June 2014 - sfbwhwtc
June 2014 - sfbwhwtc
VOLUME 43, NUMBER 2 June 2014 ENJOY THE SUMMER!!! PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Summer is upon us and I hope everyone will have the opportunity to take vacations, and spend time with friends, family and Westies. We have a number of exciting activities underway with the Club. We held our 37th Annual Specialty Show and Sweepstakes April 10, and 11, at the Cal Expo in Sacramento this year, with both Conformation and Obedience on Thursday and Friday at our two-day event. We had a relatively low turn-out this year, and we are considering options for the future that might include multiple locations and weekend times to attract more entries and visitors. Stay tuned for exciting details as we work this through. Thanks to Lisa Blutman, our Specialty Show Chair, and Gail Krieger, our Trophy Chair for another great Specialty. We have a very exciting fund raising event that we are in the middle of developing. We are holding a Facebook Auction with the goal of raising $10,000. to support our Rescue organization. The bidding will start at 11:00 A.M. PDT on June 26th and run through 4:00 P.M. PDT on June 29th. We have already received hundreds of wonderful donations, ` and we appreciate any kind of donation... both dog-related and other to help raise money for Rescue. For more information go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WestieRescue N.Cali/ August 2, 2014, Debbie and I will be hosting our 8th Annual Fun Day at our house. Club members and prospective members are welcome to bring their dogs and their people to run off leash in our gated back yard. We will be setting up the lure course again in our front yard to add more excitement to the Westies' day. We will have a potluck lunch, Westie Boutique sales table, and a General Meeting right after lunch. We look forward to seeing all members and prospective members at our home. The Tartan Games will be held this year on October 25, 2014, at Vasona Lake Park in Los Gatos, a facility of the County of Santa Clara Regional Parks and Recreation System. If you have not done so, please mark your calendars for Saturday, December 6, 2014, when we hold our annual Holiday Luncheon at the Brass Door Restaurant in Dublin. A quick reminder about the Fourth of July. Fireworks can be quite a traumatic experience for dogs. The sudden loud noises are quite disconcerting and cause great agitation amongst many Westies. If you are home on the Fourth, keep your dogs inside as much as possible to shield them from the fireworks. If you have a dog that becomes very nervous and agitated, try distracting him/her with loud TV or music, or try playing a rousing ball game or another fun game to try and divert them and keep them calm. Don and Gail have been Charter members and Founders of the Club since its beginning in 1973. Donald has contributed greatly to the Club every year since then. In addition to being there to help at Club events and working to prepare for events, Don has always been there to bring fun and laughter. We will miss Donald and we send our sincere sympathy to Gail and all of their family. If you wish to honor Donald, the family has asked that in lieu of flowers, you make a donation in Donald's name to our own Westie Rescue Fund or the American Lung Association. It's quite easy. Once you're at action.lung.org/memorial, you click on memorial and fill out the page that has boxes for all the information the American Lung Association needs. They in turn will notify the family that a donation was made in his name. If anyone wants to make a memorial donation in Donald's name by check. the address is: American Lung Association 1531 I St. #201 Sacramento, CA 95814 The American Lung Association supports research for lung disease and disorders, advocates for clean air and offers help for people wanting to quit smoking. See you at the Fun Day. Have a great summer! For those who did not see the email from Jim Gilcrest in May, we are saddened to share with you that Donald Krieger passed away on Monday, April 28th, at home after a short illness. Rick Sklarin President, SFBWHWTC ****** SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 2 ` Westie Rescue Facebook Auction Thursday, June 26th, through Sunday, June 29th, 2014 We are having a huge auction to benefit Westie Rescue. The Auction will be held on Facebook in order to get maximum exposure while retaining control of the process. This will be a great event with lots of wonderful Westie (and other dog) items. Since we know that some people are not (and do not want to be) on Facebook, we have provided an easy method to sign up for Facebook