ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA PARISH AND ST. MARY PARISH ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA PARISH CONSISTS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCHES OF ST. MARTIN CHURCH 120 MAPLE ST., SOMERSWORTH NH AND HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 404 HIGH ST., SOMERSWORTH NH ST. MARY PARISH 440 CHURCH STREET, ROLLINSFORD NH REV. MICHAEL S. TAYLOR PASTOR CELL: (603) 493-6837 Sunday of Divine Mercy • April 3, 2016 Office Location: 404 High St., P.O. Box 70, Somersworth, NH 03878 Hours: 9 AM-4:30 PM Office Contacts: Sandy Libby or Carleen (Carrie) Plante Office Phone:.................................................603-692-2172 Fax: ................................................................603-692-2499 Holy Trinity Church Hall: ...........................603-692-5403 St. Martin Church Hall:...............................603-692-5878 Cemetery Office:...........................................603-692-0524 Rectory, 130 Maple St.: ................................603-841-3944 St. Mary Church Sacristy: ...........................603-740-5613 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Janet Jacobson ................................................603-692-4367 Religious Education - St. Ignatius Janet Jacobson, Director .................................603-692-4367 Religious Education - St. Mary Laurie Lambert ...............................................603-742-3996 Website: St. Ignatius & St. Mary:............. Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated at 1:30 PM on Sundays at Saint Martin Church. Please call the office to make arrangements. Baptism preparation is the Third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM at St. Martin Church. Sacrament of Matrimony Diocesan policy states that arrangements be made at least six months prior to the date of marriage. Daily Mass Schedule Monday……………………… 9:00 AM Mass - St. Martin Tuesday………………….....9:00 AM Mass - Holy Trinity Wednesday………...……………….….9:00 AM –St Mary Thursday……………………………………….....No Mass Friday………………………… 9:00 AM Mass - St. Martin Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday………………………….......4:00 PM - St. Martin Saturday ...........................................5:30 PM - Holy Trinity Sunday .............................. 8:30 AM - St. Mary, Rollinsford Sunday……………………………...10:00 AM - St. Martin Sunday ....................... .7:00 AM, 11:30 AM - Holy Trinity Holy Day Schedule Please see Mass intentions inside bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation Friday: St. Martin Church…………….. 6:15 PM -7:00 PM Saturday: St. Martin Church…………...2:30 PM—3:30 PM And by appointment Sacrament of the Sick Please notify us if a parishioner is seriously ill and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick. Communion to the Homebound If you are homebound and would like to receive the Eucharist, please call the office 603-692-2172. PAGE 2 SOMERSWORTH / ROLLINSFORD Bernadette’s persistent queries, asking the lady repeatedly for her name, she finally answered: “I am the Immaculate Conception.” This was a revelation peculiar and confusing to Bernadette, but she related the information just the same, without a waver in her faith. And this revelation proved decisive in the reception and acceptance of the apparition. St. Bernadette: Model of Humility, Strength and Steadfast Faith Part 2 Catholic Exchange, April 16, 2015 by Paul Senz (used with permission) Bernadette did not claim to know who the person in the grotto was. On February 18, her third visit to the grotto, the woman asked her to come back every day for 15 days. Word began to spread about Bernadette’s experiences, and the incredulity became rampant. Bernadette’s own parents initially tried to keep her from going to the grotto, as they were embarrassed at the sort of attention their daughter was garnering. Her sister and their friend who had been with her during the first visit said they saw nothing, which only added to the skepticism about Bernadette’s claims. And during these two weeks, large crowds