0447 BEx News_Winter 2012 FINAL.indd


0447 BEx News_Winter 2012 FINAL.indd
From Max’s Desk
Time for the mid-year newsletter and again
it seems to be quite amazing just how
quickly the time slips away. Although much
has happened over the six months it is now
fairly common knowledge that despite the
slant our Prime Minister and her Treasurer
put on the economy there is no avoiding
the fact that the area in which we work
has plenty of problems. I would hate to
think where Australia as a whole would
be without the mining industry. It is well
documented that the retail, manufacturing
and building industries are all suffering and
as a consequence the transport industry
is inevitably under a lot of pressure. You
only have to think of the major trucking
companies that have disappeared in the
last couple of years to realise that those
remaining have a real challenge on their
hands to take their companies forward and
in so doing ensure that all the stakeholders
can feel positive about the future.
You may well ask then what
Border Express is doing?
Most importantly the owners are remaining
positive and continue to invest in our future.
The focus has been on our most important
ingredient, our people. At the top echelon
we have been joined by an impressive array
of new State Managers and Operations
Managers. Recognising the importance of
sales we are now being led in this area by
Mostafa Kassaby, who in turn is building a
talented support team. We look forward to
big things from them in the months ahead.
The introduction of new State Managers has
led to a change in our operating format and
I believe that this new look will play a critical
role going forward. These managers will now
be responsible for the profit performance of
their own state and I would expect that there
will be some spirited competition between
them. They will be responsible for all of
the activities in their branch including sales,
training, operations and safety.
Encouragingly, our Managing Director
has just returned from a study course at
one of the top management universities
in the world, Harvard Business School in
Boston, USA. After three intense weeks Grant
believes that we are on the right track to
prosper in the challenging times we face.
No target can be achieved however without
a 100% contribution from everyone. The
company mission statement and our core
values must not only be read but they must
be lived. BE Real, BE Better, BE One, BE
Proud, BE Brave. Be prepared to chat to
your colleagues on safety issues. Be prepared
to think about how much pressure you are
putting on your work colleagues when you
don’t turn up for work. Be proud of the
company you work for and let others see
it. Be aware of how much damage it does
to us if we let our customers down through
operational failures. There is no greater sin
in our industry than promising something
special and then failing to deliver. In those
instances customers might forgive, but they
certainly don’t forget. Without customers
there is little joy!
Make your state
a stand out.
Editor’s Update
As Max mentioned in his article, I have
recently returned from a three week stint
at Harvard in the US. It was an extremely
interesting three weeks as we covered off
on a multitude of topics including strategy,
innovation and leadership.
On the flight home I had time to reflect on
all the information we were given. There was
plenty, and I assessed where I thought Border
Express stood in relation to what I had learnt.
In my humble opinion I thought we stood up
pretty well, although there were still plenty of
areas for us to work on. The good news is that
it was all about keeping it simple. A strong
and relevant vision, clearly defined priorities
and above all else, constant and effective
The key line in our vision is the first line, “To be
recognised by our customers as an industry
leader in service, delivery and value”. To
my mind this says it all. It is all about the
customer’s perception of our service levels,
not the industry nor our views on how we
perform. How does our customer perceive us?
communication were areas viewed as vital
to the health of an organisation. Whilst we
have in some way, shape or form covered off
on these key areas, without doubt we can be
much better.
The number one priority of the organisation
at present is to achieve a DIFOT (Delivered
In Full On Time) of 98%. By achieving this we
will be well on our way to living our Vision
and being valued by our customers.
ole to
Every single person has a role
Continued on pagee 3..
People and Culture
START TO 2012.
Did I say start? I still can’t believe we are half
way through the year already! We kicked
off the year holding the first Leadership
Conference in February. 45 senior leaders
across Border Express came together for
the first time for a three day conference in
Daylesford, which was followed by the State
Managers and Sales conferences on the 4th
The conference focused on the Twenty20
Strategic Plan and even though Max was
unable to attend in person, thanks to modern
technology and Max’s willingness to give it a
go – Max gave the opening address via video.
Max set the scene for the three days and was
followed by a detailed look at the Strategic
Plan with Grant outlining the reasons behind
the changes we were making. One thing
became very clear early in the first day, we
may not be where we need to be at the
moment, however there is a lot of working
going into making sure Border Express
remains on track to becoming an industry
leader, now and into the future.
Guest speaker Andrew Muir from the Good
Guys presented to the group and certainly
confirmed the importance of understanding
your customers and the market you operate
in. Andrew also left the group with some
excellent advice… “the secret to happiness is
deluded success” and “don’t be satisfied with
a fair share of the market, demand an unfair
share!”. Excellent advice and I am sure that
the work being done in the background
will place us in a position to grab that unfair
Who said Hawaiian shirts
are unique? Apparently one
size fits all… Bill Canty and
Anthony Hart.
I present the Border Express Senior Management Team.
The afternoon of the conference was spent
with each of the Pillar leaders, gaining an
insight in to each of their areas. On days two
and three all leaders attended the pilot for
Stage 1 of the BE a Leader program. Learning
Dimensions facilitated the workshops
which focused on the importance of a
Safety Culture, how to manage and change
behaviour and provided practical skills on
having conversations that matter.
After such a massive day of learning, the
group relaxed in the evening by attending
a Hawaiian themed dinner, followed by a
game of bingo, a few presentations and
fun with table tennis! So nice and relaxed
from the previous evening, the leaders lined
up again on day three which focused on
understanding why people make unsafe
choices, how to build a safety culture and
some exercises on action planning.
The feedback from Stage 1 of the BE a Leader
program was fantastic with many participants
providing outstanding commentary on the
content and delivery of the program. Most
participants were particularly impressed
with the practical skills and tools delivered
during the two days and looked forward
to implementing them in their day-to-day
management practices.
The pilot for the next stage of the program is
scheduled to be delivered in July, with Stage 1
to be delivered to managers and supervisors
within the branches from September. I look
forward to seeing the development in our
people as they undertake this valuable
learning journey.
In other news, we have welcomed Mark
Haley into the role of Learning Development
Manager. Mark will be undergoing
accreditation so that he can facilitate the
’BE a Leader’ program during July and
will then move into facilitating the roll
out of the program across the country.
Aside from his work in the Innovation
team, Mark has extensive experience in
facilitation, developing and delivering
The conference provided the opportunity to recognise the long term services of Rod Coelli and Dale
McBean. Rod joined the company right back at day one in the Albury branch, Dale as a 16 year old in
the Melbourne branch. Both have made significant contributions to the company over 30 years and
we are greatly in their debt.
Left to Right: Jon Luff, Geoff Luff, Rod Coelli, Dale McBean, Grant Luff and Mark Luff.
Training Department
The Training Department now sits under
the People and Culture Pillar of the business
and sees the Trainers reporting directly to
the State Managers. This shift was crucial to
aligning with the rest of the business and
strategies moving forward.
Warming up for the Hawaiian night!
Left to Right: Mick Clifford (WA State Manager),
Dean Penrose (Qld Sales Manager), Jon Luff
(Director), Anthony Hart (NSW Operations
Manager) and Jim Hastas (Albury Branch Manager).
learning development programs, change
management and supporting and mentoring
up and coming leaders. I look forward to
working closely with Mark on this exciting
And we didn’t stop there!
We also welcomed Gavin Rowell and Tim
Farrant into the People & Culture team,
which I’m sure as the only male team
member, Mark Haley, was pleased about!
