pinyon press - AZ Connected


pinyon press - AZ Connected
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July 10th, 2013
Issue 14
Horizon Award
Employee of the Month
Jimmie richArdson Jr Liz morrison
Read about Jimmie on page 5
Employee of the Month
Read about ChRisTina on page 7
Lee dittmAn
Read about Liz on page 6
[Trans] Employee of the Month
christinA Berry
[Retail] Employee of the Month [Rooms]
terrenA Ben
Read about TeRRena on page 7
Read about Lee on page 6
Employee of the Month
John Armour
Read about John on page 7
pinyon press
July 10th , 2012
What’s inside
horizon award: Jimmie Richardson Jr . . . . 1, 5
employees of the month . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 6-7
Creative director
a Guest service Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Daniel nicolai
Letters from Guests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Print Clerk
Fire Drill announcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Larry Phillips
Physical Therapist Leaving the Park . . . . . . . 3
Training Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Job Well Done . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Kathleen akan
meg Rudge
Cassie Palmerin
adrienne struck
Xanterra Property olympics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
service awards: June 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Green name-Tag Program Returns . . . . . . . . 8
Fax: (928) 638-0143
enhanced employee Referral Bonus . . . . . . . 8
The Pinyon Press is a newsletter for employees of Xanterra
south Rim, L.L.C. and is distributed biweekly with employee
paychecks or e-mailed as an attachment. items for the Pinyon
Press should be submitted by noon the Wednesday before payday. all submissions are subject to editing for layout, content,
and space considerations.
Job opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Ten (nearly) Free activites at GCnP . . . . . . . . 9
Community Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Rec Center events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Christmas in July!
Could it be Christmas already? It is at Xanterra!
We would like to invite you to visit our gift stores this July
Holiday Season and enjoy a 40% discount on all items
normally available to you at a 20% reduction.
This offer will run for two weeks only beginning July 10,
2013 through July 24, 2013.
This is one more small way for us to say THANK
YOU for all your hard work during the summer
season. Each individual contributes to the success
of our company and without you, we could not
provide our guest with the outstanding service and
unforgettable memories that they expect when
visiting our parks & resorts.
Guest Service Thoughts
Providing great customer service is the
most natural activity
in the world. It’s fun
to help others because
it feels good.
Because of you, Xanterra can proudly provide
to all or our guests.
Happy Holidays in July!
--Kevin Stirtz
Jon Streit, General Manager
Xanterra South Rim
P.S. Don’t forget your I.D. card!
pinyon press
Issue 14
This is one of those experiences that will be thought about and
Over the past week (6/11/13-6/18/13), we traveled from Chicatalked about for years to come. It was totally worth the sore
go to visit Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon N.P., Lake Powell
body parts, fear of heights, unfamiliarity with mules, the heart
and Grand Canyon N.P. We rented an R.V. and stayed at the
pounding switch-backs with death defying drop offs, the whipZion Watchman Campground, Trailer Village at GC Mather
ping winds and drastic changes in temperature. Through eating
Campground and at the Grand Canyon Railway RV Park in
and breathing the trail dust, and the snow and sleet squall that
Williams, AZ. We ate at the Zion Lodge Castle Dome Cafe and
culminated our trip. Thanks to our wonderful guides (Ed and
GC’s Bright Angel Restaurant. We also shopped at the Zion
Don), the hospitable and welcoming staff at Bright Angel Lodge
Lodge gift shop, the Bright Angel gift shop and the Lookout
and Phantom Ranch, my testy mule (Tisi) who carried me safely
Studio gift shop in the Grand Canyon. We used the hotel pool
down and back, and lastly to the breathtaking beauty and vistas
at the Grand Canyon Railway. Throughout the trip, I commentof the Grand Canyon itself.
ed to friends/family back home about how impressed I was with
Xanterra’s operations. I found your services modern, helpful and
Our guides were very friendly, knowledgeable, patient, and conreasonable. Your gift shops offered a variety of better-than-usual
cerned first about our safety and then our fun. We loved hearing
choices and price points. I also appreciated your efforts to carry
about the canyon stories, learning about the mules, and meeting
gift items from the U.S. (and note which items were importnew people on the ride.