began to gather at the grotto, much to the displeasure of the local authorities. In fact, the police took Bernadette in for questioning, to make her “admit” that the whole ordeal was nothing but an elaborate hoax. But Bernadette was not to be put off. Regardless of what was thrown at her, she remained faithful. The local authorities continued to try to discredit Bernadette. They accused her and her family of various malfeasances. Her parents and other family members had come to believe her, and were unwavering in their support. There were those who believed Bernadette implicitly. Many believed that the woman was Mary, Mother of the Lord, partially based on her description of the woman – dressed in a white veil, a blue girdle, with a yellow rose on each foot. The woman, whoever she was, asked for prayer and penance. It was not until March 25 that the woman identified herself. After Perhaps Bernadette’s holiness and humility, her unassuming nature, and her quiet steadfastness in the face of opposition, lend credence to the veracity of her claims. While Catholics are not bound to believe in the apparitions at Lourdes, the Church has deemed them “worthy of belief.” Regardless of one’s personal stance on these events, there is much that we can learn from this story of Bernadette. First and foremost, Bernadette is a portrait of strength. Her family, her pastor, her bishop, the media, tourists and gawkers, and people of all sorts were not only skeptical of her claims, but some were even hostile in their accusations. Some claimed she had a mental illness and should be institutionalized; others accused her of lying outright. Regardless, Bernadette persisted. This was not some pious idea, purely in the head of a dull or dunderheaded girl. In the face of all opposition, intensive interviews with Church officials, as well as representatives of the French government, Bernadette insisted she was telling the truth. When Bernadette Soubirous lay dying, at the tender age of 35, she prayed to the Virgin Mary for strength to endure the trial. She had contracted tuberculosis of the bone, and was in great agony. She strove to continually remind herself that her suffering was not in vain, reportedly saying “All this is good for Heaven!” She died on April 16, 1879. St. Bernadette Soubirous, pray for us! ! ! PAGE 3 ST. IGNATIUS / ST. MARY Week of April 4 – April 10, 2016 Monday April 4 St. Martin 9:00 AM Sin Ras by her daughter Naly Tuesday April 5 Holy Trinity 9:00 AM Jill Cashman by the Old Westwind Gar dens Wednesday April 6 St. Mary 9:00 AM Living & Deceased Members of St. Anne’s Guild Thursday April 7 Holy Trinity Friday April 8 St. Martin 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:15PM - Maureen Stack by Mar tin Mor r issey 9:00 PM Adoration 7:00 PM Confessions Saturday April 9 St. Martin 3.25 PM 4:00 PM Holy Trinity 5:30 PM Rosary Paul Spellman by Blanche Therrien & Alice Croteau Frank Garofano by Sylvia J ohns Laurette Demers by her sister Patr icia Bir dsell Holy Trinity St. Mary St. Martin Holy Trinity 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM Sunday April 10 No Mass Helen Turcotte by the Osbon family Leonard & Genevieve Morin Sin Ras by the family Intentions of All Parishioners Adoration Eucharistic Adoration is held every Friday at St. Martin Church from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, and every third Wednesday at St. Mary Church, Rollinsford following the 9:00 Mass until 10:30 AM. “As the Father has sent Me, so I send you.” Do you have a growing interest in sharing the Lord’s saving mission as a priest or in the consecrated life? Call Father Jason Jalbert (603) 669-3100, or write: PAGE 4 SUNDAY OF DIVINE MERCY St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish March 26 & 27, 2016 March 27, 2016 Easter Offertory Envelopes (233) Easter Loose Cash Offertory Total $4,592.00 $2,190.59 $6,782.59 Other Collections & Donations Offertory Envelopes (199) Online Giving Easter Flowers (5) Catholic Relief (2) Holy Land (78) Fuel (1) Capital Improvement (2) Rice Bowl $ 3,747.00 $ 245.00 $ 70.00 $ 25.00 $ 