koinonia - Norwin Alliance Church


koinonia - Norwin Alliance Church
“That the communication (Koinonia)(pronounced:coy no nee a) of thy faith may become effectual by the
acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.” Philemon 1:6
Are you a Good Samaritan Christian? Even an
atheist knows what a Good Samaritan is. The Lord
tells the Good Samaritan story to an expert in God's
Law to bring conviction and repentance to the man's
"A man fell into the hands of robbers . . . leaving him
half dead. . . . A priest saw him and passed on the
other side. . . . A Levite saw him and passed on the
other side. . . . But a Samaritan saw the man . . . .
had compassion on him and went to him".
Luke 10:30-34
The priest is a “Worship Guy”.
He knows
worship. But the “Worship Guy” has no mercy.
The Levite is a “Bible Guy”. He has God's truth in
his mouth. (Malachi 2:4-6) But the “Bible Guy” has
no mercy.
Can a faith like that save “Worship Guy” and “Bible
Guy? "Can such a faith save him?" (James 2:14)
Thank you
Norwin Alliance Church!
Your Baby
for the
Those coins really
add up! Your gifts
directly help moms
and their babies.
The book of James says "NO".
The letter of I John says "NO".
Jesus' teaching on the sheep and goats in Matthew
25 says "NO".
You and I can be “Worship Guy” or “Bible Guy”. But
only Jesus can make you into a “Good
Samaritan”. This is part of Jesus' discipleship
training of us and is a key part of the Christian worldview.
As one Christian author says, "Love
Love radically.
Love with
compassionate exaggeration."
Ask the Lord to make us “Good Samaritan”
Christians because that's the only kind of Christians
there really are.
Pregnancy Care
PO Box 15034
Pittsburgh, PA
Page 2
Ascend Begins a New Class Sunday, August 7, 2011 The Word of God – the one, tangible thing we have on earth from God to communicate His heart by the illumination of the Holy Spirit. Teaching to Reach – instruction that touches all types of learners; including visual, auditory, and kinesthetic participants. Discussion – a safe place for people to talk about the ideas and questions they have. Real‐Life Application – the ultimate goal of study is to think the way God wants us to think and to obey Him. We will be sure to connect our study to the life we live out. Hope – we have genuine and living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead after having had paid the penalty for our sin (I Peter 1:3). As we truly dive into the written Word of God, that hope becomes more and more real to us. If the five components mentioned above pique your interest – and if you are in the age range of 18‐49, you need to come be a part of the Ascend class that takes place each Sunday morning at 9:45 am in the fellowship hall. Our first series will be “Sweet Paradox: The Incredible Book of Philippians,” beginning August 7. Join us! Shelli Prindle SPECIAL EVENT SUNDAY, AUGUST 7TH 6:30 PM IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL ‐ NAC
MOPS is sponsoring a potty‐training class for children 9 months ‐ ?? that are not yet potty trained. This program has received many accolades for helping children as young as 9 months old to potty train. You do not need to make a commitment to MOPS monthly to attend. You do need to pre‐
r e g i s t e r w i t h V i c k i B o o h e r a t musicdirector@norwinalliance.org to attend. Normally the DVD kit would cost each family $40 + shipping, attending this group class, costs each family $5. Dads and visiting families are welcome to attend too! Baby Signs Potty Training has everything you and your baby need to make potty training fun and easy! This exciting new program combines the power of the Baby Signs Program with developmentally appropriate practices that help babies easily potty train before the age of 2. Highly motivational products with the "Potty Train" theme make this program ideal for children of all ages. Copies of Rachel Wilson’s
CD are available in the
church office for a cost of
$15.00 each.
All checks should be made
payable to SIM USA. Please
put “Rachel Wilson ministry
fund #021165” in the memo.