ed and which were Native American-crafted) so that we could
Phantom Ranch was wonderful - great food, temperatures,
make better-informed purchase decisions. Lastly, I enjoyed how
views, and staff. Emily, the Park Ranger was very informative.
you’ve incorporated the Fred Harvey legacy (Last year, I read
Thanks to everyone who helped make our trip to the Grand
Stephen Fried’s book about the Fred Harvey Company “AppeCanyon a memorable one.
tite for America”). My visit to the Bright Angel History Room
Jane Stephenson
and our delicious dinner at the Bright Angel Restaurant made
Our son, daughter in law and I were hiking from the North Rim
me feel like I was partaking of the legendary Fred Harvey hospito the South Rim expecting to be finished the morning of June
tality. I was impressed enough with your company that I did an
4. Due to an encounter with a few rattlesnakes at Indian GarInternet search while still on my trip to see if your company had
den we decided to hike out a day early and arrive at the South
public stock. Thank you for helping make our trip so enjoyable.
Rim on June 3. My wife was staying at the El Tovar May 31Kim Burnson
June 4 in a small room (reservation 8637322). The afternoon
of June 3 when she became aware that we were hiking out and
This is just a note to say how much we have enjoyed our two
would be there around 8PM she asked the hotel if it was possible
night stay at El Tovar. All of the staff has been friendly and helpfor all four of us to stay in her room. The staff moved her to a
ful, but we would like to mention Richard in the Dining Room.
large room (right across the hall) which was wonderful since it
Richard served us both nights of our stay and we appreciated his
provided two queen beds which were greatly appreciated by us
attention to us. Many thanks and kind regards,
tired hikers.
M.J. Ives
This was great customer service and I wanted to point it out to
the El Tovar management and thank all involved. Great Job!
Bob Edds
Tom Martin, Physical
Therapist is Moving On
After 20 years as a physical therapist serving the Grand Canyon
community, the time has come to leave the South Rim. It has
been such a blessing to be able to serve this incredible community of folks, and I will forever be in your debt. I’ll be doing some
contract PT work, but more importantly, Hazel and I will be
A fire drill will occur on July 11 th.
better able to help in the care of our folks. We will still be FlagIf you are in the dorm you MUST participate.
staff based writing, hiking and river running, so hope to see you
again in the Northern Arizona community. After my last day on
During the drill, all rooms are subject to Fire
August 8, Julie Stone will be working full time in the Physical
& Security (F&S) and Housing Entry
Therapy Department.
So let’s have a going away party! Thanks to Ann Wren-Serna and
Franz and Hannah Rotter, we’ll be having hors d’oeuvre at the
Canyon Plaza Resort atrium in Tusayan from 3:00 pm to 5:00
pm, Sunday, August 4. It would be great to visit before we leave.
Fire drill!!
pinyon press
July 10th , 2012
Training Trends
The following classes are offered for Xanterra employees and open to the Grand Canyon Community on a
space available basis. employees should check with their supervisor or department trainer for additional
training opportunities. Please contact the instructor to sign up for each training. a notice of seven working
days is needed for Training to assist with special needs. all training classes are subject to change. if changes
are made, those who have enrolled will be notified.
July 10
SliPS, triPS &
nanCY CHarette
ext 6557
July 23
nettie Klingler
ext 6260
July 12
nanCY CHarette
ext 6557
July 23
nanCY CHarette
ext 6557
July 16
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ext 6557
July 23
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ext 6260
July 16
gueSt ServiCe
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July 24
FirSt aiD
nanCY CHarette
ext 6557
July 17
BranDY BurKe
ext 6088
July 30
gueStS witH
nettie Klingler
ext 6260
Job Well Done
Employees that were recognized by their supervisor for extra efforts on the job.
Amy Neil
Lee Dittmann
Amy Neil
Mike Palombelly
Amy Neil
Michael Gavin
Bill Homan
Diana Wadsworth
Jeffrey English
Diana Wadsworth
George Vicker
Diana Wadsworth
Nanthan Wangroongsarb
Chris Sankuer
Dwayne Handy
Chris Sankuer
Joshua Lee
Carson Corbett
Adrienne Struck
Sally Wahler
Larry Phillips
Sally Wahler
This year the Xanterra Property Olympics will be held at
the Rec Center on Saturday, July 20th starting at Noon.