792.00 $ 5.00 $ 20.00 $ 992.10 Total Offering & Collections $12,678.69 Thank you for your generosity St. Ignatius Finance The next St. Ignatius Finance meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 5th, 6:15 PM at the parish office. Knights of Columbus The next scheduled meeting of the Knights of Columbus will be held on Tuesday, April 5th, 7:00 PM in the Holy Tr inity Par ish hall. St. Mary Weekend Ministry Schedule Sunday, April 10 2016 Lector: Bread: Choir Loft: Cups: Greeters: St. Mary Parish Ron Chabot June Daigneault Mike Daigneault Richard Cushing Jack Fogarty The St. Hilaire family Easter Offertory Envelopes (34) Easter Loose Cash Offertory Total $ 627.00 $ 820.75 $1,447.75 Other Collections & Donations Offertory Envelopes (34) Online Giving Catholic Relief (1) Holy Land (18) Rice Bowl $ 849.00 $ 55.00 $ 25.00 $ 338.00 $ 25.00 Total Offering & Collections $2,739.75 Thank you for your generosity! Parish Breakfast Please join us for the St. Ignatius Breakfast Buffet next Sunday, April 10th from 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM at St. Martin Church. The meal includes scrambled eggs, fried eggs, plain and blueberry pancakes, French toast, ham, sausage, bacon, home fries, “St. Martin” potatoes, toast, beans, juice, milk, hot chocolate and coffee. The price is still a bargain at only $6.00 for adults, $2.50 for children 7 to 15, and free for children under 7. Groups of six or greater can reserve a space by calling 692-2848. Remember that you get twice the benefit by having breakfast with us. You get a great meal for a great price, and the profit helps support your parish. Do you attend the 10:00 AM Mass? If so, consider it “Brunch” and mom won’t have to fix a big dinner. Mary Had a Little Lamb Little Johnny asked his Sunday School teacher, “If Mary had Jesus, and if Jesus is the Lamb of God, does that mean Mary had a little lamb?” ! PAGE 5 APRIL 3, 2016 Readings for the Week of April 3, 2016 Sunday: 2nd Sunday of Easter "Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, 'Peace be with you.'" The disciples were paralyzed by fear. After the Crucifixion, they had locked themselves in a room and were keeping a low profile. They didn't want to end up how Jesus had ended up. But the Lord stepped right into this paranoia and dispelled it in an instant: "The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord." Although these first Christians were very concerned about preserving their lives, the fact is that living holed up in an attic wasn't a life of much freedom or joy. Jesus wanted his followers to have the fullness of life, but this required trust in him and his promises. As today's Gospel puts it, through the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, "you may have life in his name." When we come to really accept who Jesus is, there is no more need for a life of slavery to fear-whatever that fear may be, whether it's fear for our health; fear for our reputation; fear for our comfort; or even fear that our sins are too big for forgiveness. Today as we celebrate the feast of Divine Mercy, we remember that God's love is strong enough to conquer the greatest of all human fears: death itself. This confidence leads us to a renewed joy. As Pope Francis wrote in his declaration of this, the Year of Mercy, "Mercy is the force that reawakens us to new life and instills in us the courage to look to the future with hope." Once we are firmly established in this hope, we are called to be witnesses of mercy to others. The Holy Father continues with a challenge for all of us, "Jesus asks us also to forgive and to give. To be instruments of mercy because it was we who first received mercy from God." Acts 5:12-16/Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24/ Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19/Jn 20:19-31 Monday: Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Ps 40:7-11/Heb 10:410/Lk 1:26-38 Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37/Ps 93:1-2, 5/Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26/Ps 