temporarily for the Auction. Check it out on the following pages. Please consider donating items for the Auction as well as signing up to participate in the Action. Please help Westie Rescue!!! Donate items and bid on the Auction items!!! Click on this link to sign up and to see everything: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WestieRescueN.Cali/photos/ ****** SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 3 ` SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 4 ` Temporary Facebook signup for the Rescue Auction If you are not on Facebook, but would like to participate in the Auction, here is how you can do it: You need to have an email address, and you can get a temporary one easily. Go to Google.com and click on the "Gmail" at the top right corner. This will give you a screen that asks you to "create an account." Click on that and it will ask you to set up an account. You can use any name and birth date to set it up. You DO NOT NEED TO USE YOUR NAME, and you do not need to give them your current email. I used our dogs' names. Be sure to use a birth date that says you are at least 18 years old, or it may not let you set up the account. Now go to "facebook.com" to open a new account. In the page below you can see that I opened an account with a fake name just to use for the Auction. Click on "sign up" and skip through the information they ask for. Then go to our Auction page and sign up for the Auction. Be sure to send Mary Young an email (MaryFiona@aol.com) and tell her what name and email you are using for the Auction, so that she will accept you. ****** SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 5 ` 2014 Specialty Show by Lisa Blutman The 2014 Specialty was held in conjunction with the Northern California Terrier Association on April 11th, with a supported entry on April 10th in Sacramento. Despite the low entries, all in attendance had a good time. My thanks to Gail Krieger for her outstanding choices regarding the trophies. This was Gail's last year as trophy chair so I am looking for someone to take over this position for next year. I also want to thank Nancy Berger for stepping into the ring to assist, as well as helping with trophy set-up at the last minute on Friday. Additionally, Jim and Linda Gilcrest brought out their elder stateswoman for Veteran Sweeps, as did Janie Emerson, and Nancy Berger brought out her veteran for Veteran classes. It is so wonderful to see our older dogs going back into the show ring and having a good time strutting their stuff. The Standing Match and Show Committee are discussing alternatives for 2015 to encourage all members to attend and support those who show their dogs. The Club was founded on the principle of breeding the best Westies possible according to the AKC standards and showing the results of our breeding program. It is for this reason, we want to encourage all Westie owners to come out and see the puppies, adults and veterans in action. It is with admiration that I commend Nancy Berger for showing her dogs in both Conformation and Obedience. Double Duty Nancy...Way to go! Looking forward to some Specialty news for all of us for 2015. Come and enjoy our show! SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 6 ` THANK YOU SAN FRANCISCO BAY WESTIE CLUB MEMBERS AND FRIENDS We want to send a very special thank you to our members and the previous year’s award winners for their donations to our trophy fund. Their donations help make our shows a bit more special. We want to give a special acknowledgement to Don Davis Animal Products for their generous donation of dog shampoo that was given as part of the award at our supported entry on Thursday, April 10th. Unfortunately there were huge errors in the catalog. The entire list of class sponsors and the list of award sponsors sent to NCTA and the show superintendents were left out of the catalog. Our apologies for this oversight. The following is a list of the sponsors that supported our specialty show with donations to the Specialty trophy fund. BEST OF BREED– Winnie Noble and Pam Whiting BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREED – Walt and Nancy Berger BEST OF WINNERS– Sherry Byrd WINNERS DOG – Donald, Gail and Genevie Krieger WINNERS BITCH– Jim and Linda Gilcrest RESERVE WINNERS DOG– Lisa Blutman and Mary Sue Blutman RESERVE WINNERS BITCH – Harry and Nancy Gammie BEST BRED BY EXHIBITOR– Nancy Stalnaker in memory of Jane Stewart BEST PUPPY– Walt and Nancy Berger 6 – 9 MONTHS PUPPY DOG CLASS – Mary Young 9 – 12 MONTHS PUPPY DOG CLASS – Neal Williams JUNIOR DOGS (12-18 MONTHS) – Winnie Noble AMATEUR HANDLER DOG CLASS – SFBWHWTC BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG CLASS – Jim and Betty Boso AMERICAN BRED DOG CLASS – Sam and Barbara Callaway OPEN DOG CLASS – Madeleine Sandberg 6 – 9 MONTHS PUPPY BITCH CLASS – Marie Thompson 9 – 12 MONTHS PUPPY BITCH CLASS – Susan Acevedo JUNOR BITCHES (12 – 18 MONTHS) CLASS – Glenn and Toni Snow BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH CLASS – Lisa Blutman and Mary Sue Blutman SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 7 ` AMATEUR HANDLER BITCH CLASS – SFBWHWTC AMERICAN BITCH CLASS – Jason and Sarah Crain OPEN BITCH CLASS – Allan and Kim Smith STUD DOG CLASS – Lois Cox and Charlie Tost BROOD BITCH CLASS – Lois Cox and Charlie Tost BRACE CLASS – SFBWHWTC VETERAN DOG- Jack and Maria Caffey VETERAN BITCH – Suzanne Kesterson BEST IN PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES– Gary Sacket and David Butterfield BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES – Rick and Debbie Sklarin 6 – 9 MONTHS PUPPY DOG SWEEPSTAKES CLASS – Ramona Rule 9 – 12 MONTHS PUPPY DOG SWEEPSTAKES CLASS – Janie Emerson JUNIOR DOG PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES CLASS (12 – 18 MONTHS) – Leslie Zais 6 – 9 MONTHS PUPPY BITCH SWEEPSTAKES CLASS – Chuck Grimes 9 – 12 MONTHS PUPPY BITCH SWEEPSTAKES CLASS – Ramona Rule JUNIOR BITCH PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES CLASS (12 – 18 MONTHS) – Jim and Sandy Gilmer BEST IN VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES -Kay DeLoach & Karen Simondet of Westie Rescue of Orange County & Beyond BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES – David and Linda Snook VETERAN DOGS SWEEPSTAKES CLASS 7 – 9 YEARS – SFBWHWTC VETERAN DOGS SWEEPSTAKES CLASS 10 YEARS AND OLDER – SFBWHWTC VETERAN BITCHES SWEEPSTAKES CLASS 7 – 9 YEARS - SFBWHWTC VETERAN BITCHES SWEEPSTAKES CLASS 10 YEARS AND OLDER – SFBWHWTC GENERAL TROPHY FUND – Pam Whiting ****** SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 8 ` Donald Krieger In Memoriam April 19, 1941 - April 28, 2014 We all know Donald as the guy that was helping load and unload trophies, helping with set-up and tear down, and taking care of the dogs when Gail was away on "Westie business." Donald and Gail were married May 28, 1966, and were always a team. They had two daughters, Genevie and Anne Marie Krieger. In 1972, with his wife, Gail, along with Bruce and Helaine Campbell, he co-founded the Bay Counties West Highland White Terrier Club (later to become the San Francisco Bay West Highland White Terrier Club after AKC sanction). Formation of the Club was a daunting task. Using lists of Westie buyers from Margaret Barr and Dorie Eisenberg, owners were invited to meet at the home of Donald and Gail in Walnut Creek in September, 1972, to discuss the formation of a regional Westie Club. In the early days of the Club, Donald helped with Club match set-ups and teardowns, made trophies, worked on fundraisers and served on nominating committees. Donald is co-breeder of multiple Best-in-Show Ch. Paddyhill's Flash of Brilliance, and Canadian multiple Best-in-Show winner, Am. Can. Ch. Gailaurie's Zoomzoom, also the winner of the WHWTCA's (West Highland White Terrier Club of America) Centennial Show Best-of-Opposite-Sex in 2009. He and Gail were the owners or breeder/owners of twenty Westie champions, two Cairn Terrier and two Norwich Terrier champions. His most adored Westie was Ch. Merryhart Racy Rumor (Racy). Donald also had a Mini- Wirehaired Dachshund, Happiness Lady Gailaurie (Daisy), who he loved. But Donald loved all dogs...big and small. Donald always encouraged his daughters, Gen and Anne Marie, to participate in AKC junior showmanship, and both of them subsequently became Best Junior Handler in Show winners. Donald loved their home in Valley Springs where he could pursue his hobbies as an avid vegetable gardener, working on his classic car collection, and getting away to go fishing. But first and foremost he was a great family man and always stayed close to his extended family. Donald and Gail would have been married 48 years on May 28, 2014, and Donald passed just one short month before that anniversary on April 28, 2014. We lost a wonderful man and friend with Donald's passing. In addition to being a tireless worker for the Club, he always had a smile and a pat on the back for everyone, and was the fastest guy around at buying you a drink! He will be greatly missed. ****** SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 9 ` Getting to Know our Board Members by Linda Gilcrest MARIA CAFFEY, Board Member and Spring Fling Chair I was born many years ago in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I