Immaculate Heart of Mary


Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Good News of
Immaculate Heart of Mary
September 6, 2015
Parish & School Staff
Father Bob Sims, Pastor
Father’s Emergency Number (317) 727-2667
Joan Lile, Youth Minister
Anna Harvey, Business Manager
Kelli Ayres, Administrative Assistant
Katie Graf, Administrative Assistant
Jeanne Whaley, Office Assistant
Karen Winternheimer, Accounts Payable
Carey Landry, Music Coordinator
Ronda Swartz, Principal
Tammy Misinski, Assistant Principal
Hayley Nester, School Secretary
Richard Foran, Facilities Manager
Kim Elkins, Assistant to the Pastoral Associate
Jose Moreno, Custodial Services
How to contact the Staff:
Church Office: 317-257-2266
School Office: 317-255-5468
School Fax: 317-475-7379
Bulletin Submissions: (deadline 9am Monday)
School & Church Contacts:
first initial, last name
The Mission of
Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Immaculate Heart of Mary parish strives
to be a vibrant Catholic community with the
Gospel of Jesus Christ as our guide. We invite
those who seek to strengthen their spirituality
and develop their relationships with God
through our dynamic liturgy, life long learning,
and sharing faith within and outside
our community.
Artist: Jody Flynn
5692 Central Avenue | Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 | 317-257-2266
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Stewardship for:
August 30, 2015 TBA next week
Dear IHM Community,
“Did not God choose those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that he
promised to those who love him?” (James 2:5)
What is more important – being rich in faith or rich in possessions? Society teaches us that
possessions are most important. God teaches a different lesson. When we are rich in faith
we know that material things really do not matter and we are more willing to share what we
Fr. Bob
The 11:15 am Sunday Mass begins again on September 20, 2015
The parish office will be closed Monday, Sept. 7th for Labor Day.
Schedule of Masses
Mon., Sept 7
9:00 am (off site)
Tri-Parish Mass at St. Joan of
Arc Church
Tue., Sept. 8
8:15 am (chapel)
The Nativity of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Catherine Pilotte
By the Whaley Family
Wed., Sept. 9
5:30 pm (chapel) St. Peter Claver, Priest
Jim & Gretchen Cain
(50th Wedding Anniv)
By Boots Kervin
Thurs., Sept. 10
8:15 am (chapel) Weekday
Bill Hickey
By Don Beckerich
Fri., Sept. 11
8:20 am / School
IHM Boulevard Place Food
Pantry Volunteers
Carolyn Katherine &
Elizabeth Grace
By the Cadili Family
Sat., Sept. 12
5:30 pm
Vigil: 24th Ordinary
Sun., Sept. 13
8:00 am
Twenty-Fourth Sunday
For the People of IHM
in Ordinary Time
10:00 am
Outdoor Mass
John Brady
By the Perry Family
Servers & Lectors
Sat., Sept. 12
Sun., Sept. 13
Thank you
5:30 pm servers
Anna Pruitt, Owen Teed, Genevieve Meyers
5:30 pm lectors
Karen Jinnett, Bryan Jinnett
8:00 am servers
8:00 am lectors
Stephen Bourgeois, Jim Roe
10:00 am servers
Timmy McNelis, Zach Konvolinka, Maggie Schaffer,
Whitney Nester
10:00 am lectors
Nick Zyromski, Kelly Todd
Thank you for your continued
support of IHM.
Sunday Eucharist: 8:00 & 9:30 am.
11:15 am 3rd weekend of September
until (but not including) Memorial Day
Weekdays: Varies. Please consult the
Mass Schedule.
Saturday: 5:30 p.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
4:30 pm Saturday or by Appointment.
Infant Baptisms
All baptisms take place at one of the
weekend Masses chosen by parents.
One preparation class for first time
parents is required. New parents are
encouraged to attend prior to the birth
of the child. Godparents are welcome
as well. Classes are held the first Monday of February, April, June, August,
October & December from 7:30 –9:00
pm. Please call the parish office for the
class you will attend.
Engaged couples must start their
preparation at least six months prior to
the wedding. Preparation includes work
with a sponsor couple and Tobit. A
person must be registered & active for
6 months BEFORE plans will be discussed.
Holy Orders
Priesthood or Vocation as a Religious
Sister or Brother. Those considering
entering the Priesthood or a Religious
vocation, please contact our Pastor or
the Archdiocesan vocation Office.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion is offered Monday
through Friday at 15 minute intervals
from 7:00-8:00 a.m. in the Chapel.
