2014 AIACF Annual Report - Duluth Superior Area Community
2014 AIACF Annual Report - Duluth Superior Area Community
2014 ANNUAL REPORT B AY F I E L D MADELINE ISLAND& RED CLIFF Thanks to Donors 2014 donors are highlighted CREATING THE CHANGE DULUTH SUPERIOR AREA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY APOSTLE ISLANDS AREA COMMUNITY FAMILY OF FUNDS Dear Friends, 2014 marks one of Apostle Islands Area Community Fund’s most successful years in fundraising. We raised $326, 290 and created and completed some new funds: n Alex Smith-In Support of Native American Treaty Rights n The West Wind Fund n The Michael Madeline Island Fund and completion of the n Miskwaabikaang Fund (Red Cliff Fund). We held two lucrative fundraisers. The Miskwaabikaang Fund was in memory of Jeannie Reyes Buffalo. The Apostle Islands Relay Swim was for the Grutzner Madeline Island Fund. We are grateful to our advisory board members: Chere Gibson, Barb McCann, and Betsy Albert Peacock for their work on the Miskwaabikaang event and to Eric Grutzner and John Murphy for the Relay Swim event. Thanks also to Mackenzie Grutzner for all her help with our summer events. Above: Barbara, Eric Jr., Mackenzie, and Eric Grutzner (AIACF Chair) at St. Thomas University Below: Madelaine Herder (Affiliate Officer), Nick Nelson, and Winona La Duke with the 2014 Ojibwemowin signage project on Madeline Island AIACF, along with its two new donor advised funds, awarded 16 grants totaling $51,582 to non-profit organizations. 2014 grants addressed challenging social issues: domestic violence, economic development, understanding treaty rights, adequate funding for emergency responders, obesity, racism and care for the elderly. Thanks for your part in our community fund legacy and for helping foster generosity – improving life in Bayfield, Red Cliff, and on Madeline Island. Thanks to the Otto Bremer Foundation for operations support allowing all gifts to go directly into our growing community fund. – Eric Grutzner, Chair – Madelaine Herder, Affiliate Officer FINANCIAL STATUS 2014 2013 Contributions $326,290 Donated Services – Interest and dividends 52,720 Net realized and unrealized gain 45,079 Refunds of grants – Miscellaneous – $246,271 – 27,742 156,370 1,000 – Public Support and Revenue TOTAL PUBLIC SUPPORT AND REVENUE 424,089 431,383 78,568 8,042 – 45,731 6,576 – Program services Fund raising Public education Management - Transfer 10,855 38,778 25,270 (6,448) 9,359 26,432 31,323 – Total Functional Expenses 75,181 67,884 155,343 120,191 268,746 311,192 NET ASSETS, BEGINNING OF YEAR 2,070,568 1,759,376 NET ASSETS, END OF YEAR 2,339,314 2,070,568 Grants, Fees, and Operating Expenses Grants and scholarships Investment management fees Miscellaneous Functional expenses TOTAL GRANTS, FEES, AND OPERATING EXPENSES Change in net assets 25th Anniversary Celebration Fund A. L. Construction Services Rich & Karen Aamodt Steve Kairies Lars & Nancy Akerberg Todd & Antonietta Albert Terry, Shawna, Tristan, & Tripp Albert Troy & Caryn Albert Thomas Peacock & Elizabeth Albert-Peacock Jennifer E. Albrecht Don & Lois Albrecht Sylvia Algire American Family Mutual Insurance Company Helga & Rolf Altena Camilla A. & Howard R. Alton, Jr. Amy R. & Philip S. Goldman Foundation Scott & Sarah Anderson Terry & Heidi Anderson Apostle Islands Realty Kathleen C. Russell Apostle Island Relay Swim Scott Armstrong & Kathy Gang Art & Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation