May 2015 - Lemoore Chamber of Commerce
May 2015 - Lemoore Chamber of Commerce
OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE LEMOORE DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Lemoore LifeStyle 300 E. STREET LEMOORE, CA 93245 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED It is the mission of Lemoore Chamber of Commerce to be the leader in our community for building sustainable economic growth, advocating for a pro-business climate and enhancing Lemoore’s working relationships with Lemoore Naval Air Station, City, Education, Tourism Business and Agricultural interests. 300 E Street, Lemoore, CA 93245 • (559) 924-6401 • May 2015 CalChamber Releases 2015 Preliminary Job Killer List APRIL 10, 2015 CALCHAMBERJOB KILLER, LEDE STORY The California Chamber of Commerce released a preliminary list of “job killer” bills to call attention to the negative impact that 16 proposed measures would have on California’s job climate and economic recovery if they were to become law. The list is preliminary at this point because CalChamber expects to add more bills to the list in the coming weeks as legislation is amended. CalChamber will periodically release “job killer” watch updates as legislation changes. Readers are encouraged to track the current status of the “job killer” bills or by following @CAJobKillers on Twitter. “Although we will be opposing a number of bills throughout this year, the ‘job killer’ list represents the worst of the worst,” said Allan Zaremberg, CalChamber president and CEO. “These proposals will unnecessarily increase costs on California employers that will likely lead to a loss of jobs.” The preliminary list of 2015 “job killer” bills follows: Increased Labor Costs • AB 357 (Chiu; D-San Francisco) Predictable Scheduling Mandate/Protected Leave of Absence — Imposes an unfair, one-size fits all, two-week notice scheduling mandate on certain employers that perform retail sales activity, and penalizes these employers with “additional pay” for making changes to the schedule with less than two weeks notice, and additionally imposes an unlimited, protected leave of absence from work as well as a broad new protected class of employees who are receiving public assistance or have an identified family member receiving such assistance. • SB 3 (Leno; D-San Francisco/ Leyva; D-Chino) Automatic Minimum Wage Increase— Unfairly increases employers costs while ignoring the economic factors or other costs of employers by increasing the minimum wage by $3.00 over the next two and a half years with automatic increases tied to inflation. • SB 406 (Jackson; D-Santa Barbara) Significant Expansion of California Family Rights Act — Creates less conformity with federal law by dramatically reducing the employee threshold from 50 to less than 5 employees and expanding the family members for whom leave may be taken, which will provide a Californiaonly, separate 12-week protected Mother Daughter Tea & Fashion Show Saturday, May 9th, 2-4pm Lemoore Civic Auditorium leave of absence on both small and large employers to administer, thereby increasing costs and risk of litigation. Increased Fuel Costs • SB 350 (de León; D-Los Angeles) Costly and Burdensome Regulations — Potentially increases costs and burdens on all Californians by mandating an arbitrary and unrealistic reduction of petroleum use by 50%, increasing the current Renewable Portfolio Standard to 50% and increasing energy efficiency in buildings by 50%—all by 2030 without regard to the impact on individuals, jobs and the economy. Tax Increases • ACA 4 (Frazier; D-Oakley) Lowers Vote Requirement for Tax Chamber Luncheon Wednesday, May 13th, Noon-1pm Tachi Palace Willow & Sequoia Banquet Rooms See page 3 Increases — Adds complexity and uncertainty to the current tax structure and pressure to increase taxes on commercial, industrial and residential property owners by giving local governments new Increases — Adds complexity and authority to enact special taxes, uncertainty to the current tax including parcel taxes, by lowerstructure and pressure to increase ing the vote threshold from twothirds to 55%. taxes on commercial, industrial and residential property owners Increased Burdensome by giving local governments new Environmental Regulation authority to enact special taxes, • AB 356 (Williams; D-Santa including parcel taxes, by lowering the vote threshold from two- Barbara) Limits In-State Energy Development — Jeopardizes thirds to 55%. • SB 684 (Hancock; D-Berkeley) high-paying middle class jobs Increased Tax Rate — Threatens in resource extraction fields by to significantly increase the cor- severely restricting wastewaporate tax rate on publicly held ter injection sites and requiring corporations and financial insti- unnecessary monitoring of those tutions up to 15% according to the sites. • AB 1490 (Rendon; wages paid to employees in the D-Lakewood) Limits In-State United States, and threatens to increase that rate by 50% thereaf- Energy Development — Drives ter, if the corporation or institu- up fuel prices and energy prices tion reduces its workforce in the by imposing a de facto moratoUnited States and simultaneously rium on well stimulation activities by halting the activity after increases its contractors. an earthquake of a magnitude 2.0 • SCA 5 (Hancock; D-Berkeley) Lowers Vote Requirement for Tax See Job Killers; Page 6 Ping Pong Clinic & Tournament Saturday, May 30th, Noon Lemoore Rec. Center May Ribbon Cuttings The Grove Apartments, May 5th Stella & Dot, May 13th Deli Delicious, May 16th See page 3 PAGE 2 – May 2015 Lemoore LifeStyle A Message from Jenny Mac Students of the Month “Progress is messy,” someone once told me, especially when it comes to freeway construction! But here at the Lemoore Chamber, our progress has been rejuvenating and well worth our time. I’d like to briefly tell you about a few new and exciting ventures that are underway. The first is our newly inducted Chamber Ambassadors. We started the group back up in late 2014, and have now added 3 new members to the team. They are: Kevin Crawford & Holly Nickell (C & H Productions), and Lisa Babb (Scentsy Star Director). These three have been quite involved in chamber events over the years, and we are excited to see their enthusiasm brought to the team. They join current ambassadors: Leeanne Rossiter, Ambassador Chair (Rossiter Realty Group), Jason Usher (Valley Business Bank), Lynda Lahodny (Décor a Lemoore), Bill Munoz (Field Rep. for the Office of Assemblymember Rudy Salas), Tanya Topete (South Valley Real Estate), Paul Encinias (Gopher Grabbers, LLC), James McCann (McCann & Sons), and Bill Wynne (South Valley Real Estate). As most of you already know, our 2015 Chamber Directory was recently published by The Sentinel. If you haven’t received one yet, let our office know and we will be sure to get one to you. It is also published on our website: And speaking of website, the Lemoore Chamber’s website has recently undergone a facelift, which now has a very helpful feature: a google calendar! Now, the staff can update the calendar at any time, and you can check the calendar for not only chamber related business, but also for community events and meetings. Our goal is to be the one stop shop for what’s happening in Lemoore on any given day, at any given time. You can help us by sending us information about service club meetings, school games, banquets, festivals, and special events. Take a moment to check out the new site! The Chamber has also rejoined back up with Collette Travel to offer all inclusive trips twice a year, one in the spring and one in the fall. We will start in March of 2016, with a trip titled “Heritage of America”, where travelers will visit the historic east coast, stopping in New York City, Philadelphia, Amish Country, Gettysburg, Shenandoah Valley, Monticello, Colonial Williamsburg, Mount Vernon, Washington, DC, and the Smithsonian Institution. On August 18th, 2015 at 6pm in the Train Depot, Collette will present an informative slideshow/video presentation about this trip and answer any questions. Then in September of 2016, it’s off to…ITALY! On the "Reflections of Italy" tour, you’ll see extraordinary places such as: Rome, the Coliseum, Assisi, Perugia, Siena, Florence, a Chianti Winery, Venice, Murano Island and Milan. Enjoy exciting places and let the Lemoore Chamber and Collette take the hassle out of travel! Last but certainly not least is our new program called the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!). The Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) is a groundbreaking and exciting year long class that transforms middle and high school students into real, confident entrepreneurs. Throughout the class, students develop business ideas, write business plans, conduct market research, pitch their plans to a panel of investors, and actually