Come out and join in the fun, games, and food!
Michele Walsh
Tiffani Patterson
2013 Xanterra Property
Olympics Are Next Week!
This year the events are:
• Memory Match
• Amoeba Race
• Team Bean-Bag Toss
• Word Scrabble
Photos of the Property Olympics will be available to be
ordered at the E-Cafe beginning Monday, July 22nd (after
12, noon) until Monday, July 29th (before 12, noon). I
will try to process the photos and have them sent out to
the various departments as quickly as possible. Remember
to flag me down at the Property Olympics if you want a
special group photo!
Elizabeth Robertson
Sierra Carroll
Steven Holtrop
North Hollenbeck
Roger Findley
Roger Findley
Greg Brush
John Harrison
• Ladder Ball
• Puzzle Game
• Obstacle Course
While food and drinks will be provided by F&B,
please remember to bring your water bottles!
pinyon press
Issue 14
Service Awards for July, 2013
35 YeArS!
1 YeAr
Sallie Yazzie
10 YeArS
Raymond Ornmand
5 YeArS
Susan Pringle
Monica Nanacasia
Aaron Bobbe
3 YeArS
Kurt Draser
Ryan Burke
Amy Bresnahan
Mark Procter
Jonathan Zerby
Wipawadee Taluengjit
John Mancebo
Pauline Gatmaitan
Kasey Jean
Jefferson Weston
Maximillian Bradley
Robert Thomas
Brandy Burke
Human Resources
Edwin Paciga
Seth Fuhrmann
Tipperary Mcbroom
Shantele Perry
Nicholas Sidori
Kate Settlemyre
Lauren Badoni
Leith Chee
Theresa Johnson
Crystal Keebahe
Carolyn Wynard
Sherena Grebb
Brian Couch
Leeann Dodde
Joanna Johnston
Quarterly Horizon Award Winner
Name: Jimmie Richardson Jr.
Department: Rooms
Title: Laundry Van Driver
Jimmie Richardson, JR was the Rooms Department employee of the month for May and is now
the Horizon award recipient. J.R. has been working for us at the Main Laundry as a driver since
2001 this time around.
J.R. has a great sense of humor and is always smiling and laughing and making others around him
smile which is amazing because as a laundry driver, he is out in the park picking up and delivering
5,000 to 7,000 pounds of clean and dirty linen every day usually on the truck by himself.
When he has no product to take out, he always keeps himself busy and pitches in to help wash
anything that needs to be processed and will step up and pack the bins for the units with clean
linens when the packers are behind or even just because he is done with his work.
JR is also the go to person at the laundry for maintenance work on our shelves and laundry bins.
JR will jump right in and remove broken parts, replace wheels or do whatever needs to get done without even being asked to do it.
J.R. has also been trained to work as a lead and will work as a backup lead whenever needed, working hard every day and doing
any job asked of him without hesitation.
JR has rolled with the changes at the Laundry this year and truly is an asset to the Rooms Department and the property. Thank
you J.R. for all of the hard work and doing it with a great attitude.
pinyon press
July 10th , 2012
employees of the Month July, 2013
Name: Joe Morales
Department: Rooms
Title: Porter Manager
Joe Morales started in September 2009 as a GRA at Yavapai West. When Yavapai closed for
the winter that year he decided to try working as a porter and did that until he was promoted
to a Porter Lead in April of 2010. Joe also briefly left the Rooms Department in 2011 and did
an extremely short stint in Engineering working the graveyard shift before returning as a Porter
Lead. Joe was promoted to Assistant Porter Manager in November 2011 and finally to Porter
Manager in January this year.
Working as the Porter Manager can be a real challenge at times because everything that needs
to get done but no one knows who does it, is done by the Porters. Joe is an awesome leader for
that group, no matter how odd, we know that we can call Joe and ask for his help and he will
be right there. Joe stays on top of his managerial duties so that he is always available to say how
high when we say jump. Whether it’s emptying a truck full of boxes at the warehouse, emptying a few dollars in quarters from
Camper Services for Accounting, or carrying heavy items to our efficient storage area in the attic of El Tovar! All of the Rooms
Managers know that they can count on Joe to be there wherever or whenever we need him.