Michael & Deanna Asbell Ashwabay Outdoor Educational Foundation, Inc. Associated Bank Sam Atkins & Eyleen Kajiwara Anonymous Gift Mike & Jo Bailey Jean Baker Richard Baker & Gail Konop Baker Diane K. Ballweg Gretchen & Mark Banks Michael R. & Kathleen M. Barri Don Baur & Phebe Jensch Bayfield Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Bureau Bayfield Community Education Foundation, Inc. Bayfield County Coffee Company Bayfield Heritage Association, Inc. Bayfield Home Trust Inc. Bayfield Presbyterian Church Rosamund P. Bell Barbara Bellows Benjamin Moore & Co. Dr. Robert Benjamin Michael C. Berg Kathy & Greg Bergner - Applegrove Inn Kathryn Bergner Eurgel & Denise Berry David Saetre & Janet Bewley Tony & Kathy Biebl Thanks to Donors 2014 donors are highlighted Robert H. Biegert Kay Biga & Patrick Spott Jack & Pat Blackwell John & Eileen Bloom Blue Vista Farm Ann Bochler Bodin’s Inc. Beta Bodin Bonnie Bodin Tom & Janet Bodin William & Shirley Bodin John & Jo Boll Norma L. Bolliger Jerry Boutin Willard & Susan Boyd Rita D. Brandt Bremer Bank, N.A. Stephanie B. Bresette Kari Breunig Lynn M. Brice Edie Bristol Bill & Judy Brown Michael & Donna Brown Mei Castor & Dan Bryant Buffalo Bay Store Henry & Mary Jo Buffalo Jean Buffalo Mark & Kate Bugher Lee & Jim Bujold Wayne & Linda Burggraaff Martin & Sheryl Burkel James R. Burmeister Maureen Burns Richard R. & Elizabeth M. Burns Marilyn Buscher Ms. Helen D. Bush William D. Bussey Bill & Nancy Bussey Terry C. Butler Becky Byers Strand Charles & Dawn Campion John B. Cardle Lars & Mary Carlson Carolyn Foundation Sarah & Jerry Caruso Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Arnie & Patty Carver Richard L. Carver Jeanette Southmayd Caspari John Caspari The Castille Family Chana & Al Chechik Joel Chechik Joel & Marc Chechik & Families Michael F. Childers & Glenn W. Carlson Jim & Vicki Chossek Christ Episcopal Church Dr. Diane Christel Pat & Betty Christel ... ON LAND AND LAKE GRANT PROPOSALS March 1st is the AIACF annual grant proposal deadline. Visit www.dsacommunityfoundation.com for more information. We request a letter of intent submitted electronically two weeks prior. FUNDRAISER AND TRIBUTE The AIACF completed the Red Cliff Fund with a successful fundraiser at Legendary Waters. Thank you to generous merchants, friends and family for over 150 donated items. It was quite an event with games, Native Expressions Hoop Dancers and a live dessert auction. Bayfield Mayor Larry MacDonald was auctioneer. Henry Buffalo Jr., master of ceremonies, paid a beautiful tribute to his sister Jeannie, one of our first AIACF advisory board members. AIACF 2014 SUMMER EVENTS ... IN THE BIG LAKE The first annual Apostle Island Relay Swim (AIRS) fundraiser around Madeline Island was a 20-mile relay swim for some and for one woman, a solo 20 miles. Master Swimmer Karen Zemlin, the only solo swimmer, won first place. The 2nd place relay team included many youth swimmers and several elite swimmers including Bill Weaver, Jeff Shea and Samantha Simon. 