March 2015 - Lemoore Chamber of Commerce
March 2015 - Lemoore Chamber of Commerce
OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE LEMOORE DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Lemoore LifeStyle 300 E. STREET LEMOORE, CA 93245 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED It is the mission of Lemoore Chamber of Commerce to be the leader in our community for building sustainable economic growth, advocating for a pro-business climate and enhancing Lemoore’s working relationships with Lemoore Naval Air Station, City, Education, Tourism Business and Agricultural interests. 300 E Street, Lemoore, CA 93245 • (559) 924-6401 • March 2015 Labor dispute at ports hits state manufacturers, farmers, even recyclers By SHAN LI & DIANA MARCUM LA Times Feb 17, 2015 A months-long labor dispute between dockworkers and employers has snarled ports along the West Coast. Some 20,000 members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union have been working since July without a contract while their union negotiates with the Pacific Maritime Assn., which represents major shipping lines and cargo terminal operators. The stalemate is hobbling businesses in California and beyond — manufacturers, farmers, retailers and even trash recyclers waiting to receive goods or export products using ships idling at 29 ports along the coast. Automakers have warned that the port impasse would slow production at U.S. factories while they wait for parts. A Midwest fruit distributor tweeted that it fears running short of blueberries and pineapples because products are stuck on the docks. Meat and poultry exporters are being hit with an estimated $40 million a week in lost sales and extra costs, with up to $45 million in weekly hide and skin export sales lost, according to the North American Meat Institute. It’s a serious problem especially for those who depend on the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports, the nation’s largest cargo container complex, which handles about 40% of U.S. imports and moves about $1 billion in goods a day during normal operations. Over the [Presidents Day] holiday weekend, employers halted cargo unloading, a move that the union contended was to pressure dockworkers into agreeing on a contract. Unloading resumed Tuesday as Labor Secretary Thomas Perez met with negotiators in San Francisco, but dozens of huge cargo ships remained stranded off the coast from San Diego to Seattle. The port stalemate is devastating for some farmers, particularly in California’s $2.4-billion citrus industry. This time of the year, more than 25% of the crop is meant for export. But delayed shipping has left navel oranges and lemons rotting on ships. Chinese officials have started refusing all citrus trade group. “This is a train wreck.” Companies are scrambling to figure out a Plan B and are bracing for huge losses if the fight continues or escalates into a lockout or strike. On the East Coast, ports are also slammed with companies desperate for an alternative — prices have shot up from an average of $2,000 per container to more than $6,000, Nature USA’s President, Mike Farid said. “Even if you are willing to pay that, and we are willing to pay, they can’t give us a date because they are booked up,” he said. “We from Tulare County because they can’t give delivery dates to our received decayed fruit, said Joel customers, our customer can’t Nelsen, president of California Citrus Mutual. “This is one of the most challenging seasons we’ve faced in a quarter of a century,” he said, noting that exports are down 60% from the same time Save the dates for the 15th two years ago, when growers exported Annual Central Valley Pizza $385 million worth of oranges and Festival: April 17th-19th. The $109 million of lemons. event will be at the City Park Packers have cut worker on Bush and Fox Streets in hours, and picking has slowed or Lemoore beginning Friday evestopped. Stranded fruit may flood ning at 5pm. the U.S. market, dragging down Vendor applications, sponprices. Other countries are movsorship opportunities and ing into foreign markets that U.S. Giant Pizza Competition growers can’t reach because of the entry forms are available on port logjam; Egypt, for example, is the Chamber’s website: www. shipping oranges to South Korea. lemoorechamberofcommerce. “When we lose customers, it takes com, at the Chamber office on us years to get them back. We’ve E Street or by calling: 559-924seen that after the freezes,” said Bob 6401. Blakely, vice