New Registrations
Please visit our website at
or call the Parish Office at 257-2266.
IHM Events & This Week at IHM
This Week at IHM
Donations Needed for IHM Illumination Live & Silent Auctions
We need your help to make the IHM Community’s biggest fundraiser a success. Money raised at the 2015 IHM Illumination Gala
will be a critical part of the IHM church and school budget for
the next two years, until the next Illumination event in 2017.
The live and silent auction is the primary fundraiser of the evening, and always fun. To meet our goals, we need all possible auction items contributed, especially:
 Vacation homes. Use of local lake homes, timeshare condos
or houses in any destination.
 Concert tickets, sports and golf course packages—as many as
possible, they are always a favorite.
 Themed events - a day of pampering, shopping excursion, etc
Get together with your friends and think about an experience you
can provide as a group, like the 80’s Party, Cinco de Mayo and Pig
Roast that have been hosted in prior years. We welcome and appreciate all donations and they are tax deductible.
If you would like to donate or know someone who would,
please contact one of the Illumination committee chairs:
Jennifer Gause at or Emily Bruns at Additional information is located on our website
The Sixth Illumination Gala will be held on Saturday, Nov. 7th,
starting at 6:00 pm at the Crane Bay Event Center in Downtown
Indianapolis. Mark your calendars for an amazing nieght of fellowship, food and fun, while raising essential funds for IHM
Church and School. The event includes a sit-down dinner, open
bar, live and silent auction, and dancing to live music by Greta
Mothers Ministry - MOMS I – Fall 2015
The kids are back to school and another year has begun. Why not take
some time for yourself ? The Mothers’ Ministry will be offering a fall
session of Ministry of Moms Sharing (MOMS). MOMS I will begin
Tuesday, September 8th through November 10th at 7:00 p.m. MOMS I
will be facilitated by Liz Elias and Suzi Spahr. MOMS I is a 10-week
program meeting one night per week for mothers of all ages, with children of all ages. Enjoy the support of others as you take time to reflect
and grow spiritually through this wonderful journey! It is also a wonderful way to meet other mothers throughout the parish! Give yourself the
gift of MOMS! Please register online at
mothers-ministry-reborn-code. If you have any questions, please contact
IHM Trash Bag Sale!
IHM has the bags for Fall clean up! Choose Yellow, White or
Blue bags. Each roll is $10 or a case of 10 rolls for $90. We will
mix and match cases. Make checks payable to IHM. Please contact Christine Zweber Konvolinka at 317-697-7757 to get your
September 7
6:30 am
September 8
6:30 am
8:15 am
Yoga from a Christian Gth Spc
11:00 am
50+ Luncheon
Gth Spc
3:05 pm
ASE Lego Robotics,
Conf rm 1
6:30 pm
6:30 am
10:30 am
Fifth Grade / Florey
1:00 pm
Marian Movement of Chapel
Priests Rosary Cenacle
3:05 pm
ASE Karate,
Mad Science,
Public Speaking
Gth Spc,
Sci Lab,
7:30 pm
IHM Athletic Comm
Gth Spc
September 10 6:30 am
3:05 pm
ASE Ballet,
Watch Me Sculpt
Gth Spc,
Art Room
7:00 pm
Bereavement Ministry Gth Spc
September 9
September 11 6:30 am
3:00 pm
Act Ctr
3:05 pm
ASE Flag Football,
Green spc
Gth Spc
September 12 2:30 pm
Schellinger ~ Miller
September 13 10:00 am
Parish Outdoor Mass
& Picnic
Café, GS,
Parish Conf
& Act Ctr
Fall Blood Drive
Fall blood drive will take place Sunday Sept 20 from 8:30 am to
1pm in the Gathering Space. Photo ID required. Please come and
share your gift of life.
Visitors & New Parishioners—
Are Always Welcome
Feel free to call the parish office at 257-2266 with any questions.
You may join our parish online by visiting our website: under “I’m New”. There is also New Parishioner
Information in the Central Ave entrance.