All profits from the CDs go
towards Rachel’s ministry to
Lost People Matter to God
He Wants them Found
Luke 19:10
Page 3
My first session with our youth will be on August 3 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Please be sure young people in grades 7‐12 that you care about come and are a part of what’s happening at NAC Youth! Youth Group Vision! Our vision is set, and we are excited for what God will do in and through our young people! The two components of the vision are authenticity and preparation. Authenticity: God’s will is that each young person has a genuine and personal relationship with Him through Jesus Christ and the power of God’s Spirit. We desire that our students have a real relationship with God and are not simply imitating the faith of others or going through the motions. “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27) “Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God.” (Romans 8:14) Our first series is called, “A Critical Question: Who Is God?” We will learn together all the misconceptions that both believers and unbelievers have about the God of the Bible. We will drive home the core, amazing attributes of God. Our young people need to know in Whom they believe and just how big and caring and holy He is! We will be sure to teach in ways that are interactive, thought‐provoking, and reach learners of all sorts: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. I hope to see many young people on August 3, as I get to know them and they get to know me so that we can all get to know Him better! Shelli Prindle KEEN-AGERS NEWS
On Thursday, August 25th the Norwin Alliance
Keen-Agers will meet for a luncheon of hamburgers
and hot dogs and corn-on-cob (if available). Various
other picnic foods will be served also.
Preparation: God’s will is that authentic Christians are prepared to articulate, defend, and proclaim their faith. Since Jesus is the Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer of all reality, the biblical Christian faith is the only one that holds true in all aspects of life. Our young people need to be confident of their faith in Jesus Christ and excited about proclaiming it in a confused and dark culture. “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give and answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” (I Peter 3:15) The meeting will begin at 11:30 am with lunch
beginning at 11:45 am. Everyone age 50 and over is
cordially invited to attend this and all meetings of the
Keen-Agers. First time attendees do not have to
bring anything, but everyone should bring his/her
own table service. Regular attendees will be called
as to what they choose to bring from the menu
selected. If you’re not at home when the call is made
to you, please return the call to your contact person.
The program for the day will
be a “Birthday Party” theme.
Page 4
Supplies needed for Neighbor Day 2011:
WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? ~ empty 2ltr bottles (80)
~ marbles or gumballs (lots)
~ tic tacs (40)
Mr. Rogers had it right – he traveled to everyone’s neighborhood and asked each person, “Please won’t you be my neighbor?” So who is our neighbor? Just the guy who lives to our left or right? Maybe it’s every person in your neighborhood. More likely and more importantly, it’s everyone you know that needs a Savior and has yet to be plugged into a church family. For September 11, 2011 that is who we want you to bring to neighbor day. Have you decided on who you’ll invite this year? Here’s what will happen on Sunday, September 11 – services will be indoors, but more casual in nature. Rev. Joe Toomey will be preaching. th
Since it is the 10 anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11, we will be paying special tribute to our local heroes. Letters will be going out to local firefighters, policemen and ambulance drivers; however, if you personally know one of these workers, please encourage them to attend with you! ~ 15 pkgs of 50 Solo cups (or similar type cup)
~ sandwich type cookies
All items need to be in the church office no later
than Sunday, August 28th.
Volunteers are needed to help in different areas
for the day:
Greeters/Welcome Tables
Teens/Adults to organize and oversee games
for our Toddlers
Set-up/Tear-down crew
Prayer warriors
* *People to invite their friends and neighbors* *
Please sign the sheet in the narthex if you are
willing to help in any way with Neighbor Day!
There will be FOOD – NAC loves their fellowship time, especially if there is food. Games will be outside, weather permitting, including our annual dunk tank. So think about it, pray about it and join in the fun with your neighbors! PROMOTION SUNDAY
Sunday, August 21st is the date for the DMC
Promotion Sunday.
THANK YOU to all who walked and helped
at the Relay for Life July 16 - 17.
We gave $876.00 to the
American Cancer Society.
Children and youth who are now 2 years old, 5 or
entering Kindergarten, entering 6th and 9th grades
will receive Bibles.
Church Donation
Please call Carole Sarber (412-751-1973) if your
child should be promoted.