president of the citrus Saturday, March 7th, 6-9pm Daylight Savings Time Begins Lemoore Civic Auditorium Sunday, March 8th See Labor; Page 6 Pizza Fest Planning In Progress Chamber Luncheon Lemoore Lions Club Mongolian BBQ give delivery dates to retailers, you are in this utter chaos.” The company is looking at a partial shutdown if it doesn’t get more yarn in the next four weeks. “There aren’t any options, there are no contingency plans,” Farid said. “There is nothing we can do.” Pacific Play Tents and Stansport Inc., based in Los Angeles, are in a similar bind. The camping equipment companies have more than $2 million tied up in tents and other gear stacked inside 38 containers on the water near the L.A. and Long Beach ports, said Brian Jablon, executive vice president The fun filled three day event will feature children’s rides, food and craft vendors, live music and several special contests, including the Giant Pizza Competition and Pizza Eating Competition! Wednesday, March 11th, Noon-1pm American Legion Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner Tachi Palace Willow & Sequoia Banquet Rooms Tuesday, March 17th, 4-6pm Veteran’s Memorial Bldg. PAGE 2 – March 2015 Lemoore LifeStyle A Message from Jenny Mac I n the play, Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare penned the immortal line…”Beware the Ides of March.” Since then, superstitious people tend to dread March 15th, (I for one don’t subscribe to the fear of dates, though I do get a little anxious come April 15th…) Since the assassination of the Roman dictator in 44 B.C., some other tragedies and noteworthy events have taken place on March 15th: In 1917, Russian Czar Nicholas II abdicated the throne which started Bolshevik rule and ended a 304 year dynasty. In 1939, German troops marched into Bohemia and Moravia with little resistance, thus ending Czechoslovakian independence. In 1952, a world record of 73.62 inches of rain fell on the Indian Ocean island of La Réunion during a 24 hour period. (We sure could use some rain in the Central Valley, but not like that.) In 1971, CBS cancels the Ed Sullivan Show after a 23 year run on the network. In 2003, the acronym SARS, (Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome) became a household name and created a global health crisis. But not everything is dreadful in the month of March. March is also National Women’s History month. It’s an ideal time to consider the many ways in which women have changed our nation. There was a time when a woman’s only identifiers were mother, sister or wife. Over the years, due to the efforts of many, women have gained widespread recognition for their contributions to our society. Today, women are our doctors, attorneys, pilots, engineers, law enforcement officers, art- ists, authors, musicians, educators as well as legislators that make our laws. That was an extreme rarity 100 years ago. The number of women-owned businesses has grown at one and a half times the national average for new businesses during the last decade, according to a recent study by the National Association of Women Business Owners. In Lemoore alone, we can boast that we have Mayor Lois Wynne and Superintendent of Lemoore Union High School District, Debbie Muro. We also have many women business owners and general managers here in Lemoore. Just to name a few: Mariela O’LearyElite Performance, Aracely Salas- Reyna’s Restaurant, Tracy Bressler- Bressler & Company CPAs, Virginia Lee- Lincoln Center Market, Lynda Lahodny- Décor a Lemoore, Gloria Morgan- Morgan & Slates, Ayla Tidwell & Grace Garst- Blue Door Massage & Spa, Lisa Babb- Scentsy Star Director, Tara Weaver & Bernadetta Ruch- Navy Federal Credit Union, Frances PerkinsBest Western Inn & Suites Lemoore, Lisa Munde- Lisa Munde Photography, Jane Barlow- Jane Barlow Real Estate, Wendy Raygoza- Fatte Albert’s Pizza Company, and so many more! As CEO of the Lemoore Chamber of Commerce and a woman, I am grateful that there are influential women who have, and continue to be, pioneers in working to make women full participants in Lemoore and in all parts of our society. Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Chairperson Victor Rosa - Lemoore Middle College High School Chairman-Elect Frances Perkins - Best Western Inn & Suites Lemoore Vice Chairman William A. Parry - Hammerschmidt Broughton Past Chairman Michele Costa - DaCosta Farms CFO Jeff Babb - Agusa, Inc. Directors John Miller - Ramblin' Rose Florist John Roush - Lemoore Stadium Cinemas Dustin Fuller - Civic Minded Individual Deanna Patterson - Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino Johnny Perez - Best Buy Market Jody Ruble - West Hills College David Endo - Lemoore Union High School District Ex- Officio Directors Marlana Brown - NAS Lemoore Judy Holwell - City of Lemoore Amy Ward - Lincoln Military Housing 2015 Labor Law Update & Business Library The Chamber knows how difficult it can be to keep in compliance with the ever shifting labor laws each year. If you’d like to come to our office, we have a listing and explanation of each new law in our Business Library that you can read. In fact, we have a number of books, magazines and newsletters that we are compiling in our Business Library that all of our Chamber Members have access to during regular office hours. Stop by the Chamber today and see how we can help you succeed! Chamber Staff Jenny MacMurdo Chief Executive Officer Diana Perez Membership Coordinator Brenda Martin Events Coordinator Phone: (559) 924-6401 Fax: (559) 924-4520 Website Lemoore LifeStyle March 2015 – PAGE 3 MARCH 6th - CHAMBER TRAIN DEPOT Members Non-Members $35 after January 9th Team Building is an ongoing process that helps a work group evolve into a cohesive unit. DATE: March 6th, 2015 TIME: 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. PLACE: Train Depot/Lemoore Chamber MAY 8 DIVERSITY TRAINING...Is to increase participants cultural awareness, knowledge, and communication. SEPTEMBER 4 DE-ESCALATION ………….……..…….…...How you respond to difficult behavior is key to defusing it. OCTOBER 9 SALES & MARKETING……..….Your future clients are looking for you everywhere, will they find you? March 2015 EDUCATION is Sunday BACK Monday 1 Tuesday Wednesday 2 3 City Council Meeting 7:30 p.m. Mooney Museum Open Noon – 3:00 p.m. Young Artist Spring Concert Kings Symphony Orchestra- 7pm FOURTH ANNUAL TEACHER JOB FAIR Bring your resumes and Dress for Success! When: Thursday, March 5, 2015 Time: 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm Where: Brandman Hanford Campus Mall Dr. 325 Hanford, CA 93230 15 9 10 Ambassador Mtg 1pm, Freight Room BINGO 6:00 p.m., Senior Center 11 12 16 17 Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner- American Legion Vets Memorial Bldg 18 19 BINGO 6:00 p.m., Senior Center 22 23 24 Mooney Museum Open Noon- 3:00pm Brandman University, a part of the Chapman University System, is a private, nonprofit institution accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) that offers academic programs both online and at over 25 campuses throughout California and Washington. 29 Mooney Museum Open Noon- 3:00pm 1719-1209-2014 Community Swap Meet Lemoore City Park 1 Lemoore Lions Mongolian BBQ Lemoore Civic, 6-9pm 25 BINGO 6:00 p.m., Senior Center 30 31 CBOD Mtg 7am 13 20 14 Shamrock Shuffle 7am check-in 21 Vets/Seniors Breakfast 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Veterans Memorial Bldg. City Council Meeting 7:30 p.m. Contact Us At 559-587-3446 or or visit us at 7 Vets/Seniors Breakfast 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Veterans Memorial Bldg. Vets/Seniors Breakfast 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Veterans Memorial Bldg. Chamber Luncheon Noon-1pm Tachi Palace BINGO 6:00 p.m., Senior Center Mooney Museum Open Noon – 3:00 p.m. Event is open to applicants seeking a teaching position in Kings County. Saturday 6 Business Seminar Daylight Savings Begins Mooney Museum Open Noon – 3:00 p.m. nd 2 Sunday Seminar 2-3pm Event Details Friday 5 Train Depot, 3:30-5pm 8 If you hold a BA degree and want to teach, this is the event for you. Thursday 4 26 27 Vets/Seniors Breakfast 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Veterans Memorial Bldg. Community Breakfast 8:30-10am, Tachi Palace 28 PAGE 4 – March 2015 Lemoore LifeStyle Ron Hoggard Above: Students of the Month Recognized at February Chamber Luncheon. Pictured in front: Student of the Month for January, Ethan Fouts from Akers Elementary School for “Responsibility”. 