Parish Ministries & Notes
Eucharistic Minister Schedule
September 5 & 6
Saturday 5:30 pm Mass: Sue Foxx—Coordinator
Vickie Christ, John Christ, Joel O’Brien, Mary O’Brien,
Bailey O’Brien, Lenore Schmitz, Anita Wallis
Sunday, 8:00 am Mass: Ruth Durbin—Coordinator
Susan Wiggenhorn, Mary Ann Klein, Joe Klein, Ron Wallace,
Amanda Houchens
Sunday, 10:00 am Outdoor Mass: Paula Clendenin—
Coordinator Paula Clendenin, Tatiana Foroud, Meredith
Hangner, Brian Henderson, Louise Henderson, Vickie Walsh,
Ashli Pettibone
Youth Ministry News
Confirmation 2016
The Confirmation Program will begin September 20th at
IHM. If your child is a sophomore or above who has not been
Confirmed, please register online at, click on
Youth Ministry, then Confirmation. The cost is $60.00 for everything, including retreat and Youth Catechism. Call Joan at
257-2266 or email at with any questions.
National Catholic Youth Conference
Last call for all High School Youth who want to attend NCYC
this November. Registrations are due by September 10. Late
registration is open tillSeptember 30, but there will be a $40 late
fee. Join 25,000 teens from around the country, sharing faith,
food, and fun November 19-21. Call Joan at 257-2266 or email
at with any questions
Lunch Bunch visit to Chatard – Thursday, September 10th
Visiting students at lunch.
Parish Picnic – Sunday, September 13th (Volunteer to run the
kids games)
All Jr. High and High School invited to help –
great service hours.
Becoming an Intentional Mother
Intentional: adj. Purposeful; planned; intentional; deliberate. As busy mothers in an increasingly complex world, we
often feel like we’re just surviving—doing what we can to
get through the day. As we flit from one activity to the
next, we don’t stop to consider our larger purpose in
life. Yet sometimes God calls us to focus more specifically, to approach the season of motherhood with intention. He invites us to narrow the breadth of our experience, to go deep instead of wide. Discover the peace that
comes from purposeful parenting as Carla Miller, a
mother of triplets and a certified life coach, shares how
God allowed a series of circumstances to force intentionality upon her.
50+ Luncheon and Speaker
Please join us in the Gathering Space on Tuesday, September
8, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Karen and Bryan Jinnett will present "Highlights of Scandinavia” - the land of stunning scenery,
hugely enjoyable cities and high taxes. Travel with us to Scandinavia, Copenhagen and St. Petersburg with special side trips out
into the countryside for interesting day trips. We will include
tips and ideas for how to arrive early for an organized tour date
and do some independent exploring on your own, or consider a
cruise rather than a land tour. After 20 years of exploring
Europe on our own, we are always delighted to have the opportunity to share our experiences with other fellow travel enthusiasts.
$8.00 per person, $15.00 per couple. Parking will be available
on the school playground. Please RSVP to Jeanne
at or call 257-2266.
Lunch Bunch visit to Cathedral – Thursday, September 17th
Visiting students at lunch.
Confirmation Parent and Candidate Class – Sunday, September 20th
First Confirmation Class – Parents and Teen – Register by August 15th Open to sophomores and above.
Saints in the Street – Service Day at St. Anthony’s – Saturday,
October 3rd
Sweep the streets, pick up trash, work on making yards nice
Jr. High and High School.
Joan Lile, Youth Minister - 317-257-2266 / email:
Facebook - IHMindy.YM.
Website: - click on Youth Ministry
Sponsored by the Mothers Ministry, the conversation will
take place on Wednesday, September 23, at 7:00 p.m. in
the Gathering Space. We will welcome donations of
baby gift items (pacifiers, diapers, small toys) that evening
to include in the New Blessings/Mothers Ministry gift basket for the Illumination
auction. Please join us!
Growing in the Faith
Outdoor Mass and Parish Pitchin: September 13
The annual Outdoor Mass will be held this year
at 10:00 am on Sunday, September 13.
Prepare to contribute to the pitch-in with your favorite side dishes, salads and desserts to accompany our
local boy scout troop’s hot dogs and hamburgers. Set
the date on the calendar now and don't forget lawn
chairs or blankets.
