Pinyon Press – Issue 01
Pinyon Press – Issue 01
Follow us on Facebook at: January 9th, 2013 ISSUE 1 press pinyon hoRizon awaRd EmployEE of thE month REBEcca haRRiSon chRiSty hill Read about Becka on page 5 EmployEE of thE month Read about Doug on page 7 [f+b] cuRt JohnSon Read about christy on page 6 [trans] EmployEE of thE month doug ShiEldS [Retail] EmployEE of thE month Read about curt on page 6 [Rooms] EmployEE of thE month EmanuEl wEBB Read about emanuel on page 7 [Risk] BRian Smith Read about Brian on page 7 pinyon press January 9th , 2013 What’s inside credits employees of the month . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 6-7 a guest service thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 letters from employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 gca Dark skies experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 acquisitions announcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 training trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 living history Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 the horizon award: rebecca harrison . . . . . 5 employees of the month. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Job Well Done . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2013 rent increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Blankets for Babies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 employee cafeteria menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 community corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Job opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 rec center events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 creative director Daniel Nicolai Print Clerk Larry Phillips Editors Kathleen Akan Jen Wilson Brandy Burke Caren Greenberg Email: Fax: (928) 638-0143 The Pinyon Press is a newsletter for employees of Xanterra South Rim, L.L.C. and is distributed biweekly with employee paychecks or e-mailed as an attachment. Items for the Pinyon Press should be submitted by noon the Wednesday before payday. All submissions are subject to editing for layout, content, and space considerations. We are Raffling off a FULL CORD of Cut Firewood Delivered to your House! Raffle Tickets are 1 for $5 or 5 for $20 Raffle Tickets on sale until Jan. 21st. Drawing will be held January 23rd, during Bingo Night at the GC School Multipurpose Room. You do not need to be present to win. A Guest Service Thought: Thank you all for serving our guests over the Holidays and every day of the year. Each one of us played an integral part in helping to make our visitor’s Grand Canyon experience a memorable one. Help Support the Native American Educational Committee! All proceeds go to our Scholarship Fund and creating Programs for our kids in our Native Community Purchase your Raffle Tickets from: *Monica Yoyetewa (Xanterra Engineering) *Rena Bob (NPS) *Ivan Kolarevic (El Tovar Kitchen) *Shana Watahomigie (Back Country Office) *Mike Wadsworth (NPS Maintenance) *Aral Kaska (GCA) -Jon Streit 2 pinyon press Issue 1 Letters from Guests Employees On Sunday the 23rd, I had reason to call the EMT for transport to Flagstaff. I was cared for by [F&S Firefighter] Vincent from GCSR to Tusayan. A BIG THANK YOU from Desert View to Jerel Keehongva, Ron Larkin, Sue Hovey, Mike Freeman, Denny Riesmeyer, and Jon Streit I wanted to send along this note to you to simply say that Vincent has a gift. The road to Desert View (DV) has been closed for six days. DV has stayed open to service our guests coming from Cameron. We were busy and started running out of supplies, mainly food for the snack bar. On New Year’s Eve Day Jerel spent his whole day driving thru Flagstaff to Desert View to drop off supplies and back thru Flagstaff to the village. This could not have been possible without everyone pulling together. Vincent and all the EMT staff were so very kind to me. Because of the trip, it is no small obstacle getting in and out of the three ambulances it took to get me to Flagstaff; to say the least. Everyone was professional and worked together to make it happen as easily as possible. This is a great example of Teamwork, Attitude, Integrity, Guest Service, Leadership and Innovation. I am very proud to work with such an exceptional group. Anyway. I have to say you should know what an asset you have with your overnight EMT staff. They are just super. They are skillful and courteous. They never once made me feel embarrassed or self-conscious. Thank you again from all of us at Desert View --Kim Loignon --Diana Wadsworth GCA Dark skies Experience The night skies over Grand Canyon showcase the incredible visibility of stars and planets that have inspired humankind for ages. Visitors from all over the world visit Grand Canyon and for some, it is their first time to see the Milky Way, learn about astronomy and simply enjoy the awe, wonder and romance of the night sky. Acquisitions Announcement I am pleased to announce that Xanterra recently has completed the purchase of The Grand Hotel in Tusayan, Ariz. just outside the entrance to the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park, and VBT Bicycling and