Sneem Community Notic Board


Sneem Community Notic Board
Sneem Community Notice Board
Issue 142
22nd January 2015
End of an era in Sneem
On January 2nd, Bridie Mangan closed the door of her Post Off ice for the last
time af ter 57 years serving the people of Sneem behind her counter. While we
were all sad to see this happen, we wish Bridie very many happy years in her
new lif e. We would like to thank her two co-workers, Bridie Fitzgerald and Mary
Sheehan f or all their helpf ulness and kindness over the years and wish them well
in whatever comes their way.
As the saying goes, “Every cloud has a silver lining."
While many villages throughout rural Ireland are losing
their Post Offices we are lucky enough to have retained
ours. We would like to wish John Damien and Grace every success in their new roles as Post master and Post
mistress. Above photo by Willie McClure, South Kerry
Advertiser. Pictured right: Bridie being presented with a
gif t by Fr. Liam O’Brien. Photo by Richard Walsh.
T ahilla Ladies Biddy Ball Dance
Sneem Hotel
Saturday 31st January
Time: 9.30pm
Music by The Threshing Mill Boys
Raffle and Finger Food
Tickets on the Door €10.00
The next issue of the Sneem Community Notice Board
will be out on 5th February 2015
This is YOUR Notice Board!
Deadline for the next newsletter - Monday 2nd February 2015
Call the Resource Centre on 064 6645545 or 087 3853237 please leave a
message), email: or use our post box outside the
Resource Centre. Or leave a private message on our Facebook Page: Sneem
Community Notice Board.
Community News
Birthday wishes
Kate Casey on the 22nd ; Johnny B. Breen on the 23rd; Liz Henton on the 26th;
Thomas Lettaneur on the 28th; John Galvin on the 29th; Patrick Lettaneur and
William Davies on the 30th; Mark O’Sullivan on the 2nd February; Deborah Callis
on the 3rd;
To Amy O’Donovan and Brian Foley who got engaged on New Year’s Eve.
To Sheena and Peter O’S ullivan, North Square, on the birth of their baby girl
Aisling Margaret, born Saturday 17th January, a sister to Nicole and Peadar and
to proud Grandparents Mary O’Sullivan and Peggy and David Brownlie.
To Sinéad and Brendan Hussey on the birth of their baby boy Ruairí, born on the
29th December 2014 and to proud Grandparents Paddy and Sheila O’Sullivan,
Fermoyle and Maura Hussey.
To Donal and Maura O'Sullivan, Derryleigh and Cork, on the birth of their baby
boy, Dara Patrick O'Sullivan, on 9th January 2015 and to proud Grandparents
Mary and Johnny O’Sullivan, Derryleigh.
Deepest Sympathies
Are extended to John O’Sullivan, his son and daughter Michael and Mary, Kilburn,
London and Dereenavourig on the death of his wif e Mary.
Deepest Sympathies
To Larry O’Sullivan and f amily on the death of his wif e Sheila, on Christmas Day
Deepest Sympathies
To Batt Burns and f amily on the death of his wif e Maura, who passed away on
News Years Eve.
Page 2
Community News
Thank you
On behalf of myself and Hannah, I would like to thank everyone who helped us on
Christmas night when my wif e Sheila passed away, our neighbours, f riends, Dr
Malone and Drummond Undertakers. Thank you to everyone who attended her
removal and f uneral. To everyone who travelled to be with us it meant so much.
For all the kind words and phone calls to us we appreciate them so much.
Larry O'Sullivan
Thank you
Eva, Jean Yves Lettanneur and f amily would like to thank everyone f or their support, well wishes and congratulations on Jean Eves recent ordination as Deacon.
To those who baked and organised the little celebration on the Sunday after mass
it was most appreciated.
