Sneem Community Notic Board


Sneem Community Notic Board
Sneem Community Notice Board
Issue 140
20th November 2014
Sneem Resource Centre
will be hosting their
22nd Annual Christmas Fair
7th December 2014
from 11am in Sneem Hotel
Attention:- Children Visit Santa at 2pm and bring your letter
and post it in his Chimney post box
The Window Box
Shop Local for your gifts
this Christmas
• Christmas Bouquets
Table/Mantle Arrangements
• Door Wreath/ Swags
Plant Arrangements
• Grave Wreaths and Arrangements
Large selection of Christmas Cards & Wrapping Paper now in stock
I can also deliver Wreaths or
Arrangements to your Loved
Ones grave for Christmas or
anytime during the year.
The next issue of the Sneem
Community Notice Board
will be out on
18th December 2014
Contact Fiona
087 7712865
064 6675811
Or Facebook
Sneem’s Christmas
Santa’s Arrival
Friday 5th December
This is YOUR Notice Board!
Deadline for the next newsletter - Monday 15th December 2014
Call the Resource Centre on 064 6645545 or 087 3853237 please leave a
message), email: or use our post box outside the
Resource Centre. Or leave a private message on our Facebook Page: Sneem
Community Notice Board.
Community News
Birthday wishes
Jerry O’Brien on 21st; Marian O’Sullivan (Dirrah) and Andy Savage on 23rd;
Niamh de Jong (13), Sharon Evans and Siobhan Murphy (11) on 24th; Cillian
Ryan (4) and Sonny Looney on 25th; Lisa O’S ullivan on 29th; Sandra White, Zoey
Sugrue (8) and Avril Sherborne on 1st December; Neasa Davies (5) on 2nd; Michael Cahill on 3rd; Sean O’Connor (14) and Gavin Breen on 4th; Darragh Keogh,
Shauna O’Shea (17) and Catsy Looney on 5th; Éireann O’S ullivan (13) on 6th;
Mary Burns (16) and Máire Keogh on 8th; Paddy Coff ey and Samuel Hickman (2)
on 9th; Damien Fitzgerald (11), Laura Murphy (6) and Liz Gaine on 10th; Lauren
Sherborne (4), Ciara Galvin Foley (7) and Ger Coff ey on 11th; Jim O’Sullivan on
12th; Jimmy O’Brien (Seaview) on 14th; Ewan Buckley (11) on 15th; Fiona Looney, Brendan Rigter and Gisela Liedtke on 16th; Paul Jonas on 18th.
Deepest Sympathies
We extend our sympathies to the f amily of James. F McCarthy who passed away
in Richmond Hill, Queens NY on 16th October 2014 at the age of 76. He is survived by an older sister, Sr. Mary Eileen McCarthy (DW), sister in law Mary
McCarthy and several nephews/nieces and grand nieces/nephew. James was the
youngest son of Michael and Catherine McCarthy (originally f rom Gleesk).
Deepest Sympathies
Ann O’S ullivan and f amily on the death of her f ather James Collins in B allylongford.
Deepest Sympathies
To the f amily of Ita Corridan, Caherdaniel who passed away last week af ter a
short illness.
Deepest Sympathies
To Val Murphy and the extended Murphy f amilies on the death of Dan Murphy,
Inchinaleega and Dromtine who passed away last week af ter a short illness.
Thank You
Val Murphy and Family would like to sincerely thank all those who sympathised
with us on our recent loss of Dan. Special thanks to all who helped in any way e.g.
catered f ood/drink and the stewards who gave generously of their time throughout
the f uneral. Val would also like to thank Fr. O’Brien f or his help and support and a
lovely f uneral mass. A thank you also to Mark and Niall Drummond for their prof essionalism throughout.
Page 2
Community News
To Guy and Claire Kelly (nee O’Leary) on the birth of their baby boy Eoghan, in
Australia, a brother f or Niamh and Sinead. Congratulations to Grandparents Vinnie and Catherine O’Leary, Ardmore.
Sneem Resource Centre
This year’s Christmas Fair is on Sunday 7th December in Sneem Hotel f rom
11am till 5pm. We have lots of diff erent stalls to hopef ully cater f or everyone's
taste. We will be entertained by the Rosen and Barbershop Choirs. Santa will arrive at 2pm and all the boys and girls can have their pictures taken with him.
The last f ew stalls are still available, please contact the Resource Centre on 064
6645545 or email
Sneem Walking Club
Are holding their A.G.M in Sneem Hotel on Friday 21st November at 8.30pm - all
Internet and Social Media Training Workshop for Parents.