Walking Vacations, an adventure tour company that provides cycling, walking and cross-country skiing tours worldwide. Light pollution, caused by the outdated lights needed for visitor safety around the park, is obstructing the skies and star visibility over the Grand Canyon too. You can help change this and ensure that the night sky at Grand Canyon National Park remains dark and starry for current and future generations to enjoy. The Grand Hotel complements our existing operations inside the park as well as Grand Canyon Railway and is an attractive option for us to provide services to travelers during peak visitation periods when park lodge rooms are unavailable. The hotel was built in 1998 and features 121 rooms, indoor pool, hot tub, fitness center, coffee shop, restaurant, lounge and gift shop. Your gift can make lighting more efficient and directed for visitor safety at the Grand Canyon and will help your park receive International Dark Sky Parks certification. VBT was founded in 1971 and offers deluxe, guided small-group bicycling, walking and cross-country skiing tours worldwide with destinations in Europe, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Vietnam, Thailand, Peru, Argentina, Canada and the U.S. VBT focuses on creating complete trips featuring accommodations, transportation and meals in addition to its expert guide service and support. With your gift of $75 or more, you will receive a See the Milky Way poster signed by the artist as a thank you and a reminder of the important work you are supporting with your generosity. Donate Now! VBT features well-trained trip planners who work with clients to map out itineraries that best fit their desires and expectations, including special detours or optional pre- and post-trip visits. VBT was the first American travel company to offer bicycle tours in Europe. Like many other Xanterra operations, VBT practices socially and environmentally responsible travel and is committed to treading lightly, respecting local cultures and giving back to the communities. VBT typically patronizes small businesses and local establishments where clients have the opportunity to know their hosts. And remember every dollar you send will be matched and have a double impact on the night skies over the Grand Canyon! To make your pledge, go to --Andy Todd, CEO, Xanterra Parks and Resorts 3 pinyon press January 9th , 2013 Training Trends The following classes are offered for Xanterra employees and open to the Grand Canyon Community on a space available basis. Employees should check with their supervisor or department trainer for additional training opportunities. Please contact the instructor to sign uP for each training. A notice of seven working days is needed for Training to assist with special needs. All training classes are subject to change. If changes are made, those who have enrolled will be notified. 1/9 8:30a-12p EmployEE SElEction Hiring tHE BESt lEonArD piErcE ext 6293 1/22 10a-12p BAck SAfEty nAncy cHArEttE ext 6557 1/9 2-4p DEfEnSivE Driving nAncy cHArEttE ext 6557 1/22 9-10:30a computErS: BASic WorD procESSing nEttiE klinglEr ext 6260 1/10 10-11:30a HoW to Do A JoB SAfEty AnAlySiS nAncy cHArEttE ext 6557 1/23 10-11:30a conDucting SAfEty AuDitS nAncy cHArEttE ext 6557 1/10 1-4p BASic gEology BrAnDy BurkE ext 6088 1/29 8:30a-12p StEpping into SupErviSion nEttiE klinglEr ext 6260 1/15 9a-12p cpr nAncy cHArEttE ext 6557 1/31 1:30-4p HoW’S it going? Higs nEttiE klinglEr ext 6260 1/16 9a-12p coAcHing for improvED pErformAncE nEttiE klinglEr ext 6260 1/31 2-3:30p HAnD, WriSt & fingEr SAfEty nAncy cHArEttE ext 6557 1/16 10-11:30a muSEum tour BrAnDy BurkE ext 6088 2/5 10-11:30a inciDEnt invEStigAtion nAncy cHArEttE ext 6557 1/17 2-4p firSt AiD nAncy cHArEttE ext 6557 2/12 1-4p DEfEnSivE Driving nAncy cHArEttE ext 6557 Living History Performance of President Theodore Roosevelt “Theodore Roosevelt salutes the National Park Service” Living History portraying the 26th President of the United States Performed by Joe Wiegand 7:00pm, Thursday, January 10th, 2013 at the Shrine of the Ages “He was father of six children and author of over thirty books. He was a big game hunter, a leading ornithologist and founder of Boone & Crocket, the nation’s first fair hunting and conservation organization. During his Presidency, he declared some 230 million acres of national parks, national forests, wildlife refuges and national monuments. He was indeed, the great conservation president.” 