launch and run their own real, legal, fully formed companies and social movements. Founded in 2004 at the University of Rochester with support from the Kauffman Foundation, the Young Entrepreneurs Academy today serves thousands of students in communities across America. In 2011, the United States Chamber of Commerce and Campaign for Free Enterprise became a national sponsor and partner of the Young Entrepreneurs Academy to help promote the spirit of enterprise among today’s youth and tomorrow’s future leaders. Through coordination with its network of local chambers of commerce, the U.S. Chamber has helped communities across the country adopt the YEA! program. Together, the Young Entrepreneurs Academy and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are celebrating the power and promise of young people in business and encouraging the next greatest generation to make a job, not just take a job. The Lemoore Chamber of Commerce is proud to present the Young Entrepreneurs Academy to the community of Lemoore and its bright, engaged young students! There are also opportunities for our business community to help with the program. Student applications are available on the Chamber website or by calling the Chamber office and businesses or community members who would like to get involved please give us a call! We look forward to encouraging our youth through this program to: “Start as a student and finish as a CEO!”© Lemoore Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Chairperson Victor Rosa - Lemoore Middle College High School Chairman-Elect Frances Perkins - Best Western Inn & Suites Lemoore Vice Chairman William A. Parry - Hammerschmidt Broughton Past Chairman Michele Costa - DaCosta Farms CFO Jeff Babb - Agusa, Inc. Directors John Miller - Ramblin' Rose Florist John Roush - Lemoore Stadium Cinemas Dustin Fuller - Civic Minded Individual Deanna Patterson - Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino Johnny Perez - Best Buy Market Jody Ruble - West Hills College David Endo - Lemoore Union High School District Ex- Officio Directors Marlana Brown - NAS Lemoore Judy Holwell - City of Lemoore Amy Ward - Lincoln Military Housing Pictures left to right: Jennifer Solis (FAST Credit Union), Mayra Barojas (Central School March Student of the Month), John Toste (Lemoore High School March Student of the Month), Janet Rosas (Lemoore High School February Student of the Month). Chamber Staff Jenny MacMurdo Chief Executive Officer Diana Perez Membership Coordinator Brenda Martin Events Coordinator Phone: (559) 924-6401 Fax: (559) 924-4520 Website Lemoore LifeStyle May 2015 – PAGE 3 May 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Mooney Museum Open Noon – 3:00 p.m. Thursday 5 6 The Grove Apts. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 10:30am City Council Meeting 7:30 p.m. BINGO 6:00 p.m.- Senior Center Friday MOTHER’S DAY 11 12 Ambassador Mtg Noon @ Sushi Table 17 18 25 MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVED Chamber Office Closed 31 19 City Council Meeting 7:30 p.m. 24 Mooney Museum Open Noon - 3:00 p.m. 14 26 Chamber Board Mtg 7am 20 21 27 BINGO 6:00 p.m.- Senior Center 9 LHS Hall of Fame Dinner 6-9pm Lemoore Barn Dance 7pm 15 22 16 Armed Forces Day Deli Delicious Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 11am 23 Vets/Seniors Breakfast 8:00-10:00am Veteran’s Memorial Bldg BINGO 6:00 p.m.- Senior Center National Senior Health & Fitness Day 8 Vets/Seniors Breakfast 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Veterans Memorial Bldg. Stella & Dot Ribbon Cutting Ceremony @ Luncheon BINGO 6:00 p.m.- Senior Center Mooney Museum Open Noon – 3:00 p.m. Community Swap Meet Lemoore City Park 7:00am-1pm Vets/Seniors Breakfast 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Veterans Memorial Bldg. Diversity Business Seminar 3:30-5pm @ Train Depot Chamber Luncheon Noon-1pm Tachi Palace Mooney Museum Open Noon – 3:00 p.m. Mooney Museum Open Noon - 3:00 p.m. 13 2 Vets/Seniors Breakfast 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Veterans Memorial Bldg 7 HAPPY HEARTS DAY 10 Saturday 1 28 29 Vets/Seniors Breakfast 8-10am Vets Memorial Bldg Community Breakfast 8am- Tachi Palace 30 PAGE 4 – May 2015 Lemoore LifeStyle Cuttings Ceremony for Liberty Tax Service Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Artistic Designs Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Roza’s