Ice Cream
Ice Cream
ICE CREAM K N I T T I N G PAT T E R N S B Y A M A N DA B E R R Y YA R N + N O T I O N S Needles: • A pair of 3.75mm straight knitting needles (US 5) Notions: • Toy filling (less than 50g) • A darning or tapestry needle to sew the knitted pieces together Yarn: All DK weight yarns, and less than 25g in each colour: White: For the ice cream Yellow: For the cone Brown: For the chocolate flake Pink: For the cherry Green and Blue: To embroider the sprinkles I recommend Hayfield Bonus DK yarn. The yarn used was sold in skeins weighing 100g, and one skein in each colour will be more than sufficient to knit your toys. NOTES Finished size: The finished ice cream is approximately 18cm tall. Work flat: All pieces are knitted flat (back and forth) on a pair of straight knitting needles. Tension: The tension is approximately 22 sts x 28 rows for a 10cm x 10cm square in stockinette stitch on 3.75mm needles. Don’t worry too much about tension for this pattern. Casting on: Unless otherwise specified, I prefer to use the long tail cast on for all pieces. Sewing seams: Use mattress stitch to sew the seams. A B B R E V I AT I O N S DK Double knitting or light worsted weight yarn k Knit K N I T T I N G PAT T E R N S Ice cream 44 twice (28 sts) Make 1. Cast on 4 sts in yellow on straight 3.75mm needles. Row 55: p (28 sts) k2tog Decrease: knit two stitches together. Work rows 1 to 42 in yellow. kfb Increase: knit twice into the stitch. Knit into the front of the next stitch on the left hand needle, but do not slip off the needle. Then take the right hand needle and knit into the back of the stitch, then remove the loop from the left hand needle. Row 2: k1, [kfb] x 3 (7 sts) p Purl Pull through to cast off Cut the yarn leaving at least a 30cm tail. Thread the tail onto a darning needle and sew through the remaining sts on the knitting needle. Pull the sts off the knitting needle on to the yarn, gather together tightly and secure the yarn. Row 1: k (4 sts, WS) Rows 3 to 5: k (7 sts) Row 6: k1, [kfb, k1] x 3 (10 sts) Rows 7 to 9: k (10 sts) Row 10: k1, [kfb, k2] x 3 (13 sts) Rows 11 to 13: k (13 sts) Row 14: k1, [kfb, k3] x 3 (16 sts) Rows 15 to 17: k (16 sts) Row 18: k1, [kfb, k4] x 3 (19 sts) Rows 19 to 21: k (19 sts) Row 22: k1, [kfb, k5] x 3 (22 sts) Row 59: p (19 sts) Row 60: k1, [k2tog] x 9 (10 sts) Row 61: p (10 sts) Row 62: [k2tog] x 5 (5 sts) Pull through to cast off. Making up: Sew the side edges together, adding stuffing as you sew. Finish by gathering the cast on sts together at the base. To add the sprinkles, embroider French knots in green and blue around the top. Row 26: k1, [kfb, k6] x 3 (25 sts) Rows 27 to 29: k (25 sts) Repeat RS Right side st(s) Stitch(es) Row 34: k1, [kfb, k8] x 3 (31 sts) WS Wrong side Rows 35 to 37: k (31 sts) Row 30: k1, [kfb, k7] x 3 (28 sts) Rows 31 to 33: k (28 sts) […] Repeat the sequence between the square brackets by the number indicated. Row 38: k1, [kfb, k9] x 3 (34 sts) (.. sts) The number in round brackets at the end of the instruction indicates the number of stitches after working the row. Work rows 43 to 62 in white. Ice Cream Rows 57 to 58: rep rows 43 and 44 (19 sts) Rows 23 to 25: k (22 sts) rep Copyright © 2014 Amanda Berry All patterns designed by Amanda Berry are protected by international copyright laws. Any unauthorised copying will constitute an infringement of copyright. All rights reserved. Row 56: k1, [k2tog, k1] x 9 (19 sts) Rows 39 to 41: k (34 sts) Row 42: k1, [kfb, k10] x 3 (37 sts) Row 43: p (37 sts) Row 44: k (37 sts) Rows 45 to 48: rep rows 43 and 44 twice (37 sts) Row 49: p (37 sts) Row 50: k1, [k2tog, k2] x 9 (28 sts) Rows 51 to 54: rep rows 43 and Page 2 of 3 Copyright © 2014 Amanda Berry Cherry Chocolate flake stick Make 1. Cast on 4 sts in pink on straight 3.75mm needles. Make 1. Cast on 11 sts in brown on straight 3.75mm needles. Row 1: p (4 sts, WS) Rows 1 to 2: p (11 sts) Row 2: k1, [kfb] x 2, k1 (6 sts) Rows 3 to 4: k (11 sts) Row 3: p (6 sts) Rows 5 to 8: rep rows 1 to 4 (11 sts) Row 4: k1, kfb, k2, kfb, k1 (8 sts) Row 5: p (8 sts) Row 6: k1, kfb, k4, kfb, k1 (10 sts) Row 7: p (10 sts) Row 8: k1, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k1 (8 sts) Row 9: p (8 sts) Row 10: k1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1 (6 sts) Row 11: p (6 sts) Rows 9 to 10: rep rows 1 and 2 (11 sts) Row 11: k (11 sts, RS) Cast off all sts. Making up: Sew the cast on and cast off edges together to make a tube. Gather the side edges together to close one short end. Sew the other short end onto the ice cream. I did not add any stuffing, but you can if you wish. Row 12: k1, [k2tog] x 2, k1 (4 sts) Pull through to cast off, leaving a 30cm yarn tail to sew up the cherry. Making up: Using the cast off tail, sew a running stitch around the outside edges of the knitted piece, and pull the yarn to gather these stitches together to make a small bobble with the right side facing outwards. Add a small amount of toy filling to the inside of the bobble before finishing. Then secure the thread and sew the gathered stitches of the finished cherry to the top of the ice cream. Ice Cream Page 3 of 3 Copyright © 2014 Amanda Berry