In Tahilla N.S on Monday 24th November f rom 8 - 10pm
What is it all about? - What are your kids doing online?
How can we help them stay saf e? - Is there anything online f or me?
What’s usef ul? - ITunes? -Dropbox? - Learning online – can it really happen?
Ring or text 086-8279248 to book a place. Feel f ree to bring a f riend.
Any adults interested in joining Badminton in Sneem. Contact Fiona on 087
7712865 or Mossie on 087 6178786.
Like playing cards?
Learn to play BRIDGE! Sneem Resource Centre, Thursday evenings at 8pm,
when there is no Whist. Starting date to be arranged. Call me at 087 9681530.
Indoor Bowling for Adults
Every Wednesday night f rom 7 - 10pm in Sneem Community Centre.
along or contact Mossie on 087 6178786.
Tahilla Ladies Club
Will be holding a Whist Drive in Coomanassig Day Centre on Thursday the 4th of
December at 8.30pm sharp.
St Michael’s Church
The Paris h Off ice is now located at No. 3 Coomanassig Day Centre, Seaview,
Sneem. Of f ice hours are Tuesday and Friday f rom 10am to 4pm. Parish Mobile is
087 3480050.
Page 3
Sneem International Storytelling Festival 2014
Sneem International Storytelling and Folklore Festival 2014
This year’s Festival was very well s upported by so many people. Firstly we would
like to thank our sponsors Failte Ireland who have f unded us f or the last three
years. We would also like to thank the publicans for their support throughout the
Festival with the use of their premises; our wonderf ul volunteers without whom we
couldn’t even have held the Festival; and Sneem Hotel and all its staff who have
been there f rom the very beginning.
This year’s structure was similar to previous years. There was: Telling in the Barn,
Lectures, Children’s Workshops, Tours and Story-swaps. This year we had our
storytelling concert on the Friday, our tellers were Mike Mazur f rom USA, Michael
Harv ey f rom Wales, Nuala Hayes - Dublin, Pat Speight and Teddy Black f rom
Cork, Sonny Egan and Batt Burns f rom Kerry. The music was provided by the
Sliabh Luachra musicians who delighted the audience with a number of reels, jigs
and slides.
The Children’s workshops were again very popular and well attended and the talented storytellers kept the children mesmerised with their tales, Pat Speight even
taught them how to make a chicken out of a tea towel!
This year’s Radio Kerry show had Batt on the phone and our international tellers
Mike Mazur and Micheal Harv ey who were joined by two of our Young Tellers at
the Killarney studios.
Talking of our Young Tellers there were seven this year and they never f ailed to
amaze us with their talent and conf idence at the mic.
Later that evening we had the f abulous “Tom Crean – Antarctic Explorer” show
written and performed by Aidan Dooley, this was very well attended. Aidan Dooley
brings to lif e Tom Crean in a one man play. We hav e been t rying to get this show
here f or the past two years and we f inally managed to f ind a gap in Aidan’s schedule which coincided with our f estival. Some of us had seen the show before and
knew how brilliant Aidan and his show was, but those new to the show were so
enthralled by his performance that at the end erupted into a spontaneous standing ovation.
We would like to thank Eoin Shaw for his help on the lights - he did a great job
with both the storytelling gala and Tom Crean. Kate Jonas and Tim O’S ullivan
must also be thanked f or their contribution to the stage dressing and room set up.
Afterwards the pub trail got under way and the pubs had good audiences for their
tellers who all f inished up in Sneem House. When I lef t they were still telling stories at 1.30am.
On Saturday we had a call f rom TG4 who wanted to come on Sunday to f ilm our
f estival for their Naucht programme section Voice of the Community which was
aired last Sunday the 16th November at 7pm.
We are so proud of the quality of the f estival which we were able to present and so
gratef ul for all the support we were given f rom all directions
Rosie Crouch
PR and Social Media
Page 4
Sneem Storytelling Festival - Raffle Results
Sneem Storytelling Festival - Raffle Results
Brushwood f ramed print - Laoise Burns, Meadhbh Bennett, Aisling Burns
Signed Football by the Gooch - Kate Jonas
Rose Prosecco (Sneem Hotel) - Vinny O’Leary
Prosecco (Sneem Hotel) - Jim O'Sullivan
Batt Burns Book & 2 CD's - Tom Scott
Batt Burns Book & 1 CD - Stephen Burns
Necklace (Kate Jonas) - Marsha Ladenburger
Cap - Liam Burns
Kenmare Craf t Beer (Rineys Bar) - Jackie Baron
Pictured at the third Sneem International
Folklore and Storytelling Festival on Friday night in the Sneem Hotel L;R: f ront
row: Trisha Chamulova, Margaret Christian, back L:R: Barbara O'Connor, Eileen
Burns and Michelle Walsh.