Jewelers Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Gary’s Antiques Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Euphoria Boutique Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Beto’s Roasted Corn Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Thirty One Gifts Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Abe’s Churros Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Miche Bags Lemoore LifeStyle May 2015 – PAGE 5 Many Thanks … To all who contributed to the success of the 15th Annual Central Valley Pizza Festival Sponsors Leprino Foods California Milk Advisory Board Del Monte Sequoia Beverage Company FAST Federal Credit Union Fatte Albert’s Pizza Company Boston House of Pizza Best Buy Markets West Hills College Lemoore KJUG-Momentum Broadcasting The Sentinel Committee Wendy Raygoza Steve Gonzales Terry Fellows David Endo Victor Rosa Rick Rossiter Ryan Hudgins Volunteers & More! Lemoore Middle College High School – Interact Club Fil-Am Dancers Paty’s Dance Studio Parks & Rec Dance, Boxing & Cheer Kent Family Circus Kevin Crawford,Phil Howard & Holly Nickell: C & H Productions Classic Car Club Leeanne Rossiter Michael & Deanna Patterson Tom McGee Debbie Gullord William Munoz Marlana Brown Shelby Robbins Lexi Lewis Kandice & Dennis Quindt Jordan Yoakum Madeline Jung Kari Deburger Danny Shannon Joshua Johnson Rusty Derouin & Waylan Rick & Leeanne Rossiter Johnny Perez Bruce German Betty Warkentin Jeff Babb Louis Cuyno Lincoln Military Housing City of Lemoore Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department Public Works Parks & Recreation Police Department Volunteers in Policing Explorers The Bands Drew & the Crew Kevin Willard and the Cadillac Cowboys Mussel Slough Prestige Califas PAGE 6 – May 2015 Lemoore American Legion Post 100 2nd Annual Golf Tournament at Lemoore Golf Course Friday, June 12, 2015 12 Noon Shotgun Start 4 person Scramble (first 80 players to register will get accepted) $75 Entry Fee/Per Player Fee Includes: Greens Fee & Cart, BBQ Dinner, Golf Towel, One Mulligan Prizes for: Longest Drive & Closest to the Pin! Registration Deadline: Friday, May 29th Tee Sponsors available for $50 each Send Player Names, Addresses, Phone Numbers and Handicap/Average Score Submit entry to: Lemoore American Legion Golf Tournament 801 Eton Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 For more information: Tom Hernandez 559-381-2453 New Heat Illness Regulations to Take Effect May 1 APRIL 10, 2015GAIL CECCHETTINI, WHALEYCOMPLIANCE Changes to California’s heat illness prevention regulations will take effect on May 1, in time for this year’s growing season and warmer summer weather, now that the Office of Administrative Law has approved them and granted the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board’s request for an accelerated effective date. Regulation Changes The changes include several significant provisions: • Access to shade must be provided when temperatures reach 80 degrees, instead of the current standard of 85 degrees; • A change to what is considered “potable water” that must be made available to employees; • Monitoring of employees taking a “preventative cool-down rest;” and • Changes to high heat procedures. Free Downloadable Chart Cal/OSHA has created a chart to address the changes and provide guidance on how to implement the new regulations. The chart can be downloaded free of charge from HRCalifornia,, and from Cal/OSHA’s heat illness information page, Cal/OSHA also updated its Heat Illness Prevention Enforcement Q&A,www.dir., and plans to revise educational materials on its website shortly. Job Killers with their ability to negotiate with health plans by imposing unnecessary and burdensome new reporting requirements on Continued from page 1 health plans and insurers in the large group market, and giving the Department of or higher. • SB 32 (Pavley; D-Agoura Hills) Halts Managed Health Care and the Department Economic Growth — Increases costs for of Insurance authority to modify or deny California businesses, makes them less all rate changes in the large group market. competitive and discourages economic Economic Development Barriers growth by adopting further greenhouse gas emission reductions for 2030 and 2050 • AB 359 (Gonzalez; D-San Diego) without regard to the impact on individu- Costly Employee Retention Mandate — als, jobs and the economy. Inappropriately alters the employment relationship and increases