grew up in a lovely adobe home and my family owned flower shops. We always had a Parakeet and a Pekingese. I studied ballet, tap, modern jazz, acrobatics and ballroom from the time I was 5 years old until I went off to college. I was a soloist with the Ballet Company of New Mexico and held the National and International Junior Ballroom titles. In the tumultuous 1960s, I left Albuquerque for the University of Santa Clara, where I was supposed to major in ballet. Alas, I forgot all about dancing and graduated with a degree in Psychology. It was at Santa Clara that Jack and I met. He was majoring in Electrical Engineering. We fell in love and got married 2 weeks after I graduated. I began working as a Counselor at Juvenile Hall in San Jose. It was a very frightening experience with dangerous kids. After that I worked at the VA Hospital in Menlo Park with Veterans battling drug and alcohol addiction. This was extremely rewarding. As the patients’ behavior changed, I saw wonderful human beings emerge. In the meantime, Jack received his Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering and began his career with Hewlett Packard. We moved into our first home in Los Altos and had our son Sean. I got to be a stay-athome Mom with him for 5 years. We are so proud of him. He graduated from Berkeley and went on to earn his M.D. and MBA at the University of Southern California. He is now the founder and CEO of a number of medical device companies in the Los Angeles area. While staying home with Sean, I began my MBA at the University of Santa Clara. I started as a Cost Accountant and worked my way up to the Financial Planning and Analysis Manager for several divisions of ROLM Corporation. ROLM was eventually purchased by IBM, where I happily worked until I retired. As soon as I retired we adopted two Westie puppies from Suzanne Kesterson. Again, I was a stay-at-home Mom...this time for Katie and Angus. We joined the SFBWHWTC soon after. Actually it took Jack about 15 years to formally sign up, but both of us have been active in the Club since our first Westie 16 years ago. We are on our second set now with another Katie and a Murphy. We show SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 10 ` them in Obedience. Murphy has his CD (Companion Dog) and Katie has her BN (Beginner Novice). Both are Canine Good Citizens. wonderful volunteers and everyone who came and made it such a success! This year I am on the board of the SFBWHWTC and chaired the Spring Fling. Again, I want to thank all the When I’m not with Katie and Murphy, I’m probably at a Giants' game, the Los Altos Country Club or Filoli, where I am I volunteer on the Floral Design Committee. I assist with the classes that teach flower arranging. I am also active with the Filoli Flower Show and the Holiday Traditions. I hope to see all of you members at the Fun Day on August 2nd. ****** Getting to Know our New Members by Linda Gilcrest BARBARA MORDY I was born in Ohio and raised in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I attended undergraduate school at Wisconsin State University, Stevens Pointe, and Eastern Michigan University, from where I graduated in 1974. I came to California in 1974, then left in 1975 to work for VISTA Volunteers in Service to America in Rapid City, South Dakota. I returned to California in 1976 and attended graduate school at San Jose State University earning a Master’s Degree in Social Work. I've always loved dogs and had rescued four dogs prior to my first Westie. My neighbor had a “Pam Evans” Rescue Westie that I adored so I applied for one. I rescued my first Westie from Pam Evans in 2004. Angus McDuff is now 14-15 years old. I have been attending the Spring Fling and Tartan Games since I got him from Pam. When I retired, I got Hunter McDuff from a rescue in the Central Valley. Hunter is now about 8 years old. I took over running the South Bay West Highland White Terrier Meet-up about 5 years ago. My Westie Meet-up has about 175 members...many who have rescues and support rescue. In 2010, I contacted Mary Young to see if I could assist her with Rescue. I had assisted the Central Valley Rescue (where I got Hunter) in placing several Westies and one Cairn in my group network. I thought I might assist Mary by using the resources of my Meet-up to help find fosters (and forever homes) for needy Westies, as well as transporting South Bay Westies from shelters to vets. Most recently I have tried to help with fund raising for Rescue, and I am currently working on the Westie Facebook Auction for the Rescue Fund. SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 11 ` Professionally, I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who spent most of my career as a Civil Servant and Manager. I worked my way up to a Regional Manager position with the State of California-Department of Social Services Licensing Division. Our division licensed out of home care for children, adults and seniors in non-medical facilities. I retired about 3 years ago after over 20 years in management, and 33 years of state service. preservation. I am on the Board of the Historic Preservation Society of Santa Clara and the HarrisLass House Museum, as well as the Chair of the Santa Clara Historic Home Tour for the second year. The tour is an annual event in December featuring 4 private historic homes and a public building. All money raised is donated to preservation efforts in the local community. I am a new member of the Westie Club as of this past January, and I'm looking forward to continuing my active involvement with this wonderful breed. Since retirement, I have been following my interests...which focus on rescue and historic ****** 2014 Board of Directors This is the 2014 Club Board of Directors which was elected at the Annual meeting on January 11, 2014. From left to right: Rick Sklarin, President; Sarah Crain, Secretary; Jim Gilcrest, Treasurer; Maria Caffey, Director; Neal Williams, Director; Nancy Berger, Director; Sherry Byrd, Director and Mary Young, Vice President and Rescue Chair. Missing from the photo are Ramona Rule, Director; and Sandy Gilmer, Director. ****** SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 12 ` New Members Introducing our new members voted in at the January Annual Meeting. From left to right are: Jan Williams, Ken Mieding, Davena Gentry, Charlie Tost, Lois Cox, Madeleine Sandberg, Ulf Sandberg, Barbara Mordy, and Jo Fleming. ****** Pending Memberships The following individuals have submitted applications to join the Club. Each applicant must have their application read at two General Meetings which they attend before being voted on for membership. Each of these applicants has had a first reading, and will have a second reading and be voted on at the next General Meeting which they attend: Michelle Hou, Dublin Bev Klein, Moraga Derek Tyan, Lafayette Nickie Flynn, Mill Valley and Kansas Darrell Harguth, Pleasant Hill Gail Larsen, Danville The following individuals need a first and second reading of their applications: Carol Hemphill, San Juan Bautista Meryl Shatzman, Fremont ****** SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 13 ` Brags Westly lives with Karen Heere in Yachats, Oregon. He excels in agility. He has earned his first title (Jumpers Novice), running with the Australian Shepherd Club of America. Yes, little white dogs can jump. BonneeBelle Gilcrest (CH Sudoeste's "Til There Was You") was the Best Veteran in Sweepstakes at our Club Specialty ****** Rescue Report by Mary Young We had a wonderful 2014 Parade of Rescues on April 26th, at the Spring Fling, and are now devoting all of our attention to fundraising. Of course we continue to accept precious Westies into our program who are seeking a new forever home. Currently we have several in Foster homes who need medical attention. I am sure you remember Dixie, our little heartworm girl, and I am pleased to report that all of her treatments have gone very well and she will be spayed and placed in a month or so. CALIFORNIA FUNDRAISING AUCTION” and the link to our page is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ WestieRescueN.Cali/ Fundraising is a key priority now because we had three Rescues who needed extensive medical care and have greatly impacted our Rescue Fund. We sent out a plea for people to donate and have received some much needed cash allowing us to keep rescuing. Thank you notes will be sent after our major fundraising event, which I will tell you about now. We are also listing our donations in an upcoming Tartan Newsletter. We have two volunteers from Michigan (Marcia Reimer) and North Carolina (Shelly Olivares) who have set up our Auction page for us. Linda Gilcrest, Sandy Gilmer, Barbara Mordy, Ramona Rule and I are the Club members involved who are collecting items and posting them on Facebook. We take photos of the treasures and post them with a starting bid and postage information. Others are posting their items, too, and you can also do so. We will continue to add to the page so keep your eye on it and join the fun. And thanks again to all of you who have donated cash and collectibles! Keep up the intensity of interest and we will report back soon on the results of the Auction. We are having a Facebook Auction of all things Westie (and some Scottie and Cairn