Happy birthday
To Kathleen Ross nee O’B rien originally f rom South Square, who will be celebrating her 97th Birthday on the 1st February. From her children Kathy, Sheila, Freddie, Olivia, Joseph and her Grandchildren
St Michael’s Church
The Paris h Off ice is now located at No. 3 Coomanassig Day Centre, Seaview,
Sneem. Of f ice hours are Tuesday and Friday f rom 10am to 4pm. Parish Mobile is
087 3480050.
Indoor Bowling
Indoor Bowling for adults is up and running af ter the Christmas break. It takes
place in the Community Centre every Wednesday f rom 7.00pm to 10.00pm. Why
not come along and have a go. No special sporting skills are required f or this activity. All are welcome to come along and take part or to just watch.
Golf and Putting Quiz
The Golf/putting quiz is in f ull swing every Saturday night in Sneem Hotel. Teams
led by Mike Merrill, Sean McCarthy, Brian Jones, John D. O’Sullivan and holders
of the trophy Michelle Walsh, are all through to the next round and will be joined
next Saturday night by three more teams. Captains f or next Saturday are Stephanie Cahill, Maura O’ Brien, Margaret Christian, Kevin Larkin, Mary O’Callaghan
and Danny Breen. You are all welcome to come along and enjoy the f un and support your f avourite team.
Sneem Rowing Club
Would like to thank everyone who came to our recent f undraising events, the Winter Wonderland and Table Quiz, to all those who helped out in any way at these
events and throughout the year. Thank you f or your continued support and look
forward to seeing you all through this season of rowing.
Page 3
Community News
Parknasilla Golf Club
Results of Christmas Hamper 12-Hole Stableford.
Men's Club:
1st Sean McCarthy
2nd Sonny Looney
Ladies' Club:
1st Margaret Christian
2nd Teresa Walsh
Photos wanted for Sneem N.S 5Oth Anniversary
St Michael’s National School, Sneem are appealing to everybody for photos f rom
their school lif e throughout the past 50 years.
We have received great photos but we really need a lot more f or the Photographic
Exhibition. Photos can be sent directly to the school to Marion where they will be
scanned and given back to you or alternatively you can send them by e-mail to
sneemns So come on everybody have a good root around, rummage
in your drawers and presses and spread the word! Thank you!
Daffodil Day 2015
It's that time of year again, we need to think of Daffodil Day (March 27th) and cof f ee mornings. If you would like to hold one just contact me and I will give you a
box for the money to be collected in. Nearly €1000.00 is gathered each year on
these coff ee mornings and anyone could hold one. A cup of tea/coff ee and a biscuit - no f uss! Anytime between no w and Easter.
Thank You Monica O'Shea.
Daffodil Day Coffee Morning
Sneem Resource Centre are hosting a Coff ee Morning in aid of Daffodil Day on
Tuesday 24th February f rom 11am to 2pm. All Welcome.
Kenmare and District Garden Club
Happy New Year to you all and it will soon be time to don those gardening gloves
and get out in the garden, weather permitting , of course. The next Club meeting
will be on Thursday, 5th February at 7.30 p.m. at Gateway and to inspire you our
speaker will be Klaus Laitenberger f rom Co. Leitrim. He writes a monthly page in
The Irish Garden, runs Green Vegetable, has written several books
related to vegetable growing, off ers gardening courses and will most likely be
speaking about f ruit and vegetables f or the Irish garden. He sounds like a man
with a wealth of knowledge so hope to see you all there!
Kerry Geopark Walking Marathon
26.2miles - 10miles - 5 miles takes place on Saturday 21st February. €25 f or Marathon and €10 f or either of the other walks. Ref reshments provided. Contact:
Kerry Geopark Inf ormation Centre on 087 1602240 / 086 6074613. Supporting
South Kerry Counselling Centre, Killarney.
Page 4
Community News
Bird Quiz
Congratulations to the winners of the Bird quiz, Caroline and Tim Lea, Pier
Road. A total of €44 was collected. Proceeds to the Nella Molef e f und, South
Af rica. Thank you to everyone who donated and thank you to the winners for
waiving the prize money. Answers to the quiz available f rom the Sneem Resource Centre. Kind regards, Pam Muller.
