2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924
2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924
2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com 1 Serving the reSidentS of the valley Since 1932 West Hills College lemoore E G S WE ST E OR O We’re celebrating our 12th anniversary at WHCL, where we offer more than 25 degrees and certificates in the areas of Administration of Justice and Law Enforcement; Nursing Science; Hospitality, Restaurant and Casino Management; Engineering; Culinary; and many more. We also provide sports programs OLLEGE SC LE LL M HI in wrestling and men’s and women’s soccer, women’s O LD L E N E AG basketball, golf, and cross country. West Hills College Coalinga WE ST A NG LI Our original campus is celebrating its 82nd year of serving the west side of the San Joaquin Valley. We offer more than 18 degrees and certificates in the areas of Psychiatric Technician; Child Development; Computer Information Systems; Business; Administration of Justice and Corrections; and more. We recently opened our new Farm of the Future, offering Precision Agriculture Training. The Coalinga campus is home to six sports teams: Football, Men’s basketball OLLEGE SC CO A and baseball, women’s HILL volleyball and softball, and Rodeo for both men and women. FA WeSt hillS college coalinga WeSt hillS college lemoore north diStrict center, firebaugh naval air Station lemoore 300 Cherry Lane Coalinga, CA 93210 559-934-2000 1511 Ninth Street Firebaugh, CA 93622 559-659-1473 2 LCO N S 555 College Avenue Lemoore, CA 93245 559-925-3000 824 Hancock Circle NAS Lemoore, CA 93246 559-925-3350 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com 3 Table of Content s 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 37 Welcome City of Lemoore Downtown Lemoore Business & Industry Community Events Calendar Sarah A. Mooney Memorial Museum Recreational Opportunities Naval Air Station Lemoore Education West Hills College Health Care Lemoore Police Department Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department Citizen of the Year – Don Warkentin Organization of the Year – Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department Business of the Year – Stoney’s Sand & Gravel Places of Worship Agriculturalist of the Year – Doug Verboon Ag Supporter of the Year – Crop Production Services Restaurants & Lodging Business Membership Directory Member Alphabetical Listing ABOUT THE COVER The historic wagon, a part of the beautiful landscape at Jack Stone’s Barn, is a symbol of the rich agricultural heritage of Lemoore. Published by Publisher/Editor Carolina M. Evangelo Art & Production Creative Director & Graphic Designer Eric Cribbs - www.cribbsproject.com 559.308.6277 Photography Paul Breski paulbreski.photography@gmail.com 559.334.8531 Advertising, Business and Editorial Inquiries call, email or write us at: Carolina Evangelo Communications Post Office Box 6334 Visalia, Calif. 93290-6334 Phone: 209.777.8995 Fax: 559.625.1763 carolina@evangelocommunications.com Every effort has been made to ensure the information within this publication is complete and accurate at the time of publication. Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Membership Directory & Community Resource Guide does not warrant such accuracy or the claims of its advertisers. Reproduction or reuse of any photos and/or written material contained within this magazine is prohibited without the expressed written consent of the publisher. Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Membership Directory & Community Resource Guide is published annually and distributed throughout Lemoore and Kings County. Distributed by the Lemoore Chamber of Commerce 300 E Street Lemoore, CA 93245 Special Thanks to: Maureen Azevedo, Lynda Lahodny, Jenny MacMurdo & Kings County Farm Bureau 4 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Welcome t o Lemoore! Welcome to Lemoore! The Chamber is pleased to present our 2014 - 2015 Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory. As you will see from the articles in this publication, we have tremendous pride in our past and present. Lemoore is a wonderful community to be a part of, and we sincerely hope that you will experience our unique combination of small town charm and friendliness with an emphasis on collaboration. We are fortunate to have a number of thriving familyowned, small businesses working side by side with progressive industries, state-of-the art entertainment and educational facilities, a US Naval Station, a large agriculture community and ag support services. We take great pride in being identified with the Navy’s newest, largest, and only west coast master jet base. As home for all Navy F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet aircraft on the west coast, the installation’s mission is to train, maintain, man and equip the fighter jets in support of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. The military and civilian populations of Lemoore form a wonderful mix of new and old friends. Many military families choose to retire in Lemoore because of the positive experience they have had during their tour of duty at Naval Air Station Lemoore. The Navy employees and their families make significant contributions to both the social and economic fabric of Lemoore and the residents share in their sense of duty and commitment to the nation’s defense. The Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, employees, and volunteers take our mission statement seriously: “It is the mission of Lemoore Chamber of Commerce to be the leader in our community for building sustainable economic growth, advocating for a pro-business climate and enhancing Lemoore’s working relationships with Lemoore Naval Air Station, City, Education, Tourism, Business and Agricultural interests.” The Chamber plays a very pivotal role in bringing all the players to the table to insure that “the whole is much greater than the sum of its parts.” Enjoy your time in Lemoore, and if the Chamber can assist you in any way, please call us or drop by our beautiful office located in the historic Southern Pacific Train Depot in Downtown Lemoore. Sincerely, Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Board Members & Staff Lemoore Chamber of Commerce 300 E Street Lemoore, CA 93245 Phone: 559-924-6401 Fax: 559-924-4520 www.lemoorechamberofcommerce.com 2014 Executive Officers Chairman: Michele Costa - DaCosta Farms Chairman-Elect: Frances Perkins - Best Western Inn & Suites Lemoore Vice Chairman: Victor Rosa - Lemoore Middle College High School CFO: Don Warkentin - West Hills College Lemoore Past Chairman: Skip Nugent - Best Buy Markets 2014 Directors John Miller - Ramblin’ Rose Florist Noé Ambriz - Adventist Health John Roush - Lemoore Stadium Cinemas Michael Patterson - Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino Jeff Babb - Agusa William A. Parry - Hammerschmidt Broughton Law Corporation Dustin Fuller - Civic Minded Individual Ex–Officio Directors Melinda Larson - NAS Lemoore Jeff Laws - City of Lemoore Chamber Staff Jenny MacMurdo events@lemoorechamberofcommerce.com Diana Perez staff@lemoorechamberofcommerce.com 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com 5 State Legislature 16th Senate District Representative Andy Vidak (R) 32nd Assembly District Representative Rudy Salas (D) Federal Legislature CA 21st Congressional District Representative David Valadao (R) L Cit y of Lemoore emoore, incorporated July 11, 1900, was named after Dr. Lee Moore, a pioneer who took the first steps to organize the community with their first post office. Lemoore is equidistant from both the Los Angeles and San Francisco metropolitan areas. Positioned at the crossroads of Highway 198 and 41, Lemoore has direct access to Interstate 5 and Highway 99, which are both just 25 miles away. A city with a 2012 population estimate of over 25,000, Lemoore boasts a strong relationship with Naval Air Station Lemoore as their good neighbor. The Air Station is home to 16 air strike fighter squadrons who support aircraft carriers in the Pacific Fleet. Lemoore projects steady growth due to the Naval Air Station, which also supplies the local economy with a stable and well educated labor force from military dependents and retirees. Home to West Hills Community College, an Accredited Junior College, the Lemoore Campus has approximately 4,500 students in attendance. The college opened their new campus with a library, administration building and classroom building in January 2002, which was Phase I of a ten-year construction plan. The completion of Phase II in January 2006 provided additional classroom buildings and a child development center to the 107-acre campus. A Grand Opening celebration was held for Phase III of campus construction on April 1, 2011 and includes a 55,000 square-foot, two-story multipurpose arena. Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was the guest speaker. Later in the year, former First Lady, Laura Bush, graced the campus with her presence as she spoke to the crowd as part of the school’s distinguished lecturer and performer’s series. Lemoore’s rail connection to the Union Pacific Railroad freight service is provided through the San Joaquin Valley Railroad for freight cars up to 286,000 lbs. An AMTRAK passenger station is located eight miles away in Hanford. Fresno-Yosemite International Airport is within 35 miles of Lemoore and provides both freight and passenger service. Lemoore also has access to Hanford’s Municipal Airport with its 6 5,600 foot runway, less than 10 miles away. Kings Area Rural Transit (KART) has daily commuter service to and around Lemoore connecting people to every community within Kings County. There are two industrial parks within the city limits zoned for highway commercial and industrial development. Both parks are within the Kings County Enterprise Zone, the South San Joaquin Recycling Market Development Zone, and the SBA HUBZone. The Lemoore Industrial Park is located at the crossroads of Highways 41 and 198 with easy access to both. The Park consists of approximately 400 acres of improved and unimproved land. Parcels from 1 to 100 acres are available. Over 100 acres are owned by the City of Lemoore. Sales prices range from $10,000 to $65,000 per acre. The terrain is flat, drainage is good, subsoil is sandy loam and piling is not required. The property is served by 12-inch water mains. Sewer lines range in size from 6-15 inches. The 240-acre Kings River Business & Industry Park is located west of Highway 41 adjacent to the San Joaquin Valley Railroad. Approximately, 150 acres are available for development. Sites with rail access are still available. The City was awarded an EDA grant to construct streets, install water and sewer lines and increase capacity at the wastewater treatment plant to accommodate additional industrial businesses. Construction was completed Fall 2005. Recreation in Lemoore consists of an 18-hole golf course, five City parks, two baseball/softball parks, a soccer complex, five playgrounds, youth and adult wrestling, boxing and basketball leagues, tennis courts, a skate park, a paintball facility, a skeet field, and a midget race track. There are numerous adult, youth and senior citizen activity clubs and civic organizations established in Lemoore as well. Fishing and hunting opportunities are nearby. The Sierra Nevada Mountains and the beaches of the Pacific Coast are both within a two-hour drive. Lemoore City Council Mayor William Siegel Mayor Siegel is a local businessman. He entered office in 2008 and his 2nd term expires December 31, 2016. Mayor Pro Tem Lois Wynne Mayor Pro Tem Wynne is a retired educator/ administrator. She entered office in 2012 and her 1st term expires December 31, 2016. Council Member Ray Madrigal Council Member Ray Madrigal a retired CHP officer. Was appointed to Council on August 5, 2014 to finish out the remainder of former Council Member Gordon’s term expires December 31, 2014. Council Member Eddie Neal Council Member Neal is a rancher. He entered office in 2012 and his 1st term expires December 31, 2016. Council Member Willard Rodarmel Council Member Rodarmel is a local businessman. He entered office in 2006 and his 2nd term expires December 31, 2014. CITY CONTACT INFORMATION Cinnamon Municipal Complex 711 W Cinnamon Drive Public Works Water/Sewer/Refuse 924-6744 Planning Services 924-6740 Building Inspections 924-6730 Streets and Maintenance 924-6739 City Hall 119 Fox Street • City Manager’s Office • Secretary/Housing Specialist • Economic Development City Clerk / Human Resources 924-6700 Finance Department 924-6715 LVFD Secretary 924-6797 Police Department 657 Fox Street 924-9574 Parks & Recreation Department 721 W Cinnamon Drive 924-6767 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Discover Downt own Lemoore D owntown Lemoore continues to represent the “heart of business and entertainment community,” highlighted by our state-of-theart 100% digital Lemoore Stadium Cinemas 10 screen movie theater. There are numerous restaurants, boutiques, flower shops, banks and service oriented businesses. Two of the original historic hotel buildings, the Antlers and the Lucerne, have had major restorations and now accommodate upstairs tenants as well as downstairs businesses. The historic Odd Fellows Lodge houses downstairs business tenants and still has an active Lodge membership that dates back to the 19th century. There are also four beautiful privately-funded murals downtown, painted by Colleen Chronister, that depict the history of Lemoore. The Downtown Merchants Association welcomes you to stroll the streets of Lemoore and discover what a welcoming and charming shopping experience you can have. Start out by taking the “Downtown Lemoore Historic Walking Tour” (Map on page 20 & 21), have lunch at one the many downtown restaurants, enjoy a sunny day at Plaza Park, visit the water feature over on E Street. In the spring and summer come join us for our Friday Night Markets on D Street. Take some time to enjoy what Downtown Lemoore has to offer, drop in and shop local with downtown Lemoore Merchants…you will be pleasantly surprised! The Lemoore Downtown Merchants Association (DMA) consists of a committee of 9 merchants who represent the Merchants of Downtown Lemoore. The goal with these businesses is to enhance and improve the quality of our small town. These businesses can only survive with the community of Lemoore. This past year the committee has hosted a few events to showcase the downtown business area to people who may not otherwise shop our downtown. This is also a way to give back to the community and say thanks for supporting your local businesses. Our events are always free admission and family oriented so everyone can enjoy a night out with the family. We look forward to many more events in the future. bresslercompany.com 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com 7 L Business & Indust ry emoore, a hub for manufacturing, home to state-of-the-art processing facilities and a modern master jet base at Naval Air Station Lemoore. Lemoore still combines small town