March 2013
March 2013
VOLUME 42, NUMBER 1 March 2013 HAPPY EASTER! We hope you all have a wonderful Easter and wonderful Spring! Westies love Spring and so do we. ` PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE I hope you all made it through winter without your Westies getting too muddy. We were not successful with that since we live in the Santa Cruz Mountains and BonneeBelle loves to hunt - rabbits, quail and she particularly loves to dig in gopher holes - not a clean adventure for a Westie. At the Annual Meeting in January we elected Club officers for the year. I appreciate your confidence in electing me President for another year. All of your officers and directors are dedicated to doing the best that we can for the Club (which is more than can be said for some of those we have sent to Washington, D.C.). A complete list of officers, directors and committee members is shown at the end of the Tartan. We have a couple of important Club events coming up in the next month or so. The first will be the Club Specialty Shows for 2013. These shows will be held on Thursday, April 11, and Friday, April 12, at Cal Expo in Sacramento. This is the most important event that the Club holds each year. Without a Specialty every year, we would not be an AKC Club. We need everyone's support for the shows. We want to thank all of you who have so generously contributed to the Specialty already by placing ads in the catalog and contributing to the trophy fund. The best way to support the Club now is to be at the show on Thursday and/or Friday. It is a great opportunity to see some beautiful and talented Westies in both the conformation ring and in the obedience ring. Yes, I know it is sometimes hard to believe that a Westie can be in obedience - they do have minds of their own. However, if you visit the obedience ring you will see at least a couple of excellent Westies there. So please show up in Sacramento for one or both days and cheer on the Westies in BOTH conformation and obedience. If you cannot be in Sacramento, please help by contributing to the trophy fund. To donate contact Gail Krieger or you can send a donation to our treasurer, Ramona Rule, (24183 Hillview Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94024). The Specialty Show and dinner have always been one of the Club's biggest fundraising events because of the auction after the dinner. This year we are not having a dinner due to a lack of interest in the last couple of years (we have been unable to meet minimum requirements for banquet rooms). I think this is a terrible shame since the dinner is a good opportunity to visit and get to know the other Club members better. If you would like to have a Specialty dinner next year and think you would attend, let me know. If we have the interest, there are members who are willing to spend the effort to put the event together. The other important event coming up on Saturday, April 27, is the Spring Fling at Vasona Park in Los Gatos. We will once again have the Parade of Rescues at this event. We had this parade last year at the Tartan Games in November, but it is typically held at the Spring Fling. Contact Mary Young and get signed up to bring your wonderful Rescue Westie to the Spring Fling. This year Marie Thompson and Maria Caffey have generously volunteered to organize the Spring Fling and they can use everyone's help. Please contact Marie ( or Maria ( to let them know that you will be there and can help. They need to know that they will have plenty of help setting up, running and cleaning up after the event. Jim Gilcrest President, SFBWHWTC 831-462-6440 SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 2 SFBWHWTC Annual Meeting Our annual meeting was held on January 12th, at the Lafayette Community Center. At this meeting, we elected the Club officers and directors for 2013. The complete list of officers, directors and committee members is shown at the end of the Tartan. We could always use more help, and would love to see new faces for committees and for the officers and directors. If you can help with a committee, or would be interested in being a Club officer or director, let us know by email or any other means. Committee help can be used now, and any interest in the officer and director positions will be forwarded to next year's Nominating Committee. In conjunction with the meeting, the Club sponsored a clinic to take blood and DNA samples to send to researchers sponsored by the Westie Foundation of America. These samples will help the researchers find cures for the diseases that affect our Westies. Samples were taken for Westies with and without the diseases being studied. This will allow the researchers to determine which genes may be responsible for the diseases. Samples were taken from about 26 Westies. We want to thank everyone that had his or her Westie tested. We are particularly grateful to Pam Whiting, DVM, who drew the samples, as well as Gail Krieger and Sherry Byrd who helped control 26 Westies and organized the paperwork. The efforts of these three Club members demonstrate the kind of work that our Club does to support