Meditation Class Offered
Meditation has long been part of the Jewish-Christian
tradition. As technology and industry have allowed
life to get busier, it is difficult to carve out silence in
our daily life. Yet as we hear in the readings (1 Samuel
3:3-10) when we are silent, we can hear God speaking. Faith Formation Commission is offering a Meditation Class from Thursday, September 10, 2015 Thursday, October 29, 2015. Class will be from 10:00
am to 2:00 pm in the Gathering Space. If you have an
interest in this class RSVP to
Becoming Catholic
Have you been thinking for years about becoming a
Catholic? Now is your chance. The first step is to
simply inquire. Is this the right path for me? Contact
Mark Center at or call Kim
Elkins at the Parish Office 317-257-2266.
Preschool Religion
At the present moment, there is no leadership for
Preschool Religion. If you are committed to seeing
the program continue as an option for parents during
the 9:30 am Mass, please call Kim Elkins at the parish
office 317-257-2266.
Pope Francis has asked the Church, the people of
God throughout the world, to celebrate the gift of
consecrated life throughout 2015. We will pause as a
parish to do that during and after Masses on September 26-27. We will pray in a special way for vocations
to the religious life and have a time for fellowship to
learn more about Congregations of Sisters and Brothers ministering in our Archdiocese. Please join us!
Dates for 2015-2016
Labor Day
September 7
Outdoor Mass and Picnic September 13 10:00 am
First Reconciliation Meeting September 14 7:00 pm
Sunday Family Faith Reception
September 20
Sunday Family Faith Orientation September 27
November 7
Women's CRHP
November 14 -15
November 29
Ash Wednesday
February 10
Easter Sunday
March 27
First Communion
April 30
Wednesday, September 2nd
Wednesday, October 7th
Wednesday, November 4th
The Church will be open from 6:30 am to 9:00
am for adoration and prayer.
Birth Announcements
We have a ministry at Immaculate Heart of persons who
prepare meals for families with a newborn at home. And,
we like to print the Birth Announcement in the bulletin so
that the parish can pray for the family. Please inform the
front office upon the arrival of your little one, AND please
call on behalf of the family with the newborn.
A Christian who is too
attached to riches has lost his
Diocese & Community Events
From the Diocese
Missionary Outreach September 5 & 6
The Glenmary Sisters were founded in 1941 and have been serving as living examples of Christ’s love in action in the rural,
small town mission areas of America for over 60 years. There is
a tremendous amount of spiritual and material poverty right
here in the U.S.
These Sisters minister to all God’s people regardless of their
race, reed or lifestyle through compassionate outreach and ecumenical efforts. Sister Sharon Miller will be at our parish on
Sept. 5 & 6 to tell us about their ministry. To learn more
about the Glenmary Sisters please visit
From the Community
Parish Information Session
Families of Immaculate Heart of Mary 6th, 7th and 8th grade
students, please join us for the Bishop Chatard High School
Information Session Sunday, September 27th 7:00 pm to
8:30 pm in the Gathering Space at Immaculate Heart of Mary.
This is an opportunity for families to learn more about the academic, extra-curricular and faith-based programs offered at
Bishop Chatard High School from current students, teachers
and administrators. For questions on the enrollment process,
please contact Tyler Mayer, Vice-President of Institutional Advancement at or (317) 251-1451
ext. 2228.
Right to Life 33rd Annual Celebrate Life
Fundraising Dinner
Tuesday, September 29
Indianapolis Convention Center
6 pm Reception
6:45 Dinner and Awards
8 pm Keynote address by Dr. Alveda King
Tables are filling up fast! Don't miss your chance to hear one of
our nation's premier voices for the civil rights of preborn children. Register online at or call (317) 582-1526
to register.
Day of Reflection for the Laity
Holy Matrimony: Sacrament of Christ in His Church
(Eph 5:32)
October 10, 2015 with His Eminence Raymond Cardinal
Burke, at Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center, 8220 West
State Road 48, Bloomington IN 47404 Phone: (812) 825-4642
Ext. 1. Email: Cost $35 includes
Lunch. Limited space and seating so reserve early!
Evening of Reflection for Women
Seton Women’s Club invites you to join them Tuesday, September 29, 2015 for “Treasures to a Terrific Life” starting with
Mass at 6pm in the Nave and followed by a catered gourmet
dinner. Author and IHM parishioner, Annie Reist will talk about
seeing the Gifts of Grace which are sprinkled throughout your
daily life, and reflection, to bring you closer to God. For more
information or to register please contact Cathy Weber 317-5699301.
Hole-y-One Golf Scramble
The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods have
scheduled their 13th annual Hole-y-One Golf Scramble
for Friday, Sept. 25, at Hulman Links Golf Course. Cost for a
four-player team is $400. Single player cost is $100. Cost for a
hole sponsorship is $200, and other sponsorships are available.