warmth, convenience and personal service, with an emphasis on 21st century service. The City of Lemoore business community has many amenities and services to offer its residents and nearby communities. Lemoore is… A City on the Rise Lemoore is a city preparing for the future while preserving the best of its past. Lemoore has enjoyed a steady population increase of four and five percent over the past few years. Site location consultants are impressed with the advantages that we have to offer expanding and relocating companies a hardworking labor force, large tracts of affordable land, enterprise zone incentives, foreign trade zone designation, and a probusiness environment. Yet, Lemoore retains the charm and beauty of a small rural town with its turn-of-the-century buildings and residences. A City with Market Access Lemoore is located in the heart of Central California’s San Joaquin Valley. Our location is equidistant from both the Los Angeles and San Francisco metropolitan areas. Lemoore is positioned at the crossroads of Highway 198 and 41, giving us direct access to Interstate 5 and Highway 99, both just 25 miles away. The Fresno/Yosemite International Airport, located just 35 miles away, services both commercial and freight air traffic. A City with an Abundant Workforce The available labor force in Lemoore has the benefit of being very diverse. Because of our heavy agricultural ties, there is an abundance of unskilled and semi-skilled general labor. But, there is also a significant amount of skilled workers with a variety of educational and technical training backgrounds. Many of our residents are related to navy personnel stationed at NAS Lemoore or were prior military themselves and have chosen to reside permanently in Lemoore. Technical training is available from West Hills College, Chapman University, College of the Sequoias, and the Kings County Job Training Office. A City with a Pro Business Attitude The City of Lemoore is committed to working with both local and future business and industry. The City Council and the City Manager are dedicated to bringing economic growth and vitality to Lemoore. Likewise, City staff are committed to simplifying the task of bringing new businesses to town. Several incentives are already in place that can help your company’s bottom line. Lemoore’s major employers include: CompanyNumber of employeesProduct The Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino 1,500 Hotel & Gaming Naval Air Station Lemoore 1,061 civilians Military Facility Leprino Foods (West)900Mozzarella Cheese Olam Tomato Processors 700 seasonal/300 permanent Tomato - Diced/Paste Leprino Foods (East)333Mozzarella Cheese For businesses or individuals who wish to find out more about economic development opportunities in Lemoore, please contact: City of Lemoore Judy Holwell, Project Manager jholwell@lemoore.com (559) 924-6704 West Hills College250Community College Savemart120Retail Foods K-Mart110Retail Sundries 8 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Communit y Event s Calendar 2014/15 Lemoore Chamber of Commerce *Indicates Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Events 2014 September 20 “Evening Under the Stars,” Downtown Lemoore - (559) 924-6767 October 4 LHS Foundation Golf Tournament & Hall of Fame Induction Banquet October 5 March 20 Lemoore Youth Golf Tournament - (559) 924-6767 April 4 Easter Egg Hunt at Lions Park - (559) 924-6767 *April 17-19 MIQ Fall Festival - (559) 924-3424 14th Annual Central Valley Pizza Festival in Downtown Lemoore Event Sponsorship opportunities available, contact (559) 924-6401 October 20-24 April 24-25 November 1 June - August Red Ribbon Week - (559) 924-9574 Rotary Crab Feed – (559) 924-5658 November 15 25th Annual Holiday Stroll, Downtown Lemoore – (559) 924-6401 November 30 Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department Tree Raising *December 6 Lemoore Christmas Parade, Downtown Lemoore Event Sponsorship opportunities available, contact (559) 924-6401 December 7 Breakfast with Santa, Hanford Civic Auditorium - (559) 924-6767 2015 *January 23 Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Installations and Awards Banquet, West Hills College, Lemoore – Golden Eagle Arena. Presentation of Citizen, Business, & Organization of the Year, contact (559) 924-6401 February 14 Kiwanis Valentine Dinner – (559) 924-8811 March 7 Lemoore Lions Mongolian Barbecue – Hanford Civic Auditorium 11th Annual American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life Lemoore Department of Parks and Recreation Summer Program (559) 924-6767 June 13 Kings Lions Brewfest 2015 – Lemoore 19th Avenue Park *June-August “Rockin’ the Arbor” – Every Friday evening (except July 4th) from 6-10pm at the Arbor (Fox & E Streets) Event Sponsorship opportunities available, contact (559) 924-6401 July 4 Lemoore July 4th Celebration/Firecracker 5k Run - (559) 924-6767 August 4 National Night Out – Meet at Lemoore Police Dept. (559) 924-9574 August 22 Lemoore Lions Brewfest 2015 - Lions Park September 5 Kings Lions Luau-Senior Center *September 11 Kings County Salute to Agriculture Banquet, honoring Kings County’s Agriculturalist & Ag Support Business of the Year. Event Sponsorship opportunities available, contact (559) 924-6401 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com 9 Memorial Museum The Sarah A. Mooney 542 West D Street - Lemoore T he Mooney Museum appropriately sits within just a few feet of the arch that spans D Street and designates the western entry into Lemoore’s historical downtown district. This beautiful Victorian-style home was built by Aaron and Sarah Mooney, in 1893. Having heard of the opportunities for land ownership along the lower Kings River, the Mooney’s departed by train from Herkimer County, New York in 1876. Aaron, Sarah, and their 3-year-old daughter Harriet settled in the Lemoore area where Mr. Mooney opened a hardware store in downtown Lemoore and also engaged in farming. He later served as the town’s first funeral director. In 1892, they purchased the D Street property and began construction of their elegant house. The dwelling was completed and occupied by the Mooney’s in 1893. Aaron Mooney died in 1912. Sarah occupied the home until her death in 1925. In 1896, their daughter Harriet married Charles Bailey (Lemoore’s “President” from 1916-1921) and had six children. Sarah’s oldest granddaughter, Marie, acquired title to the Mooney property upon her grandmother’s death. In 1974, Marie and her husband “Buzz” Blakely presented the house, on behalf of Sarah’s grandchildren, to the Lemoore Chamber of Commerce to be kept as a Museum in memory of their grandmother, Sarah. Some of Sarah’s great, great great, and 3 x great grandchildren live in the area and support and visit the museum and pay homage to their grandparents. The Museum is completely furnished with turn-of-the-century relics generously donated by the community and has been lovingly maintained by hundreds of volunteers over the past forty years. The Museum plays host to interactive school field trips and many events throughout the year. It is a true gem to be enjoyed by all! 2014 Schedule of Museum Events • Open for FREE docent-led tours and special activities every Sunday from noon-3 p.m. and by appointment (381-3844) • Sunday, October 12th - Harvest Fest • Sunday, November 30th --- Tree Raising / Victorian Christmas Event • Informative programs throughout the year that focus on local history – “Connecting the Past with the Present” --(Dates and Times TBA) 10 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com - Fee-free ATM Deposits & Withdrawals with Co-Op Nework - ATM Locator online. FUN: More money! SIMPLE: Better rates, lower fees. FAST: Join Today! 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com 11 Recreat ional Opport unit ies T he Lemoore Parks and Recreation Department provides a wide range of recreational opportunities. All registrations are taken at 721 West Cinnamon. The many programs and classes may be viewed on-line at www.lemoore.com Parks and Recreation. Some classes and programs are held at the CMC Recreation Facility at 711 West Cinnamon. The Department also maintains six beautiful parks, several community buildings and special areas for a variety of uses. The Lemoore Rotary Youth Plaza at the corner of E and Fox Streets features a skate park, basketball courts and a water park fountain. The water jets shooting up from the concrete create a refreshing and wonderful activity for children to play in during warm summer weather. The Lemoore Arbor Plaza at the corner of E and Follett Streets provides an outdoor open-air venue for concerts and BBQ’s spring through fall. The Lemoore Youth Sports Complex features 29 acres with 6 softball fields and 13 soccer fields. This sports complex is maintained by a volunteer non-profit organization, the Lemoore Youth Sports Foundation. Other youth sports programs include: youth basketball, Aqua Jets Swim team, Little League, Babe Ruth, youth football, Lemoore Youth Soccer League and girls softball. 12 The Lemoore Golf Course has grown to be one of the best courses in the valley. Maintained to the highest standard, Lemoore presents the golfer with all of the traditional challenges you would expect from any premier public golf course. Lemoore Golf Course features a well-stocked pro shop, a full service cafe and a comfortable patio overlooking the course. Lemoore Midget Car Raceway on Idaho and Hwy 41 features racing from mid-April through October. There is target and skeet shooting at Lemoore Sportsman’s Club. Lemoore High School boasts a beautiful $2 million swimming center. Lemoore has an active senior citizens organization, which meets Monday through Thursday in a facility located at 789 So. Lemoore Avenue. Many service organizations meet on a weekly basis and are al- ways willing to contribute their time and talents to benefit the community. 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com N Naval Air St at ion Lemoore aval Air Station (NAS) Lemoore is the Navy’s newest and largest jet base. Its mission is to support the Navy’s Pacific Fleet fighter-attack capability. Equipped with facilities to handle the most modern aircraft and associated weapons systems, NAS Lemoore fulfills a critical role in the nation’s defense and has a major impact on the local economy. As the home of Commander, Strike Fighter Wing Pacific Fleet, NAS Lemoore hosts sixteen aircraft squadrons and all five of the West Coast Carrier Air Wings. The F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet Strike Fighters are the primary aircraft supported at the jet base. NAS Lemoore safely conducts over 200,000 aircraft operations annually, making it one of the busiest airfields in the Navy. In 2012, a Search and Rescue unit was established at the air station. With three Sikorsky MH-60S Seahawk helicopters, NAS Lemoore will be able to provide search and rescue capabilities to support the open water training requirements of the 16 strike fighter squadrons based at the air station. The Air Station accommodates a resident population of approximately 6,100 military personnel, 4,100 dependents, 1,400 Department of Defense civilians and contractors. The installation also provides services to over 8,100 retired military veterans and their families. Additionally, it provides for single family residences, and apartment style units for bachelor military personnel. Considering the 11,700 personnel working or living on the base, NAS Lemoore is considered the fourth largest “city” in Kings County. The NAS Lemoore Chapel functions as the centralized location for area non-profit agencies to seek assistance for a variety of projects. The Chapel pooled the resources of 30 community relations coordinators from both tenant commands and civilian organizations to combine efforts and create a united presence to support the local area with ideas, resources and skills. Kings United Way, Habitat for Humanity, Kings County Commission on Aging and Sequoia National Parks are a few of the organizations that have benefitted from the Chapel’s outreach program. Nestled in the heart of California’s fertile San Joaquin Valley, the station encompasses almost 30,000 acres. Some 18,000 acres are owned outright by the Navy and 12,000 more are used under agricultural lease contract making for the largest agricultural lease program in the Navy. Because it gives the Navy the power to protect America’s interests – anywhere, anytime. When the site for NAS Lemoore was chosen in the mid-1950’s, the remote location in the central valley of California served several strategic purposes - the location was close enough to the Navy’s seaport facilities for logistical support, but far enough from major population centers to allow for operations and possible expansion. - About 80 percent of the world’s population lives near the ocean. This percentage is likely to grow in the future. Commissioned in 1961, NAS Lemoore consists of three developed areas: Operations, Administration and Housing. The Operations area includes the airfield, with two offset parallel 13,500-foot long runways. Annually, the installation employs or locally generates over 13,500 jobs and contributes approximately $1 billion to the local and regional economy. The remote location provides flexibility in use and infrastructure to accommodate rapidly advancing jet technology. Based on its remote yet strategic location, NAS Lemoore is a nationally critical asset with unique capabilities that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. NAS Lemoore plays a key role in America’s Navy - a global force for good, on station around the world and around the clock, deterring aggression, keeping the sea lanes open for free trade, and projecting power. How the Navy Protects America The Navy is the branch of the US military that fights on the water, under the water, and over the water. - Navy ships fight on the water. - Navy submarines fight under the water. - Navy airplanes fight from over the water -- they take off and land on Navy aircraft carriers. To see why, think of the 70-80-90 rule: - Water covers about 70 percent of the Earth’s surface. - About 90 percent of all international trade travels by sea. This percentage, too, will probably go up. In other words, what happens on the water matters: - It matters to keeping the peace. - It matters to the nation’s economy, and to the preservation of American jobs. - It also matters to national defense. After all, the United States is bounded by oceans on both sides. For all of these reasons, the nation needs to be able to protect itself on, under, and over the water. In such a world, power must be fast and flexible. This requires sailors who are highly trained, highly motivated, and courageous – sailors who are capable of meeting any challenge. It requires the best sailors in the world – the men and women of the United States Navy. The fast, flexible force also requires the Navy to be smart about how it powers its ships, planes, and submarines. The U.S. Navy can’t afford to delay or cancel missions for lack of fuel. That’s why the Navy is taking the lead on energy research that will reduce dependence on foreign oil – and ensure that its ships, planes and subs can go anywhere, anytime to keep our country safe. That fast, flexible force is what seapower provides. And that’s how the Navy protects America – now more than ever. Why is this ability to act from the water so important? 