and improve the Westie breed. Thank you - Pam, Sherry and Gail SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN • MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 ` SFBWHWTC SPECIALTY SHOW 2013 36th Annual Specialty Show and Puppy & Veteran Sweepstakes April 11 and 12, 2013 Cal Expo Fairgrounds & Center 1600 Exposition Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95815 A FOUR-DAY CIRCUIT Northern California Terrier Association SFBWHWTC designated Specialty Show Thursday April 11, 2013 SFBWHWTC designated Specialty Show Friday April 12, 2013 Sacramento Kennel Club All breed show, Saturday April 13, 2013 All breed show, Sunday April 14, 2013 Back-to-Back Specialty Shows and Sweepstakes 1 Location, 1 Set-up, 4 Fantastic Shows! SFBWHWTC Specialty Sweepstakes Rule SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 4 ` Specialty Show Judges Thursday April 11, 2013 Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes: Carol Faria Regular Classes: Edd E. Bivin Friday April 12, 2013 Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes: Diana Bullard Regular Classes: Ann Barlow Specialty Show Chairman Lisa Blutman Cell: 650-759-0184 Home: 707-678-8301 If you have never been to a show, or have not been for a while, come and see these beautiful Westies do their thing. It's great fun to watch them get prepared, as well as to watch them in both conformation and obedience. SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 5 ` 17th ANNUAL SPRING FLING Date: April 27, 2013 Time: Place: 9:30 AM 'til 4:00 PM Vasona Lake Park Circle Group Area 333 Blossom Hill Road Los Gatos, CA 95032 A facility of the County of Santa Clara Regional Parks and Recreation System. Cost: Spring Fling: $5.00 entry donation per person $6.00 per car Vasona Park entry fee Lure Course: $5.00 fee for each dog Please complete a Lure Course Registration Form for each dog and bring it with you to the registration table. SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 6 ` Contact: Home: E-mail: Maria Caffey or Marie Thompson 650-941-6333 or Everyone is welcome! It is time to celebrate the sun, friends and our dogs! At the Spring Fling we will have our Annual Parade of Rescues the Lure Course, a General Membership Meeting and a Potluck Lunch. Our Lure Course is back again this year for lots of Westie fun. Please complete a Lure Course Registration Form for each of your dogs in advance and bring the forms with you to the Spring Fling registration table. breeders and owners as well as with our Rescue coordinators. A very brief General Membership meeting will be held at 12:45 PM after the lunch. See below for the Potluck Lunch dish assignments. Bring your Westies, an exercise pen, blanket, folding chairs and a dish to share at the Potluck Lunch. Plan to spend a relaxing day sharing small talk and making friends...all for the Love of Westies. All dogs must be on a non-retractable leash no longer than 6 feet or in an exercise pen when not participating in an event. NO Flexi-leads or retractable leads will be allowed. Owners must clean up after their own dogs. If you are looking for a Westie to share your life, this is a great way to meet and talk with Westie The Spring Fling will be held rain or shine! PARADE OF RESCUES Come one and come all! We want to encourage all of you who have rescued a Westie to enter the Parade and be recognized. The Parade of Rescues will be held at 1:00 PM. Please use the Parade of Rescues Template to write 100-150 words about your wonderful Rescue Westie(s) and what they mean to you and your family. Your story will be included in our Parade of Rescues Program. Please limit your story to 100150 words so the Program is manageable. DEADLINE: Please e-mail your story or completed template to on or before March 20, 2013, in order to be included. POTLUCK LUNCH Please bring a Potluck Dish to share according to the first letter of your last name. The SFBWHWTC will provide dessert and drinks. The lunch will be from 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM. A - L Main Course M - S Salads T - Z Appetizers SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 7 ` SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 12:45 PM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM Lure Course Opens Potluck Lunch Brief General Meeting Parade of Rescues Lure Course Re-opens Lure Course Closes Clean up Begins Good news! Pam Evans has volunteered to groom Westie heads again for a donation to Westie Rescue. And speaking of volunteering................... To ensure the success of the Spring Fling, we are asking volunteers to sign up to help with at least one of the following: Lure Course Set Up Registration/Information Table Running the Lure Course at One Hour Intervals (Jack Caffey will provide instruction) Buffet Set Up/Take Down Lure Course Take Down Cleanup Please email either Maria Caffey ( or Marie Thompson ( with your choice. Anyone 16 and older is encouraged to help. Plus, as an added benefit, if you volunteer for a shift on the Lure Course, there's no waiting. Your dog(s) go first! Thank you. See You at the Spring