34:2-9/Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33/Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20/Jn 3:3136 Friday: Acts 5:34-42/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14/Jn 6:1-15 Saturday: Acts 6:1-7/Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19/Jn 6:1621 Next Sun: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41/Ps 30:2, 4-6, 1113/Rv 5:11-14/Jn 21:1-19 or 21:1-14 Do Catholics have to go to confession at least once a year? Paragraph #1457 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us "each of the faithful is bound by an obligation faithfully to confess serious sins at least once a year." This is part of the minimum requirements to practice faith as found in the precepts of the church. The obligation to confess applies to serious sin. If one practices one's faith sincerely, receives the sacraments, prays daily, strives to be holy, and is unaware of any serious sin, one would not be obligated to go to confession. Paragraph #1458 encourages people, however, to confess venial sin and to view the sacrament as another tool in the struggle to grow in faith through the formation of conscience. Like any exercise, when we get out of the habit, it is more difficult to return to the practice. Athletes understand how important daily practice is. It is the same for those who do physical therapy to recover from an injury. The regularity helps more than just occasional activity. In the same way, the regular practice of one's faith makes it easier to develop a deeper relationship with God. Examining one's conscience and honestly looking at oneself daily, helps a person understand the need for celebrating the sacrament of penance, even more than once a year. PAGE 6 SUNDAY OF DIVINE MERCY Easter Flower Offering We wish to acknowledge the following Easter Flower Donations received in memory of: Please Join Us Today Divine Mercy Novena Deceased members of the Demers family, by M/M Scott Demers Dick Lambert, M/M John Hladick & M/M Raymond Lambert:, by Mrs. Rosemary Lambert M/M Ralph Petrin, Sr., M/M Arthur Brunelle, Fr. Richard Brunelle, & Norman Petrin by M/M Raoul Petrin Please join us today, April 3rd at Holy Trinity Church for the Divine Mercy Novena from 2:00 4:00 PM . Congratulations! Steubenville East High School Teens! Come Meet the God Who’s “Thirst” for You! St. Ignatius of Loyola welcomes all those received into the Catholic Church, through the Sacraments of Initiation and Profession of Faith at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday: Nicholas Johnson, Steven Johnson and Fella Stevani. Save the dates – July 15 – 17, 2016 Have you ever wanted to have a full weekend of music, prayer and fun? Save the Date! ! ! ! Have you ever wanted to be face to face with Jesus? You’re invited to experience a God who “Thirst” for You! (Romans 5:8) Come and join thousands of teens this summer and discover the reality that nothing can separate us from this love. This is for high school teens including those who are currently in 8th grade going into high school in the fall. The Steubenville East Youth Conference will be at the Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell! For registration information you can go to our web site, For more information, contact Janet Jacobson at 6924367 or St. Ignatius of Loyola & St. Mary’s Parish Vacation Bible School Is headed your way this summer! August 1 – August 5, 2016 9:00am - Noon At St. Martin Church Kids will explore the rock-solid foundation of Jesus’ love. So let’s follow Jesus this summer! Jesus, the light of the world! LAKESIDE MOBILITY & SCOOTER LLC Dumais & Ferland Certified Public Accountants 800-649-6457 Now installing Residential & Commercial Elevators, Stairlifts & Ramps Toll Free: 1-877-652-7772 129 Milton Rd., Rochester, NH 03868 Tel: 603-332-9555 “Tradition and History” Since 1932 Propane Gas • BioHeat • Kero Complete Heating and Cooling Services Energy Conservation Products and Services 99 High Street Somersworth, NH 03878 (603) 692-5358 (800) 953-5358 Thomas G. Dumais, CPA Kevin J. Ferland, CPA S.R.M.C 692-3595 STEPHEN ROY PROPANE • OIL MONUMENT CO. PARTY ICE FULL