items). If you are not on Facebook, be sure to join, and if you are on Facebook, please invite your friends to join. Our page name is “WESTIE RESCUE OF NORTHERN ****** Copy and paste that link into your browser and you will be sent to us immediately. We currently have 869 members who have registered to vote at the Auction, and we would love to reach 1000 for the Auction, which starts on Thursday, June 26th, at 11:00 AM PDT and ends Sunday, June 29th, at 3:59:59 PM PDT. SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 14 In Memoriam We wish to take this opportunity to honor our wonderful four-footed friends that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. For future issues, we ask that you send your memorials to us at: Jim@GilcrestConsulting.com. Please send a photo, birth (an estimate is fine if you don't have the exact date) and death dates and a short (three or four sentences) note to include in the memorial. Angus 1998 - April 7, 2014 Maria and Jack Caffey We said goodbye to Angus. He was with us for over 16 years and gave joy to our lives every day in every way. We miss him terribly. Buddie Am, Can Ch. Gailaurie's Vagabond Venture September, 2001 - August, 2013 Donald and Gail Krieger Buddie was a "singleton," or some might say the only puppy in the litter, spoiled rotten. Buddie was a true showman. He was one of those show dogs that said through his posture in the show ring that he was demanding you look at him. He finished his AKC and CKC championships at eleven months. He was also a great house pet as well as a show dog, proving it's possible to have the best of both worlds. SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN • APRIL 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 1 ` Sophie 1998 - March 5, 2014 Cindy and Ron Kangas Puppies for sale. We traveled to Walnut Creek to the breeder’s home. A herd of Westies greeted us at the door. We were able to observe the puppies playing. The star of the show was Kelly. When Bob threw a tennis ball, she ran with wild abandon to be the first to capture the treasured ball. I told my husband Kelly was the one. The one-year old puppy fell asleep on the ride home, tired after her aggressive tennis ball chasing. Upon arriving at home, I was excited to play with Kelly and the tennis ball. I threw the ball. She looked at me with a vacuous expression. "Why on earth would I chase a tennis ball?" To this day, she has never chased a ball, or any toy for that matter. She was not a Kelly. After asking many for ideas and recognizing my affinity for all things French, she was christened Sophie. Her lazy cat-like ways seemed to mesh well with a Sophie moniker. While not into chasing balls, Sophie excelled at hiking, was a great fishing partner, enjoyed innumerable walks and just being a loyal companion. She was well-known for her greeting of visitors with an enthusiastic howl. Hallie June 1, 1998 - February 16, 2014 Jackie and Bob Myers Our sweet Hallie...after surviving a puppy mill, commercial transport while still a fragile and tiny puppy from the eastern US to Las Vegas, a serious case of CMO, and a pet store having sent her to their vet to be euthanized, Hallie came into our lives on Christmas Eve of 1998. She was all terrier…fun, feisty, courageous, inquisitive, tender, and a cuddler, with a zest for life that invited everyone to join in the fun and shenanigans, no spoil sports allowed. Bob and I will miss her deeply always. SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 16 ` Ivie Ch. Stoneledge Ivie MacKenChar April 1996 - October 2013 Owned and loved by Donald and Gail Krieger and Jaimi Glodek We affectionately called her Ivie Geranium because when we got her as a six month old puppy we were warned that she was a climber. Indeed! She was a climber! We lost Ivie at 17 1/2 years. She was quite lively up until her last six months of life. We miss her dearly. Birdie and Sparkie Donald and Gail Krieger It's been a very sad past 12 months. We lost dear sweet Bertie (Birdie) last summer and now our poor sweet Sparkie is gone. Mary allowed us to foster both boys. We eventually adopted Bertie. Sparkie had kidney disease. Mary and I agreed the best thing we could do for Sparkie was to let him live out his days with the Krieger family. Another relocation would have stressed him too much and accelerated his disease. Bertie came from the Petaluma (no kill) animal shelter. It was obvious that he had suffered long and hard with atopy (fungal skin disease) before being rescued off the streets and delivered to the Petaluma Shelter. He had permanent scarring and could no longer regrow hair on his chest and from his hips down