SCNB Issue 144


SCNB Issue 144
Sneem Community Notice Board
Issue 144
19th February 2015
Fortnight ly
Daffodil Day Coffee Morning
Unf ortunately we have all been touched by cancer
at some point in our lives so, Sneem Resource
Cent re are hosting a Coff ee Morning in aid of Daf fodil Day next Tuesday 24th February f rom 11am
to 2pm. Feel f ree to call in for a coff ee or if you
would like to donate cakes for sale, please do so,
every bit helps towards this very worthy cause.
All Welcome.
Smiling Lucky Lotto Winner
to Mr Tim Murphy Snr,
Moularostig, Sneem, seen here
receiving his cheque f rom Don
Keogh on behalf of Sneem GAA
club. Tim won the jackpot of
€14,450 on Sunday February
8th, 2015, at the draw held in
The Wrestlers bar. This is the
biggest win in 20 years of the
Sneem GAA Lotto.
Photo by Sneem GAA
We reserve the right not to publish items which may cause offence
under the terms of our Editorial Policy
This is YOUR Notice Board!
Deadline for the next newsletter - Monday 2nd March 2015
Call the Resource Centre on 064 6645545 or 087 3853237 please leave a
message), email: or use our post box outside the
Resource Centre. Or leave a private message on our Facebook Page: Sneem
Community Notice Board.
Community News
Birthday wishes
Niamh Galvin on the 20th; Kacper Domaṅski (10) on 24th; Caroline Cliff ord on the
25th; Jim O’Sullivan, John O’Neill on the 27th; Jim Clifford and John Riney on the
29th; Bríd Larkin, Rosaleen O’Connor on the 4th March.
To Patsy Breen and Claire Burling who got engaged in Australia last weekend.
To Michael O’Sullivan, Derryleigh and Cathy Linehan, Kiseam Co. Cork, who got
married on Saturday 14th February.
Deepest sympathies
To the f amily of Catherine O’Leary, Castlecove, who passed away recently.
Deepest sympathies
To the neighbours, f riends and god-daughters of Kathryn Masters, Castlecove
who passed away recently.
Get Well Wishes
To Jean-Yves Letanneur’s mother who is in hospital in France.
Daffodil Day 2015
It's that time of year again, we need to think of Daffodil Day (March 27th) and cof f ee mornings. If you would like to hold one just contact me and I will give you a
box for the money to be collected in. Nearly €1000.00 is gathered each year on
these coff ee mornings and anyone could hold one. A cup of tea/coff ee and a biscuit - no f uss! Anytime between no w and Easter.
Thank You Monica O'Shea.
Coomanassig Day Centre
Chiropodist: Chiropodist will attend Coomanassig Day Centre on Friday 13th
March f rom 9.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
Coffee Morning in aid of Daffodil Day will be held at Coomanassig Day Centre
on Friday 13th March f rom 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. All welcome.
Page 2
Community News
Sneem Men's Shed
Sneem Men's Shed would like to say a big thank you to the Resource Centre for their
very generous donation of €300.00. It was gratef ully received and much appreciated
by all members.
Golf Putting Quiz
Due to unforeseen circumstances the golf putting quiz due to take place this Saturday 21st February has been postponed until Saturday 28th February.
Indoor Bowling
The Bowling Club had their f irst ever match last week. This was against Kenmare
in the Community Cent re. Kenmare came out on top after a very close and most
enjoyable contest. Anybody interested in the game is welcome to come along any
Wednesday night to the Community Cent re between 7pm and 9.30pm.
Sneem Rowing Club
Are having their A GM on Saturday 21st February 2015 at 8.30pm in the Boat
House. All Welcome.
Sneem Rowing Club - 100 Club Winners
€100.00 -Timmy O’ Sullivan, €50.00 - Sheena O’ S ullivan, €25.00 - Pauline Doyle
€100.00 - Marie O’ S ullivan, €50.00 - Johnny O’ Sullivan, €25.00 - Kieran and Teresa Murphy
€100. 00 - Alfie and Marie Burns, €50.00 - Joe and Sheila Burns, €25.00 - Nancy
Tahilla Ladies Club
Wish to thank most sincerely all those that supported our Biddy Ball Dance on
Saturday the 31st of January.