Gavin has extensive experience in technical
training and is very knowledgeable with
the Compliance requirements of training.
The thing that might not be so well known
about Gavin is that he also has a passion for
recruitment, mentoring and providing career
paths in Transport – jackpot!
We have created a Training page on the new
company intranet (BExNet). This page is very
informative and contains the Training Policy,
procedures, forms and templates. We have
also created online forms to make requesting
things from and for the department a lot
faster and easier.
We are now using the training module on
Empower (our HR System) to record and
capture all of the training that occurs
throughout our branches. This means that in
the future all employees will be able to view
their training record. This will also allow us to
keep track of whose licences, qualifications
and skills need to be updated more easily.
I must thank Tim Farrant, Ali Hutchinson
and Jess Molony for their dedication and
commitment in making this happen.
Since January this year we have seen 32
employees successfully complete their
traineeships, signed 33 new employees
into a program and had 144 employees
undertaking training.
The department has also seen some new
faces enter the team and some old ones go.
We would like to welcome new Trainers to
the team; Heath Shanahan for Albury, Andrew
Williams for Adelaide and Adam Parsons for
Derrimut. On the flip side we said a sad
farewell to Craig Mannix from Clayton, Jason
Atteridge (promoted to Albury Outbound
Manager) from Albury, Adrian Willis from
Adelaide and Dave Moore from Brisbane. We
thank them for all of their contributions over
their time with us.
I would also like to take this time to thank
all of the Managers and employees who
have offered suggestions on how we can
improve the training that is delivered at
Border Express, and we welcome all new
ideas and feedback.
Gavin Rowell
Manager – Training
Editor’s Update
Continued from page 1.
In time, Gavin will link into other areas of
the People and Culture team to assist with
developing an on-boarding program to
complement our recruitment and induction
processes, buddy and mentoring programs,
career paths and succession plans as well
as take on a coaching role to learners in
the BE a Leader program to assist them in
applying the skills and tools to their day-today management style.
And all of this would not be possible without
Tim! Tim’s role will remain unchanged,
however working with Gavin and being part
of the People & Culture team, Tim will have
access to opportunities within other areas of
the team as well as having access to support
in times of excessive workloads and leave.
I am very excited by the changes in the
People & Culture team and look forward to
working with each of the team to ensure our
people really are our number one asset.
Neisha Webster
National Manager – People & Culture
Achieving our vision will not be easy. We have
invested heavily in developing a Frontline
Management Program for our leaders.
We have made a massive commitment
to this objective, partnering up with the
outstanding learning organisation, Learning
Dimensions and promoting Mark Haley to
the critical role of rolling the program out.
I believe this is a first for our industry and
falls in line with the core value, BE Better. The
senior management team has already begun
their training, the next level of managers will
commence early in the new financial year.
Another area that was driven home during
my course was the need to ensure you have
an ‘A’ grade team in place. Developing a
successful, high performing organisation is
extremely difficult, so if you don’t have the
right people in place you have no chance
of succeeding in the long term. Again we
are well down the path of ensuring we have
an ‘A’ grade team with new State Managers,
new Operations Managers and a number of
well credentialed people in the sales team.
These new ‘recruits’ alone will not make
a significant difference, but by everyone
working hard on the new or improved ‘game
plan’ we will together move mountains.
Border Express is in the unique position
of being a family owned and operated
organisation that can focus on service rather
than revenue. We have managed to weather
the storm that has claimed 1st Fleet, Viking
Transport, Concord Park, Mannway and
Rutley’s Transport, just to name a few. Whilst
our waters haven’t been smooth by any
stretch, the industry as a whole has faced
some exceedingly difficult times.
We are really well placed to grow and prosper
even in these difficult times. It won’t be easy,
but it will be exciting and I’m looking forward
to meeting the challenges that the next 12
months will throw up. Please understand, we
will achieve our goals only if you are prepared
to play a team game, to work
with your managers, to commit
to the Core Values and to strive
to reach our Vision.
Grant Luff
Express Division
There has been continuing change in all
areas of the Express business over the past
six months. This will continue as we adjust to
the uncertain economic times which we are
operating in. There is a quote on my wall that
says “Don’t wish it was easier, wish that you
were tougher”. Whilst personally I would be a
little bit happier if it was easier. It’s not, so we
need to manage to the times.
There has been a turnover of some key
staff as we identify those people that are
capable of taking the business forward.
Whilst some old faces have moved on it is
pleasing to see some of our own people
The move of Adam Parsons, Andy Williams
and Heath Shanahan into the roles of
Workplace Trainers is a key initiative in
developing Border Express people.
moving into more senior positions – Richard
Speck (State Manager – SA/NT), Sharon
Furey (Inbound Manager – Sydney) and
Anthony Hart (Operations Manager – Sydney).
The introduction of new team members, at
all levels, has injected a new energy into the
Express business. Whilst we are spread out
across the entire country we need to all work
together as a team, service the hell out of our
customers and look to improve in our area
of the business every single day. It’s a tough
operating environment. Let’s not complain
about it, let’s get out there and be prepared
to do our bit to meet the challenges head on.
Mark Luff
Scams target you – protect yourself!
How Scams work?
Beware of carbon price scams
Phone Calls
Scams target people of all backgrounds,
ages and income levels across Australia.
There is no one group of people who are
more likely to become a victim of a scam.
If you think you are ‘too clever’ to fall for
a scam, you may take risks that scammers
can take advantage of.
SCAMwatch is warning consumers and
businesses to be on the lookout for carbon
price scams, particularly calls asking for
personal information in order to receive
✓ Be suspicious of unexpected calls and
text messages.
How to recognise, avoid & report scams
SCAMwatch is a website run by the Australian
Competition and Consumer Commission
(ACCC). SCAMwatch provides information to
consumers and small businesses about how
to recognise, avoid and report scams.
Many scams originate overseas or take place
over the internet, making them very difficult
to track down and prosecute. If you lose
money to a scam, it is unlikely that you
will be able to recover your loss. The ACCC
publishes this website to help consumers
recognise and prevent scams.
The ACCC’s role extends beyond preventing
scams. Their role also includes other areas
of consumer protection, infrastructure
regulation, cartels and other forms of anticompetitive conduct. See the link below for
more information on the ACCC.
The ACCC also works with State and Territory
fair trading agencies and other government
agencies to promote awareness in the
community about scams. In 2005 the
ACCC and these other agencies formed
the Australasian Consumer Fraud Taskforce
to coordinate this
wo For more information
the ACFT, please
re to the link below.
Carbon price scams may come in a number of
forms, targeting consumers and businesses:
Beware of phone calls seeking your
personal banking details to pay carbon
tax compensation into your bank
account. These are likely to be scam calls;
Scammers may set up fake websites
which look very similar to official
Australian Government websites. The
sites may ask you to enter your personal
or financial details, or offer to sell you fake
carbon credits; and
Scammers may also make telephone
calls posing as government officers,
asking for your personal information
(such as banking details or identification
numbers) in order to claim household
assistance from the government.
Protect yourself!
You can protect yourself by following the
steps below:
✓ Hang up. Or text ‘STOP’ to unwanted
✓ Don’t give out your number to just
✓ Keep your protection software up to
✓ Do not respond in any way to
unsolicited emails.
✓ If in doubt, delete.
✓ Never give out your personal information
to someone you don’t know or trust.
✓ Don’t just bin it—destroy it (old bills,
records or expired cards).
✓ Check your credit report at least once
a year.