Community Centre Hamper Draw
Thank you to everyone who supported our recent raf f le, the winners were
Kealin O’Sullivan, Derryleigh, Johnnie McCarthy, Gleesk, Carmel Dunne, Galway.
Sneem Beekeepers
International Bee expert David Lee is coming to the Coomanassig Day Care
Cent re on Wednesday,11th February at 7.30pm to give a lecture on the dreaded varroa mite, with question time af ter.
Door f ee €5 per person, open to members and non-members.
Just a reminder that we are putting together a list of equipment needed for the
coming season. Anybody needing anything in the line of equipment f or the
keeping of bees, please make a list and give to Jeff or Sophie. We will try and
make a group purchase and so hopef ully bring the costs down a bit. Anybody
with any queries regarding bees and / or beekeeping please contact: Jeff Prior
on 087 2312993 or Sophie Kool on 087 6167568.
Happy Beekeeping.
Sneem Family Festival
Are holding their AGM on Thursday 5th February at 8pm in the Resource Centre. All Welcome.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Planning is under way for our St Patricks Day Parade here in S neem. We are
having our parade on Tuesday the 17th. So get your thinking caps on for your
f loat and please let us know if you are entering the Parade. We are also looking
for Stewards f or the parade and for before and af ter to help the f low of traff ic
and make it saf e f or people. if you can help contact 087 7145180.
Sneem Person of the Year
Now is the time to start thinking of who you would like to nominate for your person / persons / organisation of the year. This is a person or persons who helps
the village in any way and does this on a Voluntary basis and needs rewarding.
Entries can be lef t in the Post Box at the Resource Centre or through private
message on the Sneem St. Patrick’s Day or Sneem Family Festival Facebook
pages. Or email us at sneemf amilyf Genuine nominations
only - please give your reason for nominating your chosen person / persons or
Page 5
New website for Sneem
As part of the Sneem Development working groups, Sigi Muller and Jane O'Sullivan are working on creating a new, mobile responsive website to promote all that
Sneem has to off er.
To gather content f or the website, we have created a f orm on Google docs with
the sections below that we are asking you to f ill in. If you run a business, f estival,
event, community group or have local knowledge about a past event or tourism
attraction or any of the items below, please go to this link http:// (which will also be on the Sneem Facebook page), complete the
form and submit it.
Menu items for
Acti vities
Community Groups
View and visit
Business register
Tourism Service
Builder/Craf t worker/Mechanic
Food Producer
Artist / Gallery
Maintenance/ Cleaning/Keyholding
Childcare / Babysitting
Taxi / Tours / Garage
Events Calendar
Anniversary Celebration
Sports Event
Club Activity
Local Knowledge
Important People
Important Place
Important Event
Geological Facts
Aquatic Facts
Fauna Facts
Flora Facts
Recommended areas to visit
Walking route / mountain
Fishing spot
Birdwatching spot
If you have any questions or would like to get involved in this project, please contact Jane or Sigi at
Thank you for your contribution.
Page 6
Community News
Dog Fouling
Dog fouling is becoming an unsightly and dangerous problem within the village, on
the pavements, the greens and in t he Garden of the Senses. The participants on
the C.E. Scheme are coming across it when they are strimming and it gets thrown
up onto their f aces. This is a serious healt h and saf ety issue. Also our children
when playing on the grass are particularly vulnerable and are at risk of getting one
of the many inf ectious diseases associated with dog f aeces. It can cause stomach
upsets and more dangerous complaints like toxocariasis. Some responsible dog
owners have been observed picking up their dogs litter with a suitable bag we ask
that all dog owners follow their example. It is a f ineable offence, under section 22
of the litter pollution Act 1997, to not pick up your dog litter. The County Council are
in the process of providing Sneem with two anti-dog litter signs which will have a
container f or dog litter bags. We urge all dog owners to please avail of these and in
the meantime start to be responsible and considerate dog owners and get into the
habit of bringing a bag when you are taking your dog f or a walk.