A big thank you to all that donated raff le prizes.
Thanks to the Sneem Hotel for their warm hospitality on the night.
Sneem Bord Na nÓg
Are having their A GM on Wednesday 25th February at 8.30pm in Sneem House.
All parents are asked to attend. All Welcome.
Re: The Restoration of the Public Highway on the Kerry Way at Clashnacree,
Sneem. A meeting of the officers of the above committee will take place at the
Geopark Offices, South Square, Sneem, on Tuesday 24th February at 7.30pm.
Page 3
Community News
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Planning is under way f or our St Patricks Day Parade here in Sneem. We are having our parade on Tuesday the 17th. So get your thinking caps on for your f loat
and please let us know if you are entering the Parade. We are also looking for
Stewards for the parade and for before and af ter to help the f low of traffic and
make it saf e f or people. if you can help contact 087 7145180.
Sneem Person of the Year
Now is the time to start thinking of who you would like to nominate f or your person / persons / organisation of the year. This is a person or persons who helps the
village in any way and does this on a Voluntary basis and needs rewarding. Entries can be lef t in the Post Box at the Resource Centre or through private message on the Sneem St. Patrick’s Day or Sneem Family Festival Facebook pages.
Or email us at sneemf amilyf Genuine nominations only please give your reason for nominating your chosen person / persons or organisation.
Sneem Junior / Inter Youth Club
The Youth Club have their f loat organised for the St. Patricks Day Parade, if any
children that are not youth club members would like to join in, please see Paul.
Sneem Gardeners: Meeting and Seed Swap
It is that time of year again, seeds to sow and beds to prepare. There will be a
seed swap on Sunday 1st April at mid-day at the community tunnel in the Garden
of The Sens es, everyone is most welcome. Could all last years' members who
intend to keep their bed please try and attend in order to book your bed and help
with a general tidy up of tunnel. Newcomers who would like a bed, either in the
tunnel or in the outside allotments, do pop along and let us know. There are beds
available. New members always very welcome. Indoor beds are €10 and outdoor
beds are €15. All beds €5 for children. If you can't make it on Sunday 1st and you
want to re-book your bed or want a new bed please let either Caroline (0877007747) or Jeff (087-2312993) know. Many thanks. See you there.
Sneem Website
We are still gathering content for the new Sneem website. Many thanks to all
those who f illed out the contribution f orm with their details.
If you run a business, f estival, event, community group or have local knowledge
about a past event or tourism attraction, please go to the f ollowing link (also available on Facebook/Sneem), complete the form and
submit it.
We are also looking for images of Sneem, please email these to
Sneem Development Co-op Working Group
Meeting Thursday 19th February at 7.30pm in Sneem Resource Centre.
Page 4
Blackwater News
Blackwater Women’s Group
The AGM of took place in Blackwater Tavern on Tuesday 10th February. The Following officers were elected; Mairead Robinson Chairperson, Therese Morley Vice
Chair, Marie O’Connell Minutes Secretary, Josephine O’Neill Correspondence
Secretary, Mary Declan O’Neill Treasurer, Mary Doyle Assistant Treasurer, Mary
O’Neill Shop PRO and Majella O’Sullivan P RO. The group also appointed a Development Off ice, Anne Marie Clifford, who has taken on the role of researching the
needs of young women in the community including young mothers. New members
are welcome anytime, meetings take place on the second Tuesday of every month
at 8.30pm. The meetings are f ollowed by a guest speaker, the speaker for March
is Margaret Linnell of Willowfield Garden Centre with a talk on Spring Gardening.
Annual membership of €5 due f or renewal at the AGM, anyone who wasn’t present
can drop it in to Mary in the Shop please.
Exercise Classes
Exercise Classes with Shirley continue every Monday evening; 7 to 8pm for the
less active and 8 to 9pm for the energetic.
Dram a
The Drama Group presented 8 short plays in the Tavern on Sunday 1st and
Wednesday 4th February with a f ull house on both nights. Many thanks to everyone who supported the event; those who donated prizes, bought raffle tickets and
everyone who attended. The main play for May/June has been written and cast
and rehearsals have commenced. The play will be presented to the public in the
Old Dance Hall on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of Whit Weekend.