The Young Tellers perf orming at the
third Sneem International Folklore
and Storytelling Festival on Saturday in the Sneem Hotel. Front Row
L:R: Diarmuid Cronin Rathcoole Co.
Cork, Shane Warren Gneeveguilla,
Aisling Burns Cork. Back L:R: Tadhg
Siochru, Kenmare, Colm van Assen,
Sneem and
Rachael Murphy,
Sneem. Photos: Lisa O'Shea.
Dr. P. Malone, Brian Jones and
Drew Borrett f rom Sneem Dramsoc
performing “The Festivities” to a
packed house in the Sacre Coeur
during the Festival.
Page 5
Community News
Sneem Development Co-Operative Working Groups
Following on f rom the Sneem Development Co-operative AGM, individual working
groups have now been set up as outlined below. Please get involved in your local
community - if you are interested in joining any of the groups, contact their volunteers. A monthly meeting will be held for progress updates.
Roads. The present concerns are traff ic calming especially outside the
school and a bottleneck at the bridge caused by the layout of parking outside
the two caf es. Resurf acing of the roads and the possibility of pushing f or it to
continue past Cul Fadda. The blind spot on the exit f rom Pier Road. Volunteers: Garbhan Kavanagh and Vincent O’Leary
Cul Fadda: To establish who is currently responsible f or the development in
order to liaise with them with the view to establishing a working relationship.
Volunteers: Jochen Gerz, Hilary O’Sullivan, Joe Murphy and Don Keogh.
Montage Signing: To liaise with Kerry County Council and Caroline Boland
in order to establish and inf luence where the signs are to be placed and what
is going on them. Volunteers: Michelle Walsh and Margaret Christian.
Solar powered lighting on the greens: Feasibility and costings. Volunteers:
Julie Lee Knightly and Eva Lettaneur
Community Engagement: Analyses Tidy Towns report, prioritise issues to
be tackled with the aim of generating an interested working group who would
meet weekly to tackle jobs around the village - weeding, litter, etc. Also to
organise the annual Spring Clean. Volunteers: Caroline Lea, Eileen B urns,
Alice O’Sullivan and Laurence Vanpoulle.
Public relations and communication: To keep the community informed about
the progress of the various groups on an ongoing basis. Volunteers: Caroline Lea and Laurence Vanpoulle.
Tourism: Looking for ways to encourage tourists to stay longer in Sneem
with to aim to increasing bed nights. Looking at existing local information
publications with the view to updating them and making them more user
f riendly. Encourage tourism providers to brush up on their local knowledge in
order to be able to pass it on to enquiring tourists. Find out more about the
Failte Ireland Tourism Awards. Volunteers: Patricia O’Sullivan and Una
Tourism subgroup website Developing a mobile website for Sneem
Volunteers: Sigi Muller and Jane O’Sullivan.
Next meeting is Thursday 27th November at 7.30pm in Sneem Resource Centre.
If you can’t make the meeting and wish to contribute ideas, please contact any of
the volunteers.
Community Reports
Over the last year, Sneem Development Co-operative commissioned the f ollowing
reports, which will be available to view in Sneem Resource Cent re in the New Year
Towards a Better Sneem by Stephen Newell Architect
Sneem Strat egic Action Plan by SKDP .
Sneem Biodiversity Action Plan by Patrick Crushell & Peter J. Foss
Community News
Sneem Beekeepers
Will be holding their AGM on Wednesday 3rd December at 7.30pm in Coomanassig Day Centre - all welcome. It will be f ollowed by the Beekeepers Christmas Social at 8.30pm in D. O’Shea’s Bar €5 a head.
Sneem Events Calendar 2015
The 2015 Sneem Events Calendar is almost complete, can anybody who has not
already submitted their 2015 event please contact or
phone Jane on 087 9521267. Deadline f or submissions is Monday 24th November.
It is now time to plant your garlic. It is often said to plant garlic on the shortest day
of the year (21st December) and then harvest it on the longest. Sneem Gardeners
are off ering organic garlic 'Vallelado' f rom Fruithill Farm at a very reasonable price.
€13.50 f or a Kg, €7.00 for a 1/2 Kg and €3.50 f or a 1/4 Kg. Anyone interested
please contact Caroline on 087-7007747.
Sneem Rowing Club News
Christmas Winter Wonderland on Sund ay 21st Dec ember from 4 to 6pm in
the Boathouse. With Sledge Rides, Santa and much more.