Remember the golden rule:
if it sounds too good to be true,
it probably is!
Protect your Money
✓ Never respond to an email asking you for
your PINs or passwords.
1. http://www.scamwatch.gov.au/content/item.pht
✓ Never send money to someone you don’t
know or trust.
2. http://www.scamwatch.gov.au/content/index.
✓ Only invest with licensed financial
service providers.
3. http://www.police.act.gov.au/crime-and-safety/
What’s On for our
Technology Team
1 Our Service Desk team have been working
vi. Minimise the risk and proliferation of
data and inaccurate information;
on the national update of the horizon
version for PDA’s. They are also testing
implementation of the new ‘very cool’
VOIP phones, reviewing the auto-import
data quality and helping to move staff
from our Clayton Branch to our Derrimut
vii. Simplify work instructions by way of
a central location while utilising the
robustness of a content management
solution (searches, index, alerts when
changes made to relevant information or
2 The Infrastructure Team has been
working really hard to improve our power
consumption. They have managed to
reduce the power consumption by 10%!
Reduce the number of redundant
copies of the same document;
Provide document version control;
3 Our Development Team is working to
improve Gateway and have started the
Barcoding project!
4 We have successfully launched the new
Intranet BExNet in Albury and we are
looking at launching this to all branches by
the 1st of July. How exciting is that? The new
Intranet will provide the following results:
iii. Provide document workflow for review
and approval of documents;
iv. Team collaboration on projects;
Improve business communication
between departments;
viii. Allow departmental staff to maintain their
own published content and allow them
use of an integrated, industry-standard
set of tools to reduce training needs.
With this new look, we hope to improve our
intranet by making it more organised and
easy to use. This is just the start of exciting
things to come regarding our BExNet — we
hope everyone likes the changes!
Jeff Quinn and the Technology Team
BE Logistics Training gets out there and goes social
Since the last newsletter the RTO has put a
number of irons in the digital fire, that’s not
to say that we’ve broken the screens on our
iPads. We have set ourselves up on Facebook,
LinkedIn and Twitter to promote the services
we offer in an alternative effort to connect
with the individuals and organisations out
there in the big wide world.
Some of the new online content we have set
up includes two great self-assessments; one
focusing on Dangerous Goods knowledge,
and the other focusing on Fatigue
Management knowledge. These are two key
areas of interest in the transport industry
and these can be accessed by anyone to try
out their knowledge. Follow us on Twitter for
the links.
Aside from the circulation of content and
news through these three social networking
websites we have also been posting on our
blog, sharing all the good things from the
world of Transport and Training. This has
helped us improve our rankings in the search
engines and we are attracting attention in
a number of sectors, not just within the
Transport Industry.
Speaking of attracting attention, The RTO
recently hosted a booth at the 2012 ATA
Conference held at Rosehill Gardens (Sydney).
The enquiries we received were not limited to
the Transport and Logistics sector. A number
or representatives from the mining sector
Matthew Carpenter and Craig Olsson at the
ATA Conference in Sydney.
popped in to see who we are and what we
are up to, as well as a number of different
government departments. Representing
BE Logistics Training at the conference was
Matthew Carpenter, and representing Border
Express were Craig Olsson and Leonie Dye.
Both Craig and Leonie jumped right in and
were pulling for the RTO during these days
– Thanks guys!
The lead-up to the conference saw a lot
of effort put in to developing various
resources and promotional materials. Both
Julie Manns and Jessica Dempsey played
a part in helping this come together. This
hard work in promoting brand awareness is
something that we expect will return results
for the RTO as we continue to promote and
sell our services through a number of more
traditional strategies in the near future.
The ATA Conference delivered a number
of sessions on issues facing the industry,
typically centring on economics, health
and safety, compliance and enforcement
with recurring themes including; the GFC,
Carbon Tax, Fatigue Management and
Chain of Responsibility. Don Osterberg from
Schneider National gave an insight into what
his organisation is doing from a training
perspective. Interestingly, the types of
initiatives they have in place are very similar
to those we have been focusing on over the
past few years.
During the Conference BE Logistics Training
held a competition where a $2,500 training
course was up for grabs. Hentschke Transport
of Loxton (South Australia) were the lucky
winners with Dennis Hentschke’s card being
drawn from among the many entrants.
Hentschke Transport have the choice of
receiving one of the following courses for their
staff: Load Restraint, Fatigue Management or
Dangerous Goods Awareness.
You can find out more about what we
are doing and keep up with the latest by
connecting with us online. The links to our
social media sites can be found on our
website at www.belogisticstraining.com.au
Matthew Carpenter
Have you heard
about Snopes.com?
There have been some significant changes in
Linehaul in recent times with Greg Harding
(Jack) in Sydney and Craig Miller (Melbourne)
assuming increased responsibility, while
Shane Sternberg is now responsible for
the day-to-day operations of the Linehaul
Craig Olsson is proactive in talking
to the relevant authorities about our
compliance issues. As we know, there has
been considerable press coverage around
speeding vehicles. Border Express has a
simple policy: you must comply with the law.
We have been very focused on improving
our departure times as well as monitoring
transit times. For the organising to reach its
goal of 98% of freight being Delivered In Full
On Time (DIFOT) then Linehaul units must
reach their destination in a timely manner.
Craig and I have been travelling to Sydney
and Melbourne to talk to the company
drivers and operators about the expectations
of Border Express going forward. It is critical
that all people who work for the company,
whether employees or sub-contractors, are
aware of our Vision and what is expected of
them. We have a similar trip planned shortly
for Craig and I to go to Sydney and Brisbane.
Tow Operators are an extremely important
part of our business and it is interesting to
reflect on the number of long term operators
we have in our business. The longest serving
are out of Albury due to that part of our
business operating longer. Gary Byrne and
David Schuppan lead the way with Gary
clocking up 26 years in April, and David who
will reach the same milestone in September.
Wayne Hatton recorded 21 years in February,
Bluey Burns will have 18 years in August.
Magregor Shobbrook started as a casual
driver 23 years ago and has been an operator
for 18 years, while Graeme Richardson and
Dave Sinclair have been operators since
1995 after both started out as company
drivers. We are a better Company due to the
commitment and professionalism of these
The Sydney based operators have formed
a committee to discuss issues and to give
the company feedback, something that
we welcome. If you would like any further
information, please call Byrand Nitto on
0432 692 762.
Geoff Luff
Snopes also known as the Urban
Legends Reference Pages is a website
that is the best-known resource for
validating and debunking urban
legends, Internet rumours, email
forwards, and other such stories of
uncertain or questionable origin in
American popular culture. Snopes is
run by Barbara and David Mikkelson,
a Californian couple who met on the
alt.folklore.urban newsgroup. The
Mikkelsons also founded the San
Fernando Valley Folklore Society, and
were credited as the owners of the
site until 2005. The site is organised
according to topic and includes a
message board where stories and
pictures of questionable veracity may
be posted.
Should we believe in everything
that Snopes says?
We’ll always find more than one source
for any information on the internet;
never rely on a single source. Get to
know who you can trust. Remember
that blogs are someone’s opinion and
can be information out of context, not
necessarily facts. ;-)
Source: www.snopes.com
Positive Publicity
The focus of the program was around
organisations who were employing people,
in response to the high profile redundancies
that had recently taken place, particularly
Toyota. The team at Derrimut was more than
happy to accommodate the wishes of the
film crew. The show created widespread
Today Tonight at
Derrimut branch.
interest in Border Express with over 450
phone calls being received over the next
few days by people looking for work. A
number of people were employed through
the documentary. Good for us and good for
Max and the family would like to
congratulate the following employees
on their service to Border Express:
This has been done as part of the overall
company change to align with the Pillar
Structure which was developed as part of
our Strategic Plan, Twenty20.