Tea Dance
Blackwater Women’s Group will hold a Tea Dance in Kenmare Bay Hotel on Sunday 29th March f rom 1.30pm to 6pm. Music by Jerry McCarthy and Autumn Gold.
Hot lunch served on arrival; choice of Lamb or Salmon, Apple Pie, Tea/Coff ee all
for €15. Contact Mary O’Neill Shop 064-6682003 to book your ticket. Everyone
Pictured lef t Monica Coff ey who
celebrated her birthday recently
with f riends in Peggy Clifford's
house. Back L-R; Breena Crowley and Oonagh Pierce. Front
Row; L-R; Peggy Clifford, Monica Coff ey and Sr. Shelia Coff ey.
Photo by Mary O'Neill.
Page 5
Tahilla School News
Visit of The Sam
Maguire Cup
There was great excitement as Martin Horgan, our GAA football
coach, brought the
Sam Maguire Cup to
the school on the
morning of Friday January 23rd. There was
lots of time to examine
the treasured trophy
and f eel it's weight! the
pupils and teachers
took lots of photos. A big "Thank you, Martin" for giving us such an opportunity.
Junior Entrepreneur Programme (JEP)
We are glad to report that our business
mentor f or the programme, Monsieur
Benoit Lorge, Master Chocolatier, Bonane has visited the school to talk about
his own business and to answer the
queries of our budding entrepreneurs.
All the pupils were conf ident in expressing their newly acquired French phrases
with a very impressive French accent
and enjoyed preparing f or his visit.
The production phase took place on last
Thursday February 12th, f ollowing on
f rom a most enjoyable, f un, inf ormative and upskilling workshop. There was chocolate everywhere, the work rate at each station was excellent and not a mention of
tasting the f inished products until the task was complete!
It was a wonderf ul experience. We are very thankf ul to the local business people
who gave generous donations to cover the cost of the workshop and enabled every pupil in the school to have such a memorable time as they participate
in this programme. There will be an occasion at the school shortly, to showcase
the products and to sell the treats!
Friendship Week
This Week is Friendship Week at our school. We are joining hundreds of other
schools across the country in an annual celebration of f riendship, solidarity and
human rights. This year the theme is Global Connections. We are selling Friendship Bracelets to support the work of Amnesty International and their human rights
work. Last year we raised €104.
Tahilla School News
THE Big Travel Challenge
We are taking part in The Big Travel Challenge, which is a Green Schools Travel
Competition aimed at promoting more sustainable modes of transport.
We are taking on the challenge of achieving a measurable increase in a greener,
cleaner mode of transport over a 15 weekday period before Friday February 27th
and we will record our results. We are promoting Park n' Stride and some pupils
walk f rom the church car park and the rest walk f rom the Gortagown direction. We
are doing very well and there is great chat and f un on the way to school.
Last year we won f irst prize in the bus category of the Travel Competition, we won
€250, a certif icate and a plaque.
Garda Tim O'Sullivan visited the school recently. There was great excitement as he
showed the pupils the various things in the Garda car and the items on his belt. The
handcuff s and the siren were among the f avourites!
Page 7
Community News
Winter piano concert
Students of Lucie's
school of piano treated Sneem with their
annual piano concert
in The church of
Transf iguration. There
was a variety of different styles. Including
the theme music f rom
the Game of Thrones,
the Fairy -tale of New
York also classical
Chopin or Schubert. Visiting musicians added to the evening’s entertainment
these were: Hugh O'Neill (Castlecove) on trumpet and Michael Cavanagh
(Kenmare) on guitar with a f ew jazzy tunes and Gerry Ligtenberg (Gleesk) with
two four hand piano pieces she played with Lucie. Thank you all f or a wonderf ul
evening and already looking forward to the next one! All proceedings (€150) in
aid of Kenmare special needs group. Photo by Katie Steele
Congratulations to the
all cyclists and organisers.