Sneem Development
Due to the bad weather the meeting due to be held on the 15th January was postponed to the 21st. There will be updates f rom that meeting in the next issue of the
In the meantime, if you are interested in reading the three reports commissioned by
Sneem Development, we can e-mail them to you, or they can be viewed on line in
The Resource Cent re or we can print out hard copies at a small cost. The three
reports are: Sneem Village, Biodiversity Action Plan by Dr. Patrick Crushell, Community Tourism Strategic Action Plan by Boland Marketing and Towards A
Better Sneem by Stephen Newell. These reports were commissioned by Sneem
Development in order to give us working guidelines in the three categories - Tourism, Biodiversity and Village Improvement. In the report, Towards A Better Sneem,
you will notice some visual blackspots are highlighted. These problem areas need
to be addressed urgently bef ore the Next Tidy Town Judging. Our group is willing to
give advice or any help needed. Please contact one of our members.
Our f irst action using the reports as a guideline is to create a wildf lower meadow
along the river near the barbeque area. This will upgrade the biodiversity and create habitat for butterf lies, bats and insects. This in turn will provide food f or wild
"In order to prevent the future loss of biodiversity at a national and international level, it is crucial that the value of biodiversity be conveyed to the wider public and that
actions be tak en at a local level." Quote from Sneem Village Biodiversity Action.
2014 by Dr. Patrick Crushell.
Page 7
Community News
Look good and feel good after the Christmas Binge
New ‘C9 Detox’ - lose 6-9lbs in 9 days
The improved ‘C9 Detox’ f rom ‘Forever Living’ is designed to kick-start our new
programme and cleanse your body. This provides the perf ect starting point for
transf orming your diet and f itness habits. Flush the toxins f rom your body, get rid
of the bloated f eeling, shed a f ew pounds and get the energy levels soaring! You
will f eel amazing in just 9 days. All natural aloe products. This detox is the most
googled weight management program of 2014. Check it out at
www.f oreverf Lose the pounds and inches in just 9 days!
Price €149 - Discount for groups
Continue the plan with ‘FIT 1’
This 30 day regime allows you to continue towards your weight management
goals, in a sustainable, healthy way. Maintain and build on the progress you
made with the C9 and change your habits for the long-term. Orders going in early
next week so why not join us!
To Find out more information or place an order –Phone Suzanne 0872286182
Order online: Email
Low-Cost Counselling In participation with the Kenmare Family Centre
Railway Road, Kenm are Co. Kerry. Telephone 064 6642790
(On the grounds of Pobalscoil Inbhear Sceine)
Low-cost counselling service in KENMARE one day a week on Thursday f acilitated by SouthWest Counselling Centre. Providing Prof essional Counselling services in Kerry f or 21 years.
Counselling can be helpf ul to deal with issues such as Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Abuse, Communication Problems, Coping Difficulties, Bereavement and
Loss, Relationship or Family Difficulties, Crisis Pregnancy, Work Related Issues,
Low Self -Esteem and Conf idence. At certain times in our lives, we all encounter
diff icult or challenging situations. Family and f riends can be a great support yet
occasionally we may need someone with more skill to talk to.
To make an appointment for counselling call Mary O’Driscoll on (087) 2060836 Or SouthWest Counselling Centre on 064 6636416 Or Kenmare Family Centre on 064
6642790 (Funded by South Kerry Development Partnership)
We reserve the right not to publish items which may cause offence
under the terms of our Editorial Policy
Page 8
Christmas Lunch in Coomanassig
Above pictures by Richard Walsh
Pictured below is Evert van den Hurk
celebrating his 40th birthday in Murphy’s Bar recently.
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St Michael’s National School
5Oth Anniversary Reunion
The Board of Management and Teaching
Staff of St Michael’s National School
would like to invite all our Parents,
Neighbours, Friends, Past Pupils, Past
Teachers, Past Clergy and all who helped
in any small way to make St Michael’s
National School the place it is today to
an evening of entertainment and
celebration as we look back over our
first 50 years!