1 1 Karen K Zemlin, solo swimmer-1st place 2 AIRS Group, l-r: Scott Armstrong, Karen Zemlin, Eric Grutzner, Steve Birenberg, Brittany Schmitt, Tom Zemlin, and Jack Beagan 3 AIRS youth swimmers 4 An array of desserts for the Red Cliff Fund cake auction 5 Henry Buffalo paid tribute to his sister, Jeannie Reyes Buffalo 6 Red Cliff Fundraiser organizers, l-r: Barb McCann, Chere Gibson, and Betsy Albert-Peacock 2 4 3 6 5 Thanks to Donors 2014 donors are highlighted Jim & B. J. Collier David & Cynthia Collins Joanne & Jim Collins Madeleine R. Collins Gary & Svea Cooke Cooper Hill House B&B CORE Community Resources, Inc. John & Linda Cory Sheila Coyle Joe Crawford William J. Cronon Frank & Gisela Crosby Mr. Gerald Cubbin & Ms. Diane Gibson Kenneth & Maureen Curran Mortimer W. Cushman Doug & Joan Cybela Mary L. Dahlin Colleen Daly & Nathan Meyer Margaret V. Daly Kris & Bruce Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Davidson Dell Financial Services Bette & John DeMars Gerald & Susan DePerry Patt Kenute DePerry Ray DePerry John H. & Mary H. DeVoe Dharma Merchant Services Kevin & Beth Dooley Dr. Andrew & Gingie Doroschak Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation Virginia M. Duncan James Dunn Brian & Mariko Dunne Denis A. Dunne Robert J. Dunne Jr. Bob Durfey & Ann Barthelemy Devan & JoAnn Dutra Megan & David Dzwonkowski Lucille G. Eckels Ed Uhlien Family Foundation Ehlers & Pierce CPAS, Inc. Mark Ehlers David & Sally Ekstrand Mike Eldred & Kate Kitchell Timothy & Stephanie Eldredge Scott & Sandy Ellarson Elizabeth A. Emery Mr. Robert E. Emery Barbara Coffin & Daniel Engstrom Victoria A. Erhart Kathleen E. Erickson Jay Erstling & Pixie Martin Ms. Janet H. Esposito Bill & Sally Heytens/Ethel’s at 250 Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Fahien Dennis & Susan Farrell Thanks to Donors 2014 donors are highlighted Bill & Claudia Ferraro Beth Fischlowitz Joy Fisher Susanne G. Fisher Joe & Elaine Floyd Glenn & Celeste Forbes Margie & Carl Fredrickson Friends of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore Tom & Roxanne Frizzell Ms. Judy Galbraith Warren & Beth Gall Patricia & Lawrence Gansluckner Mr. James P. Gardner Mark & Julie Gaukler Mr. Preston G. Gee Elbridge & Barbara Gerry John & Susan Gerzina Terry & Chere Gibson Girl Scouts of Minnesota & Wisconsin Lakes & Pines Council Ruth Goetz Mimi Gokey Joan Goodhue Robert & Lavonne Goslin Persis Gow Family Ellen D. Grace Donald & Barbara Graham Dr. & Mrs. William H. Grant Charles A. Greenman Margaret L. Griener Margaret Griese Dr. Eric & Barbara Grutzner Janice & Fritz Grutzner Kris & Fritz Grutzner William & Judy Hable Joanne Hadland Robert Hadland Solveig R. Hadland Bill & Fran Halverson George Hansen David Johnson & Mike Rasmus David & Ilona Harju Muffy & Henry Harmon Grandon & Dot Harris Judith L. Harrison Kathy Harrison & Ray Hoefert Patricia Sweney Hart Marilyn Hartig Bruce Hartigan Kitty Hartnett Susan & Bob Hartzell Thomas A. Heberlein & Elizabeth J. Thomson Tom & Janine Heffelfinger Grace Heitsch Joyce E. Henry Marcia & Burke Henry Mary Hepner Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc. NEW FUNDS IN 2014 DONOR ADVISED Alexandra Smith Fund - In Support of Native American Treaty Rights, part of the AIACF family of funds, supports programs that create understanding, appreciation, and promotion of Native American treaty rights and programs that support leadership opportunities. Human Rights Temporary Fund (2004) supports human rights projects in the Bayfield-LaPointeRed Cliff area. Michael Madeline Island Fund (2013) was established to sustain Madeline Island’s quality of life through support of nonprofits located in, or serving the Island. Miskwaabikaang Fund (Red Cliff Fund) (2012) makes grants to Red Cliff nonprofits which serve that community with programs and services contributing to the traditional values of the