Not only has the name changed, but also
some of the team. Mike Hall, who was our
Project Delivery Manager, has rejoined the
Sydney Branch in a similar support role that
he held before becoming a member of our
team. Mike contributed much from his vast
experience to the team during his time with
us, and has provided us with some great
foundations to better manage our projects.
Mike’s wit, wisdom and wonderful stories
have been missed. Good luck back on your
home turf of Sydney, Mike.
Another one to leave the fold has been
Mark Haley. Hales has moved on to join
our People & Culture Team as the Learning
and Development Manager. Developing
real strength in the leadership team across
our company will be critical in meeting our
Vision of being recognised by our customers
as the industry leader in service, delivery and
value. Like Mike, Hales moves on with my
full support and special thanks for all of his
efforts during his time in the team.
Hales achieved outstanding results
in a range of areas across the company
including facilitation and coordination of
Project Blowtorch (now the Operations
Daily Dashboard), strategic planning, the
development and implementation of our
Values and most of the initial groundwork for
the BE A Leader program, to name but a few
of the initiatives he has been instrumental in.
It’s always great to hear of colleagues who
seize an opportunity, so it's not with regret
If you see something suspicious
going on, don’t hesitate!
Pick up the phone and call the
Border Express crime hotline on
1800 149 429
It’s completely anonymous and it is
helping to secure the future of our
employees and the business.
YEA $250 CE
Keith Athanasiou
Gary Baker
Robert Barrett
Glenn Button
Henley Flynn
or sadness, but with a smile and pride that I
say Good Luck to both of you and I am sure
you will continue to challenge and improve
our thinking.
Raymond Clausen
Charles O'Carroll
Lynne Prosser
Meanwhile, the team has been continuing
to offer as much implementation support
as possible to a range of great improvement
initiatives from across the company. Our
Quality Assurance / DIFOT improvement
program continues to go from strength to
strength with significant gains in our service
level being achieved. Well done to all in the
branches who have put in the work to make
this happen and to Rachel McFarland from
our team, with the support of our talented
Technology Team, who has jointly developed
the improved measures and reports.
The other key project that is keeping the
team busy is supporting our Clayton and
Derrimut branches with the development of
our new Tullamarine site. This is a fantastic
opportunity for us to bring our Melbourne
teams together in to one location and is
sure to bring some great opportunities
to improve not only where we work, but
how we work as well. This new facility is
a significant investment for the company
and is a strong commitment to our future.
The site will have a 16,000 square metre
freight shed with adjoining double story
office block. Also on site will be a five bay
workshop, driver quarters, refuelling points,
loading docks and a weighbridge. Pretty
soon we will start turning the plans into steel
and concrete. Exciting times ahead.
Mark Chaston and the Innovation Team
YEA $500 CE
Robert Peach
YEA $1500 CE
Nigel Bahr
Harry Biddell
Graeme Hartney
Percy Michaud
ALSO – A very special mention for
Rod Coelli
Dale McBean
who reached 30 years
of service in
February 2012.
LinkedIn passwords
leaked by hackers
Social networking
website LinkedIn
has said that some of its member’s
passwords have been ‘compromised’
after reports that more than six million
passwords had been leaked onto the
Hackers posted a file containing
encrypted passwords onto a Russian
web forum. They have invited the
hacking community to help with
decryption. LinkedIn, which has more
than 150 million users, said the leaked
passwords would no longer be valid.
Members would receive an email with
instructions on how to reset them,
the company said. It added that users
would then receive a second email
with further details about why the
change was necessary.
National Process
The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator is
well on the road to being operational by
2013. While the NHVR office will be based in
Queensland, it will provide services through
each existing state or territory road or
transport authority. For example, if you are an
owner or operator in the Northern Territory,
you can still go to your local office and deal
with the same people you deal with today.
The NHVR will also be responsible for ensuring
consistency in operational policies and the
services it provides, including compliance
and enforcement. The NHVR aims to achieve:
Efficiency: a common set of laws for
heavy vehicles for all states and territories.
Safety: a national safety monitoring and
reporting system dedicated to heavy
Productivity: ability to provide quick
responses to changing industry trends
and needs.
Services: a single point of contact for all
Privacy concern
The news comes as LinkedIn was forced
to update its mobile application after a
privacy flaw was uncovered by security
heavy vehicle regulation in Australia.
What to do
Security experts have advised users to
change their passwords on LinkedIn.
Here’s how:
1. Visit www.linkedin.com, and log-in
with your details
2. Once logged-in, hover over your
name in the top right-hand corner
of the screen, and select ‘Settings’
from the menu
3. You may be asked to log-in again at
this point
4. On the next screen, click the
‘Account’ button which is near the
bottom of the page
5. Under the ‘Email & Password’
heading, you will find a link to
change your password
If you use the same password on other
sites, be sure to change those too.
Independence: the NHVR will be an
independent corporation established
under statutory authority.
Compliance and Enforcement:
a unified strategy and approach.
Registration: based on a national plate.
Transparency and Accountability:
with review for key decision making.
What is the objective of the NHVR?
To reduce the compliance burden for
business, improve Australia’s international
competitiveness, improve productivity and
safety and make it easier for business to
operate across state and territory borders.
It is important to note that each jurisdiction
will retain its responsibility for determining
access approval. Current access variations
implemented through permit arrangements
will continue to apply and jurisdictions will
retain capacity to make these arrangements
with the NHVR to meet.
How will the NHVR laws work?
A single set of agreed laws will be passed in
the host jurisdiction which is Queensland.
Each of the other jurisdictions will then
pass an Enabling Act which applies the
Queensland law locally. In partnership
with the NHVR Project Office the National
Transport Commission (NTC) is undertaking
the task of developing the draft NHVR laws.
What will the new law cover?
The national law will cover many of the
same issues as existing laws (for example
registration, mass and loading, fatigue
management, as well as compliance and
Heavy vehicle licensing laws will not form
part of the proposed NHVR laws which are to
be effective from 1 January 2013. Licensing
laws will remain under the administration of
COAG has announced that there will be a
single physical heavy vehicle licence and
jurisdictions are working together in this
regard. Also, uniform licensing competencies
are being implemented but neither of these
tasks are within the immediate scope of the
NHVR project.
What will the NHVR mean
for heavy vehicle operators?
Ultimately, it is intended that the national
regulator will enable owners and operators
to conduct heavy vehicle business with
government from one place. This could
mean, for example, that registration could
be renewed in any office and queries for
permits for access coordinated through a
single point of contact.
For further information regarding the
National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, please
contact the Process Department.
Craig Olsson / Leonie Dye
Safety & Wellbeing
Do you know our Safety responsibilities for
A Change of name
Previously known as the ‘Employee Welfare
Department’, we have had a name change to
Safety & Wellbeing to align with the Pillars
of the organisation’s Twenty20 Strategic Plan.
There will be some title changes for the team
but our goal remains the same, to:
Promote and support the safety
and wellbeing of everyone at
Border Express by delivering great
Safety, Injury Management and Claims
systems to achieve zerO Harm.