Joe always comes to work with a positive attitude and works with the Rooms Dept. Managers to get his many projects completed
throughout the park. As you can imagine with 908 guestrooms and 6 housekeeping managers, there is a lot on their to-do list
but Joe remains energetic and happy even when the work would overwhelm others. Most recently, Joe has been trained on our
new thermal remediation equipment (bed bug heat treatment) and has worked with Engineering to complete several successful
runs with this new process which is a huge benefit to the department and our guests.
We really appreciate you Joe and thank you for all that you do for the Rooms Department!
Name: Mary Elizabeth Morrison
Department: Retail
Title: Bright Angel Retail Assistant Store Manager
Liz has been one of Bright Angel gift shop’s assistant managers for over four years and has earned
the respect of her fellow assistants and staff members at both Bright Angel gift shop and their
sister store Lookout Studio where she is the ‘go to’ for training and guidance.
Her manger describes Liz this way: “Liz is the glue that holds this store together. She can handle
any situation that may arise and her sense of humor is invaluable in the stressful atmosphere of
the Bright Angel store.” Liz’s proficient guest service skills are wonderful for smoothing any
guest concerns immediately and professionally.
Liz has also come to demonstrate the values of innovation and profitability by running her own
small enterprise. During her scarce spare time Liz turns her discerning gaze along with one of her
cameras toward the Canyon. She produces thoughtful and beautiful mounted images that can be
found sold at many of our shops where they are rather successful.
Liz is a valued employee of the Retail Department in that she is respectful, dedicated, creative and resourceful. Bright Angel Gift
Shop and Retail have the advantage to count Liz Morrison as one of our own.
Name: Lee Dittman
Department: Rooms
Title: Yavapai Lodge Front Desk Lead
Lee is the backbone of the night crew at Yavapai. Lee has been with us at the desk for 2 years and
has recently been promoted to a lead position.
Lee is very patient and helpful with guests, he takes the time to explain things clearly and give the
guests great direction for their time here. We constantly receive compliments for Lee from happy
guests that he has assisted. Lee does an excellent job keeping the chaos of the Yavapai Front Desk
in order and his Grand Canyon Association donations are phenomenal.
Lee is an avid hiker, photographer and writer and always has interesting stories to tell everyone at
the desk. We appreciate his dedication, sense of humor and positive attitude at work and are happy
to have him as part of our Yavapai team.
pinyon press
Issue 14
Name: Christina Berry
Department: Transportation
Title: Transportation Desk Lead
Christina Berry has spent most of her life around ranch and farm animals, including mules and
horses. She worked 20 years as a veterinarian technician in Easton, CA before transplanting her
family to the South Rim and to “The Berry Patch” in early October 2012. Her husband John
Berry is our Livery Manager. Christina started as a Transportation Desk Clerk on October 08,
2012. Because of her industrious work habits, her excellent guest service and commitment to
teamwork, she was promoted to a lead Trans Desk Clerk on March 28, 2013.
In addition, Christina is a joy to work with because she is always very helpful, friendly, has
respect for her Trans Desk team, demonstrates excellent leadership skills, exudes a positive attitude and continues to contribute towards our profitability while balancing family and home
life with John and her two boys.
Furthermore, Christina is also a member of the Grand Canyon School Booster Club. She also
makes time to clean the used mule shoes which are sold in the local gift stores. Christina, we are fortunate to have you on our
Trans Desk team and you deserve this recognition. Thank you for all that you do for us.
Name: Terrena Ben
Department: Food and Beverage
Title: Maswik Cafeteria Cashier
The Food & Beverage Dept. is very proud to announce this month’s Employee of the Month
is Terrena Ben. She has been working at Maswik Cafeteria for the last 2 years as a cashier.
During the re-modeling of Maswik we added a 3rd cashier lane which has made big
difference in speed for guest checkout. But an important part of that speed is Terrena
working as a cashier. If you ever go through her lane at Maswik, you would noticed that
she has your food items rung up before you can get your ID out.
She has lightning speed when it comes ringing up guests and is very accurate. With her
great attitude and big smile, she makes the guest visit a pleasure and her manager’s job
a lot easier. Terrena assists with the training of Maswik’s new cashiers.