Ojibwe way of life through its arts, language, medicinal foods and ceremonies. DONOR ADVISED Alexandra Smith was committed to the promotion of Native American Wisdom and Treaty Rights. She completed Gathering Together, a digital collection of Ojibwe narratives and had other great work in her future, but her life ended too soon. FIELD OF INTEREST West Wind Fund, part of the AIACF family of funds, provides grants in Bayfield, Wisconsin for preservation projects to build or rebuild/reimagine historic sites or protect historic places on public lands. Apostle Islands Area Community Impact Fund (2009), created by an Otto Bremer Foundation matching challenge, is used for operations and/or grantmaking. Grutzner Madeline Island Fund (2006) supports nonprofit organizations serving Madeline Island and its residents. Human Rights Fund (2000) supports projects that promote tolerance and combat bigotry, racism and discrimination in the Apostle Islands area. Animal-Assisted Therapy Fund (2013) allows the donor to participate actively in the grant making process with a focus on animal-assisted therapy for people of all ages with mental, emotion, developKimberly West, has restored, reimagined and mental and psychological renovated several historic challenges. The fund is in the buildings in Bayfield. memory of Cordelia Anne The West Wind Fund ensures resources to Brinton. preserve Bayfield’s history Peter M. and Betty W. Rogers Fund (2007) allows the donor to participate actively in the grant making process. DESIGNATED Apostle Islands Area Community Operating Fund supports activities of the AIACF (2000) Apostle Islands Area Community Fund Program Services Fund (2002) provides direct support for the operating costs of the Community Foundation. Apostle Islands Bremer Operating Fund (2009) supports activities of the Apostle Islands Area Community Fund. Thanks to Donors 2014 donors are highlighted Madelaine S. Herder Andy & Kitty Herriott Susan Higgins The High China Poker for a Purpose Club Virginia Hirsch Karen W. Hites Ronald Hockin Sarah M. Houle-Johns Neil J. Howk & Susan M. Larsen HRK Foundation Gerald & Carole Huhn Virginia R. Humphrey Mary & Stan Hunter Terry & Ann Huntrods Mary Lou & Pat Irvine Tom & Paula Iverson Joel & Linda Jackson Mike & Connie Jackson Jocelyn Jacobs Susan & Jim Jahoda Joseph & Elizabeth Jauquet Beverly Jensch Tom & Marlene Jensch Ms. Kathryn Jensen & Mr. Robert C. Bloecher Sarah & George Johns Curt & Ruth Johnson Joanne’s Scandinavian Gifts Jerry & Merodie Johnson William E. & Nancy Platt Jones Gene & Joy Jordan Eileen Jursik Art & Martha Kaemmer Mr. Robert D. Karwath Jr. Karen J. Basina Joyce & Rolland Kiel Peter & Lisa Kierland Georgann & Dennis Kilbane Meg & John Klungness Otto W. Knauth Gary & Mae Patrice Knowles Keith Koenning & Patricia Murphy Kolar Auto Group Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Korpela Thomas & Kathryn Kromroy Denny & Judy Kurschner Ms. Ellen L. Kwiatkowski & Mr. Eric P. Carlson Marina Lachecki & James Kasperson Three Points LLC Howard & Ruby Larsen William & Marilyn Larson William & Julia Leakey Jan & Jim Leffler Thomas Leghorn & Theresa Kump Leghorn Eric & Laurel Lein Kristin Lein Thanks to Donors Thanks to Donors 2014 donors are highlighted Ms. Laurel H. Lein Drs. Sidney & Lynne Levitsky Mary Stryker Lewandowski Elisa Voss & Steve Lewis Joseph M. Lievois Bob & Diana Lind Peter R. Lindell Wayne & Gay Lindquist Hal & Marty Liphart The Hostetter Family Grant