2nd row from left to right: Student of the Month for February, Aaron Edwards from Akers Elementary School for “Fairness”, Overall Student of the Month for January, Sophia Madrid from Lemoore High School, Student of the Month for January, Xavier Gonzales from Central Elementary School for “Caring”, Overall Student of the Month for January, Elizabeth Torres from Lemoore Middle College High School. In back: Dameane Douglas, Field Representative for Assemblyman Rudy Salas. Left: Guest Speaker at February Chamber Luncheon: Lemoore Police Chief Darrell Smith and Kings County District Attorney Keith Fagundes. Lemoore’s New Interim City Manager On Tuesday, February 17th, at the Lemoore City Council meeting, the council appointed Ron Hoggard as interim city manager. The council began searching for an interim manager in January of 2015, after City Manager Jeff Laws announced that he will be retiring on March 6. Hoggard will start work on March 2, 2015 and continue until the council hires a permanent city manager, or he has worked 960 hours, whichever comes first. Hoggard previously served as an assistant city manager in Lemoore for 10 years before he was hired as Corcoran’s city manager in 2002. After retiring in 2011, Hoggard also briefly served as interim city manager in Hanford in 2012. “We were very pleased to be able to offer the interim position to Mr. Hoggard,” said Lemoore Mayor Lois Wynne. “He is familiar with the city departments and staff, its history and the community. I believe he will fit in great and be a good match for us during his time here.” “Ron Hoggard has a history of having a pro-economic development approach, which is very important to our city,” says City Planner Judy Holwell. The Chamber is looking forward to working with Mr. Hoggard through his time as interim and wish him all the best. Lemoore LifeStyle March 2015 – PAGE 5 PAGE 6 – March 2015 Lemoore LifeStyle California weighs new drought rules at restaurants, hotels By Fenit Nirappil Associated Press 13th ANNUAL Happy Hearts Program In loving memory of Heather Nugent Dear Corporate Sponsor, The Happy Hearts Day Program began in 2003 in loving memory of Heather Nugent. She was tragically killed in a car accident in October of 2002, just two days before her 18th birthday. The last days of her life were spent in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Valley Children’s Hospital. As a memorial to Heather, and in appreciation of the care and kindness that was given to her in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Valley Children’s Hospital (PICU), the Nugent family decided to give something back to the Hospital. Happy Heart’s Day at Best Buy Market IGA, Hanford, May 2nd and Best Buy Market IGA, Visalia, May 9th Skip will remain at his desk in the respective parking lots until he has raised $10,000 dollars with the help of numerous volunteers. The Happy Hearts Program raised over $140,000 last year for the Valley Children’s Hospital Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in memory of Heather. Valley Children's Hospital Mission is to provide comprehensive health care services to the Children of Central California, regardless of ability to pay. In addition to Happy Heart Day, we will also have The Eighth Annual Happy Heart Golf Tournament, The Ninth Annual Happy Heart Bowling Tournament, as well as The Second Annual Happy Heart Car Show (All Dates to be announced) All money raised goes directly to: Valley Children’s Hospital Pediatric Intensive Care Unit It is our great pleasure to announce that through Council Resolution/Proclamations both Visalia City Council and Hanford City Council will recognize the Happy Heart Program as a major fundraiser for Valley Children’s Hospital. Visalia City Council will declare May 9th, 2015 Happy Heart Day in the City of Visalia Hanford City Council will declare May 2nd, 2015 Happy Heart Day in the City of Hanford As a 3,000.00, Corporate Sponsor for Happy Hearts Program you will receive: Your logo on the Happy Heart T-shirts worn by all Best Buy Market IGA Employees for the month of April Your logo on all Happy Heart Posters and Flyers A 4 player team in our Happy Heart Golf Tournament As a $1500.00, Corporate Sponsor for Happy Hearts Program you will receive: Your logo on the Happy Heart T-shirts worn by all Best Buy Market IGA Employees for the month of April Your logo on all Happy Heart Posters and Flyers Recognition in the Happy Heart media coverage Our Corporate Sponsors have been truly a blessing to Happy Hearts. In the past 12 years, we have raised over $1,000,000.00 Please join us and help raise funds for Valley Children’s Hospital Pediatric Care Unit Respectfully, Happy Heart’s February 17, 2015 SACRAMENTO — Officials are considering new water restrictions as California's drought drags on, possibly forcing residents to ask for water at restaurants and for fresh towels and sheets at hotels. The State Water Resources Control Board floated the ideas at an informational hearing Tuesday as it