For someone with only 2 years of experience, you’d think that it would have taken a
longer time to learn. But she has some great examples of hard work ethic in both her brother (Darren) and her father
(Donald) who have a few employee of the months between them.
Thank you Terrena, for all your hard work and keeping up the family tradition.
Name: John Armour
Department: Engineering
Title: Maintenance Parts Clerk - Buyer
John Armour moved to the Canyon from Michigan in October 2010 after working for many
years as a buyer. John came to the Canyon with his now wife Maureen who also works for Xanterra in HR. John has a quick wit, which is sometimes to his detriment. However, he quickly
develops bonds with vendors and it is these relationships that allow John to locate and procure
difficult or obsolete parts.
John works well with both internal and external customers and thrives in a high pressure environment which, to say the least, describes the daily parts room operations. John has a keen eye
for detail along with an incredible knowledge of the equipment and parts that the Engineering
Department maintains throughout the park. John jumps as soon as he receives a request and on
occasion we have to remind him to slow down while the rest of us catch up before fulfilling orders
for parts & equipment. John is a valuable member of the Engineering team and I cannot imagine the parts room being as successful without him. Please join us in congratulating John on this long overdue award.
pinyon press
July 10th , 2012
2013 enhanced employee
referral Bonus
For the second year in a row, Xanterra South Rim will be offering an enhanced employee referral bonus for new hires arriving
between August 12, 2013 and October 11, 2013. Typically,
we offer a $100 employee referral bonus after five months of
employment, so this offer is truly special!
We are gearing up for what we are sure will be a very busy fall
season, and here is how you can benefit from our recruitment
You refer a
They get hired
The Green Name Tag
Program Has returned!
At Xanterra South Rim, we strive to continue our legacy of
providing legendary hospitality with a softer footprint. All
Xanterra employees are a necessary component to the continual
improvement of our sustainability programs at South Rim. The
Green Name Tag Program is an initiative that gives employees
the opportunity to earn a Green Name Tag by participating in
environmental activities. A Green Name Tag, which has a green
background and says “Environmental Steward” underneath the
employee’s name, is awarded to employees who have earned ten
green credits. You can earn green credits in a variety of ways
from walking, biking or riding the bus to and from work over
75% of the time, to volunteering at one of our environmentally
themed events. For a full list of qualifying activities be on the
lookout for the new and improved Green Name Tag posting on
all employee bulletin boards in the nearby future.
To receive green credits or for any questions, just call the
Department of Sustainability (ext. 6504) or email the
Sustainability Specialist at with:
1. The volunteer’s name
2. Department
3. Volunteer activity
4. The number of hours spent doing an environmental activity
Get out there and start living GREEN!
You may
qualify for a
•Tell your friends and relatives about jobs that are available
here at the South Rim and encourage them to apply.
•Be sure they list your full name on the application where it
asks, “How did you hear about us?”
•Receive a $100 referral bonus if the applicant you refer is
hired, and works here at least 60 calendar days. – OR •Receive a $200 referral bonus if the applicant you refer is
hired, and works here at least 90 calendar days.
•Referring employee must still be employed with Xanterra
South Rim at the time the bonus is paid.
al Cen
is offe
ings a
ear yo
tion n
It is just that easy to take advantage of this great incentive, so be
sure you spread the word!
We check work references prior to extending an offer, so encourage your referrals to completely fill out the application with
contact information for their former employers. This will help
us speed the verification process.
Paper applications are available in HR, or applicants can apply
online at
(Human Resources management staff members are not eligible
to participate.)
Blood Pressure • Cholesterol • Diabetes
Grand Canyon Dates & Times:
Wednesday, July 10
11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Grand Canyon Community
Recreation Center
2 Mohave St., Grand Canyon Village
Thanks to FMC and AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation, these free screenings
are available to those with limited access to healthcare. For more information or
to learn about additional times and locations, call 928-853-0879.