Annual Audit Results
Audits are undertaken each year by
qualified external consultants to examine
the effectiveness of our Safety, Claims and
Rehabilitation Management Systems against
the Comcare audit criterion. Well done to
Canberra, Clayton and Perth for their
preparation and presentation for the Safety
Audits in February this year. The auditor
reported that despite the fact that 18 Non
Conformances were noted, the overall
findings demonstrate that Border Express has
a sound WHS Management System in place.
We again achieved fantastic results for
our Claims Management system, and
Rehabilitation Management system. There
was also a Data Quality Audit undertaken
by Comcare to assess accuracy of data
submitted against our files:
No. Criteria
Data Quality
12% error
Service Contractors?
Border Express has many requirements for
work, some of which we don’t have the
expertise to do in-house. This might be
electrical or plumbing work, or even office
based duties and cleaning. When we identify
the need for this work to be done, we usually
engage service contractors to perform the
Under the new WHS Act, Border Express has
a duty to ensure the health and safety of
all workers and to consult, co-operate and
co-ordinate activities with all other persons
who have a duty in the same activity. Service
contractors now fall under the definition of
Safety Procedure 9 explains what to do when
engaging Service Contractors.
Before the Service Contractor arrives
we must:
1 Have a written agreement what the job
entails (contract). This means that before
you engage any person to conduct work,
you have a good understanding of what it
is you want them to do.
2 Ask the Service Contractor to complete
the necessary paperwork. In this case, it
is Safety Form 9.1 – Contractor Evaluation
Form. This form advises the contractor
what the job entails and asks them for
proof that they are capable of doing the
work safely. It also ensures the Service
Contractor is suitably insured.
3 When the 9.1 is completed, check it against
the job requirements and ensure that you
are satisfied with the answers. This must
include any Safe Work Method Statements
that are required. When all the paperwork
is complete, the Service Contractor can
have their details added to the Branch
Registered Contractors list.
When the Service Contractor arrives on site:
4 Induct them to the site.
5 Work out a schedule for monitoring. This
means that all Service Contractors need to
have the work they conduct for us to be
monitored, to make sure they are working
safely and not putting themselves or
others at risk. This is recorded on Safety
Form 9.5.
When the Service Contractor finishes:
6 Sign off when the work is complete.
If you have any questions or concerns please
contact the Safety Department on extension
6048 or 6036.
Mal Waters
A great outcome for
Our focus is to BE Better with our results next
year by implementing corrective actions for
the Non Conformances.
Cheryl Miller
Incident Corrective Actions & Safety @ BEx
In February this year, Senior Management
attended the BE a Leader Program and
conference where the focus was on
Safety Leadership. The Safety Department
reported on the need for improvement in
implementing and closing of corrective
actions from incidents to prevent them
from happening again.
Since the conference there has been a
massive shift in the way that our Branches
are closing out their incident reports. We
have now closed 62 of the 68 outstanding
corrective actions from the period from
1st of January 2011 to the 29th of
February 2012.
BIG congratulations to the Branches for their fantastic efforts.
Keep up the good work!
Dragon Boat Racing
Albury Border Express team, winners of a
community Dragon Boat Racing event held
in February 2012, put on by the Brave Hearts
to raise money for women with breast cancer.
This was our first entry and did not really
think we were a chance but… We kept on
winning… After four races we took out the
title. Very exciting for all. We had fun while
raising money for a great charity.
GO team! We will have to contend our title next year.
Border Express Dragon Boat Racing Team – The team in action!
Wellness with Wendy
Keep the flu off you!
Winter brings a lot of nasty bugs, with one
of the most common being influenza – or
’the flu’. Influenza is highly contagious and
generally occurs each year from May to
The flu is a very common viral illness
that is very easily spread from person
to person. The infection affects the nose,
throat, bronchi (the two pipes at the end
of the trachea that enter the lungs) and,
occasionally, the lungs.
Flu is not the same as
the common cold. Flu is
caused by a completely
different virus (the
influenza viruses A and
B), and the symptoms are more severe and
tend to last longer than a cold.
Border Express provides flu shots for
employees annually as a way to prevent you
getting the flu. Not everyone takes up this
offer; however you can do something to
prevent the flu by following some simple tips.
Wash your hands regularly throughout
the day with soap and water, and
immediately after catching public transport
or sneezing. If soap is not available, use an
alcohol based hand rub. A good idea is to
carry some in your bag or in your truck.
Do not share cups, drinks and utensils
or food with colleagues or family.
Sleep well to boost the functioning of
your immune system.
Exercise daily as research found that
regular exercisers have fewer sick days
than those who don’t exercise.
Border Express 10 Week Healthy Eating Challenge
The Australian Dieticians Association
offered a 10 week healthy eating challenge
and Border Express had 48 participants
nationally. Safety and Wellbeing (formerly
Employee Welfare) sent motivational
tips and information about weight loss
from various sources in a group email to
encourage participants along the way and
also recorded weekly weigh-ins. The main
goal for most participants was to lose
weight, however some were just trying
to maintain a healthy weight. Participants
were encouraged to share their successes
with others via the 10
week challenge email.
Our 10 week healthy Eating Challenge
finished with the final loss being 108
kilograms nationally. The winner was Lisa
Fullagar from Sydney who lost 11 kilograms.
Well done to all participants!!
Look out for another challenge that will be
run next year, this is something we can all
participate in if you would like to maintain
a healthy weight. I would like to encourage
some of our truck drivers and forklift drivers
next year. If you are interested please contact
Wendy on 02 6022 6016.
“Unless you’re willing to have a go,
fail miserably, and have another go,
success won’t happen.”
Lisa holding part of her prize.
Matt Hamilton, Albury winner.
Global Corporate Challenge
We have three teams registered in the
Global Corporate Challenge (GCC) which
commenced on 24th May 2012. We have
one Victorian team; one mixed state team
and one Albury corporate services team.
Again they will attempt to increase their
average steps taken to be more active and
improve health and well being. The GCC goes
for 16 weeks so keep on stepping guys and
girls …enjoy the challenge. The Teams are
an inspiration to start walking with our
work mates.
Global Corporate Challenge – Albury Team. Left to right: Mark Haley, Cath Lethbridge,
Breannan Boyd, Megan Keith, Noel Shepherd, Angela Elvidge and Belinda Neville.
Beef and
Stir Fry
Safety Reward & Recognition
There are many people around the country
who contribute safety ideas and work
safely on a daily basis. A Safety Reward and
Recognition Program is being developed to
acknowledge our appreciation of those who
think safe, act safe and work safe.
¼ cup soy sauce
400 grams fresh egg noodles
If you have any safety suggestions or observe
good safety behaviour in your Branch tell us
about it.
1 tablespoon grated ginger
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1 bunch broccolini, ends trimmed
1 tablespoon sesame oil
400 grams lean beef mince
4 spring onions, sliced on an angle,
plus extra to garnish
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
2 garlic cloves, crushed
How much do you know about
safety within your workplace?
¼ cup oyster sauce
1 tablespoon sesame seeds, to sprinkle
1 Soak the noodles in a bowl of boiling
water for 4 minutes to soften. Break
noodles apart with a fork. Drain well.
2 Mix the sauces in a bowl with the
garlic, ginger and vinegar.