Fling! SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 8 ` THANK YOU!!! Below is the list of those who have donated to the Rescue Fund in 2012. The Club and all of the wonderful Rescues are deeply indebted to each and every one of you. SFBWHWTC DONORS 2012 PLATINUM DONORS ($2000 or more) Nancy Nee Westie Med Janice Bleyaert Craig Jackson GOLD DONORS ($1000 or more) SILVER DONORS ($500 or more) Rick and Debbie Sklarin Susan Robbins Laura Prather: In Memory of Charles and Juanita Harper of Napa, owner of Westie Sisters, Lindsay and Scarlet, who found their forever homes through Westie Rescue- SFBWHWTC. BRONZE DONORS ($250 or more) Geraldine Buehler Marilyn Halberg Carole and Rick Soss Ramona Rule Clark and Linda Vilas ASSOCIATE DONORS (Up to $250) Linda & Jim Gilcrest Marie Thompson Lisa Blutman Raymond & Kathleen Tirri Robert Hayward William O’Such & Ineke Ruhland J. S. Ditterman Lois Cox & Charlie Tost Kent Kantz Richard & Pat Bridges Janet Kurnick Gail & Don Krieger East Bay Westie MeetUp Tiger Tail Foods SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 9 ` Nancy & Walt Berger Karyn & Normann Sivertsen Claudia Hamano Victoria Warren Kathleen O’Lander David & Linda Levinson Suzanne Doyle Manuela Pacheo Roberta Dunton Linda Williams Glenda Richards Rachel Spory Carla Hatley Janet Galeano Mary Paniagua Elizabeth Wright Judy Peelo Nicholi Flynn Thomas Mullett David Albright A very special Thank You to Barbara and Sam Callaway, Sandy and Jim Gilmer, and Alan Laschiver for their generous donations of supplies to help in the care of rescued Westies! Another heartfelt thanks to all the Club members and guests who donated valuable items to be auctioned or sold at our 2012 Boutique, Holiday Luncheon and other Club events. You may remember Mighty Moe. He was featured on the front page of the September 2012 Highland Tartan. The subject of that article was our desperate need for donations to Rescue. Well, you all chipped in and we were able to help Moe and many other Westies in need. These pictures show Moe in his new - very happy life. Moe and all of us in the Club thank all of you for your generous donations. SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 10 ` WE ARE SEEKING ADOPTERS FOR FOUR SPECIAL DOGS Greetings from Mary Young asking for adopters for four dogs we received in just the past week. Two are adorable “White Golden Oldies” named Boo (11) and Sam (10). Boo was left behind in a move and is currently in Foster Care with Club members in Livermore. Here’s what Marshall and Rebekah Culp have to report about him: Sam's owner says that he "is a real cuddle-bug and loves to go for walks in the park." Sam is a beautiful boy and has many years left as he is healthy and ready to arrive in his new digs. Here are some photos of this wonderful dog: “We got Peek-a-Boo on March 10th from a family that could not take him to their new home in Canada. Boo is an older boy that still has a lot of life left in him. He is very playful with our other Westies and is also a great lap dog. The previous owners were so sad when we picked him up, and we were also unsuccessful at holding back tears ourselves.“ I have cried during surrenders too as empathy is a key emotion when people give up their precious Westies. Boo’s coat is being restored to “Westie cut” by the Culp’s; hence the short hair in these photos of this pretty boy: Our next two precious ones are mixes and both about a year old. We have had lots of success in placing mixes and when offered to us by a shelter, we pick them up and get them ready. Our first little one is named Hailey Mix, and she was taken to our vet in San Jose from the San Jose Animal Services and was spayed, vaccinated with all appropriate shots, including Rabies, and tested for parasites (none!). She is very animated and a favorite of the technicians who are caring for her while she waits for her Foster Home to be ready. The Foster’s first rescued dog, Zeus, is recovering from the dreaded, “I ate something that is stuck,” surgery. He is doing well, and Hailey Mix will soon either brighten up their home, as a Foster, or yours, as a forever home! Our second senior, Sam, has been with his owner since puppyhood but has just become aggressive with the baby. As many of you know, we get many Westies via this route and we do not place our Rescues in homes with children or grandchildren under seven years old. The good news about these cases is that the Westies are always well-loved and well-equipped with bed, toys, and vet records to pass on to their new forever home providers. SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 Here are photos sent to me by the techs at Evergreen Vet: 11 ` And now meet Dexter, who is also young but more reserved in nature. He was found walking around in Oakland’s streets and taken in by a wonderful woman who kept him for 3 days while awaiting the opening of the Berkeley Shelter. When she called them, they gave her my contact number and she kept him for two more days until I could pick him up from her home. He got along great with her existing three dogs who are all very large breeds and/or mutts who loved to play