Sale of Prayer Shawls,
Pictures, and Donations
Choir Ministry begins again September 1, 2011 at 7 PM Did you know: 1. You DON’T have to be a soloist to sing in choir. 2. You DON’T have to read music to sing in choir. 3. It is a great way to meet people in the church. 4. You DON’T have to pre‐register or know anyone to join, just be at least 13 years old. 5. We only rehearse one day each week – Thursdays 7:00‐8:30. 6. We’re like a family‐ we care about each other, spend time and pray together. 7. It’s a great ministry that ministers to you as you minister to others. 8. We sing a variety of traditional, contemporary, jazz, gospel, etc. 9. We begin rehearsals on September 1, 2011 Page 5
Do You Play an Instrument?
Instrumental music is used during our
offertories, preludes, postludes and
sometimes to accompany special music,
congregational singing and the choir.
If you’ve played an instrument for at least
two years and would like to be involved in
the music ministry, please contact Vicki
Booher at:
*You need to be able to provide your own
instrument, except piano, organ or
10. You can choose to only sing for the cantatas – Christmas & Easter 11. Easter Cantata rehearsals will begin September 15 8:15‐ 9:00 PM. 12. THERE IS A SEAT FOR YOU! This year, we have lost one member to health issues and two others to college pursuits. Even our holiday singers are down due to grad school out of town. We desperately need more men and women. Please prayerfully consider being part of this Ministry.
The August meeting of the Prayer Shawl
Ministry will be Monday, August 1st at 7:00
pm. We will be discussing our fall and winter
projects. Please join us!
Canceled Stamps/Campbell labels
The Alliance Women continue to collect canceled
stamps. When removing the stamps from your
envelopes, please remember to leave 1/4” of paper
around the stamps.
Campbell soup labels are also collected. Please do
not cut the label but bring them in whole.
There is a small basket above the coat rack in the
small narthex that you can place your soup labels in
and a box for the stamps.
Thank you!
Page 6
Jessie Rice Sandberg is a member of a family of
preachers, evangelists, singers and writers. Her book
“Fill My Cup, Lord” gives inspiration, encouragement
and practical ideas to live a joyful Christian life.
Some quotes from her book: “Do you ever feel
nervous when you look into the mirror of God’s
Word? If you don’t want to be reminded of what you
really are, you will not want to read the Bible. It will
make you very uncomfortable. It is only when we are
ready and willing to do something about our faults
and failures that we are glad for the Word of God to
show us what is wrong.”
“IT IS RIGHT TO BE HAPPY!! Moment by moment,
hour by hour, day by day we should be reveling in the
realization that God loves us and that every good
thing created was actually made for our joy and
satisfaction. In fact, we sin when we fail to recognize
and rejoice in each of His evidences of love toward
“It is true that He does not always show ahead of time
what He is planning to do for us. If we could always
see from the beginning how God was answering our
prayers, then we would miss the joy of learning to
trust Him and take His Word by faith.”
“Repentance consists in the heart being broken for
sin and broken from sin. Some often repent yet
never reform; they resemble a man traveling in a
dangerous path, who frequently starts and stops, but
never turns back.” (Bonnell Thornton)
“How important it is, then, for us to ask the Lord to
keep our faith as simple and unquestioning as a
child’s. That is the way to be wise!” Charles Wesley
has written; “Faith, mighty faith the promise sees And
rest on that alone: Laughs at impossibilities, And
says it shall be done.”
“If we do not acknowledge the earnestness and
seriousness of Satan’s attempts to defeat God’s
purposes in our lives and the lives of others today
and everyday then we will not be ready for the fiery
arrows that are sure to come.”
“Our faithfulness is measured not in terms of what we
have seen others do, but rather in the dedication of
self to the opportunities and limitations with which the
Lord surrounds our lives.”
“How rare is the man who delights in finding an
extravagant devotion to the Lord that went beyond
convenience or budget or strength or ability. May
God give us that passion that refuses to count the
“Our very weakness and fragility give Him greater
opportunity to show His own power and thereby bring
more glory to His own name.” “How beautifully and
clearly the Lord illustrates those things He wants us
to know.” “We must acknowledge that we are
susceptible to temptation and regard it
accordingly.” “We ought to be afraid of sin.”