Fundraising Table Quiz on Monday 29th Decemb er in The Wr es tlers.
Sneem Rowing Club 100 Club Draw
September - €100 - Eilis Nee, €50 - John V O’Sullivan, €25 - Una O’Sullivan
October - €100 - Mary and Garbhan Kavanagh, €50 - Johnny O’Sullivan, €25 Don Keogh.
November - €100 - Don Keogh, €50 - Patrick O’Neill, €25 - Vinny O’Leary.
Sneem Santos
Kerry District League Div 2A Round 5
Mitchell’s Ave 4 Sneem Santos 0
Team : John M Casey, Kieran McCarthy, Kieran O’Neill, Danny Quinn, Mike Joe
McCarthy, Eric Burns, Jason Taylor, Brendan Teahan, Mike P.O’Sullivan, Mike
Dennehy, Timmy O’Sullivan.
Subs : Darren Cremin f or Mike Dennehy, Pa McCarthy f or Jason Taylor.
Man of the Match : Sponsored by Eugene McGinnis : Kieran McCarthy.
Atlantic Irish Seaweed
Our website is up and running at last, please check it out when you get a chance,
and if you can like and share us on Facebook,
CE Scheme Job Vacancy
Sneem Tidy Towns are looking for a new CE Scheme worker. Contact Joe Murphy at the Resource Centre.
Page 7
Tahilla School News
Reellife Sci ence.
We are thrilled to have come
second in the country in the
“Reellif e Science” competition.
“Reellif e Science” is a science
video competition for Irish primary and secondary schools
and was set up by NUI Galway.
The initial judging of the videos
is carried out by 42 members of
staff and students at NUI Galway. This year’s shortlisted videos were then judged by Prof essor Stephen Curry, Prof essor of Structural Biology at Imperial College London
and science writer with The Guardian, Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin and BT Young
Scientist Paul Clarke. Last year’s winning videos received hits f rom over 60 countries. You can view ours on www.reellif or on YouTube under
ChemKids or Scoil Eoin. We are looking forward to our cheque f or €300 and we
have great plans for spending it!
Cycling Workshop
We recently completed a Saf er
Cycling Workshop, which was very
enjoyable and very inf ormative.
The most exciting part was departing the school, cycling to the pier,
having a snack and making it saf ely home again. We look f orward to
more excursions on our bikes
when the weather permits.
Rockart Exploration
We are eager to discover our past and
also our locality and our recent trip to the
Derrynablaha site advanced both of these
wishes. Rosemary Cussen was our expert
guide in prehistoric local art and we had
an excellent outing to examine these wonderf ul artef acts which are so amazing. It
was a very enjoyable and active day f or
Page 8
Tahilla School News
Out and about in Blackwater
While discovering our locality we made an early morning trip to Blackwater Pier.
The scene was magical as the early mist was rising and the tide was going out.
Our guide was Stephanie O’Toole and we were kept busy collecting and identif ying species and observing nature at its best. We had a lovely lunch on the pier
before getting back on the bus to go to the Blackwater River. We had a lovely
walk along the riverbank and did some water sampling in a shallow area. We
were amazed by the cascade, the width of the river and the speed of the water.
Well done to Gearóid, Eibhlin and LiQin
who were winners in the Sherkin Island Environmental Art Competition.
Well done to Melanie, Enya, Jasmine and
LiQin who have had great success in Irish
dancing lately. Well done girls!
We have started swimming lessons at the Parknasilla pool and we are very gratef ul to have this opportunity. We look forward to improving our strokes, becoming
conf ident swimmers and enjoying our local seas.
We are busy creating and making a f ilm at present. Éanna de Buis is a f ilmmaker
and presently employed by Kerry Co. Council. He will guide us in the various aspects of f ilmmaking. We are so excited about our f ilm.
Page 9
Community News
to Florian Scheibein who received his Masters in Media
Science and Masters of Drug
and Alcohol Policy degree in
Trinity College, Dublin, also congratulations to Jonas Scheibein
who has returned to work since
the start of November as a
Structural Engineer. Pictured lef t
with their proud mother Angelika.
Jean Yves Lettaneur
Tahilla, S neem pictured
right at his Ordination to
the Permanent Diaconate at St. Mary's Cathedral, Killarney which
took place last Saturday
15th November,
pictured with his f amily and
Bishop Browne.
LR: Patrick Lettaneur,
Bishop Ray Browne,
Eva, Jean Yves and
Thomas Lettaneur. Photo; Lisa O'Shea.