Friday 29th May 2015
7:30pm: Mass of Thanksgiving in
St Michael’s Church.
8:30pm: Reunion Celebrations in
Sneem Hotel.
Women's Christmas
Pictured above Ladies enjoying
Women’s Christmas in D.
O’Shea’s. Pictures by Richard
Engagement Party
Pictured below are f riends and f amily of Amy O’Donovan and Brian Foley who celebrated their Engagement on Friday 16th January in the Wrestlers Bar. Pictures
by Richard Walsh.
Page 12
Carnegie Arts Kenmare
January Events
Thursday 22nd - Kenmare Film Society Presents - ‘Gold’ - 2014 - 88min - 15A
Comedy /Drama/Family. An offbeat comedy about an estranged f ather who returns to his hometown af ter an absence of ten years in order to reconnect with his
daughter and ex-wif e but unwittingly finds himself responsible for almost destroying all their lives. Starring James Nesbitt, Maisie Williams, David Wilmot
Tickets €7 – 8pm
Friday 23rd - Book Launch - Penelope Thoms’ New novel : Seanchaí (The
Come along and listen to some readings by Penelope and have a glass of wine.
Free Event - 6pm – 7.30pm
We are delighted to welcome Seán Keane, just back f rom his tour of America with
a new album. Tickets €20 – 8pm
February Events
Thursday 5th - Kenmare Film Society Presents – Ida (Polish) – 2013- 82min –
12A - Drama.
Winner of the European Film Award. Anna, a young novitiate nun in 1960s Poland, is on the verge of taking her vows when she discovers a dark f amily secret
dating back to the years of the Nazi occupation. Polish / English Subtitles
Tickets €7/€5 (S tudents) – 8pm
Thursday 12th - Pobalscoil Inbhear sceine Concerts
First of a series of three concerts f eaturing the students of Veronica Whitehead.
Concerts will f eature a variety of genres and include both group and solo performances. This f irst concert will f eature the f irst year students. Everyone welcome.
7pm-9pm Tickets €5 (children under t en fr ee o f char ge)
Saturday 21st - Com edy/Musi c - The Nualas ( please note change to original
date of 14th February)
The Nualas today are Anne Gildea (Brunette Nuala), Sue Collins (Blonde Nuala)
and Maria Tecce (Red-head Nuala).‘Staggeringly impressive three-part harmonies
and a savage, biting wit.’ Tickets €20 – 8pm
Further information and ticket sales
t: +353 (0)64 6648701 inf Carnegie Arts Centre, Kenmare, Co. Kerry
Page 13
Blackwater News
Exercise Classes
Exercise Classes with Shirley Pryce start Monday 26th January. Go f or Lif e Exercises for over 50s and less fit, 7-8pm every Monday night; (Grant Aided by Age
and Opportunity). Exercises for the Energetic 8-9pm every Monday night; 8 weeks
for €40. Ring Mary in Blackwater Tavern 064-6682003 to book.
Operation Transformation
Walk led by Kitty Doyle every Saturday morning, starting at the Blackwater Tavern
at 10am, everyone welcome, including men and women of all ages. Weigh in every Monday evening in Blackwater Tavern f rom 7.30pm to 8pm approx. Ring Mary
in Blackwater Tavern for f urther inf ormation.
Kenmare Mart Social
Kenmare Mart, Annual Social Friday 30th January in Kenmare Bay Hotel at 8pm;
Music by Uí Bhriain.
Drama in the Tavern
This year again we have 8 short plays written by the group which will be presented
to the public in Blackwater Tav ern on Sunday 1st of February and Wednesday
4th February at 8pm, seating f rom 7.30pm. Bookings are being taken now by ringing Mary in Blackwater Tavern 064-6682003. Booking is essential to secure your
Community Text Alert
The Community Text Alert service is now up and running. Everyone should put
Kenmare Garda Station number 064-6641177 into their phone and ring to report
suspicious behaviour. If anyone still wants to join the Text Alert f ill up the form
available in O’Neill’s Shop Blackwater and leave it along with €10 in the Shop and
you number will be added to the Text Alert System.