Missions Moments
By Janis Swope
Since change is inevitable, we have to learn to
go with it or get swept away by it. This was a
concept that was frequently pounded into the
employees at the last place I worked. It was a small
office with only 12 employees and we certainly saw
a lot of change in the short 5 years I worked there the name of the company changed, we separated
from the parent company, we were on our own with
the idea that we would be forming a new company,
we became a small side company of a much larger
national company, we moved to new office space
and at least 7 people were fired over the course of
those 5 years – all the while keeping up with the
changes that come naturally to people’s lives –
marriages, deaths of loved ones, births, sickness
and financial ups and downs. Yes, change happens
to us all. We were all stressed by this much change
and wondered just what the next day would bring.
Many of the C&MA missionaries have had to
deal with change over the last few years – being
brought back from the mission field because of a
lack of funds, having to search for new jobs here in
the states, and being moved from one mission field
to another half way across the world. I am sure that
what these missionaries would tell you is that the
one thing that is certain and unchanging is the love
of the Lord. We can stand in the certainty that God
is never changing. What He promises us is sure;
Missions Moments ~ continued from page 6
and because of that, we do not have to be afraid of
change. We can roll with the punches knowing that
whatever change comes along to make us uncertain
of our future, Jesus is with us every step of the way
guiding us through all the curves and upsets that life
throws at us. He has promised to never leave us or
forsake us and though this world is constantly
changing, we have the assurance that His Word is
true! Can I get an Amen, someone?
Our Missionaries
Good news!! We will be having another Mission
Conference this year! It will take place in November.
Be on the lookout for more information on this event
as it is made available.
Please remember to keep Rachel Wilson in prayer
as she spends the remainder of her time in the
states getting refreshed and ready to go back to
Ethiopia for another school year.
Please keep Doug and Naomi Ord in prayer as they
settle into life here in Western Pennsylvania. They
have found a place to call home in Fayette City.
Once their mission conference duties are finished
this year, they will be retiring.
Please keep Christine Queer in your prayers as she
returns to the states to begin a new life here in
Pennsylvania. Christine has served as a missionary
since 2007 in the Balkans. Christine is returning to
her home church of Ligonier to be married in
October. She is currently looking for ministry work in
Western Pennsylvania or Hershey, PA.
International News
Miracle Baby Born to Couple Advised to Abort –
story dated July 15, 2011
EQ and Jaeng were devastated when, after Jaeng’s
first trimester check-up, the doctor informed them
that they had a blood disorder that would cause their
unborn baby to be born with many physical and
health problems. The doctor also told them that they
would probably never have a healthy child together.
He advised them to have an abortion.
The couple serves with Friends of Isaan (also known
Page 7
as Team Isaan), a group of Alliance international
workers and national colleagues who minister to the
Isaan people in northeast Thailand. Both had
received Christ through the team’s ministry in the
Sawang Daen Din prison. EQ had been imprisoned
for being involved in a gang fight. After accepting
Jesus as his Savior, he was released and brought
the message of truth home to his family and village.
He wanted to get married but didn’t know any
Christian women who weren’t closely related to him.
Jaeng received Christ while in a women’s group at
the prison and was baptized at the same time EQ
was. She was released about a year and a half after
EQ was freed. Her home village was near EQ’s, and
since there was no Christian group in her own
village, she joined the group of believers in his
village so she could have Christian fellowship. Not
long after, in October 2010, they married. They
received training as church planters and have been
working with Team Isaan’s mushroom enterprise.
After hearing that the doctor had advised the couple
to abort their child, Alliance international workers
Jon and Joy Chase—who also serve with Team
Isaan—asked the Alliance family to pray. “Then one
day I talked with EQ and Jaeng about the difference
between man and God,” says Jon. “I told them that
the doctor was a man, and he only knows so much
and can only do so much. As for God, His power
and love have no limits. Even if they had the baby
and it was not totally healthy, God would provide the
grace they would need, and the child would be a
blessing accordingly. After hearing this truth, they
decided to trust God and not man. They chose to
trust in God’s will for them and their baby by not
having an abortion.