considers extending and expanding mandatory water-use rules. The board last summer imposed emergency regulations prohibiting Californians from washing their cars with hoses that don't shut off and limiting how often they can water their lawns. Board members appeared ready to extend those rules and add new ones Tuesday. "I find it galling when whole sets of water glasses end up on a (restaurant) table, even in Sacramento," said Felicia Marcus, chairwoman of the board. "The key is to get away from very light mandatory restrictions." The board has the sweeping power to define when water use is unreasonable, and it could eventually expand the definition to include using drinking water Labor Continued from page 1 of the businesses. “You basically are held hostage until you get your containers,” said Jablon, adding that shipping companies are also charging an extra $1,000 per container to cover extra expenses on ships idling in the water and unable to unload. Redirecting ships through the Panama Canal to Houston or elsewhere costs an additional $2,000 a container for extra freight and trucking costs, he said. Uncertainty is the worst part, Jablon said. “It’s like trying to drive a car with a blindfold,” he said. “When my retailers say, ‘When are you going to deliver?’ My response is, ‘I don’t have any more crystals in my crystal ball.’” Stansport and Pacific Play Tents are considering tapping into a line of credit at their bank, the first time in their history, Jablon said. Other options include voluntary furlough days for the 46 or so workers, or requiring employee contributions to health insurance, which is 100% employer funded now. to maintain golf courses and cemeteries. Marcus said the board would likely take smaller steps first, such as prohibiting decorative outdoor water fountains. Existing emergency regulations have authorized agencies to fine water wasters up to $500 a day, though such stringent enforcement has been rare. For homeowners, new rules also could include a ban on watering lawns during cold and rainy periods. Some proposals presented Tuesday targeted businesses, such as requiring restaurants to only serve water on request and telling hotels not to automatically provide guests with fresh towels and sheets every day. Some cities have similar rules already in place. The board has considered making some water restrictions permanent with the prospect of future droughts looming. "We definitely need permanent regulations," said Frances Spivy-Weber, the board vice-chairwoman. "I just don't see how we can enter the next 30 years with climate change without them." The board could consider the extension of restrictions next month and take up other possible regulations later in the year. “We told them you are probably not going to get bonuses,” Jablon said. The goal is to avoid layoffs, he said. Port congestion is clogging operations of typically under-the-radar industries — such as recyclers. City Fibers, which ships massive amounts of paper, plastic and metal all over the world, has been renting extra space since autumn to house the backlogged material, said Brett Jones, director of sales and procurement. The Los Angeles company usually exports about 10,000 tons a month, but that fell about 40% in the last three months of 2014, Jones said. The sales decline combined with the extra warehouse costs meant City Fibers lost money in the last quarter. If the stalemate drags on into spring, City Fibers may be forced to cut employee hours, and potentially even stop accepting the lowest-value materials that only countries in Asia will accept. “China consumes the developed world’s scrap and raw commodities,” he said. “If you can’t get to the world’s largest consumer, then it becomes a problem.” Copyright © 2015, Los Angeles Times Lemoore LifeStyle March 2015 – PAGE 7 Veterans Corner: California Veterans Benefits C alifornia offers many benefits to its veterans. The College Fee Waiver Program offers children and dependents of serviceconnected disabled or service-related deceased veterans a waiver of tuition fees for California Universities, and State and Community Colleges. Benefits are awarded on an "academic year" basis, and are based on the stuJoe dent’s income. Students are required Wright to reapply each year for continued benefits. CAL-VET Loan Programs provides low-cost, low interest financing to eligible, qualified veterans to purchase homes, farms or mobile homes for use as their primary residence. State Veterans Homes are available to