with a little one. He would have been her fourth dog if he had been welcomed by a smaller pack of probably smaller dogs. I met our Club member, Gail Krieger, in Pleasanton, and she took him to her vet at the Mokelumne River Veterinary Services where costs are very competitive and care is personal and excellent. He was neutered, given all shots and tests, and now is awaiting his new forever home. Take a look at his photo and see if he is the dog for your family. If he is, I will bring him to your doorstep forthwith with a new blanket and a new leash and collar set donated to our Westie Rescue. I will also invite you, and all the others described here, to join our Parade of Rescues April 27th as discussed in a later story in this publication. What a week, which also included two permanent placements from surrender directly to new forever homes! Therapy Dog One of the great things about Westies is that they always make people smile. It is pretty much impossible to be around Westies for any length of time without smiling. There are many people in the world that could use a smile or two and bringing smiles to those in need is a very rewarding experience. That is where Therapy Dog comes in. Westies like to have something to do. If you do not show your Westie or if he/she is already a champion, maybe getting involved in Therapy Dog would be rewarding for both your Westie and you. I think we all have a general idea about what a Therapy Dog is, but most of us do not know what is involved in making our Westie into a Therapy Dog. There are several organizations that test and certify dogs as Therapy Dogs. It is a fairly simple process and does not require a large commitment of your time. schools and other locations. Most visits will not be more than one hour, and you can do only a few visits each year, or you can do as many visits as you and your Westie would like. To be a Therapy Dog your Westie must: • • • • • • • • • • • • Be at least one year of age Be good around other dogs Listen to the handler Allow strangers to touch them all over Not jump on people when interacting Walk on a leash without pulling Not mind strange noises and smells Be calm for petting Not be afraid of people walking unsteadily Be current on all vaccines required by the local laws Have a negative fecal test every 12 months Be clean and well groomed Therapy Dogs visit hospitals, assisted living homes, SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 12 ` The first step in training your Westie to be a Therapy Dog is to pass the AKC's Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test. While passing this test is not a requirement for certification by all Therapy Dog organizations, it is a good starting point to make sure that your Westie is a good candidate for Therapy Dog. You can visit this site ( ood_citizen/links.cfm) to find out more information about CDC requirements and testing. Some of the organizations which test and certify Therapy Dogs are Therapy Dogs Incorporated (TDInc.), Therapy Dogs International (TDI) (, National Therapy Dog Registry (, as well as others. You can check these sites to see which would work best for you and your Westie. One of our members, Neal Williams, has had his Westie, Nilla, certified as a Therapy Dog. I know when Neal brought Nilla to visit Linda when she was recovering from surgery, she brought a big smile to Linda's face. So think about it. Maybe Therapy Dog is what you have been looking for in order to do something interesting with your Westie, and to help some of those that are less fortunate than many of us. Getting to Know our Members by Linda Gilcrest NANCY AND WALT BERGER Nancy is currently a member of our Board of Directors Someone recently asked me whether I have always had dogs. I really didn't know exactly so I checked my trusty file on Westies and found out some rather astounding facts. Walt and I have had our special breed for 44 years! (Whoops, guess you can figure out how old we are now.) When I was a kid in Massachusetts, the family adopted an adult Boxer named Baron for protection in our very quiet town. Mom was a worrier and liked having him around; however, in those days, the dogs walked themselves, slept in the basement and lounged on the porch waiting for the local Cocker Spaniel troublemaker. They were well treated, but not a family member like those that share our home at 429 Country Club. One year after Walt and I married, we decided we could get a dog. Imagine my surprise when he confessed his mother had annually bred, and always sold to nice homes, Cocker Spaniels!!! And he really disliked Boxers. SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 13 ` So, off we went to the Golden Gate Kennel Club show at the Cow Palace…each going a different direction so as not to miss a single pooch. After an hour, we both made our announcements...we had found the cutest, smartest, happiest dog ever, plus, this was 1969, the breeder was soon to have a litter of puppies and we could come over to Berkeley in a few weeks and take a look at them. We could hardly wait! On January 16, 1969, we brought home Foxie, our first