Below: Friends and neighbo urs who gat her ed to congratulat e Jean Yves in
Sneem House on Sunday af ter mass. Photo: Richard Walsh
Page 10
Community News
Birthday Celebrations:
Pictured right: Mick and Mary O'Shea,
Rossdohan, who celebrated their 70t h
birthdays recently in the Sacre Coeur
Photo: Lisa O'Shea
Pictured lef t: Kiera O’Leary who travelled to Birmingham on
the weekend of October 24th -27th to dance in the British
Open Championships. She was one of a group of 11 children f rom her Dance School and the only girl f rom Sneem.
She danced over 2 days and won 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th
place medals on the f irst day and on the second day came
5th overall in her age group in England. She did extremely
well against tough competition. It was the f irst time she got
to wear her new dress and she was interviewed by Ceili
magazine and had her picture taken f or the next edition.
Photo Anna O’Leary
Droichead na Daoine
In conjunction with The Social and Health Education Project intend running a
course in Managing Stress in our Daily Lives early in 2015.
The Course Structure
This course off ers people a chance both to understand their own stress better
and to f ind ways to break the cycle of stress and set up a cycle of wellness instead.
The course normally involves ten weekly two-hour sessions. Th ere are u sually
about fourteen participants in the group, with a trained f acilitator. The atmosphere
is informal and f un – laughter being one of the greatest de-stressors. We do a lot
of relaxation and some simple movement, so wear loose comfortable clothes.
There will be time for lots of discussion as well as inputs f rom the tutor.
What is Stress ?
In itself stress is neither good nor bad: it is just a natural body reaction that
evolved long ago to prepare our bodies to run away or f ight when we were attacked. The problem now is that in most stressf ul situations we can’t either run
away or f ight. The result is that we live much of our lives with our nerves on edge
and our bodies tense for action. Naturally, if we stay like that for long periods we
are bound to suff er ill eff ects. These may be of diff erent kinds.
Physical Effects
In the short term we may get things like pains and aches and indigestion. In the
long-term we may suff er f rom more serious illnesses, such as heart problems,
high blood pressure, digestion diseases, etc.
Effects on our Feelings and Thoughts
Not only have our bodies, our emotional lives too showed the eff ects of stress.
We can become cranky, irritable, listless, even “burnt out”, our ability to laugh and
enjoy lif e can disappear. Our ability to think clearly and set sensible limits can
suff er as well. All this of course adds to our stress.
Effects on our Rel ationships
Stressed people f ind it hard to relate well to others. They of ten are too stressed to
enjoy the world around them. Even their spiritual lives may suff er.
If you are interested in participating in this course, please contact Mary O’Callaghan or Máire in the off ice at 064 6675 879 or text Máire on mobile no. 086 158
This course is supported by Kerry Education & Training Board.
Droichead na Daoine inten d to org anise a Follow-on f rom the Basic Computer
Course, which was held in November. If interested, please contact Mary O’Callaghan or Máire on 064 6675 897 or text Máire on 086 158 1218.
Page 12
Community News
Tahilla Ladies Club members preparing th eir Chri stmas box es as part o f the
Team Hope's Christmas Shoebox Appeal, L:R: Mary Sugrue, Catsy Looney,
Mary O'Shea, Eva
O'Shea, Breda O'Neill,
Noreen O'Shea, Susan O'Sullivan and
Bridie Sheehan. Photo: Lisa O'Shea.
Men's Shed
Pictured right: Marian O’Sullivan, Vice Treasurer, presenting a cheque f or €300 f rom
Sneem Resource Centre to
Eugene McGinnis, Chairperson and Noel O’Sullivan,
Treas urer and all the members of the Men’s Shed.
The Men's Shed meets every
Monday evening in the Old
Ballroom on the Killarney
Photo: Michelle O’Brien
Kenmare and District Garden Club
There was a good turn out on Thursday, 13th November f or Mark Collins’ talk
about southern hemisphere plants. Everyone was kept busy and f ascinated by
the rapid flow of inf ormation and knowledge. His training as a scientist told in his
methodical approach to the subject. After a sketched background to his lif e, he
approached the subject of the evening f rom a wider perspective, discussion on
Irish climatology, general background to cultivation with location and local conditions, micro climates, planting mediums, artif icial protection, f rost pockets etc.
eventually leading to the extraordinary, unusual and f ascinating plants that he
grows in the amazing garden that he and his wif e Laura have created at Dhu Varren.
Our next meeting will be the Christmas party on Thursday, 4th December at Gat eway at 7 p.m. so come and enjoy the food and have f un with the quiz.
Page 13
Carnegie Kenmare - December Events
Visual Arts – Don’t forget our Mystery Postcard Exhibition running until the
15th December. Original ar t works at low prices. Ideal for Christmas presents.