SERVICE MONUMENT BUSINESS AIR CONDITIONING 57 Summer St. REFRIGERATION Rochester, NH 03867 “LOCAL FAMILY BUSINESS SINCE 1950” 332-6545 P 58 New Rochester Rd. Dover, NH 03820 603-742-3045 Purdy Funeral Service Wiggin-Purdy-McCooey-Dion Funeral Home 742-1017 • Dover 1/2 Off Sundae Buffet Purdy Memorial Chapel Pet Passages w/ purchase of meal with coupon 868-2100 • Barrington/Lee “Geriatrics with a Sense of Humor” LAW OFFICE OF LISA E. ROCHE, P.A. Bellamy Fields (603)516-8888 WILLS, TRUST & PROBATE ADMINISTRATION Watson Fields (603)516-8810 LICENSED IN NH, ME AND MA 519 U.S. ROUTE ONE, UNIT 10, YORK, ME 03909 Assisted Living Facilities Dover, NH 207-363-0383 ATTORNEYLISAROCHE@GMAIL.COM Avalar Advantage Real Estate REAL PEOPLE • REAL SERVICE • REAL ESTATE... BRIAN REARDON, REALTOR® Buying, selling or just thinking ...I would be happy to help in your decision! C: 603.205.2162 1 Windhaven Road, Rochester, NH 03867 P: 603.948.1600 F: 603.948.1058 7KDQN\RXIRU\RXUWUXVW EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED SLA2012 Saint Ann REHABILITATION AND NURSING CENTER Bishop Gendron THIS SPACE IS Contact Cory Karanik to place an ad today! or (315) 870-0970 SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY 195 Dover Point Rd. Dover, NH 03820 603-742-2612 A Home Of State, Federal and JCAHO Accreditation FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. MARCH 4, 2016 11:07 AM SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA, SOMERSWORTH , NH 04-0438 Roberge Funeral Home Westwind Gardens Raymond A Roberge, Director Caring for area families in their time of loss 298 High Street Somersworth, N.H. 03878 Serving Somersworth area since “1965” Dennis & Lisa Hook 603-692-3434 402 High Street Somersworth, NH 03878 Traditional & Cremation Services Family Owned & Operated since 1949 Member of St. Ignatius Parish LARRY VEILLEUX REMODELING, MO NG LLC DENNIS J. TSAKIRIS Financial Planner Flowers For Your Special Day And Every Day (603) 692-3577 Phone: 603-749-0570 Kitchens, Baths & Additions 30+ yrs Experience in Home Remodeling Cell: (603) 866-2237 “Helping build financial dreams for over 20 years.” Work Performed to Code Home: (603) 692-3072 EPA Lead Safe Certified “Call For A Free Consultation” Treat yourself to a break or give the gift of a helping hand. Call or Email Marybeth Perrelli (603) 988-2500 Dover, Somersworth, Rochester, Rollinsford, Madbury, Durham and Barrington. TASKER FUNERAL HOME TASKER MONUMENT CO. GARRISON CITY CREMATORY 621 Central Avenue, Dover, NH 03820 or 800-498-4961 603-742-4961 PLUMBING, HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS 74 2 -4141 ESTALISHED 1968 DOVER, NH 03820 NH LIC # 456C • ME LIC # 02687 WWW.MARTELPH.COM Ross Furniture Company Home Furnishers PIECE O’ CAKE a party store ~ and so much more Mon-Fri 8:30am to 8:00pm Saturday 8:30am to 7:00pm Closed Sundays. See you in Church 207-698-4444 8 Sullivan St. • Berwick, ME Tri-City Flooring Carpet • Vinyl • Tiles Hardwood • Laminate Sales & Installation FREE ESTIMATES 62 Market Street Somersworth, NH 03878 30-38 Third St., Dover ROY HARDY 742-1800 603-692-2220 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL 603-817-9471 Brian Roberge Fax: 603-692-6812 Email: 19 Mornng Street Somersworth, NH 03878 !"#$%&"' Since 1984 Professional !""#$% Contractor Party Supplies Cake Decorating Supplies Candy Making Supplies Wedding Accessories Discounted Wedding Invitations and more SALES SERVICE RENTALS Route 108 • SOMERSWORTH, NH (603) 742-2815 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 Providers of Embroidered & Screen Printed Work & Play Apparel Looks Good on You! Judith Creteau • Grover L. Tasker, Sr. • Lucas Dumont • Matthew Gagne • “Over 89 years on the Square” Dana Hall 481 High Street Somersworth, NH 207-698-1551 ERIC GEORGE General Manager 136 Rochester Street Berwick, ME 03901 (603) 742-9855 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. HALL BROTHERS ROOFING MARCH 4, 2016 11:07 AM SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA, SOMERSWORTH , NH 04-0438
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