A Northern Arizona
Community Health Initiative
pinyon press
Issue 14
Ten Free or Nearly Free Activities at GCNP
“The Grand Canyon is certainly awe-inspiring with millionSearch…
dollar views everywhere you look,” said Jon Streit, general
for one of the rarest birds in the world. The California condor
manager for Xanterra South Rim, L.L.C.*, operator of the lodges
was reintroduced to Northern Arizona in 1996. There are
and other services in Grand Canyon National Park at the South
currently around 75 free-flying condors in Arizona, including
Rim. “But there are many things to do that cost nothing or are
eight that were hatched in the wild. The condor is the largest
relatively inexpensive that help complete the whole experience.”
land-based bird in North America with a wingspan of up to
9½ feet and weighing up to 22 pounds. These birds travel 100
Xanterra South Rim offers these 10 options for an affordable
miles or more per day searching for food while expending little
about the three new interpretive displays installed in the Hopi
the Rim Trail and bike the Greenway Trail. Easily accessed
House that highlight the building’s significant role in educating
anywhere in Grand Canyon Village, the flat Rim Trail stretches
American travelers about the culture, traditions and artistic
from Pipe Creek Vista west to Hermits Rest, a distance of
contributions of the native residents of the region. The Hopi
approximately 12 miles. Most of the trail is paved and there are
House now contains interpretive displays depicting the work
various points where you can pick up the shuttle. The Greenway
of famed architect Mary Elizabeth Jane Colter’s work, a display
Trail, especially on the Hermit Road which is closed to traffic
marking the door to “Nampeyo’s Apartment” that showcases
except in winter, has been recently resurfaced and is a great
the important role American Indian artists played in the
stretch for both road and mountain bikes. The ride is 19 miles
development of tourism in the Southwest and the Hopi Door
round trip from Grand Canyon Village.
standing only four feet high leading into the Hopi House’s
“Altar Room.”
a Junior Ranger badge. Kids ages four and older can complete
the activities in booklets available free of charge at various park
The Pollen Trail Dancers. This troupe of American Indian
locations. The canyon has different requirements for different
dancers at Grand Canyon National Park performs authentic
age groups, and once the fun tasks are completed, they need to
dances traditionally performed at pow-wows. The free
check back in at the visitor center to claim their badge.
performances are staged outside Hopi House – a historic gift
shop that resembles Hopi dwellings from the Southwest – on
selected dates through September.
the Trail of Time path between the Yavapai Museum of Geology
and the Verkamps Visitor Center. The 1.2 mile path contains
information about the canyon’s geologic history, as well as
the Watchtower. Building a structure that provides the widest
samples from each layer of the canyon.
possible view of the Grand Canyon yet harmonizes with its
setting was Colter’s goal when the Santa Fe Railroad hired her
in 1930 to design a gift shop and rest area at Desert View Point.
a motorcoach tour. One of the most popular ways to view and
The Watchtower opened in May of 1933. The Desert View
learn about the canyon is on a motorcoach tour. The drivers
Watchtower, constructed in 1932 as a replica of a prehistoric
are well-trained and entertaining. While traveling to some of
Indian tower, commands a magnificent view of the Grand
the Grand Canyon’s best viewpoints, riders learn about the
Canyon, the Painted Desert to the east and the San Francisco
park’s geology, history and wildlife. For most tours there is no
Peaks to the south. This 70-foot tower is the highest point on
charge for motorcoach passengers under the age of 16 when
the South Rim. The interior walls of the tower feature murals
accompanied by a paying adult.
by Hopi artist Fred Kabotie.
a self-guided walking tour of the historic district of Grand
Canyon Village. Brochures providing interesting information
about each of the stops are available at no charge from the
front desk of each lodging facility. Interesting and historic sites
within walking distance of Grand Canyon Village are the famed
El Tovar Hotel, the Bright Angel History Room, Hopi House,
Kolb Studio and Lookout Studio.
the park’s free shuttle buses operating in and around the South
Rim Village. From mid-May through mid-September, the
buses operate between Grand Canyon Village and the gateway
community of Tusayan. Inside the park, the buses take visitors
to various points along the rim, including the village, visitor
center and as far west as Hermits Rest.
pinyon press
July 10th , 2012
Community Corner
Community postings, classified ads and announcements can be submitted to Classified Adv Forms can be found in
the dorms or Human Resources. All posts must include your name and contact phone number.
Deadline for ads is the Wednesday prior to pay-day by 2pm
For Sale
Smith Corona electric typewriter (w/case & ribbons) .