AGM Blackwater Women’s Group
The AGM of Blackwater Women’s Group takes place on Tuesday 10th February at
8.30pm. The monthly meeting will be followed by the resignation of off icers f ollowed by the election of new off icers for 2015. Annual membership of €5 is due f or
renewal at the AGM; new members welcome anytime. Meetings take place on the
second Tuesday of each month in Blackwater Tavern. A Guest Speaker usually
attends and makes a presentation on subjects such as health, beauty, gardening,
interior design, etc. Membership of €5 per annum, entitles you to avail of classes,
go on outings, attend social f unctions, get texts re upcoming classes and events,
inf ormation on home security and plan f uture activities with the group. All members are requested to attend the AGM.
Page 14
Blackwater News
Patrick Tatler O'Sullivan, Chairman
of Kerry District Board and Timothy
Clifford, Chairman of Templenoe
GAA Club pictured with three members
Templenoe Team who played on
the Kerry Minor Team in 2014. Killian Spillane and Stephen O'Sullivan
went on to win a Minor All-Ireland
in September under Manager Jack
O'Connor af ter a 20 year lapse.
Patrick Cliff ord missed out due to
injury. L-R; Patrick Clifford, Patrick
Tatler O'Sullivan, Killian Spillane, Stephen O'Sullivan and Timothy Cliff ord.
by Mary O'Neill.
Operation Transform ation
Back Row; L-R; Marie
O'Neill, Marie O' Connell and
Teddy Doyle. Middle Row; L
-R; Mary
O'Neill, Cait
Abina McGuinness, Geraldine McCarthy, Kitty Doyle,
Doyle, Eileen Reilly, Anne
O'Leary. Front Row; Marie
O'Neill's two daughters. Photo by Teddy O'Neill.
Pictured in Brooklane Hotel the U21 Acorn Lif e
Footballer Declan O'Sullivan who presented
Kenmare District U21 Team. Joan Rice is pictured
and Declan. Back L-R; Brian Cro wley, John
Rice and Gavin Crowley. Front Row:
Photo by Mary O'Neill.
What’s On
Blackwater Tavern
Sneem Inter / Junior Youth Club
Friday 23rd January - Premier Blue
Friday 23rd January - Both - Community Cent re
Friday 30th January - Inters - Resource Centre and Juniors - Community Centre
Friday 6th February - Inters - Community Cent re and Juniors - Crèche
Friday 13th February - Inters - Resource Centre and Juniors - Community Centre.
Murphy’s Bar
Saturday 31st - Live Music
D. O'Shea’s
Saturday 14th February - Valentines
Dinner and Disco
Sneem Hotel
Saturday 31st January - Tahilla Ladies Biddy Ball dance, Raff le and Finger Food, Tickets €10.
Saturday 14th February - Valentines
Dinner and Music
Events Diary
31st January - Tahilla Ladies Biddy Ball Dance - Sneem Hotel
21st February - Kerry Geopark 26 Mile Walking Marathon
17th March - St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Fair Day
5th April - Sneem Community Notice Board Cake Sale and Easter Egg Hunt
21st April - Conf irmation in St. Michael’s Church
1st - 4th May - Sneem Walking Club Walking Festival
2nd May - 1st Holy Communion
16th May - Sneem Cycle Sportive
23rd May - Sneem JFK 50 Mile Challenge
29th May - Sneem National School 50th Anniversary - Sneem Hotel
4th July - Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle
6th - 10th July - GAA Cúl Camp
22nd - 26th July - Sneem Family Festival
25th July - Bord na nÓg Annual U10 & U12 Football Blitz
27th - 31st July - White Strand Swim Week
2nd August - Sneem Regatta
3rd August - Church of the Transf iguration Friendship Day
14th,15th,16th August - All Ireland Coastal Rowing in Waterville
Job Vacancy - Events Coordinator (Sneem CE Scheme)
Description - The position will be in the above area. This is a developmental
opportunity, no experience is necessary. Accredited training will be provided to
support your career. Duties will include to work with diff erent voluntary organisations, to help organise community events, f estivals, walking weekends, etc.