frivolous litigaIncreased Health Care Costs tion by allowing a private right of action • SB 546 (Leno; D-San Francisco) Health and by requiring any successor grocery Care Rate Regulation — Threatens employ- employer to retain employees of the former ers with higher premiums and interferes grocery employer for 90 days and contin- Lemoore LifeStyle Workplace workouts can snag on stressful corporate culture NEW YORK BY DORENE INTERNICOLA (Reuters) - As evidence mounts that fit employees are productive workers, companies have slotted into the corporate routine an array of workplace workout initiatives, from in-house gyms to lunchtime yoga. But fitness experts say even the bestintentioned get-fit efforts can founder before the demands of a corporate culture that is stressful, sedentary and increasingly round-the-clock. “This demand for 24/7 access, this idea that I can always access you and you should intensely, immediately respond, is a stressor, and we know from studies that chronic stress will shorten your life and ultimately kill you,” said Dr. Mary Ellen Rose, a Washington, D.C.-based consultant for workplace health promotion. Rose believes that even the wearable fitness bands and watches meant to keep exercisers on track can be counter-productive. “When you’re happy and healthy, you’re more productive,” she said. “But for people who are high anxiety, monitoring every little thing becomes a stressor.” Obesity costs employers about $73 billion annually in absenteeism and medical expenses, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Patrick Hitchins, co-founder of FitRankings, an Austin, Texas-based fitness tech company that ranks the fitness levels of individuals and companies, notes that most fit people in a company are usually the executives. “For employees to perform at their best they need to be fit, yet workplaces have become anti-fit and increasingly sedentary,” he said. Hitchins believes companies have a long way to go before they see their employees as athletes rather than as cogs in a machine. “(We need) to raise that awareness on the corporate level that its (fitness) is cheaper than a trip to the hospital,” he said. Installing showers at the office and welcoming yoga pants at midday meetings are among the methods that Alexia Brue, co-founder with Melisse Gelula of the wellness media company Well+Good, said corporations can use in the workplace. “One of the challenges is (creating the) acceptance that you can work out at lunch and come back to the desk sweaty,” said New York-based Brue. “Culturally there needs to be a shift, so workers can roll into office from their workout.” On the hopeful side, Brue cites the rise of "sweatworking," or entertaining clients in boutique fitness studios rather than bars, as a good sign. “We also need to get out the message that it’s as important to unplug and to, say, meditate as it is to be always and immediately responsive, “ she said. (Editing by Patricia Reaney and Ted Botha) increasing the challenge to attract business to California because of high housing prices, by extending the homeowner’s bill of rights to others, thereby opening the door to more private rights of action. • AB 465 (Hernández; D-West Covina) Increased Litigation — Significantly drives up litigation costs for all California employers as well as increases pressure on the already-overburdened judicial system by precluding mandatory employment arbitration agreements, which is likely pre-empted by the Federal Arbitration Act. • SB 203 (Monning; D-Carmel) Lawsuit Increased Unnecessary Litigation Costs Exposure — Exposes beverage manufac• AB 244 (Eggman; D-Stockton) Private turers and food retailers to lawsuits, fines Right of Action Exposure — Jeopardizes and penalties based on state-only labeling access to credit for home mortgages, requirements for sugar-sweetened drinks. ue to offer continued employment unless the employees’ performance during the 90-day period was unsatisfactory. • SB 576 (Leno; D-San Francisco) Stifles Mobile Application Technology Development — Stifles innovation and growth in the mobile application economy and creates unnecessary and costly litigation by mandating unnecessary, redundant and impractical requirements that will leave many current and future mobile applications unusable, with no benefit to the consumer. Lemoore LifeStyle May 2015 – PAGE 7 Veterans Corner: Honor a Hero, Hire a Vet - Job and Resource Fair on April 23 