veterans and their spouses. The veteran must be a California resident at the time of application; must be honorably discharged and must have served during a time of war; must be at least 62 or disabled; must be self reliant at the time of entry and able to live with minimal support in residential care. Fees are assessed based upon income. Fishing/Hunting Licenses and State Parks and Recreation Passes are available at reduced fees. Additional Benefits include employment and unemployment insurance assistance, business license/tax and fee waivers, property tax exemptions, and waiver of motor vehicle registration fees. The Kings County Veterans Service Office issues Veteran I.D. cards to honorably discharged veterans. Contact Joe Wright if you would like to receive periodic veteran’s information by email. There are many state and federal benefits and programs available to veterans and their dependents. To find out if you are eligible for any of these benefits, visit or call our office. We can and will assist you in completing all required application forms. You can get information on the Web from the Kings County Veterans Service Office webpage at Joe Wright, retired Navy Master Chief Petty Officer, is the Veterans Service Officer for Kings County. Send your questions to the Veterans Service Office, 1400 W. Lacey Blvd, Hanford, CA 93230; call 852-2669; or e-mail joe.wright@ New Members Artistic Designs Michael Daniel 214 Heinlen St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-3476 Liberty Tax Service Tim Ceballos 55 East D St, Unit G Lemoore, CA 93245 559-345-6951 Email: Website: As gas tax funds dwindle, California looks to test charging for miles traveled By Steve Scauzillo, San Gabriel Valley Tribune In the past, states could rely on the federal gasoline tax fund to build freeway and expressway projects and also for general upkeep of America’s ribbon of highways. But those days are gone. The federal gasoline tax, stuck at 18.4 cents per gallons for more than 20 years, is being overtaken by increased demand for new roads and repairs on the existing ones. The fund is also quickly dwindling as less revenue is generated by the current generation of fuel-efficient cars and electric cars. As a result, the amount of money available to states from the Federal Highway Trust Fund for highway construction has declined 3.5 percent between 2008 and 2013, according to figures compiled by The Associated Press. Highway Trust Fund (HTF) spending dropped in 48 states, with Alaska and New York the exceptions. In California, per capita spending from the HTF fell during that five-year period by 10.9 percent, figures show. A combination of smaller cars and more cars on the road with gasoline-battery hybrid technology, plus fewer people driving during the recent Great Recession, has kept federal gasoline tax revenues stagnant since 2007, figures show. In fact, the HTF actually has declined when adjusted for inflation, economists say, at a time when America’s highway infrastructure is aging and desperately needs repair. In short, states and cities can no longer count on the gas tax funds to pay for highway projects. As a result, many states, counties and cities have upped sales tax, borrowed billions by selling general obligation bonds and raided state coffers to pay what the federal HTF used to fund in order to keep people and goods moving. Washington, Oregon and soon, California, are experimenting with new ways to raise money for road repairs. Without enough gas-tax money for filling potholes or strengthening old freeway bridges, California turned to its own residents and held out the hat. In November 2006, voters in California approved $19.9 billion in transportation funding as part of Proposition 1B. That was just the beginning. Five Southern California counties have passed a local transportation sales tax measure. In 2008 in Los Angeles County, voters approved a $40 billion fund for 30 years by increasing the sales tax by a half-cent. Most of Measure R is going to fund new rail projects aimed at eliminating cars from freeways and roadways, including the extension of the Purple Line subway under Wilshire Boulevard from mid-city to Westwood; the extension of the Expo Line Phase 2 from Culver City to Santa Monica; the extension of the foothills Metro Gold Line from east Pasadena to Azusa/Glendora; a future Gold Line east-side extension from East Los Angeles to South El Monte and Whittier; and the Crenshaw/LAX line. The funding picture turnaround is startling, local