Morning and afternoon tee times are available. For more information or to register, call 812-535-2802,
email or log on to
Catholic Lacrosse Club
FREE Fall Clinics for new and experienced players. October
3rd and 10th for boys and girls entering grades 2 through 8 who
attend a North Deanery school or are in good standing as a parishioner of a North Deanery church. Check it out for the first
time, or come to sharpen your skills. No gear required for new
players. To register, or for more information, please contact
Brenden Fitzgerald at
Pilgrims & Supporters...Save the Date!
Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land (FFHL)
Those who have traveled to the Holy Land, and those who are
called to support our Christian brothers and sisters in the Holy
Land, are invited to attend our Indiana Region Benefit Dinner at
the JW Marriott Downtown on the evening of October 3, 2015.
It will be a special evening with a reception, silent auction, and
dinner. Our keynote speaker, Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University, will speak about the challenges facing Christians who wish to receive a quality education for employment opportunities that will allow them a positive future in
the Holy Land. This event is an amazing opportunity to connect with fellow pilgrims and to safeguard the Christian presence in the Holy Land. For more information pleae contact the
FFHL Phone 317-574-4191 email: website:
Fall Conference
In the World, Not of the World Fall Conference hosted by
Lumen Christi Catholic School, 581 Stevens Street Indianapolis
IN 46230. 10:00 am - 3:30 pm. Saturday, September 26.
Mass & Panel Discussion. Talks by Fr. Christopher Roberts.
“Under Our Lady’s Mantle: The Missionary Nature of the Family” and
Fr. John Hollowell. “Schrewd as Serpents: The Clhallenge of Evangelizing Our World”. $15 includes lunch. To sign up email:
Parish Joys & Concerns
Baptisms - Baptism Class - Membership
Please Pray
Please Welcome to Our Community:
Please pray for these members of the
IHM Community and their caregivers: Luke Ungerer (Son of Scott & Sheila)
Mike Plaaman (Relative of Paula Clendenin), Ron Lowe (Father of Scott Lowe),
Bowen Brant, David Linebarger, Sue
Bramlett, Chase Clark, Willie Flanagan
(Mary Ann Wallace’s Sister), Mary Rose
Miller, William Otter (Father of Kathy Gunn),
Matt Pivec, Brooke Hasler (Granddaughter of Edith
Vasu), Kathryn Monbouquette, Roger Broderick,
Jane Jones, Maeve Bigelow, Katherine Free (Ed Free’s
Mother), Rosemary Schilder, Clara Handshoe (IHM
Teacher, Jenny Handshoe’s daughter), David Weber,
Jo Ann Cady, Brad McNulty, Brock Cagann, and all of our frail
Add to this list by calling the Parish Office, 257-2266.
Cooper Philip Dunlap—Baptism date: 9/12/2015
Son of Robert & Kristine Dunlap
Thomas William Lee—Baptism date: 9/12/2015
Son of Jason & Meagan Lee
Avery Kodba McFann—Baptism date: 9/13/2015
Daughter of Grant & Nadina McFann
August Mills Reckamp—Baptism date: 9/13/2015
Son of John & Jessica Reckamp
Baptism Preparation Class
The next Baptism Class will be held Monday, October 5,
2015. Participation in a baptism preparation class is required for
new parents before scheduling a Baptism. Please call the parish
office to sign up. (317-257-2266).
If it’s an emergency, alert Fr. Bob at the parish office,
or call his cell phone: 727-2667.
IHM also has a Prayer Chain, made up of parishioners com-
mitted to praying for immediate special needs. The contacts are Gerry
Koors, 251-2562 or Ellen Healey, 253-2086 or
Karen R. Kamer,
R.N., D.M.D., M.S.
Excellence in Microscopic Endodontics
725 East 65th Street., Ste. 400 Indianapolis. IN 46220
317.255.8000 phone
For your company and personal
retirement plan needs
Christine Zweber Konvolinka, President
IHM Parishioner since 1994
Make your 401(k) work as hard as you do
Sarah Holtrup Ins Agcy Inc
Sarah Holtrup, Agent
1480 W Southport Rd
Bus: 317-888-5200
317. Call Joe
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Amy Martin, LCSW | Parishioner
Printed by DCG: Digital Color Graphics

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