3. Hazardous Substances and _______ Goods
5. What you do to your mouth when you
sneeze or cough
7. What you do if you have a safety question
9. What is the acronym for Loading Unloading
Exclusion Zones
11. A person who picks on somebody else
13. ________ gear is what is provided to protect
you from danger
14. These are used when moving gates and
1. What you do when your hands are dirty
2. What Wendy gave out for the Global
Corporate Challenge
4. Will cause a dangerous shock if mixed
with electricity
6. Site Safety ______ are given at your
8. What must be worn over your eyes while
cleaning up a chemical spill
10. You can get _____ if you don’t follow the
12. The Safety Bulletin this month was on
Access Egress of _______
3 Cook broccolini in boiling salted water
for 2–3 minutes until bright green and
still slightly crisp. Drain and set aside.
4 Heat oil in a wok over medium-high
heat. Add mince and stir-fry for 2–3
minutes until browned and cooked.
5 Add noodles, sauce mixture, broccolini
and spring onions to work. Stir-fry for
1 minute to heat through.
6 Serve sprinkled with
sesame seeds and
extra spring onion.
Mieke Van Zetten
In the branches
The main focus over the past few months has
been our DIFOT and what we need to do to
consistently achieve 98%. There are a few areas
still in need of improvement but we are in no
doubt that the Albury operations team is on
track and will achieve the target very soon on
a daily basis.
We welcome new faces in Andrew Toohey,
Tim Larkins and Luke Bean who have joined
the Albury team as local rigid drivers. Duncan
Whitmore has commenced as an apprentice in
the workshop to assist Jason and the team and
by all reports is doing very well.
One of our long serving local drivers in Heath
Shanahan has transferred to the Training
department as the WTA. Congratulations to
Heath on his new appointment. It is always
pleasing to see an important position being
filled internally and Heath brings a lot of
enthusiasm to the role. With his previous
knowledge of the Border Express Values I
am sure he will be an asset to the Albury
Operations team.
Albury enjoying their annual Christmas car park lunch with Max holding court.
Congratulations to a former employee, David
Kreutzberger and his partner Kirsty Thompson
(daughter of Gary) who have become proud
parents of a baby girl.
Sadly Carol Porter leaves us at the end of
June for the medical industry. Carol has been
great in her role as supervisor of the Accounts
Payable team and while we sincerely wish her
the best in her new role, we thank her for her
contribution over the last 11 years. The place
won’t be the same without her trying to keep
us all in order!
Geoff Luff / Jim Hastas
It has been a very busy time over the last six
months, with the winds of change sweeping
through the Victorian branches. There has
been a significant variation in the Melbourne
structure with the announcement in February
regarding the move to a combined facility
in Tullamarine. This will lead to a massive
improvement in efficiency, cost and DIFOT.
The company understands that we will lose
a number of dedicated and loyal people due
to the increased travel commitments which
is a very unfortunate fallout of the decision.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank
those who cannot make the move for all of
their efforts and we wish them well in their
future ventures. It will certainly be a sad day
when they leave the premises for the last time.
Conversely, I would like to thank those who are
making the move, we are very pleased that you
are, and we look forward to the exciting times
ahead as we consolidate the two branches.
Barry Macnee has escaped the Melbourne
Winter and relocated back to Queensland as
State Manager. We welcome Ahmed Abeid as
the new Victorian State Manager who joins
us with plenty of enthusiasm and experience.
We look forward to him taking us to the lofty
heights of number one branch in the country!
We have a number of new faces in Melbourne
with Mostafa Kassaby taking on the role of
Director – Sales and Marketing, Nick Aidinis and
Rachel Galea joining as new Account Managers.
Congratulations to Donna Harker who moves
into a new role in Rob Armenia’s Accounts
Receivable team.
Dale McBean
What a change in the weather from the last
newsletter. We have gone from the wet to the
dry. For those who don’t know, perfect days
followed by perfect balmy nights and the most
beautiful sunset in Australia.
Darwin has seen a few changes in staff, and we
welcome Kylee Robertson to the team in the
role of administration. Kylee brings a vibrant
sense of ‘can do’ and has slotted into the role
Adelaide has been handed the reins to assist
the Darwin branch and a huge thank you needs
to go to the Brisbane team for assisting Darwin.
Floods through the Katherine
region saw the rail network
and the use of road
was required. Road services have continued out
of Adelaide and the unload process is a dream
versus the rail load jigsaw puzzle.
The branch currently resembles a Chep facility
with over 40,000 pallets on site. The team has
done a tremendous job with cleaning and
sorting every pallet.
The fish are biting, the sun is shining and the
cans are cold, Darwin is the place to be during
the Dry. The Wet’s not too bad if you like
humidity as it’s still warm. I reckon Dale McBean
and his blue stubbies would fit perfect.
Richard Speck / Scott Bradley
Recently we welcomed two new members
into the Border Express family who were both
born on the 28th May. Darrien and Michael
Middleton are the proud parents of a new baby
daughter; Piper Louise, and Alicia Jeffrey and
Robert Bruinink are the proud parents of son;;
Boudewijn Anthony. From everyone in Sydney,,
we wish you all our heart-felt congratulations.
There have been many changes in the Sydney
Branch, and even more positive improvements
which all bode well for the future. Anthony
Hart has been promoted to Operations
Manager and Sharon Furey is the new Inbound
Manager. Already we have seen an impact
on our performance. With a focus on the PM
shift, Anthony and his team have lifted the
standard for our On-Time Linehaul departures,,
Compliance and Safety, whilst Sharon and her
team have been the driving force behind Sydney’s
consistently high DIFOT result, a fantastic team
effort from everyone on both shifts.
We also welcome some new faces to the branch;
Tracy George and Lincon McLaren (Sales), Olivia
Darwash (Administration), Renee Mattey and
Jody Dijanosic (Customer Service), Chevy Te
Aute (Operations Pick-Ups) and Tyrone Jackson
SIDS & Kids invited Border Express to meet
Wi l and
th th
the Wiggles
the Di
Left to right: Tim Lamb, Darrien Middleton
and Michelle Bartlett.
(WTA). All have settled in remarkably quickly
and added strength to our key areas. We wish
all of them a long and rewarding career with
Border Express.
Earlier this year, SIDS and Kids invited Border
Express to meet The Wiggles and Dorothy the
Dinosaur for a photo opportunity. SIDS and Kids
is dedicated to saving the lives of babies and
children during pregnancy, birth, infancy and
childhood and to supporting bereaved families.
As such, Border Express is more than happy
to support such a worthwhile organisation
among so many others. We decided to send
two of our many photogenic staff members,
Michelle Bartlett and Darrien Middleton along
with Tim Lamb; well two out of three ain’t bad!
Thank you so much to all who contributed
to the Christmas Gift Appeal.
Our photo shoot with
thyy be
n with
with a vvery
warm welcome in to the Wiggles ‘Hot Potato
Studio’ at Bella Vista from Deb Chen, the Red Nose
Day Manager. The office was great, so bright and
packed with Wiggles photos and memorabilia,
including a favourite of mine ‘Ukulele Baby’ due
to my nephew Liam’s influence.
Deb took us to the studio to meet Dorothy
for our photo shoot. We walked into a pure
white room and immediately had to put our
sunnies back on as it was that bright. Once our
eyes adjusted, we were introduced to Dorothy
and the team. We were then told to turn our
imaginations on as the photographers were all
out of ‘pose’ ideas. We came up with some great
fun ideas and had an absolute ball with Dorothy.
The favourite shot of the day was definitely
Tim proposing to Dorothy with roses. But did
Dorothy say yes?
A fun day for a great cause with some fantastic
photos taken as you can see.
Michelle Bartlett
Mark Stevens
We have experienced many changes over the
past few months both on an operational and
staffing level.