4 pinyon press Issue 1 Winter Hiking Safety Every year, scores of unprepared hikers, lured by initially easy downhill hiking, experience severe illness, injury, or death from hiking in the canyon. Travel in Grand Canyon National Park’s backcountry has inherent risks and involves unavoidable hazards. Your safety depends upon your judgment, your experience, and a realistic assessment of your abilities. Winter Hiking Essentials Food – especially salty foods. Eat twice as much as normal. First Aid Kit – bandaids, ace wrap, antiseptic, moleskin, etc. A successful and safe winter hike depends on weather and routes, but realize that any hike can be affected by unforeseen natural occurrences. Routes and trails are susceptible to deterioration from rockslides. Weather, at any time of the year, can compromise an individual’s ability to cope with the psychological challenges of backcountry travel. Always be sure you have adequate food, water, and equipment to deal with the unexpected. Map – while many trails are well-marked, maps are helpful tools. Water – plain and some with electrolyte replacement. Pack – to carry the essentials. If you have doubts as to your ability to hike safely in the Grand Canyon, do not attempt to do so! All visitors should be aware that efforts to assist them may be delayed and limited due to weather, rescuer safety, and incident urgency. Flashlight/Spare Batteries – allows you to hike out at night. Appropriate Footwear - waterproof boots, gaiters to keep snow and mud out of your boots. Do not rely on physical strength alone, hiking smart will take you much farther. Use this information to hike smart. Over-the-shoe traction devices - it will only take a short and unexpected stretch of ice to make you glad you have extra traction. Some trails are more difficult than others to navigate in the winter. Stop by the Backcountry Information Center prior to your hike for a trail update. Pay close attention to the weather forecast. Winter travelers are reminded that precipitation patterns in Northern Arizona are quite variable. Just because it is the winter season doesn’t mean it looks or feels like winter on the ground. The following descriptions assume that winter has set in and that a snowpack exists on the North Kaibab Plateau. This is most likely to be the case January through March. Hiking Poles – to help with footing on icy trails. Whistle and/or Signal Mirror – for emergency use, know how to use your equipment. Waterproof/Warm Clothing – parka, hat, gloves for the snow and rain, plus an extra set of dry clothing – in case you get wet. Horizon Award - January 2013 Name: Rebecca Harrison Title: Administrative Assistant Department: Accounting Rebecca Harrison is the Quarterly Horizon Award winner and is currently the Accounting Department’s Administrative Assistant. Becka first started working for the company during the summers of 2006 - 2010 in Yellowstone. She worked in many capacities including GRA, Reservations Agent, and Front Desk Assistant Manager. She also worked the winters of 2007 – 2009 in Death Valley in positions such as Busser, Hostess, Front Desk clerk, etc. As you can see she is very well rounded. She came to the South Rim in October 2010 as a Front Desk Attendant. She worked her way up to Front Desk Lead before she was hired as the Accounting Admin Assistant. Within a month of arriving at the South Rim, she met the man she had been waiting her whole life for, John Harrison. They were married here at the canyon earlier this summer and he has hopefully curtailed her propensity to work in different parks – at least for a little while. Becka is the glue that holds the Accounting Department together. She is stellar in completing her duties and works well with all. She keeps track of what is happening in the Department and makes sure everything runs smoothly. We are often short staffed and she jumps right in and helps as needed while keeping up with the responsibilities of her own position. It is not uncommon for her to work three different positions on the same day. She is always willing to help on any project and she consistently maintains an attitude of cooperation. Numerous times a day guests come into the GO with all sorts of questions, she is very pleasant with her southern accent and thorough in assisting all of them. She takes our company’s cores values very seriously and makes sure the rest of us do not forget them. She keeps us laughing with a new joke every day so next time you come to the GO please congratulate Becka and ask her for the newest joke. Thank you Rebecca for being an important member of the accounting team and an invaluable asset to the South Rim. 5 pinyon press January 9th , 2013 Employees of the Month September, 2012 Name: William Gilliland Title: Assistant Restaurant Manager Department: F&B The Xanterra South Rim Management team is proud to announce that William Gilliland is the January 2013 Manager of the Month. William came to us as a Cocktail Server at El Tovar in 2004, and was quickly promoted to his current position of Assistant Restaurant Manager. For the first few years as an El Tovar Manager William was the night shift manager and in 2009 he became the day shift manager where he is responsible for the training of new servers and bussers to ensure that great El Tovar service is carried on. William’s willingness to take charge and make sure that the job gets done makes him stand out. His charm and wit make him a natural with the guests. His kindness in lending a helping hand makes him an outstanding person. When you find these qualities in a person you know they will make an outstanding manager. Please join us in saying THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS to William. Name: Christy Hill Title: Lookout Studio Assistant Store Manager Department: Retail Christy Hill started in March of 2008 in the Retail Department