Thursday 4th – Kenm are Film Society Presents – Wakolda (The German Doctor) – 2013 – Spain – 93mins , Language : Spanish. English subtitles. The
true story of an Argentine f amily who lived with Josef Mengele without knowing his
true identity, and of a girl who f ell in love with one of the biggest criminals of all
time. Tickets €7 – 8pm
Friday 5th – The Carnegie Players Present : “ The Communication Cord” by
Brian Friel Gal a Opening 7.30pm Curtain up @ 8pm Further Shows on the
6th , 7th & 8th December This f as t -paced comedy is set in a remote thatched cottage which has been converted into a weekend retreat for the urban élite. Jack
loans this cottage to his f riend Tim, a shy linguistics lecturer, for one hour so that
he may impress his girlf riend’s f ather, a domineering senator in order to secure
tenure in a Dublin university. Of course, nothing goes right f rom the start resulting
in complications, cover-ups and conf usion and hilarious consequences. Tickets:
€12/€10 (Students)
Thursday 11th – Film – Mrs Brown’s Boys D’Movie – 2014 – 94mins - Comedy
- 15 A company tries to shut down Mrs Brown's f ruit and veg stall. They can f eck
off . Starring Brendon O’Carroll, Jennif er Gibney, Eilish O’Carroll Tickets : €7 /
Students €5 – 8pm
Saturday 13th –Junior Carnegie Players – Christmas Showcase Open to th e
general public. 12pm- 1.30pm – Tickets €5
Saturday 13th – Christmas by Candle Light – Aileen Donohoue - Ideal Christmas Party Outing! Ch ristmas by Candlelight is, indeed, a labour of lov e. I
hope we have included your f avourite song, whether it’s Nat, Doris, Judy, Wizard
or Shane McGowan I int end you put my heart and soul in to all of them this evening. So, let’s have a party! Sing along, tap your f eet, close your eyes think: “f rom
now on our troubles will be miles away. Tickets €15 Starts 8pm
See more inf o at:
Thursday 18th December – 20 Feet from Stardom – 2013 – Italy – 89mins,
Language: Italian English Subtitles - Backup singers live in a world that lies
just beyond the spotlight. Their voices bring harmony to the biggest bands in popular music, but we've had no idea who these singers are or what lives they lead,
until now. Tickets €7 – 8pm
Friday 19th – Frederike Bisma – Christmas Showcase St uden ts of Fred erike
will perf orm pieces with a seasonal theme f or our delight. Tickets €5 – 8pm
Some of our Highlight Gigs coming in 2015 – Tickets on sale now. Why not
give someone a gift of tickets for Christmas or a gift voucher.
Sean Keane – Saturday 24th January – 8pm – Tickets €25
The Nualas – Saturday 14th February – 8pm – Tickets €20
Rebecca Storm – Friday 13th March – 8pm – Tickets €28
The Carnegi e Arts Centre will close for Christmas holidays on December
20th and re-open January 8th .
Thank you to all our Patrons for your support throughout 2014.
t: +353 (0)64 6648701e: inf
w: a: Carnegie Arts Cent re, Kenmare, Co. Kerry,
Kenmare Library
We have an Open Day on Tuesday 25th November, come along and see what this
Library has on off er f or you :Kenmare Library provides a comprehensive lending service of books and audio for
adults and children (f iction and non f iction). We have ref erence and general inf ormation services, local studies services and book request f acilities.
We also provide three public internet access and word processing computers
linked to a printer.
The Library catalogue is available over the internet. One may browse f or books
and titles and check availability in all nine branch libraries and two mobile libraries. Just log on to and click “Library Catalogue”
There is more to the library than books and technology, however.
We hold a Book Club meeting on the last Tuesday of every month
@11. 00a.m. There are many other “one off ” activities planned for the library.
Kenmare Library opens: - Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday and Saturday @
10.00a.m. – 1.30p.m. & 2.30p.m. – 5.00p.m.
Please note that we open every Saturday until 5p.m. (except the Saturday of
Bank Holiday Weekends).
Breeda and Carmel look forward to meeting you in Kenmare Library in the near
f uture.
The Mobile Library will visit Sneem in South Square between 2.15p.m.- 3.15p.m
on the following dates Tuesday 2nd and 16th December.
Remember your local library when choosing your books!