Hours per week: 19.5, Start Date: 02/ 03/2015. Contact Joe Murphy at Sneem
Resource Centre f or more information.
Local Information
Important Numbers
Dr MaloneSurgery 064 6645102,
Home 064 6645133
Mon/Wed/Fri 2-5pm
Tues/ Thurs 10-1pm
Sat by appt 12-1pm.
Droichead na Daoine
Family Resource Centre
Counselling Available.
Please contact Michelle
on 087 2564189
Sneem Parent and
Toddler Group
Mobile Library
Sneem -Killarney
Saturdays 11.30am f rom
the Post Office. Leaves
South Doc - 1850 335999 Killarney 4.45pm.
Lo Call 1890 528 528
Gardaí- 064 6645111
Sneem - Kenmare
Pharmacy- 064 6645288 Fridays
Leaves Sneem 9.45am
Leaves Sneem 3pm
Resource Centre
Leaves Kenmare3.45pm.
Photocopying, Scanning, 087 2315014.
Public Health Nurse086 7872096
Faxes sent and received.
Internet and Office services available. Meeting
room. Nearly New, Library, Drop in Centre and
Coffee Craft and Chat Every Tuesday 11am 1pm.
Credi t Union - every
Thursday 12 - 1.30pm
Bingo. Ever y Tuesday at
8.30pm . All Welcome.
Local Taxis
Kerry Experience Tours /
Gerrit Noordkamp
086 2554098
GoSneem Tours/
John V. O’Sullivan
087 2079033
AIB Community Bank
will be in South Square,
every Wednesday f rom
10.30am - 11am.
Bee Keepers Meeting
Mass/Church Times
Saturday 8pm. - Sneem
Sunday 9.30am - Tahilla
Sunday 11am - Sneem
Church of Ireland
Sunday 10am - Sneem
Every Tuesday 10.30am
- 12pm at Coomanassig
Day Centre.
Tuesday 13th and 27th
January and then every
two weeks, 12.30 - 1pm
Castlecove, 2.15 - 2.45pm
Sneem School, North
Square. 2.45 - 3.15pm
South Square, Sneem.
Tide Times
Here are the high tides f or
the period 22nd January
to the 5th February '15.
05.33, 17.52
06.19, 18.37
07.05, 19.22
07.51, 20.09
08.39, 20.57
09.31, 21.51
10.29, 22.56
11.39, 00.14
First Wednesday of every
month, 7.30pm in Coomanassig Day Centre
Sneem Men’s Shed
Every Monday at 7pm in
the Old Dance Hall
Mobile Vet
Every Thursday 4-5pm in
South Square.
Page 17
Local Adverts and Accommodation
Outdoor toys in good condition a playhouse, trikes/tractors etc. Also any
f or
olds. Please contact Sneem Community
Gym Equipment for Sale. Contact:
087 6710106
Timber for Sale. Delivered, No wet
Forestry stuff . Contact 087 3853244
or leave a message.
Stanley 8 Back Boiler New, Price Offered:
€30 Contact Michele on 087 • For Rent - Short or Long term lease,
shed with yard, suitable for Cattle,
Sheep, Ponies or general storage.
Cheap rate. Contact: 087 6180515.
1 Ltr Nissan Micra 98, runs perf ectly. €650 ono. Call f or more details
Kitchen Appliances for Sale
087 6295209.