Herman & Gail Green and Living Adventure Leslie Livingston & David Miller Dave Locey Judith Lokken-Strom Rick London Mary J. & Robert W. Lunde Doralu & Bill Lynch Marjorie A. Lyon Madeline Island Association, Inc. Madeline Island Ferry Line, Inc. George & Anna Magnin Mains’l Services Cindy Dillenschneider & Jason Maloney Judy & Tom Manley Richard & Johanna Marquis Ms. Heidi Martell Nancy J. Martin Mary H. Rice Foundation Mary H. Rice Fund of the HRK Foundation Bill & Eunice Matthews Mark & Bonnie Matuseski Cray McCally Lisa Kierland McCally Barbara & Dennis McCann Kathleen McCartin William F. McCarty Patrick McGranahan Ann B. McKinney Wendy & Malcolm McLean Paul & Barbara McLeod Mary McNeil Debra McRoberts Patricia S. Meier Dorothy S. Merchant Metropolitan Endodontics, Ltd. Beth Meyers & Kevin Buzicky Edward & Dawn Michael Marjorie K. Miller Lin & Pat Moe Jane & Jim Moeller Ms. Agnes Moniza Ruth Moon Dr. & Mrs. Victor Morcos Thomas & Sally Morin Mark Musolf & Jocelyn Jacobs Charitable Fund Nancy M. Nason Madeline Island/LaPointe Community Clinic Fund (2011) provides assistance to the clinic for their daily operations. Madeline Island Public Library Fund (2011) was established to assist library services to Madeline Island residents. PREVIOUSLY CREATED FUNDS FIELD OF INTEREST AIACF granted funds to the Bayfield School District which support student travel and a documentary “Superior-Baikal: The Lakes and Their Cultures” DESIGNATED, cont’d Martin Hanson Conservation Endowment Fund (2008) supports the Friends of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, Inc. ORGANIZATIONAL ENDOWMENT Ashwabay Outdoor Educational Foundation Fund (2007) supports the foundation’s mission to provide a quality, affordable outdoor recreation experience that renews and enhances the lives of people in the Chequamegan Bay area. Bayfield Community Education Foundation Fund (2001) supports the agency’s mission to facilitate achievement of educational excellence by students attending schools located within the Bayfield School District. Bayfield Heritage Association Fund (2001) supports the agency’s mission to promote awareness, appreciation and preservation of Bayfield’s distinctive history. CORE Endowment Fund (2007) supports the organization in bringing together community and families to meet the needs of seniors in the northern communities of the Bayfield Peninsula. Apostle Islands Area Community Fund (2000) actively promotes private giving for the public good of the Apostle Islands area. The following funds, part of AIACF’s family of funds, address changing needs. Albrecht-Vogt Family Fund Bodin Family Fund Helen DeHaven Bush Family Fund Hartnett-Helm Family Fund Kierland-Henry Family Fund Ann and Dave Locey Family Fund - 2000 Dr. Michael and Deanna Asbell Family Fund Cleveland Family Fund Joanne B. Hadland Family Fund Bill and Marilyn Larson Family Fund John S. Meier Family Fund Edward and Dawn Michael Family Fund - 2001 Jerry and Mary Phillips Family Fund Gene and Carole Qualle Family Fund - 2002 Bell Southmayd Lamont Family Fund Collins Family Fund Tom and Roxanne Frizzell Family Fund Ole J. and Ingeborg Hadland Family Fund Walt and Lin Pomeroy Family Fund Tom and Liz Purcell Family Fund Larry A. Reiten Family Fund Robert and Carolyn Sneed Family Fund - 2003 Homeward Bound Fund - 2006 G.R.A.C.E. Fund - 2007 Eric and Laurel Lein Family Fund Robert Tucker Family Fund - 2008 2014 donors are highlighted Greg Navarro