Royal Manual Typewriter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Girmi Small Food Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rival 2-Quart Crockpot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Grand Canyon Softball Schedule
. . $7
Contact Karin at (928) 890-8260
For Sale
Campmor Travel Backpack
Xanterra v. McD
Xanterra v. Rec
Grand v McD
Squire v RF
Xanterra v Grand
NPS v Squire
McD v RF
Grand v Rec
Xanterra v RF
Rec v Squire
Tournament Dates from August 6th thru August 15th.
All games run from 6pm-8pm at the Rec Center Field.
3500 cu in, several extra pockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $Call
Call Louis at (928) 225-5404
Join the Grand Canyon Hiking Club
Shoes For Sale
You are invited to join the Grand Canyon Hiking Club
(GCHC). The purpose of the GCHC is to encourage local
residents to improve their fitness/wellness levels and gain a
deeper appreciation of the natural resources where we live and
work. All residents of the Grand Canyon/Tusayan Community
(no age limit) are eligible to join and participate. You need not
be a member of the Grand Canyon Community Recreation
Center in order to participate. Sign up at the Rec Center.
Size 8.5 black work shoes from Shoes from Crews. Only worn
once. Asking for $40 for them
Call Leann at (573) 508-7417
Woman’s Internal Frame Backpack
Brand - Mountainsmith, “Scarlett”, 4lbs 7oz, sleeping bag
compartment, with divided hydration reservoir pocket with
tube exit. Detachable lumbar pack. Many more features, only
used once. Original cost was $150, selling for $75
Free Family History Lessons
Elder & Sister McDaniel will give free assistance to anyone
interested in Family History (geneaology) at the Rec Center
Computer Lab from 11am-2pm on Mondays & Fridays thru
August 30th or by appointment call (702)286-0238.
Contact Penny at (626) 665-3444
For Sale at the rec Center
Nalgene Water Bottles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12
2012 “Don’t Feed The Squirrels” T-Shirts . . . . . . $10 (2/$15)
2013 “Live It; Work It; Love It” T-Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12
Difficulty (hard)
The Rec Center is also selling some of their old Computer
Lab computers. They are Dell & Gateway Desktop Computers
ranging from $60-$200 each. For more information, drop by
the Rec Center during normal business hours.
Scented Wickless Candles - NO FIre!
Beautiful Warmers, 80 plus Scents, Something for everyone!
Each month there will be a Warmer and Scent of the Month
at 10% off. Order on-line at your convenience! Home Parties!
Basket Parties! Book Parties!
Contact Regina at (928)606-4345 -
Lady Phantoms Fundraising
Enchilada Sale! July 27th from 11am-7pm at the Rec Center.
$5 for two enchiladas w/ rice and beans, $7 for three. There
will be beef and cheese enchiladas. DELIVERY AVAILABLE!
All funds will be helping the Lady Phantoms go to basketball
camps and pay for sports equipment.
Contact 928-606-6520 (Coach Hall)
pinyon press
Issue 14
Job opportunities
the positions below are open to current employees who have worked in their current department for at least 90 days or with
permission from their supervisor. To apply for a posted position, complete an application available in the Human Resources Office.
Current and complete postings are displayed at the Human Resources Office.
accounting anD Mis
Night Auditor
Boiler Technician II
Carpenter III
General Maintenance III
HPM Craftsperson II
Maintenance Dispatcher
Locksmith II
fooD & beVerage
Assistant Cafeteria Manager
Baker III
Cafeteria Cook II
Cocktail Server
Line Cook III
Food & Beverage Server
huMan resources
Housing Attendant/Van Driver (seas.)
Purchasing Director
Shipping & Receiving Clerk (seas.)