and was quickly promoted to Assistant Store Manager. Christy Hill is one of a kind. Christy demonstrates each core value on a daily basis. No one has a better attitude than Christy. She comes into work each and every day with a smile and a song which rolls on to the staff as well. She demonstrates her dedication to the company on a daily basis. Her customer service is beyond reproach. Each guest walks away having felt they were special. Christy is a great trainer and makes sure each associate has the tools they need in order to accomplish their job every day. Christy is respected by all associates, leads and assistants at the Lookout as well as the Bright Angel Gift Store. She is honest to the core. Christy enjoys walking to work and around the park for recreational fun as well. She is involved with the community with fund raisers and benefits that go on around the park. Christy is always candid. She lets everyone know how things need to be done and why. Christy’s teamwork efforts are reflective in her recent display of helping out at the Bright Angel Gift Store during inventory. During this inventory Christy worked at the Bright Angel Gift Store as well as the Lookout Studio to be sure all was organized and counted correctly. They moved up the Bright Angel inventory by three days and she was there each day to help get us ready and then went down to the Lookout Studio and got them in great shape before inventory. Christy is a complete package. She is smiling, laughing, working hard, training, checking into all problems that arise in a timely fashion and never complains. She sets a great example to all associates, leads and assistant managers. Life without Christy Hill would be empty to say the very least. Name: Curtis Johnson Title: Maswik Banquet Server Department: Food and Beverage The Food and Beverage Department is proud and honored to announce Curtis Johnson as January 2013 employee of the month. Curt came to work at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon from the Northwest area of the US in September of 2006, since his arrival he has been a key employee for the Maswik Banquet Department. Curt can be found performing many jobs, from working the train buffet to assisting in the pizza pub to being a banquet server at a wedding. During the season he assists with the holiday parties at Yavapai. His experience is valuable to the Food & Beverage Department, from standing in as a bartender to something as simple as hanging the lights for an event. On many occasions managers receive compliments and praises about Curt’s hard work and attitude. This is Curt’s second time being employee of the month and his name is mentioned often during departmental meetings, especially preparing the nominations for employee of the month. Curt loves his family and goes home as often as he can to visit. On his days off he can be found spending his time hiking and camping. We all can agree that he is in the right place. Thank you Curt for all your hard work, and we look forward to having you as a part of the Food & Beverage team for many years to come. 6 pinyon press Issue 1 Name: Doug Shields Title: Phantom Ranch Maintenance Department: Transportation Doug Shields is the Transportation Department employee of the month. Doug came to work at Phantom Ranch at the end of April 2012. He transferred from the Rim, where he was the HVAC supervisor. Doug hiked in to Phantom several times to help with HVAC issues before taking the engineering position at Phantom Ranch. He originally moved to the Grand Canyon in 1991 and hails from Virginia, but has moved around the country doing many different jobs over the years. It was his time working in the Everglades in Florida that gave him the kind of experience and skills to be able to do all the various jobs he attends to at Phantom Ranch. He says that every year after hurricane season he would be helping to rebuild the property; from cleaning up, carpentry, HVAC and anything else that needed to be done! He told us that he transferred from food and beverage to engineering after he had fixed “just one more weed-eater!” for the engineering department down in the Everglades. Since Doug has been at Phantom Ranch he has had to deal with pipeline breaks, power outages, equipment failure, composting and plumbing issues that are unique in the way things get fixed and repaired, being all the way at the bottom of the Canyon! Doug seems to be able to fix just about anything and if he can’t do it himself, he always finds a way to get it done! He’s really great at problem solving and is teaching himself new skills all the time. Working maintenance at Phantom makes Doug a jack of all trades. Doug likes traveling, downhill skiing, hiking and is a painter and woodcarver. He also enjoys reading mysteries. He spends his off time on the Rim with his longtime partner Kathleen. Name: Emanuel Webb Title: Maswik Porter Department: Rooms Emanuel Webb is the Rooms Department employee of the month for January. Emanuel came back to the park and porters in May 2012 and has been a great employee. Emanuel usually works B shift at Maswik Lodge and does very well in working with everyone around him. The