Westie, and that was the start of many beautiful relationships. Several years later, we began to think about a show dog, so off we went back to the Cow Palace. Here I had the good fortune to meet Jean McAndrews, the most gracious woman ever, who sold me our first show dog, Duncan, in 1982. She was quite well known and respected and happened to be able to recommend an up and coming handler named Bill McFadden. I decided to give him a try. So far, he has worked out pretty well. However, Duncan became attached to me, go figure, and kind of tried to bite Walt, so I had to hurry and find some Obedience classes. Someone told me about Barbara Henry, still my teacher, who had Westies and was very good. I was really terrible at it at first, but determined to get a CD, and Duncan calmed down. Mission accomplished. Later, along came Star Jasmine, Étoile, Piper and Moet, the latter ones named after our favorite French champagnes, which we would pop open on their birthdays. But I liked the bond with the dog and the sense of accomplishment that came with our occasional wins, and so with Billy (a.k.a. Billecarte Salmon), we went all the way to the pinnacle, a Utility title. Now that seems almost unattainable, but Pommie and Champy might surprise me. This dog story would not be complete without mentioning the love of my life, "No, not Walt. That would be Pommie, who we call the Queen.” Pommie is our once in a lifetime dog, sent sight unseen from England, who has had an amazing career. She loves being in the ring, moves like a dream, has won two Best in Shows, and two “Best Opposites” at Westminster. We have made some wonderful friends thanks to Pommie, plus we have some very cute offspring, Champy and Fleury. Things you might not know about us...we came to California from New York City in 1967 for Walt's training as a cardiologist, and to see if we might like it here. We think it is paradise on earth. We do love to travel. Walt has taken a lot of exotic bird watching trips to Kenya, Bhutan and Australia. When we travel together, we often go to Paris, as well as trips to Montreal, Quebec and Ireland; and there's always time for Boston and college reunions in New Jersey. It is hard to leave the "kids,” all four of them, but they probably enjoy the break...just sleeping in the sun and barking non-stop. We always have a little contest when we are away trying to find Westies here and there…pretty hard to do; and of course they are never as charming, smart and white as our furry family. I (Nancy) am currently serving as a member of the Westie Club Board of Directors, as I have done for many years. I have also served as Secretary in the past. Walt, who has been retired from his cardiology practice at Kaiser SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 14 ` for some years, has recently joined the Club, though he’s been actively supporting it, and me, in my various roles, for many years. The Berger Westies are well known in our neighborhood, sitting for hours gazing out the front window and enjoying walks…seemingly all day long (2 per dog), and practicing Obedience on the front lawn. This has given us nodding acquaintance with lots of people. We can't imagine our lives without them, or the friends we have made through the Westies over these many many years. WESTIES ON THE GO!!! Barney and Meghan are out in the hills with Nancy Hacker On Valentine's Day, Oliver was both waiter and entertainment for Harumi and Gene Cruz BonneeBelle was taunted by the gophers at Jim and Linda Gilcrest's home - but she scared them!! SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 15 ` WESTIE RESCUE by Mary Young, Rescue Chair All of our Rescues are planning to enjoy the spring, and many are starting out with marching in the 2013 Rescue Parade at the Spring Fling on April 27th, at 1:00 PM. We will have Goodie Bags for each Rescue, with contents donated by the Pet Food Express stores in our area. Remember, new forever homes, I need your write-ups by March 20th! decided they were too much to handle. These 3month old puppies are good examples of the reason we post “NO CHRISTMAS PUPPY” pleas, on our website around holiday time. Such an important decision to take on a lifetime responsibility for these precious beings should only be made by the person who will have that responsibility. So far this year we have placed seven Westies and Westie-mixes with Adopters. They have ranged in age from 10 months to 10 years old. We had a puppy that was adopted by a wonderful couple who adopted from us in 2001, the same year I adopted my two elderly girls, Tessa and Annie. They decided their MacTavish (now 12) needed a new friend and they have waited patiently for a puppy since July 3rd of last year. Also, on February 28th, I placed a one-year old mix from the San Jose Shelter with a family who had waited since August of last year. Now my vetted applications are caught up to 2013 so hopefully the long waits for a dog are over. I have a number of wonderful applicants awaiting the next Westies to arrive. As all of you know, I never know from one day to the next what might come my way. Since I am encouraging