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com 13 Lemoore Union Elementary School District www.luesd.k12.ca.us 559-924-6800 Cinnamon Elementary Lemoore Elementary Liberty Middle School Meadow Lane Elementary P.W. Engvall Elementary University Charter School Central Union School District www.central.k12.ca.us 559-924-3405 Akers Elementary Neutra Elementary Central Union Elementary School Stratford Elementary School Educat ion Island Union Elementary School www.island.k12.ca.us 559·924-6424 Serves west side of Lemoore K-8 L emoore is proud of the quality (Kindergarten through college) education offered by all of its local area schools. West Hills College Lemoore opened its 107- acre campus January 2002. West Hills College Lemoore, with full college accreditation, and recently received their reaffirmation on, July 18, 2011, for the next six years. May 1, 2011, West Hills College-Lemoore unveiled the new “Golden Eagle Arena”. This 55,000-square-foot complex can accommodate 1,700 spectators - 2,500 with additional floor seating - for sports, educational events and entertainment. It will also allow the college to add new teams in the future, including basketball and volleyball. Degrees conferred at the Lemoore campus include an Associate in Arts, Associate in Science and certificate programs. Students are also able to take upper division courses through California State University, Fresno. Lemoore High School has recently opened a campus on the West Hills campus and Lemoore Elementary operates a charter junior high school at WHCL. The City of Lemoore has four elementary schools-Meadow Lane, Lemoore Elementary, P.W. Engvall, and Cinnamon; a junior high - Liberty Middle School; and Lemoore Union High School; two private schools, Mary Immaculate Queen (MIQ) Catholic School (Pre-K - 8), and Kings Christian School (Pre-K - 12). Lemoore area also has Island Elementary District with one K-8 school northwest of the Lemoore city limits, and Central Union School District with four schools-Central Union Elementary (south of the Lemoore city limits), Stratford Elementary in the town of Stratford, and two elementary schools on the Lemoore Naval Air Station, Admiral Akers (6th-8th grade) and Richard J. Neutra.- (K-5th grades) Lemoore High School offers students advanced placement, honors and college prep courses, as well as a well-rounded choice of vocational education classes. Elective courses include agriculture, art, business, home economics and industrial technology, as well as offerings from the Kings County Regional Occupational Program. Both continuation classes and Independent Study provide alternative education. The beautiful, historic buildings of Lemoore High School recently underwent a multi-million dollar renovation project. Lemoore Naval Air Station offers a very comprehensive education program. The Education Center houses academic centers for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Brandman-Chapman University, Columbia University and West Hills. College of the Sequoias, based in Visalia, offers a satellite campus in Hanford. There are several four-year academic institutions offering undergraduate and graduate programs within 40 miles of Lemoore, including California State University Fresno, Fresno Pacific College, California School of Professional Psychology, San Joaquin College of Law, National University (Fresno campus) and West Coast Christian College. 14 Lemoore Union High School District www.luhsd.k12.ca.us 559-924-6610 Lemoore Union High School Donald C. Jamison High School Lemoore Middle College High School Gundacker Community Day School Yokuts High School Private Schools Mary Immaculate Queen Catholic School (Pre-K- 8) www.miqschool.org 559·924·3424 Kings Christian School (Pre-K-12) www.kcsnet.com 559-924-8301 Colleges West Hills 559-925·3000 www.westhilfscollege.com Brandman University (Chapman} www.brandman.edu/lemoore 800-581-4100 Columbia College 559-998-8570 www.ccis.edu Embry Riddle Aeronautical 559-998-8919 www.erau.edu/lemoore 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com West Hills College W est Hills College Lemoore is now in its 12th year and there’s further new construction on the horizon for the landmark campus that opened in 2002. This June, builders will begin work on a new 23,000 sq. ft. Student Center, which will house a bookstore, food services and culinary arts program, and student government offices. Funded by a voter approved bond issue, the center is expected to open in the fall of 2015. President Don Warkentin, associated with the campus since 1986 when it was an office and a temporary structure tucked away in a residential area in Lemoore, has seen tremendous change and growth at WHCL. “We went from a minimal building in cramped quarters to a state-of-the-art campus,” Warkentin said. “We’re very proud of that and the whole community is proud of what we built.” And with good reason; the WHCL campus has had an enormous impact on the area, serving students from the nearby Naval Air Station to residents of Lemoore and other towns in the region. “Our impact on the community has been substantial,” Warkentin said. “In addition to providing opportunity, a place for students to pursue their education after high school, we’ve also provided a place for meetings, forums, speaking engagements and events – whether it’s inviting the community to hear public figures speak or hosting musical events or professional boxing as we did this past year.” Along the way, WHCL has transformed itself from a small but busy educational center into a full-fledged college campus. “When we were the Kings County Center we held classes in our limited quarters, but also in the local high schools,” Warkentin recalls. “We were teaching days, evenings, weekends, we were everywhere.” Today, WHCL has a permanent campus with room to expand. West Hills College Lemoore has grown to over 4,000 students and is master-planned for 10,000. In 2002, just two years after accepting a generous donation of land from Robert and Mardell Pedersen and Lionel and Lola Simas, the formal process of seeking stand-alone college status began. Over the next several years, voters approved about $50 million in bond issues to provide matching funds for several phases of construction which culminated in the completion of the Golden Eagles Arena sports complex in 2011. Following construction of the new student Center, future expansion could include a new instructional wing, a performing arts center, a separate administration building, and several sports fields and facilities. “These projects depend on the passage of a future statewide higher education facilities bond,” Warkentin said. “We envision another instructional wing in order to serve more students, which would include a university center where four year schools could recruit, counsel, and even offer a few classes here. When we get there is dependent on the economy and the state funding picture.” West Hills College Lemoore is one the newest of 112 colleges that make up California’s Community College System, the largest system of higher education in the United States. 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com 15 Healt h Care Services in Lemoore - Adventist Health T here’s no need to travel to a larger city for most health care services! Adventist Health / Central Valley Network offers many advanced and innovative health care services in Lemoore and Kings County. Physician Services A visit to Adventist Health / Physicians Network means you will be provided quality care in an environment focused on patient comfort. Board-certified family medicine physician Dr. Willie Ewing provides care at Adventist Health / Physicians Network – Lemoore, located at 784 N. Lemoore Ave. Dr. Ewing has practiced in Lemoore for over 10 years. His office is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and he may be reached by calling 559-924-5358. Additional pediatric, family medicine, internal medicine, surgery and urgent care specialists are also available at Adventist Health / Physicians Network in Hanford, located at 1524 W. Lacey Blvd. and 125 Mall Drive. The phone number is 559-583-4500. Clinic Services Adventist Health / Community Care – Lemoore, located at 810 E. D St., offers a variety of health care services and has extended hours of operation. Services include family medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, nephrology, pediatrics and Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP). A teen clinic for reproductive health is also open from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Mondays. The Community Care – Lemoore clinic is open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 8 16 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays; and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays. The phone number is 559-924-7791. Physical Therapy Adventist Health / Physical Therapy services in Lemoore and Hanford have the most highlytrained therapy specialists in Kings County. Services include specialized physical and occupational therapy rehabilitation for a variety of issues such as arthritis, back pain, balance, fall prevention, hand injuries, headaches, lymphedema, motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, orthopedic injuries, stroke rehabilitation, work-related injuries and preand post-surgical rehabilitation. Adventist Health / Physical Therapy – Lemoore is located at 250 E. Hanford-Armona Rd., and is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number is 559-925-1870. through Adventist Health’s Lab and Imaging Center. The pavilion also has a comprehensive Lung Care Center, Breast Care Center, Wound Healing Center and other physician suites. Obstetric services are available at Central Valley General Hospital on Douty Street in Hanford with all private rooms for expectant mothers and their families. Plans are under way for a new Adventist Health / Family Birth Center to be built next to Adventist Medical Center – Hanford and open in 2015. Central Valley General Hospital also houses a Community Care clinic open seven days a week as well as dental, specialty and behavioral health services on weekdays. Central Valley General Hospital’s main phone number is 559-583-2100. Hospital Services Online Services Less than 10 miles from Lemoore, Adventist Medical Center – Hanford is a 142-bed hospital with private rooms located at Mall Drive and Seventh Street in Hanford. The hospital provides advanced surgical and imaging services and 24-hour emergency care for the Kings County region. Adventist Health patients have access to their own electronic health records through an online patient portal called MyAdventistHealth. With MyAdventistHealth, patients can monitor their health care 24/7, with access to lab and test results, immunizations, medications and allergies. Each private hospital room features a 32-inch flat-screen television with GetWellNetwork, an interactive education and entertainment system that includes a keyboard and wireless Internet access. The hospital’s main phone number is 559-582-9000. Next door in the Hanford Medical Pavilion, patients have access to outpatient services For a complete list of health care services and access to health resources and tools, please visit www.AdventistHealthCV.com. 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Healt h Care Clinics Adventist Health Community Care 810 East “D” St. Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 924-7711 Adventist Health Community Care West 205 “C” St. Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 924-7200 Family Health Care Network 329 West 8th St. Hanford, CA 93230 (559) 587-4532 Dentists Dr. Riemer Dental Group Family Dental Care 437 West “D” St. Lemoore, CA. 93245 (559) 924-2520 - Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Members Kings Dental Group Terrence O’Hare, DDS 5 West “D” St. Lemoore, CA. 93245 (559) 924-2206 Lemoore Dental Davis, Mark L. D.D.S. 210 Heinlen St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-5353 Allen Short, DDS 442 “C” St. Lemoore, CA. 93245 (559) 924-5208 Health Services Cal Viva Health Net Community Solutions Center 315 W. Lacey Blvd. Hanford, CA 93230 866-863-2465 Hospitals Physicians Central Valley General Hospital 1025 N. Douty Hanford, CA 93230 (559) 583-2100 Jesse R. Liscomb, Jr. M.D. N.E.P.P.S. Mini Health Spa 95C Hanford-Armona Rd. Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 924-3431 Adventist Medical Center 115 Mall Drive Hanford, CA. 93230 (559) 582-9000 Therapy-Physical Optometry Family Eye Care Jeffrey Garcia, O.D. 162 West “D” St. Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 924-4417 Kings Eye Center Dr. Beard & Dr. Poindexter 321 “C” Street Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 924-2666 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com All Sports Therapy Athletic Rehabilitation, Inc. 311 N. Douty Hanford, CA 93230 (559) 415-6853 Eric W.Verheul, P.T. 234 “C” Street Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 924-0514 Robert Yahne, P.T. 401 W. Lacey Blvd. Hanford, CA 93230 (559) 582-2781 17 Lemoore Police Depart ment T he Lemoore Police Department is charged with the protection of life and property and the primary responsibility for crime prevention and suppression. The mission statement of the Lemoore Police Department is, “We are dedicated to preserving the peace of our City and the protection of our citizens through proactive problem solving and community partnerships.” The Lemoore Police Department has twenty sworn officers assigned to the Patrol Division. The Patrol Division responds to calls for assistance, acts as a deterrent to crime, enforces state and local laws and responds to emergencies 24 hours a day seven days per week. Of the twenty officers assigned to patrol, the department has two Motor Officers assigned to the Traffic Division. The ultimate goal of the Traffic Division is to reduce traffic collisions. However, most traffic collisions have other factors associated with them such as impaired driving or the lack of passenger restraints. As a result, the traffic division is also responsible for enforcing traffic violations, investigating traffic collisions, arresting intoxicating drivers and impounding vehicles by unlicensed or suspended drivers. The Lemoore Police Department recognizes that traffic enforcement is a priority. Their strategic plans and goals for the future are to: 1.) Increase traffic enforcement efforts 5%, 2.) Increase DUI arrests 5% and 3.) Continue to conduct Briefing Trainings on traffic enforcement related issues. Aside from patrol and traffic efforts the Lemoore Police Department continues to be dedicated to the community. They are a strong proponent of Community Oriented Policing, which entails the full cooperation of citizens and community groups. Citizens actively work with police officers to identify and understand the most pressing issues in the community and work together to devise solutions through community meetings, citizen surveys and one-on-one conversations with members of the 18 community. The bond between the Lemoore Police Department and the community is exceptionally strong, citizen involvement can be seen through the Citizens Academy and Volunteers in Policing Programs, both of which began in 1997. Also, the Lemoore Neighborhood Watch Program is very active with the police department. The Lemoore Police Department also has the Lemoore Police Chaplaincy Program, which provides ministry and counsel to law enforcement personal of the department, as well as unfortunate victims of crime. The Lemoore Department also has a very active Law Enforcement Explorers Program, which began in 1996. The program is open to male and female youth between the ages of fourteen and twenty. The program teaches explorers skills to prepare them for a law enforcement or law related career. The Lemoore Police Department has put forth greater efforts in educating the public on the hazards of driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, proper use of child restraints, seat belt safety issues, and speeding. Department statistics indicate that traffic collisions decreased by 10 % from 2007 to 2008. In 2009 traffic collisions decreased another 0.41 % from 2008. We believe this is the result of the increased enforcement efforts and due diligence on the part of our officers. In 1999, The Lemoore Police Department received a grant to start their traffic safety program. The program was created to start a dedicated traffic safety unit, and conduct DUI / Drivers License checkpoints. This dedicated unit consists of 2 motorcycle officers using state of the art laser radar units for the enforcement of speed laws throughout our community. Additionally, this grant allowed the city to create a Traffic Offender Fund (vehicle impound release fees) so they can continue to maintain a high level of traffic enforcement years after the project’s operations have concluded. Public Information & Education Avoid the 13 Campaign Neighborhood Watch Meeting Residential Traffic Concerns Every 15 Minutes Citizen’s Police Academy Child Safety Seat Program DARE Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Lemoore Police Chaplaincy Program Law Enforcement Explorers Program Enforcement Activities DUI Checkpoints DUI Saturation Patrols DUI Warrant Sweeps School Zone Speed Enforcement School Crossing Guards Speed Trailers Motor Enforcement Team Suspended/Unlicensed Driver Enforcement Contact Information EMERGENCY DIAL 9-1-1 Lemoore Police Department 657 Fox Street Lemoore, CA 93245 Non-Emergency 559-924-9574 Chief of Police: Darrell Smith Darrell.Smith@lemoorepd.com www.lemoore.com/lpd 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Lemoore Volunteer Fire Dept . T he community of Lemoore is proud of its all-volunteer Fire Department which has served the community for over 91 years. The first meeting of the Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department (LVFD) was held on August 3, 1921 at the American Legion Club and it has operated as an all-volunteer department since day one. In 1924, LVFD moved its headquarters to the newly built City Hall and in 1977 moved to 210 Fox Street, where the main station still resides today. For many years, LVFD relied on an air horn mounted atop City Hall to alert the members of structure fires. The loud horn was heard throughout the community. Although the horn is no longer necessary, because all the firemen carry pagers, it continues to be used, but only for structure fires between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The LVFD currently has 35 volunteers. Some may think that since Lemoore does not have a fulltime paid Fire Department that Lemoore’s fire service is compromised. This could not be farther from reality. The firemen are trained in firefighting, CPR, first aid, pilot rescue, and the handling of hazardous materials. They drill every Tuesday and train on a regular basis. When an opportunity arises to burn a structure, they use it as an opportunity to have a training burn. The LVFD boasts a Class III Insurance Services Office Fire Rating, which is the highest in Kings County. The members respond to calls 24 hours a day and their average response time is 3 minutes. Last year, the firemen responded to over 1500 fire and emergency related calls, which averaged over 4 calls per day. The Department has a Mutual Aid Agreement with Kings County, Hanford and Naval Air Station Lemoore fire departments. In the early days, the firemen used a 1917 Model T Ford Pumper to fight fires. The vehicle still runs and is driven in our local parades. When not parading around, it is showcased in an enclosed display in front of City Hall for all to see. Today, the Fire Department has 2 triple pumper engines, a triple pumper ladder truck, a 1,000 gallon per minute engine, a rescue vehicle with water, foam and JAWS OF LIFE equipment, a grass fire mini pumper, and a rehab truck. The Department also has a 1947 American LaFrance pumper which is used as a parade truck. The Department provides public service including inspections, tours, first aid at local events, and demonstrations. Every year, the Department provides first aid services during Relay for Life, a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Additionally, the Department provides a vehicle extrication demonstration during the Lemoore High School Every 15 Minutes Program. The Program is a reenactment of a realistic drunk driving traffic accident that simulates the death of one or more Lemoore High students. The purpose of the event is to challenge the student body to realize that every 15 minutes someone dies from an alcohol related accident and to make them aware of the unintended consequences that could result if they choose to drink and drive. In addition to providing safety for the residents of Lemoore, every year since 1925, members of the Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department journey to the Sierra Nevada Mountains to select and bring back the most perfect Christmas Tree to display in our quaint Downtown during the holidays. The Tree stands tall at the corner of Fox and D streets and is lit during the holiday season. The LVFD has been recognized at the Organization of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce in 1990 and again in 2014. 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com 19 Don Warkent in Spotlight on Lemoore: Citizen of the Year D on Warkentin was selected by a contingency of past honorees as an individual who has given of his time and talents for many years to help make Lemoore the place we love to call “home.” For over 40 years, Don has been involved in many community organizations, planning committees and a leader in education that has helped shape Lemoore into the spirited community it is today. Don began his service to the community in 1973 as a teacher at Lemoore High School. During his tenure at Lemoore High School, Don was also a football coach, baseball coach, athletic director, administrator and principal of the continuation high school. He was instrumental in starting the Lemoore High School Athletic Foundation; which to this day helps financially support all sports at LHS. In the 90’s Don also was a member of the steering committee for the LHS GO bond. With his guidance, the bond passed and has helped LHS with numerous facility improvements including the building of a new swimming pool. Don’s career at West Hills College – Lemoore began in 1986. With the help and guidance of his leadership, the College has increased enrollment from 700 students in portable buildings to over 4,400 students. He was a driving force in making WHCL an independent campus as well as building the Golden Eagle Arena and currently overseeing the construction of a state-of-the-art Student Center. He has lead WHCL through two very successful accreditations as well as serving on ten state accreditation teams to other colleges. He has brought in community education classes; expanded vocational education programs to include the college’s nursing and culinary programs and has partnered with businesses in Lemoore and Hanford to provide a qualified work force. Through Don’s leadership, the college has added 8 athletic teams and has played host to community college state championships in soccer, wrestling and golf. Don has been a driving force in bringing cultural events to the area and nationally recognized speakers such as former first lady Laura Bush, Sarah Palin, Dr. Cornell West and most recently the home boxing debut of Olympian and professional boxer Jose Ramirez. Don has offered the college as a venue for numerous organizations to hold conferences, workshops, job fairs, dinners and graduations; all in the spirit of community partnership. Don served 12 1/2 years on the Lemoore Union Elementary School Board including a stint as board president. While on the board, Don was a revered and well respected leader, and his experience in education proved to be most valuable to the District. Some of his accomplishments included hiring a new Superintendent (Dr. Ron Meade), building Cinnamon Elementary School and the Liberty Middle School gymnasium; the acquisition of the district office property on 19th and Cinnamon, and the addition of the University Charter School. Don was a supporter and friend to both administration and faculty, all while keeping the best interest and success of the students his primary goal. Don has been serving on the Kings County Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors since 2006. Now in his second term as Chairman of the Board, he has been a great voice for economic development with a critical emphasis on the importance of a training a skilled workforce. Don helps facilitate the bridge between the community college system and businesses in our area through the emphasis on higher education opportunities for our area. Through the bridge between education and business, Don has facilitated attraction of new business to our community and region. 20 Don is currently serving his second term on the Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. For the past two years Don has served as the CFO and been actively involved in the Chamber’s many events and daily operations. As a member and past president of the Kiwanis Club, Don has helped to set up and arrange the floats for the annual Christmas Parade. Don also coordinated and organized the annual Kings-Tulare County All Star High School Football Game. This game is steeped in tradition and has been a customary event for several decades. Don is also a member of the Lemoore Odd Fellows Club and supports other community service clubs such as the Lions and Rotary Clubs. As a result, Don has not missed a Rotary Crab feed in many years! In the 80’s and 90’s Don served as a Deacon for the Lemoore Presbyterian Church and as a lover of history, he supported the Lower Kings River Historical Society which restored many of the family cemeteries in our area. However, the most important act of service by Don was his voluntary duty in the United States Army. Don was a lieutenant in the Army during the Vietnam War, and as a platoon leader with the 25th Infantry he was on the ‘front lines’ of the war. During his tour in Vietnam he received two Purple Hearts and still to this day has a chunk of shrapnel in his leg. He is a very proud Veteran and supports VFW and other Veteran Organizations in our area. Though Don’s List of public service and achievements is quite extensive, he will tell you that the most rewarding role he has had is that of husband and father. When his children, Brooke and Steven, were young, he coached their little league softball and baseball teams and was always at their events cheering them on. He remains a constant source of support to his wife and children, and his strength never waivers. He has been, and always will be, a pillar in the community, a dedicated veteran and family man. Don Warkentin’s volunteerism and dedication to the City of Lemoore undoubtedly deserves this award. Mr. Don Warkentin joins this distinguished list of Citizen’s of the Year: 2013 Rick Rossiter 2012 Tom Hernandez 2011 Dr. Jeff Garcia 2010 Virgil Powell 2009 Bennie Harrell 2008 Maureen Azevedo 2007 John Plourde 2006 Sandy Brown 2005 Leonard Schlosser 2004 D.C. Billingsley 2003 Steve Froberg 2002 Carolyn Arcino 2001 Ed Martin 2000 Tracy Bressler 1999 Joe and Kathy Neves 1998 Sarah E. “Salli” Day 1997 James E. Salyer 1996 Thomas Martinez 1995 Lynda Lahodny 1994 William “Bill” Henry 1993 Albert Loyd “Speed” Rhoads 1992 Norman Garcia 1991 Tim Lee 1990 Ken Newbury 1989 Jerry Jones 1988 Dr. Jesse Liscomb, Jr. 1987 Tony Oliveira 1986 Manuel Luis 1985 Don Casten 1984 Kathy Palermo 1983 Marc Halvorsen 1982 Berry Gilcrease 1981 Nancy Herrington 1980 C. D. Willis 1979 P. W. Engvall 1978 Msgr. James 0‘Doherty 1977 Judge Charles Jennings 1976 Tom Bettencourt 1975 Jack Stone 1974 Virginia Lee 1973 Corby Dale 1972 Jerry Bendele 1971 “Cap” Phillips 1970 Art DeRaad 1969 Dick Lee 1968 Pinky Gonzales 1967 John Vieira 1966 Nateva Nunes Solomon 1965 Otho Murray 1964 Juan Almanza 1963 Art Borges 1962 Reverend Arthur Reed 1961 Vern Mock 1960 Lee McDowell 1959 Burton Lowe 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Lemoore Volunteer Fire Depart ment Spotlight on Lemoore: Organization of the Year T his is the second time the Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department will be recognized as Organization of the Year, the first was in 1990. The department was formed in July of 1921 after an earlier group, who had the 1917 Model T Ford chemical engine, disbanded. The first Chief of the reorganized group was Paul R.C. Winans, with R.R. Long completing his role as the department’s head in 1921. In 1923, a brand new LaFrance pumper fire engine was delivered to Lemoore, which used a water pump instead of a chemical reaction for water pressure. The local firefighters bragged about having the first fire pumper with pneumatic wheels in the state in the mid 1920’s. In 1980 they finished fully restoring the original Model T chemical engine with the help of inmates at Avenal Prison, after Jack Stone had performed a partial restoration many years before. It is now on display in front of City Hall and makes an annual appearance in the Lemoore Christmas Parade. The members of our Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department are the unsung heroes of Lemoore. Chief John Gibson is in charge of the 34 volunteers who make up the department. Each volunteer brings his own skill set to the job. Their professional careers can range from electricians, contractors and mechanics to doctors and dentists. They are all subjected to rigorous formal and on-the-job training. These volunteers meet weekly and have regular educational and training sessions throughout the year. They also are well represented at every community event and holiday celebration to provide fire truck rides and fire hose games for children. The volunteers go to the schools to help educate the children about fire safety and prevention. Every year after Thanksgiving, no matter what the weather is like, they make a trip up to the Sierra Mountains and with the approval and supervision of a Forest Ranger, cut down and haul a tree back to Lemoore. Then on Sunday, they decorate and raise the Community Christmas Tree in the center of D and Fox Street. Because of all the hard work by our Volunteers, every citizen and business in Lemoore recoups the benefit of a good insurance rating. Our LVFD has in ISO rating of 3. It is the best fire rating of all fire departments in Kings County! To show how busy LVFD has been taking care of our needs, in 2013 they responded to 254 fires, 1,523 EMT calls, 27 miscellaneous educational or community events and 53 meetings/drills for a total of 1,857 events to which they responded. While these men are spending all of this volunteer time to benefit us and our community, we must remember their wives and children are giving up family time because they know how important their husbands and dads are to the well-being of our community. The Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department joins this list of distinguished past Organizations of the Year… 2013 Lemoore American Legion & Auxiliary Post 100 2012 Community Thanksgiving Dinner Committee 2011 Lemoore Union High School Foundation 2010 South Valley Community Church 2009 Lemoore High School Choir 2008 Relay for Life 2007 The Lemoore Senior Citizens, Inc. 2006 West Hills College Lemoore 2005 Lemoore Yacht Club 2004 Lemoore High School NJROTC 2003 Lemoore Little League 2002 Lemoore Oddfellows Lodge # 280 2001 Lemoore Masonic Lodge # 255 2000 Volunteers in Policing (V.I.P.