officials said. “In the 1970s and 1980s, 90 percent of transportation funding came from the federal government. Now, 17 percent is from the federal government and the rest is generated by sales taxes or from the state,” Ikhrata said regarding the six counties in SCAG. People, tired of spending time sitting in clogged freeways, are voting overwhelmingly to fund alternatives to cars and in some cases, freeway carpool and express lanes, he said. New rail projects — five currently being built in L.A. County — have consumed Measure R funds. That’s why plans are underway to put another transit-related sales tax increase or an extension of Measure R, nicknamed Measure R-squared, on the November 2016 ballot in L.A. County. “Even that wouldn’t come close (to filling all of the county’s transportation needs),” Ikhrata said. “We need a federal gas fund fix. We need a state fund fix. We need local measures to go hand-in-hand.” California faces nearly a $300 billion bill in the next 10 years just to bring its highways, freeways and bridges to an acceptable state of repair, Ikhrata said. California is preparing a VMT pilot project that would test a system that charges each driver by the vehicle miles traveled (VMT), instead of paying the 52.9 cents per gallon state gas tax at the pump. Washington and Oregon have already tested such as system. Last year, SCAG estimated a VMT of $0.05 per mile would raise $110.3 billion a year for six Southern California counties: Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Imperial. Lawmakers in Minnesota, Utah and Missouri also are expected to consider proposals this year that could levy a sales tax on fuel, allowing the states to reap more revenue from rising gasoline prices. And Michigan voters will decide in May on a 1 percent general sales tax for transportation. Most state are simply looking to maintain their current highway system rather than add to it, said Jim Tyman, director of policy and management at the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. David A. Lieb of The Associated Press contributed to this report. Renewing Members Lifeway Church A.O.G// Total Childcare Center Bank of the Sierra Lucky’s Mini Storage Jane Barlow Real Estate Morgan & Slates Manufacturing & Supply, Inc. Brandman University Newman-Garcia Photographic Studio & Gallery Cash Zone, Inc. (DBA Cash Stop) Reyna’s Restaurant Central California Blood Center State Farm Insurance-Fred Harrell David A. Bush Stoney’s Sand & Gravel Gopher Grabbers, LLC Thirty One Gifts Kings Mortgage Services, Inc. Owens Valley Career Development Center Heritage Realtors & Property Management Quad Knopf Lemoore Odd Fellows Quick and EZ Lemoore Stadium Cinemas PAGE 8 – March 2015 Lemoore LifeStyle CHAMBER MEMBERS Instead of choosing just one business to highlight this month, we’d like to say thank you to all of our Chamber Members for you support, involvement and for doing business in our community. We encourage everyone to shop local, shop Lemoore. With your help, the Chamber is committed to protecting and securing the future of Lemoore. AAA Northern California Insurance AAA Quality Services, Inc. Addington Partnership, The Advanced Pest Control Adventist Health Community Care Lemoore Adventist Medical Center - Hanford Agusa, Inc. Alderwood Apartments All Sports Therapy All Valley Printing American Cancer Society-Relay for Life American Income Life Ins. Co., Julia Cantu American Legion Post 100 Archie & Associates Artistic Designs Assemblyman Rudy Salas B & D Quality Cleaners Bacome Insurance Bank of the Sierra Barlow, Jane Real Estate Bennett & Bennett Irrigation Systems Best Buy Market/IGA Best Western Inn & Suites Better Business Bureau Big Orange Shaved Ice Billingsley Tire, Inc. Blair Air,Ground&Helicopter Services, Inc. Blair Harlan Catering Blue Door Massage & Spa Boeing Company, Lemoore Boston House of Pizza Brandman University Bressler & Company, CPAs Burrows, Gary V. Inc. Bush, David C & H Productions Cal's Catering Carl Nelson Insurance Agency, Inc. Carolina Evangelo Communications Cash Zone, Inc. Central California Blood Center Central Coast Public Safety Central Unified School District Central Valley General Hospital Central Valley Wowballs Choice Communications Cinnamon Square Mall Cinnamon Villas Apartments Clean Time Laundry College Park Apt. Homes Collins Air Columbia College Comcast Business IN THE Comfort Inn CrisCom Company, The DaCosta Farms Daley Enterprises Dassel's Petroleum Dataflow Business Systems, Inc. Décor a