Over 300 cyclists participated in The 'Valentine
Ride' Charity Cycle in aid
of Marymount Hospice
and in memory of Ita Corridan.. The cycle f rom
Caherdaniel to Sneem
and back to Caherdaniel
took place on Valentine’s
Day. Charity Cycles also
took place in Vancouver,
Perth and Abu Dhabi on
the same day. Ita was always to the f oref ront of any charity event, or local community projects in the area., f undraising. Ita passed away af ter a short illness in
November 2014 in Marymount Hospice at a young age. Contributions can still be
made, contact Tom Corridan on 0876403859 or Deirdre Corridan on
0872655920. Report f rom Caherdaniel and Photo by Michael Donnelly.
Page 8
Sneem Resource
Daffodil Coffee Day
Tuesday 24th February
11am - 2pm
Coffee and Cakes
All Welcome
Golf & Walking Tours
Taxi Service
Please come and support
this worthy cause
John V. O’Sullivan
Tel: 087 2079033
Page 9
Community News
Pictured left: the Sneem/
Templenoe U14's who had a
good victory over the Kilgarvan / Tuosist U14's to win
the Johnny O'Sullivan Myles
They won on a score line of
Sneem / Templenoe 4-17,
Kilgarvan / Tuosist 4-11.
Photo by Templenoe GAA
Pictured right: Therese Morley presents
the Thade Morley Cup to Tadgh and John
Morley joint captains of the Templenoe
Team which def eated St Marys in the
South Kerry League on Sunday 15th February.
Photo by Mary O'Neill.
Pictured Below: the Templenoe Team which def eated St Marys in the Thade Morley Cup in Old Dromore Sportsf ield on Sunday 15th February; the game doubled
as part of the South Kerry League with a score of Templenoe 0-14 to St Marys 16. Photo by
Page 10
Carnegie Arts Kenmare
Saturday 21st February – Comedy/Music - The Nualas ( please note change to
original date of 14th February) The Nualas today are Anne Gildea (Brunette Nuala), Sue Collins (Blonde Nuala) and Maria Tecce (Red-head Nuala).‘Staggeringly
impressive three-part harmonies and a savage, biting wit.’ Tickets €20 – 8pm
Thursday 26th February - Pobalscoil Inbhear Scéine Concerts - Second of a series of concerts by the second year students f rom our local community school.
Everyone welcome. 7pm-9pm Tickets €5 (children under ten f ree of charge)
March Events
Thursday 5th – Kenm are Film Society Presents – Me, Myself and Mum (2013)
(85mins)(France) Language: French aw ard -winning actor-writer-director Guillaume Gallienne is a rising star in France. Me, Myself and Mum is a clever adaption of his hit one-man stage show. Guillaume Gallienne plays a boy growing up
whom everyone assumes is a girl. Tickets €7 – 8pm
Further information and ticket sales
t+353(0)64 6648701
Carnegie Arts Centre, Kenmare, Co. Kerry
Kenmare and District Garden Club
Thursday, 5th February was the Club’s f irst meeting af ter the winter break and we
spent a wonderf ul evening in the company of Klaus Laitenberger. He is an organic
vegetable grower par excellence and was only too happy to pass on to us his tips
for successf ul growing. Soil is a living organism and needs f eeding with good
compost, mulch and/or seaweed. Growing one’s own organic vegetables provides
not only good food for us to eat but gardening in itself is very therapeutic in many
ways and creates happiness. We all know that f eeling of being out in the garden
and forgetting one’s woes.
Klaus pointed out the common mistakes that are made i.e. sowing and planting
too early, planting too close together and believing a lot of the myths about gardening such as adding sand to a clay soil to lighten it (whereas it does the opposite), sowing parsnips in February (which is far too early) and plants getting sunburnt (which is a f allacy). We all lef t the meeting f ull of enthusiasm and ready to
plant up a storm!!
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, 5th March at 7.30 p.m. at Gateway and we
are f ortunate to have Frances McDonald f rom the Bay Garden in Enniscorthy
speaking about herbaceous plants.
Page 11
What’s On
Blackwater Tavern
Friday 20th February - Singing Jarvey
Friday 27th February - Ui Bhriain
Sneem Inter / Junior Youth Club
Friday 27th February - Inters - Community Cent re, Juniors - Creche
Friday 6th March - Inters - Resource
Cent re, Juniors - Community Centre
Friday 13th Marc h - Both - Community
Cent re.