‘s) 1999 Sarah A. Mooney Memorial Museum 1998 Lemoore Lions Club 1997 Lemoore Youth Sports Association 1996 St. Peter’s Newman Club 1995 Fil-Am Association of Kings County 1994 Lemoore Athletic Foundation 1993 Lemoore Christian Aid 1992 Lemoore Optimist Club 1991 Lemoore Kiwanis Club 1990 Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department 1989 Lemoore Rotary Club 1988 Lemoore Officers’ Wives Club 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com 21 St oney’s Sand & Gravel Spotlight on Lemoore: Business of the Year S toney’s Sand and Gravel is locally owned and operated by Mike and Carol Evans. They are a customer focused, successful business that has steadily grown over the past 29 years. They provide employment for 25 people, and their employees will tell you that they are the BEST. Many people have benefitted from their generosity and care. In the community, they are sponsors of Little League and Soccer teams and the Lemoore High School Cheer Team. They regularly donate concrete and other materials to support the Lemoore High Ag Department and they have sponsored various Lemoore Chamber events, such as Rockin’ the Arbor and Golf Tournaments. People who know Mike and Carol Evans know their compassion for others. They are always willing to help anyone in need. Whether it’s organizing an enormous fundraiser to benefit Children’s Hospital, donating clothing to a family when their home was lost to a fire, organizing a benefit dinner to help a friend pay for medical bills or donating hot dogs and beans for “Hot Dog Day” every third Wednesday of the month at the Church of the Savior Soup Kitchen. Carol has annually put on a huge birthday party for the Kids of Royal Family Kids Camp, which is a network of camps, children’s clubs and child mentoring for abused, abandoned and neglected children in the foster care program. Through that work, Carol was appointed to the board of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) which is a national association that supports and promotes court appointed advocates for abused or neglected children. The love and care she puts into this work benefits thousands of children. 22 When South Valley Community Church sent a team of youth to Moore, Oklahoma, after the EF5 Tornado hit on May 20, 2013, Carol was part of the team. It’s been reported that she can “swing a big hammer and create beauty with a saw.” Their assignment in Moore was to help a family who had lost their son when his elementary school and home was destroyed by the tornado. Although their job was just to help the family unpack their donated household items, Carol went above and beyond by giving the family’s children newly decorated rooms to make that house feel more like home. Mike and Carol were instrumental in creating the Lemoore Raceway Hall of Fame last year, donating their time and resources. They also support the Raceway throughout the race season again donating their time and equipment. Through their efforts, Raceway events are always opened by local pastors, youth ministers or Navy Chaplains. However, the most honest testimonials have come from their employees: “Over the past few years, I’ve been given the great opportunity to work for a very successful and respected employer. Stoney’s Sand and Gravel is not only a successful business with a hard work ethic but also a place full of family, friends and community. Owners, Mike and Carol Evans have built an amazing company based on their own hard work and dedication to service. They each still put in more time and effort than is expected of their employees. This work ethic shows throughout the company. Mike’s policy is: the only time you can say no to a customer is if they ask you out on a date!” is constantly growing is the Evans’. Mike and Carol work right alongside their employees, often times working harder. They would never ask an employee to do something they haven’t or can’t do themselves. They are not only bosses and our employers, but they are also teachers and friends. These two people are generous, caring, successful business people who are most deserving of being recognized as the 2014 Lemoore Business of the Year.” We couldn’t agree more. Stoney’s Sand & Gravel joins this list of distinguished past Businesses of the Year… 2013 Lemoore Stadium Cinemas 2012 Best Buy Markets 2011 B & D Quality Cleaners / Rebekah’s Espresso / Joshua’s Roasting Company 2010 F.A.S.T. Credit Union 2009 Lemoore Van and Storage 2008 Ramblin’ Rose Florist 2007 SK Foods 2006 Leoni Pharmacy 2005 Save Mart Supermarket 2004 Arrow Stationers 2003 Lemoore Hardware 2002 Pereira‘s Jewelry & Design 2001 Fosters Freeze 2000 Leprino Foods 1999 Palace Indian Gaming Center 1998 Gary V. Burrow, Inc. 1997 Vinny Doyle‘s Restaurant 1996 Billingsley Tire, Inc. 1995 Tracy Bressler, C.P.A. Another employee, said, “The sole reason Stoney’s has been in operation for 29 years and 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Places of Worship - Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Members First United Methodist Church of Lemoore 500 E. Bush St. Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 924-5295 Hope Fellowship Center 102 Larish St., Unit B Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 904-5873 Lemoore Assembly of God- LifeWay Church 501 E. Bush St. Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 924-9519 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Lemoore Presbyterian Church 260 B St. Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 924-5658 St. Peters Catholic Church 870 Lemoore Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 924-2562 23 Doug Verboon Agriculturalist of the Year: Third Generation Farmer “I like to be in control of my day,” he says. “The earlier you get up, the earlier you finish. When you’re a farmer, you are in control of that.” Yet it is not only the 10,000 walnut trees he farms on 185 acres in Kings County. After 16 years on the Pioneer Union Elementary School District Board, he now serves as chairman of the Kings County Board of Supervisors, completing his first four-year term as a representative for District 3, which encompasses Lemoore. And now, Mr. Verboon is the 2013 Lemoore Chamber of Commerce’s Agriculturalist of the Year. He is a third-generation farmer who takes inspiration from his grandfather and father. The family once farmed cotton, corn and walnuts. “I chopped cotton until I was 35 years old,” he says. “I worked on the farm. Any dirty job they had, I had.” Early in his life, through the family’s trucking operation, Mr. Verboon would haul walnuts, almonds, corn, wheat, barley and fertilizer. In 2006, Mr.Verboon made the focus only on growing walnuts. It reflects his sense of simplicity. “It’s easy for one person to maintain,” he says. “It made sense to consolidate.” He believes in fighting for water, for protecting the environment, and “for sticking my neck out for my leadership in ag.” He’s also respected for his ethics. “I feel my neighbor’s ground is my ground,” he says. “I treat everyone’s ground in Kings County as if it is my ground.” That has contributed to his opposition to the high-speed rail project, and it reinforces his belief that agriculture is the backbone of the local economy. “God only created so much farm ground, and we have farm ground with water, which makes it more valuable.” In Lemoore, Mr. Verboon also has developed the Cinnamon Square Shopping center, the only continuously, fully occupied retail center in California. 24 Keeps the Family Legacy Alive Mr. Verboon and his wife, Jill, have four children: Cassandra, who lives in Boston; Courtney who lives in Hanford; Arie, also in Hanford; and Chelsea, who resides in Fresno. He gets up early, lives with his iPhone, and responds promptly to any matter. “It means a lot to be recognized from the people you work with every day,” he says. “Farming means a lot to me, it has done very well, and to be chosen is a unique honor. I’ve just worked hard all of my life. Fortunately, I enjoy what I do.” Mr. Verboon has learned a lot. He’s also trying to teach. The University of California is conducting a long-term research project on his ranch to understand alternatives to walnut production, given mandatory changes in the use of methyl bromide. “I was going to be a farmer and I always wanted to be a farmer,” Mr. Verboon says. “It’s always a challenge but I never get frustrated.” “You go to work when the sun comes up, and you go home when the sun goes down. You have great gratitude when you take what God gave you – water, sun and soil – to flourish. You get rewarded at harvest time. And every time you get to go home to your family.” Doug Verboon joins this list of distinguished past Agriculturalists of the Year… 2012 John Tos 2011 Myron Dutra 2010 Wayne Wisecarver 2009 Russell Waymire 2008 Brent Graham 2007 Jim Hansen 2006 Bill Stone 2005 Don Gilkey 2004 Jack Draxler 2003 Ted Sheely 2002 Craig Pedersen 2001 Mary Cameron 2000 Case Droogh 1999 Fred Martella 1998 Tony Oliveira 1997 Everett “Fuzzy” Feaver 1996 Hoke Evetts 1995 Jack Stone 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Crop Product ion Services Ag Supporter of the Year: Growing Crops, Growing Business I n our Valley, many things grow: crops, companies, supporters. The story of Crop Production Services involves all of those elements. And for those reasons, it has been honored as the Lemoore Chamber of Commerce’s 2013 Agricultural Supporter of the Year. With a workforce of 35 in Kings County, Crop Production Services Hanford is a vital element of local agriculture. CPS has operations in 48 states, but to local growers, the most potent service stems from its headquarters at 13241 Crown Avenue in Hanford. “We want to provide the best resources for the best profit for our growers,” says John Toscano, Branch Manager who co-manages the local office with Steve Clark. “Our consultants work to support farmers – and to achieve maximum profits for them.” A longtime partner for many local farms, Crop Production Services’ mission statement tells most of its story: “We are committed to being the leading provider of agricultural inputs in each of our markets. We will attract and retain outstanding employees by motivating and rewarding them for their accomplishments in providing exceptional service to our valued customers … “We are dedicated to helping our customers achieve maximum success. When you meet and work with a member of the Crop Production Services team, we are confident you will see our strengths first-hand and profit from our experience.” dirt, the water, and the hard work, and the local connections. So what is the bedrock of the company? “Our strength is our people,” Mr. Toscano, a graduate of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, says. “Our people and our service are 100% of our success.” Among its many services, the company provides fertilizer, seed, crop protection, and personal advice on an array of countless farmmanagement challenges. It represents the benefit of history and a vision for the future – embracing technology and innovation. “We are a worldwide company that has roots in the rural community,” Mr. Toscano observes. “We rely upon global knowledge to help the local level.” On its website, cpsagu.com, there’s a clever turnof-phrase: “Growing ag-ceptance.” We can accept that this is just a play on words. But it’s more than that. “At Crop Production Services, we are focused on one thing and one thing only – providing our customers with the products and services they need to grow the best crops possible,” the company says. “We do this farm by farm and one customer at a time by leveraging our global experience.” The network is vast: innovative products and collective knowledge from more than 1,250 retail outlets on three continents: “Our experience and total product offering will help you compete with farmers around the world,” the company says. Yes, the world. San Joaquin Valley farmers – and advisers – feed the world. But it all starts with the 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com He adds: “It’s an honor to receive this award and to be thought of in this way by the community. We are grateful.” Crop Production Services joins this list of distinguished past Ag Supporters of the Year… 2012 E.A.T. Foundation 2011 Blair Air, Helicopter & Ground Services 2010 JC Diversified Ent., Inc. DBA Crisp Warehouse 2009 Farm Credit West 2008 Bennett & Bennett 2007 Farm of the Future 2006 Evangelho Seed & Farm Store 2005 Verdegaal Brothers, Inc. 2004 Sawtelle Rosprim Machine Shop 2003 Continental Dairy Equipment Co., Inc. 2002 Valley Pump & Dairy Systems 2001 Morgan & Slates, Inc. 2000 Wood Brothers, Inc. 1999 Bacome Insurance 1998 Ortons Equipment 1997 Billingsley Tire 25 Rest aurant s- Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Members Lemoore is incredibly fortunate to have so much variety when it comes to dining options. From Japanese to American, Mexican to Vietnamese, fast food to sit down family friendly, we have it all! Spend some time getting to know your community by patronizing some of these wonderful, many family-owned and operated establishments: American Gunny’s Sandwich Shop 514 N. Lemoore Ave. (559) 924-7700 Harris Ranch Inn & Restaurant 24505 W. Dorris Ave. Coalinga, CA 93210 (559) 935-0717 or (800) 942-2333 Jeb’s Blueberry Hill 75 Hanford-Armona Rd. (559) 925-1527 Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino 17225 Jersey Ave. (559) 924-2758 Sushi Table Asian Bistro 155 W. Hanford-Armona Rd. (559) 925-1698 Teri’s Front Street Grill 219 E St. (559) 924-6359 Mexican Quick Service Foster’s Freeze 71 E. Hanford-Armona Rd. (559) 924-4858 Asian Beto’s on Wheels Taqueria 10691 14th Ave. Armona, CA 93202 (559) 584-0123 Fatte Albert’s Pizza Company 110 E. 7th Street Hanford, CA 93230 (559) 585-0220 Fatte Albert’s Take-N-Bake E. Hanford-Armona Rd. Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 997-9403 Reyna’s Restaurant 333 E Street (559) 924-9133 Italian New Boba Island 201 E St. (559) 924-1027 Motels / Hotels - Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Members Boston House of Pizza 1180 W. Bush St. (559) 924-9527 The Chamber is happy to recommend these fine establishments in which to take a load off and rest up for whatever your new day brings. 26 Best Western Plus Inn & Suites 820 E. Bush St. Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 924-3200 Travelodge Lemoore 877 East D St. Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 924-1261 Motel 6 1290 Sierra Cr. Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 925-6100 The Comfort Inn 10 N. Irwin St. Hanford, CA 93230 (559) 584-9300 Harris Ranch Inn & Restaurant I-5 and Highway 198 24505 W. Dorris Ave. Coalinga, CA 93210 (559) 935-0717 Sequoia Inn of Hanford 1655 Mall Dr. Hanford, CA 93230 (559) 582-0339 Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino 17225 Jersey Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 924-7751 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Committed to Serving Kings County Jason Usher AVP Business Banking Officer Office: 559.429.7504 | Cell: 559.972.4154 jusher@valleybusinessbank.net Your Success Is Our Business VISALIA | TULARE | WOODLAKE | TIPTON | FRESNO www.val le y businessbank.net 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com 27 Business Membership Directory Accounting/Tax Service H&R Block Mary Beth Jones 1045 W. Bush St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-3044 www.hrblock.com Bressler & Company Tracy Bressler 770 E. Bush St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-1225 www.bresslercompany.com Kathy’s Tax & Notary Service Kathy Rodriguez 789 Eton Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-1789 jktravelers@sbcglobal.net 28 Lemoore Tax Service Kathy Oliveira 320 W. D St., Ste A Lemoore, CA 93245 559-925-8023 kathyo@lemoorenet.com M. Green & Co LLP Larry Ayers 1483 Bailey Drive Hanford, CA 93230 559-584-2751 Aerospace Boeing Company Walt Stammer P.O. Box 1160 NAS Lemoore, CA 93246 559-998-3702 Agriculture/AG Service/ Equiptment/ Supplies & Organizations Adult Day Care Generations/Lemoore Adult Day Care Pam Chin 1075 Blake Cir. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4419 JC Diversified Enterprises, Inc. James Crisp 20500 Main St. Stratford, CA 93266 559-947-9221 jcrisp@crispwarehouse.com Bennett & Bennett Irrigation Systems Gary Bennett 10538 14th Ave. Armona, CA 93202 559-582-9336 www.bennettirrigation.com Blair Air, Ground & Helicopter Services, Inc. Roger Hewett 19101 Kent Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-1276 Education & Agriculture Together Foundation Kelly Giacomazzi P.O. Box 2183 Hanford, CA 93232 559-707-8823 www.eatfdn.org 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Business Membership Directory Evangelho Seed/Farm Store Rodney/Linda Evangelho 9099 19 1/2 Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-7443 evanseed@lemoorenet.com Kings County Farm Bureau Diane Friend 870 Greenfield Ave. Hanford, CA 93230 559-584-3557 www.kcfb.org Lemoore Canal & Irrigation Co. Joanne Baley 877 W. Iona Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-1246 lemoorecanal@yahoo.com McCann & Sons James McCann 1356 W Iona Lemoore, CA 93245 559-925-9110 McCanik@mccannag.com Morgan & Slates Mfg/Sply Gloria Morgan 12918 Hanford Armona Rd. Hanford, CA 93230 559-582-4417 www.morganandslates.com Rodrigues Pump Company Randy Rodrigues 8148 18th Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-9097 nthehole@lemoorenet.com Son, Bill Picker Service Bill & Clarice Son 22234 Fairfax Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-7972 West Valley Supply Aaron Odland 11958 17th Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4500 Animal Shelters Kings SPCA Diane Grigsby 9071 16 ½ Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-925-1630 www.kingsspca.org Apartments Villa San Joaquin Apartments Alicia Sierra 200 N. 19th Ave. #B Lemoore, CA 93245 559-994-2481 villasanjoaquin@buckinghamp.m.com Alderwood Apartments Jessica Sanchez, Mgr. 990 Fox St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-0221 alderwood@winnco.com Architects Cinnamon Villas Apartments Alicia Sierra 335 Cinnamon Dr. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-994-2481 asierra@buckinghampm.com The Addington Partnership Chris A. Addington, AIA 3434 Truxin Ave. Ste 240 Bakersfield, CA 93301 661-327-1690 www.addington.net College Park Apt. Homes Teresa Contreras 899 Dogwood Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-9914 Heritage Apartments Olga Juarez, Resident Mgr. 1169 Beverly Dr. #33 Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4204 heritageapts@comcast.net Lakeview Apartments/Abra Management Donna Kaufmann 333 E. Cinnamon Dr. #265 Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-6464 www.lvapts.org Lemoore Elderly Apartments Alicia Sierra 601 E St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-994-2481 lemooreelderly@buckinghamp.m.com Lemoore Villa Apartments Alicia Sierra 899 E. Hanford-Armona Rd Lemoore, CA 93245 559-994-2481 lemoorevilla@buckinghamp.m.com Montgomery Crossing Apartments John Sadler/Alicia Sierra 1150 Tammy Lane Lemoore, CA 93245 559-817-5404 www.montgomerycrossingapartments.com Attorneys/Legal Services Griswold LaSalle Cobb Dowd & Gin LLP Jeff Levinson 111 E. Seventh St Hanford, CA 93230 559-584-6656 www.glcdg.com Hammerschmidt & Broughton Law Corp. William A. Parry, Partner 113 Court St., Ste 209 Hanford,CA 93230 (p) 559-585-8800 (f) 550-585-8801 William@hbcriminaldefense.com Auto Dealership Hanford Hyundai 1990 Glendale Ave Hanford , CA 93230 559-582-2277 www.hanfordhyundai.com Hanford Toyota Blake Snider 1835 Glendale Ave Hanford , CA 93230 559-587-3500 www.hanfordtoyota.com Keller Motors Jon Keller 700 W. Cadillac Lane Hanford, CA 93230 559-582-1000 www.kellerdeal.com Automobile Parts/ Service/Tow Lemoore Auto Supply, Inc. Doug Dutra/Larry Jacinto 41 E St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-5646 lemooreauto@hotmail.com R & J’s Machine Shop Roger Dudley 201 E Street Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4700 Ron’s Auto Shop Ron Scholz 975 East D St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-6751 rjscholz@sbcglobal.net Royal Car Care, Inc. Rick Rocha 725 N. Lemoore Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-7774 Banks Bank of the Sierra Mark Ulibarri 427 W. Lacey Blvd. Hanford, CA 93230 559-585-6700 www.bankofthesierra.com Farm Credit West Ryan Dooley 1111 W. Lacey Blvd Hanford, CA 93230 559-584-2681 Union Bank of California Maria Mendes, Branch Manager 105 W. Hanford Armona Rd. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-6671 www.unionbank.com Valley Business Bank Jason Usher 701 W. Main Street Visalia, CA 93291 559-972-4154 Tanglewood Apartments Maria Cristina Ainslie 265 E. Hanford Armona Rd. #25 Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4410 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com 29 Business Membership Directory Banquet/Rental Facility Caterers Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Freight Room 300 E St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-6401 www.lemoorechamberofcommerce.com Beto’s on Wheels Taqueria 10691 14th Ave. Armona, CA 93202 559-410-3280 Lemoore Presbyterian Church Mina Wetterberg 260 B St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-5658 www.lempres.org Blair Harlan Catering Blair Harlan, Owner 2870 W. Harlan Riverdale, CA 93656 559-250-8740 Msboobooblah56@yahoo.com St. Peter’s Catholic Church Father Hector Lopez 870 N. Lemoore Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-2562 www.stpeterslemoore.org Lemoore Seniors Inc. Brenda Martin 789 S. 18th Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-967-1662 Butchering/Meat Processing & Sales Lemoore Food Locker Desi Verissimo 205 Fox St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-2390 Cable/Satellite Choice Communications Bobby Scroggins 350 West D St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-0977 bobby@heisales.com Comcast Business Matt Evans 2441 N. Grove Industrial Dr. Fresno, CA 93727 559-246-7648 Matt_evans@cable.comcast.com Candles Scentsy Independent Consultant Lisa Babb 15914 Iona Ave Hanford, CA 93230 559-836-9242 www.BabbScents.Scentsy.us Cash Advance/Check Cashing Cash Stop Richard Scrambler 1135 W. Bush St Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-1500 cashzone1@sbcglobal.net Computer Repair-Service Cal’s Catering Vickie Brooks 301 E 5th Street Hanford, CA 93230 559-584-5656 Cellular Phone Retail Ensignal, Inc. Jacob Hammitt 155 W. Hanford-Armona Rd., Suite A Lemoore, CA 93245 559-925-1400 www.ensignal.com Cement/Sand/Gravel/Stone Stoney’s Sand & Gravel LLC Mike Evans 9181 Highway 41 Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-9229 jennifer@stoneysllc.com TTL Computer Networking Robert Davis 411 E. 7th St. Hanford, CA 93232 559-583-8252 www.ttlnetwork.com Construction Companies/ Home Builders/General Contractors Ashwood Construction Steve Froberg 5755 E. Kings Canyon Rd., Ste 110 Fresno, CA 93727 559-253-7240 www.ashwoodco.com Churches Gibson Gates & Fencing John Gibson 358 F St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4121 First United Methodist Church Pastor John Bosch 500 E Bush St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-5295 www.lemooreumc.org Jay’s Construction, Inc. Jay Paulson 25 C Street Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-5662 www.jaysconstructioninc.com Hope Fellowship Center 102 Larish St., Unit B Lemoore, CA 93245 559-904-5873 Lemoore Assembly of God Pastor Aaron Ash 501 E. Bush St Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-9519 Consumer Protection Organizations Better Business Bureau Douglas Broten, CEO 4201 W. Shaw, #107 Fresno, CA 93722 559-222-8111 www.bbb.org Convenience Stores Quick & EZ Paul Sidhu 150 E. Hanford Armona Rd. #1 Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-1400 Credit Unions Educational Employees Credit Union Lisa Franks 1460 W. 7th St., Ste. 101 Hanford, CA 93230 559-587-4465 www.myeecu.org FAST Federal Credit Union Paula Lehn 312 West 7th St. Hanford, CA 93230 559-584-0922 www.fastcu.com FAST Federal Credit Union Amy Freitas 200 Follett Lemoore, CA 93245 559-584-0922 www.fastcu.com Navy Federal Credit Union Tara Weaver Bldg 839 Hancock Cir. NAS Lemoore, CA 93245 1-800-842-6328 www.navyfcu.org Navy Federal Credit Union Cindi Mendonca 855 N. Lemoore Ave Suite #190 Lemoore, CA 93245 559-925-2500 www.navyfcu.org D.J./Entertainment C & H Productions Kevin Crawford 954 Murphy Dr. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-381-6221 www.candhproductions.com Dentist Family Dental Care of Lemoore Denise Riemer, D.D.S. 437 West D Street Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-2520 www.lemooredentalcare.com 30 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Business Membership Directory Kaufmann, Carl C. D.D.S. Carl C. Kaufmann 210 Heinlen St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4559 cckdds@att.net Kings Dental Group Dr. Terry O’Hare, D.M.D. 5 W. D St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-2206 www.kingsdentalgroup.com Lemoore Dental Davis, Mark L. D.D.S. 210 Heinlen St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-5353 Short, Allen D.D.S. Dr. Short, D.D.S. 442 C St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-5208 Distributors- Oil/ Gas/Propane Burrows, Gary V. Inc. Jeannie Castadio 1600 Enterprise Drive Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-2064 gvbin@lemoorenet.com Dassel’s Petroleum Mike Sargeant, Manager 9535 E. Third St. Hanford, CA 93230 559-582-8515 www.dassels.com Distributors-Beverage, Beer/Wine/Sodas Sequoia Beverage Co. Manny Mendoza 2122 N. Plaza Dr. Visalia, CA 93291 559-651-2444 www.sequoia-beverage.com Dry Cleaners B & D Quality Cleaners Buzz Felleke 111 E. Hanford-Armona Rd. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-6344 Education Brandman University/Chapman University System Richard Carnes Bldg. 824 Ste. 101 Hancock Cir. NAS Lemoore, CA 93246 559-998-6891 325 Mall Dr. Hanford, CA 93230 559-587-1454 www.brandman.edu Central Unified School District Tom Addington, Superintendent 15783 18th Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-3405 www.ccentral.k12.ca.us Columbia College Betsy Quade Bldg 826 Hancock Cir. NAS Lemoore, CA 93246 559-998-8570 www.ccis.edu Embry Riddle Aeronautical Greg Loyche Bldg. 824 Hancock Circle, Rm 103 NAS Lemoore, CA 93246 559-998-8919 www.erau.edu/lemoore Kings Christian School Steven W. Reynolds, Administrator 900 E. D St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-9061 www.kcsnet.com Lemoore Union Elementary School District Rick Rayburn, Superintendent 1200 W. Cinnamon Dr. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-6800 www.luesd.k12.ca.us Lemoore Union High School Dist. Debbie Muro, Superintendent 5 Powell Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-6610 www.luhsd.k12.ca.us Mary Immaculate Queen School Sr. Beena 884 N. Lemoore Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-3424 www.miqschool.org San Joaquin Valley College Ben Almaguer, Campus Director 215 W. 7th St. Hanford, CA 93230 559-584-8840 www.sjvc.edu West Hills Community College Don Warkentin 555 College Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-925-3205 www.westhillscollege.com Elected Officials Kings County Board of Supervisors Joe Neves Kings Government Center Hanford, CA 93230 559-582-3211 Kings County Tax Assessor 1400 W. Lacey Blvd., Bldg. 7 Hanford, CA 93230 559-582-3211 x 2502 kenbaird@co.kings.ca.us Electricians Reed Electric Nick Reed 16171 Houston Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-804-8623 Employment Agencies Proteus, Inc Ed Mata 216 W. 7th St. Hanford, CA 93230 559-582-9253 www.proteusinc.org Engineers Quad Knopf Keri Mitchell 5110 W. Cypress Visalia, CA 93278 559-733-0440 www.quadknopf.com Equiptment Rentals United Rentals James Fisher 925 N Ben Maddox Visalia, CA 93292 559-733-0371 www.ur.com Farms & Ranches DaCosta Farms Michele Costa 13243 Houston Ave. Hanford, CA 93230 559-583-7411 Esajian Farming Company Gary Esajian P.O. Box 100 Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-6228 Newton Farms Pat/Danny/Paul Newton 21766 22nd Ave. Stratford, CA 93266 559-947-3358 Pedersen Farms Craig Pedersen 15478 Houston Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-584-7784 Pereira Farms Melvin Pereira 1336 Mission Dr. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4846 Stone Land Co. Bill Stone 28521 Nevada Ave. Stratford, CA 93266 559-947-3185 Financial Advisors Entertainment First Command Financial Planning John Bloyd 237 C Street Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-7733 www.firstcommand.com Visalia Rawhide Baseball Jennifer Pendergraft, GM 300 N Giddings Visalia, CA 559-732-4433 www.rawhidebaseball.com Rossiter Wealth Management Brahm Rossiter 145 Heinlen St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-0304 www.rwmfinancialgroup.com 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com 31 Business Membership Directory Flooring Food Vendors Grocery Stores Robinson’s Interiors-Carpet One Mike Robinson 230 N. 11th Ave. Hanford, CA 93230 559-582-2610 www.robinsonsinteriorhanford.com Big Orange Shaved Ice Colleen Goddard 413 W. 4th St. Hanford, CA 93230 55-904-8393 bigorangeshavedice@hotmail.com Best Buy Market Joseph (Skip) Nugent 1135 W. Bush St Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-5623 snugent@bestbuymarkets.com Fitness King Kone Shaved IceKing Korn, King Bounce Juan Sanchez 559-817-8115 559-925-8562 Gutters & Downspouts Elite Performance Mariela O’Leary, CEO 325 E St Lemoore, CA 93245 559-904-7271 mariela.oleary@gmail.com www.eliteperformanceusa.com Florist Ramblin’ Rose Florist Chris Brazil 246 Heinlen St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-3863 www.ramblinroseflorist.net Food Products Agusa Joel DeLira, Gen. Mgr. 1055 S. 19th Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4785 www.agusa.biz Leprino Foods - East Dave Dierking 490 F Street Lemoore, CA 93245 559-925-7722 www.leprinofoods.com Leprino Foods - West Ron Walker 351 N. Bell Haven Dr. Lemoore, CA 93245 555-925-7300 www.leprinofoods.com Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients, Inc 1175 S. 19th Ave Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-6500 www.olam-online.com 32 Sissy’s BBQ & More Debbie Warkentin, Owner P.O. Box 171 Tulare,CA 93275 559-300-7552 sissysbbq@aol.com Fueling Station B & C Enterprises Brian Castadio 1200 S. 19th Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-7927 gvbinc.@lemoorenet.com Funeral Homes Phipps-Dale Funeral Chapel Alan Dale 420 W. D St Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-5611 People’s Funeral Chapel Angelica Vargas 501 N. Douty St. Hanford, CA 93230 559-584-5591 www.peoplesfuneralchapel.com Golf Courses Lemoore Municipal Golf Course Rich Rhoads 350 Iona Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-9658 www.lemooregolfcourse.com Government Kings County Association of Governments Terri King 339 W. D St. Ste B Lemoore, CA 93245 559-582-3211 ext.2678 www.kingscog.org Valley Gutters Dan & Cheri Ospital Lemoore, CA 93245 559-925-9667 Hardware Lemoore Hardware Ann & Bob Badasci 217 W. D St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-2317 lemoorehardware@sbcglobal.net Hay Sales R. S. Martinez Hay Sales Inc. Richard Martinez Lemoore, CA 559-924-2819 Health & Fitness Centers The Body Shop Mike & Colleen Royer 224 West D Street Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-2334 www.thebodyshophealthclub.com Health Services Cal Viva Health 1315 Van Ness Ave., Suite 103 Fresno, CA 93271 559-445-8706 Central California Blood Center Chris Sorensen 4343 W. Herndon Fresno, CA 93722 559-224-2900 www.cencalblood.org Family Health Care Network Janet Paine 305 E Center Visalia, CA 93291 559-737-4712 www.fhcn.org N.E.P.P.S. Mini Health Spa Dr. Jesse Liscomb, M.D., F.A.C.A., B.C.F.P. 95C W. Hanford-Armona Rd. Lemoore, CA 93256 559-924-1403 www.neppshealthspa.com United Health Centers David Phillips, Community Development Lemoore Physical Address: 1270 N. Lemoore Ave. Lemoore,CA 93245 Mailing Address: 650 Zediker Ave. Bldg 3, Parlier, CA 93648 (p) 559-646-6618 (f) 559-646-6614 www.uhcofsju.org Email: phillipsd@unitedhealthcenters.org Heating & Air Conditioning Contractors Collins Air Phillip Collins 13704 Hanford-Armona Rd. Hanford, CA 93232 559-584-4586 Shaw’s Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. Annette Shaw 16838 18th Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-925-9923 Hospitals Adventist Health Community Care Lemoore 810 E. D St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-7711 Adventist Medical Center - Hanford 115 Mall Dr. Hanford, CA 93230 Adventist Medical Center - Hanford (Marketing Bldg.) Christine Pickering 1021 N. Douty St. Hanford, CA 93230 559-589-2032 www.hanfordhealth.com Central Valley General Hospital 1025 N. Douty St. Hanford, CA 93230 559-583-2100 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Business Membership Directory Hotels/Motels Independent Sales Jewelry Movers Best Western Inn & Suites Frances Perkins 820 E. Bush St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-3200 www.bestwestern.com Central Cal Essentials Jon Minnig Lemoore, CA 93245 559-381-2361 meganjon@comcast.net Origami Owl Jewelry Naomi Hicks 256 Meadow Lane Lemoore, CA 93245 559-904-2242 Colonial Van & Storage DJ Welton 214 Broadway St. Fresno, CA 93721 559-264-3025 www.colonialvan.com JC Online Herbal Products Mildred Jones, Owner www.jcherbalproducts.com 559-925-1434 Pereira’s Jewelry & Design John & Judy Pereira 335 W. D St Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4052 Motel 6 Amar Mowji 1290 Sierra Circle Lemoore, CA 93245 (559) 925-6100 www.motel6.com Sequoia Inn Leighanna Staley, Manager 1655 Mall Dr. Hanford, CA 93230 559-582-0338 www.thesequoiainn.com Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino Michael Patterson 17225 Jersey Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-7751 www.thepalace.net Comfort Inn Thebaji Odedra 10 N. Irwin St. Hanford, CA 93230 559-584-9300 www.comfortinn.com Travelodge Lemoore 877 East D Street Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-1261 HR Consultants Pacific Employers Candice Weaver 306 N. Willis St. Visalia, CA 93277 559-733-4256 www.pacificemployers.com Home Décor Décor a Lemoore Lynda Lahodny, Owner 242 Heinlen Street Lemoore,CA 93245 559-924-6387 Email: info@decoralemoore.com Website: www.decoralemoore.com Miche Madness Nancy Schwabenland 10465 S. Westland Fresno, CA 93706 559-974-0350 Insurance AAA Northern California Insurance Ignacio Molina 780 N Irwin St Hanford, CA 93230 559-587-4632 ingnacio.molina@goaaa.com American Income Life Ins. Co. Julia Cantu 3485 W. Shaw Ave., Suite 102 Fresno, CA 93711 559-492-0778 julia@juliacantu.com Bacome Insurance Alan Escola 361B W. D St Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-5696 Nelson, Carl Insurance Agency, Inc. Melissa Menezes 1519 N. 11th Ave. Hanford, CA 93230 559-584-4495 www.carlneslsonins.com State Farm Insurance Co. Fred Harrell 86 N. Lemoore Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-5628 www.statefarm.com Internet Service Provider Unwired Broadband 364 W. Fallbrook Ave., Suite 102 Fresno, CA 93711 559-261-4444 www.unwired.com Laundromats Clean Time Laundry Pat Lee 290 E. Hanford-Armona Rd. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-3387 The Lost Sock Adam Fernandes, Owner 1065 W. Bush Street Lemoore, CA 93245 559-707-1710 (f)559-589-1781 tLslandry@gmail.com Massage Therapy Blue Door Massage & Spa Ayla Tidwell & Grace Garst 212 West D St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-381-6820 or 559-308-3796 Simply Serenity Kirby Coleman 55 East D St. Suite L Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-8800 www.simplyserenity.net Mobil Home- Parks & Communities Kings Management Group Mary Hornsby 18920 Hanford-Armona Rd. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-5833 hornsbyeurope@yahoo.com Mortgage Companies Kings Mortgage Services, Inc. Paula Silva 1507 N. 11th Ave. Hanford, CA 93230 559-585-7400 www.kingsmortgage.com 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Lemoore Van & Storage Paul Homan 581 W. Iona Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-3314 lemoorevan@comcast.net Movie Theaters Lemoore Stadium Cinemas John Roush 400 Follett St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4884 www.smellthepopcorn.com Newspaper Hanford Sentinel Lori Andade, Advertising Executive P.O. Box 9 Hanford, CA 93232 559-583-2449 www.hanfordsentinel.com The Leader Ed Martin P.O. Box 234 Lemoore, CA 93245 www.mylemooreleader.com 559-924-6600 Nuisance Animal Removal Gopher Grabbers LLC Paul Encinias Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-0603 www.gophergrabbers.com Office Supplies & Equipment Dataflow Business Systems, Inc. Oly Gomez 113 Douty St. Hanford, CA 93230 559-582-9366 www.startdbs.com 33 Business Membership Directory Optometrists Family Eye Care Dr. Jeffrey Garcia, O.D. 162 West D St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4417 www.eyecaredoctor.com Kings Eye Center Dr. Beard & Dr. Poindexter 321 C St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-2666 Fax:(559)924-0266 www.kingseyecenter.com Organizations/Non-Profit American Cancer SocietyRelay for Life Randy Daughtry 2222 W. Shaw Ave., #201 Fresno, CA 93711 559-451-0163 www.relayforlife.org Lemoore Oddfellows Lodge #280 Tom Buford P.O. Box 234 Lemoore, CA 559-924-2092 Gardens 4 Education Jeannie Williams 7595 Central Valley Hwy Hanford, CA 93230 559-410-3607 www.gardens4education.com Lemoore Youth Soccer Dena Garman-President P.O. Box 324 Lemoore, CA 559-942-0026 www.lemooresoccer.org Kings Art Center Foundation Kevin Dalafu, Executive Director 605 N. Douty St. Hanford, CA 93230 559-584-1065 www.kingsartcenter.org Owens Valley Career Development Center Diana Montoya 377 Hill St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-925-0100 www.ovcdc.com Kings Lions Club Jeff Garcia 162 West “D” Street Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4417 Peace Officers Down Benefit Regina Muse PO Box 582 Lemoore, CA 93245 559-381-2052 American Legion Auxiliary Unit 100 Monica Castro, President 185 W. Spring Lane Lemoore, CA 93245 559-362-1502 Kings United Way Nanette Villarreal 11050 13th Ave. Hanford, CA 93230 559-584-1536 www.kingsunitedway.org American Legion Post 100 Rick Plummer 411 D St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-9227 riplummer@yahoo.com Kiwanis Club of Lemoore Virgil Powell P.O. Box 416 Lemoore, CA 559-924-8811 virg41@yahoo.com Chicano Correctional Workers Assn. Sylvia Cordero, President P.O. Box 755 Lemoore, CA 93245 559-904-5237 www.ccwa.net Kings Symphony Orchestra Phyllis Gaines P.O. Box 943 Hanford, CA 93230 559-924-2300 kingssymphony@gmail.com Packing & Shipping Services Lemoore Christian Aid John Benton P.O. Box 134 Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-2229 www.lemoorechristianaid.com Copy Pack & Ship Elizabeth Carpenter 161 W. Hanford-Armona Rd., Ste J Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-7566 www.copypackandship.com Lemoore Lions Club P.O. Box 224 Lemoore, CA 559-924-6360 Pest Control Goodwill Industries of South Central California Sheryl Chalupa 161 W. Hanford-Armona Rd. Ste A Lemoore, CA 93245 Website:www.Goodwill.org rrosales@jiscc.org 661-978-1106 34 Filipino American Association of Kings County Christina Stevens P.O. Box 713 Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-7592 Rotary Club of Lemoore Victor Rosa P.O. Box 157 Lemoore, CA 93245 SHRM of Tulare-Kings County Stephanie Thiessen P.O. Box 1044 Visalia, CA 93279 www.shrmtularekings.org Visalia Emergency Aid Council Iris East 217 NE 3rd St. Visalia, CA 93279 559-859-3682 www.veac.org Advanced Pest Control Mike Oldham P.O. Box 392 Lemoore, CA 559-924-2850 Photographers, Photography Studio, Photograpic Supplies Lisa Munde Photography Lisa Munde, Owner 339 West D Street, Suite A Lemoore, CA 93245 559-871-4800 Newman Garcia Photographic Studio Jesus Garcia 323 Heinlen St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4443 www.newmangarciastudio.com Physical Therapists All Sports Therapy Richard Bebout, PT, CEAS. 311 N. Douty Hanford, CA 93232 559-582-9323 Verheul, Eric W. P.T. Eric Verheul, P.T. 234 C Street Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-0514 ericwverheul@gmail.com Yahne, Robert J. P.T. Robert Yahne, P.T. 401 W. Lacey Blvd. Hanford, CA 93230 559-582-2781 yahne@lemoorenet.com Physicians Liscomb Jr., Dr. Jesse R., M.D., F.A.C.A., B.C.F.P. Dr. Jesse R. Liscomb Jr., 95C W. Hanford-Armona Rd. Lemoore, CA 93256 559-924-3431 www.neppshealthspa.com Plumbers A -1 Allstar Plumbing, Inc Paul Santiago 417 West 4th St. Hanford, CA 93230 559-925-9261/584-0476 allstarplumbing@att.net 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Business Membership Directory Portable Restrooms AAA Quality Services, Inc. Tracy Sotelo 9445 19 1/2 Ave Lemoore, CA 93245 559-594-5600 www.aaaqsinc.com Rent-A-Toilet Edison Palacio, Owner PO Box 793 Lemoore, CA 93245 866-212-7713 Power Generator GWF Power Energy LLC Riley Jones 285 Hotchkiss Dr. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-583-2078 www.gwfpower.com Printers All Valley Printing Pauline Hershey 415 E. Seventh St Hanford, CA 93230 559-584-5444 www.avprint.com Promotional Specialties Sasser Specialties Jeanette Sasser 327 N. 11th Hanford, CA 93230 559-583-6476 www.sasserspecialties@comcast.net Property Management J.E.R. - Dan, Inc. Dana & Jerry Steely 1200 W. Grangeville Blvd., #8 Hanford, CA 93245 559-410-8559 Public Agencies Kings Community Action Org Jeff Garner 1130 N. 11th Ave. Hanford, CA 93230 559-582-4386 www.kcao.org Kings County Area Public Transit Agency Angie Dow 1340 North Dr. Hanford, CA 93232 559-852-2691 www.mykartbus.com Heritage Realtors & Property Management Jeanette Levinson 241 C St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-1206 www.heritagerealtorsinc.com Kings County Economic Development Corporation Jay Salyer/ John Lehn 120 N. Irwin St. Hanford, CA 93230 559-585-7393 www.kingsedc.org Lemoore Real Estate & Prop Mgmt Glenda Allison 243 W. D St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-8355 www.lemoore-realestate.com Kings County Office of Education Tim Bowers, Superintendent 1144 W. Lacey Blvd. Hanford, CA 93230 559-589-7074 www.kings.k12.ca.us South Valley Real Estate Bill Wynne, Broker Assoc. Tanya Topete, Broker 130 E Hanford-Armona Rd, Suite D Lemoore, CA 93245 (p) (559) 582-1276 (f) (559) 302-9227 The Kings Fair Kate O’Neill 801 S. 10th Ave Hanford, CA 93230 559-584-3318 www.kingsfair.com Publishing – Custom Magazines Evangelo Communications Carolina Evangelo P.O. Box 6334 Visalia, CA 93290 209-777-8995 www.evangelocommunications.com Real Estate Buckingham Property Management 2170 N Winery Ave Fresno, CA 93703 (559) 452-8243 Kings County Board of Realtors Peggi Carrasco 869 W. Garner Ave. Hanford, CA 93230 559-582-2591 www.kcbor.com Barlow, Jane Real Estate Jim & Jane Barlow P.O. Box 670 Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-2728 Real Estate Developers & Investors Daley Enterprises Paul Daley 1356 E. Tulare Ave. Tulare, CA 93274 559-582-9248 www.daleyhomes.com Dutra & Silviera Properties David Silviera/Darrin Dutra P.O. Box 607 Lemoore, CA 93245 559-925-1589 david@silveiragroup.com Rossiter Realty Group Rick & LeeAnne Rossiter 145 Heinlen St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-7764 rick.rossiter@yahoo.com Recreation Lemoore Seniors Inc. 789 S. 18th Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-7791 Recreational Vehicle Rentals Lemoore, LLC Marshall Wallace 955 S. Commerce Lemoore, CA 93245 559-977-9601 www.rvrlemoore.com 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Central Valley Wowballs Ed Hirschel 2002 Woodridge Way Hanford,CA 93230 559-836-7201 www.cvwowballs.com www.cannonblasters.com cvwowballs@yahoo.com Recycling Center/Waste Management Lemoore Recycling Willard Rodarmel 345 N. 19th St Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-8805 Tule Trash Company Richard Gress P.O. Box 288 Pixley, CA 93256 559-757-1045 www.tuletrash.com Waste Management, Inc Bob Henry 35251 Old Skyline Rd Kettleman City, CA 93239 559-386-6129 www.wm.com Restaurants Boston House of Pizza Roy Fialho 1180 W. Bush St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-9527 Domino’s Pizza Juan Guantes 25 W. D St. Lemoore, CA 93230 559-924-3545 www.dominos.com Fatte Alberts Pizza Company Wendy Raygoza 150 E. Hanford-Armona Rd. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-997-9403 www.fattealbertspizzacompany.com Foster’s Freeze Ray Moore 71 E Hanford-Armona Rd. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4858 www.fostersfreeze.com 35 Business Membership Directory Gunny’s Sandwich Shop Maxmillian Vernon 514 N. Lemoore Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-707-7623 gunnysdeli@gmail.com Harris Ranch Inn & Restaurant Stephanie LaPlante 24505 W. Dorris Ave. Coalinga, CA 93210 559-935-0717 www.harrisranch.com ServiceMaster by Benevento Debbie Gullord 744 E. Douglas Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 559-625-8554 www.servicemasterbybenevento.com Securtiy Guard & Patrol Services Jeb’s Blueberry Hill Kathy Knight 75 W. Hanford-Armona Rd. Lemoore, Ca 93245 559-925-1527 South-West Private Patrol, Inc. Antonio Aguilera P.O. Box 944 Huron, CA 93234 559-341-3196 La Chatita Alfredo Botello 1750 N. 10th Ave Hanford, Ca 93230 559-936-1870 Central Coast Public Safety Carl Dougherty Business Address:324 W. Merced St. Avenal, CA 93204 Mailing Address: 222 W. Carmen Lane. Ste 202 Santa Maria, CA 93458 877-280-7164 (f) 805-739-2850 smccps@gmail.com New Boba Island Fanny Huang 201 E Street Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-1027 www.bobaisland.com Reyna’s Restaurant Aracely Salas 333 E St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-925-9125 Senor Pancho’s Jose & Ana Valdez 1250 N. Lemoore Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-8121 Sushi Table Asian Bistro Sunny Law 155 W. Hanford-Armona Rd. Suite B Lemoore, CA 93245 559-925-1698 Teri’s Front Street Grill Rob Schoenwetter 219 “E” Street Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-6359 36 Restoration/Fire & Water Damage Senior Care/Living The Remington Sherri Mock 2727 N. 11th Ave Hanford, CA 93230 559-587-9999 www.the-remington.com Shopping Centers Cinnamon Square Mall Doug Verboon 855 N. Lemoore Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-269-4397 doug.verboon@gmail.com Hanford Mall Joanne Doerter, General Manager 1675 W. Lacey Blvd. Hanford, CA 93230 559-583-1200 www.hanfordmall.com Lee Brothers (Lincoln Center.) Virginia Lee Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-5780 Signs & Banners Plain Insane Graphix Kevin Jones 234 C Street Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-6000 www.plaininsanegraphics.com Social & Human Service Organization Kings Rehab Center. Inc. Steve Mendoza 494 E. Hanford-Armona Rd. Hanford, CA 93230 559-583-5051 www.kingsrehab.com Navy Marine Corps Relief Society Jeanes Cunningham, Director 822 Hancock Circle NAS Lemoore, CA 93246 559-998-4043 www.nmcrs.org Solar Power Dominion Resources Paul Briggs, Mgr. Ext. Affairs 21 E. State St. #911 Columbus, OH 43215 Paul. R. Briggs@dom.com 614-361-6490 Website: www.dom.com Recurrent Energy, LLC Kelley Vendeland, Marketing Manager 300 California Street 7th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 kelleyvendeland@recurrentenergy.com 415-501-9536 www.recurrentenergy.com Storage Companies Lemoore Mini Storage Douglas M. Davis 1180 West D St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-8692 Master Storage Art Alcala 1305 W. Iona Ave Lemoore, CA 93245 559-925-6464 Tire Dealers Billingsley Tire, Inc. Tom Billingsley 6 West D St. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-3481 Towing & Storage Jones Towing & Storage Dale Jones 345 N. 19th Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-4415 Trophies & Plaques Kings County Trophy & Engraving Brandon Ainsworth 500 E. Second St. Hanford, CA 93230 559-583-9662 Utility Company PG&E Anne Kloose 705 P St. Fresno, CA 93721 559-263-5549 www.pge.com Winery Meyer Valley Farms/ Farmer’s Fury Charlie Meyer, George Meyer 21274 20 1/2 Ave. Stratford, CA 93266 559-947-3422 www.farmersfurywines.com Lucky’s Mini Storage Majel Hines-Brasil 385 N. 19th Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-924-2721 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Member Alphabetical Listing A -1 Allstar Plumbing, Inc 559-925-9261/584-0476 B & D Quality Cleaners 559-924-6344 Burrows, Gary V. Inc. 559-924-2064 Columbia College 559-998-8570 AAA Northern California Insurance 559-587-4632 Bacome Insurance 559-924-5696 C & H Productions 559-381-6221 Cal Viva Health 559-445-8706 Comcast Business 559-246-7648 AAA Quality Services, Inc. 559-594-5600 Addington Partnership, The 661-327-1690 Advanced Pest Control 559-924-2850 Adventist Health Community Care Lemoore 559-924-7711 Adventist Medical Center - Hanford 559-582-9000 Adventist Medical Center - Hanford (Marketing Bldg.) 559-589-2032 Bank of the Sierra 559-585-6700 Barlow, Jane Real Estate 559-924-2728 Bennett & Bennett Irrigation Systems 559-582-9336 Best Buy Market 559-924-5623 Best Western Inn & Suites 559-924-3200 Beto’s on Wheels Taqueria 559-410-3280 Better Business Bureau 559-222-8111 Big Orange Shaved Ice 559-707-4285 Agusa 559-924-4785 Billingsley Tire, Inc. 559-924-3481 Alderwood Apartments 559-924-0221 Blair Air, Ground & Helicopter Services, Inc. 559-924-1276 All Sports Therapy 559-582-9323 All Valley Printing 559-584-5444 American Cancer SocietyRelay for Life 559-451-0163 American Income Life Ins. Co., Julia Cantu 559-492-0778 American Legion Auxiliary Unit 100 559-362-1502 American Legion Post 100 559-924-9227 Ashwood Construction 559-253-7240 B & C Enterprises 559-924-7927 Blue Door Massage 559-381-6820 or 559-308-3796 Body Shop 559-924-2334 Boeing Company 559-998-3702 Boston House of Pizza 559-924-9527 Brandman University/ Chapman University System 559-998-6891/ 559-924-1225 Cal’s Catering 559-584-5656 Carl Nelson Insurance Agency, Inc. 559-924-4495 Comfort Inn 559-584-9300 Copy Pack & Ship 559-924-7566 DaCosta Farms 559-583-7411 Evangelo Communications 209-777-8995 Family Dental Care of Lemoore 559-924-2520 Faber, Leonard & Renee 559-924-7027 Family Eye Care 559-924-4417 Cash Stop 559-924-1500 Daley Enterprises 559-582-9248 Family Health Care Network 559-737-4712 Central Cal Essentials 559-381-2361 Dassel’s Petroleum 559-582-8515 Farm Credit West 559-584-2681 Central California Blood Center 559-224-2900 Dataflow Business Systems, Inc. 559-582-9366 FAST Federal Credit Union 559-584-0922 Central Coast Public Safety 877-280-7164 Décor a Lemoore 559-924-6387 Central Unified School District 559-924-3405 Central Valley General Hospital 559-583-2100 Central Valley Wowballs 559-836-7201 Chicano Correctional Workers Assn. 559-904-5237 Choice Communications 559-924-0977 Cinnamon Square Mall 559-269-4397 Cinnamon Villas Apartments 559-994-2481 Clean Time Laundry 559-924-3387 Bressler & Company 559-924-1225 College Park Apt. Homes 559-924-9914 Buckingham Property Management 559- 452-8243 Collins Air 559-584-4586 Dominion Resources 614-361-6490 Domino’s Pizza 559-924-3545 Dutra & Silviera Properties 559-925-1589 Education & Agriculture Together Foundation 559-707-8823 Educational Employees Credit Union 559-587-4465 Elite Performance 559-904-7271 Embry Riddle Aeronautical 559-998-8919 Ensignal, Inc. 559-925-1400 Esajian Farming Company 559-924-6228 Evangelho Seed/ Farm Store 559-924-7443 Colonial Van & Storage 559-264-3025 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Fatte Alberts Pizza Company 559-997-9403 Filipino American Association of Kings County 559-924-7592 First Command Financial Planning 559-924-7733 First United Methodist Church 559-924-5295 Foster’s Freeze 559-924-4858 Gardens 4 Education 559-410-3607 Generations/Lemoore Adult Day Care 559-924-4419 Gibson Gates & Fencing 559-924-4121 Goodwill Industries of South Central CA 661-978-1106 Gopher Grabbers LLC 559-924-0603 Griswold LaSalle Cobb Dowd & Gin LLP 559-584-6656 37 Member Alphabetical Listing Gunny’s Sandwich Shop 559-707-7623 Keller Motors 559-582-1000 Kings Lions Club 559-924-4417 GWF Power Energy LLC 559-583-2078 King Kone Shaved Ice, King Bouce, King Korn 559-817-8115 Kings Management Group 559-924-5833 Kings Art Center Foundation 559-584-1065 Kings Mortgage Services, Inc. 559-585-7400 Kings Christian School 559-924-9061 Kings Rehab Center. Inc. 559-583-5051 Kings Community Action Org 559-582-4386 Kings SPCA 559-925-1630 H&R Block 559-924-3044 Hammerschmidt & Broughton Law Corp. 559-585-8800 Hanford Hyundai 559-582-2277 Hanford Mall 559-583-1200 Hanford Sentinel 559-583-2405 Hanford Toyota 559-583-3500 Harris Ranch Inn & Restaurant 559-935-0717 Heritage Apartments 559-924-4204 Heritage Realtors & Property Management 559-924-1206 Hope Fellowship Center 559-904-5873 J.E.R. - Dan, Inc. 559-410-8559 Jay’s Construction, Inc. 559-924-5662 JC Diversified Enterprises, Inc. 559-947-9221 JC Online Herbal Products 559-925-1434 Kings County Association of Governments 559-582-3211 ext.2678 Kings County Board of Realtors 559-582-2591 Kings United Way 559-584-1536 Kiwanis Club of Lemoore 559-924-8811 LaChatita 559-936-1870 Kings County Board of Supervisors 559-582-3211 Lakeview Apartments/ Abra Management 559-924-6464 Kings County Economic Development Corporation 559-585-7393 Lee Brothers (Lincoln Center.) 559-924-5780 Kings County Farm Bureau 559-584-3557 Kings County Office of Education 559-589-7074 Kings County Tax Assessor 559-582-3211 x 2502 Jeb’s Bluberry Hill 559-925-1527 Kings County Trophy & Engraving 559-583-9662 Jones Towing & Storage 559-924-4415 Kings Dental Group 559-924-2206 Kathy’s Tax & Notary Service 559-924-1789 Kings Eye Center 559-924-2666 Kaufmann, Carl C. D.D.S. 559-924-4559 38 Kings County Area Public Transit Agency 559-852-2691 Kings Symphony Orchestra 559-924-2300 Kings Fair 559-584-3318 Lemoore Assembly of God 559-924-9519 Lemoore Auto Supply, Inc. 559-924-5646 Lemoore Canal & Irrigation Co. 559-924-1246 Lemoore Chamber of Commerce 559-924-6401 Lemoore Christian Aid 559-924-2229 Lemoore Dental Davis, Mark L. D.D.S. 559-924-5353 Lemoore Elderly Apartments 559-994-2481 Lemoore Elementary School District 559-924-6800 Lemoore Food Locker 559-924-2390 Lemoore Hardware 559-924-2317 Leprino Foods - East 559-925-7722 Leprino Foods - West 555-925-7300 Lisa Munde Photography 559-871-4800 Lemoore Leader 559-924-6600 Liscomb Jr., Dr. Jesse R., M.D., F.A.C.A., B.C.F.P. 559-924-3431 Lemoore Lions Club 559-924-6360 Lost Sock, The 559-707-1710 Lemoore Mini Storage 559-924-8692 Lucky’s Mini Storage 559-924-2721 Lemoore Municipal Golf Course 559-924-9658 M. Green & Co LLP 559-584-2751 Lemoore Oddfellows Lodge #280 559-924-2092 Lemoore Presbyterian Church 559-924-5658 Lemoore Real Estate & Prop Mgmt 559-924-8355 Lemoore Recycling 559-924-8805 Lemoore Seniors Inc. 559-924-7791 Lemoore Stadium Cinemas 559-924-4884 Lemoore Tax Service 559-925-8023 Lemoore Union Elementary School District 559-924-6800 Lemoore Union High School Dist. 559-924-6610 Mary Immaculate Queen School Parent’s Club 559-924-3424 Master Storage 559-925-6464 McCann & Sons 559-925-9110 Meyer Valley Farms/ Farmer’s Fury 559-947-3422 Miche Madness 559-974-0350 Motel 6 559-925-6100 Montgomery Crossing Apartments 559-817-5404 Morgan & Slates Mfg/Sply 559-582-4417 N.E.P.P.S. Mini Health Spa 559-924-1403 Navy Federal Credit Union 1-800-842-6328 Lemoore Van & Storage 559-924-3314 Navy Federal Credit Union 559-925-2500 Lemoore Villa Apartments 559-994-2481 Navy Marine Corps Relief Society 559-998-4043 Lemoore Youth Soccer 559-942-0026 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com Member Alphabetical Listing Nelson, Carl Insurance Agency, Inc. 559-924-4495 New Boba Island 559-924-1027 Ramblin’ Rose Florist 559-924-3863 Recreational Vehicle Rentals Lemoore, LLC 559-977-9601 Shaw’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. 559-925-9923 Short, Allen D.D.S. 559-924-5208 Valley Gutters 559-925-9667 Verheul, Eric W. P.T. 559-924-0514 Villa San Joaquin Apartments 559-994-2481 Recurrent Energy, LLC 415-501-9536 SHRM of Tulare-Kings County 559-625-0183 Reed Electric 559-804-8623 Simply Serenity 559-924-8800 Remington, The 559-587-9999 Sissy’s BBQ & More 559-300-7552 Rent-A-Toilet 866-212-7713 Son, Bill Picker Service 559-924-7972 Reyna’s Restaurant 559-925-9125 Rent-A-Toilet 866-212-7713 West Hills Community College District 559-925-3205 Robinson’s Interiors-Carpet One 559-582-2610 South-West Private Patrol, Inc. 559-341-3196 West Valley Supply 559-924-4500 Pacific Employers 559-733-4256 Rodrigues Pump Company 559-924-9097 St. Peter’s Catholic Church 559-924-2562 Yahne, Robert J. P.T. 559-582-2781 Peace Officers Down Benefit 559-381-2052 Ron’s Auto Shop 559-924-6751 State Farm Insurance Co. 559-924-5628 Pedersen Farms 559-584-7784 Rossiter Realty Group 559-924-7764 Stone Land Co. 559-947-3185 People’s Funeral Chapel 559-584-5591 Rossiter Wealth Management 559-924-0304 Stoney’s Sand & Gravel LLC 559-924-9229 Pereira Farms 559-924-4846 Rotary Club of Lemoore Sushi Table Asian Bistro 559-925-1698 Newman Garcia Photographic Studio 559-924-4443 Newton Farms 559-947-3358 Olam Spices & Vegetable Ingredients, Inc 559-924-6500 Origami Owl Jewelry 559-904-2242 Owens Valley Career Development Center 559-925-0100 Pereira’s Jewelry & Design 559-924-4052 PG&E 559-263-5549 Phipps-Dale Funeral Chapel 559-924-5611 Plain Insane Graphix 559-924-6000 Proteus, Inc 559-582-9253 Quad Knopf 559-733-0440 Quick & EZ 559-924-1400 R & J’s Machine Shop 559-924-4700 R. S. Martinez Hay Sales Inc. 559-924-2819 Royal Car Care, Inc. 559-924-7774 Saigon Pho & Rolls 559-925-7959 San Joaquin Valley College 559-584-8840 Sasser Specialties 559-583-6476 Scentsy Independent Consultant 559-836-9242 Senor Pancho’s 559-924-8121 Sequoia Beverage Co. 559-651-2444 Sequoia Inn 559-582-0338 ServiceMaster by Benevento 559-625-8554 Visalia Emergency Aid Council 559-859-3682 Visalia Rawhide Baseball 559-732-4433 Waste Management, Inc 559-386-6129 Tachi Palace Hotel/Casino 559-924-7751 Tanglewood Apartments 559-924-4410 Teri’s Front Street Grill 559-924-6359 Travelodge Lemoore 559-924-1261 TTL Computer Networking 559-583-8252 Tule Trash Company 559-757-1045 Union Bank of California 559-924-6671 United Rentals 559-733-0371 Valley Business Bank 559-972-4154 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com 39 40 2014 Official Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Directory | 559.924.6401 | www.LemooreChamberOfCommerce.com
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