Maintenance Dispatcher
Keep an accurate daily log of all called in maintenance requests. Disseminate maintenance requests quickly and accurately as to assignment of craftsperson. Collect specific information and communicate it on written maintenance request. Process and
track maintenance request routing and perform monthly inventories of requests. Enter maintenance request data and other information into the computer. Ability to
recognize emergency situations and identify and notify necessary staff as dictated by
the situation. Use the communications system effectively to communicate with crafts
personnel in the field.
assistant retail Manager
Assist the Store Manager in the day-to-day operation of the store. Address customer
concerns as they arise and assist customers. Responsible for special projects as assigned
by the Store Manager. Work with Store Manager and Visual Display Coordinator in
setting up store displays and stocking of merchandise. Work with the Store Manager
and Retail Training Specialist to schedule on going training for store personnel. Assume responsibility for operation and supervision of the Retail Store in the absence
of the Store Manager. Responsible for store opening and closing as scheduled. Assist
clerks in balancing cash drawer deposits and assure all accounting policies, procedures
and guidelines are maintained. Assist the Store Manager with annual reviews for store
employees and administer corrective action as required in the absence of the Store
Manager. Coach employee performance. Adhere to all safety, risk management and
environmental policies. Attend all introductory management training.
housing attenDant/Van DriVer (seasonal)
Assistant Retail Manager – Hopi House
Retail Associate
risk ManageMent
Fire Lieutenant
Bus Mechanic II
Garage Mechanic II
Interpretive Tour Driver
Trail Crew
Provide transportation services to employees as directed, and assist with the moving
of furnishings or employee belongings, and dispose of trash as directed. Cleaning as
scheduled all employee housing facilities and areas including but not limited to dormitory rooms, employee cabins, apartments, houses, vacant trailer sites, washrooms,
hallways storage rooms, porches & entryways, lounges, recreation rooms and lobbies, and maintain grounds in assigned areas. Report maintenance problems and other
needed work in employee housing facilities including paint requests, carpet cleaning,
etc. Inspect individual rooms, cabins, trailer sites or apartments as residents move or
terminate employment to ensure the space is clean and free of damage. Order needed
supplies through the Housing Administrator. Check in new employees after office
hours and transport them to their housing locations. Process check-outs under the
direction of the Housing Manager, Housing Administrator or Apartment Manager on
weekends or days off. Enforce Employee Housing Department and company policies
and procedures. Perform special projects as assigned by Housing Management.
p J obs M ay c lose p rior to t iMe of p rinting p
928-638-3389 -
www .G ranD c anyon r ec . orG
m on , w eD , F ri :
s un , t ue , t Hr , s at :
sHoPPinG anD out oF town triPs
07/11 – Flagstaff Shopping ($15)
07/26 – Flagstaff Shopping ($15)
07/28 – Prescott Shopping ($20)
5:30 am — 10 Pm
6 am — 10 Pm
07/15 – Walnut Canyon National Monument ($20)
07/23 – Mt. Humphries Climb ($15)
07/25 – Jerome/Sedona Day Trip ($25)
07/27 – Hopi Point Meteor Shower ($1)
07/12 – Upside Down (PG-13)
07/16-07/18 – Las Vegas Motor Coach Trip ($150)
07/30-08/01 – Zion National Park Camping ($60)
07/26 – 42 (PG-13)
07/19 – Admission (PG-13)
08/02 – Solomon Kane (R)
sPecial eVents at tHe rec center
07/12 – GCNP Bicycle Fun Ride FREE
07/14 – Soup Cook-Off FREE to enter
07/20 – Xanterra Property Olympics FREE
07/21 – Darts Tournament FREE
07/22 – Drum Circle FREE
07/24 – Hot Dog Roast & Water Gun Fight $2/plate
07/29 – Table Tennis Tournament FREE
weekly eVents at tHe rec center
Sundays Soccer/Futbol Pick Up Games @11a
Monday - Thursday Coed Softball League @6p
Monday Round Robin Table Tennis @6p FREE
Friday Night Flix @7p FREE
Video Workout
Kids Ballet
Zumba Video Workout
Muay Thai Kickboxing
Video Workout
Kids Yoga
Dungeons & Dragons
Yin Yoga
6 -10
mercHanDise For sale!
Video Workout
Gentle Beginners Yoga
Preschool Yoga
Yoga Basics
Video Workout
Music Together
Aerobic Dance
Video Workout
Movie Night!
6:00a-6:30a Video Workout
7:00p-8:15p Muay Thai Kickboxing
11:30a-12:15p Bountiful Baskets
JU L Y 13 TH & 27 TH
Video Workout
Canyon Crafters
The 2013 Grand Canyon National Park
Staff t-shirt is now on sale at the Rec Center for only $12. Limited supply of each
size is now available for purchase today!