Ms. Diane M. Nemec Carrie L. Nelson John Nelson & Monica Gray-Nelson Julian B. & Marie T. Nelson Carol Neubauer James E. & Betsy Knode Newton David & Bernice Nixon Faith North Mike North Northern Lights Health Care Center Dan & Marilyn Nourse Mrs. Lyman Nourse Paul & Dianne Nussbaum Evelyn C. O’Brien Gerald R. O’Brien, M.D. Molly O’Brien Demaris Brinton & Theron O’Connor Craig D. Obey Dave & Joan Obey Cari & Jeff Obst Art & Joan Ode Marjorie F. Ohm Sharon Okonek Lisa A. Olmsted Neil C. Olsen Nancy Sandman Ostertag Bethany & Christopher Owen Otto Bremer Foundation Pace Woods Foundation Peter M. & Betty W. Rogers Fund Kenneth A. Peterson, M.D. Phil & Sheree Peterson Richard & Donna Pfeiffer Mara & Jeff Pflanzer Jerry & Mary Phillips Phillips-Smith Investment Co. Margot H. Phillips/Mary H. Smith James M. & Barbara Pitblado Mr. & Mrs. John M. Pitblado Laura D. Platt & Nancy P. Jones Judith Polich Walt & Lin Pomeroy Port Superior Village Association, Inc. Sandy Pratt Ted & Theresa Priem Constance Pries Beth & Steve Probst Patrick & Barbara Provo Prudential Matching Gifts Program Anonymous Gift Nicole Pugliese Pugsley Fund of HRK Foundation Tom & Liz Purcell Mr. Albert E. Pyott Dorothy Qualle 2014 donors are highlighted Gene Qualle Racheli’s at the Twin Silo’s Michael G. & Kathleen A. Radtke Thomas & Kristen Radtke Dean Rau & Sarah Lund Recreation & Fitness Resources Inc. Regional Hospice Services, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Wally Reinhardt Larry Reiten Sarah & Michael Renner Kent & Dorothy Richmond Peter & Sara Richter Gary H. Rieman Louise S. Robbins Roe & Meyer, S.C., CPAs Gary & Kay Roffers Ron & Annie Roffers Mark & Nancy Rogers Peter M. Rogers Christopher & Helen Roland Matthew Rosendahl Constance & Hamilton N. Ross Sarah Ross The Rossberger Family Thomas & Nancy Rothman Rev. Christopher Rowson Elizabeth Rumsey & Stephen Rice Hung Q. Russell & Ms. Catherine A. Liska Robin T. & Gary Russell Howard & Gina Russell Kathleen C. Russell Mike & Pamela Ryan Keith & Laura Ryskoski Janet Bewley & David Saetre Jim & Cheryl Samples Holly C. Sampson Anne N. Sandman Kevin & Dana Sandstrom Nancy & Steve Sandstrom Susi Saxl & Robert Kramer Carlin Scanlan Edward & Sheila Seim Alonzo B. & Evelyn L. Seran Irving & Janet Shapiro The Shea Family Michelle & Tom Shrider Elizabeth T. Shutes Vernon & Barbara Sieling Nick & Nancy Sievers Carl & Elizabeth Silverman Charles & Janet Simoneau Rick & Diana Smith Howard & Leona Smith Margorie Smith Steve & Elizabeth Smith Carolyn Sneed Dave & Judy Sonstegard Pamela Sordelet F.K. (Keith) & Carol Sowl Thanks to Donors 2014 donors are highlighted 2014 AIACF GRANT AWARDS CREATING CHANGE With two new donor advised funds, AIACF awarded $51,582 in grants to non-profits, addressing: domestic violence, economic development, Native American treaty rights, emergency responders, obesity, racism, and care for the elderly. GRUTZNER MADELINE ISLAND FAMILY FUND La Pointe Fire Department: Self Contained Breathing Apparatus for better fire suppression and prevention, and rescue response. Bayfield Recreational Center: Martial Arts classes on Madeline Island. AIACF UNRESTRICTED FUND Aqueous: Quarterly arts magazine for the region. Ashland Chamber Music Ensemble: musicians from Bayfield, Washburn, and Ashland area perform Chamber Music for Bayfield School District students. Bayfield Recreational Community Center: A Bayfield Pavilion lease accommodates growing need for health and wellness