881
proudly supported by
our media partner
and our sponsors
A Jesuit Partner School
Building parent-school partnerships
WORDS Michael Grose
Do less, not more,
for your kids
With school-aged children we can find ourselves making lunches, getting kids out of bed
and cleaning out schoolbags rather than giving these basic tasks of living over to them.
The basic task of parenting, whether you
Frustrated being the go-between I made
have a two year old or a twenty-two year
sure he had contact details and let him
old, is to work yourself out of a job at the
know that it was his job, not my job, to
first possible chance.
connect with his sister.
REDUNDANCY should be the aim of
the game! We never become redundant
in a relationship sense – the emotional
connection between our children and us is
never severed.
In a practical, physical way we need to
make children less, rather than more, reliant
on us.
Developing independence is really about
stepping back to allow children in. Doing
less rather than more!
We develop greater independence in
our kids one job at a time. Recently I gave
my 22 year old son a job that I had been
It is easy as parents to take on the jobs and
responsibilities that really should belong to
our children. With toddlers it is so easy to
dress, feed and clean up after them rather
than give these jobs over to them.
With school-aged children we can find
ourselves making lunches,getting kids out
of bed and cleaning out schoolbags rather
than giving these basic tasks of living over
to them. And as I discovered, it is easy to still
do the basics of life for adult-aged children.
and I had taken on the job of being the
for developing independence:
connector between him and one of his
Like children, every teacher is different
sisters, who lives in the UK. It had been my
with their own specific expectations, goals
job to pass messages on between the two
and interests. Get to know your child’s
via telephone and emails. I would update
teacher and gain an understanding of their
each of them about how the other sibling
approach and aspirations for your child’s
was going.
doing for a while. He lives in North America
for developing independence:
Never be more worried about a child’s job
than they are, otherwise it becomes your
job, not theirs.
This mum remained very clear that it was
her job to wash the clothes but not to place
them in the washing basket. She would
remind kids about washing night, but never
nag them to put clothes in the basket. She
knows that as soon as she keeps reminding
them, it becomes HER job rather than her
children’s job to put the washing in the
clothes basket.
The school holidays provides a good
opportunity to reflect on the whole notion
of job-sharing. It’s also a good time for
kids to increase their job load when they
are not burdened with schoolwork and
extracurricular activities.
Here’s my challenge for you: Think of a job
that you regularly do for your child that he
or she can do for him or herself. Then step
back and enable your child to do that for
themselves on a full-time basis. Do less not
more for your kids.
If you do that, then you can congratulate
yourself as you have moved one step more
e from Michael Grose. Join
Stay one step ahead of your kids with great ideas & expert advic You’ll be so glad you did.
Michael’s NEW Parentingideas Club today at parentingideasclu
© 2015 Michael Grose
Community Notice Board
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Who said children don’t
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A Jesuit Partner School
Community Notice Board
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Depending on your level of motivation and ambition, you can umpire for
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Football experience is not a pre-requisite and retired or ex-players are most welcome.
Like other sports, Umpires have a dedicated coaching panel, training staff and observers who are all
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Contact Geelong Umpires Now!
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A Jesuit Partner School
School Calendar
April 2015
April 2015
Thursday 16th Year 10 Lawn Bowls
Thursday 16th Saint Ignatius House Cross Country Carnival
College and environs
1.30pm to 3.00pm
Friday 17th
Year 8 Medieval Excursion
Kryal Castle, Ballarat
Monday 20th
Year 7 Camp - Group 1
Claver, Carroll, Licona, Ricci and Miki
April 20th to 22nd
Friday 24th
Geelong Schools ANZAC Day Service
Monday 27th
Year 9 LOTE Excursion
Melbourne Zoo
Monday 27th
Year 10 Lawn Bowls
Tuesday 28th
Year 10 Lawn Bowls
Kostka and Evans
Tuesday 28th
College Production ‘Hairspray’ Rehearsal
3.00pm to 5.30pm
Monday 20th
Year 10 Lawn Bowls
Wednesday 29th Year 12 Media Excursion (Top Arts)
Federation Square Melbourne
Tuesday 21st
Year 10 Lawn Bowls
Wednesday 29th Year 10 and 11 Student Leadership
Northern Bay
Tuesday 21st
Year 9 Marine Science Excursion
Wednesday 29th GISSA Track and Field Championship
Tuesday 21st
Year 12 VCAL Excursion
Cottage by the Sea
Friday 30th
Independent Schools Surf Competition
Jan Juc
Tuesday 21st
College Production ‘Hairspray’ Rehearsal
3.00pm to 5.30pm
Friday 30th
Year 9 ECS Excursion
Leopold Child and Family Centre
Wednesday 22nd Year 7 Camp - Group 2 (Changeover)
Lewis, Borgia, Ward and Coudere
April 22nd to 24th
Monday 20th
Year 10 Lawn Bowls
May 2015
Wednesday 22nd Scholarship Testing
Wednesday 22nd Year 10 Lawn Bowls
Thursday 23rd Year 10 Science Competition
Deakin University
Friday 1st
Year 10 Performance of ‘Macbeth’
Friday 1st
Tour-De-Cure Visit
Saturday 2nd
Jesuit Maytime Fair
Thursday 23rd Year 10 Lawn Bowls
Look for the Calendar available through the Saint Ignatius College
Saint Ignatius College
27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale, Victoria. 3222
T: 03 5251 1136
A Jesuit Partner School