“With each appointment after that, EQ and Jaeng
saw how God answered their faithfulness as the
baby grew stronger without any noticeable defects.
After their four month check-up, the doctor said that
the baby was perfectly fine and there was no need
to worry. This caused EQ to think of the name
‘manna’—because this child was a great blessing to
them from God.”
Defying the doctor’s initial prognosis, little Manna
was born a healthy and completely normal baby girl.
“Today, we are all praising the Lord as we get to see
Manna in person, growing stronger every day,” say
the Chases. “With great wonder, we look forward to
seeing what the Lord is going to do in and through
her life in the years to come.”
Page 8
The Women’s Corner
by Janis Swope
Ladies Bible Study
We will be picking up our Bible study in Acts on
Monday, September 12th. Ladies if you are available
Monday mornings we would love to have you attend.
The time is 10:30 a.m. and the place is the Fellowship
Norwin Alliance Women ~ All right, it has
been decided – this retreat was one of the best
ever! And it wasn’t just our ladies who voted. I have
this word from our Greensburg Area Director that she
had several women comment to her that this was one of
the best retreats ever!!! We had 20 women attending
from our church and everyone had a great time! Some
of those attending with us were from a local church (not
CMA) and they had such a good time they would like to
join us again next year. In addition, of those 20 women
attending, five were our own ladies who had never
attended the retreat before, Kristina Pazehoski,
Stephanie Reidmiller, Wendy Lynn, Dannette Kolar and
Marcel Angiolieri. Ladies, it was great to have you
along. Shelli’s teaching and preaching could not have
been more dynamic. Many ladies were given new hope
and encouragement to persevere in our Christian
journey. Thank you, Shelli for all the hard work that
went into your presentation. The missionary speakers
were awesome as well. There was not a dull moment.
Ladies, I urge to start putting funds away now so you
can attend next year’s retreat and enjoy the inspiration
and fellowship it provides. Here are some happy faces
you might recognize:
Our next meeting will be held on Monday, August 15th
from 10:30 to 11:30 in the church fellowship hall. If
you are available to come we would love to see you.
We will be voting on someone to fill the role of
Secretary since Yvonne has begun working on Monday
mornings. We all wish Yvonne the best in her new job.
We will also be discussing our plans for a Ladies night
out in September.
Hopefully, we will get that
information out to you soon. Our discipline for August
is Celebration. Come with a heart of Celebration to our
meeting. We want to hear how you Celebrate good
The Last Word
“Something deep in all of us yearns for God’s beauty,
and we can find it no matter where we are.”
Three piece settee set ~ each piece folds up for
easy storing ~ $60.00/set
Johann Haviland China ~ Blue Garland pattern
(Bavaria, Germany)
$175.00 for the set
Set includes 12 of each: Dinner plate, dessert,
plate, cups/saucers, dessert bowls, soup bowls
The fall rally will be held on Saturday, September 24th
at the Ligonier Alliance Church. Christian Queer, who
is transitioning from her work in the Balkans to work
here in Pennsylvania, is our speaker. Please mark your
calendars. More information will be forthcoming.
Plus: Creamer and sugar bowl, gravy boat with
underplate, 1 small platter, 2 large platters
Contact Dorothy Combs, 412-751-4208 if you
are interested in the settee or dish set.
Page 9
Do you want to improve your relationships with others? Do you desire to be physically fit? Are you tired of being tired? Would you like to know God in a more intimate way? The answer is coming! The new Club NAC year begins Wednesday, August
31st with a new look . . . Use the form on the last
page to register . . .
“First Place 4 Health”, a Christ‐centered weight loss and healthy living program/Bible study, will begin this fall on Wednesday evenings at Norwin Alliance Church. To find out how to achieve emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellness, pick‐up a flyer in the narthex. There's nothing quite so
exciting as introducing a group
of preschoolers to the love of
God in what may be their first
classroom experience. It's a
c h all e ng e t o i nt ro d uc e
theological truths to toddlers
and 2s in a way that's simple enough to keep their
interest, yet so meaningful that they begin to
understand how much God loves them. Toddlers
and 2s learn by experiencing their surroundings
through their senses, through social interactions and
through physical movement. Young children are
eager to identify and respond to questions about
objects and illustrations.