front desk staff at Maswik is always happy to see Emanuel as they know he will be prompt with his deliveries and the guests will be happy. He always keeps up on his calls (generally by running from call to call), keeps his lodge looking good, and is always willing to help out whenever needed. If someone calls out sick for C shift he is always the first one to volunteer to stay late to help. Emanuel has worked some very long shifts this summer / fall and always comes to work full of energy with a smile on his face ready to deal with whatever the evening has in store for him. If he happens to be scheduled at a different lodge for the night he will ask to be switched back to Maswik because he enjoys working there so much. Emanuel is always SUPER friendly and helpful with the guests and has received several compliments from both guests and the front desk. Thanks Emanuel for all you do and we hope you stay in the department for a very long time because you are fantastic. Name: Brian “Smitty” Smith Title: Firefighter Department: Risk Brian came to the South Rim as an entry level Firefighter in July of 2011 with exceptional training from the Monterey Peninsula College Fire Academy and years of experience from California State Parks and Zayante Fire Protection District. Brian trained and was promoted to the Driver/Operator level in April of 2012, which means that he is responsible for driving the Fire Engine to and from calls, operating the pump system to get water to the emergency and ensuring the safety of all Fire personnel riding on the Engine. Recently, Brian was a key element in the successful extinguishment of a structural fire on Ponderosa Street and the rescue of a dog from the burning building. Brian has logged hundreds of hours volunteering as an Emergency Medical Technician for the NPS, has helped to foster a better relationship with the NPS branch of Emergency Services and is attending a Paramedic program in Flagstaff. Brian has been awarded with Employee of the Month for F&S for his keen attention to detail, his solid dedication to training and safety, his willingness to tackle any task to the best of his ability, his initiative for improving daily operations and efficiency and for his positive attitude. Brian is an excellent Firefighter, a knowledgeable and efficient Driver/Operator and will make a fine candidate for Structural Fire Company Officer in the future. From all of us at F&S and at the Grand Canyon Fire Department we congratulate Brian on his award and thank him for his commitment to make our department better every day. 7 pinyon press January 9th , 2013 Job Well done! 2013 Rent Increase Employees that were recognized by their supervisor for extra efforts on the job. Our housing rents here at the South Rim have not changed in twenty-one years but we will see a rent increase effective February 2013. Employee Department Angie Speikes Manager Rooms Louis Santos HR Sally Wahler Clarissa Munoz Transportation Glenn Dedman Cecil Whitaker Rooms Marinda Kootshongsie Chivone Thomas Bob Yarnell HR Sally Wahler Joe Morales Rooms Kandi Greear Ambrose Shorty Engineering Diana Wadsworth Eleanor Perez Retail Diana Wadsworth Robert Napier Retail Diana Wadsworth Bill Homan Retail Diana Wadsworth Tom Powell Rooms Jill Brown Nathaniel Shorty Rooms Eron Padzeinny Regis Perkins Rooms Kevin Huegelet F&B After conducting a rent survey this past fall, we are confident that the Xanterra South Rim rental rates will remain very competitive in comparison with other local entities and the rates offered in other national parks. • Dorm rent will increase from .40 cents per hour worked to .42 cents per hour worked, or a maximum of $16.00 per week to $16.80 per week. • Trailer site rent will increase $10.00 to $100.00 per month. • Efficiency apartment rent will increase $10.00 to $175.00 for a dormitory efficiency and $190.00 for Coconino efficiency. • One Bedroom apartment rent will increase $10.00 to $230.00 per month. Louis Santos • Two bedroom apartment rent will increase $20.00 to $320.00 per month. Matthew Wilder Jasmine Hoffman Rooms Jeff Lashley Bernadine Koots Rooms Jeff Lashley Jason Mcroy Rooms Jeff Lashley Christopher Saltmarsh Rooms Jeff Lashley Jonathan Sam Rooms Jeff Lashley • All one bedroom duplexes, two bedroom and three bedroom houses will see a $20.00 per month rent increase. Gloria Smith Rooms Jeff Lashley • All four bedroom houses will see a $25.00 per month increase. Dan Henigan Rooms Jeff Lashley Sherena Grebb Rooms Jeff Lashley Laverda Brown Rooms Jeff Lashley Walter Berutto Rooms Jeff Lashley All rent receipts are used to help offset housing department expenses which include labor; cleaning and paper supplies; maintenance expenses and utilities to name just a few. In January, you will see information posted about the process to complete a new housing agreement prior to February 1st. Cynthia Robertson F&B • Three Bedroom apartment rent will increase $20.00 to $380.00 per month. Jill Brown You can see Mike Reilly or Kathleen Akan with any questions. Blankets for Babies This is a new year, and I think if everybody were to make a positive out of every negative, we might be a happier bunch. So with that said, I have a suggestion: I contacted the Flagstaff hospital at the Maternity Ward. They could always use more baby blankets, hats, and booties. If you can crochet or knit, please make what you can. If you can’t, please make a donation to me, so I can get more yarn. I will give you a receipt for your donation of any cash, yarn, or items made for next year’s taxes. I am naming the charity BLANKETS FOR BABIES. Any kind of donation will help and I will keep all of those who donate a monthly report. My name is Kelly and I live at Colter Hall. You will usually find me in the TV room crocheting but you can contact me in room 23 or call my cell at 928-380-2079. 