classes. Bayfield School District: Supports student travels and documentary “Superior-Baikal: The Lakes and Their Cultures” – a cultural immersion in Siberia’s Lake Baikal region. City of Bayfield: Side Scan Sonar, a device to aid in safe, efficient water and ice rescues. CORE: The Fair Weather Friends program provides a safe environment for elderly during inclement weather. La Pointe Township: Ojibwemowin language signs recognize sacred, Native heritage of Madeline Island. Lake Superior Big Top Chautuaqua: Season-long effort celebrates the Native American heritage and culture. Madeline Island Community Garden: Part-time gardener to oversee communal garden plots. Native Expressions Drum and Dance Troupe: Funds an additional dance instructor. PHOTO: ROS NELSON Thanks to Donors AIACF HUMAN RIGHTS FUND Northwoods Women, Inc: works with Bayfield High School’s Manaajitoon Crew (“respect” in Ojibwe) – “Expect Respect: Changing Attitudes About Sexual Assault” project. Donor Advised Fund: Alexandra Smith Fund In Support of Native American Treaty Rights. Tribal Youth Media Initiative: Bad River Traditional Youth Media is a cornerstone of the larger project of a media center to produce media in support of sovereignty, treaty rights, and land stewardship. Native American Education Technology: NAET is a broadcast entity working with Indian Country TV. It broadcasts hearings and rallies live and produces broadcast videos supporting treaty rights, pro water movement and self sustaining economic communities based on wild rice and maple syrup. Donor Advised Fund: Animal Assisted Fund In Memory of Cordelia Anne Brinton Can Do Canines: Can Do Canines and the Federal Prison Camp collaborate on a restorative justice program. Qualified inmates become puppy raisers for Can Do Canines’ future assistance dogs. 2014 AIACF ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Eric Grutzner, Vice Chair Barb McCann Betsy Albert Peacock Glenn Carlson Tim Faust Chere Gibson Dee Johnson John Murphy Sara Richter Mackenzie Grutzner, summer intern Michael Spencer & Patricia Lenz John Spilotro Aaron & Donna Staab Nancy Offutt Stablein Leo & Chris Stern Janet Sternat James A. Stolpestad Stout Development Services, Inc. Susan L. Streitz Virginia & Edward Stringer Donald Stroot Patricia L. Summerfield Superior Charters, Inc. John & Fran Swanson John & Elizabeth Telford John & Mary Thiel Bud & Karen Thiel Richard G. Thompson Ralph & Loanne Thrane Christine & James Torke Lynn Torke Michael Torke Tom & Lavetta Torke Robin Trinko-Russell Peter Tropman & Virginia Graves Trudeau Construction, Inc. Robert B. Tucker Rick & Jan Utecht Julie & Jay Van Cleave Richard & Teresa Van Gelder Ron & Roxanne Van Veldhuizen Virginia Vogt Vance Steven & Nami Vizanko Ms. Jane Vogt & Mary Scott Richard & Florence Vogt Johannes & Lynne von Trapp W M Foundation Timothy Walsh & Patricia Milun Bridget Weber Jack & Jane Weir Mr. William H. Wheeler Marilyn La Pointe Winterer WI Dept. of Revenue Donna W. Woods Mr. Thomas K. Woods Evelyn Wright Karl & Evelyn Wright Captain Donald A. Youel Thank you to – Joannes Scandinavian Gifts for the 2014 holiday weekend event – Red Cliff & Apostle Islands Relay Swim Fundraiser attendees – Merchants’ silent auction gifts – Jack Beagan for escorting relay swimmers – Wood, Palazolo & Russell families for host docks in the AIRS event – Grutzner Family for hosting donor & AIRS events .
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