Sneem Rowing Club AGM
Saturday 21st February, 8.30pm, Boat
Sneem Bord Na nÓg AGM
Wednesday 25th February, 8.30pm,
Sneem House.
Sneem Family Festival Meeting on
Thursday 26th February at 7.30pm in
Sneem Resource Centre.
Events Diary
21st February - Kerry Geopark 26 Mile Walking Marathon
14th March - Sneem Rowing Club - Fundraising Table Quiz
17th March - St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Fair Day
5th April - Sneem Community Notice Board Cake Sale and Easter Egg Hunt
21st April - Conf irmation in St. Michael’s Church
1st - 4th May - Sneem Walking Club Walking Festival
2nd May - 1st Holy Communion of Sneem National School Children
3rd May - 1st Holy Communion of Tahilla School Children
16th May - Sneem Cycle Sportive
23rd May - Sneem JFK 50 Mile Challenge
29th May - Sneem National School 50th Anniversary - Sneem Hotel
4th July - Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle
6th - 10th July - GAA Cúl Camp
22nd - 26th July - Sneem Family Festival
25th July - Bord na nÓg Annual U10 & U12 Football Blitz
27th - 31st July - White Strand Swim Week
2nd August - Sneem Regatta
3rd August - Church of the Transf iguration Friendship Day
14th,15th,16th August - All Ireland Coastal Rowing in Waterville
Sneem Community Noticeboard is produced on a voluntary basis by
the Sneem Resource Centre for the people of Sneem and the
surrounding areas.
Page 12
Local Information
Important Numbers
Dr MaloneSurgery 064 6645102,
Home 064 6645133
Mon/Wed/Fri 2-5pm
Tues/ Thurs 10-1pm
Sat by appt 12-1pm.
Resource Centre
Photocopying, Scanning,
Faxes sent and received.
Internet and Off ice services available. Meeting
room. Nearly New, Library, Drop in Centre and
Public Health Nursemore….
086 7872096
Coffee Craft and Chat South Doc - 1850 335999 Every Tuesday 11am 1pm.
Gardaí- 064 6645111
Credi t Union - every
Thursday 12 - 1.30pm
Pharmacy- 064 6645288
Bingo. Ever y Tues day
at 8.30pm .
All WelLocal Taxi s
Kerry Experience Tours /
Gerrit Noordkamp
Bee Keepers Meeting
086 2554098
First Wednesday of every
Buses Services
Daily one w ay only to
Killarney leaves at 1pm
Contact Teddy to book
seat. 087 2315014
Sneem to Kenmare
9.30am f rom outside the
old P.O. leaves f rom
Kenmare at 1.10pm
Kenm are
leaves outside Riney's at
9.45am Leaves Kenmare
Leaves Sneem 1.20pm.
Leaves Kenmare 2.00pm.
month, 7.30pm in Coo- Sneem -Killarney
manassig Day Centre
leaves outside the old
P.O, at 11.30am leaves
Sneem Men’s Shed
Killarney at 4.45pm.
Every Monday at 7pm in Lo Call 1890 528 528 to
Mass/Church Times
the Old Dance Hall
Saturday 8pm. - Sneem
book your seat.
Mobile Vet
For any other routes or
Sunday 9.30am - Tahilla Every Thursday 4-5pm in information
South Square.
Teddy on 087 2315014.
Sunday 11am - Sneem
Tide Times
Sneem Parent and
Here are the high tides f or
Church of Ireland, North Toddler Group
the period 19th Feb to the
Square, Sneem - Service Every Tuesday 10.30am
4th March.
Sunday 10am
- 12pm at Coomanassig
04.30, 16.51
Day Centre.
05.15, 17.35
St Michael’s Church,
Parish Office, at No. 3 Mobile Library
Coomanassig Day Centre, Tuesday 24th and 10th 22nd: 06.43, 19.01
07.28, 19.44
Seaview, Sneem. Of f ice March and then every 23rd:
hours are Tuesday and two weeks, 12.30 - 1pm
09.00, 21.19
Friday f rom 10am to 4pm. Castlecove,
09.54, 22.20
Parish Mobile is 087 2.45pm Sneem School, 26th:
11.03, 23.41
North Square. 2.45 28th:
3.15pm South Square,
AIB Community Bank Sneem.
will be in South Square,
every Wednesday f rom
10.30am - 11am.