8 pinyon press Issue 1 Emplo yee Cafe Menu The Employee Cafeteria is a cash only facility. Credit/Debit Cards are not accepted. Meal tickets for use at the Employee Cafeteria are provided at the Benefits Office in the Human Resources Building for $40.00 for a sheet of 10. The $40 will be taken out of your next paycheck. Please see the ECafe cashier before ordering to ensure the Meal Coupon will cover the costs. The Benefits Office is open weekdays from 8:00am-Noon and 1:00-5:00pm. Hours of Operation Breakfast 6:00-10:45am Lunch & Dinner 11:15am-8:00pm Items Available Daily Breakfast Daily Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .00 Edge of the Ledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .50 Pancake One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75¢ Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .25 French Toast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .25 2 Egg Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .00 Omelet Any Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .50 Country Fried Steak & Eggs . . . . . $3 .00 Biscuits & Gravy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .50 Bowl of Oatmeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75¢ Cold Cereal w/ Milk . . . . . . . . . . . .$1 .60 Cinnamon Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .00 Croissant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85¢ Breakfast Side Orders Muffin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95¢ Danish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .20 Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75¢ Country Gravy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75¢ Bagel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80¢ 2 Biscuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55¢ 3 Slices of Bacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60¢ Sausage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90¢ Yogurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75¢ English Muffin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40¢ 2 Slices of Toast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35¢ Ham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90¢ Lunch and Dinner Entrées Grilled Trout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 .00 Hamburger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .00 Double . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .50 Add Cheese Slice . . . . . . . . . . . . + .25¢ Add Bacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + .60¢ Vegetarian Burger . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .00 Grilled Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .85 Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .85 Ham & Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .00 B .L .T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .45 Roast Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .50 Pizza Slice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1 .00 Salad Bar (Per Ounce) . . . . . . . . . . .20¢ Beef or Chicken Burrito . . . . . . . . $2 .50 Beef or Chicken Quesadilla . . . . . $2 .50 Hot Dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .25 Chili Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .75 Chili Bowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .75 Vegetarian Chili Bowl . . . . . . . . . $1 .75 Spaghetti Marinara . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .00 Spaghetti Meatballs . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .50 Vegetarian, Beef or Chicken Stir Fry Over Noodles or Rice . . $2 .50 Vegetarian Wrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .50 Mac & Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .50 Grilled Zucchini, Tomato, and Olives over Pasta . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .00 Vegetarian Spaghetti . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .50 Meatball Parmesan Sub . . . . . . . . . $2 .50 Beef or Fish Sliders . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .50 Daily Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 .00 Lunch and Dinner Entrées cont. Philly Cheese Steak . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .50 Chicken Breast Sandwich . . . . . . . $2 .50 Chili Burger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .50 Meatloaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .50 Fried Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .50 Tuna Sandwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .50 Lunch and Dinner Side Orders Mashed Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50¢ Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50¢ Daily Vegetable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50¢ French Fries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55¢ Onion Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65¢ Fruit Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .60 Soup (8 oz .) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .60 Extra Meat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .35 Beverages Soda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60¢-85¢ Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75¢ Hot Tea & Cocoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40¢ Juice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95¢-$1 .30 Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65¢- .85¢ Soy Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80¢ Gookinaid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90¢ Rock Star Energy Drink . . . . . . . . .$1 .30 Treats Gum & Mints . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35¢- .50¢ Chips, Candy, and Snacks . . . .40¢-$1 .15 Desserts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65¢-$1 .25 Menus and Prices are subject to change without notice 9 pinyon press January 9th , 2013 Community Corner Community postings, classified ads and announcements can be submitted to Classified Ad Forms can be found in the dorms or Human Resources. All posts must include your name and contact phone number. Deadline for ads is Wednesday by 2pm before publication Van for Sale 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan, 156,000 mi Deadlines for the Pinyon Press (2013) $2500 Contact Louis Sabo at (928)225-5404 Car for Sale 2000 Ford Focus - new engine, good condition $3,000 Deadlines for the Pinyon Press will always be on the Wednesday between pay-days. Any article or community corner posting that arrives after these dates will most likely not appear until the next printing of the Pinyon Press. I will always try to contact submitters so they know when they can expect to see their article or classified ad. Contact Wipawadee Taluengjit at (928)890-9171 January 2nd May 8th September 11th January 16th May 22nd September 25th 2006 Komfort 5th Wheel, rated for all 4 Seasons, tile flooring, ceiling fan, lots of storage, super clean. Located in GCR RV Park, Williams. $25,500 OBO. January 30th June 5th October 9th February 13th June 19th October 23rd February 27th July 2nd November 6th Contact Helen Bixby at (951)858-5955. March 13th July 17th November 20th March 27th July 31st December 4th April 10th August 14th December 17th April 24th August 28th 5th Wheel For Sale Dress Sale Holiday designer dress for sale (red carpet quality) $50 Contact Susan at (928)594-3478 T Wreks the Trainer Join the Community Choir WHAT: Personal Training Services Rehearsals every Tuesday night at 7pm in the Music Room of the Grand Canyon Unified School Building 200. Contact Mr. Monk Printer Repair Needed I need someone to repair my HP all-in-one printer. I don’t have a phone, but I can be contacted at Comparing Notes on Computer OS Are you interested in GNU/Linux and other open-source operating systems? Want to compare notes, share tips and tricks, and discuss Free Software with other like-minded individuals? Contact Jackson at (435) 767-1671 or rivercityrandom@gmail. com. I’ll see if I can’t get something going. WHO: National Academy of Sports Medicine(NASM) Certified Personal Trainer – Terri Attridge WHERE: I am a NASM certified personal trainer. I am a female looking to work in the comfort of your own home –orthe Grand Canyon Community Recreation Center. PRICE: I will charge $20 for a 45min session and $100 for a bulk of 5 sessions. I am confident that I can help you reach your goals. Please contact me with any questions that you may have. I will help you reach your new year’s resolutions. Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. Best- Trainer Terri :) or call 908.399.2698 forming a D&D Next Playtest Group I’m looking for a few people out there who would be interested in forming a D&D Next group to play the new style that Wizards of the Coast is working on. I am hoping to find 3-5 people with an interest in the game and I am more than willing to help new players learn how to play. Right now I’m just trying to see if there is interest, if I can get at least 3 others who want to play, though, we can get together and go over a schedule. Call Daniel at 928-848-6224 if you’re interested. 