• Siemens Fridge 2/3, Freezer 1/3. Free
Fiddle 3/4 inch, nearly new with
Standing / Frost Free. Width 27inches,
case €80. Contact: 087 8176170
Height 6f t, Depth 2f t. Colour Graphite
Cot, steamer, baby carrier, bath
chair, musical toys, buggy and car
seat system. €200 the lot. Contact: • Wash hand basin with stand and taps.
087 6451580
• 2 Double glazed windows, white PVC.
3 piece suite €300 ono, cabinet
4’ 9” x 3’ 7” and 3’ x 3’ 7”
€250 ono. Contact 087 2919702.
• Internal Doors - 1 set Double doors
Laptops for sale f rom €100 with 6
with glass 6’ 7” x 28”
months warranty. Laptops and PCs
repaired and maintained, extremely • 2 Solid panel doors with locks, hanreasonable rates. Contact 086
dles and hinges. 6’ 7” x 28” and 6’ 5” x
3461288 f or quote.
Turf for sale, locally. Contact: 087
For all the above item s, contact Joe on
087 2806845
Fire Wood for sale, cut it yourself
on land. Contact 087 4128064
For Sale a ride -on partner 13-90EH Lawn Mower with Trailer. Contact 087 6780600
Card Table - If you have a card table that you no longer use I'd love
to hear f rom you. Please contact
086 4019413
Page 18
Sneem Community
is produced on a voluntary basis
by the Sneem Resource Centre
for the people of Sneem and the
surrounding areas.
Community News
Saf e and affordable
Full / Part Time /Drop-in
Please call 064 6645551
Framing Sneem
contact Tim Lea
064 6645033
087 7007747
South Square
Flu Vaccination
Film Processing still
Jeff Prior
064 6645288
House / Farm / Commercial
087 2312993
Sneem C.N. B. Adverti sing Rates
Full Page Colour
Full Page Black
Half Page Colour
Half Page Black
Quarter Page Colour
Quarter Page Black
Small Box
€100 per issue
€ 80 per issue
€ 50 per issue
€ 40 per issue
€ 25 per issue
€ 20 per issue
€ 12 per issue
James M O’Sullivan
South Square, Sneem
All legal work undertaken
064 668 9664
Mob: 087 286 8855
Evening and weekend
appointments available
Please ask about special rates for
advertising in more than one issue.
Page 19
Sunday 25th January - Riney's Bar
Sunday 1st February - Sneem House
Tickets available throughout the
Village in Pubs and Shops.
Renewal of Annual Lotto tickets due
this week
Please support your local GAA Club
Sneem GAA Lotto Results
Sunday December 21th 2014, Numbers drawn 12, 13, 14, 20.
No winner, €40 consolation prize went to: Couriers C/o Sneem Pharmacy; Eoghan O' Sullivan, Derryleigh; Ronan Hennessy, Galway; Cathal O'Sullivan, Gleesk.
Sunday 28th December 2014, Numbers drawn: 5, 16, 21, 26.
No Winner. €40 Consolation prizes went to: Jack Pierce Drummond, Seaview; Mary Burns,
Glenlough; Mary Burns, Glenlough; Kerrie O’Shea, New Street.
Sunday 4th January 2014, Numbers drawn, 3,17,20,27
No winner, €40 consolation prize went to: Paula O'Sullivan, Derry East; Dan O’ Donoghue,
Gleesk; Michael Savage, Killiney, Co Dublin; Stephen O'Shea and Eileen MacGillicuddy,
Sunday 11th January 2014. Numbers drawn: 3, 14, 27, 28.
No winner. € 40 consolation prizes went to: Jim O’Connor, Bohocogram; Mick Kett c/o Dan
Downing, Seaview; Kay O’Donovan, Sneem Leisure Village; Peter O’Sullivan, Kenmare.
Sunday 18th January 2014. Numbers drawn: 6, 16, 19, 27
No winner. € 40 winner consolation prizes went to: Tony & Patricia, Seaview; Aaron & Emma, Ardmore; James O'Sullivan, Murreigh, Waterville; Kitty Cahill, Direenauliffe,