Low Cost Counselling in Kenmare
Kenmare Family Centre in partnership with SouthWest Counselling Centre, Killarney provide a prof essional low-cost counselling service (Funded by South
Kerry Development Part ners hip). Location: Kenmare Family Centre (on the
grounds of Pobalscoil Inbhear Sceine) available one day per week on Thursday. To make an appointment f or counselling call Mary on (087) 2060836 or
SouthWest Counselling Centre at 064 6636416
A f ull range of counselling services are also available at our SouthWest Counselling Centre, Lewis Road, Killarney SWCC Killarney: 064 6636416
Sneem Community Noticeboard is produced on a voluntary basis by the
Sneem Resource Centre for the people of Sneem and the surrounding areas.
Page 15
What’s On
Blackwater Tavern
D. O'Shea’s
Friday 21st November - O’Connor Trio
Friday 28th November - Caitriona and
the High Country
Friday 5th December- Autumn Gold
Friday 12th December - The Singing
Saturday 29th November - Traditional
Music Session.
Murphy’s Bar
Texas Hold’em every Wednesday
night (Winter League)
Christmas 31 Drive - Half Beef Hampers f or winners, Plus Turk ey and
Ham Hampers for Finalists, enquires
at bar.
Sneem Hotel
Saturday 6th December - Faulty Towers - A great Show and Dinner €45
pp. Call 064 6675100.
Sunday 7th December - Resource
Cent re Christmas Fair, 11am - 5pm
With Santa at 2pm, Rosen and Barbershop Choirs.
Events Diary
5th December - Sneem Annual Christmas Lights Parade
7th December - Sneem Resourc e Centre Annual Christmas Fair
21st December - Sneem Rowing Club Winter Wonderland
29th December - Sneem Rowing Club Table Quiz in the Wrestlers
21st February - Kerry Geopark 26 Mile Walking Marathon
17th March - St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Fair Day
5th April - Sneem Community Notice Board Cake Sale and Easter Egg Hunt
21st April - Conf irmation in St. Michael’s Church
1st - 4th May - Sneem Walking Club Walking Festival
2nd May - 1st Holy Communion
16th May - Sneem Cycle Sportive
23rd May - Sneem JFK 50 Mile Challenge
22nd - 26th July - Sneem Family Festival
14th,15th,16th August - All Ireland Coastal Rowing in Waterville
Last Posting Dates for Christmas
Ireland - Letters and Parcels - 20th December
Northern Ireland - Letter and Parcels - 20th December
Great Bri tain - Letters and Parcels - 19th December
Europe - Letters - 19th December, Parcels - 13th December
USA - Letters - 11th December, Parcels - 6th December
Rest of the World - Letters and Parcels - 6th December
Page 16
Local Information
Important Numbers
Dr MaloneSurgery 064 6645102,
Home 064 6645133
Mon/Wed/Fri 2-5pm
Tues/ Thurs 10-1pm
Sat by appt 12-1pm.
Coffee, Craft and Chat
Sneem -Killarney
Saturdays 11.30am f rom
the Post Office. Leaves
Killarney 4.45pm.
Lo Call 1890 528 528
Every Tuesday 11am 1pm in the Resource Centre.
Mobile Library
Sneem - Kenmare
Public Health NurseFridays
086 7872096
Leaves Sneem 8am
South Doc - 1850 335999 Leaves Sneem 3pm
Leaves Kenmare3.45pm.
Gardaí- 064 6645111
087 2315014.
Tuesday 2nd December
then every
weeks, 12.30 - 1pm Castlecove, 2.15 - 2.45pm
Sneem School, North
Square. 2.45 - 3.15pm
South Square, Sneem.
Pharmacy- 064 6645288
Local Taxis
Tide Times
Resource Centre
Kerry Experience Tours /
Gerrit Noordkamp
086 2554098
Here are the high tides f or
the period 20th Nov to the
17th December.
20th: 14.55
22nd: 16.12
07.29, 19.48
08.22, 20.44
09.21, 21.46
10.27, 22.55
11.38, 00.08
07.07, 19.19
07.46, 19.59
08.29, 20.45
09.17, 21.37
10.13, 22.39
11.17, 23.48
12.23, 00.54
Photocopying, Scanning,
Faxes sent and received.
Internet and Office services available. Meeting
room. Nearly New, Library, Drop in Centre and
Credi t Union - every
Thursday 12 - 1.30pm
Bingo. Ever y Tuesday at
8.30pm . All Welcome.
Mass/Church Times
GoSneem Tours/
John V. O’Sullivan
087 2079033
AIB Community Ban
will be in South Square,
every Wednesday f rom
10.30am - 11am.