There has been an additional inbound Linehaul
put in to place ex Melbourne which arrives in
Newcastle after midday. This coincides with
a direct Linehaul we are sending to Brisbane
every night. By changing these routes, it has
taken some volumes out of Sydney in the peak
periods of the day.
We are also transhipping freight directly to
Lismore and the Gold Coast on the Brisbane
trailers. This allows us to send the majority of our
northern freight directly to these destinations
without going through Sydney.
With a few more local customers coming on
board, we have increased our outbound volume
on a daily basis. These have all come from the
The new Hunter Expressway allows better access to the upper Hunter region.
Central Coast area, which is once again proving
to have growth potential for the business.
Local road infrastructure is also on the way to
improving. The new Hunter Expressway is half
finished with most of the structural work for
bridges completed. The freeway will begin at the
Newcastle Link road, here at Cameron Park, and
travel approximately 40 kilometres north-west,
ending at Branxton. This will bypass major
traffic congestion areas in Beresfield, Thornton
and Maitland. It will also allow us better access
to the Cessnock region along with the upper
Hunter region. This means that our region’s
beautiful wineries will be more
accessible for all that enjoy a nice
drop of red with a cheese platter
on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Dave Watts
In the branches
Brisbane and Gold Coast
With winter around the corner, the grey nomads
head north from the southern states to escape
the chills of the season. No truer has it been
for me to seize the opportunity to return to
Brisbane as Queensland’s State Manager. The
18 months in Melbourne was an invaluable
experience for me and I would like to thank
everyone during that time for your support.
I look forward to catching up with all at the
new Melbourne facility in the ‘warmer’ summer
Time stands still for no one, and this is evident
with a number of new faces in Brisbane. David
Burgess joins the team as our Operations
Manager. David’s experience is extensive and
will be valued as we regroup, restructure and
build the branch from good to great. Gary
Winters takes responsibility of the inbound
operations, managing the unload operations
with support from Tony Morris as AM Supervisor
and Kim Gibson appointed to Fleet Supervisor
after the departure of Cameron Spencer.
Congratulations to Tony and Kristy-Lea who
took the walk down the aisle in May. I hope this
won’t stop him from opening the branch at the
ungodly hour of 2am each morning!
Rob Cardno has been appointed to the
Outbound Manager’s position which makes
him responsible for the Linehaul operations
including both the unloading of the local
fleet and reloading of outbound Linehaul to
all states. Paul Thompson (like me) returns to
Border Express Brisbane as the PM Supervisor,
assisting Rob with the outbound functions.
Paul’s disciplines will ensure that we depart our
Linehaul in a compliant manner and within our
expected departure times.
Our last newsletter reported Vernon Chang
unwell and off work for some time, it’s a pleasure
to see Vernon’s smiling face once again. He’s
back on deck, healthy and raring to get back
into the day-to-day operations of our branch.
Our Sales team is ever increasing with Stephen
Corser recently joining us. Stephen (also like
me), tried Melbourne living only to find his heart
was in Brisbane. Melbourne’s loss is certainly
Brisbane’s gain, and our customers will relish
his enthusiasm and professionalism managing
their accounts.
Gold Coast Staff: Max Macey, Sean Kachel, Chris Shepherd, Malcolm Jones and Roslyn Buckett.
Delivery In Full and On Time (DIFOT) has been
the focus for Brisbane and the Gold Coast
branches over the last six months. Libby Webster
is now the Team Leader of Data Entry and
Quality Assurance, which is a position pivotal
to our DIFOT results. DIFOT is the responsibility
of everyone at both branches. Our focus on
improving the daily DIFOT percentage will
ensure that our customers recognise us as the
industry leader for delivery, service and value.
We continue to look to everyone to ensure that
what freight arrives today is delivered today.
Keep up the great work, and remember to never
underestimate the part you play each and every
The ‘For Lease’ signs have finally been removed
from the front of the property with a new tenant
occupying the two level office area facing
Boundary Road. Lucas Pty Ltd has agreed to a
long term lease and we welcome them both as
neighbours and to our neighbourhood. For all
Brisbane staff and visitors to the branch, please
remember not to park in the front car parks as
this area is reserved for the Lucas employees
and their visitors.
The Gold Coast branch has not been without
changes, although personnel have stayed the
same. The changes have been operational.
We finally have a front door for all visitors
to enter the site. The door leads directly into
our Operations office, reducing the foot traffic
within the warehouse, and this in turn has
provided a safer working environment.
Malcolm Jones has upgraded his skills to
B-Double rating to improve the service between
the Gold Coast and the Brisbane branch with
the larger capacity vehicle. Both Gold Coast and
Brisbane have managed the delivery windows
very well with the introduction of the Bunning’s
Core Carrier program. Bunning’s Oxenford store
is the largest in South East Queensland, and with
another store opening at Labrador shortly the
volumes have increased significantly.
Shannon Wareham and Roz Bucket have been
first rate when managing the day-to-day
operations at the Gold Coast. We have found an
equal talent from Brisbane based Sean Kachel
who has assisted the Gold Coast team when
either Shannon or Roz have been absent through
sickness or planned leave. The Gold Coast may
be one of the smaller branches, but it is certainly
not short on enthusiasm and commitment to
get the task done. Well done guys.
The final words should again be about
welcoming all the new faces to our family, your
support and the support of the existing guys
will once again see Queensland on top, just like
the Maroons. Go the cane toads…
Going to print, we can also confirm the
appointment of Phil McConvile in the roll of
Business Development Manager. Phil will be
seeking new opportunities in both Brisbane
and the Gold Coast.
Welcome to Alesia Tabone (daughter of Martin
on the Gold Coast) joining Brisbane’s Data Entry
team. Welcome also to all of
new Drivers and Forklift
we hope your time
wit Border Express will be
bo enjoyable and lengthy.
Brisbane staff: Stephen Corser, Stella Earp, Frederica Johnson and David Burgess.
Barry Macnee
The Perth branch has seen plenty of change in the
past few months. With change comes challenge
and I believe the Perth team is stepping up to the
plate and taking the challenges head on.
As always we will commence with Safety, and I
must say in the short time I have been with the
business, Border Express does ‘walk the walk’
when it comes to Safety.
Perth has introduced a new LUEZ (Load Unload
Exclusion Zone) program in the PUD area and
this has been a fantastic success… many thanks
to Gary Davis and Dave Searle and the support
from the whole branch. Perth will continue to
encourage and enforce safety at all times as we
are all accountable in keeping each other safe.
The Perth team led by interim Branch Manager
Gary Davis and Dave Searle heading up
operations, have done a great job in keeping
the branch in good shape and enabling a
smooth transition and handover to myself. The
dedication and professionalism of the troops
can not be questioned.
Operationally, Perth has seen improvement
in processes and procedures which sees the
branch DIFOT heading in the right direction.
We welcome Tiarne Pett into the role of Fleet
Controller and her application to the task
and diligence are already paying dividends…
well done Tiarne! Continued support from
Mike Merritt has put Perth Fleet into a strong
position. Aaron Holly has taken over as
Inbound Supervisor and brings to the role a
massive amount of energy… keep it going
Aaron! Congratulations also to Joe Murace on
his elevation to Inbound Leading Hand. Maka
‘The Hulk’ Lam Sam and his trusty right hand
man Marshall Rinaldi and team continue to
punch the outbound trailers out of Perth. Sarah
Ibrahim is her usual dedicated self and helps to
keep the Outbound boys in line… Thanks Sarah!