M ark Your Calendars! The Kings County Veterans Employment Committee is once again hosting a Job and Resource Fair for veterans, military, National Guard, reservists, and their dependents and survivors. This year’s Fair will be held on April 23, 2015 at West Hills College in Lemoore and will run from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The event is a rare opportunity to meet with employers who are ready to hire, and public and private agencies eager to help with training and other services. In one easy location, veterans will learn about the variety of options available to them, including career, training and New Members The Grove Apartments Felicia Malyuk, Property Manager 341 N. 19 ½ Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 559-997-1340 education opportunities. Whether you are a veteran seeking a new career or are looking for a first job since returning from the military, you are invited to attend. Bring copies of your resume. If you don’t have one, there will be assistance available in putting one together. Veterans possess a wide variety of outstanding qualities Joe including experience, maturity, leadWright ership, and loyalty making them ideal candidates for job openings. Employers and resource providers can contact James Bradford at (559) 852-2151 or by email at james. for more information. The fair is free and open to all. The Kings County Veterans Service Office issues Veteran I.D. cards to honorably discharged veterans. Contact Joe Wright if you would like to receive periodic veteran’s information by email. There are many state and federal benefits and programs available to veterans and their dependents. To find out if you are eligible for any of these benefits, visit or call our office. We can and will assist you in completing all required application forms. You can get information on the Web from the Kings County Veterans Service Office webpage at Joe Wright, retired Navy Master Chief Petty Officer, is the Veterans Service Officer for Kings County. Send your questions to the Veterans Service Office, 1400 W. Lacey Blvd, Hanford, CA 93230; call 852-2669; or e-mail joe. Millis & Nicky's Pineapples 559-924-3302 Stella & Dot Independent Stylist Maike W. Kellner 207-232-9793 WHERE’S THE MONEY ? Thirty-One Gifts Lisa Airoso-Shier, independent Consultant 559-572-5339 Renewing Members American Cancer Society-Relay for Life Central Valley Wowballs Cinnamon Square Mall Décor a Lemoore Foster’s Freeze, Lemoore The Fresno State Small Business Development Center, Lemoore Chamber of Commerce and Citibank bring you “Where's the Money: Workshop and Consultations" in Lemoore. In this free workshop, you will learn about various loan programs from small loans for the home-based businesses to multi-million dollar real estate and manufacturing transactions. If you are considering applying for a business loan, this workshop is a must and will be presented by an experienced Loan Officers. The workshop will provide you with the tools and information you will need for a successful loan application. Additional information will be available on new business start up procedures, business plans and marketing plans. LOCATION: Lemoore Chamber of Commerce 300 “E” Street Lemoore, CA 93245 Generations Adult Day Care Kings Art Center Master Storage Miche Bags Independent Consultant-Nancy DATE: Saturday, May 9, 2015 TIME: Workshop from 9 AM - 12 PM and then one-on-one sessions with consultants from 1PM to 4PM Schwabenland MIQ Parent’s Association Momentum Broadcasting-KJUG Tanglewood Apartments United Rentals REGISTRATION: Phone: 559-625-3051 or Registration is required as seating is limited! PAGE 8 – May 2015 Lemoore LifeStyle CHAMBER MEMBERS O ur Chamber Member in the Limelight this month is a conglomerate of three businesses, all housed under the same roof and all owned by the Felleke family: B & D Quality Cleaners; Rebekah’s Espresso; and Joshua’s Roasting Company! As you can see, they will be having a Customer Appreciation Day on May 16th, which just exemplifies the graciousness of this local business owner and how much he gives back to this community. For those of you who don’t know Buzz, here’s a short bio of how his businesses came to be. Business founder, Bezabih “Buzz” Felleke, one of eleven children, immigrated to the United States from Ethiopia in 1970, eighteen years of age, with just $600 in his pocket. He came to pursue an education in agriculture