A mandatory orientation meeting for all those signed up for this program is set for Wednesday, August 24th at 6:30 pm in the Choir Room. The 12‐week Bible study will begin Wednesday, September 7 from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. We will meet in the Choir Room. Please contact Mardy Rogers (724‐863‐
3210) if you would like to participate (no sign‐up sheet will be available). Study limited to 20 people. Cost ~ $96.00 There is a one time member kit cost of $80.00. The kit includes: “First Place 4 Health” Hardcover Book; “First Place” Member’s Guide; Simple ideas for Healthy Living; “Food on the Go” Pocket Guide; “Why Should a Christian be Physically Fit?” DVD; “Emotions & Eating” DVD; “First Place” Prayer Journal; “First Place” Tote Bag. The 12‐week Bible Study Book, “Seek God First” is $16.00. This includes: Daily Bible Study; Scripture Verse Cards; Prayer Partner Request Sheets; Scripture Memory Music CD; Menu Plans; Recipes; “Live It” Tracker. Toddlers (Two-Three year olds)
Research tells us that toddlers and 2s benefit from
repetition. So they’ll hear the same Bible story over
a four- to five-week module. The activities, craft
ideas, and snacks will vary each week, but you'll use
one Story Board for a full month. With colorful
illustrations and sensory items to touch and smell,
the Story Board will allow children to discover Bible
truths in fresh, creative, active ways that will capture
their attention and keep them coming back for more.
Pre-K(Four year olds) through 3rd grade
From the creators of the
Rocks! videos comes a
new kids video series
"BibleToons". Each DVD
BibleToon (scripture song) music videos, 2 cartoons,
bumpers with the God Rocks! touring band and
bonus features. It is hosted by the God Rocks!
touring band and features spoofs of Elvis, The
Beach Boys, The Beatles, Motown and the God
Rocks! animated band. Bible Toon songs are based
on word for word NIV scripture and are created to
help kids “Sing And Learn The Word.”
- - continued on page 10 - -
Page 10
- - continued from page 9 - -
Using high quality animation, original music, books
and other creative resources, God Rocks! was
designed to teach kids important lessons from the
Bible in a fun way. The God Rocks!® cartoon
characters and universe is based on Luke 19:40, "If
the people fall silent, the stones will cry out."
Fun rock characters, including main character Chip
Livingstone, live in the imaginary town of Rocky
Ridge, where they live to sing and praise God - just
in case the people fall silent!
PreTeens ~ 4th, 5th and 6th grades
FLYTE: faith. life. together.
encourages preteens to come
up with answers to some of
the most difficult situations
they may face. Guided Bible
study pages keep preteens
interacting with Scripture as
they learn how God's view
and the world's view of a
particular subject is not the
same. Situational studies
enable preteens to identify
with concepts and scripturally based activities keep
them interacting with the world around them.
FLYTE speaks to what they're dealing with right now
— not what's past or in their future. Preteen
experts—namely, preteens themselves — weighed
in on the energy, movement, and excitement of Flyte
during its development so that key biblical concepts
are not only grasped, but applied, to issues like
eating disorders, puberty, bullying, emotions, family
relationships, etc.
Saturday, October 1, 2011 Five Finger Prayer
1. Your thumb is nearest you. So begin your
prayers by praying for those closest to you.
They are the easiest to remember. To pray
for our loved ones is, as C.S. Lewis once
said, a “sweet duty.”
2. The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray
for those who teach, instruct, and heal: This
includes teachers, doctors, and ministers.
They need support and wisdom in pointing
others in the right direction. Keep them in
your prayers.
3. The nest finger is the tallest finger. It
reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the
president, leaders in business and industry,
and administrators. These people shape our
nation and guide public opinion. They need
God’s guidance.