A special mention to Kelly Hall who is doing a
great job with pallet control and QA.
Admin and Customer Service in Perth continue
to perform at a high level and it is particularly
pleasing to see Melissa and her team work so
well together. Sue, Amy, Emily and Lis continue
to give Mel the support required to work well
as a team. Great to see Sue back on top after
overcoming some health issues and we all wish
Emily well with her up and coming new arrival.
As always Annette Barclay goes about her work
in keeping us well trained and continues to
upskill our work force here in Perth. Dangerous
Goods training along with Load Restraint
training have seen Annette make a valuable
contribution to the Perth branch.
Ben Barrett continues the relentless search for
quality revenue and good yielding accounts
ex Perth… an unenviable task but Ben’s
perseverance must be recognised. Ben also plays
an integral role as Account Manager in Perth and
continues to support all our national customers
in this role.
The Border Express Perth Branch rely heavily on
our colleagues on the east coast to enable us
to continually improve DIFOT and efficiencies.
Teamwork and cooperation in this area is always
welcomed and appreciated. Currently we are
planning and setting goals for ourselves to
achieve in the run up to the ‘silly season’. We
need to be ready and willing when the volumes
increase and look at continuing to make our
service second to none.
Michael Clifford
The winter frost is starting to settle in the
mornings here in Canberra however John
Lillingston is still wearing shorts.
Recently we celebrated a milestone of one
of our drivers in Canberra; Robbie Barrett
has clocked up ten years’ service with Border
Express. Robbie has seen many changes at
Border Express over the last ten years, the
biggest change being the focus on safety in
the branch.
Scott Shedden has joined us as a Linehaul driver
doing the Canberra – Albury – Canberra run.
Scott comes to us with a wealth of transport
knowledge. Welcome Scott.
Paul Traynor has left the Canberra branch due to
ill health. We wish him a speedy recovery.
Congratulations to Shane Wright (Canberra
driver) and his wife Michelle on the arrival of
Alexander, who is also a brother for Charlotte.
We have been doing plenty of training at the
Canberra branch over the last couple of months.
Several drivers have now completed their
Dangerous Goods licence training and have
gained their licences. Well done gents, and our
thanks go to Matt Carpenter from our RTO.
We have also had two drivers upgrade to
multi combination licences. Congratulations to
Robbie Barrett and Stuart Waters.
Steven McNally
Robbie receiving his ten year gift card.
The Canberra Crew.
In the branches
What a start to the year for the Adelaide team.
We have seen many changes in Adelaide
since the Summer edition. It’s a credit to the
Leadership Team and all of our people who
have embraced our Vision and Core Values as
the hard work is paying off.
Paul Casotti departed the business and has
moved the family back to sunny Perth to
commence the next chapter in his life, good
luck Paul. “Elvis and his PA have left the building”.
As they say, one door closes and another opens.
Darwin has been slotted under the Adelaide
banner and we look forward to providing support
to the team in the warmer climates of the country.
Please send some warmth to Adelaide, its freezing
here and winter has just started!
Damian O’Rielly continues to lead the
Operations team forward, which has
undergone a large restructure. The restructure
has provided enormous support and has
clear direction along with high expectations.
The Adelaide dashboard figures speak for
themselves. A strong leader has provided
strong results.
Bradley Rowe has stepped up to the role of
Inbound Manager, going from a PUD driver to
Onforwarding Supervisor to his current role.
Congratulations Brad!
Leighton Calvert has taken on the position of
Outbound Manager. I am sure the Sales Team
will be putting his team to the test as they sign
on new business.
The positive results and forward momentum
we are seeing in Adelaide is due to the
commitment from the entire Adelaide team.
As we always say, “our people are our most
important asset” and this is clearly evident by
the excellent team work in Adelaide.
Operationally, Adelaide has seen many
challenges over the past six months and has
excelled in every aspect. I’m looking forward
to building on our already strong commitment
to the Core Values and continually strive for
excellence in the Adelaide operation.
Michael Kalleske has joined the team in the
role of State Sales Manager for South Australia
and the Northern Territory. Michael brings ten
years’ experience from a Tier One carrier to the
Adelaide Sales Team and has provided a new
sense of excitement.
Training has taken on a new face, with the
departure of Adrian Willis to the mining
industry. We welcome Andrew Williams,
another excellent internal promotion. Andrew
commenced with Border Express in November
2004 and progressed through the driving ranks
up to bulk dangerous goods B Double drivers.
With his experience and passion for safety and
compliance, Andy was at the forefront of our
thoughts when the position became available.
Congratulations Andy and good to see the
results are already rolling in.
The administration team lead by Kim Hillier has
been exceptional. A lot of these tasks can be
taken for granted, but the attention to detail
and timely reports required is critical to the
business. A fantastic effort from all and keep up
the good work, well done.
The Big Switch program continues to provide
results for Adelaide, with the next phase being
lighting trials to reduce our carbon footprint
Adelaide was fortunate enough to have Max
and Mark Luff visit the branch at the same time.
A very inspirational presentation from Mark
and everyone loves to see Max in the branch.
Max, we look forward to many more visits in
the future.
On behalf of the entire Adelaide team, we all
look forward to being part of the exciting future
that lies ahead for Border Express.
Richard Speck
Sales Report
Challenging times are exciting for people
who enjoy and accept a challenge. The new
focus from a New Business and Account
Management team’s perspective is that as
Border Express people, we do not lie down,
we are stepping up to the plate and having a
red hot crack. Ultra-competitive new business
strategies and sensible cost saving measures
(to protect our future) are well under way. Our
Account Management team along with our
New Business team is going from strength
to strength. We have quality people who are
determined to continue the profitable growth
of Border Express for many years to come
by ensuring we have the right mix of loyal
supportive partnerships (customers). The
economic crisis that continues to play a major
part in our industry can only be looked at as a
half empty glass or one that is half full. In our
case, it is definitely half full. At a time when
most companies are cutting back on all areas,
we are hiring new Business Development
Managers and look to have several new people
start in July, August and September around the
y The high morale and enthusiasm of
e New Business and Account
Management teams is very
around the states.
There will be great opportunities ahead
with prospective customers reeling from
poor service performance with some of our
competitors. As our DIFOT continues to improve
week on week, so does our retention of our
existing business. We all need to remember, we
do not own our customers and as customers
they have every right to leave Border Express
at any time. If we all stay focused on DIFOT and
continue to reach PB’s around the country, the
thought of leaving becomes a distant memory.
On the back of improved DIFOT we should also
be gaining accounts that we lost on price, as
some of them are finding the service they now
get is no where near what they were receiving
from Border Express. Brisbane reclaimed an
important lost account this month, providing
further testament to the value of great service.
It’s always great to finish the financial year
with a bang… and that’s exactly what we have
done! With new business writings well ahead
of budget for 2011/12, the best part about our
good result for the last quarter is that it did not
hinge on 2 or 3 large accounts. This is a great
momentum heading in to the new financial
year. Bring on 2012/2013!
Mostafa Kassaby
(08) 8209 6300
(02) 6022 6000
Barnawartha (02) 6042 8800
(07) 3723 4800
(02) 6123 3100
(03) 9263 3700
(08) 8944 5200
Gold Coast
(07) 5656 1500
(03) 8368 7200
(02) 4953 1095
(08) 9351 5900
(02) 9732 7300
Any comments or feedback
contributions are welcome.
EMAIL: newsletter@borderexpress.com.au