Lemoore Deli-Delicious Dominion Resources Dutra & Silviera Properties Education & Agriculture Together Foundation Educational Employees Credit Union Elite Performance Embry Riddle Aeronautical Ensignal, Inc. Esajian Farming Company Evangelho Seed/Farm Store Family Dental Care of Lemoore Faber, Renee Family Eye Care Family Health Care Network Farm Credit West FAST Federal Credit Union Fatte Alberts Pizza Company Filipino American Association of Kings Co. First Command Financial Planning First United Methodist Church Foster's Freeze Generations/Lemoore Adult Day Care Gibson Gates & Fencing Goodwill Industries of South Central CA Gopher Grabbers LLC Gordon, John W. DBA Law Office Griswold LaSalle Cobb Dowd & Gin LLP Gunny's Sandwich Shop Hammerschmidt & Broughton Law Corp. Hanford Hyundai Hanford Mall Hanford Sentinel Hanford Toyota Harris Ranch Inn & Restaurant Heritage Apartments Heritage Realtors & Property Management J.E.R. - Dan, Inc. Jam with Briana, Jamberry Nails Jay's Construction, Inc. JC Diversified Enterprises, Inc. JC Online Herbal Products Jeb’s Bluberry Hill Jones, Riley Jones Towing & Storage Just Fit Apparel Kathy's Tax & Notary Service Keller Motors King Kone Shaved Ice, King Korn/Bounce Kings Art Center Foundation Kings Community Action Org Kings County Area Public Transit Agency Kings County Association of Governments Kings County Board of Realtors Kings Co. Board of Supervisors, Joe Neves Kings Co. Economic Development Corp. Kings County Farm Bureau Kings County Tax Assessor Kings County Trophy & Engraving Kings Dental Group Kings Eye Center Kings Fair Kings Lions Club Kings Mortgage Services, Inc. Kings Rehab Center. Inc. Kings Symphony Orchestra Kings United Way Kiwanis Club of Lemoore LaChatita Lakeview Apartments/Abra Management Lemoore Assembly of God Lemoore Auto Supply, Inc. Lemoore BMX Raceway Lemoore Canal & Irrigation Co. Lemoore Christian Aid Lemoore City Councilman, Ray Madrigal Lemoore Dental, Mark Davis DDS Lemoore Elderly Apartments Lemoore Elementary School District Lemoore Food Locker Lemoore Hardware Lemoore Leader Lemoore Lions Club Lemoore Mini Storage Lemoore Oddfellows Lodge #280 Lemoore Presbyterian Church Lemoore Real Estate & Prop Mgmt Lemoore Recycling Lemoore Seniors Inc. Lemoore Stadium Cinemas Lemoore Tax Service Lemoore Union Elementary School Dist. Lemoore Union High School Dist. Lemoore Van & Storage Lemoore Villa Apartments Lemoore Youth Soccer Leprino Foods Liberty Tax Service Lincoln Center Market Lisa Munde Photography Liscomb Jr., Dr. Jesse R., M.D., Lost Sock, The Lucky's Mini Storage Lucky Star Ranch Luis, Manuel M. Green & Company, LLP MIQ School Parent’s Club Master Storage McCann & Sons Meyer Valley Farms/Farmer’s Fury Motel 6 Momentum Broadcasting Montgomery Crossing Apartments Morgan & Slates Mfg/Sply N.E.P.P.S. Mini Health Spa Navy Federal Credit Union Nelson, Carl Insurance Agency, Inc. New Boba Island Newman Garcia Photographic Studio Newton Farms Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients, Inc Owens Valley Career Development Center Pacific Employers Palermo, Kathy Peace Officers Down Benefit Pedersen Farms People's Funeral Chapel Pereira Farms Pereira's Jewelry & Design PG&E Phipps-Dale Funeral Chapel Plain Insane Graphix Proteus, Inc Quad Knopf Quick & EZ R & J's Machine Shop R. S. Martinez Hay Sales Inc. Ramblin' Rose Florist Recurrent Energy, LLC Reed Electric Remington, The Rent-A-Toilet Reyna’s Restaurant Robinson's Interiors-Carpet One Rodrigues Pump Company Ron's Auto Shop Rossiter Realty Group Rotary Club of Lemoore Royal Car Care, Inc. Sasser Specialties Scentsy Ind. Consultant, Lisa Babb Senor Pancho's Sequoia Beverage Co. Sequoia Inn ServiceMaster by Benevento Shaw’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. SHRM of Tulare-Kings County Sissy’s BBQ & More Son, Bill Picker Service South-West Private Patrol, Inc. South Valley Real Estate St. Peter's Catholic Church State Farm Insurance Co., Fred Harrell Stoney's Sand & Gravel LLC Sushi Table Asian Bistro Super Mercado Leon Tachi Palace Hotel/Casino Tanglewood Apartments Thirty One Gifts Travelodge Lemoore TTL Computer Networking Tule Trash Company Union Bank of California United Rentals United Health Centers Valley Animal Haven Valley Business Bank Valley Gutters Verheul, Eric W. P.T. Villa San Joaquin Apartments Visalia Emergency Aid Council Visalia Rawhide Baseball West Hills Community College District West Valley Supply Yahne, Robert J. P.T.
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