10 pinyon press Issue 1 Job opportunities the positions below are open to current employees who have worked in their current department for at least 90 days or with permission from their supervisor. to apply for a posted position, complete an application available in the Human Resources Office. Current and complete postings are displayed at the Human Resources Office. engineering Boiler Technician I Boiler Technician II Carpenter II Historical Preservation Maintenance Craftsperson II Plumber III food & beverage Assistant Restaurant Manager Dining Room Busperson Food & Beverage Server retail Desert View Retail Associate Desert View Snack Bar Attendant Retail Associate risk ManageMent Security Officer PhantoM ranCh Cook i suPervisor Oversee kitchen operation to prepare guest and employee meals including sack lunches. Prepare meals with conformity to specs including portion control and guest reservation count. Provide ongoing training for cooks in food production and kitchen operations. Responsible for maintaining ServeSafe HACCP food sanitation program. Work with Phantom Ranch Manager to control inventory and food costs. Responsible for submitting the weekly food order, taking into account seasonal business levels. Check food items delivered by packers and utilize first in, first out product rotation. Report any kitchen equipment problems to the Ranch Manager or Assistant immediately. Ensure that all safety and risk management policies and procedures are being adhered to, including the use of personal protective equipment and MSDS sheets. Adhere to all Ranch environmental policies. Work with Ranch Manager on purchase requests for special items and/or equipment. Accompany park Sanitarian and/or public health service evaluators on inspections of kitchen facilities; and correct any discrepancies noted. Other duties as assigned. seCurity offiCer Insure the safety and security of all Xanterra South Rim properties by making at least two checks of the patrol zones per shift. Assist National Park Service Law Enforcement on scene, and follow instructions/directives given by scene commander. Maintain a prorooMs fessional working relationship with National Park Service Law Enforcement. Resolve Switchboard Operator situations within your control and within guidelines established by Risk Management, transPortation the Security Department and National Park Service Law Enforcement. Escort AccountCNG Bus Mechanic I ing personnel on cash runs and deposit runs, providing security escort service to the AcInterpretive Tour Driver counting personnel. Compile daily logs and write incident reports in timely and accuPhantom Ranch Cook I Supervisor rate manner. Interact with Housing Department personnel in making rounds through Trail Guide II employee housing areas, and assisting as needed and/or requested. Enroll, attend and Transportation Desk Clerk successfully complete ongoing training classes as determined by the Security Lieutenant and the Fire & Security Captain. Perform BAT and Urinalysis testing on employees per company policy as needed. Adhere to all safety, Risk Management and environmental policies. May be called upon to assist in the handling, storage and/or disposal of hazardous materials Other duties as assigned. p J obs M ay C lose P rior to t iMe of P rinting p 11 Grand canyon community recreation center GRAND CANYON RECREATION CENTER 928-638-3389 - f www .G rand c anyon r ec . orG m on , w ed , F ri : s un , t ue , t hr , s at : shoPPinG and out oF town triPs 5:30 am — 9 Pm 6 am — 9 Pm Friday niGht Flix @ 7:00Pm 01/10 – Williams Safeway & Lunch ($10) 01/27 – Prescott Shopping ($20) 01/30 – Flagstaff Shopping ($15) 01/11 – Looper (R) 01/12 – Monument Valley Day Trip ($35) 01/19 – Tusayan Bowling Night ($1) 01/21 – Montezuma Castle NM ($20) 01/24 – NAU Basketball Game ($15) 01/25 – Flagstaff Downtown & Movie ($15) 01/18 – Hit & Run (R) 01/25 – Taken 2 (PG-13) 01/15-01/17 – Laughlin 3-Day/2-Night Trip ($70) 01/18-01/19 – Williams Overnight Train Trip ($30) 02/01 – End of Watch (R) sPecial events at the rec center 01/09 – Poker Night FREE 01/12 – Intro to Table Tennis FREE 01/14 – English Tea FREE 01/16 – Pool Tournament - $3 Per Entry 01/23 – Jeopardy! FREE 01/28 – Table Tennis Tournament FREE KaraoK e Pla n e t! 6 weekly events at the rec center *Sunday Coed Volleyball at GCHS Gym @5p FREE *Sunday Open Gym Basketball @7p FREE Monday Drop in Table Tennis @10a & @6p FREE *Friday Night Flix @7p FREE mondays Video Workout Kids Ballet Line Dancing 6:00a-6:30a 4:30p-5:15p 5:00p-9:00p 5:45p-7:00p Video Workout Kids Yoga Dungeons & Dragons Yin Yoga tuesdays Wednesdays 5:30a-6:30a 8:30a-9:30a 9:45a-10:15a 5:45p-7:00p Video Workout Beginners Yoga Preschool Yoga Yoga Basics 6:00a-6:30a 6:00p-7:00p Win a triP For tWo to laS VeGaS, nV Video Workout Aerobic Dance Fridays 5:30a-6:30a 7:00p-Close Video Workout Movie Night! Saturdays 6:00a-6:30a 11:30a-12:15p Video Workout Bountiful Baskets Sundays 6:00a-6:30a 11:00a-4:00p 9 pM January 26th 2013 thursdays 5:30a-6:30a 4:30p-5:45p 6:30p-7:30p pM- Video Workout Canyon Quilters All adult participants are eligible to enter a drawing for a FREE trip for two to Las Vegas. You may enter each time you participate in selected Community Recreation Center programs and activities through March 31, 2013. The drawing will take place on April 1. The FREE trip includes motor-coach transportation and 2-nights of lodging (double occupancy) for two adults in conjunction with the Rec Center Program Las Vegas trip scheduled for May 2013. You need not be a member of the Grand Canyon Community Recreation Center to participate in the drawing. You do, however, have to be 18 years of age or older to participate in the drawing.
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