to his hind feet. I think he adapted well to life at Toreno Way, and it says it all when I tell you that he never slept a night anywhere but on the left lower corner of the bed. If ever a dog deserved to be treated with a little extra kindness, it was Bertie. Sparkie was the Westie with the temperament every Westie should have. He was so confident, yet gentle. He loved people and he loved every dog he came in contact with. Sparkie was a true ambassador of the breed. What a gentleman! What a shame he had to leave this earth so soon. ****** SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 17 ` Westies being Westies Dixie really wants that mole!! Mary Young Harry lost a tooth Marie Thompson Milton is modeling for Playgirl! Virginia and Ed Casey Mac really likes his bear Jacqueline Bonnel ****** SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 18 ` SAN FRANCISCO BAY WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER CLUB 2014 OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Board of Directors Rick Sklarin Mary Young Jim Gilcrest, IPP Sarah Crain Nancy Berger, Sherry Byrd, Maria Caffey , Sandy Gilmer, Ramona Rule, Neal Williams 2014 COMMITTEES Auction for Rescue Fund Mary Young, Linda Gilcrest, Ramona Rule, Sandy Gilmer, Barbara Mordy Awards Pam Evans Boutique/Craft Table Marie Thompson, Suzanne Kesterson By-laws Neal Williams, Gail Krieger, Lisa Blutman, Mary Young Fun Day Debbie Sklarin, Rick Sklarin Fundraising Lisa Blutman, Kim Smith, Linda Gilcrest Highland Tartan Newsletter Linda Gilcrest, Jim Gilcrest Holiday Luncheon Suzanne Kesterson, Marie Thompson Hospitality Nancy Berger Inventory Pam Evans Legislative Janie Emerson Librarian OPEN Membership Linda Gilcrest Meeting & Event Notification OPEN Obedience Nancy Berger Other Club Liaison Gail Krieger Program & Club Education OPEN Puppy Referral and Breeder Referral SFBWHWTC Website Rescue Mary Young, Gail Krieger, Marshall Culp Specialty Show Lisa Blutman Spring Fling Maria Caffey Standing Match & Show Gail Krieger, Lisa Blutman, Kim Smith Supported Entry & Special Events Gail Krieger Sunshine Nancy Berger Tartan Games Jason Crain, Sarah Crain, Rick Sklarin, Debbie Sklarin Trophies Looking for a new one! Webmaster Sandy Gilmer (Looking for a new one!) Westie Foundation of America Liaison Gail Krieger WestieMed Liaison Pam Evans, Sandy Gilmer WHWTCA Liaison Lisa Blutman Please consider volunteering your time by serving on one of the Club’s committees. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and to help shape the future of our organization. If you are interested, please contact Rick Sklarin. SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 19 ` MARK YOUR CALENDARS! 2014 EVENTS Date Event Location August 2, 2014 September, 2014 October 25, 2014 Fun Day Match Tartan Games Sklarins' Residence, Atherton TBD Vasona Park, Los Gatos Visit us online at http://www.sfbaywestieclub.com for the latest news and updates! The HIGHLAND TARTAN is published four times per year in March, June, September and December. We encourage any Club Member or Subscriber to submit articles or information which they feel would be of interest to the Club. Please send material of interest to the Editor by the first day of the month of publication. All materials are published at the discretion of the Editor. Opinions are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the Editor or the Board of Directors of the San Francisco Bay West Highland White Terrier Club. Send materials for publication to Jim Gilcrest at: Highland Tartan, 1440 Hidden Valley Road, Soquel, CA 95073. Send e-mail to: Jim@GilcrestConsulting.com When submitting information for an ad, please have it camera ready. Indicate the size (full or half page) and mark the areas to be used for written copy. Copy should be typed to size on white paper. Your photos and copy will be returned, if requested. Subscriptions Cost $15.00 per year. Advertisement Costs for a Full Page $20.00, Half Page $10.00, Business Cards, $15.00 for 4 issues. Whelping Box: List litter announcements in the Tartan: Number of dog and bitch puppies, sire, dam, whelp date and owners. $5/ issue, members only. Please make check Payable to SFBWHWTC. Payment must accompany advertisement. Send subscription requests to SFBWHWTC, and mail to: Jim Gilcrest, 1440 Hidden Valley Road, Soquel, CA 95073. THE HIGHLAND TARTAN SAN FRANCISCO BAY WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER CLUB Jim and Linda Gilcrest 1440 Hidden Valley Road Soquel, CA 95073-9710 SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN JUNE 2014 • VOLUME 43 NUMBER 2 20
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