all of the people who have Rescues to march in the 2013 Parade of Rescues, I am presenting a photo of Dixie and Dudley at age 9 months when they marched, and please note they are in step with each other. Their trainer was thoroughly impressed. The second photo is Dixie on the Lure Course. I cannot bring my own Rescues to the Parade to meet you because Dudley thinks it is “his” private, personal Lure Course (picture your Westies visualizing a squirrel non-stop for 6 hours with amazing sounds and strength emanating from every fiber in their bodies). Be sure to sign up to let your Westies fly as long as they respect the other Westies in line! The third photo is Dudley surveying his birthday cake surrounded by party hats while wearing his Buster Posey tee-shirt. They are seven years old now! Time flies…in addition to Westies on the Lure Course. Since our Tartan Editors and magic makers, Jim and Linda Gilcrest, asked for members to submit photos of their own Westies doing fun things for this issue, I decided to include photos of my current Westies who were rescued through our Club (thanks Sandy and Pam!) by me in 2006. Dixie and Dudley were both Christmas presents to two different families in 2005 and they came my way in February of 2006 when the giftees See you at the Spring Fling on April 27th, at Vasona Park in Los Gatos! SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 16 SAN FRANCISCO BAY WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER CLUB 2013 OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Board of Directors Jim Gilcrest Rick Sklarin Ramona Rule Lisa Blutman, IPP Sandy Gilmer, Gail Krieger, Nancy Berger, Mary Young, Neal Williams, Sherry Byrd 2013 COMMITTEES Awards Pam Evans Boutique/Craft Table Marie Thompson, Suzanne Kesterson By-laws OPEN Fun Day and Grooming Workshop Jim Gilcrest, Gail Krieger, Debbie Sklarin, Rick Sklarin Fundraising Gail Krieger, Kim Smith, Linda Gilcrest Highland Tartan Newsletter Linda Gilcrest, Jim Gilcrest Holiday Luncheon Suzanne Kesterson, Marie Thompson Hospitality Nancy Berger Inventory Pam Evans Legislative Janie Emerson Librarian OPEN Membership Sherry Byrd Meeting & Event Notification Sandy Gilmer Obedience Nancy Berger Other Club Liaison Gail Krieger Program & Club Education OPEN Puppy Referral and Breeder Referral SFBWHWTC Website Rescue Mary Young, Pam Evans, Sandy Gilmer Specialty Show Lisa Blutman Spring Fling Marie Thompson, Maria Caffey Standing Match & Show Gail Krieger, Lisa Blutman, Kim Smith Supported Entry & Special Events Gail Krieger Tartan Games Jason Crain, Sarah Crain, Rick Sklarin, Debbie Sklarin Webmaster Sandy Gilmer Westie Foundation of America Liaison Gail Krieger WestieMed Liaison Pam Evans, Sandy Gilmer WHWTCA Liaison Lisa Blutman Please consider volunteering your time by serving on one of the Club’s committees. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and to help shape the future of our organization. If you are interested, please contact Jim Gilcrest. SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN • MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 ` MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Date 2013 EVENTS Event April 11 and 12, 2013 Specialty Show and Sweepstakes April 27, 2013 Spring Fling Summer TBD Westie Fun Day October 26, 2013 Tartan Games Visit us online at for the latest news and updates! Location Cal Expo, Sacramento Vasona Park, Los Gatos Sklarin Residence Vasona Park, Los Gatos The HIGHLAND TARTAN is published four times per year in March, June, September and December. We encourage any Club Member or Subscriber to submit articles or information which they feel would be of interest to the Club. Please send material of interest to the Editor by the first day of the month of publication. All materials are published at the discretion of the Editor. Opinions are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the Editor or the Board of Directors of the San Francisco Bay West Highland White Terrier Club. Send materials for publication to Jim Gilcrest at: Highland Tartan, 1440 Hidden Valley Road, Soquel, CA 95073. Send e-mail to: When submitting information for an ad, please have it camera ready. Indicate the size (full or half page) and mark the areas to be used for written copy. Copy should be typed to size on white paper. Your photos and copy will be returned, if requested. Subscriptions Cost $15.00 per year. Advertisement Costs for a Full Page $20.00, Half Page $10.00, Business Cards, $15.00 for 4 issues. Whelping Box: List litter announcements in the Tartan - number of dog and bitch puppies, sire, dam, whelp date and owners. $5/ issue, members only. Please make check Payable to SFBWHWTC. Payment must accompany advertisement. Send subscription requests to SFBWHWTC, and mail to: Jim Gilcrest, 1440 Hidden Valley Road, Soquel, CA 95073. THE HIGHLAND TARTAN SAN FRANCISCO BAY WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER CLUB Jim and Linda Gilcrest 1440 Hidden Valley Road Soquel, CA 95073-9710 SFBWHWTC • HIGHLAND TARTAN MARCH 2013 • VOLUME 42 NUMBER 1 18
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