4. The fourth finger is our ring finger. Surprising
to many is the fact that this is our weakest
finger, as any piano teacher will testify. Is
should remind us to pray for those who are
weak, in trouble, or in pain. They need your
prayers day and night. You cannot pray too
much for them.
5. And lastly comes our little finger - the
smallest finger of all which is where we
should place ourselves in relation to God
and others. As the Bible says, “The least
shall be the greatest among you.” Your
pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself.
By the time you have prayed for the other
four groups, your own needs will be put into
proper perspective and you will be able to
pray for yourself more effectively.
Page 11
Learning the culture I had the opportunity to learn how to make "buna" (coffee) from start to finish. It was a great cultural experience. I also had the opportunity to experience Fasika (Easter), Ethiopian style. I went to the Ethiopian Kale Hiwot Church (EKHC), a protestant church that is next door to the school, and shared in song. I sang the song that I wrote, which you can find on my CD, "I Surrender All" in three languages, English, Spanish, and Amharic! After church, I went to my Amharic teacher's house for lunch and enjoyed a typical Easter meal with them. It was so nice to feel like I was getting a taste of the culture. Prayer Requests: ‐ That I will get everything out of my time of rest and restoration while here in the States. ‐ For Bingham Academy as they start the new school year on Aug. 22‐ Continued guidance as I pray over which ministries outside of Bingham to get involved in. ‐ Continued knowledge and learning of the Amharic language. ‐ Continued health and safety. ‐ Housing and transportation while here in the States will be provided. Praises: ‐ Successful conclusion to my first semester at Bingham ‐ Thank you for your continued financial support. I'm still at 100%. ‐ For the time of rest and restoration that God has given me in the States. ‐ God is in control and HIS plans are better than ours! I've titled this prayer letter, "For I know the plans I have for you" to
remind myself that God's plans are the best and that I need to trust
Him. You see, I am writing this prayer letter from the United States in
Charlotte, North Carolina. I've come back to have a time to rest, to
process, and to be restored. Yes, after this time, I will be returning back
to Ethiopia. I think that I have tried to tell myself that I was strong and
didn't need to grieve the loss of my brother Jason, who passed away in
November 2009. I just kept myself BUSY thinking," I'll get over it. God
is there, I'll be okay." I was going to just step into a continued busyness
of language school when the semester was over. Well, God had other
plans for me. He decided to pause my time in Ethiopia and have me
come back to the States for a time of rest and restoration.
I would ask that you would be in prayer for me during this time in the
States. My prayer is that I will get out of this time all that God wants me
to get, so that when I return to Ethiopia and Bingham Academy, that I will
be even more effective. Please do continue to send in your monthly
support as well. I am still on "active duty" as a missionary with SIM. If
you would like to send me a note of encouragement or a card, which I
will cherish greatly, please send it to my address here at SIM USA (P.O.
Box 7900 Charlotte, NC 28241). You can still send me e-mails at:
I appreciate your love, support, and prayers during this time. I know
that God has BIG plans for my life and that HIS will is best. One thing I
am learning and being reminded of is that we are human BEINGS, not
human DOINGS. I challenge you to also take time out and to rest before
the Lord. “BE still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10.
- - continued on page 12
Page 12
Hope & Passion Ministries Future Event continued from pg 11
Completion of my first 7 K Race!!
After completing a 5K race
in March, I really got
motivated to continue
walking/jogging on a
c on s i s te nt
preparation for the 7K in
Hawassa on May 1st. It
was another great cultural
adventure where I ended
up walking alongside a
young Ethiopian girl. We
would push each other to
"run" for a little bit and then
stop and walk together. I
also completed another 5K
that was coordinated by
two of the teachers at
Bingham in June. All the
proceeds went towards a
building a house for blind
kids in Mekelle, northern
Worship! God has given me many opportunities to lead worship. I've been the designated "worship leader" among my friends and for the women's Bible study I attend on Monday nights. Upon my return to Ethiopia, I will help lead worship for the elementary chapel, grades 2‐5. God has also opened up t h e opportunity to upgrade my guitar and I have purchased a new acoustic electric guitar. Thanks be to God, and to Uncle Sam (thank you for a nice tax refund), I now have a new instrument of praise. Please be in prayer for me as I anoint this new instrument and use if for His glory!