Page 13
GoSneem Tours/
John V. O’Sullivan
087 2079033
Local Adverts and Accommodation
• For Sale a ride -on partner 13-90-EH
Lawn Mower with Trailer. Contact 087
Nikken Pi Mag Water Filter System
and Water Filter Cartridges, Optimiser and Micro Sponge Filters. Wanted:
€125. Contact: Ed van Caspel on • Card Table - If you have a card table
087 1921828
that you no longer use I'd love to hear
f rom you.
Please contact 086
Off ered: Challen piano in very good
condition. Call f or details Gerry on
• Outdoor toys in good condition a play089 4432118.
house, trikes/tractors etc. Also any
f or
Gym Equipment for Sale. Contact:
olds. Please contact Sneem Commu087 6710106
Timber for Sale. Delivered, No wet
Forestry stuff . Contact 087 3853244
or leave a message.
• Farmhouse to let long term. 3 bedStanley 8 Back Boiler New, Price
rooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen dining
€30 Contact Michele on 087
room and sitting room open f ire and
central heating. Contact 0863622478
1 Ltr Nissan Micra 98, runs perf ect- •
ly. €650 ono. Call f or more details
087 6295209.
Fiddle 3/4 inch, nearly new with
case €80. Contact: 087 8176170
3 Bed House to rent in Sneem Village.
Contact Ray Cahill on 086 8270189
For Rent - Short or Long term lease,
shed with yard, suitable for Cattle,
Sheep, Ponies or general storage.
Cheap rate. Contact: 087 6180515.
Cot, steamer, baby carrier, bath
chair, musical toys, buggy and car
seat system. €200 the lot. Contact: Kitchen Appliances for Sale
• Siemens Fridge 2/3, Freezer 1/3. Free
087 6451580
Standing / Frost Free. Width 27inches,
Cabinet €250 ono. Contact 087
Height 6f t, Depth 2f t. Colour Graphite
Wash hand basin with stand and taps.
Laptops for sale f rom €100 with 6
months warranty. Laptops and PCs • 1 Double glazed windows, white PVC.
4’ 9” x 3’ 7” .
repaired and maintained, extremely
reasonable rates. Contact 086 • Internal Doors - 1 set Double doors
3461288 f or quote.
with glass 6’ 7” x 28”
1 Solid panel doors with locks, hanTurf for sale, locally. Contact: 087
dles and hinges. 6’ 7” x 28”.
Fire Wood for sale, cut it yourself
on land. Contact 087 4128064
Page 14
For all the above Kitchen items, contact Joe on 087 2806845
Community News
Saf e and affordable
Full / Part Time /Drop-in
Please call 064 6645551
Framing Sneem
contact Tim Lea
064 6645033
087 7007747
Jeff Prior
South S quare
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat 9am - 6.30pm
Sunday 11.45am - 1pm
Bank Holidays
10.45am - 1pm
Film Processing
still availab le
064 6645288
House / Farm / Commercial
087 2312993
Roland Hunter
085 7700538
(064) 6645927
James M O’Sullivan
South Square, Sneem
All legal work undertaken
064 668 9664
Mob: 087 286 8855
Evening and weekend
appointments available
Page 15
Sunday 22nd February - Blue Bull
Sunday 1st March - D O’Shea’s
Tickets available throughout the
Village in Pubs and Shops.
Annual Renewal Tickets can still be submitted
Please support your local GAA Club
Sneem GAA Lotto Results
Sunday February 8th 2015 Numbers drawn: 8, 9,12,18
€14,450 Winner, Tim Murphy Snr, Moularostig, Sneem.
Sunday February 15th 2015. Numbers drawn: 7,13,24,26
No winner, €40 consolation prizes went to: Brid Murphy, Moularostig;
Darragh Keogh, South Square; Delcan and Valerie Magee,
Direenauliffe; Maureen Smith, Drimnamore.