Bee Keepers Meeting
First Wednesday of every
month, 7.30pm in Coomanassig Day Centre
Saturday 8pm. - Sneem
Sunday 9.30am - Tahilla Sneem Men’s Shed
Every Monday at 7pm in
Sunday 11am - Sneem the Old Dance Hall
Church of Ireland
Sunday 10am - Sneem
Sneem Parent and
Toddler Group
Every Tuesday 10.30am
- 12pm at Coomanassig
Day Centre.
Droichead na Daoine
Mobile Vet
Family Resource Centre
Every Thursday 4-5pm in
Counselling Available.
Please contact Michele on South Square.
087 2564189
Page 17
Local Adverts and Accommodation
1 Litre Nissan Micra 98, runs perf ectly. Call for more details 087
Dining Room Table and six chairs
in good condition. Contact 087
Coff ee tables for sale,
Sneem Resource Centre.
Outdoor toys in good condition a playhouse, trikes/tractors etc. Also any
f or
olds. Please contact Sneem Community
Any old sash windows, Will collect.
Contact: Nuala 087 9312068
Swings and slides for children. Contact: Noreen Moriarty on 087 6381834
Wild boar piglets for sale on Blueberry Hill Farm.
Contact 086
Fiddle 3/4 inch, nearly new with
case €80. Contact: 087 8176170
Cot, steamer, baby carrier, bath
chair, musical toys, buggy and car
seat system. €200 the lot. Contact:
087 6451580
3 piece suite - 3 seater couch and 2
armchairs, colour cream and terracotta. Contact 087 2146122
3 piece suite €300 ono, cabinet
€250 ono. Contact 087 2919702.
Laptops for sale f rom €100 with 6
months warranty. Laptops and PCs
repaired and maintained, extremely
reasonable rates. Contact 086
3461288 f or quote.
Turf for sale, locally. Contact: 087
Fire Wood for sale, cut it yourself
on land. Contact 087 4128064
For Sale a ride -on partner 13-90EH Lawn Mower with Trailer. Contact 087 6780600
Page 18
Apartment to let in South Square,
Sneem. 2 bedrooms en suite. Please
contact Shane 087 2623394
A double room for rent in the centre of
Sneem village with a f emale prof essional. Call 087 2120372 f or details.
Three bedroom house to let 1 1/2
miles f rom Sneem, with 2 bathrooms,
Oil f uel central heating and open f ire.
Contact 086 3622478.
Self-catering accommodation available
in the Staigue/Derrynane area f rom
€250/week – sleeps 4. Contact 087
3 bedroom house to let in Tahilla. All
mod cons. Contact 064 6635404 f or
more inf ormation.
House in Sneem or within a mile of
town, f inished or builders f inish. Contact 087 6468906
James M O’Sullivan
South Square, Sneem
All legal work undertaken
064 668 9664
Mob: 087 286 8855
Evening and weekend
appointments available
Framing Sneem
contact Tim Lea
064 6645033
087 7007747
Saf e and affordable
Full / Part Time /Drop-in
Jeff Prior
House / Farm / Commercial
087 2312993
Sneem Resource Centre
3 Books for €1
Please call 064 6645551
South Square
Flu Vaccination
Film Processing still
064 6645288
Page 19
Sunday 23rd November - Murphy’s Bar
Sunday 30th November - Blue Bull
Sunday 7th December - D. O’Shea’s
Sunday 14th December - Riney’s Bar
Tickets available throughout the
Village in Pubs and Shops.
Please support your local GAA Club
Sneem GAA Lotto Results
Sunday 26th October 2014 Numbers drawn : 17, 22, 25, 28.
No winner, €40 consolation prizes went to:- Helen O'Sullivan, Derryleigh; Jerry
O'Donovan, Wrestlers Inn; Patricia O'Brien, Seaview; Mary T. O'Sullivan, South
Sunday 2nd November 2014 Numbers drawn: 7, 8, 16, 23
No winner, €40 consolation prizes went to:- Paddy O'Leary, Bohocogram; Anne
Quinn, Blackwater; Tim Gallivan, Blackwater; Fiona and Mike O'Shea, Rossdohan.
Sunday 9th November 2014 Numbers drawn: 3, 16, 27, 29.
No winner, €40 consolation prizes went to:- Eileen Murphy, Seaview; Terry
Wheeler, Castlecove; Michelle Smyth, Surrey, England; Nora Mae O’Brien, Snip a
Head, Kenmare.
Sunday 16th November 2014 Numbers drawn: 12, 21, 28, 29.
No winner, €40 consolation prizes went to:- Micheal Egan, Church Street; Shane,
Denise and Cadhla O’Sullivan, Sacre Couer; Marian O’Sullivan, Dirrha;
Donnchadh Keogh, South Square.