so that he could return to Ethiopia with greater knowledge and the ability to manage his family’s extensive land holdings. He attended Cal Poly Pomona while supporting himself by working at the local McDonalds for minimum wage ($1.35 per hour) and one meal a day. He received a degree in Plant Science. In 1975, the Marxist regime overthrew the Ethiopian government, and the Felleke family lost everything. Realizing that he had no land or assets remaining in Ethiopia, Buzz returned to school and got a master’s degree in Plant Nutrition from Fresno State. In 1981, he became an agricultural inspector for Kings County, a job he held until retirement in 2004. In 1984, Buzz met Derebwork “Dee” Baissa, a fellow Ethiopian immigrant, and they married in 1986. Buzz and Dee bought a dry cleaning business in Pioneer Square in 1996. In 2004 they built a new building on Hanford-Armona Road to house B & D Quality Cleaners and Laundry, Rebekah’s Espresso, and Joshua’s Book Corner. The dry cleaning business features a state-ofthe-art Green Earth Cleaning process that is environmentally friendly. Buzz particularly wanted to utilize the coffee house and bookstore to pass along the values he learned from his father to his own children, Joshua and Rebekah who were both actively involved in the businesses until going away to college. Over the years, Buzz IN THE has also provided internships for several School District Educational Foundation, you see the real benefits of life.” Lemoore High School and Jamison High and the Kings Federal Credit Union. He is The Chamber of Commerce honored students to train them and instill a work an active member of the Lemoore Chamber of Commerce, supporting and sponsoring Buzz’s business in 2011 as the Business of ethic. After losing his beloved wife to can- many events over the years. He has also the Year. We congratulate Buzz on his succer in 2009, Buzz fulfilled their plan to supported various Lemoore High School cesses and thank him for the tremendous add a coffee roasting business with beans teams as well as the NJROTC. Buzz states, contributions he has made to our comimported from Ethiopia. He purchased a “It’s when you serve outside yourself that munity. coffee roasting machine, and thus was the birth of “Joshua’s Roasting Company.” Today the business offers four different blends. Besides selling the ground and whole coffee beans in Rebekah’s Espresso, Buzz is also now wholesaling his FREE COFFEE coffee beans to several retail grocers including Whole Foods, Best Buy Markets, Costless Market and Save Mart Supermarkets. Buzz donates a portion of the earnings FREE MUFFINS from Joshua’s Roasting Company to the communities in Ethiopia where the coffee beans are produced. Buzz has also donated his LIVE MUSIC time and energy to the Mossy Foot Project, a non-profit committed to the eradication of podoconiosis (a fungal infection that affects thousands of indigent villagers and BOUNCE HOUSE causes a disfiguring condition that makes its victims “outcasts” within their society). The non-profit funds research, treatment, educa“We’re here to tion, training, and building homes for those afflicted with the disease. serve you!” Buzz has helped build schools and homes for widowed and abandoned women with mossy foot, and has CUSTOMER APRECIATION DAY! begun to build health clinics in B&D Quality Cleaners, Rebekah’s Espresso and Joshua’s the region where the coffee beans are produced. Buzz took Joshua Roasting Co. would like to invite all of our existing and new and Rebekah to Ethiopia in 2010 to B&D QUALITY customers out for a day of fun to show our appreciation to CLEANERS & donate bicycles to nurses caring for you! We will be offering free cleaning on any single item (up REBEKAH’S people who suffer with podocoESPRESSO niosis. Buzz wanted his children to to $10.00 max). We will also be handing out certificates for a 111 E. Hanford-Armona “touch poverty,” and see firsthand free tire rotation or brake check, courtesy of Billingsley Tire in Rd. Lemoore CA 93245 the importance of giving back. Lemoore. For our first 50 customers we will be handing out Locally, Buzz is a member of several organizations and nonFree car wash passes! Don’t miss the opportunity to let us profit Boards, including: Koinonia show our thanks! Christian Fellowship, the Lemoore Rotary Club, the Kings County YMCA, the Hanford Elementary May 16, 2015
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