After a few years of partnering together for various events, Hope & Passion Ministries, Inc. is blessed to now call Norwin Alliance Church our home! For more information about the ministry, visit www.hopeandpassion.org. Ladies and gentlemen, please mark your calendars for “ANXIETY UNDONE,” to be held Saturday evening, November 12. Hope & Passion Ministries will be having this big, interdenominational event for both men and women at Greensburg Alliance Church. Anxiety is an issue we struggle with in a fast‐paced, high‐tech, excessive, and lonely culture amidst the backdrop of global unrest and financial concerns. However, our God is able to relieve our hearts and minds, and really and ultimately undo anxiety for us! ANXIETY UNDONE will include beautiful worship and a message straight from the Word of God. We planned the venue so that both local and regional friends and stakeholders of Hope & Passion Ministries may arrive easily and find a local hotel if necessary. Details will follow as November 12 draws nearer . . . Shelli Prindle ‐ ‐ continued on page 13 Don’t have time to run by the public library? Check downstairs here for these easy-to-find
categories: cookbooks (make something with the kids this summer), Christian fiction, Bible
study helps, Discipleship, Women’s topics, Devotionals, Missions, Men’s topics and more.
NAC houses many noted authors such as Dobson, Lucado, MacArthur, Stanley, Swindoll,
and Wiersbe. Visit soon. Simply sign out items on the clipboard. Donations of current
Christian books are welcome.
Kathy Bourne and Yvonne Simmons
Page 13
Continued from page 11
Northern Ethiopian Trip
The three pictures below are from my trip to visit the northern part of Ethiopia. In my last newsletter I
mentioned that I was going on this trip so here are a few pictures as promised. I could not post all of them
because between the five of us that traveled we took thousands of pictures! I tried to pick pictures from each
of the major cities that we went to. There was so much to see, to learn, and to observe. I had a great time
and really learned a lot about Ethiopia! If you want to see more pictures, feel free to look on my face book
page. Thanks for your prayers for safety and health. I appreciated them!
Visiting the Camelot of Ethiopia I'm on top of the world!
Here I stand with my traveling Here I am with the Ethiopian "Grand
partners‐in front of a castle in the Canyons" behind me. I am at over
The Ark of the Covenant
10,000 feet above sea level. That is
I am standing in front of the building
over 2,000 plus feet higher than
where supposedly the Ark of the
where I live in Addis Ababa. This is
Covenant is kept. The building is
city of Gondor where past Ethiopian emperors have ruled. From left to right are my guarded by a priest that is the only one
friends whom I refer to as "the Mountains. (Simien means "north"
that can go into the building. It is
family"‐ Laura‐ from England, me‐ in Amharic). We saw baboons and
interesting that currently in my devotions
from the USA (north), Becky‐ from other wildlife. There were hyenas
I am reading how David wanted to keep
the USA (south), Sylvia‐ from there, but I did not see any and I am
the Ark in Jerusalem after he became
glad! I don't think they would be
king. (I Chronicles 15). Now, I know it is
friendly. We spent the night, after
not up to me to decide where the Ark
really is, but it was very interesting to
tents. Unfortunately, the altitude did
not agree with me, making me really
sick, so I was rather happy to get off
experience! (I always wanted to see
allowed me to see them in another
visit not only there, but the eleven plus,
ancient, rock-carved churches in the
Australia, and Raeto‐from Switzerland. As you can see we are a very international bunch and it has been a lot of fun to get to know and talk with people from all northern city of Lalibela. As we walked
over the globe. We visited the around inside the churches, I began to
northern cities of Ethiopia on a understand more of what an Ethiopian
seven‐day tour. It was a great Orthodox believes and the history behind
time to learn more about the the religion. It gave me a better
country that God has sent me to understanding of the people of Ethiopia
and their beautiful, rich history.
and the company was fun as well. Page 14